RoosterTeeth: A New House Guest (RoleplayMaster x Someonewhoeatsapples)

Ashley thought nothing more, slowly getting off from top of Curtis. She started towards her room only after pecking his cheek. She was living the moment, things happening so fast and praying it won't be a dream when she wakes up next day.

She lay a towel on her bed, the massage oil that had been neglected ever since it was brought and resumed striping. Donning her dress, she stood in her underwear. Not sure how he wanted her, she lay vertically on the bed, counting his steps. The lights were on but dimmed, creating the perfect ambience they required. As he would enter, he would see her back and Ashley had little procrastination about dhowing herself off never the less. With a berated heart she waited.
Curtis eventually made his way to Ashley's bedroom, having relieved himself. By now, his erection was softening, which he was thankful for as it had been uncomfortable. Yet the moment Ashley came into view, it was back to full strength. "Fuck" He mumbled, clearly audible in the otherwise silent room. In relation to the door, Ashley laid with her ass being the focus, which he did not mind at all. "The sight of you is driving my thoughts crazy." He admitted with a shy laugh.

Approaching her, he crouched down so his head was by hers. "So, uh... Where can I touch you? And I'm assuming I'm using this?" He asked, picking up the oil. Knowing at the very least, her shoulders, arms and back should be fine, Curtis began his work... after a good few minutes trying to gain the confidence to touch her.

A cold wetness hit her back as the oil squirted onto her skin, which quickly turned warm as his hands made contact. It felt like the boy was simply lathering her body in the oil, yet his fingers would squeeze and firmly press into certain areas on occasion. Soon, his knuckles got involved, allowing knots to be worked out of her body. "Let me know if I suck, I won't mind." He laughed.
Ashley anticipated his reaction, her fears subsiding to null with his comment. What mere words could do to make her happy. She smiled at him warmly, before replying. "No pressure on you, babe. Go as you like. Now that I am having a massage, I really think it was necessary in the first place." She lay, immobile, letting him do her work. Soft gasps were out from her mouth and in matter of seconds, her breathing was echoing in the walls of the room.

"Just like that. You are doing terrific." She felt her tendons relax under his knuckles. Feeling much relaxed, she was much elated. "Can I tell you something babe?" She asked, thinking it was best to talk now.
"You can tell me whatever you like." He replied, in a tone that suggested that she didn't even need to ask. It would take a bit of getting used to, being called 'babe', but he like the way it sounded when Ashley said it.

Finishing with her back, Curtis stood up and moved to Ashley's feet. One foot rested between his legs, while the other was bent back to reach his chest, making it easier to massage. His fingers ran through each toe and along the sole and heel, giving plenty of attention to what was surely a sensitive spot, before stopping and repeating the process with the other foot.
"Ok then," she rested her head on her hands."you remember the massage parlor earlier? Where you thought therapists were changed?" She bit onto her lip, still thinking if it was a good idea. He got the right pressure points, evenly spreading out the pressure where it was required. "I am starting to think you are experienced in this field. Anyways, I hate lying to you so I kinda gave you the massage and left at the end so you won't doubt. I know it sounds creepy but I really wanted to." She pouted her lips and looked over her back for his reaction.
Freezing as she admitted what she had done, he felt odd. He wasn't sure if he should be upset at her or something, but all he could think about is how she must have liked him so much that she would make a risk like that. "You should have stayed for the entire thing." he finally said. "You were a hell of a lot better than the girl you replaced." His hands slid along her ankles and calves, going up and down without going past the knee.

"But, that being said, I feel like you owe me something since you deceived me." He said, his voice on the teasing side. "Any ideas?" he asked with a grin. He wasn't serious, though it would be interesting in case Ashley wanted to play along and actually do something for him. He had control of the situation now, but with how Ashley was, that could disappear instantly.
She thought he would lash out in anger for a moment but as nothing sort of that happened, she resumed her relaxed time. "So you are not pissed? That's noble of you." She said earnestly. "I wanted to but again, I didn't want to risk it."

A smirk took over her lips as he suggested a repay,"I would gladly do it. I deserve it. Do you want another massage or we could try something more frisky. I am down for anything." She was in the process of getting up, slowly and sat on her butt facing him. Their knees touched, and a strange blush heated her cheeks. "Anything," she repeated, slowly trailing up on his arms to his shoulder before kissing him on the lips.
"It's hard to be pissed when I have a very nice butt to look at." He admitted, before tensing up. "Uh... I mean..." he said, but trailed off, as he had already said what he said, and he couldn't take it back now. As she began to offer 'anything', dirty thoughts entered his mind, which he quickly put away for another time. "I'm not letting you off that easy. You have to decide how to repay me. And hope that it's enough." He said, still with a tone that he hoped conveyed that he wasn't serious, and she had no obligation to do anything."

As she sat up, it was difficult not to stare at her chest. Sure, she wasn't as built as Meg, but she still was very beautiful. The kiss distracted his wandering eyes, smiling as she made the contact. "You look amazing in oil by the way." he muttered against her lips, before hesitating. "Not that you uh.. not that you don't look amazing without the oil either." he quickly added.
Her thoughts were going places and she had a hard time thinking of something non sexual not to scare him off. Her skin glistened in oil that produced images in her head. Brushing them aside, she tried coming up with something fun yet nice to do.

"I am no fun," she gave up after a second. "All I can think of is sexy stuff like lap dancing and making out heavily. I don't know if you are down for it." She was inwardly convinced he would run for the door next. "Tell me already. I will do anything."
Laughing softly, he buried his face in her neck, kissing it softly while thinking about his reply. "I uh... wouldn't um... be opposed to those options." he muttered finally. "Though I don't want to make a mess of my clothes." he was a little shy about taking them off, but getting a lapdance would likely make him explode.

"Though... there is one other option I just thought of." He said suddenly. He didn't mind if she chose the original option, this new option, or both. "But um... it involves a uh..." his face was bright red, and the heat could easily be felt against her neck. "a toy." He, of course, meant a sex toy. But he couldn't say as such, due to his embarrassment. "I've seen ones where they uh... vibrate, with a controller. But like, you give the controller to the other person..." he trailed off, hoping she understood the suggestion.
Ashley was wet at the suggestions but clearly understood the slight hesitation behind his words. He was right, with the lack of change of clothes and his bashfulness, the options would be too far to handle. Her hand glided across his back as she hummed to his ear. "I do have one of those around here if you want to use on me but can we cuddle and hot dog too? It would be meaningful or you could cum on me without me looking. I would totally understand." Thoughtfully, she nibbled his skin softly, leaving a red mark on his neck. "Or we could explore each other tonight." Her words were left hanging in the air they both breathed in.
"U-Uh, hotdog?" He asked, being somewhat familiar with the term yet unsure if he knew the term in the same way Ashley did. For all he knew, it was similar to spooning. And the suggestion of 'cuddle and hotdog' made it a little more confusing for him. Sighing softly as her lips and teeth ran along his neck, making a hickey, he idly wondered how hidden it would be if Meg saw him.

"And I would love to uh... ex-explore you. Not exactly sure how you mean it, but anything is good with me." He smiled. As he thought over the toy suggestion, he shook his head, realising he didn't elaborate on his plan. "As for the toy, that wasn't what I had in mind. What I was thinking, was perhaps using it on you during work tomorrow." He grinned, imagining making her squirm in front of the camera, or even orgasm during a live podcast. Just the thought of it made the muscle poking Ashley become even harder.
"Oh! That's fine by me too," Ashley concentrated on the mark she had just made rather than what's to happen the next day. Her lips sucked softly on the spot, peppering soft kisses. "I will go and change into something not oily then. Just wait here." Much to her own frustration, Ashley left the comfort of her lover's arm to change into a pair of shorts and pulled a tee above it. Recently, she had realised how self-conscious she had become around Curtis.
Waiting for Ashley to return, Curtis soon was greeted to the sight of his beautiful new girlfriend returning to the room. From the way he looked at her, it was clear he approved of her attire, even if it were nothing special. "So..." He began, pulling her onto his lap (and erection) once she was close enough. "What do you want to do? You can teach me what hotdogging is?" He suggested with a shrug, his hand making small circles on the bare skin of her thigh. The young man never travelled too high though, definitely not confident enough for that.
Ashley wore a smug smile to bed, comfortably sinking into his arms. "I could," she teased him, chastely kissing his jaw. "It's simple. You are here holding me from the back and our bodies are aligned and touching obviously." She laughed at her own explanation. "I am so bad at this." She shook her head. Thinking it was better to demonstrate than use words, she laid her head on her pillow.
"Hold me now," she instructed, hating herself for making this sound so clinical.
Curtis listened to her failed explanation and watched as she moved. "Should I be um... n-naked?" He stuttered shyly, as his hands grasped her body just below the armpits. Despite not knowing where his hands should be, he was still admiring her butt as he sat beside her.
"No, silly," she giggled, turning in his arms, "Actually forget this." She drew closer to his mouth. Her lips caught on with his, not failing to take in his shock. Her hand moved to his waist, pushing her closer against her torso. She concentrated in the kiss, finishing with a bite to his lower lip. "Let's just enjoy this for tonight. You, me and us." She smiled assuring him, hoping he understood she was happy as long as they were together.
Blushing and nodding, Curtis adapted to the sudden kiss quickly enough, enjoying the comfort being in her arms brought him. "I like the sound of that." The boy replied. "Shall we head to bed?" He asked. "For a bit of making out and cuddling before sleep?" he elaborated, explaining that he did not expect sex.
"I don't mind," she placed another kiss and yet another on his lips. Her thigh rose to straddle his, bringing them closer. Later, she recalled getting back to sleep with his soft breathing rhythm lulling in her ears.


"Morning Meg!" Ashley wished her co worker first thing as she entered. It was kind of uncomfortable to walk with a vibrator in between her legs but she knew it would be fun as Curtis planned. Meg could reply in a mumble before drowning in work again. Adjusting the pants she wore, she walked over to her own chair with Curtis behind her.
Yawning as he awoke, Curtis got dressed for work. He had forgotten it was a work day today, but thankfully his clothes weren't too bad from yesterday. Ignoring a teasing remark about helping her with the vibrator, Curtis showered and waited for Ashley, before the two of them headed to the Roosterteeth studio. The vibrator hooked up to a phone app, with a special password so only he could activate it. With five settings, he knew he'd have some fun.

"Hey Meg, how are you doing?" Curtis asked, glancing over at her before climbing into his chair. "What's the plan for the day?" He asked, absentmindedly turning the vibrator onto it's lowest setting.
Ashley stifled a moan as Meg looked at her quizzically. "Hi Curtis. I was hoping you and Ash go through some filing work of our previous episodes. The usual arrange the place," she gestured off handedly.

"Sure, why not," Ash was talking quickly, fishing a stack of paper while beckoning Curtis to join her. Wearing a knowing smirk, she pressed her legs together as the small vibrations erupted inside her body. "Having fun?" She mouthed to her tormentor. Actually it was a fun punishment, she thought as long as he didn't put her in trouble in front of Meg.
His thumb was on the dimmed screen of the phone, seeming as if he was simply holding the device rather than controlling Ashley's pleasure. "Sure, not a problem." Curtis replied, walking over to Ashley. As he approached, the vibrations went from one to five all of a sudden, and stopped two seconds later. Nodding with a pleased smirk at her mouthed question, Curtis and Ashley began to work. Since holding the phone made things difficult to work, Curtis set it so the vibrations would change every five to seven seconds, both in intensity and the pattern in which they vibrated.
Meg shook her head, ignoring the funny business that the two of them had be having between them. The lawyer had alleged earlier to set a date of the marriage certificate finalization. In between work, she managed to nibble at her bagel.

Ashley grabbed the table when the setting went high. Her legs shut tight, she squirmed, occasional moans escaping her lips. She had no say but every time she edged nearer to her climax, the setting surprisingly went down. In a state of normalcy, she continued her work. In between which, she begged Curtis with her eyes to put an end to her misery.
Finishing up with a stack, she got an idea. "Would you help me printing some papers Curtis?" She asked, hoping hard she could put the printing room to a good use.
Noticing the pleading look, all Curtis did was wink teasingly. It was fun watching her squirm. But as she asked for his help, he nodded, curious as to what she had in mind.

"Sure thing. Lead the way." He instructed with a smile, gesturing for her to walk and he'd follow. He set the vibrator to a solid three.
She breathed out in relief as Curtis followed her. Opening the printing room door, she let him in. Walking the little distance from her place, she was already wobbly in the feet. Locking the door, she hugged him the first thing, "I know you want to punish me a little more but I can't take it Curtis. I wanna cum," she looked on the floor, blush coloring her cheeks. "Please?" She pleaded, holding him tighter.
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