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Star Wars RP: The Hunter and the Jedi (MysteriousD x Naomi David)

She wasn't happy. This had to be far bigger than either of them could have ever anticipated. The old man holding the warm package looked every bit the stereotype of somebody dodgy, somebody to avoid. She listened to the old man's words, going with Diego when the man exploded. She whirled around, protecting him with herself. Mandalorian armor could withstand high degree explosions, she did not doubt she would be able to withstand this.
Diego was shielded from the blast by his Mandalorian companion, but the shockwave did knock her into him and he caught her. However, he saw a ship from the bottom of the dock leave, a small one.

"That's the signal, get him!" A loud voice said as some black-armored officials began chasing after them. They were private police or some form of it anyway chasing after them. "I think we might've gotten duped. We need to find a secure place," Diego said before he began contacting someone...

"VeeAr! VeeAr! Get the Y-Wing over here for a retreat. We need to escape. Yes, I have a companion with me," Diego said once he slipped on the communications' on his his head. "We need to find an empty port," Diego told Amara as he saw the paratroopers come in along with a few officials.
She was glad her companion was unhurt. It would not do if he died on her watch. The resulting shockwave from the blast was strong. Then it really went to hell. Black armored strangers began chasing them. She went along with him, running, to find an empty port. She spoke,"We were duped. But I think our information giver may have been as well. It isn't exactly a secret that the little old man is my favorite information source."
"That or they are very good at changing their plans," Dego told her as he was struggling to keep up. He definitely spend his time training, but he was built more for being steady like a wall rather than running. However, he did notice there was an empty port and he saw something rising.

It was a Y-Wing, specfically a BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter. Definitely an older model, seen by the fact it had the second seat seen in the earlier versions. In the Astromech was an R2 astromech droid, beeping impatiently at them. The little droid was a slarte gray with some black and white on him.

"Bring her closer in and open the doors, VeeAr," Diego said. The droid beeped and opened the cockpit. Diego jumped in and helped Amara into the other seat, the gunner seat. "Get us away from here," Diego said as the droid beeped.
She made a faint noise of disgust as it was obvious Diego was having a hard time keeping up with her. She hated slowness, then again, she couldn't blame him, he wasn't trained like she had been. Then she saw his ship, and made another noise of disgust. Old model, not new and illegally modified like her ship was. She got into the gunner seat as Diego helped her in. It was a tight fit, with all of her equipment, but she got in just fine. This sucked. She hated being duped.
"Sorry about the ship, but it's not like I could have a Jedi Starfighter in the Outer Rims and doing ingonito work. Besides, this one allows me to carry a second person while still being sturdy," Diego said as he began driving. His Astromech Droid chirped in mild annoyance. "Oh yeah... this is my Astromech Droid, R2-VR or VeeAr for short," Diego said as the droid beeped.

The Y-wing began going through the sky while trying to dodge the incoming fighters. He noticed that the ships were unlike anything he seen. They were omnious looking and jet-black in color. Especially with how he could feel the Dark Side emitting from those strange craft. They proceeded to fire on them. "We need to get into hyperspace, but they jusrt damaged the hyperspace device," Diego noted.
She rolled her eyes. It wasn't hard to figure out the gunning system on this, and once she did, she began shooting down enemy fighter after enemy fighter, letting the Force guide her way. But there were so many? Where were they all coming from? She felt the ship shudder, and she spoke,"Go a few ports ahead. My ship isn't far from here." It was definitely superior to this ship in every way, even without her darling illegal mods.
"Cease and desist your escape attempts. You will be pursuit by the grand might of all available forces if you attempt to leave the aerospace," one of the droid fighters said, unnerving Diego. "That means even if we leave on your ship, they'll keep chasing us with bigger and stronger ships..." Diego said before he began thinking.

He grabbed his large pack behind his seat. "VeeAr. We're going to need to give them the Big Slip. Activate the Omega Protocol," Diego told VeeAr before facing Amara. "Which is your ship? Is it the Nova?" Diego asked her as VeeAr was preparing the Omega Protocoi. "Once we spot it, we'll have to jump," he told her.
"I doubt these puny ships can penetrate my ship's shields, let alone my ship's armor. I welcome them to try." Amara replied with a snort. She continued,"Yeah, my ship's the Nova!" She wished she had her jetpack on her. That was on her ship, considering that she didn't think she'd need it for this job.
"Yeah, but the technology on those ships are that of an unknown source. They could have more exotic and esoteric weapinry and systems that we haven't seen before," Diego said cautiously. He managed to take the glimpse of the ship.

"VeeAr! Go!" Diego said before the Astromech dispatched himself from the ship and fell before activating their hovermode. "Now!" Diego said as the screens began a thirty second timer. Diego jumped off and using the Force, amplified his agility and aim to grab onto VeeAr and made sure Amara either landed on him or on the other side of VeeAr.

Once they both made it on him, VeeAr flew them to her ship and watched as the Y-Wing flew to empty open airspace with the strange droid fighters following. Diego got a really bad feeling from those things. There was something... unnatural about them. The timer ran out.

The proton torpedos of the ship activated and exploded. To the droid fighters, it looked like they striked the area where the explosives were kept and the explosions engulfed the airspace, destroying the droid fighters. To everyone, it looked like the ship was blown up.

"Looks like they think we're dead," Diego said when he saw the commotion died down. He sighed as he was breathing heavily.
She couldn't argue with that. These were modern times. Bigger and better technology was being built than what was available yesterday. This was going to be tricky, escaping and covering up, but doable. She leapt off, stabilizing her jump using the Force, and held onto VeeAr's other side. She was feeling better when they made it to her ship, and once she got it opened up, and she began to initiate the take off sequence.
Diego followed Amara into her Nova. VeeAr looked very annoyed that there wasn't much room for him on there and the Astromech Droid made a mental ntoe to modify Amara's ship so he could fit on. He was forced to stay in the cargo area and began scanning the area and making notes to where and how to modify the ship so he can help.

Diego meanwhile was in the second seat next to Amara and was feeling a bit tired. "We gotta hurry up and hyperspace away from here," Diego told Amara as he buckled up. He took a moment to admire Amara's various modifications and upgrade. He was pretty impressed by it all. "Wow, this is all really amazing," Diego commented with a smile as he looked at the ship. "You're incredibly for being able to modify a ship so much," he complimented her.
Amara shooed VeeAr to the cargo hold since there was very little room for him where the pilots would sit. She spoke dryly,"Thank you for that observation about how we need to scram." She buckled up, and got everything ready to go. She blushed under her helmet, and she replied,"I come from a very wealthy clan. I'm also rich on my own. That and having people in high places owe you favors helps. Making sure parts were compatible with each other was a little tricky, but not impossible." She got the ship quickly out of the spaceport and into space. She spoke,"Any particular destination?"
"I'm not sure. Probably somewhere out of the way and peaceful so we can relax and figure out what to do," Diego said. While he did have plans to try and escape if things went bad, matters rarely ever went so pear-shaped like it did here and now.

"We should probably use hyperdrive to be on the safe side and be sure they won't catch or even notice us," Diego added to her. He did have a rough list of cordinates to some places, one of them being a former Jedi sanctuary. It was a rather obscure one and far-off, due to being in a place where a neutron star was in the proximity.
She nodded, the words he said made sense. All systems were running. All backups were on standby in case anything happened. If bounty hunting taught her one thing, the lesson was to have a backup. Or two or three. She spoke,"Gimme some coordinates. I won't go to Mandalore, I don't want to take any chances of drawing the freak show home."
"Here, run these coordinates before we go," Diego asked her as he gave them to her. They were written on his notepad in charcoal. When she would put them in, the readings would appear they can go, but there was a bit of a warning.

"It's an old refuge used by Jedi of old. However, it shares space with a neutron star so there's a chance there could be some turbulence when dealing with hyperdrives. It's the only certain spot they wouldn't follow us," Diego explained to her.
She took the notepad and quickly typed in the coordinates. She listened to his words, and a small smile was on her face under her helmet. This was stupid. This was crazy. However, she respected insane ideas because insane ideas got things done. She nodded, and she spoke,"Here we go." They made the jump to hyperspace. At least this plan ensured not being followed.
The hyperspace jump allowed them to easily escape off the powerful economic world without notice. However, the readings of the hyperspace device were flashing warnings. Neutron stars remained a very noticeable presence because of the sheer energy they emitted. Even at safe distances, those traveling in hyperspace had to to be weary because of the weird effect it can have on equipment.

Which is indeed what ended up happening. While they arrived, the neutron star released a pulse strong enough to mess with the ship's hyperdrive. It was not permanent nor would it be difficult to repair, but it did mean that when the NovaSword did end up coming out, it camenour speeding and difficult to control.

It landed on the quiet world in a jungle-forest area and while it didn't crash, it was a rough landing and in need of repairs. However, they were alive.

"You okay?" Diego asked as he was tryout my to remain calm. While flying in space wasn't much of an issue, crashing was. He figured that Jedi training would've helped with his fear of heights by now.
She didn't like the warnings that were flashing on the hyperdrive. She really didn't like the fact that they had to do something so dangerous to get away. Neutron stars did weird things to electronics. They could super charge a piece of equipment or shut it down entirely. They finally came out of hyperspace, but not without difficulty. Warning were really screaming now about how unsafe the speed was and other things. She did what she could do to stabilize the ship, but they finally landed. It was rough, but they landed. It was far better than an outright crash. She took off her helmet, revealing a very sour faced woman. While very pretty, the sour look on her face marred it. She spoke,"I'm fine. My ship isn't!"
Diego turned to face her and saw his companion's face for the first time. He blushed a bit when he realized how utterly beautiful that Amara was. However, her face was currently mried with a very upset look. "Yeah... sorry, but this was the only place that was a safe bet," Diego said as he stepped out and helped her out of the cockpit. Stepping out of the cargo was an annoyed but okay VeeAr.

VeeAr chirped and scanned the ship before communciating the results. Most of the damage was superficial and that he could fix it though the bigger problems was the somewhat damaged cockpit and a large hole in the back area though VeeAr kept an eye on it. Diego wondered what his droid was thinking.

"VeeAr said he could have it be fixed by morning," Diego said before he felt it. He knew the Force was strong in this world, but having gotten his bearings, he could feel the world teeming with life, peace and serenity. "We should probably find something to eat in the meanwhile," he noted to her.
She kept the evil eye on him as he helped her out of the cockpit. Thankfully nobody was hurt, damage wasn't bad, but still, she was very displeased that even with her mods, her ship did not escape unscathed. She spoke,"My helmet can scan the plant life to see what is edible and what is safe to burn. Shall we begin?" She wanted to get off this planet as soon as they could get the chance. She spoke,"Is it possible to contact the Jedi Council when we get off this rock?"
"Well, we need to get far enough from the pulsar to do so and make sure there aren't any other complications, but once we get close enough, we should. However, I do worry that we'll probably have to leave the Outer Rims to do so and maybe I can still find out some more info. I can give more pay if you need it," diego explained, shrinking back a bit when he saw her angry look. He nodded when she said to go and gather stuff.

The next hour or so was spent gather supplies for the night to stay in. Given how VeeAr was insistent on repairing the ship without distractions, the Astromech Droid pointed them to a cave to where they could spend the night. Diego came back with some fish that they could cook and enjoy. "I recognized these fish as common in the area and I had them before. THey're safe to eat and surprisingly robust in flavor," he said to her when they arrived.
She nodded, taking in all of his words about contacting the Jedi Council. She nodded, and put her helmet back on, flipping on the setting that scanned for edible things and things that were safe to burn. They got so much in the line of supplies, it was incredible. So many edible plants and things that were safe to burn! She was glad he was successful in finding food as well. She spoke,"There is so much in the line of supplies here. The water is surprisingly clean and food is abundant. Now I know why this place is a hideout for you lot."
"Not alot of Jedi use it, though that's because not alot of Jedi go to the Outer Rims nowadays unless it's for buisiness regarding the Clone Wars," Diego explained to her in regards to the world as a hideout. "I found out about it through reading in obscure lore. I'm glad I found it. It's peaceful and nice," Diego noted as he took a deep breath and observed the sunset, finding it beautiful.

"We'll get the fire started a bit, then cook the fishes while we keep it going at night," Diego told her as he started the fire and began cooking the fish on sticks for them.
She was smiling as she used one of the many knives on her person to chop up some of the edible plants that she found. Had to have fruits and vegetables to supplement their meal. She threw some of the plants that were safe to burn into the fire, making the air smell nice around them. So many sweet smells around them. This place was a small slice of heaven. She spoke,"This place seems like a little bit of heaven. We Mandalorians don't really believe in death, we believe the fallen are just merely marching far away."
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