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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 3) WF+GF

"I am sure you will. You let me be the bad guy and then you swoop in to save the day. I'm not sure about the no bottle thing. Try it and when it doesn't work I'll swoop in myself with one." He winked and grinned at her.

Jake watches Max. He does deserve to get spoiled. A puppy spa sounds good for Max. But baby...have you seen the two of them? Owen crawls on him and chases him. And then Max licks his face with his tail wagging. Trust me. He knows."

He looks back at Adri. "I got it..." He pretended to run and Owen couldn't run straight from him laughing.

When Adri and Owen caught up Jake pointed to Owen. "He just beat me. I almost had him." Jake gave Adri a kiss back. "Thanks for the kiss anyway." He looked at Owen. "Bath time bud." He picked him up, upside down. They made their way inside and towards the bathroom. "Baby grab us both clothes?"
Adri went to the bedroom to get clothes for Jake and Owen ready. She sat on the bed and checked her emails while she waited for the screaming to start. Max sat next to Adri and she sat on the floor and rubbed his head and belly when he flipped over.

Owen wasn’t screaming bloody murder from the bath but he wasn’t happy about it either. He didn’t have the energy to fight it though. All of his merger was spent running to the house.

He got in the warm water and that seemed to lull him to sleep even more. He tried to fight it but every so often he would fall asleep and then wake himself up.
Jake found it adorable that Owen kept falling asleep in the bath so he moved quick and grabbed a quick video. He made sure Owen was safe though with him covered up for then video. After the video he held him and rubbed his back. "Adge..." He called for her.

When she came in, Owen was asleep against Jake. "Will you get him dressed in his pajamas? He's all clean. I'll just finish up myself then be out." He handed him off to Adri. "He may fuss baby. Just be prepared."

Once she had he just got up and showered fast, washing his hair and body. Jake got out and wrapped a towel around him and went to go find Adri and Owen.
Adri came into the bathroom and picked Owen up. She dried him off gently and tried not to wake him up. She got him in a diaper and pants. When it was time to put his shirt on he woke up groggy and upset at being woken up. She got his shirt on and then rocked him back to sleep.

She put him in the crib and watched him sleep for a little bit. She missed her little guy but she enjoyed her night alone with Jake. She rubbed Owen’s cheek and walked into the bathroom. She stripped and joined her fiancé for a shower.

“I love you.” She told him
Jake looked her over and smiled when she joined him. "I love you." He kissed her and wrapped his arms around her. "Hi beautiful." Jake gave her a few more kisses.

"Did you get him all settled in bed? That's the new way to get him to be happy in a bath. Get him so tired he falls asleep so races before bed." He he chuckled and kissed her again slow and deeply.

He grabbed the shampoo for Adri. "Did you have a good day? What do you want to do since O is sleep?"
“I don’t know if that’s going to work every time. He had a big day today. He went to the park. We went for a walk and the. He got to race daddy home. If my legs were that short I’d be sleepy too.” She laughed.

“I had a good day. I just wish we found a cabin.” She pouted. She sighed and got under the water. She got her hair wet and started to wash. “I will wash my hair, you can wash my body and we can get out of here faster.” She smiled.

“I want to look for some cabins. And I know that’s not what you want to do but if we want to find this place before we leave then we need to take matters into our own hands.” She told him.
Jake smiled. "But you have short legs..." He gave her a small kiss. "I know. He did have a really big day for a little guy. His nap earlier, helped but not much."

He used the body wash to rub over her body with his hands. "I don't know doing the body washing we may be staying in here longer than you think." He chuckled and gave her a kiss. "I'm glad you had a good day baby. We will find it. The one just hasn't come yet."

He nodded. "Okay. Can we throw a movie on and cuddle while we do it?" Jake felt it was a valid request. "We will find it babe."
“I’m the same height as heels.” She stuck her tongue out at him.

“Well if the one could just appear that would be great.” She rinsed her hair out and put the conditioner in. She smiled at him. “I’m only asking for perfection. Is that really too much to ask? Should we just build a cabin?” She asked him.

“Yeah we can watch a movie while I look at cabins. I’ll show you what I find if you don’t fall asleep too fast.” She teased and gave him a kiss. After they got cleaned up and kissed a little more, she got out of the shower and dried off. She dried her hair off and wrapped her hair up so she wouldn’t get her pillow wet.

“What movie? I’ll set it up for you.” She went into the bedroom and put on one of his muscle shirts and got in bed.
He laughed. "And then you'd be shorter than me if I wore boots." He stuck his tongue out at her.

Jake looked at her crazy. "Babe building will take longer. We can but you domt even want to build a garage and fire pit but a whole cabin?!"

He gave her a look. "I won't fall asleep. Okay...maybe I will. I raced Owen. Played at the park too. Played with you..." He grinned at that wiggling his eyebrows.

"I don't care baby. Why don't you pick something you think I'll like." He got a pair of boxer briefs Adri had out and put on. He couldn't help but smile when he saw her. "You're so sexy." He kissed her lips before her shoulder as he climbed in bed. "This is one of the sexiest things you wear..."
“It was jut an idea. We get the cabin we want exactly how we want it. We can find one to rent out and then build one of our own. But I want a full view of mountains and trees.” She told him.

She rolled her eyes, “So you’ll be asleep once your head hits the pillow.” She laughed. My boys had a tough day.” She smiled. “Even Max is sleeping.” She told him. “I love my boys.”

She laughed, “Remmeber that because I like wearing them. Very freeing.” She smiled and waved her legs in the air. “And I should off my body building body.” She flexed her arm but there wasn’t much there for muscle compared to Jake.

She grabbed her iPad and looked up some cabins in Denver.
"Whatever you want baby." He kissed her cheek. "We have the money. If that's what you want, it's an option."

He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "No...I will be awake a bit...but we did have a big day. And we love our girl." He crawled over to her kissing her softly.

"I think I win." He flexed. "Well I like the no panties with it too. And no bra. Best look. Better then Victoria Secret."

"I'm going to grab a drink and popcorn. What you want?" Once he told her he went down to grab it before coming back up. "This will help me stay awake a bit." He crawledon the bed sitting next to her. After watching the movie a moment he tossed popcorn at her. "What have you found?"
“Ooh. Those are fighting words. Victoria’s Secret is going to get you.” She joked. “Keep cutting up your shirts and I will keep wearing them.” She smiled. She sent him the picture of them from their walk when she remembered.

“Water. And your popcorn.” She smiled. “You’re picking that up, Jake. I don’t want to sleep on popcorn kernels.” She said grabbing some popcorn and ate it throwing the last one at him.

“Nothing yet.” She flipped through the pictures to one she was looking at and clicked out of it. “Magic Mike 2 is on too.” She told him and flipped the channel to Magic Mike and put the remote as far away from Jake as possible. “I know this is your favorite movie.” She smiled.
"Victoria Secret can suck it! My girl looks sexy in my cut off shirts. They can get over it. You're mine to find sexy anyways. Don't get me wrong you're very sexy in VS but I just find you sexier in my shirts." He shrugged. When he got the photo he put it on instagram and made it his lock screen. He kept him and Adri as his background.

He gave her a look. "My popcorn?" He chuckled. "Hey! You're picking that up, Adriana. I don't want to sleep on popcorn kernels." He chuckled as he gave little bit of attitude with his head.

Jake looked at Adri. "Babe? Seriously?! Give me the remote." He reached for it. "You said you'd put a movie on for me not you. I don't want to watch half naked dudes unless they are fighting. Put something on with blood and violence. Like Rocky. Or Expendables or a war movie."
She smiled and rubbed his cheek, “That’s sweet Boo.” She smiled at him and gave him a kiss. “I like your shirts. Their comfortable and lived in.” She did a little dance in his shirt.

She rolled her eyes and picked it off of the bed and ate it. “Don’t use my words on me.” She told him and nudged him with her foot.

“No! I haven’t seen this one.” She smiled. “Maybe you can be in the third one! I’ll tell your agent. You can dance right? Who cares! You can learn.” She laughed. He sighed and flipped to Troy which was blood and violence and eye candy. That distracted her enough to put her iPad down and curl up with Jake to watch the movie.

“I can feel a kernel!” She push his chest and picked it up from between them. “You’re about to have an eating ban.” She warned.
"The fact they smell like me doesn't matter?" He asked and shrugged.

He laughed. "Oh you bet your ass I will use your words on you. You'd do that same and you know it." He nudged her back. "Don't make me put you in a headlock again."

"I don't want Channing to get embarrassed about how good I look." He laughed. "No one but you would want to see me on the movie baby."

Jake looked at her. "It's the one I threw. I didn't grab it." He ate a few more then put the bowl down and snuggled up to Adri. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her shoulder. Jake really loved their life together. They didn't have the easiest road but they were at a good spot now and he couldn't be more in love with her. "Our picture turned out good. Did you get the video of Owen falling asleep in the bath?"
“You better not.” She said to him putting her in a headlock.

She rolled her eyes, “you’re right. Channing is hot but god damn you are just fire.” She laughed. “But trust me you have plenty of women and men who would love to see you give a chair a lap dance. Damn I would love to see that. Can I see that?” She asked and raised the blanket to look at his body.

“I love our picture. We look happy.” She smiled. “Our boy looks happy.” She told him. “Yeah. That was adorable. You should put that on Insta. He had a tough day. It’s not easy being spoiled by grandparents.”
"Or what? What are you going to do Miss Jones?" He raised an eyebrow. "Hmmm?"

It was something he wasn't used to having men and women into him. "Then I really shouldn't. I don't want to hurt any of the other guy's feelings." He rolled his eyes as she lifted the blanket but flexed for her. "Babe...I already gave you a lap dance."

"We do all look happy." He uploaded his video tagging Adi and captioned it about the big day at grandma's he had. "Big day at grammy's. Went to dads old stomping grounds. Played with Max. Made a new friend with a grasshopper. Raced daddy and won! Who can stay awake for a bath." He added photos of the park and the grasshopper.
“I’ll figure something out. Don’t you worry your big butt about that.”

She smiled, “I know. I could use another and another and another.” She laughed. “I love your body.” She gave him a kiss and rubbed his stomach “I love every inch of you.” She told him.

“That video is going to be everywhere. It’s so stinkin cute!” She laughed and watched it again. “He’s so cute I love him.” She put her phone down and smiled at Jake. “I love you Magic Jake.”

She put her head on his chest and stroked his side. “Let’s hope we find a cabin tomorrow. Maybe Owen is our good luck charm and we will find something good.”
"You won't do shit. You're all talk...I'm not worried." He grinned.

Jake thought about it, he may be able to do that. It would definitely be a nice surprise for Adri. "You're never in the mood though." He teased and chuckled. "I love every inch of you too babe." He kissed her back.

He chuckled with a proud smile. "He was pretty freaking cute. You know will have it on her show?" He smiled. "I love you...Future Mrs. Magic Jake."

His hands ran up and down her back. "I'm hoping we do. We will babe. We're just meant to go tomorrow cause tomorrow is the day." He kissed her head and watched the movie. As he laid there he couldn't help but think of what it would be like to be in bed together with her pregnant. Honestly, he couldn't wait for it to happen. He also couldn't wait for their wedding. It would be rather epic.
They did find their cabin the second day. It had plenty of rooms for their family and the Big windows that over looked a beautiful view of the trees and mountains and the big backyard with pool and hot tub. It was perfect and even Owen liked it. They would have to get some gates to keep him from climbing up and down the stairs but other than that it was move in ready.

They had some paperwork to read over and sign but it would be worth it. Adri was already mental decoration for Christmas. She had pictures over all of the rooms. All she needed to do was find a decorator to make her dreams come to life.

The ride home was a bit of a pain. Owen didn’t want to be cooped up in a car for hours. So they had to take frequent breaks to let him run around and tore out and sleep for a little while. Even his Paw Patrol Show didn’t work in keeping him calm. When they finally got home the sun was starting to go down.

“I can’t wait to get in the house!” She told him. When they got home Adri grabbed the garage door opener and opened the third garage door on ‘accident’ and there was his all black truck with a big red bow on it.
Jake was glad Adri found her cabin. He liked it too and it had room for horses and animals if they ever decided to get any. Jake always wanted a horse but he knew it would be hard to give it the time and attention it would need. Honestly though he was excited to see how she decorated the place for Christmas.

He was getting on edge with Owen getting fussy. Everyone was ready to just be home. He couldn't blame the boy though, it was a long ride. Max was a trooper though.

"I can't wait to sleep in our own bed. Plus I like my spot in my chair and couch." He smiled at her. When she opened the garage, he looked at the truck but looked super confused. "What is this?" He looked at her. "Adge? Why is a truck just like dad's in our garage?"
“Yeah that will be nice. Maybe we can all sleep in the bed. Rich is bringing the girls home in like an hour.” She smiled at Jake. “My girls. I can see my Bam and Rocky.” She couldn’t wait. She rolled her eyes, “You loved visiting Denver and you know it! You didn’t mind giving up your spot.” She poked his cheek and looked back at Owen.

“Really?” She asked laughing. “Park the truck. Go look at it.” She told him and pushed him out of the truck to go look at it. She got Owen out of the truck and he followed Jake. Max jumped out and Adri got her camera out.

“What do you think?” She asked him. “I liked the all black so I bought it...” She grabbed the keys off the wheel and dangled them. “For you.” She smiled. “You like?”
"What about my girls? They are mine too." He told her and stuck his tongue out at her. When she poked him he tried to bite her finger.

Jake parked and got out. He looked the truck over, opening the door and looking inside. "Dang this is nice. Really nice."

"I think you are crazy Adriana. When did you do this?" He got in behind the wheel. He grabbed the keys. "I love it baby. Thank you." He kissed her softly. "You are the best fiance ever!" He kissed her again. "I need seat covers and floor mats." He chuckled
“My girls. You have boys. I have girls.” She smiled but it was probably reversed. The girls loved Jake and the boys loved Adri. She was just happy to have her family together again.

She laughed, “I am crazy. For buying a car out of state and getting it delivered to the house.” She shook her head, “When I went to lunch with your dad. He helped me with the model and everything. I am glad you like it.” She gave him a kiss and another soon after.

“You’re going to have to do all black. Keep with the theme I have going.” She smiled. “Am I going to be surprised with my 3 Birken bags inside?” She asked totally joking.

“We are glad you like it. You can take it for a ride if you want. I am going to get the monster changed and give him something to eat. Maybe that will help his attitude.”
He shook his head. "I don't think so. You'll be angry cause we will get the girls home and who will they be cuddling with? Me." He chuckled. "Especially Bam."

Jake had a huge smile on his face. "You're my crazy though." He kissed her again. "You and my dad?! You both kept this from me." He shook his head. "Well you did good babe. Good job on the make and color. And it's four door so I can take the munchkin for rides." He tickled Owen.

"I can stick with the theme. Baby don't be upset...but no...I wasn't that good. I give you lots of credit though."

He smiled. "You sure? Why don't you call Rich. I'll just get the girls. That way he can check it out too." He wiggled his eyebrows. He had to show it off to his friend.
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