Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 3) WF+GF

"I would love for you to be there my first session." It would be cool to have Adri take photos and just be there as he got his armour.

He gave her a nod. "Yeah we will need to get a fire and dinner going. It will take a bit to get set up camp. It will be nice to just chill tomorrow."

Jake rubbed her leg. "Alight baby." He let her sleep for a couple hours then Owen woke up and instantly fussed. "Hey baby boy. It's okay." Max licked his hand and then he was okay for a little bit. Jake let Adri sleep for a little longer then rubbed her cheek. "Adge? Your baby boo is awake." Owen kept saying 'Foo. Foo.' Jake chuckled.
"Get camp set up? We aren't sleeping in tents. I thought the RV was set up. That's why we got it." She laughed. "What else needs to be done besides the fire and dinner?" She asked curiously.

Adri yawned and stretched her legs. "It feels like I just fell asleep." She rubbed her cheeks. She looked back at Owen and stuck her tongue out at him. She put her seat back all of the way and unbuckled her belt. She slid back into the back row and pulled out a bib and some food. She grabbed a spoon and then she buckled up again.

"Alright bud, you hungry?" She asked and started to feed him. He tried to the spoon from her but she was going to keep grandpa's truck as clean as possible.
He laughed, "You want plumbing and electric right? I have to hook both up. Set up the porch. Unless you don't want that out. Set out our chairs. Figure out which dinner we're eating." He could tell she hadn't been camping.

"I can pull over and do it..." He offered but smiled when she stuck her tongue out at him. "He's definitely my boy. Do you hear him. Foo. Foo." He chuckled.

Max watched Adri climb into the back and feed Owen. He whined a bit. "Max no. We're almost to the campground." They only had about 45 minutes and Jake pulled into the campground. He parked by the office. "I'll go make sure we can get a site. You coming in or staying here?"
"Oh." She said softly and nodded her head. "That would be nice, I guess. We can porch the porch out tomorrow though. Sit inside for dinner until I can find the bug spray."

She gave Max a kiss and a treat, "Sorry. Daddy is a mean old man who said no." She teased and rubbed his head.

"We will stay here. No need to bring this one in only to put him back in the car seat. That might kiss him off." She laughed. She kept feeding Owen and to her surprise he ate the whole thing. She set his show and watched it with him in the back. She did wipe his mouth off which he wasn't fond of but he was clean and Adri was happy.
He gave her a nod. "We could. Or we could just sit on the picnic tablet. The bugs shouldn't be too bad. But we need to find it cause I want to have a fire tonight..." He told her.

He glared through the mirror at her. "I am not old. And I'm not mean. Be nice Adriana. Or I'm throwing your butt in the water." He told her.

"Okay." Jake got out and ran into the office. He asked for a camping site for two nights and paid. They gave him a map to everything on the camping grounds and told him where his site was. He came back out the truck and drove to their spot. Jake got it parked pretty well but needed Adri to help just a little by standing outside and giving him direction when backing up. Once he was parked he got out and started to hook up the electric and plumbing.

Jake handed Adri the map. They were a few camp site rows away from the water which Jake liked so Owen wouldn't be anywhere near the water without them taking him. There were a bathroom and shower house not too far away. The campgrounds also had miniature golf. Jake got into the camper and looked through the coolers to see what they wanted for dinner. "I can make steaks, grilled potatoes and veggies on the fire or grill. How does that sound?" He asked Adri. Max sniffed around but stayed close to them.
"You are older than the three of us so you are an old man." She stuck her tongue out at him and Owen copied her. "Good job Bud." She kissed his forehead and smiled at Jake.

"I was hoping for a water front property." She teased but she was happy with where they were. The mosquitos and other bugs would hang out near the water in droves. After getting the RV parked, she went to look for the bug spray which she found in a bag inside the RV. She also grabbed a wrist band that helped keep bugs away and grabbed one for the three of them.

"Sounds good to me." Adri got the band on Owen's ankle so he wouldn't chew on it and handed one to Jake. She put the other and called Max over. She gave him an ear scratch and back rub. "Such a good boy." She told him and kissed his nose.

"What else do we need to set up?" She asked and set Owen down to explore but kept a sharp eye on him. He picked up a stick and examined it. He stayed close to Max who was close to them so he was always within eyesight or reaching distance.
"Great babe. Teach our son bad habits. That's rude..." He told her.

Jake rolled his eyes. "Of course you were. But we have a baby who I can see surprising us and wanting to take a jump right in the water." He told her but the bugs being an issue was part of the problem too. He put the wrist band on. "Thank you baby."

He got everything out and debated on the grill or fire. It would probably be easier to keep Owen out of the grill so he went that route and got it started. He seasoned the steaks then started to cut up the potatoes. They would take a bit to cook so he wanted to get them on first. He then started cleaning and cutting up the veggies.

"You can set up our chairs by the fire pit and relax. It's vacation and your man is making dinner." Jake said with a smile and a smack on the butt. "We can go for a walk after dinner if you want." Jake stopped and thought about it. "Shit...did we we bring the stroller?"
She shrugged her shoulder, "At least I didn't teach him a curse word like your sister." She teased.

"You promised me an amazing s'more. Might as well crack into those marshmallows for dessert." She smiled and wiggled her eyebrows.

She entry inside to grab the chairs and set them on the ground. "I'd love a walk after dinner." She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Mouth." She tapped his mouth with her finger. She frowned and thought about it, "Uh. I don't think so actually." She laughed. "I don't think we brought the stroller. We brought everything else though." She sighed.

"We could ways use Max's leash on him and let him walk." She offered and looked at Owen. "I don't think he'd mind." She laughed.
He made a face. "That's true. Not yet anyway. You almost did that one day."

Jake smiled. "I did promise a smore. I'd love to make you one tonight." He wiggled his back. "We grabbed Reese cups right?"

He tried to nip at her finger that was against his lips, being playful. "Crap...should we buy one somewhere or just make do without?" He asks.

"Babe...Who won't mind? Owen or Max?" He chuckled. "I'm not putting a leash on my son. No. I'll just hold him. He will be fine." He wrapped the potatoes in foil pouches and put them on the grill. After they were on a bit he put the steaks on and the veggies last. As he watched the grill, he played fetch with Max and a tennis ball.
"We did. And regular Hershey's bars as well." She smiled.

She looked at Owen, "We should probably buy one for when we go to look at cabins." She said softly. "I don't want him running around while we are trying to look for a house." She grabbed his butt and sat in one of the chairs. She flipped through her binder for how she could start her beauty line.

"He can walk Boo. Just have his little hand hold you finger." She smiled. She called Owen over and handed him a ball of his own to play with and flipped her binder open.

"Babe I was thinking since everyone has highlights and lipsticks I want to do something different. I don't want a small beauty brand, you know? I want big. I want to really start a franchise so if I do this I'm doing it big. I'm doing everything for everyone. Every skintone and skin type." She told him.

"But it means putting more money in it. I might be dipping into my saving accounts. Like the one my parents set up when I was little. It's kind of scary to think about."
"Saweet. You're in for a treat babe. It's delicious." He smiled big at her.

He gave her a nod. "You're probably right." He told her. "We don't need him falling down stairs or anything. We can stop somewhere and get one. We can get by today."

Jake watched Owen with the ball and Max. He smiled. His son was adorable and he was one proud father.

"Adriana...why are you working. This is vacation. Put it away. I love you and I love your work ethic and your ambition but this is a family vacation. No working." He gave her a stern look but was also being playful.

Owen ran over to Jake calling for him. "What big guy?" He attacked his face with kisses. "Want to help daddy cook?" He gave Jake a nod and looked at the food. "You just want the food." He tickled his belly." Jake held Owen in one arm as he cooked the food on the grill. "Baby you want me to go fishing tomorrow and we can cook whatever I catch?" He looked back at her.
She rolled her eyes, "You're such a dork." She teased.

"We don't need it while we are here but we should find a target on the way and pick one up." She told him.

"I'm not working. I'm reading. Pleasure reading." She tried but closed the binder and set it in the other chair. She got up and went into the RV. She poured a couple glasses of a nice red wine and fought them out. She handed one to Jake and gave him a kiss.

"We can do that. But if we don't catch anything are we going hungry?" She asked laughing. "That will be fun."
Jake laughed. "But you love me. So that means you love a dork." He chuckled.

Jake gave her a nod. "Right. We should be fine here. But we can find a Target or Toys R Us." He suggested.

He gave her a look. "Really huh? Reading? That's work Adriana. Nice try." He was glad she put the book down after he said something. He took the glass of wine and took a drink before giving her a kiss back.

"Yep. We're roughing it so that means no fish, no dinner. So I stay out until I catch us dinner." He chuckled. "Baby I think you'd go grab take out before you'd starve. I know you babe." Owen pointed to the food and started blabbing about something and Jake just listened and looked at Adri, "Our son was telling you the art of grilling. Did you catch it? He probably will never say it again so I hope you got it all." He teased. "How do you want your steak cooked?"
"You just want to find a toy to play with. We aren't going to Toys R Us."

She nodded her head and rolled her eyes when he didn't believe her. "Fine. You're the one that said I could bring it though. I'm reading it over when you are driving." She told him. That was her compromise.

"Then we better catch something or we will have to eat Owen." She tickled the back of Owen's neck and he giggled and looked up at them. "Damn, you think this little master chef won't repeat himself?" She asked and lifted him up and set him on her good hip.

"Medium well. I definitely don't want to see a heart beat but I don't want it to be dry either." Owen pointed at the meat and started babbling even more. "He's giving you advice Boo. Flip that one, I think is what he said." She laughed and kissed Owen's cheek.
"What do I want to buy at Toys R Us?" He asked.

Jake rolled his eyes but was smiling and playing around. "I know I did but while we are here as a family we spend time together. You can totally look it over while we drive. There will be times you can look it over. Now isn't one of them. You just got here." He told her.

"Language..." He shook his head. "Probably not. He will keep all his secrets to himself. He'd be like, 'I told you once. If you don't remember. That's your problem mom.'" He laughed and made a face at Owen.

"That's my girl. I don't like it mooing at me but I don't want it being like a hockey puck either." He told her. "Oh flip it huh?" Jake flipped it. "How's that?" He asked Owen before checking the potatoes as he winced and made noises cause the foil was hot. "I'm telling you, you'll love camping food." He took another drink. "We should probably at least text Amy where we are just in case they need us for something." He checked his phone before sending a text to his sister.

"She better not have my nephew while we are here or I'm going to be ticked."
"I don't know. I'm sure you'd find something you would want to bring home." She laughed.

She made a face, "I would love it more if there weren't so many hugs." She told him. "But I guess it's not too bad. I'll like it even more when I have a s'more in my hand." She smiled. "Can I light the fire?" She asked. "You take him, I'll grab the butane and lighter. "We totally could have put the steaks on a stick and cooked them over an open fire."

She rolled her eyes, "You realize she isn't that pregnant right? Like five months." She laughed. "She has some time. We all have some time but she probably won't make it to the Fashion Show." She pouted and shrugged her shoulder.
He gasped. "Babe! We need a drone!" He gave her a big nod. "Yes!"

"You don't like hugs?" He asked confused. "Patience babe...geez." He told sighed. " don't need butane. No steaks on a stick. Goof..." He took Owen and sighed. "Your mother is going to ruin the fire with butane."

He thought about it. "Well then we have nothing to worry about if she's not even close. I'm sorry babe. I'll Facetime her during it. Or is that against the rules?" He asked her.

He pointed to the fire pit. "May I how you the proper way to start a fire. A way that dad would be proud of me that I know how start one?" He asked. "I'll teach both you and O."
"That's exactly what I mean."

"Bugs. It would be better if there weren't so many bugs."

She shrugged, "I don't care. FaceTime her." She told him.

She went to the lighter fluid and the matches. She put some sticks in the fire pit and a decent sized log. She added some lighter fluid and lit a match. She took a step back and tossed it in. The fire immediately took and she laughed happily. "That was so cool!"

She smiled at Jake, "You can start the fire tomorrow." She promised. "We can roast the fish over an open fire."
"You didn't say no...just so we are clear."

"Hugs?!" He teased and chuckled. "Did you spray yourself? Do you need me to get you?"

He looked at her. "But do the designers have rules against it? I don't want kicked out?"

Jake shook his head and sighed. "Babe...I can't cook food on that with the fluid on there. Now you have to wait or your smore will taste like lighter fluid."

He gave her a look. "Do you know how to roast fish over an open fire Adri?" He asked and checked the potatoes. "Can you grab a plate for me beautiful?" He asked Adri. "This should be ready in a minute. A knife too to check the steaks. Thank you baby." When she'd bring it out to him he'd trade them for Owen. He gave O a kiss on the temple before checking the steaks and putting all the food on the plate and taking it over to the picnic table.
"I doubt. People are always on their phones at the Victoria show." She told him. "Unless they are doing something different you should be fine. I just don't want you watchi your screen the entire time."

She looked at the fire, "Ooh." She said softly and pursed her lips. "Oh well." She put the matches and fluid away and came back out and sipped on her wine.

"No I have not. But if we are out here in the wilderness we will use an open flame to cook something." She went to get him some plates and a knife and handed them over. She took Owen and sat him in a chair. "You shouldn't be bury mister. You just ate like two hours ago." She told him.

She let Owen walk with her to the picnic table and set him between her legs while they ate. "Looks good babe."
"Okay. Then I'll FaceTime Amy. And I won't look at my screens the entire time. If she misses it, her problem. Or mayve we can pay someone to tape it for us?" He shrugged. "We have time."

He shrugged. "Just means we have to wait a bit." He told her regarding the fire.

"Good thing I have a fishing knife we can use to fillet them. Just trust me." He gave her a wink. "Honey...did you forget he's my son so he will most definitely eat again." He kissed her cheek and sat down.

"Thank you baby." He put a steak on my plate and a pouch of potatoes and veggies. "See camping isn't so bad baby." He smiled at her and dug into the food.
"I doubt we can go that far. It doesn't matter that much anyway. It will be on TV at the beginning of December." She told him. If she was sleeping, which she probably would be, then she could watch it on TV.

"I'm not feeding him again. I will give him a couple bites but that is it."

She made a face and cut into her steak. She put it in the middle of the table where Owen could reach it. She gave him a tiny bit of potato and she had a bite of steak while he was distracted.
He shrugged. "Then she can miss it and wait." He told her with a smile.

Jake watched Owen. "How's your steak babe? Is it how you wanted it?" He asked and took a few bites.

"Don't kill me for this okay? Mom wants to go shopping with you..." He looked away like he wasn't the one to just say that and stuffed food in his mouth. "I told her depends on our time." He said with mouth full of food.
"It's good. Yeah. It's good." She said and looked around the campsite. It was nice with the sunset and everything. It wasn't something she would want to do all the time but it would be nice to get away like this.

"That's gross Jake. Don't eat like that." She frowned and gave Owen another bite of potato.

"We can go shopping if she wants. I don't see why that's a big deal. Or why she suddenly wants to do it but if that's what she wants to do I'm for it."
He smiled. "Good. I'm glad you like it. "Thanks for doing this with me babe. I know it's definitely different.

Jake chuckled. "Sorry. Yeah I think dad has been telling her to be nice and try a little bit. Or he's getting through to her some how. It makes me nervous, the two of you alone..." He took a bit and got quiet a moment.

"It's really hard to be the bigger person with her sometimes. How she just..." He shook his head. "The past is too fresh sometimes. I'm trying though." He told her and gave Owen a cooked carrot to eat. "I'm waiting for her to hurt me again." He shrugged and took a few more bites.

To change the subject he looked her over. "You going to fish with me?" He asked Adri. "I'll worm your hook for you."
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