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Star Wars RP: The Hunter and the Jedi (MysteriousD x Naomi David)

Spurred by Amara's loving request, Diego nodded and began going faster and harder. He wanted to make her climax as well. Their bond through the Force was going stronger and stronger until it was a complete and total sync of their minds and Diego climaxed at the same Amara had. He felt the itnense exchange of joy between them. It was utter bliss and he felt absolutely wonderful.
She was crying out much louder in pleasure now. Their bodies and souls were one now, made one when they both climaxed at the same time. The air still smelled strongly of the flowers, but were tinged with the smells of sweat and sex.
Diego was breathing deeply, recovering from the intense sexual high. He leaned uip to look at Amara lovingly before giving her a gentle kiss and he wrapped his arms tightly around her, her breasts touching his chest. While he held her for what seem to be forever, he laid down while he kept holding her so she'd be resting on top of him.

"T-that was the best thing ever," he said as he smelled the flowers, but also their scent. He looked at her eyes with utter adoration.
She was breathing deeply, taking in great breaths of air. She happily kissed him back. She was worn out, but she was still happy about it. They were happily intertwined with each other. She spoke,"Yes, I hope we can do this again." She was glad to have shared this moment with him.
Diego snuggled Amara closer to him while she was resting on top of him. "Likewise," Diego said as he felt be completely at ease with her. "We should probably get some sleep," he said as he squeezed Amara to him tighter. He force-levitated a blanket to them and covered them with it while they were on his Jedi cloak.

All through the night, VeeAr was working on the ship and fixing it.
She was enjoying this snuggling, it was really not something she ever did before. She sighed in contentment as the blanket was levitated over them. She happily fell asleep. unknowing of the modifications to her ship.
The sleep was utterly blissful. Their connection to each other through the Force remained strong, but fell dormant throughout their sleep. Regardless, their breathing was synched and it wasn't long before the sun rose and the twin moons disappeared into the sky.

Diego felt utterly at peace. It was the best sleep he had in years and he began to slowly stir from his sleep, his arms still around Amara.
Amara had the best sleep she had had in so many years, all wrapped up with this sweet Jedi boy. Eventually, she slowly started to wake up, slowly wondering why she felt so warm. She was trying to remember why she felt so good, why she was so happy feeling right now.
Diego awoke and he realized what happened last night. He went far beyond what the Jedi conduct permitted in terms of everything. The intimacy... the passion... However, he didn't mind. In fact, he felt happy and he still felt connected to Amara.

Despite this, he was still blushing and a bit shy and surprised when she would awake. "Good morning," Diego managed to say. He was still stunned as he was still holding her as she was waking up. He took a breath.

"What happened between us... I don't regret it. Any of it. It was... very nice," he said with a shy smile and blush.
Amara finally woke up, the memories of the previous night returning to her in quite the rush. Before last night, she had never ever been physically intimate with anybody before. Even though it was technically a one night stand, she didn't regret it. Not a little bit. She sleepily replied,"Good morning.... I don't regret it either. Very physically pleasing."
Diego saw her sleepy expression and found it made her look quite cute. He did lean in to look at her eyes and share several moments longer of being with her. "You're the first woman who ever showed me any interest like that," Diego confessed to her softly before he embraced her tighter, savoring her body on his.

"We should probably wash off. There's a waterfall nearby," Diego told her after he saw her awaken some more.
She needed coffee. She needed liquor. Preferably coffee with a shot of vodka. She spoke,"Everybody should enjoy the pleasures of the flesh at least once." She hugged him back, enjoying his body heat longer. She spoke,"Sounds good to me. I have biodegradable washes on the ship."
Diego helped her stand up. He took his communicator and he summoned VeeAr, who brought them the biodegradable washing materials within a few minutes and it wasn't even a five minute walk over to the waterfall and the crystal-clear pool. It was near a cave and being in the depths of the cave was why they didn't hear it. Diego walked in and was washing the smell of sex and sweat off of his body and he couldn't help but catch glimpses or just downright stare at Amara when she was showering.

She was utterly beautiful and her toned muscles from her lifestyle of bountyhunting have made her all the more beautiful. Even as a kid, Diego had a knack for liking girls that could beat the sauce out of him, though none of them ever really did outside of sparring.

After about ten minutes, Diego stepped out and used his Force powers to levitate the water droplets off of himself. It was a rather hilariously mundane use for his abilities, but it was still cool. "Want me to dry you?" he asked Amara.
Amara was pleased by his gentleman ways when he helped her stand up. His little droid was really fast with getting the washing materials to them, and they were on their way to the waterfall. She walked right into the waterfall and went to work with cleaning herself. She was good about scrubbing away the smells of sweat and sex. She took a long time. Not that she needed to take her time, there was just something soothing about being at this place. She smiled, still showering, and spoke,"No thanks. I think I'll stay under the waterfall a little longer. This place is so soothing."
"All right," Diego told her with a smile before he began walking over to the rock where his clothing and robes were. He redressed himself before going over to get Amara's suit and armor and brought to the area so she could redress herself there. "I brought your clothes back," Diego said, though still a bit shy and unable to resist staring at Amara's beauty.
She was enjoying the cold water, it was really waking her up. She had never felt so fresh and clean before in her life, and it was a sensation that she did not want to give up any time soon. She saw him bring her clothes and armor over, and she decided to wash her clothes and armor as well, fully knowing and enjoying the fact that the longer she was naked, the more enjoyment he got out of it. Her clothes and armor were soon clean and dry, thanks to the Force. She finished rinsing off, and dried herself with the Force as well. She got dressed, and put her armor back on. She spoke,"What happens now?"
Diego wondered if Amara noticed him oogling her, but if she did, she didn't make any note of it. "We should probably check on how VeeAr is doing with the ship and if he's finished, we should try and find the nearest planet for breakfast while we try and investigate what is going on here," Diego explained to her as he waited for her to finish before walking her back to her ship.

It looked just like she had it, with all of her modifications intact if not mildly improved. Though the large hole in the back are of the cockpit was new... "Oh boy..." Diego noted as VeeAr rocketed up to the new hole and went inside and locked inside. It appeared VeeAr modifed the ship so astromech droids help out.
She nodded, going back to the ship to check on the astromech droid's progress seemed like a good idea. She spoke,"Yeah, that works for me..." It was a good little walk back to the ship, though one could see her heart rate and blood pressure sky rocket at one modification she did not approve of. The fucking droid had modded her ship to accept an astro droid. While mildly impressive that he had done it with just the things on her ship, she was still pissed since she didn't give permission for such a thing. Massive objects around her began to shake and rattle. The Force was rolling off of her in waves.
Diego just sighed and shook his head at the actions of his rebellious astrodroid mech. However, he could feel the Force coming off of Amara. He turned to her. "Look, I'm sorry about all this. VeeAr tends to be headstrong and independent, and if there is anything I can do that doesn't involve hurting him, I'll try and help," Diego said as he went over to infront of Amara, having a pleading look. He didn't want any violence ir anything like that.
"Getting rid of the astromech hole would be nice. There's plenty of ports for him to plug into in the ship." she growled. She continued,"Wiping his personality to make him more obedient and not do stupid stuff like this would be nice too!" She'd calm down soon enough, but she was still rather pissed.
"If there was, he would've found some. Novas don't have astromech ports. Often, Outer Rims ships don't put them on as stnadard and those that few are because of independent contracts or put in manually," Diego explained to her about the port thing. However, he became upset abot the personality wiping.

"No. No mind wipes, no exception. VeeAr has been who he was ever since I got him several years ago. He's my friend and companion... he was my only friend often growing up," Diego said as he trailed off. He didn't want things to be tense, but he also wanted to defend his friend.
She was still very angry, but was slowly calming down. Her great anger would get her nowhere. She growled,"Let's go. He stays out of the cockpit unless absolutely necessary."
VeeAr beeped in an annoyed tone before going inside of his astromech port which was behind the cockpit area and allowing them to get a clear shot of what was going on behind them.

Diego sighed before he followed her inside the ship and when the programs went up, everything was smoother, clearer and running at a higher pace and quality. There was also a tab for information happening behind while Vee-Ar was managing the ship's health.

"I think we may need to hyperjump to go closer to populated worlds," Diego noted.
She got everything turned on, and shut the hatch once he got on behind her. She spoke,"Makes sense. Given the whole neutron star issue, will he have trouble making the jump out of this system?" She really didn't want to have to get the ship fixed all over again.
"No, Vee-Ar has experience with dealing this sort of stuff, and furthermore, it looks like he's planned the mthematics so the timing will make the chance of any problems with the ship being nil," Diego noted as everything was ready for them to go. Different worlds and ports were avaialble of near the planned area.

"Wait, there's one. I recognize it. It's Dantooine," Diego noted on the notes. It would be a nice quiet place and it was close by. Furthermore, he felt something about the place. Like they may need to go there.
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