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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 3) WF+GF

Jake laughed. "Well we can talk to him. It could be fun. It would be fun if you show him something, he tries to do it and then you show me just saying, 'No,' while I shake my head." He laughed.

He nodded as he listened. Jake understood she missed her freedom at times. "What do you want to do that you can't?" He asked and moved hair from her face. Jake didn't want her to resent him because he held her back from doing something she wanted to do.

The unzipping his pants did help. "Yes thank you. You'd think I ate too much or something but in reality I just have a lot packed in there." He grinned. "I have noticed. I like that you don't have what I have. Things feel a lot better for me that way." He chuckled and kissed her softly. "I love you Adriana."
She giggled and nodded her head. “Yeah. We should do that. It will be fun.” She smiled.

“Little things Boo.” She said softly. “I’m happy. I am. Okay? Don’t worry. I don’t want to go back to where we were and I am happy to give up the little things to be with you and Owen. We always find something that three of us can do together to make up for it.” She rubbed his cheek.

“Don’t get cocky.” She rolled her eyes and then laughed when she realized what she said. “I love you too.” She told him and wrapped her arms around him. “Carry me upstairs and I’ll get you out of those pants.” She unbuttoned the top button of his shirt and smiled at him.

“And then I can show how I rode the bull.” She whispered in his ear and kissed his neck.
"I'm in." He smiled with a chuckle.

He nodded. "Okay. But tell me what those little things are. Please? Maybe...we can figure something out." He smiled and kissed her shoulder. "I know you love your boys but if your boys can do something to help we will. Even if it's the little things." He smiled a bit bigger.

Jake tried to keep a straight face and then busted up laughing. "I already am cocky." He gave her a wink. He nodded. "Okay." Jake stood up and held her close as he began walking upstairs.

"Oh please do. I need to see exactly how that worked." He kissed her softly as he carried her slowly upstairs. Once they got to the bedroom he sat on the bed, sliding his tongue over hers as they kissed slowly. They had a night without interruptions, Jake was glad they were using it to the best of their advantage. "You make a pretty hot country girl baby..."
“I want you to come with me to Bora Bora when I do the VS swimsuit shoot. It’s two weeks and it will be fun for the both of us but I don’t want Owen to be at home with mom or the nanny for too long. I will do it on my own and I will call everyday. I just wish you could go with me. I wish we could go out and walk the strip at midnight with no worries. Little stuff.” She said softly.

“I like how you carry me to bed. Will you still do it when I am fat with a baby in my belly?” She asked. “Imagine carrying nine month pregnant me because I don’t want to walk. Would you still carry me?” She asked him.

She wrapped her leg around him when they were both on the bed. She laid next to him with her leg around his waist and they made out. She rubbed his chest and looked into his eyes when the kiss broke. “Thank you baby. I love you.” She told him and kissed him some more.
Jake listened and smiled. "Babe...those little things can happen. You're going for two weeks. What if I go for a week or a few days even. O won't be without us for too long. We get some alone time. It works out." He gave her a small kiss. "The strip we may have to plan a bit better but we can do that sometime..." He liked hearing those little things cause he could give her those little things. It just took some compromise.

He laughed. "I would carry you to bed always. You'll never be too big for me to carry you to bed." He kissed her slow and deeply. "But it would be my pleasure to carry you and our baby to bed."

He kissed her slowly, sliding his tongue over hers. He started to take her shirt off of her. "I love you." His hands ran over her body slowly.
"Remember you said that because I will be requesting it from you a lot." She smiled and melted into his kiss. With a little bit of wiggling, they got her crop top off. She got on top of him, still kissing him and unbuttoned his shirt. She pulled his undershirt up, for the first time their lips separated to take his shirt off of his head.

Now they were both topless. She kissed down his chest and moved back to sit between his thighs. She pulled his pants down and was surprised by how much she had to pull to get them off. She laughed when they were finally off and tossed into the corner. She rubbed his thighs, "Feel better?" She asked.

Her hands rubbed up his thigh and tugged his underwear off and those were tossed as well. Now she could have fun. For putting his cock through the harrowing adventure of wearing tight pants for the last few hours she gave him a kiss. She winked at Jake and give him a lick. She was waking up the beast so they could have some fun.
"But it been awhile since you have. I would love to get to travel with you. It's been awhile since we've gotten to for your work. Your job sends you to some nice places. Another idea is we can keep a list. A list of where we want to travel together. " Traveling did bring some thing up in his head. Their entire families would be going to Denver. He didn't want everyone traveling at the same time. Same for the wedding. If something happened on a flight with both families, no one would be around for Owen. Except in these cases he would be with them.

Jake couldn't help but chuckle. "That's much better. Thank you." He let his body breathe. "I kinda don't want to wear pants for a while. The boys need to breathe."

He grinned and ran fingers through her hair. Jake grinned. It wouldn't take long to get him standing at attention. Especially with what Adri was doing. "He's missed you." He told her quietly with a grin. He let our a small moan.
"Good news then. You won't have to wear anything all night." She smiled and got to work. As she licked and sucked, she took her shorts off leaving her black lacey panties on. She got him to full attention and moved up Jake's body. She kissed his chest and felt his cock rubbing against her smooth stomach.

She smiled down at Jake and rubbed his chest. She rubbed herself against him, teasing him for a few minutes. She took her nails and scratched down his chest to see how he responded. She kept rubbing her covered slit against him.

"Do you want to fuck me?" She asked against his lips. Placing a soft kiss on them. "I might let you if you ask nicely." She teased.
He grinned to not having to wear anything all night. "Good. I'm down with that." Jake watched her as she worked on his cock. She was so sexy with what she had on and how she worked around on him. She knew what she was doing and exactly what he liked and he loved it. When she brushed herself over him he groaned a bit. "You have too much clothes on." He told her quietly before undoing her bra. His hand ran over her chest as he cupped and massaged her chest.

When she scratched her nails over him he moaned. "I love when you do that. Fuck..."

Jake let out another moan. He looked at her with a grin. "I don't have to ask." He grabbed her and rolled her over onto the bed like a wrestling move, super quick but gentler. He leaned down to nip at her ear. "I just take whatever I want, when I want it." He whispered into her as she could feel his breath on her ear. Jake kept her wrists pinned down for a moment before he slid his hands down her body to pull her panties down and off of her.
“Do I?” She laughed when he said she had to many clothes on. Her bra was in no time and then she was topless. She was having fun with her little teasing game. She scratched his chest some and smiled down at him.

There was a smalll yelp when he flipped her around so he was on top. For a moment she forgot her could do that. She laughed and mopped at the air like she was going to bite him. “Then take it.” She whispered back and gave his cheek a soft kiss.

She raised her hips to help him her get underwear off. When he was on his way back up she jumped up and got onto his back. She kissed the back of his neck and “you shouldn’t have let your guard down, Mister.”
Jake gave her a nod with a grin. "Mmake mmhmmm. You have too much on a lot." He kissed her softly. It could just be something nice for him to just lay there and let her scratch his chest. It was probably weird but even a little blood being drawn was even a little sexy in a twisted way.

He chuckled when she tried to bite him. "Oh I will." He grinned and nipped her bottom lip.

He couldn't help but chuckle when she got onto his back. "Seriously? I never should have showed you that." His eyes shut briefly as she kissed his neck. He rolled over onto his back and laid down. "You need to show me how you rode that bull." He winked at her.
"I could always start walking around naked. I don't think you would like it though. All of the looks I would get. You might get jealous." She rubbed her finger over his bottom lip and gave him a kiss.

She groaned playfully when he laid on top of her. "Get up and I will show you." She told him pushing his shoulder until she could get on top of him again.

"So you see first the bull went nice and slow, back and forth." She said grinding her hips against him the same way she rode the bull. "And then it started to go faster." She moved faster. "And faster." She moaned and put her hand on his chest to steady herself. "And sometimes it would lean forward all the way." She leaned forward with his cock head teasing her entrance. "And sometimes it would lean back all the way." She leaned back and accept him into her. She moaned again and smiled. She pushed back until he was seated deep inside of her. "And that is how I rode the bull." She told him.
"You could walk around naked at home all you want. I definitely wouldn't mind. That is one freedom I wish we had..." It was hard to walk around naked anytime they wanted. Yes they could but Owen was getting bigger and they had company fairly often.

Jake maneuvered so she could be on top. He gave her a quick kiss.

He grinned and watched her give him a play by play of riding the bull. He let out a few random moans. A bigger moan came when she lowered herself completely on him. "I doubt he felt this good though." He told her with a grin. "I think you should see how long you can hang on..." He pulled her down to him to kiss her deeply. She felt amazing.
"All night if you would let me." She smiled and kissed him back.

They didn't last all night but they got pretty close. They didn't get nights to themselves very often but when they did it was something amazing. Epsecaiiyl when they were trying to last as long as possible. It was great practice for making a baby since they seemed to add another round each time they went.

When they were thoroughly spent she laid next to him on the bed and rubbed his chest. She could feel the scratch marks on his skin from where she dug into him. "It's a good thing you aren't going topless anytime soon." She said softly and gave his cheek a kiss. She imagined his back looked much worse than his front though. That was where she really dug in to hold on.
"I won't stop you." He grinned and kissed her deeply. He truly never loved another woman the way he loved Adri. Just that night he fell deeper in love with her.

Jake looked doen at his chest and grinned before shrugging. Even if I did I wouldn't care. I have a woman who loves me and likes to mark her territory. I'm quite alright with it. It's actually rather hot." He kissed her. "At least you know they are from you."

His hand rubbed her back. "You keep amazing know that? I know I've not been the easiest to be with and can be a pain in your was but you get me like no one else and you continue to love me and put up with me and that's major to me."
She laughed, “Ooh I better not find any other scratch marks on you. You won’t like the results.” She threatened but had a smile on her face. She knew it would never happen. She rubbed his chin and gave him a kiss.

“I wish I could do it more often without the paparazzi turning it into some huge thing.” She could see them now if Jake had scratches on his back and went to the gym. They would be nonstop about Adri brings sex car and a hellion in bed. They’d bring up some stupid UFC and sex thing. It would be horrible and dumb. She didn’t want to deal with it.

She smiled at him and sighed, “And you deal with me and my wild schedule and my shopping habits.” She rubbed his stomach. “We were made for each other. I think we balance each other out.” She told him. “Unless we find something we are both stubborn about, then everyone better get out of the way.” She chuckled.
He laughed. "You won't. Unless they come from you." He smile and kissed her softly. Jake wouldn't even think of another woman. How could he when his woman was amazing. She was beautiful, sexy, smart, and the best fiance and mother he could ask for. He was truly blessed. He kissed her again.

Jake shrugged. "I'll just say they are from training. We have a healthy sex life, no worries. We could go instagram live and let the world see it though." He chuckled.

His fingers ran through her hair a bit. "We do balance each other. are right we both are stubborn as hell." He chuckled. "I feel bad for our babies."
"I would really rather not let the world know we have a healthy sex life." She laughed. "Some things should stay between us." She smiled and gave him a hug.

"Our babies? I feel bad for us. They are going to be doubly stubborn and drive us mad. I feel bad for future husbands and wives too they are going to have a hard time." She laughed. "But at least they will be cute. You're cute when you're upset. Your face turns red and your body is like one big tense muscle."

She yawned and pulled the covers up over her shoulder.
Jake chuckled. "Why not? Maybe everyone will get the hint to leave us alone and that we are committed to each other." He shrugged and smiled. "Just a thought."

"Good point baby." She had a valid point with how their children would be. Owen already had a stubborn streak and he didn't have Adri's stubbornness as well as his own. "I am? You're cute when you're mad too. Especially when you're jealous. So damn cute." He kissed her head. "Your nose wrinkles as you narrow your eyes."

His hand ran up and down her back. He closed his eyes and snuggled close to her. "Too bad we can't sleep in tomorrow, but a nap...maybe..."
“I wish the future us luck.” She laughed. “It’ll be your fault, of course.” She teased. “I’m sure it will be fun though. Watching them trying to get their way. Until they start throwing fits in public and making us look like horrible parents.” She chuckled.

“Yeah a nap won’t be too bad.” She said softly and rolled on to her stomach because that was how she usually fell asleep. “We will see.” She said to a nap. They had a lot to do tomorrow so it probably wouldn’t add in.

Her alarm went off well before she was ready to wake up. She shut it off and pulled the covers over her shoulder and moved closer to Jake. “I don’t want to get up. Can’t we just buy a cabin online?” She groaned. “Let’s just sleep.”
He chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Of course it will be my fault. But they will be your children when they embarrass us. Not mine. My children would NEVER act like that." He smiled at her.

Jake knew it was a long shot getting a nap but he figured it didn't hurt throwing it out there. It was worth it in the moment to be tired the following day but that the morning versions of themselves may not agree with them at all. "My vote is yes." He told her and moved his head closer to her after she moved to her stomach.

"Shhh...I'm trying to sleep." He told her joking. "Sure. Just one word. Christmas." His eyes didn't even open as he talked to her and he wrapped his arms around her.
She rolled her eyes, “Whatever. MyY children will be little angels. YOUR children will have attitude problems.” She laughed. “I can see it in Owen already. Total menace to society and he’s not even one.”

She groaned again. This was for Christmas. Owens first real Christmas where he could open his presents. She wanted her big tree and matching pajamas. And her white Christmas. She pouted but forced herself out of bed. “I’m starting to hate Christmas.” She whined and stood up.

She walked into the bathroom and turned the water on so it could warm up. She came back into the bedroom and grabbed her phone. She posted the videos of her and Jake riding the mechanical bull and asked who rode it better. Then she added a few more pictures of them together and their outfits.

“Get out of bed you lazy bum.” She tugged the comforter off of him. “Ooh. Cute butt.” She smiled.
He looked at her like she was crazy. "I'm sorry babe but you have that completely wrong. My children will be angels. I'm telling Owen you said that about him. He will be heart broken his mommy thinks that about him. Poor baby boy."

Her groan told Jake that he got her with that one word. She would get up because of what she wanted for Christmas. He smiled when she got up and mentioned hating Christmas. "No you don't."

He rolled over onto his stomach as she went into the bathroom. If she was showering first then he was going to sleep a bit longer. When she pulled the comforter off he let out a groan of his own. "Darn you woman." He gave her a look before he got up. "We better be showering together..."
“He would never believe you. I am his favorite parent. So he would never believe it if his second favorite parent said something negative about me.” She had it all reasoned out.

She was tempted to take a picture of his cute ass but set her phone down. She gave his butt a squeeze and slap. “Get your fine ass out of bed.” She gave the other cheek a soft smack.

“Only to save water. You aren’t getting any of this.” She smiled and walked into the bathroom. She got in the shower and let the warm water wake her up. She grabbed her face wash and put it on like a mask. She grabbed her sponge and put some soap on it and started to lather up.
"He would believe me. First of all, you aren't his favorite. Our son doesn't have a favorite. Second, we have a male bond. A Daniels bond. Sorry baby." He shrugged as he argued.

He narrowed his eyes at her. "Hey! That's my butt." He knew that wasn't entirely true, they had that discussion before but it sounded good at the time.

"I can get any of that if I want. I just have to show you my ass." He gave her a wink and go under the water, he let the water run on his back and winced a little. "Ow! Fuck!" He had no idea she drew blood on his back and then add the hot water to it, it stung a bit. He washed his hair and tried to wake up a bit.
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