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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 3) WF+GF

"Honestly I'll eat anything you put in front of me. Just don't get offended if I don't clean my plate." She laughed. "What do you want Jake?" Adri asked him.

"Because I don't want to give him up again." She said simply. "He'll be fine. If he doesn't stay in the stroller then we will carry him." She told Jake. "And sure your parents want to do something without O." She added.

"I don't want to deal with construction. You said we could look some more and I said if I don't find something I like then we get cabin 3. I need to make sure. It's a big investment. I want it done right."
He thought about it. "Do not judge me for this but I loved this as a kid and I know Owen scarf it down. I want tator got casserole." He smiled proudly.

"Okay. I was just asking." He kissed her head. "You miss him huh?" Jake thought it was cute she missed her son. Some mother's would jump at a break from their children. And they had a few of them so they probably should keep him.

"We don't have anything planned. We don't mind but if you want to keep him, I understand." Eileen added and got up to head to the store. "Anything else we need?" Jake shook his head.

Jake put Adri in a hold by wrapping his legs around her then his arms. "I should do this when we fight so you can't get away from me. Which has been awhile..." He knocked on wood. "I don't think the outside area would be as bad as you think but I can respect wanting to do it right. That's a very mature thing to say." He looked at Owen. "Buddy come tickle mommy while daddy has her in a hold." Jake attacked her cheek with kisses before licking it to be a goofball.
“Tater tot casserole it is then.” She smiled. It sounded like it was full of carbs but that’s what he wanted and she wouldn’t complain. She smiled at him and nodded her head. “Whatever you want Boo.” She gave him a kiss and rubbed his leg.

“Did you want to fight?” She asked and then laughed when he knocked on wood. She tried to wiggle out of his hold and glared at him.

“Why am I in a hold? I am very mature. Thank you very much. You not so much!” She kept trying to wiggle out and frowned. “Owen come help mommy. Beat daddy up! Come on.” She called him over and then she really tried to wiggle out of his grasp when he licked her.

“You are so done when I get out of this thing. You’re disgusting. I hope that tasted like make up.”
"I think Owen will love it. Amy and I always had multiple helpings. It's just tator tots, hamburger, veggies and cheese."

"What kind of veggies Jake?"

"Mixed is good. I can help you cut some up if you want. Get fresh not canned. I can chip in for them." Eileen waved him off and kissed Owen bye before leaving.

He shook his head to wanting to fight. "I like fighting in a cage not with my baby. Except you are cute mad. Just not mad at me."

Owen came over to Adri but was confused on who to help so he just smiled at them before running back to Max. "He is Switzerland. Neutral party."

Jake laughed but knew she'd pay him back. "But Q I love you. I love you so much. But it did taste a bit gross." He chuckled. "You need to promise to be nice if I let you out. I can eat like this..."
“No Owen. Come back and help Mommy.” She looked at Jake. “He’s o. My side. He just realizes you’re a million times bigger than him and he’s didstracyibg you with cuteness.” She reasoned.

“I will pinch you.” She threatened. “Right on the thigh. Do you want to get pinched?” She asked trying not to laugh.

“I’ll be nice for now. I will get you back though. You know it’s coming. I don’t know how yet but you just wait and see. And it’s gking to be good.” She smiled evilly and loooked at him again. “Let me go or I’ll get Max on you.”
Jake laughed. "I'll let you believe that. Let's both be honest to each other and say it's because Paw Patrol is on." He laughed.

"Ooo. No. Please no. Don't pinch me. That's the worst." He said all dramatically.

He laughed. "That's fine. I have a fight coming up so it will be extra training." He kissed her neck by her ear. "I want you." He whispered into her ear and grinned before loosening his grip. "Dad didn't even yell at me..." John was engrossed into Paw Patrol with Owen. Jake laughed at the sight.
She rolled her eyes. “Fine. It’s because his stupid show is on. Happy?” She stuck her tongue out at him.

She pinched his thigh but since he was all muscle she couldn’t eat a good grip on him so the best she could really do was scratch him. “I don’t like you.” She said softly. “You’re a pain in my butt.” She added.

“I know! I have no loyalty. I have no friends. You know what I’ll just tell my brothers and let them deal with you. How would you like that? Five against 1.” She smiled.

She pushed his legs off and moved away from him on the couch. “You butt.” She said softly.
He laughed. "You're so cute when you pout. But no. I'm not happy we got replaced by a bunch of rescue dogs. It's bad enough we lost out to Max."

"Ow. You can't pinch rock hard muscles like these." The only thing she could probably pinch was his butt and he wasn't suggesting it. "But you love my butt." He smiled proudly.

"Ooo that could be good training too. Yeah, let's do that." He nodded eagerly. He chuckled at her frustration it was adorable.

He smiled at her. "Love you Adge." He motioned upstairs with his eyes before wiggling them and smiling at her.
“Barely.” She grumbled about loving his butt.

She grabbed her phone and sent it to the group text which included her parents and Jake, “five against 1. Jake thinks he can take you all at the same time. Prove him wrong.” She smiled at Jake. “Watch you’re going to come crying to me to make you feel better.” She told him. “I’ll just throw you in an ice bath.”

She rolled her eyes when he told her he loved her. “Yeah, Yeah. Tell that to my wet cheek.” She followed his eyes to the stairs and shook her head. “I’m going to go pack his things.” She told John but he was completely distracted with the show.

She let him be and went upstairs to get Owen bag packed.
He gave her a look. "Oh okay. Next time you tell me to wear something tight and short, I'm telling you no." He stuck his tongue out at her.

He got the text. "Adriana. That's not what I said. I said it would be good training." He replied that very thing to them. "You're a punk. You fight dirty." He chuckled.

He kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry. I love you."

After a few minutes Jake went upstairs. "Was that code for me to follow or really a 'no?'" He asked as his arms wrapped around her from behind as he kissed her neck and shoulder.
“Then I really will fall out of love with you.” She warned.

She rolled her eyes and scoffed when she got his text. “Boo. Hiss.” She heckled. “I don’t fight dirty. I’m by fighting you at all. They are. I am just watching from the corner.” She smiled.

“You better love me.” She told him. She gave him a kiss and rubbed his thigh.

“It was not code to follow. We are in your parents home! Your childhood home. You’re naughty. We would never get away with it at my house. We won’t get away with it here.” She told him.
He gave her a look. "Don't even joke about that..." He said quietly.

"You just have them do your dirty work." He shook his head. "Not should fight your own fights. I know you can. I'll ask Bisping." He grinned.

Jake kissed her softly. "I do love you. Very much." He kissed her again.

"Are you sure we couldn't? The boy is involved with Paw Patrol and my dad is too. And two words...bucket list. We could scratch off a place and then visit your mom and dad's and scratch that off too." He grinned and nipped at her neck.
“For some reason I don’t think Bisping would appreciate talking to you.” She laughed. “I can’t temember why. Something about a flying kicking to the face.” She smiled.

“I love you too.” She smiled.

“Yeah but we have to be quick and quiet and my parents would never go for it. We would never scratch that off the bucket list and I am pretty sure that is NOT on the list.” She told him. She laughed when he nipped her neck.

“”I am trying to pack!” She bumped his hip. She turned to face him and rolled her eyes. “You better be quick. I swear. If we get caught it’s all your fault.”
Jake shrugged. "I warned him. I told him I'd kick his butt. He didn't believe me. He should have known that my future wife can punch so I have to be able to kick some butt." He smiled.

He gave her a smile.

"We wouldn't bring it up to your parents. It's not like we ask for permission." He grinned. "We should put it on the list. I didn't know we had places off limits for the list. We may want to discuss that."

He nodded. "I see you're trying to pack baby. But I'm coming onto you..." He chuckled and looked in her eyes. "Act like you don't want to do this too." He kissed her slow and deeply before stepping back long enough to lock the door before stepping back to undo her pants. "This is where I'm kicking myself for not picking a dress for you. Then I could have just lifted it up and bent you over the bed."
“We obviously don’t ask permission. But they won’t let us disappear together for a long period of time. They will want one of us to come downstairs.” She smiled and shook her head. “We are not putting my parents place on the list. That’s the entire discussion. It’s not happening.” She laughed.

“You’re horrible.” She said softly and kissed him back. “And next time I am sure you will pick a dress for that very reason.” She pulled him back to her and kissed him again, undoing his pants in the process.

She pushed her pants down and turned around. They would have to be quiet and fast. And hope Owen didn’t notice they were missing. And that John didn’t come looking them. It was a scary thought to be caught but she had to admit it was kind of fun.
Jake just kept grinning. "It's going to happen. We will find a time. Don't worry. We could sneak over when they are out of town." He grinned at his idea and how clever it was.

"You're not entirely wrong. I probably will go with a dress. It at least has to be something easy to take off." He kissed her back softly.

He bent her over the bed. The thought of getting caught was kinda hot. He wasn't gonna lie. His dad could handle Owen and he wouldn't go looking for him. His mother was different. It was a good thing she was gone. He rubbed himself a few times to get hard before he slid into her from behind with a moan.
She moaned softly when he slid into her and started to push back against him. She didn’t want to be quick. She liked enjoying her time with him but this was just as fun. They could try it here but they weren’t trying it at her parent’s house.

She tried to be productive about it and pack while they did it but that was near impossible. She gave up and focused on Jake and what he was doing to her body.

She had to keep telling herself not to moan or at least not be too loud. She grabbed the sheets on the bed and squeezed them. She would have to bury her face in a pillow when she came.
Jake wasn't normally the quickie kind of guy. He liked taking his time to please his woman but he understood this was different circumstances.

His hands held onto her hips as he moved into her. He had to nip at her neck and shoulder to stay quiet.

It was nice they could be adventurous together. He nipped her ear. "You feel so good..." He whispered into her ear with a moan.
"No marks!" She said when he bit her. It's not like anyone would see it int he outfit she was wear but she wouldn't be able to contain herself if he kept biting her. He liked scratching she liked biting. They were perfect for each other.

She smiled when he whispered in her ear. He was doing everything to get her to come very quickly.

"God I love you." She moaned and moved her hips back faster. She could feel her orgasm building. She had to admit this was really fun.
Jake grinned and bit her neck again. He liked making her her squirm in pleasure. He always made sure not to mark her unless he could in hidden areas.

He gave her ass a bit of a smack before he moved faster and a bit harder into her.

His own orgasm could be felt building up. "I want a day full of fucking you..." He whispered in her ear. It was important to keep their sex life fun and fresh. Plus it was one thing they kept private.

"I'm close." He whispered into her ear before nipping it.
She was gone when he told her she was close. She bit her finger and felt her orgasm rush over her body. She closed her eyes and grabbed his hand. She held it and tipped her back. She puckered her lips for a kiss and when he was finished she pulled her pants back up.

“I love you.” She gave him a kiss and a hug. She felt her neck for his light love bites. She pulled her shirt over and looked at the little red marks.

“Vampire.” She joked and gave him another. “We need to go somewhere far away and secluded for our anniversary. Where phones don’t work.” She smiled.
He squeezed her hand and felt her clench around him. Feeling her, made him hit his orgasm as well. He was glad she tilted back for a kiss. He wanted to moan so badly but her kiss kept it from happening. He nipped her bottom lip as a muffled moan escaped just slightly.

After they finished he pulled his pants up as well and kissed her back. "I love you. Did you really think you were going to pack during that?" Jake gave her a big hug. He looked at the marks. "They will go away. They just cause I was just biting it..."

He laughed and shrugged. "I had to stay quiet somehow and you love it and you know it." When she said they needed to go somewhere secluded for their anniversary Jake just smiled. "That's one of the sexiest things you've ever said to me. I will make it happen. I'm on it. I'll surprise you. A nice weekend get away just us. No work. No phones....well we may need phones for Owen but other than that no phones."
She laughed, “I was going to try. Didn’t work out very well.” She smiled. “I got distracted.” She put her hands on his hips and gave him another kiss. “I love you.”

She rolled her eyes at him having to stay quiet. “We both did.” She told him. “Admit it. It’s payback for scratching you yesterday.” She gave his butt a squeeze and started to pack Owen’s clothes.

“Yes. Phones for Owen but no phones. Just you and me in a beach side hut. No paparazzi. Nothing. Sex on the beach! Skinny dipping.” She smiled even bigger. “Fresh fruit. Mixed drinks. It will be so nice babe.” She sighed. “Any ideas on where we are going? Will I get a hint?” She asked. “Or are you packing my suitcase?”
Jake chuckled. "How can you even attempt to multi-task. It's a little insulting..." He teased. "I'm glad you got distracted." He kissed her again. "I love you baby."

"I wasn't trying to pay you back..." He bumped her hip. "Why does one boy have so much crap to pack...oh wait...Adriana is his mother. Nevermind." He smiled at her.

He smiled and shook his head. "You want beachy huh? No promises it's going to be beachy." He thought about it. "I don't know if I am trusted to pack your whole suitcase. I may give you a hint of what to pack but that's it. I may prepare you for a good Denver winter. Or a hot summer in the sand. Or windy city fun. You never know." He shrugged.
“Hush. My boy is stylish. All of our kids will be stylish. And they will probably each require their own suitcase. You better get used to it now. When I have my girls just imagine how much they will need packed.” She smiled at the thought. “So cute. Already.”

She rolled her eyes when he refused to tell her where they could go and teased her with possible locations. “For the record, we are always in hot summer sand.” She reminded. “That’s not much of a vacation.”

Once Owen was packed she let Jake take the suitcase Dow stakes. Around the same time his mother came home from the store with the groceries and started to make dinner. “How was your talk with your mom?” She asked very softly so only he could hear.
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