Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 3) WF+GF

"Okay. I don't want to hear it later." She told him. "We agreed on first birthday is the first taste of sugar. I was looking forward to that. That's all I guess." She shrugged her shoulders and took a bite of her s'more.

She chewed it slowly and thought of all the calories in this one s'more. "It is good Jake." She told him and tried to eat it all but handed it over to him. "It was very good. I just can't finish it. It's a little too much for someone who has been sitting on her butt for the past few months." She said softly.

She smiled and nodded her head. "I have to pick a bathing suit. I might just wear a bikini and shorts tomorrow. We will be in the water most of the day." She told him and shrugged her shoulder.
Jake sighed. "Honey it was the small little section of the candy bar. That's all. I'm sorry..."

He took it and finished hers. "Sorry. I guess it can be a lot. We don't have to eat very many on the trip." He told her and felt like maybe making them was a bad idea but was too late now.

He wiggled his eyebrows at her. "Sexy. I have to pick my suit too. Maybe I'll just wear shorts tomorrow." He joked and teased her. "Whatever you pick, you'll look super sexy." He leaned over and kissed her temple. "I love you. Thanks for agreeing to do this with me baby. It means a lot. I enjoy getting to share this part of who I am with you." He smiled and remembered the first time he took her to Denver.

"You know what we have to get in Denver right?!"
"It was good Boo. It was just too much for me right now." She told him and gave him a kiss.

"You burn way too easily. I may throw you in a rash guard like I'm doing with him. I don't want you to deal with a sunburn. Not when you're driving the Hulk." She told him. "But I will rub sunscreen over your back and your chest." She smiled.

"I love you too." She told him and looked at Owen. "The chocolate is melting in his hand." She told Jake. "Make sure he doesn't touch anything. He will stain it. And don't let max kiss him." She reminded. She went into the trailer and grabbed a treat for Max and gave it to him.

She rolled her eyes, "Your soda I'm guessing. I thing we had cases at home. Are you really getting more?" She asked. "Some flavor you can't find on Amazon?"
Jake smiled. "You just want to rub sunscreen over my body. But I can't blame you, it is pretty sexy." He told her being all macho. "I'm not wearing a long sleeve rash guard though. I'll be too hot."

He cleaned off Owen's hands after grabbing the chocolate from him. He used some water from a water bottle to make sure he got it all before using his phone's flashlight to check his hands. "There all clean and Max can lick them all he wants. Yep." He tickled Owen's belly and he giggled before laying his head on Jake's chest.

"Will you grab my hoodie babe?" He asked when she went in.

Jake smiled big and goofy. "Yes my soda. I don't know what flavor I want this time. I just like the idea I can go to a carry out and get one if I want. To me that's awesome. I don't necessarily have to get cases. I will just drink some while I'm here. Oo maybe the camp store has some. I'm going to walk back up there tomorrow and check. Don't dis my soda. I don't drink it that often." He pushed her playfully.

"Did you tell your mother we will be here for a couple days so she knows where we are and she doesn't worry too much?" He texted Amy an his dad to let them know where they were as well. Owen snuggled with Jake and watched the fire and then got too comfortable and almost too close to falling asleep so he moved to see Max. "He's still here. Don't worry. He's not going to go too far..."
"Yeah you just wait until I go all body builder on you. You won't keep your hands off of me. So sexy. So muscular. So veiny." She giggled. She posed like a body builder and laughed. "You're going to love it."

She grabbed Jake's hoodie for him and came back out. She put it over his boulders and held it open so he could hold Owen with one arm and put his other through the jacket. She rolled her eyes when he spoke about his soda. "You're such a child sometimes." She told him and kissed his temple. "Should I tuck you in tonight? Maybe that s'more was too much sugar for you to handle."

She sighed, "Mother knows. She wants us to slather him sunscreen, keep all bugs away from him and not let him get into the water. And if he does, dry him off and take his shorts and diaper off right away so he doesn't get sick." She smiled and rolled her eyes.

"If goes to sleep early, he will wake up early." Adri yawned and put her head on Jake's shoulder. "Don't let him go to sleep."
Jake rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah. I won't be able to keep my hands off of you." He said sarcastic.

"Thanks baby." He told her about his hoodie but then gave her a playful glare before putting his hoodie on. "You know what you love my goofy, playful side. Don't even act like you don't. You think it's cute that I love my soda and little things from home. Don't act like you don't." He thought about being tucked in. "Is that what we are calling sexy time now? If that's the case then yes." He chuckled. "I probably will pay for it tomorrow. I'll feel sluggish and crappy from the sugar."

He chuckled. "I see where you get it from..." He just grinned at her.

"Yeah you keep him up and deal with him being fussy. If someone brought our stroller, I'd just take him with me on my run. But nooo someone had to forget it." Jake teased Adri with a smile. He rubbed Owen's back. "Mommy wants you to stay awake. He blew a raspberry on Owen's neck but Owen squirmed away laughing.
She shook her head and laughed, "I never said I didn't." She told him. "I love you. Even the childish excitement you get about your soda." She tried not to roll her eyes, "That is not what we are calling sexy time." She told him. "At all. That RV is way too small and he will be right at the foot of the bed. Just no."

She shook her head, "I am not like my mother."

She raised her eyebrows. "If someone didn't entirely rely on the woman with injured ribs to get everything into the RV, maybe it wouldn't be at home right now. But nooo, the girl with the broken ribs gets to lug everything up the five steps into the RV and secure it down." She shot back.
"See you do love me and my childish excitement. You get the same way over certain things." His jaw dropped. "Wait what?! We aren't having sexy time at all in the RV? Seriously? Why am I just now finding this out?!" He sighed. "But I am getting some this vacation right?"

Jake gave her a face like she was crazy. "Mmmhmm sure...yep...I'll let you believe that."

He shook his head. "Woah woah woah. Hold up right there. You know damn well I loaded that RV. At least most of it. So don't even pretend you did all the work. I did the heavy lifting. I can't believe you are trying to say you loaded the entire RV. Wow..." Jake looked at Owen. "Your mommy is highly mistaken." He looked at Adri. "It's probably actually still in your car..."
Adri looked at him and then looked away. "If you really thought we would be having sexy time in that, you need to think about it some more." She told him. "With Owen in there? Hell no." She told him.

She rolled her eyes, "I am not like my mother. And you better say that or you'll be sleeping out here." She laughed.

"Well I packed it all. I might as well have packed it all into the RV." She told him. "I packed literally everything else. You could have asked about the stroller." She said. "And it was not in my car. it has to be in the SUV. Which you had last, by the way."
He looked at her confused. "Why are you against it? He's not going to be in bed with us. If the camper is rocking don't come knocking." He chuckled. "Make out instead?" He asked.

Jake smiled. "Baby you are protective of our son. Just like your mother. I'm not taking that back." He told her and shrugged. "I'll sleep out here. I'll just take the sleeping bag."

"I packed my own suitcase thank you. Why would I have it in the SUV? I think you put it there. Not my fault babe. Not my fault." Jake pulled Owen's pacifier out of his mouth and he grabbed it back. "We need to break him of this soon." He told Adri. "He's almost one. And buddy if you have a girlfriend they don't dig pacifiers."
"Its just weird babe. He will be right there." She shook her head. "We can make out. I'm not against that. Maybe we can push him to the front of the RV and it will feel different. Close that curtain thing and have a good make out session but we aren't doing anything more."

She smiled, "good. That way you won't be tempted to have sexy time. Wait I didn't pack a sleeping bag. I didn't want to sleep outside. I left them in the garage. You're sleeping out here in some sweats."

She looked at the binky, "put it back or he will cry." She warned. "Are we breakin him off of bottled too?" She asked. "I don't doubt that it's a good idea to ween him off of them but not when it's in his mouth. We wait until he's asleep at night and we throw them all out. Get him something else to occupy his mind. But if we get rid of them, then everyone needs to purge." And she was wasn't sure how her mother would cope with that.
"The RV is big enough it's not like he is in the same room. I'm starting to think you don't find me sexy anymore." He teased. "I gained weight didn't I?"

Jake shook his h3ad. "Then nope I'll freeze. You didn't pack my sleeping bag? Then I'm not sleeping outside. I'm used to Vegas weather."

He thought about it. "We can transition bottles
to sippy cups. I don't think it will be too bad. We don't have to do it this trip. For our sanity we may wait till we get home. We should maybe slowly hide it during the day thrn have it for naps and bedtime. Just a thought." He shrugged.
“It’s all one room. Get a bigger RV next time and maybe we can talk.” She laughed. She rolled her eyes. “Yeah. I’m only interested in body builders now. Muscles on muscles. When I become one, you can too. We can a body building couple.”

She rolled her eyes, “You baby.” She teased.

She nodded her head, “We could start now while he is distracted during the day. He won’t want it as much now. Maybe we can get him talking too. Explain what we are doing to him. Keep him vocal. Preschools will like that.” She told him.
Jake nodded. "Alright fine. I'll become a body builder. I work out all day anyway." He narrowed his eyes. "You just want me in one of those stupid speedos. But I could go for seeing you in a bikini that only covers your nipples." He wiggled his eye brows.

" Then you sleep outside. If I wouldn't freeze, I would totally do it. Give me a blanket and hammock and I'm good." He told her and stuck his tongue out at her.

Jake looked at Owen then Adri. "We should work with him more. We've slacked off. We've been busy with work. We need to focus on him a bit too." He rubbed Owen's back.
She nodded her head, “Body building couple. The JayZ and Beyoncé of body building. That would be hot Boo. People would be all over us.” She laughed.

“I would do it but I need a comfortable bed for my ribs.” She said using her lame excuse once more.

“We have not neglected him. He knows how to speak. He is well within his age range. It would just be nice to help him learn a few more words. They talking to your baby helps with that. We talk to him all the time but now, we are going to be explaining things a bit better.” She said.

“But we will focus on him a lot this vacation. It’s going to be fun.”
Jake rolled his eyes but was smiling. "You are not right...We're not doing roids. We will have to do this the natural way. You have step it up in the lifting department babe."

"Mmhmm of course for your ribs. Right." He teased.

He shook his head. "I didn't mean it like we neglected him I just don't feel like we've worked with him on some of his learning habits like we could have. He is smart though. He's got his daddy's good looks and his brain. He's that awesome huh?" Owen gave him a nod. "Owen agrees see."

"It will be nice. He will be one happy little boy." Jake tickled Owen and blew raspberries on his cheeks and neck. Owen squealed and laughed as he tried to get away. Max got up and quickly made his way to them. "We're just playing calm down." Jake glanced at Adri. "I do not think we have to worry about this kid around Max."
"He got his brain from me." She smiled. "Looks from you." She rubbed his cheek and gave him a million kisses to make him laugh.

She nodded her head, "He already is." She smiled and watched Jake play with him Max came over and laid at Jake's feet. Owen reached down Max and when he was let down, he stood in for Max and pointed and spoke to him in baby gibberish. He started to walk around and Adri got up to keep him away from the fire. He was mostly exploring his limits. Checking out what the campsite had to offer. He picked up a stick and ran it back to jake but tripped and fell before he made it all the way. Adri picked him up and dusted him off and he started to run again.

"Still a happy baby." She laughed and sat down.

Owen tried to say stick but the 'st' turned into a 'd' and Adri couldn't help but giggle. "Stick, Baby Boo. St-St-stick." She said sounding it out for him.
Jake narrowed his eyes at her. "Nope. Pretty sure he got both from me. But nice try." He chuckled.

He made a face when Owen fell. He hoped he didn't jam the stick into his eye. But when he got up and was running again he knew it was all good. "What did you bring daddy?" His eyes got wide when he didn't say stick correctly. He looked at Adri. "Oh sure laugh at him. If I laugh at him I get hit..." He chuckled a little. Max tried to chew on the stick.

Owen just kept saying it wrong. "Yeah baby I think he's struggling with 'st' words. "At least he knew it was a stick and he tried." He turned to Owen. "Thanks for the stick baby." He emphasized the 'st' part of the word. He tried to grab Jake's drink so Jake handed him his cup and Owen drank all his water. "We brought juice didn't we? I won't give him any tonight but was curious for tomorrow."
"I'm not laughing at him. All he said was stick." She giggled. "Oh god mom has to hear that." Adri grabbed her camera and recorded Owen, "Hey buddy what do you have?" She asked him. He showed the camera.

"Is that a stick?" She asked and he nodded his head and said, "Dick." She stopped the recording and sent it to her mom.

"I love him. That's so funny." She laughed harder.

She nodded her head, "We have orange and apple." She told him. "They are in the Yeti with a bunch of ice to keep it cool." She told him. "Try not to open it too much." She asked.

"I was going to throw it in the fridge when we go to our permanent location. The Yeti will keep it good for now." She explained.

Adri got a reply from her mother about taking care of his lisp now and Adri shook her head, "Apparently he has a lisp. I think it's cute. I'm not too worried about it. Mom knows it was funny. She just doesn't want to admit it."
"Your mother is going to be angry and not find it funny." He told her and gave her a look.

Jake laughed as he thought of the best thing but it would not end up good for them if they did it. "We should ask him who Bisping is." He laughed. "But I'm not in the mood for the backlash from it."

Jake wondered if Owen did have a lisp. He listened to Owen as he talked. "Does he? If he does she's right we should fix it now."

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Yes babe. I won't let it open long. I won't get into it till tomorrow and put some in his cup and let him drink it and then put it in the RV fridge if we have to for the day." He told her.
She smiled, "Bisping is a stick." She laughed. "That would be fun." She laughed and smiled. "We will do it. People will be so angry think we taught him dick." She rolled her eyes. "We are going to have to show him holding a stick or something."

Adri rolled her eyes, "He doesn't have a lisp. He's a baby. He can't work his tongue properly. That's the problem. If he has a lisp we will work it out later but it happens Boo. He's fine. Don't let my mother get in your head."

She nodded her head, "Thank you." She gave him a kiss and looked at the fire. "This is kind of romantic. Besides the baby running around. We should sit around the firepit at home more." She said softly.
Jake shook his head. "We are not doing it. The media would throw a fit. I'm not dealing with the backlash on that." He shook his head.

He looked Owen over. "If he does have one we are taking him to a speech therapist." He told her. "And the sooner the better. But hopefully you're right and he doesn't have one. Amy and I never had one that I know of."

"We should take advantage of it more. Just the two of us and also with a few friends and family if we wanted. We have it. We may as well take advantage. To be honest, a nice drink with a fire going sounds kind of nice. But of course with you in my arms makes it better." He smiled a cheesy smile at her. "That would be nice. Maybe a make out session. We could do that once this guys asleep." He wiggled his eye brows at Adri. "If I'm getting no action I may as well get lip action." Jake chuckled a bit. "I think you just like how I build fires." He teased and grinned.
Adri rolled her eyes, "He's a baby. He can't use his tongue. It's not a speech thing. We will see when he's two. I guess but it's nothing to worry about. You're like my mother." She teased.

"I think you're just a big baby." She laughed. "You would survive if I said no sex and make out sessions." She told him. "And you would just be happy I was out here with you and Owen." She smiled. "Don't even pretend like that wasn't the truth."

She rubbed his cheek and ga e him a kiss. She caught Owen and had him sit on her lap. There was quiet again while they watched the fire. Owen was talking to Max about something until he got sleepy. "Will you get a bottle?" She asked Jake and once she had it, she gave it to Owen and he was asleep in no time.

She took him to his crib and turned the baby monitor on. Max came in and laid outside of the crib. She brought the other outside and leaned against Jake and watched the fire in peace.
Jake made a face. "No, I'm like this because of your mother." He corrected. "I wouldn't even have thought of it if it wasn't for her."

He shook his head. "I'm pretty sure I wouldn't. But truth is we don't know so I don't think that you should take a chance and see if I can survive. What if I didn't. You'd feel awful." He told her.

Jake got up and went in the RV and made a bottle before coming out and handing it to Adri. He kissed Owen's head. "I love you baby boy."

When Adri returned outside he wrapped his arm around her and watched the fire. It was quiet and unlike Vegas they could see the stars. Life was pretty great. He looked at Adri with a smile.
“Oh great. That’s worst. You’re turning into my mother. Now we really can’t make out or have sexy time tonight. I’m too grossed out.” She teased.

She rolled her eyes, “You will survive. You have before.”

“I’m going to go take a shower. Put the fire out, take your own shower and then come join me in bed.” She smiled. She gave him a kiss and went to take a shower. She would have suggested a shower together but the shower was not made for two people.

She got in bed in one of his shirts and waited for him to join her. She held her hand out when he got ready to get in bed and wrapped her arms around him. “You know what’s more fun that making out like a couple of teenagers?” She asked.

“Planning our wedding! At least finishing the guest list.”
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