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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 3) WF+GF

"I don't know actually. We are kind of hitti the deadline to find a cabin and drove home before I have to go to work. I would hate to leave Jake alone for that long of a drive. We will see." She smiled.

"You're right. He is but he isn't that good yet. Just wait until we get him in swimming lessons. Then we will see how well he does in water." She smirked.

"Swimming lessons? He can barely walk!" Eileen protested.

"Right now the instructor would focus on him flipping to his back. We have a cover for the pool but if there is ever a time it is open and we aren't paying attention, I would like to know that he won't panic in the water. Panicking can lead to drowning." Adri explained.

She got an idea that would be super cute, "We can paint his butt orange like a pumpkin and do a photoshoot at the pumpkin patch." She smiled and then laughed. "He has the cutest little butt. It will be adorable."

She gave a look, "You will want the biggest pumpkin. Owen wants a tiny pumpkin that we can put his handprint on. Isn't that right buddy?"
"Mom you'll just have to come out to Vegas sooner than later and you two can go out shopping. You can still my sister and us men can have a guys day."

Eileen liked that idea of them doing something in Vegas. "I wouldn't mind just going with Adri though." She smiled at Adri. "That is a good thing if he can learn how to flip over. Good idea." She felt comfortable that Adri knew what was best for her grandson.

"No babe. No butt photos in the patch. The poor kid was doomed from birth. His mother has an obsession with his butt like she does his daddy's butt. Poor kid." He stuck his tongue out at her.

He got up to help his mom clear the table. He grabbed a wash cloth and cleaned Owen's face. He kissed his head after cause Owen fussed slightly.

"How soon did you want to head out baby?" He asked Adri.
She pouted, “But it would be so cute! You have to admit. His little butt painted like a pumpkin would be the cutest thing.” Eileen agreed with her. That was all Adri needed. “He has a cute butt. I should be able to show it off if I want too.” She told him.

“Now who is teaching him bad habits?” She laughed and bumped Jake playfully.

“We have to get him bathed before bedtime now. We should probably head out soon.” She said softly.
Jake shook his head. "Babe, our son is going to grow up and not want millions of butt photos all over the internet. He's going to want to get a girlfriend and not have to worry about mom or grandma pulling out the butt photos."

"He learned from you babe." He winked at her.

He let Owen down. "Go find papa John." She ran after John who was heading to the living room. He did have to admit watching him run with his little butt was cute.

They stayed about a half hour longer before they gathered everything up and said goodbyes to head back to the cabin. Owen gave hugs and kisses before getting loaded up.

On the drive back to the cabin, Jake held Adri's hand. "Should we just head out on our adventure before going inside?" He asked her about their walk.
She pouted. “I’m doing it. When you aren’t home. And you won’t even know.” She told him. “It’s going to be my new screensaver.” Right now her screen saver was Jake kicking Bisping in the face but Owen’s tush could top that.

“Yes. Definitely.” She said to walking before going inside. Owen could walk and get even more dirty and then he would be in the bath and they could settle him down.

“He might get too tired to fight a bath.” She smiled. She set Owen down on the floor and let him walk. Max walked next to Owen, following him dutifully. Owen found a little stick and waved it around.

Adri wrapped an arm around Jake’s waist and watched Owen. She was ready to grab him if she had too but he couldn’t walk or run that fast so he was fine being a few paces ahead.
He chuckled. "I'm trying Owen. I'll tell you when you're older how much daddy argued with mommy about no butt photos." He grinned at her and kissed her cheek.

"If we could only get so lucky." He smiled and watched Owen. He wanted to take the stick from him but let him go. "He's gonna wack one of us with that...just wait..."

He wrapped his arm around Adri. He kissed her head and watched their boys run and play. Max was in heaven but didn't let Owen get too far. "I love you..." He said softly.

"We should catch him and take a picture with mountains behind us. We could get a cute family photo. Put that on your phone." He smiled. On his phone was a picture of him and Adri kissing after he beat Bisping at the after party.
She rolled her eyes, “You’re going to want the picture too. It’s going to be that cute. The problem will be getting him to sit still for me. And not pee on anything.”

She laughed, “He’s not going to whack us with his stick. He just wants to carry it around.”

“I love you more.” She smiled. “Owen. Come here buddy.” She held her hands out for him. “Come here.” He came running and gave Adri a hug when he got to her. She picked him up and put him on the hip between her and Jake.

After they got the pictures she gave Owen a kiss and let him run off again.
He laughed. "Good luck with both of those. I want to see anyone trying to keep my son still. But if you let out him outside and decorate the area for fall so if he pees he is outside."

"Just wait until he whacks one of us behind the knee. And if it's me, I'm coming after you." He warned Adri.

Jake thanked her for getting a photo. They turned out amazing and he'd post it online later and put it on his phone. "By the way it's impossible to love me more." His arm went around her again. Max tried to get the stick from Owen and Owen just pulled it away but thought it was funny and then threw it for Max to grab it.

"Our boy is rather smart. It will be nice to find a place like this that he can run and play with Max and we don't really have to worry about him getting hurt more than any boy gets hurt." He rubbed her side. "Think we will find a place tomorrow?"
“It’s a small stick. I think you can handle being whacked in the knee with it.” She laughed.

“It is possible because I do love you more.” She smiled and gave him a kiss. Max brought the stick back to Owen and Owen took it and started to walk again. “His hands are going to be dirty. We should have brought baby wipes.” She said softly.

“I hope so.” She told him. “I want to find the perfect cabin that everyone will fit in and love.” She sighed. She slid her hand into his back pocket and gave his butt a squeeze. “It would be cool if we could have a pool and a huge backyard. We won’t use it not but if we came back in the summer it would be nice to have.”
Jake just looked at Adri and blinked. "That knee brings home the bacon for the family. If your son takes out my knee I don't fight. That means no bacon. And your boys like bacon."

"No you don't. And I can and will prove it. But you have to wait till like December..." He smiled. "Baby...he's a boy. He's supposed to have dirty hands. His whole body is supposed to be dirty. Don't make him out to be a germophobe."

"Baby...I know you want everyone happy but this is for you too. I want you to have your dream place." He kissed her cheek. "Baby a yard could be used at Christmas. We could build a snowman. And have a snowball fight. And oh my word! I have brothers to build a snow fort! Hell yes! We are building a snow fort. The best you've ever seen. I want to call them all now! Baby tell them to bring gloves and boots and snow suits." He was like a little kid on a snowday before the snow even fell."

After a bit there was a grasshopper on the trail and Owen pointed to it and said, "Buh Buh." Jake smiled, "Is it a bug?" He let go of Adri to go look at the bug. "It's a grasshopper." He caught it and showed Owen. Jake looked at Adri, "Baby I think you totally have a country boy here....climbing trees, catching bugs, he's a country boy for sure."
“We both bring home bacon for the family. If your knee is that fragile you can just lay in bed all day.” She smiled. “I’ll bring home the bacon.”

She smiled, “a you just wait. I love you more. You’ll see.” She couldn’t wait to get him home so he could see his new truck. She really hoped he liked it. “I don’t want him to be a germaphobe but I like it when I can pick him and not worry about him being dirty.”

She laughed, “Snow suits? Really? Why don’t we get everyone gloves and hats and scarves? We can put them on the bed with the pajamas. As a little welcome package and then we can build a fort and have a snowball fight and all of that fun stuff.” She smiled. “That would be cool.” She agreed.

“Don’t touch...” She said but it was too late. Have had the bug in his hands and he was showing Owen. “Now you’re both dirty.” She grumbled. She pulled her phone out and took a picture of Jake and Owen. It was cute but gross. This was why she needed girls. She rolled her eyes at Jake. “He is growing up in a city though, you never know. He could be a city kid.”
"It's not that fragile but our son is strong like his old man." He stuck his tongue out at her. "Yeah but you know how I get when I'm hurt. And by the way you're just as bad if not worse..."

He shook his head. "Nope. Impossible." He kissed her cheek. Jake had an idea that he knew she'd love but may have to step it up once he saw the truck. "I can understand that. I'll pick him up so you don't have to worry about it."

"Babe it's going to be cold. Fine we can get those for them. But I seriously want to build a fort. I know if they don't come prepared for that they will be big wimps and go inside cause it's 'too cold.'" He smiled.

Owen pointed to the grasshopper in Jake's hand. "Buh! Mum buh!" He laughed.

Jake smiled. "Do you want to hold it buddy?" Owen reached for it. "No no buddy. Hold your hand out." Jake showed him how. "Keep it like that." He put it in his open hand and it jumped off his hand after awhile and Owen just squealed and laughed. Jake laughed and kissed his head. Owen chased it down the trail trying to catch it but it hopped away as he tried.
“I don’t think anyone has snow suits babe. No one loves where it’s cold. I will tell them to get some decent jacket. Maybe you can send me a few that are really good. Or we can buy them one from LL Bean and then they won’t be able to complain.” She smiled.

“I would love to see you call them wimps to their face though. If that happens and it’s too cold. My mom is used to cold weather. She loves it but my dad might be the one to stay in with Owen when Owen gets too cold.” She told him.

“Yeah. Daddy is touching a bug.” Adri smiled. “Bug hands.” Adri teased and kept her distance so he couldn’t touch her. “You have cooties now. You gave cooties to our son.”
"Baby...that's where I was going to suggest they get some. We can get them nice one's from there. They will use them every Christmas." He smiled proudly. "Are you proud I was going to tell you the same place you said about something somewhat fashion related?" He smiled a cheesy smile.

Jake shrugged. "I'll call them wimps. Your mom and I will build a kick butt fort without them. And since they quit and were babies about the cold they won't be allowed in it..." He said with attitude, joking, like a kid building a fort would do to his friends.

He held his hand out. "What? Bug hands?" He held it out towards Adri and chased after her. "Baby I want to hold your hand. Come hold my hand. Please?" He chuckled.
She rolled her eyes and nodded her head, “Yeah, Yeah. I am somewhat proud of you.” She teased. “Honestly it’s you who should be proud of me. I don’t know anything outdoorsy but I know to go to LL Bean to get a coat. That’s your territory Boo.”

She shook her head at him, “Thats one way to get a snow fort crushed while you are in it. And don’t think they won’t. I made a fort out of pillows and they always destroyed. I couldn’t wait until they left the house!”

She didn’t run but she did walk faster to get away from him. “Don’t! With your nasty hands. You’re nasty!”
He rolled his eyes back at her. "Yeah, yeah. I'm somewhat proud of you Q." He chuckled and stuck his tongue out at her.

Jake gave her a blank look. "Then that's one way to get their butt kicked if they crush my fort. So not cool." He smiled. "Yeah but you smell weird so I'd crush your pillow fort too." He teased.

"But baby!" He laughed but stopped and just walked by her. The grasshopper hopped off the trail and Owen tried to go after it. "No no buddy. Stay on the trail." Jake jogged to grab him. "Buh. Buh!" He pointed. "Yeah buddy I know. But the bug had to go home to his family. Say bye bug." Jake waved and Owen waved and said bye to the bug.

Jake tickled Owen and set him down but Owen grabbed his hand and walked with him. He was starting to get tired, Jake could tell. His little legs went pretty far. After a little farther he started to tell Jake, "Up." Jake picked him up. Owen started pointing at different things and pointing them out before he got tired and laid his head on Jake's shoulder, Jake's cue to starting heading back.
She laughed, "If they can't join you, they will crush it." She told him but if he wanted to find outh E hard way then he could.

"You see. Now everytime he sees a bug he will want to follow it." She told Jake. "Not a good idea." Even she waved to the bug and caught up with her boys. She smiled at their working plan but wondered if they should chance a bath tonight. He was getting better with water but he got grumpy when he was tired and she didn't want him to work himself up.

"I'll wipe him down with baby wipes. We can give him a bath tomorrow morning." She rubbed Owens back and smiled st Jake. "You two are really cute together. On the verge of too cute. Disgustingly cute even."
"It's probably a good thing I didn't have brothers or I would have starting fighting a lot earlier in life." He smiled. "Brothers sound like jerks."

Jake shook his head. "He will be fine. We don't have the same bugs in Vegas. It will be fine." He waved her off. Jake rubbed Owen's back.

He looked at her. "Babe it's okay. Him and I will jump in. No worries. I was going to see if you wanted to make it a family thing and just relax in the tub. Maybe it would warm up to you giving him a bath if you get in with him. But didn't know it would be too weird. Either way I'm okay with giving him a bath."
She nodded her head, “Yeah. Brothers are the worst.” She agreed and smiled at him.

She sighed about Owen chasing bugs. “You day that until he brings a centipede or something into the house. And if that day comes I am going to get you.” She warned him.

“That’s a good way to piss him off.” She laughed. “He will be asleep by the time we get back to the cabin. He isn’t going to want to take a bath. I can wipe him down tonight. You two can have a relaxing bath tomorrow. Without me.” She told him and rubbed his back. “It’s uo to you though. If you want to get him angry tonight then that’s on you. I will be there to make him feel better.”
"Sisters can be the worst too. They are nosey and gossipy. Amy always had to know who I was hanging out with. She had to come with me everywhere too. Especially in the summer, I had a tag a long." He shook his head but loved her to death.

He chuckled. "Babe he's a boy he's going to want to catch bugs. We need to buy him one of those little toy cages so he can just put them in there and come show mom what he caught."

Jake rubbed his back. "Not if we keep him awake. Then it will help him sleep tonight. When we get home he will get a second wind. Just talk to him to keep him awake." He looked at him. "O where's Max?" Owen sat up and looked and pointed to Max. "That's right."
“Not all boys do that. I didn’t want my boy to do that.” She grumbled. “And he better not bring any bugs into my house. That’s gross. And the last thing I need.”

Adri shook her head but let Jake try to keep him up. “Can you point to a tree buddy?” She asked and he turned his head to look at her. “Find a tree.” She pointed to a big tree and he pointed at it too then he held his arms out for Adri. She took him from Jake and kissed the top of his head.

“Don’t fall asleep. Daddy wants to be mean and give you a bath.” She told him. “He’s a mean daddy huh?” She tickled his neck and got him laughing. “Want to walk with Max?” She asked and set him on the ground. He walked for a little bit before coming back and she picked him up again.
Jake shook his head. "You have no idea the things he will bring in the house. Frogs. Lizards. Bugs. Turtles. Stray animals." He smiled. "No wonder you want girls."

He nudged her with his hop. "I am not mean. He will sleep better after a bath." He nudged her again.

" We are almost back buddy. Do you want nakey time after your bath? Wanna run around free?" Owen loved running around naked. It was always short with the worry of him peeing. "You gotta get a bath first. And try to potty. Okay?" He nodded. "Thats how you get him in the bath..."
“He’s going to sleep well regardless. You’re mean.” She smiled and bumped him back.

She rolled her eyes, “He can barely understand what you are saying so I doubt that is how you get him in the bath.” She laughed.

“Do you want to walk again?” She asked Owen and set him on the ground. She could feel him falling asleep on her shoulder. “Get Max, Baby. Where’s Max?” She asked him and he walked to Max. “Go home Max.” She told Max and he started to walk to the cabin with Owen slowly following.

Owen, of course, gave up and came back with his arms up. When Adri didn’t immediately pick him up he started to whine and then he pouted and cried with no tears. “Fake cry.” She said as she picked him up. “You faker.” She smiled and tickled his neck. “I see you smiling you faker.”
"I'm not mean. He will feel better being clean. Trust me I sleep better after a nice shower. Would you want me crawling in bed after a work out? No." He shook his head but smiled.

Jake rolled his eyes. "He knows what it means. Trust me. He will get dried off and want to take off streaking through the cabin."

Max was smart and such a great dog, Jake was really grateful that they picked him. Well Adri picked him. "You picked a good dog for our son Adge..." He gave her a wink and wrapped his arm around her.

Owen smiled and hid his face in her chest. "You're just like your mommy faking to get your way. You must have learned from her." He gave his head a kiss. "Want to race daddy to the cabin? We only have a little ways left. Think you can beat me?" Owen nodded and squirmed to get down. "You're on little man. Winner gets kisses from Mommy." Jake looked at Adri.
She nodded her head, “Whatever you say Boo. I will be there to make him feel better. He might not even need a bottle tonight.” She smiled. She wanted him off bottles soon. Maybe get him started on sippy cups too. Potty training could start now but would probably have to wait a few months until Owen understood more words.

“I did. I knew he was special when I saw him. My big headed puppy son.” She smiled. “I don’t know if Max knows how much he is loved. He needs a good groom though. Maybe treat him to a bully stick and a new toy.”

Adri set Owen down and he ran off without much of a start. He knew race meant he could run so that’s what he did. “Be prepared to catch him. That’s uneven ground.” She told Jake. Adri and Max walked at a leisurely pace back to the cabin. They caught up with them a few minutes later.

Adri smiled and rubbed Owen’s cheek. “So who won? Tell the truth. Winner and the loser get kisses.” She said and gave Owen a kiss first and then gave Jake a kiss.
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