Star Wars RP: The Hunter and the Jedi (MysteriousD x Naomi David)

She very visibly relaxed, slumping in her seat in relief, that was very good news to hear. She spoke,"Dantooine? Isn't that a Jedi held planet?" She was eager to get off this place, quiet as it was. Maybe she'd make this place her quiet little retreat later on.
"Somewhat. There was a big battle there, but beyond that, it's just pretty quiet. However, for some reason, I feel it's the right choice. I think it's the Force telling me," Diego confessed to her as he was in thought.

When they were ready, they were about to head out to hyperjump and arrive there. "From last I heard, it's pretty quiet. I did hear one of my earlier suspects talking about te BankingClan and using Dantooine in the same sense," he noted.
She nodded in understanding, getting the ship up and out into space. She spoke,"I hope we can come back here again one day. This place was very peaceful." She listened to the rest of what he had to say, and she spoke,"They're a bunch of dirty bastards. My folk don't like putting our money in banks that are sponsored by them." She took a breath, and spoke again,"We are ready to jump to hyperspace?"
"Yeah. It was really nice and peaceful. The sort of place to retire or live out a simple life," Diego said as he wondered how it would be like spending the rest of his life here... with Amara. He blushed a bti as he recalled their intimacy and his blush became redder when he figured if he would spend his days here with her with all sorts of intimacy.

"Yeah, we're ready," Diego told her with a smile as tey would head over there.
"Now that we know it's here, we can come back for vacations and the like. A nice little hide out." she replied, making the jump to lightspeed. She still wanted to have words with his damned droid, but that would be later.
Diego smiled and nodded before they made their hyperjump. Of course it didn't take long, but it was still impressive of what they were able to do with her advancements though Diego did wonder if they may need to get a bigger ship so they could easier deal with this. Vee-Ar was simply enjoying the ride.

It didn't take long for them to arrive there. At the simple and pristine world of Dantooine. "There is a base we can settle on. I'll show my info and we can try and find why the Force led me here," Diego said.
The jump did not take long. it wouldn't, she had one of the best hyperdrives in existence. She spoke,"Sounds good. I think we are here because the planet may hold clues to what happened on Aargau." It made sense to her.
"Dantooine," Diego said when they landed and he looked around. "It was where Master Windu ended up fighting that army, most without his Lightsaber. I also heard this was where some of the failed Jedi students ended up starting a farm here," he noted as he looked around the area.

There were a few bases around where some of the remnants of Clone Soldiers were there. "Looks like some of the former Jedi students have decided to return here," Diego noted as he felt it. There was a slight... disturbance in the Force. He also saw some of the craters from when Count Dooku sent a seismic tank here.

"It's a pretty peaceful place here, but there's a bit of a mysterious air here," Diego noted as Vee-Ar popped out of the port and landed on the grass and the cockpit would open.
She nodded when they landed, and she spokoe,"That sounds totally bad ass. He used the Force for the whole battle, didn't he?" There was no real limit to what the Force could do. That sounded like a hell of a story. She spoke,"How can a student fail? Not show enough promise or something?" She looked around, and the hair on the back of her neck stood up. There was something odd about this place. She spoke,"Secrets here. Lots of them. Can you feel that?"
"Yeah, though some say it was just a story. Regardless, Master Windu is one of the strongest Jedi," Diego noted to her as he got off and looked around. "I think so. Others I think just didn't tap into their full potential, didn't try hard enough or didn't get past the whole emotions thing," Diego explained though he himself was wodering.

"Yeah. I read from reports that Count Dooku himself was here," Diego said before he heard his stomach growl. "Let's grab some breakfast over at the base and see what information we can get," Diego said with a shy smile as Vee-Ar beeped in confirmation. He indicated he wanted to see if there was any useful data.
"I've heard legends about him. Legends about Yoda. The other senior Jedi. Good bonfire stories for the Mandalorians, even though our kind aren't users of the Force. Everybody loves a good story to get the blood pumping." she replied, nodding when he talked about the failed students. She spoke,"He used to be a Jedi, yeah, Dooku?" She smirked, she could tell he was hungry. She walked with him to the base, she was hungry too. She spoke,"How many people do you expect to be at the base?"
"No surprise, considering the Mandalorians have long-regarded the Jedi Order as worthy adversaries apparently," Diego noted. There were several books on the interactions between the Jedi and the Mandalorians. Diego did find that some Jedi did indeed have equal levels of respect, but were usually more subdued about it.

"Yeah. He apparently trained Qui-Gon Jinn back in the day and was one of Yoda's own students," Diego said from what he knew. He blushed a bit when he caught her smirk.

"There is still a regiment here and a few of the ex-Jedi did come back, so I figure at least a few dozen," Diego noted before he went up to the scanner which scanned him and the Vee-Ar. "Jedi Knight Diego Vendrix, Astromech V-R and Guest," Diego responded to the scanners. The door hummed a bit before it opened.

Apparently, there was at least a few dozen people. Namely troopers and a few Jedi. Diego wondered how Amara will react, given the Clone Army were all descendents of a Mandalorian.
"Most of the legends are about Yoda since he has been around for so long. My people speak highly of him. Everyone I know speaks so highly of him. He's just that respected all over the galaxy." she replied. Yoda was just that cool, even though she'd never use such common language to describe somebody so venerable. From what she gathered from his words, Yoda trained Count Dooku, who trained Qui-Gon Jinn. She fought her urge to bristle at the scanners, they annoyed her. She walked in with him, she was getting a little hangry. She whistled faintly, she saw so many of one face. The face of Jango Fett. He was practically a god in the culture. Then she remembered that he was the genetic template for the Army.
Some of the soldiers just waved at them before Diego went over. They had entered through the cafeteria entrance and thus some of the folk there were eating lunch. Most had on their uniform and their blasters with them. Diego wondered how these guys lived their lives and if they had hobbies or anything. He approached the line where the cafeteria was.

"See anything you like?" Diego offered to Amara so she could see if there was anything to get.
She was impressed, everything was so rank and file, and in order, so regulated. Everything was very nice here. She spoke,"Just avocado toast would be nice right now. I don't know what else I'd want right now. The past day or so has been a little much to process."
"I think I'll have some flatcakes and a mug of hot chocolate with two bits of tang bark," Diego ordered when it was his turn. "It's pretty interesting that you're able to grow the pods here," Diego commented and before long, he got his flatcakes and mug also with the two sticks of bark while he also got Amara's toast

He also picked up some syrup for his meal and he found a table for him and Amara while Vee-Ar went over to talk to a few of the droids. "Feeling a bit overwhelmed?" he asked her.
She almost had a revolted look on her face. So much sugar! Soon enough, she got her food from Diego and sat down with him. She spoke,"I certainly didn't expect to get roped into a big thing like this."
"Not a fan of hot chocolate?" Diego said when he noticed her semi-revolted look on her face before he began blowing softly and took a slow sip of his hot chocolate. He liked his sweets and baked goods. "Yeah, likewise. I mean, I do investigative work, but I suppose that things are escalating to a point I haven't recognized," Diego confessed as he was in thought.

"If Dooku was here... he must have been looking for something here," Diego wondered out loud.
"So much sugar isn't good for you!" she replied. Her main diet mainly was fruits and vegetables and the occasional animal product. Another way how she kept her very lady like figure. And her muscled figure as well. She spoke,"With us and the Force, the truth will out, even if it takes time." She wondered what Dooku was trying to get his hands on. Rumors were that he was a great at debating. She loved people like that. People she could debate points with all day.
"Yeah I know, but I always had a sweet tooth. You don't like chocolate then?" Diego asked her as he began eating his pancakes. Diego nodded in what she said while they were thinking about what they needed to look for. He couldn't help but blushs lightly when some of the soldiers gave them rather roguish smile. Almost as if they were approving of him being with her or something.

"We'll start looking after breakfast," Diego noted to her.
"I like the sweet stuff just fine... Just not in such high doses like your breakfast." she replied sheepishly. She nodded, and spoke,"Get all the evidence we need and haul ass to the Council. What do you think they'll think of me?"
"Well, hot chocolate isn't that much and compared to the flatcakes," Diego said before he couldn't help but smile at her sheepish smile before digging more into his flatcakes. "Yeah though I figure this won't be the last of this whole thing though," Diego says to her before he wonders about her question.

"It's hard to say. I rarely talk to the Jedi Council though they'll be surprised by a Force-sensitive Mandalorian," Diego noted. "Don't worry. I won't let the treat you bad or anything," he added with a smile.
She finished her toast, and she smiled. Avocadoes were hard to find on Mandalore, so if you found them planet side, they were at a premium price. She spoke,"If they don't like me, screw them. I don't care much for authority unless I have to care."
Diego finished his pancakes before he looked at his hot chocolate. "Want the rest?" Diego offered to her sweetly. He admired her tenacity and her brazeness. While he awaited for her answer, he saw Vee-Ar come back with some apparent information. He was beeping excitedly.
"No thanks. I don't do well with sugar unless it's naturally present in the food." she replied. She raised her eyebrows when the droid was beeping ever so excitedly. She spoke,"Speak droid, tell us what information you have!"
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