RoosterTeeth: A New House Guest (RoleplayMaster x Someonewhoeatsapples)

"I am such a party popper. I will be fine. Make sure Ashley drops you home afterwards. Ok?" Meg returned a soft squeezed on his arm before saying her goodbyes. Ashley waved till Meg was gone a few distances. "That leaves us alone." She pocketed her hands in her jeans. "Shall we go shopping? Or anything you want to do?" She asked not wanting to be the only one making choices.
"Shopping sounds as good a plan as any." Curtis replied with a smile, glancing at Meg's retreating figure one more time before they moved to Ashley's car. "I dunno what we're getting though, since shopping was about Meg getting me a gift, and I insisted that she chose." he shrugged. "Maybe you can choose another gift for me and put it under Meg's name?" He laughed. "Or we can just do some shopping for whatever you need?" He suggested, figuring Ashley might need something while they were out.
"We could do that," Ashley shook her head. "I don't need anything but we could go shopping for you today." Sighing, she got into the car, eaiting for him to seat beside her. "I have something to tell you." she looked up at him. "Please don't be angry."
Sitting beside her and strapping himself in, Curtis frowned at her next words. "Angry? What about?" he asked, unsure if he was meant to be angry at Ashley for something, or just angry at whatever she was about to tell him. He kept his eyes on her face, yet again showing concern and a slight bit of fear as to whatever she was about to tell him.
"Remember the blind date I spoke of?" she checked his face for subtle reaction, "I don't actually have someone to pair with you." Her thumbs tweaked on the steering wheel. "It's me actually." Her eyes closed in anticipation, she added quickly, "I really like you Curtis and I don't want to say this but I am kinda happy Meg left us alone."
Instead of his expected anger, his cheeks turned red, a pleased smile on his lips that he was trying to stifle. "I um... uh... I don't mind that you are my blind date. You're way out of my league, actually, so it's a very pleasant surprise." He laughed softly, biting his lip. "Are you sure you uh... like me, like that though?" he asked, confirming before he got his hopes up too much. "Like, isn't the age gap concerning to you?" Curtis elaborated. Ashley was 35 and Curtis just turned 17, meaning she was more than twice his age. "As I have said, I don't mind the uh.. a-age gap, I just don't want you to do this out of pity, if you didn't manage to actually find someone for me." He revealed another fear - that Ashley purely did this just because she had failed her blind-date duties, and therefore had to offer herself as a replacement.
Ashley let out a nervous laugh at his cute reaction. Her own cheeks were reddening as if she were a little girl again. "I REALLY like you." she emphasized so he would get a clear message. "I was kinda reliefed when you said you were ok with age gaps. Gives me an even chance too." She shrugged her shoulder, smiling brightly. "So shall we embark on our first date?" she winked, still not believing he was ok with her plans.
His cheeks got even darker at the mention of a first date, but he gave a silent nod, his cheek hurting from his smile. After a few moments of silence, he shyly spoke up. "Wasn't there meant to be a blindfold put on me for this blind date?" He asked teasingly, remembering a conversation they had not long ago.

As they neared the place Ashley was heading, Curtis thought of something else. "What uh... what are we telling Meg?" he asked, unsure how to think. He was marrying Meg yet going out with Ashley. He felt like a cheater, even if the marriage was a sham.
Ashley was regretting already at her silly ideas she talked to him about. "There is no blind fold since I already told you before. It was so hard to sit still beside you all the time knowing it would be me in the end. I would have died of shame if you said otherwise."

Thinking he had a point, Ashley felt guilty herself too. Meg was her bestfriend since first days of The Know. And hiding such a big thing would be hard. "Can we hide this until things are more stable? I mean after you are done with the marriage and things fall into place? Meg doesn't deserve this but I like you too much." Her hand searched for his. It was too late to take an U turn after voicing her feelings twice.
Noticing her hand, he nervously took it, the action having a more romantic feel to it than when they had done it just as friends. "I mean... Meg and I did discuss having uh... partners, when we got married, saying it was fine. So I don't think she'd mind. But yeah, we probably should keep it to ourselves until the marriage is settled." Even the words 'married' and 'marriage' felt so weird to him, especially as a seventeen year old kid, but that was his life now.

Giving her hand a squeeze, he eyed the buildings, which were still so foreign to him despite being in Austin for about five weeks now. "So uh, where're we going?" he asked, eyeing their joined hands with a pleased smile.
Ashley laced her fingers with his, that sent flutters to her stomach. They were more than friends now that she had come clean. Meg's reaction to them being together worried her but she shook it off. Concentrating on what's happening, she embraced the new intention behind their skinship. When he brought up marriage, Ashley felt like a third wheel but she knew it was for the time being. "That's very considerate...of you two. To agree upon such openness."

With a smirk, she steadied the wheel, "There is this huge shopping arcade that you need to see. All under one roof. Figured we can shop and spend time together too, you know."
"Well, I originally just meant it for her, since she was doing this for me and I thought it would make her life worse if she was stuck with me. But she made the same offer for me if I ever wanted it, and here we are." Curtis explained. Listening to the destination, he nodded. "You're in your thirties and you still love the arcade. You're like a little kid." He teased with a small smirk. Her behaviour was definitely not that of a thirty year old, at least not since he met her. If anyone judged the two's age based on behaviour alone, they'd think Curtis was the older one.

Soon enough, they were at their destination. Parking the car, the pair soon got out, his hand finding hers slowly as they approached the building.
"I see," Ashley muttered, acknowledging how they reached to that conclusion. "It's working right?" She was feeling less guilty since it was agreed upon them that they could date others. Parking the car, she giggled. "I am still young at heart. Keeps me fresh and happy." She pouted, taking his hand outside again. Hesitation no longer swept her mind. "But please tell me what you want for a gift because I know so little about you. I already tried games. What do you fancy? Cologne, clothes or I don't know- glass statues?" The shop lights lit bright soon came into view as they neared.
Curtis shrugged once again. "Well, you've given me games, and yourself, I honestly don't know what else." he admitted. "Cologne might work I suppose." he suggested. "My room at Meg's is fairly bare, maybe something to decorate it even?" He reasoned. "But I don't want our uh.. d-date to be all about me and my gift." He added, wanting them to do something together.
"But you need to be selfish for once. I mean if it were my birthday, I would sieze every opportunity to steal gifts. I still do." She whispered the end part. "Decorations? Sound good. Lampshades, pillow covers, fairy lights, vases- so many options. Cologne too." She swung their joined hands in between them. "And for later, we will take pictures in the photo booth to remember our first ever date."
In his mind, decorations meant posters, action figures, and so on, so it was probably a smart idea to have Ashley with him, preventing him from making stupid decisions. "It's not that I'm not selfish, I'm just not creative. Present me with infinite ideas, and I will cower and wait for the list to shrink." He laughed, pausing as an idea came to him. "Want a piggy back? Jump on my back and then you can point out where we need to go." He offered.
"We will get what catches your eyes then. No fixated list. We will explore and pick the best." Ashley blushed darker as he offered her a piggy back ride. "Very sweet but what will people say? I am sure you will give up half way since I am heavy." Her heart beat fast at his innocent words, how he diminushed their age differance and was ignorant of their surrounding. "Maybe at home," she looped her arm around his. "For you and me too see. Ok?" She smooched his cheek since it was safe now.
Blushing darker at the kiss, he nodded, ducking his head in shyness as he followed her. She was right about him possibly giving up halfway through, though not about her weight. He hated the spotlight, so he was actually surprised when he realised what he had offered. "Okay, let's shop." He smiled
Ashley tailed along through decor shops and a few perfumeries before choosing the best for Curtis. Time and money well spent, her cheeks were rosier. "Thank you for agreeing to this." She was all eyes and smiles mostly reaping the benefits of having a patient partner like him. Eyeing around, she wanted to prolong their stay. A familiar sign board hit her with an idea. Soon, she was Ushino Curtis through the doors of Victoria's Secret store. Finding an empty private booth with seating space, she asked him to wait while she went in with a few lingerie of her own size. Her heart was racing at the bold move.
Curtis was enjoying his shopping experience with Ash, but soon felt himself rushed into another store. Not having enough time to read the name on the front, he saw a lot of women's underwear before being forced into a dressing room. Unsure why he had been left there, he simply waited for her return.
Ashley took off her shirt and jeans and underwear to donn the new pair of black lingerie she picked from before. It was quite racy, not sure if he would approve. In her heels and what less the lingerie covered, she strutted out confidently. The small cubicle was secluded with curtains for which she felt daring. "How is it?" She asked expectantly, coming to his view.
"Um.. Uh.." He replied dumbly, eyes roaming her body approvingly. If he couldn't put his approval into words, the hungry look in his eyes and the aroused state of his pants bulge surely gave away his thoughts. "B-Black is uh... d-definitely your colour." He stated, licking his dry lips as he watched every part of her body, though spent a lot of attention on her bubble butt whenever it faced him.
She bit onto her lip, feeling sex, like those models. Definitely enjoying the attention, she turned on her toes for better look. "So you approve?" She walked closer to him, standing before him. "Should I get darker colors?" He was right. Black suited her perfectly. It contrasted against her white skin that was flushing red now. Satisfied with the show, she noticed the change in his look."care to help me baby?" She whispered, "unhook me."
Nodding slowly to both questions, Curtis reached up with a shaky hand, blushing as his hand touched her skin. Ever so gently, the boy fumbled with the clasp, watching it unhook before closing his eyes, being the gentleman as always. "Let me know when it's safe to look." he requested, 'knowing' Ashley wouldn't want him to see her naked.
When he simply nodded, she perceived he was being coy like he usually is. A shiver ran down her spine as he unclapsed her hook. Giggling, she tipped away to change. "You can look now," she shouted from inside before walking out in a blue ensemble complete with stocking. This time , she went ahead and seated him back in the sette. Before he could speak, she shushed him with her index. Nearing her face close to his, she touched her lips to his. Resting momentarily, she pulled away before loosing it.
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