Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 3) WF+GF

Adri shrugged her shoulder, "I guess we will see. We won't be out long if she can't mind her manners." She said simply. She would probably leave Owen home with Jake and his father so if she did say something at least she didn't run the risk of Owen hearing and repeating it.

"I know Boo. You are very reserved towards her. Maybe one day it won't be that way but you are learning to trust her again and it won't be easy." She told him. At least he was trying.

She made a face, "you will hook the worm and deal with the fish." She corrected. "I got the pole. I might as well use it once or you'll be upset. Owen got his little fishing toy. So we will all be fishing tomorrow." She smiled at him and rubbed Owen's head.
He opened his eyes because yeah they would have to wait and see. He was quiet for a couple minutes as he thought about all the crap he went through because of his mother. His mother picking who she did to marry. His mother not speaking up when she knew her husband was abusing her kids. His mother who hated his job and refused to support him for so long. Now he was trying to let her in and he just hopped he wouldn't get hurt again. More importantly though, he hoped that she didn't hurt his son.

Jake gave Adri a nod. "Maybe."

He smiled and chuckled a bit. "How do you know if you got a bite? Do you even know?" He teased. "It will be fun for us all to go fishing though. Maybe we can fish in the morning when it's a bit cooler, then we can swim later? Either time O will be in the sun. But if he's in the water he won't be as hot and then we can always stop if it gets too warm." He told her.

Jake looked at Owen. "You want to go swimming tomorrow? Huh? Swimming and fishing?" He leaned over and kissed Owen before taking a drink. He then got up to grab food for Max out of the camper. He put food and water both out for him. "Max there you go buddy." He sat back down next to Adri. "How are you going to keep your fire going when we go for a walk?" He looked at her with a smile.
"It'll tug on the thing and try to take it away. I'm not stupid Jake. I think I'll know when a fish is biting my line." She teased. "He isn't going to want to be in the water if it's cold. I doubt he will want to be in the water at all honestly." She laughed and shrugged her shoulder. "We want him in the water but there is a good chance he won't want to be in it."

She looked at the fire and then at Jake, "It will go by itself. I have faith in it and if it goes out we can clear out the pit and you can show us how to make a real fire. What are you using? Flint and steel? Rubbing two stick together?" She asked.

"Do you think that mattress is going to be comfortable?" She asked him. "It looked hard to me."
"I never said you were stupid babe. Just didn't know if you had been fishing is all babe." He smiled. "Maybe you can worm at least one hook. Your dad would be so proud of his baby girl." He told her with a smile. "Owen wants to swim right? Don't you buddy? Maybe if we're both in."

He just looked at her. "You are how forest fires start Adriana. You don't leave a fire unattended. Plus it could catch the camper on fire. Or the trees, grass." He gave her a serious look. "You know I can make it with flint. My knife has a fire starter. But I probably could use two sticks. It's now a challenge. Challenge accepted." He grinned.

"I sure hope so. Otherwise you are rubbing me down tomorrow. Do you think you'll be okay with the boys if I go for a run in the morning or should I take Max?" He asked.
She gagged and shook her head, "No thank you. He will be happy I am even out here in the first place. I am not touching a worm. There are only two worms I touch. One because I have too the other because I get something from it." She smiled and looked down at his lap and then back up at him.

"It's a quick walk. It's not that big and its contained in a pit." She shrugged her shoulder. "Then we will water it down or something. I don't know, you tell me. How do we put it out?" She asked. "Pee on it?"

She rolled her eyes, "everyone will be asleep by the time you get a fire started with two sticks. You can try tomorrow. I actually want a s'more tonight." She told him.

"Camper was your idea. You are rubbing me down tomorrow." She looked at a Max, "take him. He will want to go with you anyways. Especially if his buddy is sleeping."
Jake gave her a dirty look. "Really? You're going to insult him? A worm? Really?" He raised an eyebrow at her. "You are being a butt."

He shrugged and weighed the options. "I could pee on it yes. But don't worry I won't. I'll take care of it. Cause Smokey the Bear told me only I can prevent forest fires." He stole a few bites with a smile like he was showing off.

" You have no faith in me. I was a cub scout.... For like a year. But that's all I needed." He grinned. "Or that's all my mom thought I needed. At least I learned something. "

Jake had a plan in the morning. He'd sleep in a bit. Well, sleep in to Jake, then go for a run with Max then come back and get breakfast made. A nice camping breakfast. They were in no hurry to do anything the next morning.

He finished eating before getting up to start to clean up. "I'm sorry and don't mean to brag, but that was amazing. I made darn good steak."
"Yeah a big worm but a worm." She teased further.

"I'm sure you learned a lot in your one year as a Cub Scout." She laughed. "Aw he should be a Cub Scout. He'd be so cute in the little uniform. I love cub scouts." She smiled and kissed Owen's cheek. "And it will teach him hard work. Fun scouts until he picks a sport he wants to play."

She rolled her eyes at his brag. "You're so humble." She told him and took a bite to finish off her dinner. "I'll finish the rest after a walk. Maybe." She said. She took her plate inside and out it in the mini fridge. She grabbed a jacket for Owen and zipped him into it.

She also grabbed Max's leash but didn't hook him up to it yet. "Ready?" She asked and looked at the fire. "Are you going to pee on it?"
He pushed her arm. "Punk." He rolled his eyes shaking his head. "More like an anachonda."

"I did learn a lot. I learned sense of direction. How to start a fire. First aid. Among other things." He told her. "He could be a cub scout or even a boy scout even with sports." The kids in his opinion could be in anything. The more things they were in the more life lessons they learned.

He chuckled. "I try." He looked at Adri and looked at the fire. After putting some dirt on it he told her it was good. "If I peed on it, it wouldn't catch later. Geez..." He told her rolling his eyes. " walking or want daddy to hold you?" O took off walking and Jake looked at Adri. "Guess he's walking..." He caught up to him and grabbed his hand. "Gotta hold daddy's hand."
"Worm" she said under her breath and covered it up by eating her steak.

"Let him have some freedom Jake. Let him go. We are right here if a car comes or he falls. He will be fine. Just point out the poison ivy so we can keep him far away from that." He was only so fast. He wasn't going to get away from them that easily. If he was older he would t have gotten away with it but for now they should let him explore his world.

"Can we talk about the idea I had at least?" She asked. "It's not really working if we are just casually talking about it." She told him.

"I don't want a small make up brand that fizzles out because it doesn't bring anything to the table. I want a full line of make up. Foundation, powder, eye shadow, lipstick, eye liner. I wants it all. And I want it to be for everyone. Brings in more profit that way. But if I devote the time to that then I would have to step back from fashion week, kind of. I wouldn't do all of the shows I could. I would do the ones that want me and ask for me exclusively. And of course with Victoria's Secret I have a good paycheck coming in every month. There is no need to over do it with fashion week. I thought you might enjoy that. I'd be home more."
Jake glared at her.

He let go of Owen's hand and kept a good eye on him. He actually didn't take his eye off of him. They were walking for now on the gravel drive around the different camp sites. He was a little bit ahead of them but Max was right next to him. Jake instead grabbed Adri's hand as they walked.

He listened to her idea of what she wanted her makeup line to be. "I think that's a great idea. I like that you want it to be for everyone. So I think you need to look into ones that are good for those who have allergies or sensitive skin. Also, I think you should do maybe a stage makeup line for actors and actresses to use. Maybe work with makeup artists in that field that use it for movies or Broadway and see where the need is and go with that. Just all thoughts. Build your empire how you want to Adge. I support you. I know you have a vision. Go with it baby." He kissed her cheek.

"I think with both of our visions for the future we will be just fine financially. My gym can train fighters for years to come."
She nodded her head, "I don't think I will dive into theatre makeup. That's an entirely different brand of makeup. But I will talk to makeup artists and see what they like. Maybe some beauty gurus on YouTube and see what they like. That would be cool." She told him. "And maybe one day I will try stage makeup." She told him.

She nodded her head again, "I think we are setting up our kids to run a couple of empires. Your gyms could spread throughout the country. My makeup could go world wide. We can be the next JayZ and Beyonce." She smiled. "A billion dollars in an elevator." She wrapped her arm around his waist and smiled.

Her mother sent her a text to see where they were and Adri let her know they were fine and what campsite they were in for the night. "Mom wants us to keep a close eye on her grandson." She told Jake. "I told her we were going to offer him to Big Foot if we find him. I don't think she is going to appreciate that reply." She giggled.
Jake definitely didn't know a lot about make up but she seemed to know a lot and had an idea of what she wanted. "I didn't know it was that different. Can i make a suggestion though...maybe you can get into make up for body building. Girls do body building and have to do their make up. Maybe you can make something that helps with them too. It's a branch of it we can do together. You can do your make up line. I could do my gyms then together we do the body building make up."

He smiled. "That's awesome. If they want to run them. Maybe they will want to go be doctors or a teacher. I don't want them to feel like they have to run it but we can have people set up to run it for them and then they can get the money from it." He smiled at her. "I could be down for being worth that much money." He kissed her.

"Oh we have to pay attention to him this week? I didn't know that. She takes the fun out of everything." He tells her. "I'll tell her it was all you so I don't get in trouble." He chuckled.

Owen saw a little girl at another camp site and he stopped. She stopped playing and looked at him. Jake stopped and chuckle, "Uh oh..." Owen ran over to play with her. Jake walked over. "O come on big boy." The mom smiled at Adri and Jake and said hello to them. She asked how old Owen was, not realizing who they were.
"Bodybuilding?" She asked. She didn't even think of it. "Isn't that all spray tan and baby oil?" She asked jokingly. "I will look into it. No promises though." That would be an interesting adventure to jump into though. "Would you love me if I wanted to be a bodybuilder and went all out? And just got huge?" She asked him. "Like biceps the size of your head huge?"

She laughed, "You probably would too." She pulled out her phone when it started to vibrate. "Hello, mother..." She giggled. "We will watch him. Are you serious right now? Because we wanted a family vacation the three of us and if you want to go to Denver for Christmas we need to look at cabins. We didn't want to fly mom. Look I love you, the signal is cutting out. Love you." she gave her kissing noises and then hung up.

"He is almost a year old." Adri told her and watched him play with the little girl. They were talking to each other which was cute. It made Adri want another one but she knew the timing wasn't right. She smiled at Jake. "Anything that helps him sleep all night." She laughed when they started to chase each other.
He rolled his eyes. "Babe yes it is a lot of spray tan and body oil. But the women do their make on the face too like any other normal woman who wears make up." He told her.

Jake laughed a bit. "She wanted to know why we drove? And didn't fly? And didn't bring her? She worries about us. It's kind of nice." He smiled and kissed her head.

She smiled and watched them play. "My daughter is a little over a year. They seemed to make friends quick. Are you going to be here long?" She got up and walked over to Jake and Adri, "Hi I'm Jessica, that's Maddie. Joe...come here." Her husband came out and said hi.

Jake pointed to Owen, "That's Owen. I'm Jake this is Adri. Just a couple days."

"You're welcome to hang out for a bit while they play."

Jake looked at Adri, leaving it up to her.
"You didn't answer my question though. Would love me if I went complete body builder on you? Huge legs? Huge arms? Normal sized head?" She smiled. "Only a tiny bit of roid rage." She teased.

"Sure. He hasn't played with a lot of babies but he does like meeting new people so I'm sure he will be fine." She smiled.

She stood with Jake and put her arm around his waist. Owen ran and screamed and laughed with his new friend.
He hesitated. "Yes, I'd still love you. But roid rage please no. I don't know if I could handle it." He told her teasing her.

"Maddie goes to a day care so she gets some other interaction with babies. Are you a stay at home mom?" She asked. They still had no idea.

"Oh no. Adri is too much a career woman to be a stay at home mom for long. My sister takes care of him while we work. It is nice to have someone he knows have him." Jessica then asked Adri what she did for a living.
"Then I'll try it out. After modeling and makeup, I will go into bodybuilding." She flexed her muscles and laughed. "I'm going to be huge, babe. Bigger than you. You'll love it. Oooh, I want to be like that lady that squeezes watermelons with her thighs. That will be me." She smiled and wiggled her eyebrows. "Sexy, right?"

Adri shook her head and was going to answer but Jake spoke for her. "I model here and there. I travel a lot." Adri aid, trying to keep it under wraps. She liked being treated like a normal person with no photos and no autographs. She wanted to keep it that way. f she told them what they did then the word would spread and there went their pleasant few days camping.

"And he runs a gym in Vegas." She answering what Jake did. "What do you guys do?"

Day care seemed like it would be a good idea for Owen. Get him used to be around other kids his age. Out of the house and into a strange place. It made her nervous because he could sick but it would build up his immune system. She would talk to Jake about it later.
Jake shook his head. "" He kept shaking his head. "No bodybuilding babe."

Jake smiled and gave them a nod when Adri told them he ran a gym. She really wasn't lying exactly. Joe then looked at them confused. He was putting it together but just grinned and gave Jake a nod like he was going to keep their secret. Or if she figured it out they both would keep it a secret. Jake just smiled and was appreciative.

"I'm a teacher and Joe is a mechanic. I love my summers off and Joe has a lot of weekends off so we like to camp."

Jake was having the same thoughts about putting Owen in day care. Interactions with kids would be nice for different reasons.

Jessica watched the kids a second, "If you two don't have plans for lunch tomorrow feel free to come by around noon. The kids could play a bit more."
"I'm doing it. You can't stop me. Those ladies make good money smashing stuff with their legs. It's some weird kink, I guess. You'll learn to love it too. Or I'll squeeze your head with my amazing thighs." She warned.

"I think that would be nice. Maybe, if you guys are still here, we can have them run around before we continue our trip. Get him tuckered out before the car ride." She smiled. Owen ran to Adri and hugged her legs before running off again.

Max whined and sat next to Jake. Adri gave Max a head scratch, "Don't be jealous." She told him and gave him a kiss. She let Max off the leash and he laid down by Jake's feet. "He's usually number one in Owen's life." She joked. "Didn't like being cast aside."
Jake just sighed, rolling his eyes before shaking his head. "I thought you liked it when I had my head between your thighs." He teased with a grin.

Jessica loved the idea of them coming by before they left. "Stop by anytime you see we are here. We may be out fishing or swimming but if we are here please stop by." She motioned for them to come sit down with them.

Jake chuckled a bit. "Yeah you normally can't separate the two. His mom is also jealous she lost her dog. Don't let her fool you." He told them teasing Adri.

"It's probably a good thing we don't have a dog cause I can see the same happened," Joe told them and Jessica smacked his arm. "You said you're from Vegas? How was your drive out here? We're locals to the area so we come here often."
She smiled at Max, "sorry Bud. They had everything but a dog." She rubbed his head again.

"It was smoother than I thought it would be. I was really expecting more meltdowns from O because he hates the car seat most days but he was pretty good until I tried to keep him awake." She laughed.

"What's it like having her in daycare?" Adri asked. "Does she get sick often? I think that's a smart move to get him social but he's had some scares and he is our first and only for the moment. I like having him home but maybe a little time away will be good for the both of us." She looked at Jake and then at Jessica.
Jake shook his head at Adri. "You just jinxed us babe. Really?" He shook his head and sighed. "It really wasn't too bad. He took a nice nap. They both did. I had some quiet time, just me and the road."

Jessica thought about it. "She has had a few more colds than I'd like but it hasn't been too bad. They do seem to pass things around there. I don't think day care is a bad idea but I can understand if you have someone close to you watch him too. It's hard to make sure their are getting the care they need and deserve. I'd definitely do your research before taking him somewhere. Where we take Maddie has to change her every hour so she really doesn't get a diaper rash. If she has anything leak through to her clothes they change her entire outfit. Someone is always in the room with them. It's a good place."

Jake could be on board if they found a place like that.

Joe smiled, "They can give you text updates too. Jess really likes those." He chuckled. "What kind of scares have you guys had if you don't mind me asking?"
She rolled her eyes, "We will keep him entertained. He will be fine. And I'm touching wood so relax." She smiled.

Adri wanted a place like that. It sounded nice and expensive but they could afford the best for their little guy. She was sure there were places like that back home. She'd look into it so they could check out some places later. It would be nice to not have to rush through fun time because they finally got Owen down for a nap.

"Too many." Adri said softly. "Born premature and couldn't come home for weeks. A high fever that caused a seizure. Asthma, but that's something we can deal with and hope he grows out of. His immune system is still building and it's not as good as most of his peers. Which is I guess is another reason why we, or I, am hesitant to take him to new places." She explained.
"Just remember I'm driving so there's only so much entertaining I can do." But Jake knew this trip was his idea.

Jess showed concern on her face. "Wow that does sound like some serious scares. He seems to be doing good now."

Jake gave a nod. "He normally does do well. The fever and seizure we hope was just a one time ever thing. And the asthma does flares up at times but it's manageable. We don't want to push on luck with the fever or asthma if we don't have to. It would be nice have more time for smaller things. Plus my sister is having her own baby so it makes it a bit harder. We don't want to take her time from her own son." Jake rubbed Adri's back.

"She doesn't go much during the summer since I'm out of school so it's not too bad."
If he went to day care, she would probably provide a humidifier so he wasn't breathing in all the dust of the room. She was sure he was allergic to dust along with aging asthma. "We should get an allergy test done." She told Jake. They could never be too safe.

"They are only little for so long. I don't want her to get stressed about this one running around when she should be cherishing time with her newborn." Adri explained and shrugged her shoulder. They were going to hire a nanny full time but maybe preschool was the better alternative. And they could have a nanny part time.

"He's an only child for now. We are planning a wedding but once that's over he will get some siblings. I think he should start sharing now. So it isn't a problem later. Interaction will be good for him. I don't know how he will do not having one of us there. He always has someone." She said softly.
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