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RoosterTeeth: A New House Guest (RoleplayMaster x Someonewhoeatsapples)

"It's my birthday" Curtis shrugged, in response to Meg's question. Something made him feel as if he shouldn't say why they were happy, like a secret between him and Ash. Plus it felt weird telling the girl that he was about to marry, that he was getting a blind date with someone. "So what are we eating?" He asked, grabbing a menu. "I'm open to getting a surprise meal, try something new." He suggested.
"Oh," Meg maintained her smile. "Why don't you order for us all? Like let's do three course meal. It's on me."

"Yeah order Curtis," Ashley winked beside him. "Let's make the most of the day." She was somewhat glad that Curtis had not revealed her later plans of getting him a date. "Here's the menu," she helped hin to it, brushing her chest on his arm by her side.
"Uh..." Curtis said, when Meg suggested he choose what they eat. Feeling Ashley's breasts brush his arm, he looked back to Meg. "How about you choose? I'm not an adventurous eater, so you'd know better than me what to get" he said, handing the menu over to her. He was not great at picking food, and would happily go with whatever Meg or Ashley chose.
"Why are you like this?" Meg chided his playfully. Flipping through familiar pages, she ended up ordering grilled-peach-panzanella for starters, chicken gyros with pita bread and
chocolate mousse box top finish it off. Signaling the waiter, she filled in their orders and let out a sigh. Turning to Curtis, she passed a small smile. "Orders done. How are you enjoying it so far?"
"Yeah, today's been great so far." Curtis smiled, trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible. As a quiet person, he sometimes expressed his enthusiasm in words but without emotion, which made him sound ungrateful, but he didn't want to send the wrong idea today. "The spa was worth it, it did wonders for me... Meg, did anything odd happen to you during the massage?" he asked, before realising what he could have been implying. "What I meant is, like, did you get a different masseuse halfway through? The girl that started on me was really good, but then by the end of it, it felt so different that I'm sure there had to have been a swapover."
Ashley picked on her water to sip as Meg and Curtis chatted. Her eyes swung between the two, sweeping from this face to that. Meg's brows crooked as Curtis mentioned of something awkward at the spa. "I don't think there has been anything. My regular masseuse was there for me." Ashley choked at that moment, turning the attention in the table at her. Fuck, not now. She cowered to her seat. "Didn't you like the last part?" Ashley risked herself. "I mean you were saying you liked it so far when we talked."
"The last part was alright, but just didn't feel right. Her hands dragged across my skin in like a rub burn type feeling, which made it rather sore. The first part was really good, she knew what she was doing then. And I told her near the start that she could go a little rougher and she did, but then I had to tell her again later on, as if she had forgotten. So either they had swapped, or she just got dumber as the massage progressed." Curtis shrugged. "The start at least was worth it, so I can't complain." He said as a finishing remark, not wanting to worry either girl with his problems or complaints.
Ashley let out a sigh of relief, playing normal. "That's good then. Meg? Why don't you complain to the srvice in charge of the spa? A dissatisfied customer is potentially damaging to their reputation. I am sure they will refund." She placed an arm loosely around Curtis' shoulder giving it a squeeze. "You just had to tell." She whispered for him to hear.

The waiter arrived with their starter and Meg looked satisfied with her choice. She was sure he would love it. "Let's start."
"What's wrong?" he asked, confused as he whispered back to Ashley. He had no clue what the issue was, but apparently he had done something wrong.

As the food arrived, Curtis raised his glass of Coke, gesturing for the girls to follow suit. "To the best two friends a guy could ask for." He said, before clinking glasses with them and taking a sip. He wanted them to know how much he appreciated them, as it was very important to him. But soon, he pulled his plate closer and began to eat the starter, making sure to remember that he had two more servings of food waiting. "It's good." He complimented.
"To being happy and friends forever," Meg and Ashley toasted their glasses in his honour.
"Actually we are lucky Curtis. You are someone we both look forward to have around us. Isn't is Ashley?" Meg nudged the blond who seemed lost since morning. "Speaking of which, did your lawyer say anything about when we can get married now that the 14 days will be over soon?"

"Yes,yes," she agreed with some uneasiness. Ashley felt her bile rise, soon chugging it down with tangy crisp wine. "Next week, around that. It's a lengthy procedure so the delay but we have it under control." She crossed her leg, brushing it up against Curtis'. "Don't worry."
"As long as it's all sorted, we won't worry." Curtis smiled, happy that they cared so much about his presence. He felt Ashley's leg against his own, assuming it was unintentional. He didn't have much room in the booth though, so even if he wanted to move, he couldn't.

"So what's the plan when we're done here?" he asked, as the entrees were moved away and the main meal was served. He didn't expect anything, as he kept insisting throughout the day, but he was sure that they had an entire day planned for him with what Meg and Ashley were like.
Ashley moved her leg aimlessly, dep set in thinking. It was difficult when she had these feelings for Curtis and then, he and Meg were getting married. Too much drama and tension.

"I was hoping we catch a movie afterwards. In the theatres." Meg emphasized, not wanting to go down without much fun. "Shopping too for you since I have yet to get you a gift and if you are tired, we will call it a day. You in Ash?" She snapped her fingers in front of her eyes.

Ashley's trance was broken. "Huh? Yeah. Sounds fun."
Nodding, Curtis smiled as he spoke. "Sounds like a good plan... but with the spa and the food and the movie, you honestly don't need to buy me a gift." he said to Meg, but knew his complaint would fall on deaf ears.

Noticing yet again with Ashley having to be brought out of her thoughts, he looked at her, concerned. "Is everything okay?" he asked. "If you're not feeling well or something, you don't need to stay for my benefit." He said quietly. He didn't want it to sound as if he didn't want her there - quite the opposite in fact. But he didn't want her there if she didn't want to be there.
"I insist," Meg passed him a stern look. "It's your birthday so get used to me spoiling you rotten. And the honesty rule applies, so don't hesitate to buy anything that catches your mind." She muncher on her food, not looking at Ashley much.

"You are so sweet, honey," Ashley looked at his face with a broad smile. "I am fine, just a little worked up. I have a plan to execute afterwards." She winked, hinting at his blind date.
"Fine, you can get me something. But you can choose. If you make me choose, I'd probably end up buying something for you and Ashley." Curtis warned her, taking a few bites as Ashley replied. "Okay. If you need to leave though, don't hesitate to tell me." He insisted, giving her knee a friendly squeeze before returning to his food.
"That's fine with me though." Meg was happy he was warming up to her ideas. "Fine, as you say," she surrendered to his himble ways of involving the two girls always.
Ashley returned the squeeze, holding his hand on her knee, "Don't worry so much. I am fine and I would tell you first. Promise."
Nodding, he felt her hand on his, keeping it there. Thankfully it was only his left hand, meaning that he could still use the right hand to eat. Holding her knee like this was odd, but he didn't mind it, enjoying the comforting friendly feeling that accompanied it, though he had no clue as to why Ashley was insisting that he hold her still.

Soon enough, the main meal was done, and soon after, the chocolate mousse was devoured too. "Shall we head to the movies?" he asked, not noticing the chocolate that had dripped and remained on his chin.
Ashley remained quiet, contributing less to the conversation as they dined. Her attention drifted on between, spanning from Curtis to her own train of thoughts. After eating, she leaned on her back rest feeling full from having a full three course. "I am stuffed."
Meg pulled out her purse to pay, Ashley remained lenient since the other would stop her anyways. Turning to Curtis, she brought her thumb to his chin. Smiles no, she cleaned the chocolate and dabbed it on a tissue paper. "Yes, let's go. We will be go to start early to catch the latest show. Meg you driving alone?" Meg was busy tipping off the waiter that she only managed to shrug.
"I suppose I'm driving with you again." He smiled at Ashley, following her to the car. "So what are we watching? Your choice." He insisted.
"We will see. I will pick one from whatever they are playing." Ashley said reviving her engine. The drive to the cinema was fairly short and soon they were in line to watch "suicide squad". Meg volunteered to get the tickets while Ashley fetched the popcorn and drinks to last the movie. When she was done, she stood beside Curtis. "By the way, you still ok with having an older girlfriend?"
Watching as Meg disappeared to get the tickets, he turned as Ashley returned with the snacks. Blushing at the question, he gave a shrug and a nod. "I don't mind. As long as I like her and she likes me, I'll be happy." He answered. Of course, some other factors went into play, but for the most part, all he needed was that he liked his potential partner and she liked him. Looks were another thing, but he doubted Ashley would set him up with someone horrible. "You have good taste, so I'm sure who you have in mind is perfect."
Ashley smiled through out his little "ideal type speech". Her eyes formed crescents, as she patted his back, "She is pretty and very much into you. At least that I can assure you for now. You will make a woman very happy, Curtis."
Meg arrived with the tickets and they were seated soon in respective seats. The lights were not out yet and the seating arrangement was still going on. Ashley took the corner most and Meg skipped a chair to get her own. It left Curtis in the middle.
The three stood outside after a nice time in the movie theatre. Meg was still adjusting after being in the dark for long. "Aah, I am wasted already." she yawned into her palm. "Curtis, do you mind shopping with Ashley because I think I am still hung from last night. I am so sorry. I will make it up to you soon." she said regrettably.

Ashley siezed the moment. "Don't worry. We will be fine. Are you sure you can get home by yourself?"
Curtis nodded with a small smile, approaching Meg with a concerned look. "Ash will look after me, don't worry." he said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Should we call you a cab, or will you be able to get home safely?" he asked, rubbing her shoulder soothingly. "When I get home, I'll try and be quiet if you're sleeping" Curtis added, hoping to remember that when he did return home later on. "Oh, and no, you don't need to make it up to me. You've done so much already, you don't need to do any more."
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