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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 3) WF+GF

He smiled. "I can't lie about my boy being stylish or any of my kids. Hell I'm stylish. Even if I wear my Affliction or Tapout gear." He winked at her. "You need to teach the girls to carry their own bags then." He teased.

"I was going to get you a nice hotel on the strip." He teased and chuckled. "Love you..."

Jake put the suitcase by the door before helping his mother carry in the groceries to the kitchen. He went back to Adri and wrapped his arm around her. "My talk?" He asked quietly.
“Never! That’s what Dafdy and their older brother is for.” She smiled. Owen will be raised as a gentleman which means I won’t be picking up any bags and neither will my daughters. In fact I’m tired of carrying my purse.” She smiled at Jake. “You can carry it for me!” She teased.

“I thought you said you wanted to talk to her. About Owen and your childhood.” She said softly and shrugged her shoulder. “I could be wrong though.”

She wrapped her arms around him and rubbed his back. “Your dad is going to try and get her to move to Vegas so they can be closer. That would be cool. Right?”
Jake rolled his eyes. "For the record, I open your doors and carry your bags all the time. So yes he will learn to be a gentleman cause his father is one. Your purse though, that's you. I'm not carrying that. Sorry."

"No no you're not wrong. I just wasn't sure what you meant for a second. It went well. She still feels bad about everything that happened. She thought she was protecting us when she kicked my father out and..." He sighed and shook his head. "She was blinded by love and wanting a family. She didn't want to see what was going on. She swore though that she'd protect Owen. She understands it will be awhile before we trust her to keep him alone if we ever do. She doesn't blame us. She just wants to be in his life, ours, and our future babies lives." He spoke softly but seemed a little distant.

When she wrapped her arms around him he wrapped his around her waist. "Dad wants her to move?" He scoffed. "Good luck with that. Hopefully he can. It would be nice to have them both close. Amy would like it."
"It's not like she had anyone out here babe. It might be easier to get her to move. Amy can try getting her down there too. Your dad wants to open a bar, he can't travel from Denver to Vegas as much. He needs to be in Vegas. If she wants to be our lives, the way she wants to be in our lives, then she needs to be in Vegas."

Who knows if it would work. John would probably have to go to Vegas alone and come back to Denver to get her. Adri understood that this was her home but her family wanted her in Vegas. She hoped she would come around to it.

"Ohh I can't wait to hold that baby. Even if it is a boy. New baby smell is the best. Who knows what will happen." As long as it was after the fashion show they could be having a baby soon too. "Tiny baby, oh I can't wait." She said with a baby voice. "You think Owen will be jealous?"
Jake knew what she was saying was right but he still felt a bit bad about it. "I get that babe. I do. But Denver is all she really knows. She's never lived outside of Colorado. She's not like me who drifted from place to place. I mean...I stayed in Utah long enough beat someone in a fight and then left and they are still pissed I haven't been back and don't ever plan on going back. She isn't the type of person to just up and leave and let everything just work itself out. She has to have a plan and see things in the future. Plus we grew up will be hard for her to say goodbye to that."

"I just feel bad that she has to move because of us. I just couldn't have stayed here and I'm happy in Vegas. That's where I met you... And Amy moved. I don't think either of us want to move or if we do it's not going to be to Denver..." He sighed. "If she moves though is us getting a cabin here even worth it?"

He chuckled. "Oh you are going to have baby fever aren't you?" He gave her a small kiss. "I do actually think Owen will be jealous. He's been the spoiled little guy for almost a year. And not just with you but Amy and dad. It will be fun though that they could play together and be close."

Speaking of Owen, he ran off from the living room looking for them calling both of them. His little feet could be heard coming to the hall. Then Max was up chasing after him which just made him squeal and giggle. "He's gonna find us." Jake whispered and grabbed Adri to hide in the bathroom.
“She knows that. We all know that. You are rooted in Vegas. It will take a lot to get you to move. She wants to be near her grandkids and your dad does too. When she is ready she will move. She may not even have to give up her jouse. It’s paid off right? She can keep the house and live with your dad.” She shrugged her shoulder. It probably would t work out that way but it was a possibility.

She shrugged her shoulder about getting a cabin. “I still want Christmas here.” She said softly. “Maybe we just look for a place to rent for a week or two.”

“I might. I might get baby fever.” She laughed. “I wonder how he will act when he sees Amy and the baby. Or Luke and the baby. Oh boy. That’s going to be tough. He loves Luke.”

She followed Jake into the bathroom and heard his little feet run past the bathroom. “Owen.” She called out and he yelled for her. “Owen.” She heard Max sniff the door and Owen wasn’t far behind him. She opened the door, “Boo.” Owen squealed and ran away excitedly.

“He wants daddy to chase him. Obviously.” She smiled.
"If we move it would be for you got work to either LA or NY. Not Denver." He nodded. She had options it just depended which option she took. "We may suggest that to dad about her keeping the house but living with him for a bit." He kissed her softly.

Jake thought it over. "Baby...I still want to buy a place. This is still where I grew up and I want our kids to be a part of this place. Vacation and trips here would be nice. Especially a white Christmas here. I think we should stick to the plan. We can still rent it out worse case we just strictly rent it. It will be good revenue." He smiled and kissed her cheek.

He laughed. "Oh you totally will. You will be coming onto me left and right but then again I am one sexy beast." He chuckled. "He may make them hold him too."

He laughed at Owen squealing and taking off. "Oh sure. I think he wants you to. He was calling for you." He nudged her but them took off after Owen and grabbed him making a growling noise and tickled him. "I got you!" He laughed and squirmed to get free.
She rolled her eyes, “You’re cocky. That’s what you are.” She laughed. “You just wait until we are married. Then the real fun can begin. When the work timing is right. It has be right after the VS show and then I can get pregnant. Which would give me a few months to get my body back for the next VS show. Yeah. That’s a good time.” She smiled and gave him a kiss.

“You cheated.” She told Max and gave him a kiss. She walked into the kitchen to see what was cooking and offered to help but she was told to go play with her son.

She scooped him up from Daddy and gave him kisses on his neck. She tossed him up and caught him and gave him another kiss. “Owen I love you. Can you say love you?” She asked him.
He grinned. "I'm a fighter. I'm supposed to be cocky and be the best of the best." He winked at her. "So starting on our honeymoon we can start trying?" He asked looking in her eyes. It was hard working around their work schedule but she needed to be ready for her fashion shows and him his fights. "I think that's a good plan but my guess is we get pregnant before we land back in Vegas."

Jake looked at her shocked when she stole Owen. "Hey! I worked hard catching him." Owen laughed as he got tossed.

"No..." She said to saying 'I love you.' "Owen...say I love you mama." He looked at them. "Uve tough mum mum." Jake smiled proudly. Then he kept saying it.
“We can start practice in November, maybe October.” She smiled. “Which won’t be too bad of a wait if we get married in September like I want.” She told him.

“Oh yeah. If I got pregnant in November I am still work for a couple months while my tummy is flat and then take time off when I’m showing. Have the baby in August and then at my body ready again for the Fashion Show late November. That’s a whole year of planning.” She laughed.

She gave Owen another kiss. “I love you.” She sounded out to Owen.

He needed to work on it but he wasn’t even one yet so she would wait and practice with him.
Jake could work around when it worked best for her for work. "I'll just make sure to not take a fight when we want to start trying. You know my black out period is right before a fight. We could start trying though right after..." He wiggled his eyebrows.

They would just have to hope that she actually got pregnant right away to make it all work out. They both had work schedules to work around but it wasn't impossible, a lot of celebrities did that. "We can still practice now babe...we don't have to wait until you are ready. We only have to wait to try not practice."

"He did good for not even being one. Didn't ya?" He tickled his tummy. "We should probably watch his speech though, my cousin had a stammer when he was younger. I don't want him having issues too. We should just work on it when we can."

Jake played with Owen a bit while Eileen got dinner started and in the oven. Once it was almost ready she called to them that it would be ready in just a few minutes.
“It’s not like you have that much of a say Boo. You’re champion. If a fight is offered you have to take it.” She told him. “What are you going to do if you get a fight while I am pregnant?” She asked. “I can barely watch you fight now. I don’t know if I can be there in person. Too much stress you know? Unless I can be in a booth somewhere or something.” She hadn’t missed a fight. She didn’t want to miss a fight but if she was pregnant she wasn’t sure if she should be there.

“Yeah it was close enough.” She kissed Owens temple and rubbed his back. “We are going to work on it though.” She smiled. She nodddd her head to watching him for a stammer. It wouldn’t be the end of the world but she would look out for it.

Adri put Owen in his high chair and cut him some veggies into bite sized pieces and he could have some food of her plate. She also had a back up just Incase he didn’t want to eat real food. She warmed up some homemade baby food in the microwave and made sure it wasn’t too hot. She grabbed one of his spoons and sat down at the table.
He looked her over. "I thought the promise was the same as when we get married. No fights for so long before you're due. I feel it's fair. Dana would understand and try to keep that in mind when he booked fights." He sighed at the thought of her not being at one of his fights. She was his good luck charm but her and the baby's safety meant more to him than her being there. "Unless you watch in the locker room."

Owen was excited to eat because he was like his father. Jake got a big plate of the tator tot casserole. "I didn't know if he would want all his food mixed together so I kept so me tots out just for him." Eileen told them and Jake smiled and rolled his eyes. "O grammy is spoiling you." Eileen smacked Jake's arm, "It's my job."

Jake sat across from Adri. The food was so good Jake ate a lot of it. "Whats our plans for the rest of the day?" Jake asked as he watched Owen eat up the casserole just like Jake. "It must be a Daniels thing." He pointed to Owen feeding his face.
"I know but babe, you cannot say no to a fight. If Dana has a fight for you then you have to take it. We can ask him not to schedule a fight but he is the boss. If he has one in mind then you have to take it. Let's just hope that if you do get scheduled, you will be in Vegas for it and not out of the country." She smiled at him, "I can be there for the pre-fight stuff. I can walk into the arena with you and I will leave before the actual fight." She told him. They were planning like she was pregnant now. She loved it.

Adri ate some of it but she didn't dig in as much as Jake did. She fed Owen some tots and he seemed to like those so she let him feed himself the tots and she fed him his actual dinner.

She shrugged her shoulder to having any plans after dinner. "We should take our boy for a w-a-l-k." She said about Max. "Call and check on the girls. Other than that I don't know. Whatever you want."
He shrugged. "I mean, I could say no. It may not look good. I think they'd understand..." He knew what she was saying though. "Yeah. I don't're right about not wanting to be there but it won't be the same without you babe." He was already bummed at the thought and she wasn't even pregnant yet. "I like that we are talking about this though. You are legit getting ready huh?"

"Do you not like it babe? I know it's a specific kind of taste."

Jake nodded. "A W sounds nice. Are we taking both kids with us?" He smiled. "I miss the girls. I'm sure you do too. I'm sure they are fine though. Otherwise we would have gotten a call by now." Jake looked at Owen. "Do you miss Rocky and Bam?" He shook his head and said, "Nooo." He chuckled.
“I am Boo. I want a baby. But I want to get married first and then have the baby and do it right.” She rubbed his sides. “I know it’s silly and it really doesn’t matter this day and age but I grew up going to church. My parents and grandparents feel it’s the right thing to do. I want us to be man and wife when we have a baby.” She smiled at him and gave him a kiss.

“I like it.” She said and took a bite to prove her point. “I had a big salad for lunch. But this is really good.” She told his mother. “Owen loves it.” She rubbed Owen’s cheek and smiled at Jake.

“Both kids.” She agreed. “Maybe even let this one W for a little bit. Tire him out before bedtime.”

She frowned at Owen, “You don’t miss Rocky and Bam?” She asked him and she was answered with another No. “but they miss you, O. That’s not nice.”
Jake smiled and kissed her softly. "I know you want to do it right. So do I. I'm fine with waiting. We have our handsful with O. But I think it's adorable how you were so freaked out about O and now you're like...let's do this." Jake grinned. "It's rather sexy."

Eileen was happy her grandson loved the food. "It will be a thing Grammy makes sure she makes for her bubba.:
" She winked at Owen. "Huh buddy?"

"Sounds good to me baby. They will both like it. How about on the trails back at the cabin?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I think you do miss them. I'm sure they will give you a lot of kisses when we get home. Do you like them?"

"Yeah. Cuddle Bammm n Rokey." He smiled.

"You like cuddling with them? Yeah that's what I thought. And you chase them around the house."

Eileen got up after everyone was finished. "I have apple pie too."

"Ugh mom seriously I have a fight coming up." He looked a t Adri. "Moms gonna make me fat. Will you still love me with a dad bod?" He asked with a dead serious look.
Adri looked at Jake when Eileen said she had apple pie. “Homemade?l she asked. “And ice cream?” She smiled at Eileen. “You see, this is why you don’t go ham on dinner. Dessert is always around the corner. Owen can have a small scoop of ice cream. And I might share my pie with him. So take that into consideration when cutting me a slice.” Adri smiled.

“”Your mother is going to make us both fat.” She laughed. She had to think about loving him with a dad bod. “I guess dad bods are kind of in right now...” she kept thinking. “I don’t know. I’d have to see it. I like my...your six pack.” She smiled and gave him a kiss.

She patted his thigh and put her head on his shoulder, “I love you. No matter what you look like. Except when you wear cargo shorts. Then we have problems but other than that I love you.”
He gave her a look. "Adge, I need food. You know this. It helps keep me happy and strong. But I'm still eating pie." It was of course homemade and they had ice cream. "O even gets some. Uh oh. He's going to love it."

"'re seriously thinking about this. Rude. I'm not getting a dad bod for you not to like it and then I have to kick butt in the gym to get the weight off."

John smiled at them. "Once you have a dad body you won't know how to get the weight off. Nothing works. Your mom made me fat from her cooking."

Jake kissed Adri back. "I love you. What's wrong with car to shorts? I don't always like my shorts tight on my legs....don't judge me fashion police." He teased and wrapped his arm around her. "O can share from us both."
“Oh I know what to do.” She smiled. She grabbed her phone and sent out a tweet, ‘Can someone photoshop a dadbod on Jake, please?’ She set her phone. “We will see in like an hour. Then I can decide.” She smiled.

“You see if you can reverse it I don’t know how I would feel about you getting one. Ask me again in like...twenty years.” She laughed.

“I just don’t like them. There are shorts that aren’t short and tight that make your butt look better. That’s all I am saying.” She told him.

Eileen came out with the pie and ice cream and Adri smiled. She got her piece first and made sure it wasn’t hot. She put a little bit of liking on Owen’s tray for him to try before she had her first bite.

“Oh my god.” Adri said softly. “Please move to Vegas. I will need this after fashion week. I will need this for the rest of my life.” She said softly.
Jake laughed and shook his head. "You're awful babe." He shook his head and nudged her. "You better say you love me still and find me sexy."

"I'm hoping I'm one of those fit old dads or grandpa. Maybe not muscular but at least fit. I think we both will eat healthy and work out but not be as crazy about it maybe." He shrugged. "I just won't have to beat myself up for eating a burger."

He smiled. "I'm so sorry I don't always wear tight shorts or pants that show my butt off. You should like my butt in all clothing future wife." He winked at her.

"Suck up..." Jake teased and winked at her.

Eileen smiled, "Thank you." She sat down to eat as well. "Well your father is trying to get me to move to Vegas...I just...I don't know. This is home. Vegas is a lot different then Denver."

"Mom keep the house. Move in with dad. Take it slow. Then you can come back to stay here when you miss it. You could maybe have the grandkids for a weekend." He smiled and looked at Adri. He trusted her mother with Owen with his father there. It was slowly getting better with them and if they lived in Vegas, seeing her more with Owen would help. "Plus you'll have two grandbabies to spoil. And Adge wants to start shortly after the wedding so who knows a third may be on the way before you know it." He winked at his mom.

John smiled, "That's a good idea sweetheart." He looked at Eileen.

"I could maybe do that. But you guys are buying a cabin...we should be here some to help take care of it."

Jake shook his head. "Nah, we can hire a staff. It's fine. We have it figured out."

Eileen stopped and looked at Owen and smiled. "It would be nice to see him more. You want to grammy more baby boy?"

Owen smiled and gave her a big nod with a face full of ice cream.

"Well Owen wants me to so I probably should."

Jake laughed. "Whatever reason you say yes to we will take it."
Adri smiled when she agreed to move. “And it’s not just Owen that’s wants you there. We all do. And soon John is going to have to get a bigger house. Owen is going to be surrounded by cousins and sisters and brothers.” She smiled.

“So enjoy it now kid. Andre will tell you it’s not fun going from one to four in no time and then five when he turned 18. At least I got to experience only child life for like three years. That was nice.” She rubbed Jake’s leg.

She ate her pie and ice cream. “You should learn how to make your mom’s pie and then make it for me for our anniversary.” She smiled. “Because you love me.”
"Mom, Adge just wants you to move for your cooking." He teased. "No we all want you to move. It will be nice having you close."

Jake chuckled. "Yeah buddy enjoy it now for the next few months before your cousin is born." He had no idea what his parents will saying, he just grinned at them with his cute dirty face.

He took a bite if pie and gave Owen a small bite. "Or you can learn how to make it for both of us. Or we can ask mom to make one for us." He had the best plan.

"I'll teach whoever wants to learn or I can make one anytime. You could come to Apple orchard sometime with us and get apples and cider."

"Yeah this fall that would be fun. "
She stuck her tongue out at him, “That’s not true. I will enjoy having you around. We can go dress shopping together. It will be fun.” She smiled.

“He’s going to need a bath tonight.” She told Jake with a smile. “He’s all yours.”

“I will hold you too that. I will want this pies after shows. Jake gets chipotle after fights. I don’t have a thing. This can be my thing.” She smiled. “Apple picking will be fun. Owen will enjoy it. Apple and pumpkin picking. We can let him draw on a baby pumpkin. It will be fun.”
Owen stuck his tongue out after Adri did it. "Nice Adge. Look what you are teaching our boy." He shook his head. "I can't believe you..."

Eileen's face lit up. "I would love to go dress shopping. Or just shopping in general. Do you have time to before you head back?" Jake groaned.

"Hey our big boy is doing better with water. He may be okay." He smiled at Owen. Maybe Jake would see if Adri would want to take one with them. Maybe the three together will help.

Eileen smiled big. "I would love to be your thing after shows. I would so bake you a pie. Any pie you want." She smiled. "The orchard has apples and makes their own cider."

"It's the best cider in the world. It really is. I love." Jake chimed in.

"They also have hay rides and they take you to the pumpkin patch to pick your own pumpkin. Rocky over here..." She points to Jake using the Rocky reference. "Had to have the biggest pumpkin in the patch. Half the time he couldn't even carry it, it was so big."

"Why have a pumpkin that's itty bitty. If you're going to have a pumpkin, have a pumpkin."

"But we would make roasted seeds after we carved it."

Jake finished his pie. "Owen will want the biggest one too but I'll carry it for him."
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