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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 3) WF+GF

Adri smiled, "I will. I know that much." She gave him a kiss. "So thoughtful." She pinched his cheeks.

"I'll ask her. I know mom is always down for some wedding planning. She's been talking my ear off about it." She rolled her eyes.

"Its a little shocking that you have so many." She answered and shrugged her shoulders. "The ideas are cute. I can't wait to see your surprises."

She handed Owen over and went to the bathroom. She sent a text to her agent to see if he had any job offers and to see if he could hook her up with tickets to the wedding shows she wanted. She went back out to Owen and Jake and sat next to them.

"I can take over feeding if you want to stretch your legs." She offered.
He kissed her back. "I try." He smiled at her and then made a face when she pinched his cheeks and tried to nip at her hand.

"Her baby girl is getting married. You will do the same thing with our daughters and you know it." He was saying daughters cause she was very adamant about having two. "It is nice you want to plan with her though. I know she appreciates it." Too bad his mother wasn't as laid back and cool or she could go too. Maybe this trip would help build a bit of a bridge for them. She was starting to try, he saw that and hoped she kept it up and was genuine.

Jake smiled, "Maybe I'll have to get on Pintrest thought. Maybe I'll find better ideas." He said and chuckled.

He asked Owen who Adri was as she walked back and he just smiled and reached for her saying 'mum mum.' Jake smiled. "Someone loves his mommy." Jake let Adri take over. "I do need to talk a walk. "You sure you are good with him and Max?" He tied him to the picnic table to make it easier for him before heading to the bathroom. He took his time and walked back to the RV to get drinks for Adri and him. He yelled from the RV, "Baby you need anything?"
"Hi, my handsome boy." She kissed the top of his head and rubbed his hand.

"We will be fine." She promised. "Plus you will be in eye sight if he has a breakdown." She laughed. "Go take a walk. Stretch your legs out." She told him and took over feeding Owen.

"Water." She yelled back and rubbed Max's head. After a while, Owen refused to eat and started to whine. The whine grew into a cry and it was only because he was tired. She gave him a binky and cleaned him off. She picked him up and walked around the picnic table.

She opened the diaper bag and quickly changed his diaper which he despised her for and then he was back to be bounced around to get him to sleep. "I guess that is what I get for waking him up all those times." She said softly.
Adri was good at looking out for him. She was amazing. From everything from his training to fights to making dinner for him to making sure he was good for his drive to Denver.

Jake came back with his water and set it on the picnic table. "He okay?" He asked Adri when he could hear him crying.

"Baby want me to take him or you got it?" Owen snuggled into Adri, big crocodile tears as he settled down. He was tired but trying to keep his eyes open. Eventually he closed his eyes and grabbed a hold of Adri's shirt. Jake kissed Adri's shoulder.
"He's grumpy because he's tired." She said a little frustrated but working on making the situation better. "I wiped his nose and he had a meltdown." She made a face and kept rubbing Owen's back to soothe him.

She tried to hand him over but Owen was having none of it. "Couldn't give him to you if I wanted too." She chuckled.

When he finally closed his eyes, she sighed. "Thank god. That had to be the worst melt down. I will give him a little while longer and then try to get him in the car seat. Want to take Max for a walk?" She asked.
"How dare you blow his nose?" He teased.

Jake smiled. "It should at least make you happy he wants his mom." Jake kissed Owen's head. "Hopefully we can get some distance in while he's out." He told her with a smile.

"Sure." Jake grabbed Max's leash and started off on a walk, "You want to come too?" He asked and waited for her reply before walking around the rest area with Max. "I may grab a sandwich before I get back in the truck. That way we are good for a bit." He told her. He let Max walk around and sniff a few things out. Jake was fine going at Max's pace for now. "Do you want a bite or anything?"

Adri's phone went off from her agent. She had a job offer but had to cut the trip to only a couple days if she wanted it.
"Yeah, hopefully." She said softly.

She nodded her head to going with them and grabbed the diaper bag and followed. "You should have gotten a sandwich before we started the walk. You could have eaten and walked." She rubbed Owen's head and smiled at Jake. "No, I'm not hungry." She said softly. "Not with snot on the shoulder. I feel gross. When is not cute and acts like that he is your son."

She looked at her phone and answered. It wasn't even that big of a job and she didn't want a tabloid cover so she declined.
Jake shrugged, "I can eat a sandwich as I drive. Dad won't care." He looked at Owen. "He's only mind when he acts like that?" He asked and shook his head. "He is my son when he is quiet and cute and laughing. Especially when he is all smart and gives hugs and kisses." He smiled at Adri.

He looked at her. "What was it? Is it something you really want to do?" He asked her. "Baby if it's important to you...we can manage. Owen and I can just make it a father son thing if we need to." He told her.

If Adri decided to leave he would be bummed but he'd understand. "I support you and if you need to do this it's okay."
"Babe if it was something I wanted to do, I would have hung up and talked to you about it. I don't want to do a story about what happened to me so they can cut and paste it into an issue to sell magazines. I want to go back to work. Real work." She told him.

"Trust me if it is something that I wanted to do I would have told you."

Owen moved his head to put his nose against Adri. "At this point, the only thing I am leaving early for is an editorial or September issue." She promised.
Jake gave her a nod. "Okay baby. I appreciate you saying you'd talk to me instead of just taking it. It just seems like our timing sometimes sucks with your work. Or even my work." He gave a shrug.

"Or Bigfoot. You may leave because of Bigfoot." He told her with a smile before putting his arm around her.

He walked a bit being quiet before he looked at her. "I know you're itching to get back to work. I'm excited for you. I know what it's like and its awful waiting so long before you can go back to your normal work. I know you are pretty happy now but I can only imagine that you'll just get that happier when you actually go back to doing what you love. Plus I'm sure you are getting rather sick of me." He teased.

Jake got back to the truck and grabbed water for Max who only drank a little bit. "I'm ready to load back up if you are baby."
"Yes, I would leave because of bigfoot. We may not even stay in the camper. I think I want to be under a real roof that a possible bigfoot can't tip over." She smiled at him and wanted to kiss him but with Owen's head in the way, it was too difficult.

"Only a little." She teased back. "Honestly, I feel like I should have been planning the wedding." She said softly. "There is so much I could have done this last week and I didn't." She said. "I don't know. I should have done something more."

After the walk, she carefully got Owen into the car seat and locked up. She clipped a binky to his shirt, just in case he wanted it when he woke up. "He is going to be hungry when he wakes up. He barely ate anything for me." She told him as she buckled up so they could go.
"You have no sense of adventure. Imagine how cool we would be if we had an interaction with Bigfoot. Everyone would be jealous." He told her. "I would sleep in the RV."

Jake shrugged. "You needed to heal Adriana. It's okay. We have time to plan. Hell we can plan on the road. We have plenty of time to talk about it." He told her.

He got in to head back out. His sandwich was in his hand. "We can stop babe. Or give him a bottle." He had her help look as he pulled out. "We do need to discuss our first song. I really do want your input on it baby. What thoughts do you have?" He asked as he ate his sandwich.
"Okay and you the MMA fighter can be outside with Bigfoot. Owen and I will be in a real house." She told him. "Don't worry I will call the police when BigFoot comes around." She promised.

"I didn't bring the wedding books. I don't know what kind of flowers I want. I don't know what kind of flowers are out there. I would love to do roses but what kind and from where? Unless you don't mind stopping so I can get some magazines, I don't see how we are going to plan." She said softly.

"I can move tot he back when he gets up. I will sit back there and feed him in his car seat and then make my way back up to the front when he is content with his cartoons again.

"I don't know. I think it should be something we can dance to. I also want it to be a choreographed dance so we are just swaying back and forth for three minutes. Dad has his song picked out. My brothers swear they are each getting a dance. I just, I don't know. We can listen to some songs while we drive and pick something we both like that. That might be a good way to spend some time. Ohh, I am sure there are wedding song playlists on YouTube." She smiled and looked one up and let the playlist play over the car speakers.
"Don't call the police. They'd probably shoot him." He told her.

He thought about it. "If we can park somewhere easy then I'm fine with stopping. We just have a big RV to take with us so it makes it harder. Once we hit the first camp ground we probably could find a store. You do have your computer..."

"I want to see you climbing back and forth." He chuckled, "Sounds like a good plan though. Good thing you're small."

"Baby, I'm some what okay with that. But I don't want to be so focused on getting the dance down. I just want to share that loving intimate moment with my wife." He told her and held her hand after he finished his sandwich and used a napkin to wipe his hand. After a few songs found one he really liked. "From the Ground Up by Dan + Shay. I like that one. That has a vote from me." He smiled at her.
"We don't haveo to focus on dance steps but it would be nice to know more than one move. That's all I'm saying." She told him.

She thought about and looked for something, "Faithfully by Journey? I feel like that fits us. The whole song is about make a relationship work despite being apart. It's difficult but there is only one person we think of coming home too." She smiled at Jake.

"Or we can go with the beautiful songstress Adele and Make you Feel My Love. It gives me goosebumps. I love it."
"We can take a lessons to learn more. That's fine." He agreed to learn more moves. He wasn't sure if they'd use them but to make her happy, he would go and try.

"So you didn't like the one that I did." He kept listening.

"My next votes are Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Calliet, Mirrors by Justin Timberlake, or All of My Love by Led Zepplin." He threw those out to her to see if any she liked. "Lucky is kinda us too, talks about being in love with your best friend and traveling. Mirror is also talking about the other half of us. And All of My Love is just an awesome song but has lyrics that also could apply."
They could go on and on trying to pick a song for the wedding. "Mirrors is good but that's too much in the background. If we can get rid of all of the bass and make it more slow and romantic I'd be happy with that."

She looked back at Owen and Max and looked forward again. She yawned herself and put her seat back a little bit to recline.

"What else do we need? Food. I think for food we should have a four course meal. Appetizer, salad, entree and dessert. The entree should be choices of chicken, steak and fish. Dessert can be the wedding cake." She looked at Jake. "Fancy but edible. That's the goal."
Jake grinned. "Babe...I could get Justin Timberlake to actually probably sing it for us. He is going to be invited anyway." He smiled at her.

"I love how you went straight to food. You are a woman after my own heart." He smiled. "It all sounds great. I think we should do something with a fruit for a dessert too. Or as an appetizer. We are a pretty healthy family so I'd like to stick to that baby. Or at least have healthy options. But with some of our favorites so it's things we enjoy and our guests get a glimpse of what we like."

Jake thought about what else they needed. "We've decided on the colors right? That's final? I'm looking for our car. Ummm. What else. Invites. We need to look and figure out what kind of invites we want. We also need to take engagement photos. Magazines are going to want them. We will be having magazines and shows wanting interviews babe. I did think of something kinda cool. Maybe Owen could pull our nephew in a wagon or something. But we don't have a flower girl...what do we do about that?" He asked Adri.

"Baby if you're getting tired, get some sleep. I'll be alright."
"It feels weird inviting him to the wedding and then asking him to sing for us. If he asks and then offers okay but I don't want him to think we are inviting him just to sing." She told him.

"That's why I said steak, chicken or fish. Now it's a matter of sides. we can keep it simple with steamed broccoli and mashed potatoes or we can go really deluxe with I don't know. Fondant potatoes and bacon wrapped asparagus. Oh that one. I want that one. We are going fancy." She wrote that down on the list of what they spoke about.

"Red, silver and black. Not too much black and probably diamonds or rhinestones for the silver." She told him. She nodded her head to needing invites, "I kind of want handwritten invites. Make them more personal. On black papers with silver ink." She smiled.

"I am still looking at planners to get all of this done for us but they are all saying it would be nice to have a list of what we want and then they can make it happen."

"I don't know what to do about the flower girl. We could make our nephew the ring bearer and Owen can drop flowers since he can walk but I feel like our son should be the ring bearer. I can live with rose petals already on the aisle when I walk. I don't want Owen to have to pull a carriage with his cousin in it. I don't think the baby will care if he's in the weddi or not. He could walk with Luke and Amy. Have her carry him or some thing."

She yawned again and closed her eyes. "I'm awake. We need wedding bands. I got our shoes already. You need to get your men and get your suits made. I need to do dress shopping and jewelry and shoes for me and the girls."
He understood not making him sing for our wedding. "I won't just expect him to. If it works out great. If not, he's a guest first and foremost. Right?" He smiled a little.

Jake liked her ideas for food and the colors for the invites. "We will have to find someone who can write them all out. How many people are we thinking? That could he a lot to handwrite. Maybe we could have a red D on top. To add a splash of color." He suggested.

"I have an just hit me. I call you my queen...what if Owen has the rings and also pulls out this red carpet or white for his mom to walk down on." He smiled at the idea. "Or if he doesn't, maybe someone else can."

"I was thinking of doing a wax seal to close the invitations. We can make that red on a black envelope. I think that would be nice. We are going to have quite a few guests though. My family is pretty big. We have a lot of friends. We are looking at what 200 to 250 guests. The palace says the Max is five hundred so I think it works out."

She smiled, "That's vmcute but I'm not walking a red carpet. I'm walking on roses." She told him.

"We can start the guest list if you want. My mother has her own list made up of family and family friends. We need a list too. Just spit names out and I'll write them down. And add to it as we go."
"Ooo. Like royalty. I like it. Cam it have a D on it?" He asked all excited. "That is a lot. My family isn't too big but we do have a lot of friends. Everybody loves me." He joked.

He felt like she was turning down every idea he had. "Okay." He told her about the roses.

He started naming off gym guys and guys from the UFC. He had a couple friends from Denver but not many. There were a few other famous friends to add like Jimmy Fallon, the Timberlakes, Ellen and her wife, and Eminem.

"I really need to get my tattoo started." He told her. "When I get back I may do that."
"That's what I was thinking. A nice scripted font with a big D embossed into it. We have to find the place to make it but I'm sure there is some fancy place that will have everything we need and more."

She wrote down every name he gave her, ad dinner own as they went down. She went through their phones as well to get names that might be forgotten. They would need to get addresses but that could wait until later. For now she put down phone numbers so they, or their planner, could call and get correct address information.

"Are you going to have the artist come to the house and do it or are you going to a shop?" She asked. "It might be easier to get them to come to the house. If I'm away you can have the nanny watch Owen." She told him.
They agreed on the invitations at least. "That would be nice. I'm sure our planner will know exactly where to go." That's what they paid them for so he sure hoped they did.

Jake thought about whether to go somewhere or have them come to him. "It probably depends on how long the first session will be. It will have to probably be the whole outline. I could do it either place. I'm sure Amy and Luke would help if I had to go to a shop. I wouldn't mind if they came to the house cause it would be easier with Owen and we could take breaks, but I don't know if I can just sit anywhere or if I need a specific seat so it turns out right."

He checked the time and sign to see where he could stop for the night. "Here's my plan. We can stop at Green River, UT. It is little bit over halfway there. We should only then have five hours to go then later. There are two campgrounds there. We can stay the night or two to spend more time swimming. We will get there around 4pm. So doesn't give us much time to do a lot tonight before getting dinner and a fire going. Sound good?"
She nodded her head, "Alright. I'll hopefully be there for the first session or at least part of it. I can't wait to see it though it's going to look hot and if it's done right it will look totally bad ass." She smiled.

"Sounds good to me." She told him and looked back to check on Owen. "Let's go swimming tomorrow. I think that will be fun. Plus I want to see him in those adorable swim trunks with the Sharks all over. I just hope he doesn't have a melt down in the water. If we are both in the water he will join us though."

She put her notepad away and yawned again. "I might take a nap just wake me up when he wakes up and I'll get back there and feed him."
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