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Star Wars RP: The Hunter and the Jedi (MysteriousD x Naomi David)

"Yeah, it is quite nice," Diego said befor ehe heard Amara's thoughts on death. He faced the starry night and looked in thought. "We Jedi are taught that our loved ones become part of the Force. I remember Master Yoda telling me that and to rejoice in those who become one with the Force. That's when I began going my own way of the Jedi. They typically frown on connections nowadays, believing that bonds could be a problem or something. That attachment brings suffering. I can see that, but at the same time, it's how we know we're alive. THe attachment we have, those bonds, they transcend the physical world I believe. If our loved ones become one with the Force, then they are always with us, through those bonds and through the Force," Diego explained to her while he looked at the night sky.

He saw the fish were ready and began having to serve it with them with the fruits and vegetbales. He saw she had more plants for her to put into the fire, including some slightly strange lookign thick flowers. "We'll probably put more of the plants in the fire when we finish eating," he told her.
"I can see why the Jedi don't like connections. They worry that loving somebody might lead the Jedi in love to make the wrong kind of sacrifices for their beloved. Alternatively, the Sith hate love because it might lead somebody to light, to redemption." she replied. He was fun to talk to, she liked him. She made sure her helmet was off, and began eating. The fish was good, even though she wasn't exactly a seafood eating person. The fruits and vegetables were fantastic. She wanted to take the seeds home, but knew better. A foreign plant could choke out the native plants.
"Yeah, though it wasn't always like that. I guess part of is that not alot people can handle loss and it didn't occur to them about feeling their loved ones in the Force. Though in alot of religions, attachments tend to be viewed negatively. Though with the Sith, they view attachments as more possessions, which is pretty upset. Then again, knowing they're always with you doesn't exactly deal with the pain and grief of there and now and if you don't have people you feel in the now to help, it's easy to lose yourself," Diego theorized as he continued to eat.

The fruits were good and Diego took a bit of time to cook the vegetables on the fire as well. "Well, this dinner is really good," Diego said as he stood up before he removed his Jedi cloak and laid it down on the ground so he could sleep on it. He sat on it. "We should probably put the rest of the plantlife for the fire. Those are some fascinating-looking flowers," he noted.
He was good to debate with. Her family would certainly like him. Physically, he looked a little scrawny, but they valued intelligence as much as physical strength. Muscles meant nothing if you didn't know what to do with them. The food was spectacular. She nodded, and put the rest of the plants on for the fire. She spoke,"It'd be nice to take some of these plants back home. But we both know better than to take a foreign plant and introduce it to a new environment. It'll destroy the new environment." The new smells were incredible. It made her feel all warm, fuzzy, and happy.
"Yeah, though unless you have it in like a small garden or a controlled environmet," Diego responded before he felt a bit at ease. The smoke burning now had a sweeter smell, one that put him at ease. It reminded him a bit of back when he would meditate with the Force, where he could feel everything being connected to one another through it. He felt the surge of life go through him and it was absolutely wonderful.

However, he also felt something he hasn't felt in a while. A form of adolescent excitement, the kind that guys and gals of the age get whenever the hormones show up. While Force suppression helped with that along with meditation, that wasn't the case here. "It's really nice here," he said with a smile.
She began plucking off her armor plates. No sense in having them on since she wasn't in any immediate danger. She wore a white form fitting body suit underneath her armor. The suit hugged her every curve. She had never felt so aware of everything around her before. The warm and fuzzy feeling was incredible. She spoke,"A bit of heaven. I've never smelled air so clean before. Everything is so sweet and pure here." Her nipples began to harden, show through the suit.
Diego began heading slightly odd sounds and he turned to see it was Amara removing her armor plates to reveal herself in a surprisingly skin-tight white bodysuit. He blushed heavily while trying to avert his eyes from her lovely curves. However, he found himself unable to distract himself. He enjoyed the sweet smell of the smoke and the flowers and he felt the Force connect immensely... including with her.

That's when it clicked in his head. "You're Force-sensitive?" Diego asked her as he looked at her, the blush on his face. He was not good at hiding emotions and it was clear from his face and posture that he found her very attractive, but he was genuinely curious at what he asked her.
When he asked her if she was Force Sensitive, a small smile curved her lips. She spoke,"Very much so. I've known I was strong with it for a very long time. Since I was a small child, matter of fact. But something tells me you find more to me than just me being Force Sensitive. You find me very attractive, yes?" She began to strip more and more, partially to get a reaction out of him, and partially because she preferred to sleep naked. She ran her fingers through her short silvery blonde hair. Her pale golden eyes blinked, she was refocusing her attention on him. Not many people ever had the pleasure or terror of having her full, undivided attention.
"That's pretty interesting. I figured there were probably some Mandalorians that were Force-sensitive, but I never knew what would happen with the children. I mean, they and the Jedi have had a long conflict with one another," Diego noted when he found out. However, when he heard her acknolwedge that he was pretty much ogling her and her teasing tone, he blushed even brighter.

He was enraptured by her silvery blond hair and her golden eyes.It definitely contrasted against his brown eyes and dark colored hair as well as his light olive skin. He adjusted his glasses as he tried to look away, but he couldn't. Especially when she began shifting more out of her tight body suit.

"Y-yeah. Y-you're beautiful," Diego managed to admit as he was trying his best not to stare, but it was clear she was onto him.
She slowly took more and more of her suit off. She was very much so enjoying the attention he was giving her. She spoke,"There's a rumor rife amongst my people that one of the higher ups in the Mandalorian government has a thing for one of the Jedi generals. I hope it works out, marks a new era of partnership between our peoples." Soon enough, she was fully naked, and scooted over to him, and she spoke, her voice teasing,"Have you ever touched a pair of breasts before?"
Diego's mind pretty much stopped as he kept watching as she would remove the suit, leaving her in the nude. He only barely caught the gist of what she said in regards toward the Jedi and Mandalorians. His logical mind doubted any partnership would be permanent. If nothing else, the respect was still there for the most part.

When she teased him, he did look away and he looked even shyer. One of the reasons they were hesitant to take him in as a Jedi was because of his emotional openness. Even during the training, he was open with his emotions and he was pretty easy for people to read. Even beyond his time with the Jedi, he was always rather lonely as a kid. "N-no," Diego told her shyly. He was pretty new to all this though his instincts were starting mroe to take control. Furthermore, he felt himself connect to her even more because of the Force.
One of her slender fingers snaked forwards to turn his turned away face back to her body. She softly and slyly spoke,"Do you want to touch them?" She carefully reached out for his hands, wanting to place them upon her breasts. Neither of them had ever experienced the pleasures of the flesh before, but they certainly would tonight. She wanted more of this.
Diego felt Amara's cool hands on his face and he was backing starting at her. Her soft and sly tone made him shiver with an odd form of delight. Diego felt like he was standing at the gate of a forbidden place. To explore the carnal, the sensual, the primal... yet rather than the Force recoling, he felt it egg him on. To unify with her. He looked at her with want and an endearing form of vulnerability. He nodded in a trance-like state. His hands slowly went forward and he grasped her luscious breasts.

Another shiver of excitement went down Diego's spine and it was clear he was enjoying this, despite his transfixed gaze. He was also beginning to feel very warm.
She was smiling as she felt his warm and soft hands go to her breasts. She whispered, her voice teasing,"Go on, do you want to squeeze? Be gentle, breasts are delicate!" She was slowly ging about stripping him. She kept her gaze on his face, watching for signs of displeasure and non consent. Thankfully, she saw neither, and happily went about her work.
Amara's teasing tone kept the blush on his face while her sultry command rang well in him. Diego's hands began gently squeezing and kneeding her lovely breasts. He was completely transfixed with them and with her. Furthermore, he let her began stripping him. He felt his tunic be removed and was left with an undershirt on before she focused on his trousers. He was about halfway undressed.

"You're amazing," Diego told her as he looked at her with awe.
She sighed in pleasure as he began to play with her breasts. Really, there was something to be said about having somebody else play with your breasts rather than self pleasing. She began to strip more and more of his clothes. Soon it was just a thin undershirt on him and his bottom half of clothes. She was softly smiling as she began to undo his trousers, and she spoke,"That's very sweet of you. You are too." She couldn't wait to go all the way with him.
Any resistance Diego had toward this primal intimacy pretty much melted away when he listedn to her sighs of pleasure. He could sense her satisifaction and it felt nice being able to make someone feel good. He stood up when he felt her stand up and he blushed a bit when he felt her remove his trousers. This surprised him enough to where she could remove his undershirt, leaving him in the nude like hers. Normally, he would feel shy and embarassed over being naked in front of a sexy lady like her, yet he felt comfortable in front of her somehow. He felt connected to her with the Force.
She had seen naked men before. But none of these past naked men were as glorious to look at as Diego was. Now, they were both in the nude, and her right hand gently graced his penis, as if asking for his permission to manually pleasure it. Consent was sexy to her. Crimes of the sexual sort were punished very severely in his culture. No consent meant death. They were true equals here. She spoke,"I like what I see. And I am happy that you like what you see."
Diego let her go and grasp his manhood, and he groaned softly in pleasuee when he felt the strange but delightful feeling. He blushed when she stold him that she liked what she saw. "N-no one every said that before," Diego confessed to her. He was a bit ashamed of how he was alwasy kinda doughy and chubby, even more so in his youth. Even now, he was a bit round and doughy with stretch marks showing his former girth. "It means alot you said that," he said as he waent closer to her so he rested his head on hers while his hands went to her shoulders while he looked at her with growing affection.
She began to gently stroke his length. The skin was so soft and delicate, she wondered how males even moisturized down there, if at all. She kept her skin looking good with lotions and the like. Self care was very important. She spoke,"Maybe that's because nobody before me ever saw the real you." She smiled when he said that it meant a lot to him that she said what she said. His features were quite soft. Very easy to poke and pinch. She spoke as he rested his head on hers,"I meant what I said. Not telling the truth is highly frowned upon where I'm from!" She continued to stroke faster and faster, wanting him to get hard.
Diego kept groaning softly as he felt his manhood being pleasured by amara's soft hands. Her sweet words and soft smile just made his heart flutter as he was falling more so for the strong yet kind bounty huntress. "I can feel it," he said, indicating to her telling the truth and that he was growing hard thanks to her.

Slowly but surely, he wrapped his arms around her to bring her closer and he felt a wonderful burst of sensations as their nude bodies touch and he felt more strongly connected to her than ever before. He began gently to caress her body.
She was glad to feel him slowly grow harder and harder thanks to her touch. He was growing longer and slightly wider, and she was sure he wasn't finished with that either! Amara loved this embrace that he brought her into. He was really warm. His body heat was really pleasing to her skin. She enjoyed his touch, her free hand roaming along his soft back.
It didn't take long for Diego to become fully erect from Amara's soft touch and he was groaning in pleasure the whole time. He kept looking at her as their hands were running across one another. Diego's hand gently went over across her back and in a sudden moment of confidence, went over to gently squeeze her butt. He had no diea where all this strong feelings came from, but it was overwhelingly intoxicating and he felt closer to her than he ever felt to anyone before.
She was impressed at his length, so very long and thick. Their sweet touches served so many purposes. Pleasure and sweetness. She softly gasped when he squeezed one of her firm butt cheeks. She softly spoke,"Like you, I've never experienced the pleasures of the flesh before. Where do we start?"
Diego felt wanting to let go of inhibitions and to be with her, letting his passions and emotions guide him yet the bond he felt with ehr was so much deeper than just passion. He leaned in and he gave her something special; he gave her his first kiss. He loved how wonderful their bodies felt when they were pressed together. Her breasts felt absolutely wonderful against his chest. He was stilla but shy and he could see the hunger in her eyes. "Take the lead," Diego told her with a smile, showing trust in her and letting the ambitious huntress take control.
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