Star Wars RP: The Hunter and the Jedi (MysteriousD x Naomi David)

"Hey, his name is Vee-Ar," Diego reminded her before he finished his hot chocolate. He loved his sweet food, epeseically as a child. Chocolate especially. His family tree had deep roots in one of the few worlds which grew cacao and some believed to be the first world that grew it extensively. It had a long and rich cultural hertiage. Diego snapped from his nostalgic thoughts when Vee-Ar poked him gently.

After a few beeps, he nodded.

"Vee-Ar says he found some security footage, but it's glitchy so he's running software to try and repair so we can get info from it," Diego explained to Amara.
"I am non discriminate in any droid that I call 'droid'. All of them get called 'droid' by me." she replied shortly. She spoke,"If he needs help, ask me. Aside from general ass kicking, I'm an expert with computers." She was rather proud of her technological know how. Ships were so computerized now a days it was impossible to not know things about machinery. She looked rather eager to get going. Nothing was safe from her finger tips once she got to work.
Diego crossed his arms as he looked her with a slightly scrutinizing look, but he just sighed at it. He hoped relations would improve between them. Nonetheless, he sighed a bit before giving a good farewell to the soldiers and stepped out tonlook around. He was wondering what Dooku could've been looking for.

A small ping alerted him from Vee-Ar. "Vee-Ar says he has finished processing the video and he says it'll be interesting," Diego said with a smile before Vee-Ar showed it.

It was Dooku and some droids digging while the sounds of battle were in the background. However, Dooku said a word that made Diego's blood run cold.

The Rakata.
She was getting a lot of looks from the soldiers. She doubted many of them had seen a true bred Mandalorian before aside from their genetic template. These looks were good looks, like happy looks. She followed Diego out. She nodded when he said Vee-Ar had something to show them. Her blood ran cold too when she heard the word. Then she started swearing. Her swears were in Mando'a, but it didn't take a genius to translate. Her culture had plenty of stories about the Rakata, none of them good.
Diego was surprised to hear Amaea curse. He didn't understand much of it, but he could figure they were cursing based on her anger and tone. He needed to make a note on learning more languages. "The Rakata... That could explain the strange ships... but I doubt Seperatist would dare use the Force-tech the Rakata used... would be way too old to decopher and it was absolutely dangerous," Diego noted as he was in thought. Vee-Ar himself beeped and chirped in response.
"Dooku might. If he was that desperate to win this horrible war. How much information you Jedi have on the Rakata and Rakata technology? I mean, the Jedi Archives are amongst the larges libraries in existence in the galaxy, he might have been planning this for years before even the Clone Wars started." she replied. How much more information did they need before they went to the Council. if this was as she feared, she would need an audience with Satine Kryze. The Mandalorians were a large people, and lots listened to Duchess Kryze, even though she advocated for peace and neutrality. They would need numbers, they would need warriors that only the people of Mandalore were famous for.
"Not much on details beyond that of things like Star Gates and so on. Alot of stuff was lost in those ancient days during the Jedi Civil War and any information would probably be buried deep in any of their ruins," Diego explainedas he crossed his arms in thought.

"However, I don't know if even Dooku would there. He is a smart and intelligent man. The Rakata-tech doomed pretty much everyone involves," he added as he was in thought. "Though, he probably didn't find anything here... that doesn't mean we won't find something," Diego mentioned in thought. The Rakata wer hated among those who knew them.
"We should investigate at once. If the Rakata are even so much as thinking of making a come back, we have to put them down now before things progress. Destroy them all." she spoke. When things got this bad, she believed in exterminating the problem, that way nothing could bite you in the ass in the future.
"I don't even know if any Rakata remain. No one has seen in much of the galaxy for thousands of years," Diego noted to her. "Regardless, if they're trying to use their tech, that would be a problem," he added before he began looking around. "I suppose we should spend some time trying to see if we could find anything here," Diego told her.

For the next hour, Diego would spend time digging and looking through the area in some of the information. Some bits and pieces were found so far, but not much was located. However, Diego still had the omnious feeling that something mght've been here. Or rather, that something was not right...
"Something of them has to remain, considering their technology is being used right now." she replied stoutly. She agreed to the fact that they should study. She studied alongside him. Not much was here, but the little that was taught her much. She spoke,"Get the feeling there should be more reference material than what we just read?"
Vee-Ar came in and also reported his lack of success of finding everything throughout the hill-side for anything. However, he did not stop and kept looking around the area. Then he found something. He beeped, indicating his scanners picked up on something.

Diego rushed over there to check and see what it is. However, rather than a hint, it was a person. A crying child who apparently was stuck under some rubble from where there was a crater. "There's a child here!" Diego said as he went to take a closer look.
Amara was with Diego when Vee-Ar reported in. She whistled, and she spoke,"God damn... I'll use the Force to lift the rubble and you grab the kid, that work for you?" She knew she had to be careful. One wrong move and they'd have a dead child on their hands.
"Are you sure? I mean, I don't know how good you are with the Force," Diego cofnessed to her though he nonetheless got into position. Trial and error was not a good way to get a grasp on the finer stuff of the Force, but then again, he didn't know how much her parens helped with ehr and they needed to do this now.

"Right, i trust you," Diego told her before he got in position. When she moved the stuff, he ran in to grab the kid and get them out of the way. The kid had stopped crying, but was still sniffling and in alot of pain. Diego sighed before he took a moment. He began using Force Heal voer on the child, trying his best to heal the kid.
She gave him a venomous look, if there was true poison in her face, it'd be enough to kill a whole herd of banthas. She felt insulted. She calmly and delicately pulled away the boulders one by one. She could do all of them at once, true, but she would be sacrificing safety for speed and she wasn't foolish enough to do that. She was glad when Diego got the child and began to heal him. She slowly began to sing a lullaby in Mando'a. She didn't realise her words were charged with the Force, inducing sleep in the child. Strong with the Force as she was, she still didn't realise the full extent of her powers and what she could do.
Diego had flinched back at the poisonous look she gave, but he remained firm. After all, she would not trust him with knowledge of a blaster if he said he only learned via trial and error... which he did. After all, most Jedi aren't fond of blasters and even those that are have a bit of difficulty finding one that fits for them. However, he was visibly impressed by when she sang the lullaby, how she was able to use the Force in such a way.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply anything... but there were incidents of those who tried to use the Force without proper training. I mean, you wouldn't trust me to shoot one since I only know how to shoot a blaster through trial and error and that was only cause I had to. You are incredible. I've never seen anyone use the Force in such a way," Diego explained to her as he finished healing the child.
She did not stop singing until the child was good and asleep, which the child was after a few minutes. She spoke,"I'm still learning, believe me. I took notes on my trial and error, which was how I learned what to do and what not to do. I made charts, graphs, everything. I was very analytical on it. Believe it or not, Master Yoda traveled to Mandalore some time ago to give a lecture on Mandalorian history, considering he's been alive for so much of our planet's history. He noticed me bouncing a ball up and down with the Force. He was surprised to see me do what I did. He asked me if I wanted to join the Order. I told him not right now, I wasn't done with school, with training, but I might reconsider it after everything was said and done. I don't think I want to become a Jedi, but I would like to learn more Force techniques. I've learned plenty on my own, but any good scholar like myself knows that there is more to learn."
Diego listened to Amara explaing about her past and how she learned about the Force. He was quite surprised to hear Master Yoda having traveled to Mandalore. He didn't think he would given the history, though he also figured it made alot of sense. He found it fascinating how she always wanted to learn more about the Force, despite not being a Jedi.

"Well, maybe I can teach you. I never really got the chance to have a Padawan. Part of it was my work though I think some on the council don't think my unique view would be appreciated amognst the younglings," Diego joked as he stood up, cradling the child.

"This child is probably of one of the locals nearby," Diego noted.
She spoke,"I was very, very young at the time. A toddler, really. I wasn't much taller or weighed much more than him at the time. It's one of my earliest memories." She was smiling at him, watching how he held the child. He would be a good Father one day. She spoke,"Well, how long have you been a Knight?" She nodded when he assessed that the child had to be a local. She spoke,"Not accepting different viewpoints and accepting change will be the death of the Jedi, I swear."
Diego liked her smile. It was quite a wonderful sight to see at the very least. "At least 5 years now," Diego noted before he heard her statement on the rigidity of the Jedi. "At the same time, they're trying to remain vigil in a time of growing change and unforeseen circumstances," Diego explained as he began looking down around the area. He was trying to remember more information.

"The Dantari... there's a group of human-like folk called the Dantari. They're kow for being apaprantly at a primitive level of technology," Diego noted as he was remembering some of the stuff he read. "My guess is that this child was looking for some edible flora before he got trapped here," he noted.
"Reason why we Mandalorians have survived so long is because we don't have a set leader, lest you count Duchess Kryze and the New Mandalorian lot. I'm from the old school lot, we cling to our warrior traditions. We don't have a leader, people just make sensible suggestions that we want to follow." she spoke. Mandalorians weren't a specific race of people, they took in people from all races and cultures. If she remembered correctly, Clan Whitelaw was formed because of adoption generations upon generations ago. She spoke,"Makes sense. We better start looking for his people before they get worried. Kid probably has a very worried Mother and or Father roaming around looking for him."
Diego listened to Amara talk about her Mandalorian traditions, namely in that if the way of the warrior. On some level, Diego got that. Sentient beings seemed in general damned to be in conflict over things for the rest of times. "What do you think of the Duchess?" Diego asked, wanting to know her thoughts on the new situation with her people.

"We should probably head over to the plains in that direction," Diego said, pointing in the direction. When they were ready, they set out walking toward the area. They walked past a few of the old farms and abandoned bioldings. "I heard some stories about this place, about the Jedi Enclave," Diego noted as he was still carrying the baby.
"I think well of the Duchess, she does the best that she could given the circumstances. She's keeping Mandalore neutral in this war. Kind of sucks, since nobody wants to trade with neutral parties." she replied. She nodded, walking alongside him to the plains. She spoke,"Tell me the stories so we can pass the time." She loved stories. Mandalorians in general loved this sort of thing.
"Well, at the least, maybe using third party factions or proxies or fronts to be able to conduct business could be able to help," Diego suggested to Amara as he was looking around. Her happy smile when she asked about the stories made him smile.

During the trek throughout the fields, Diego would tell Amara some of the stories he could remember about some of the old Jedi stories. Namely on the Jedi Enclave and how it was used during those thousands of years ago. Diego thought he was seeing smoke. He wondered if it would be the signal fire of a tribe nearby.
"Oh believe me, there's a lot of black market trading going on. Duchess is trying to shut them down, wanting to do things the legal way, but there's too many things to shut down all at once. Poor woman is overworked trying to get rid of them all." she replied. She was happy to listen to the ancient stories, they sounded so cool. She turned on the heat seeker in her HUD, and saw the fire, and she spoke,"I see a fire ahead, and she saw multiple human shaped life forms ahead. She turned her sights back to normal, and she spoke,"Multiple human like life forms ahead. We're on the right track."
"And I imagine some of the Mandalorian dissenters make it harder as well," Diego responded to her before talking about some of the stuff he knew about the area. He read some of the old stories here and there, though he adittingly preferred fiction and such for his reading material. "All right, the sooner we arrive there, the sooner our little friend here can be with his folks," Diego said before he was in thought.

"I wonder why none of the other institutions ever tried uplifting these people. I wodner if it's just because of their nomadic lifestyle," Diego wondered out loud.
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