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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 3) WF+GF

Jake sat there confused as hell. He just told her they could get the third one and now she was saying the first one? "Babe...we can design the outside area with designers here and pay them to do it. I wouldn't have to travel. I don't want to rent it out until after Christmas anyways. We have some learning to do about renting the cabin out anyway. We may as well not worry finding anyone until after Christmas so that way it's perfect for our first Christmas. We will have to hire a house keeper, a lawn guy to mow, things like that so it's easier to wait."

"Really though babe it won't be anything to sit with some outside landscapers that also do outside kitchens and firepits and have them do it once we show them what we want. We probably could do it from a distance even." He shrugged. "We wouldn't technically have to have it done until next summer, spring at the earliest."

He nodded. "The first was nice but you really like the third and really like I said I like the idea of designing our own outside area. When Owen gets bigger we can add a play area." He grabbed her hand. "Babe...We are getting the third cabin." He gave her a smile.
“I still don’t want to have to that. I just want it to be done. We hire people to clean and mow and everything else and we are done with it. Until Christmas. What happens if you hire a guy to do the backyard and then we get here and you don’t like it. Then we have to start over. I don’t want to deal with that.” She told him.

She licked her lips and looked at Jake and looked out the window, “We can always keep looking for a different place. We have a couple more days. We can look some more tomorrow and see if we find the perfect place that we do not need to work on and if we don’t then we can get the third place and you can do whatever to the backyard.” She raised her eyebrows and looked his way, “How does that sound?”
Jake shook his head. "Baby they can show use exactly what it would look like. It will be fine. It's not like our home in Vegas. For the amount of time we will be there it won't be that big of a deal." He watched her.

He gave her a nod. "Alright. I'm really fine with the third though without looking somewhere else again. I know you really like it and I do like it. It really is a nice place." She was so stubborn. "This is one of our stubborn moments Adriana...." He chuckled.

He drove to his mom's. "You excited to your son?"
“Yes but pictures can look totally different than the final project and if I don’t like I won’t be happy and you won’t be happy either.” She said. “And it is a big deal because this is a multimillion dollar home and it will be perfect when we purchase it. That’s why we are paying millions of dollars for it.”

She nodded her head, “I love the third home because of the windows and views and it will loook beautiful covered in Christmas decorations and covered in snow. You want the outside to look nice so we find a place with big windows, an amazing view and a nice outdoor area. It’s fine. It’s not being stubborn. It’s knowing we are paying millions of dollars for something and not settling. There is a difference.”

Ah called the agent and told them the plan. They would look for more places tomorrow.

“I’m excited to see my boy. And then hang out with your dad. We might just do lunch honestly. It’s kind of cold.”
Jake sighed. He was kind of kicking himself for saying something about the outside area. "Our house wasn't perfect. We can do upgrades babe. It will be fine till spring...."

"But just because we are paying millions doesn't mean that it will definitely have everything we wanted it to have. It's our dream place, doesn't mean it's already been made. I do like the idea of making the outside area how we want it." He shrugged.

He was excited to see Owen but time with his mother made him a little uneasy. "Yeah. I probably should keep O inside too with it so cold. It bums me though. I was hoping he'd get to play on the same playground that probably has skin from my knees there." He chuckled. "Maybe I could take him to an indoor play area at McDonalds or something."
She shrugged her shoulder. If they could find something with the perfect backyard that he wanted then they would keep looking. If they couldn't find it then they knew they liked the third cabin and could purchase it. They could sign the paperwork in Vegas and send it back. It wasn't that big of a deal. She just wanted to be sure.

"That's gross." She made a face and rolled her eyes. "He has a jacket. We can put him in some layers. As long as we aren't out too long, I don't see why he can't run around the same playground as you." She told him. "I know that meant a lot to you, so go take him to the park. But keep him bundled up. He loves a reason to run around. And I have a feeling grandma and grandpa have been giving him sugar. So he will need to run around." She smiled.

When they got to his mother's house, she got out of the car with her purse and knocked on the door. She could hear Owen run to the door and she knocked on his level and he hit the door back and then she heard him run away and scream. The door opened a couple seconds later to John and Owen in his arms. Owen reached out for Adri and she took him and gave him kisses.

"Did they spoil you? And overfeed you? And give you hugs and kisses?" She asked him and gave his neck kisses because he was ticklish and he loved it.

"How was he?" She asked John.
He chuckled. "I know. But would he be like the kid on Christmas Story? Unable to move?" He chuckled at the sight of little Owen all bundled up and trying to run and just falls over. "He is a lot like me where he just loves to run and be crazy." He sighed to them giving him sugar. "He doesn't need sugar."

Jake stood by Adri as she knocked on the door. He smiled as he watched and chuckled at Owen knocked back and running off. "I guess he doesn't want us to come in."

Owen said "Nooo." Jake laughed. "I bet they did." He tickled his tummy.

John smiled. "He was good. He's always good. He's ornery."

"Takes after his grandpa then doesn't he?" John gave Jake a look before looking at Adri, "You still up for spending time together?"

"She is because I'm stealing mom still." He smiled.
“He won’t be like that. He will be cute and wrapped up. Not snowsuit wrapped up.” She laughed. “But he will look like that in December. And he will be adorable.” She smiled.

“Yes we are still going out but a little too cold for mini golf so maybe lunch at some brewery. We can hang out. You taste some local beer.” She smiled. “It’s up to you.” She told him.

She gave Owen a kiss and handed him over to Jake. “They are going to the park.” She tickled Owen’s sides and smiled at John. “Any place you want to eat at?”
Jake chuckled. "He will be adorable no matter what he has on. He is my son." Jake smiled proudly. "He looks just like me."

John nodded. "I think that is an amazing idea. I would love that. That would be nice." Jake was a little bummed, he'd love to go too but it was nice the two of them just wanted to spend time together. Plus he should get some alone time with his mother as well.

"We will make a short trip to the park and then lunch at that new deli place? Pop says it's good so I want to try it out but O man can't be out too long it's chilly." Eileen smiled and nodded, "Sounds great Jake. It is really good. They even have meals for Owen."

John thought about it, "There is a new place that I'd like to try out, it's downtown if you don't mind?"
Adri gave Jake a kiss on the cheek and then gave Owen a kiss on the forehead. “We will see you guys later. Have fun.” She gave his butt a pat and left with John. Since hake would need the car seat, they took John’s rental car.

“He really wants your truck.” She told John. “If I knew what color he wanted I would have one be at home waiting for him. I think black or red or a mix of both but I’m not sure.” She told him “but he really likes your truck. It is perfect for everything he wants to do though.” She said softly.

“I’m glad we are getting to do this. Now I just need to get you and my dad to hang out. The mothers to hang out. Make sure everyone gets along before we bring them all here for Christmas.”
"You too. Tell mommy bye." Jake waved at her and Owen waved to her and told her bye.

After just a bit Jake got Owen strapped in and they were on their way to the park. It was fairly close but since it was chilly. Eileen looked over at Jake and things seemed a bit awkward at first. "Thanks for letting us get time with Owen. Especially me. It means a lot."

Jake nodded, "Thanks for watching him. He loves you. I'm glad he's able to have a relationship with his grandma." He smiled at her.

Once they got to the park it was nice cause there wasn't hardly anywhere there. Jake got out and grabbed Owen out of the back and let him down and he held Owen's hand as they walked to the play area. Owen pointed and started blabbing. "Yeah look at it buddy." It looked like a really cool castle made out of wood. There were the soft wood chips on the ground too in case a kid fell. "Your mommy will be happy that they got rid of the stone that used to be here and I lodged in my knee when I was 8." Eileen laughed, "You were so pissed when I tried digging it out."

"It hurt!" He chuckled.

John glanced at Adri. "He likes my truck huh?" He smiled. "Just get him whatever you think he'd like. It is just a color but I'm sure he'd love any color you got him because you picked it out for him. Except pink." He chuckled. "But yes, I'd go with red or black. Or both. Maybe even a blue color. A nice manly color would be nice."

He smiled. "I'm sure we will all get along. Eileen would be the one I'd worry about. She's getting better. I think her main problem is no longer an issue so that helps." He said referring to Jake's step father.
“No he loved your truck. Like a ridiculous amount. And I love him so I’ll get him the truck. I guess in all black. I think he would look good in an all black truck.” She shrugged her shoulder. “But I need your help with the stats and stuff. I don’t know what kind it is so if you can help me out with that part, I can have it purchased and delivered.” She smiled.

Their lunch consisted of a nice beer tasting for John while he spoke to the dealership tomake sure they had the truck Adri wanted to get hake and then she called their financial advisor who made the purchase and then she had to call the dealership back to get it delivered to the house before they got there.

She even had to call the nanny to have her drive the truck into the garage and slap a huge bow on it so it was ready to surprise hake when they got home. It was a lot more work than she thought it would be. It made her feel good though.

After lunch they went for a little walk downtown so she could explore. John filled her in with stories of the places he and Eileen met or dated. And then they went back to the house. It was a simple father daughter date but it was nice.
John was more than willing to help Adri get the truck for Jake. It was a Ram 1500, newest model. He got all the same features for Jake's as John had. Jake would think Adri was crazy but he'd love it.

"Now you helped me, I need your help. Well at least ideas. I am open to moving and staying in Vegas. You guys and Amy are there. Amy will stay there. Nothing is really keeping us here. Except Eileen. How do I go about getting her on board?"

Owen ran around the park until his little cheeks were bright red and Jake put and end to his fun much to his disputing. His mom was taking a lot of photos.

At the deli they got sandwiches and Jake also got soup. "Jake...I never told you what I really thought of Adi..."

He raised an eyebrow. " That's my future wife. Keep that in mind."

"She's good for you. She can handle you when a lot of people can't. She's amazing with Owen. I really like her Jake. Plus, Jake she has no problem putting me in my place when I deserved it." Jake smiled.

It was nice he had his mother's approval on his future wife. Not that he needed it but it was still nice. After lunch Jake drove them back to his mother's and carried Owen who was asleep from his big day with his head on Jake's shoulder.
"She has one grandchild that she likes being around and she has another one on the way. I think if she wants to be around them even more, she should move down to Vegas. Tell her that. It's not like she can have weekend visits if she is all the way in Denver. These drives aren't really fun for us. They won't be fun with a newborn."

That was the best she could come up with. Blackmail her with her grandkids. It would have worked with her mother so why wouldn't it work for his mother?

"Honestly she is stubborn so it will take a lot of convincing but I know she wants to spend time with her grandkids so they will be the biggest factor in getting her to move." She told him.
John smiled. "Bribe with the grandbabies. Got it." He chuckled. "I kind of want to start my own business in Vegas but I know it's crazy at my age." He shrugged. "I seemed to fit more in Vegas then I ever did in Denver. Jake seems to as well but he also is a traveler."

Jake went in and saw the two of them in the living room. "Hi." He whispered with a smile. "Your son is worn out." He went into his mom's room to lay Owen down. He put pillows around so the boy wouldn't roll off.

After coming back out he kissed Adri. "How was your lunch date?"
“He has a busy schedule but if you wanted Jake’s help with a business I know he would jump on the opportunity.” She told him. “Especially if it’s somethibg you two can do together. He would love that.” She smiled.

She smiled at Jake, “Good. Maybe we can get him back on his schedule.” She said giving John a pointed looked.

She kissed him back and smiled, “It was nice. We got a lot done and walked around. He was a perfect gentleman. Opened doors and pulled out my chair.” She patted the spot on the couch next to her.

“How was your trip to the park? Have fun?”
John would love Jake's help but didn't want to bother him and stress him with a business. "It's actually a pub or brewery. I used to brew my own beer when the kids were younger. I'd love to get back into that. I think Vegas would be perfect for it. I just don't have a lot of money to kick start it." He also would never ask Jake to put up money. "I would love for Jake and you to be a part of it. But you guys have your own dreams and goals. I don't want to take from that."

John looked innocent. "Why you giving me that look?" He chuckled.

Jake sat next to Adri. "Where do you think I get my manner from? I open your door all the time." He smiled and kissed her cheek. "I'm glad he treated you well."

"It was fun until someone's cheeks got red and cold so I loaded him in the truck legit kicking and screaming. I was a mean daddy in his eyes for a bit till I gave him food. He scarfed it down. It was fun. Mom has a photo album in her phone." Eileen showed Adri and John.
“That would be cool! I don’t know anything about running a bar but Jake would really help you out if it was something you were passionate about. I think that would be a cool father and son legacy.” She smiled.

“Sounds like wen I tell you you can’t go somewhere. You fight me kicking and screaming. How does it feel?” She teased and kissed his cheek. Adri looked at the pictures with a smile on her face. “He’s so cute.” She leaned against Jake.

“John said you cannot have a truck like his because he doesn’t want you matching him. I kind of have to agree.” She told him. “Are you going to turn into your dad if you get a truck like his?” She asked him.
John smiled. "I like that idea. Then he could pass it on to your boys. Honestly if he's associated with it, it will bring in people just to say they were at his place." He smiled bigger.

He gave Adri a dirty look. "Shut up. It's not the same. I don't literally throw a temper tantrum. Does food help...yes." He blew a raspberry on her neck.

"Why are you two being mean? That's uncalled for. And fine I will get a different truck. No I don't turn into my fsther but it wouldn't be a bad thing if I did. Pop is cool." John smiled and just looked at Adri a moment.
“You see. So talk to Jake about it. He’ll be on board and you will get the bar and brewery of your dreams. And if it’s in Vegas it will do well. Find someplace off the strip. It will be super expensive but if the beer is reasonably priced people will come in no problem. And yes, it might help to have Jake's name behind the business.” She agreed.

She laughed and pushed his head away, “It is pretty much the same. That’s what is funny about it. Owen is literally a mini you. It’s cute. He should be you for Halloween but I like our Moana idea.” She patted his thigh.

Adri didn’t say anything. John was cool but she didn’t want to marry John. Eileen spoke up, “it runs in the family. The boys being like their father’s.” She laughed. “Stubborn to boot. And when he was a baby this one only wanted his father.” She shook her head. “Owen will get like that. Give him a month or two.”
John would talk to Jake before he left or soon after they got back to Vegas. It should be a talk they had in person. He was a bit excited to have that talk too. It would be a fun thing for them to do. "I wouldn't want him to feel like he had to be there a lot. I know he is busy and fighting and your family is number one."

Jake wouldn't be just like his father but some attributes would he a good thing to have. His morals and respect for others especially. As well as his love for his family. "I hope all our other children are just like me too. They would he the luckiest kids in the world." He teased. "We can wait a year to dress him up as me."

"Oh no. This one would be heart broken. He's all about mommy right now. I think it's cause she travels without us more than I do. So I have him more by myself. I can see him wanting to go everywhere with me in time."
She shook her head, “No. my two girls are going to be the opposite of you. Meaning me. They will be 100% me. They won’t want to fight. They’ll be calm and peaceful and want to get their nails done. It will be beautiful.” She smiled.

She pouted, “No! I want my boy to be mine forever.” She pushed Jake off of her for stealing Owen in the future. “I will enjoy all of my toe with him now then. And hope he is a hell raiser when he wants to be with you.” She stuck her tongue out at him.

“You put him so far away. I want my boy.” She called Max over and he put his head on her lap and she gave him some kisses. “How was my first boy? Were you a good boy?” She asked him and scratched his favorite spot behind his ear. She slid down to sit on the floor and let him lay on her legs.
Jake shrugged. "Unless one wants to fight. She could want to fight and still love dresses and doing her nails and what not." He shrugged. "You never know babe. We may even have a boy who wants to dress up..."

He chuckled and looked shocked when she pushed him off of her. "Hey! You can't get mad about something that hasn't happened yet. That's not fair. Rude." He smiled, "Nope you will be the best behaved with me." But he knew he would probably be a little trouble maker like Jake was as a kid. Definitely ornery.

"He's just in the other room." Jake shook his head and rolled his eyes and smiled. "How does it feel being replaced Max? By a baby and girl dogs?" He asked teasing and joking before kissing Adri's head.

John decided while Owen was asleep maybe it would be okay to bring up the idea of the business. "Son, I wanted to bring something by you." Jake looked at his dad. "I want to open my own business. Maybe a pub or brewery. I don't know if you remember me brewing my own beer when you were younger." Jake shook his head but his mother confirmed that John did it once a month for years.

"That's cool Pop. I think that's awesome." He smiled.

"I would love to do it with you. I think it would be great in Vegas, but I can't afford to do it on the strip by myself but I think it would be nice to do it together regardless of the money. I wouldn't mind if it was something the two of you partnered with me on. I understand you're getting married and would need to talk it out." John didn't know if he should let on that he already talked to Adri.

"I don't know the first thing about opening up at pub or brewery. I mean, I can drink." He chuckled, "But that's about it. Would you want it more of a sports theme or gentlemen or couples?"

"We may need to check with some professionals probably and see what would be best. I don't think I'd want a sport theme but just a nice pub. Maybe something to get something small but healthy to eat."

Jake liked that idea. "I say let's talk to some professionals and see what we can come up with. Look at numbers. And go from there. I feel like it's going to have to be your baby really. I just can't put a lot into starting up a business right now..."
Owen woke up about an hour and a half after he fell asleep. Adri was the one that got to go get him. She changed his diaper and took him downstairs. He was still a little sleepy so he was clingy, which didn't bother her.

She sat on the couch and Max sniffed him out and just watched him from the floor. The TV was turned to Paw Patrol and that helped wake him up. About ten minutes later he was off of her lap playing with a toy and sometimes pointing at the TV and talking to them.

"I guess he is going with us tomorrow. He's going to have too, actually. Hopefully, it will be a quick trip to find the right cabin and call it a day. Sign the paperwork at home and send it back here."
Eileen asked if they wanted to stay for dinner, she could run to the store to get things to cook something. "Adri what's your favorite?"

"Why does she get her favorite?"

"I like her more than you." She teased.

Jake acted hurt. "'re my own mother."

He looked at Adri. "Why do we have to take him?" He tickled his belly when he ran over and he laughed at Jake before running back towards the tv. Owen started making a barking noise. "Adge we have another puppy." He looked at Adri. "We already picked a cabin Adge..."
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