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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 3) WF+GF

She rolled her eyes, “What were his first words? Mama. Me. His favorite. Yeah. He has a favorite, male bond or not. He will be a heartbreaking devil.” She smiled. “And I will love him with all of my heart.”

She smirked, “My butt.” She corrected happily. She shook her head, “That’s not how it works.” She laughed. “But you can try it that way.” She told him. “I wouldn’t mind seeing more of it.” She giggled.

“I’m sorry.” She looked at his back and saw the damage she did. He had a couple deep scratches and some red marks that would fade. “Soap is going to be a killer.” She told him.

“But I do think it’s funny that that got a reaction out of you and you have literally had your elbow broken and didn’t realize it until what one or two days later. Your pain meters are way off Boo.” She finished soaping up and rinsed her face and body off.

“I’m up!”
He sighed. "You're going to throw that in my face the rest of my life aren't you?" He shook his head. "You're a punk for that. And don't you want him to be a heartbreaking devil so he doesn't get his heart broken?"

"How is it not how it works?" He asked her before pushing his ass out towards her like a very flamboyant guy.

He shook his head. "Don't be sorry. It's fine." Jake shook his head. "Not the same when it's an open wound and you pour scolding hot water on it." He rolled his eyes. "I have a high pain tolerance thank you."

Jake moved out of the way and grabbed the soap after he gave her butt a smack. "Are you prepared for buying a cabin today?"
She thought about it and nodded her head, “I guess. But not really. I’m only asking for him g be perfect. It’s not that hard. I’ll show him how to be the perfect gentleman. Everyone will love him.” She smiled.

“Ow! That’s not fun when I’m wet.” She told him. “And the water is not that hot. Thank you very much. Do you want me to kiss your booboos? Are you going to cry?” She teased and opened her arms out to him. “I’ll rub your back and everything. Just how Owen likes.”

She got out of the shower once the soap was off and nodded her head, “If it meets my standard I am ready to buy a cabin. Why am I going to wear?” She wrapped a towel around her body and went into the bedroom to look for something to wear.

“I have nothing to wear. Not one thing.” She told him and glanced at his suitcase. She did that yesterday though. She couldn’t twice in a row.
Jake rolled his eyes. "You want our son to be perfect. I believe you are setting yourself up for disappointment. But you believe what you want love." He smiled at her.

"Now you know how I feel." He told her and stuck his tongue out at her about her butt getting smacked. "It was..." He gave her a dirty look. "When have you seen me cry from any of my injuries? You've only saw me cry a handful of times." Jake shook his head rolling his eyes. "You're a punk."

Once Jake was done he got out and wrapped a towel around himself and just stood there looking at her. "Honestly Adri? You packed how much shit and you don't have a thing to wear? Seriously? You even shopped last night...." He shook his head. "You have a problem..." He went to bag and found jeans and a short sleeve shirt that a zip up hoodie could go over. "I'm not getting all done up for cabin shopping and the park."
“Oh shut up. I have nothing to wear.” She pouted and wat he’d him get dressed. “I didn’t even say anything about your outfit! So defensive.” She rolled her eyes. She laid back on the bed. “Why don’t you pick something out for me? Pretend to love me and do that for me? I do it for you all the time.” She told him.

She kicked her feet and got off the bed. She went into the bathroom and braided her hair and put all up into a high bun. She brushed her teeth and finished her face with a little bit of make up. She didnt put on too much since she would be going mini golfing with Jake’s dad.

“Sow what am I wearing?” She asked him and put lotion on her legs while he picked something out.
He shook his head. "Not defensive. Just sharing. I wanted to be comfortable." He looked at her confused. "Wait....pretend to love you? But I do love you." He rolled his eyes.

When she went into the bathroom he looked through her bags. She did pick his clothes all the time but she was better at it then he was. He laid it out and waited for her to exit the bathroom.

"If you don't like it. Be nice. I'm not a fashion guru." He raised an eyebrow for her approval.
Adri looked st the outfit and nodded her head approvingly. “Okay Boo. I might be rubbing off on you.” She smiled. “Am I getting underwear or do you want me to go commando?” She asked and dropped her towel.

She gave him a kiss and st least grabbed a bra so she could put her T-shirt on. If he gave her underwear she put those on with her jeans. She put her jacket on the same time put on her shoes and she had to sit on the bed to buckle the straps.

“Ready.” She looked at her phone for the time and nodded her head. “Want some breakfast?” She asked and left the bedroom to go to the kitchen. “Eggs? Fruit? What do you want Boo?”
He smiled proudly. "Thanks baby. Yeah seeing you everyday and your style helps." He kissed her cheek. "Hmmm underwear or not...hmmm...." He found her a nice sexy thong and gave it to her. "There ya go."

Jake kissed her back and watched her get dressed. "Is it weird I like watching you dress? And undress?" He shrugged. "It's hard to explain. You look sexy in a lot of things and with nothing. And you're mine. Did you know that's the best part of leaving a club or a bar. I get to leave with the sexiest girl in there." He kissed her softly.

"I am ready." He thought about it. "I could always eat. Eggs and fruit? Maybe just scrambled eggs? Thank you baby."
“I like it when you watch me get dressed...and undressed.” She smiled and put on the thong he picked out and then the jeans. “I like it.” She checked herself out and smiled at Jake.

“Scrambled eggs it is.” She told him and went to the kitchen to make her fiancé some breakfast. She cleaned some fruit and put that on a plate for herself. She put her head on his shoulder and ate a strawberry. “It’s so quiet without everyone here.” She said softly.

After breakfast she cleaned the dishes and checked her lipstick before they could leave. The realtor was calling them to see where they were she let him know they were coming and would be there soon. She sent John a text to see how Owen did last night and she sent Rich and his wife a text to see how the girls were doing.

“Our anniversary is coming up. Do you want to go somewhere or do anything for it?” She asked. “One year next month. I’m not sure which day though” she admitted.
He wiggled his eyebrows and kissed her softly. Jake really did think he was one of the luckiest guys on the planet. A lot of men would give anything to watch Adri dress or undress let alone date her, but he got to for the rest of his life.

Jake sat at the counter. "I know babe. You miss your baby boo?" He kissed her head.

He ate and they talked about a few things in entertainment in the news. Things that effected their work possibly or people they work with. He also checked in on the girls who were doing great with the Franklins.

"No. Not really. It's just another day." He teased and tried not to smile. "I actually really would love to go somewhere if we can. Do you have time to?" He asked. "And baby it's the 21st." Jake knew, he remembered that day well. "Where would we go? Let's go somewhere we haven't been before. Like Alaska!"
“I do.” She pouted. She missed her happy baby.

John sent her a text letting her know that Owen was fine and was still sleeping. Max was sleeping on the beside him. They had an easy night and he enjoyed the night with his grandparents. Adri told Jake and set her phone down. When he started looking over pop culture news, she picked up her phone and looked at her Snapchat and Instagram feed.

“We are still married. Ooh look, Honeymoon Rodeo. They got crazy with a bull.” She laughed. “Oh god. It sounds so wrong but you look really good on a bull.” She smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

“The 21st. I will make note of that.” She told him. “I will block that time off so we can get away.” She told him. “Alaska, huh?” She slowly nodded her head. “If that’s where you want to go. If we go on our anniversary we aren’t going for our honeymoon.” She told him.
"You'll see him soon and they he will do something and annoy you and you will hand him to me and tell me to take care of my son cause you need a break. So just think of that and you'll be fine." He chuckled.

Jake smiled. "What the fuck! Seriously? That kid is up early any other morning. He's with his grandparents and sleep in. Jerk." He shook his head.

He smiled, "Well I'd sure hope you haven't divorced me yet. We just got married a few days ago. Give me at least a week jeez." He joked with a chuckle. "You looked good on the bull too except you looked better on me." He said with a smile and kissed her softly.

"I want a place we haven't gone. Alaska doesn't have to be where we go." He thought about it. "We could just come to our cabin." He pulled ideas up on his phone. "There's plenty of places in Cali. Napa. Or we can start a thing where we pick a state and go to one of the most romantic places to go on a weekend getaway in each state. 50 states equal 50 anniversaries. Next year we will be married so we will get 49 years of marriage so 50 we can go back to the first place." He smiled proud that he came up with that awesome idea.
She smiled when he told her she looked good on the bull. She tossed her hair back dramatically, “Thanks Boo!” She laughed and patted his thigh. “I did look pretty damn good on you last night.” She agreed.

“I’m not going to Mississippi ever. So if we can call it 48 states with fifty anniversaries I will be forever grateful.” She told him. She heard horror stories of her parents going to Mississippi and getting dirty threatening looks because her mother was white and her father was black. She didn’t want to deal with it.

“Let’s start with Alaska. We can find a nice hotel. I mean the ice will be pretty but I am sure there is more than ice there. We can try skiing or dogsledding.” She told him. “That could be fun. I have to ask my parents to watch him. Or Luke and Amy.”
He chuckled at her dramatic hair toss. "Anytime baby." He nodded with a big grin on his face. "You look good on me all the time."

He was confused. "What? Why?" He had no idea her parents had a history there. If they went and Adri had issues he would probably get arrested. He was definitely protective of his girl and her family, his future family. Her family was amazing and he never looked at them or any for their race but the person that they were and her family had he biggest hearts he had ever seen.

Jake nodded. "Alright. I'm down. You want a hotel or a cabin? Maybe a ski lodge?" They could look into it. Maybe while he was driving home she could look up places on her phone for ideas. "Who would you rather watch him? Do you think your parents want time with him? I don't want to put him on them too much but I know your mom gets to be like you and misses him after a bit." He winked at her with a smile.
“I don’t think it’s safe for me to be out there. Mississippi is stuck way in the past. They have segregated schools still I have no intention of giving that state any money.” She shook her head, “Ask my dad about his experiences in Mississippi. Okay? He can tell the story better than I can.” She told him.

“I don’t know. I am going to have look and see what looks good for us. It will be our anniversary though. How often are we leaving the room?” She asked scratching the back of his head. “I can think of a lot of things we can do for free in our room.” She smiled and wiggled her eyebrows.

“Are you serious? You know mom would love to watch him. I don’t want him with a nanny that long though. We can always split the time. Amy and Luke first and then mom and dad can go pick him up. Unless your parents come down and want him. Oh gosh, maybe we should just let Owen pick?”
Jake looked at her and just shook his head. "People need to catch up...or they may catch my fist in their face. If it's not safe for you to be there then it isn't safe for anyone to be near me." He had no idea what happened but it pissed him off just thinking about what could have possibly happened.

He chuckled. "I'm fine with that." He chuckled a little at the eyebrows. "I so taught you that."

He rolled his eyes. "'re thinking too much about it. Let your parents take him or split it. Amy and Luke may want time alone before they have our nephew." He shrugged. "Either way he will be fine and he's not even one we aren't letting him decide."

"You ready?" He asked grabbing his keys and looking around feeling like he's forgetting something since he didn't have Owen or the dogs.
"Yeah well we aren't going to Mississippi." She told him.

She laughed at the eyebrow thing, "You probably did. You're rubbing off on me. Oh, maybe one day I'll be able to do a roundhouse kick and everyone screaming my name." She smiled. "Do you think I would get fired if I did that at the fashion show? Could imagine? Me in a rhinestone bra, some huge angel wings and going a huge spin kick. It would either be epic or my last show ever. Probably the latter."

She shrugged her shoulder, "we will ask them both and see how they feel. You're right though. Amy and Luke may want some one on one time right now. We have to give them that. Even though I'm getting a nephew and not a niece." She rolled her eyes.

She nodded her head and grabbed her sunglasses. "Let's go." With her purse over her shoulder she had Jake lock the door and got in the truck. She put the address in the GPS and let it do its thing while Jake drove.

"You can get me a Birken bag for our one year anniversary. And another for my birthday and the third for Christmas and boom. I have three. Aw Boo you're so sweet." She smiled at him." I'll design them and send them to you tonight. I love you."
He agreed. "I'm fine with that." Jake had her back. She was the most beautiful woman in the world and if she was worried about going somewhere and being safe, he wouldn't think twice about throwing that place out of the mix. Her safety and happiness was what he lived for.

Jake nodded. "Of course. Ohhh babe. That would be so freaking hot. I would jump you. You have to try it. You have to! I'll tape it." He chuckled and kissed her cheek. "Now I'm picturing you roundhouse kicking the shit out of someone." He laughed.

"I'm fine with asking them both and letting them decide. We could always just have Amy for a backup. If your mom and dad need a break or something. If something comes up." He shrugged, "It's just an idea."

Jake put his sunglasses on as well as he got into the truck. He held her hand as they drove. His thumb caressed her hand as he followed the GPS.

He let out a loud sigh. "I'm not buying you three bags babe. Nice try. I am getting a truck though. I really think we need to do that. It has to be four door though for car seats." Jake had a feeling since Adri mentioned she didn't mind getting pregnant that it would be not long after they got married. "I want to be able to be like...hmm I need to show up for this fight in style...what vehicle do I want to drive." He grinned.
She rolled her eyes when he said he wasn’t buying her three bags. “I’m getting three bags.” She said under her breath and smiled at him. She nodded her head, “Yes, Yes. Get the truck. It will be nice. And I can play these boots are made for walking on the outside speakers and wash it.” She smiled.

She laughed, “Yeah I don’t think your far off from that.” She told him. “We really do need a bigger garage.” She said softly. She wanted to build their perfect house. They needed to find land first. Their list of things to do was so long. She smiled at Jake.

Take it all back played on the radio and she turned it up and jammed out. She grabbed her phone and put on a funny filter and serenaded Jake. With it. When it was over she turned the volume down and smiled happily. “I love that song.”
Jake would probably give in and get her the bags. He was like that but it was fun to make her think she wasn't getting any of them. He rolled his eyes at her idea of washing the truck. "I mean I guess if it gets my truck clean, I'm down." He chuckled. "But you have to wear a bikini to do it."

"We do. Maybe after the wedding and everything we can start planning our forever home?" He suggested. They really did have a lot of ideas and a lot to do but the thing was they wanted to conquer all their dreams and they both had the drive and ambition that they won't stop until they do.

He smiled and made a few faces at the camera at times. "It is a good song." The next song that came on was a country song. He turned it up anyway, even though he knew Adri wasn't a fan. Jake sang along to Backroad Song. He got into it trying to Adri to "Sing along sing along to my backroad song." The song brought back memories of being in high school and driving around in the country. He was defiantly in his element.
She rolled her eyes when his country song came up but she played along and took a little video on snapchat and posted it. When they got the realtor's office, he was already outside ready to take them to the first cabin.

The second day went much smoother. The first cabin they looked at was stunning. She could see her Christmas in it but the idea of having to put a tree in front of that giant window and obstructing that view was a big no and there wasn't space for it anywhere else so she fell out of love rather quickly. The second house was okay. It wasn't bad but it wasn't the best she had seen. She wanted spectacular.

That's what she got with the third cabin. It had everything they wanted and it even had the perfect nook for her tree to go in. The more they walked through it the more she knew she loved it. She was a little wary about the balconies and Owen and the dog but they would always be carefully watched so it would be okay.

"What do you think?" She asked Jake. She didn't want to get too excited about it. He always saw the flaws long before she did.
Jake knew he had country music in his roots bit it wasn't for everyone. He liked she played along though. He absolutely enjoyed being goofy with her.

When they got to the realtor he got out and shook his hand. Jake really liked the yard and view of the first one. If he got to pick after the first he would have. The second wasn't too thrilling to him. The third was nice.

"Well it has a garage. Room for a game room. A big kitchen. I wish it had more outside but it at least has a hot tub and deck for BBQing. We can add play areas for the kids and a fire pit." He thought about it. "I wish I could take the view and outside area for the third one. What do you think?"
“I can’t tell if you like it or not. You clearly like the first one more. You were more excited about that one. The feature point of the living was the view and that’s where I would put the tree.” She told him.

“I like this one. The first one was nice but I like this one so we are going to have to talk about it.” She said softly. The first one was a nice cabin. She just really like the windows on this one. And she didn’t want to have to add things to it right now. The first cabin had everything they wanted and she wouldn’t have to touch it. She would just have to give up her big windows.

“So we found our cabin. We just have to talk about it a little bit more before we pick which one.” She told the realtor. But we will let you know by tomorrow morning so we can get the paperwork signed before we leave.”
He gave her a nod. "Baby I do like it. I understand that but we have to think about it as a renter's standpoint as well. What would other families want the rest of the year?"

Jake agreed to talk about it. Once they were in their truck he looked at her. Look...I like the yard. It's a great view inside and out. Outside they have room to have a fire or cook out. I like the game room. The third doesn't have much outside. But that just means we can build what we want on the third. How we want it. Part of what sold me is the first was very family themed. We will be renting to families like ours. We have to keep that in mind. We can add little play areas to the third. I would add an outdoor kitchen with grill and fridge. And a fire pit that could fit our entire family."

He looked at Adri and thought it over. "Let me build the outside area how I want we can get the third."
“I don’t want to have to do anything to the cabin. I want to buy the cabin and just get it ready for Christmas. Having to do extra stuff means coming down here more often and we won’t have time. You’re training for a fight you won’t have time.” She told him.

“From a renters stand point you’re right. We he the first one. I just really like the big windows from the last one.” She looked at him and shrugged her shoulder.

“The first one was nice. It had everything we wanted. I didn’t mind it. If you think that’s the one we should get then it is. It will better in the long run. Nothing will be perfect but that will be pretty nice on Christmas.”
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