RoosterTeeth: A New House Guest (RoleplayMaster x Someonewhoeatsapples)

Meg put on some quick makeup and brushed her teeth before grabbing her purse. "Hop in," she invited Curtis before starting her car. There was this spa she went quarterly, a uni sex salon. Their services were best in town. "Do you mind calling Ash? If she wants to join in me spoiling you."
Nodding, Curtis pulled out his phone. A few people from work, Meg and Ashley included, had given him their numbers in case he needed anything. Dialling Ashley, he soon heard her answer. "Hey Ash, it's Curtis. Just calling to ask if you wanted to join Meg and me? In Meg's words, she wanted to know if you wanted to 'join in with her spoiling me'." Curtis offered. He put the phone on loudspeaker, figuring Meg would know where to tell Ashley to meet them.
Ashley was glowing, receiving his call. "Hey happy birthday," she cooed to the phone. Getting updated with the plans, Meg was on the other side soon. "We are going to Stillwater Spa. Why don't you join us?"

Ash checked the work in hand, nothing that can be held up. "Sure, I will be there shortly." She piped, hanging up. Meg averted her attention to the road, coursing through the streets. "Tell me, how did you celebrate you birthday back at home?"
"Well..." He thought it over. "Usually my uh.. my mum would wake me up with breakfast in bed. Then if it was a school day, I'd go to school. Usually between five and ten people would say happy birthday to me. Then I'd go home and we'd go out for dinner somewhere. Not extremely eventful, but I never made it a big deal..." He trailed off. "But I would be happy to make a new birthday tradition with you and Ash." Curtis smiled, figuring that would be something Meg and Ashley would be pleased to hear.
She listened to him intently, squeezing in a bit of 'hmph' and 'ha' in between as far as she could while handling the steering. "You would love it here then. The spa will help you destress and afterwards, we will go someplace fancy. Since you look the quiet type, we will skip out drinking too much to ruin your day."

Meanwhile, Ashley started on her way to the same destination in her car. Checking on the rearview mirror, she wanted to look good for a certain someone. Unbuttoning another loop, she revealed extra cleavage than ever. It was all new to her, for fighting for attention wasn't her thing but it seemed worth it.
Smiling a little, Curtis nodded. "Maybe next year with the drinking, so I can join in too." He shrugged. "But if you girls want to drink today, I don't mind at all. Just as long as you girls can still figure out how to get home." He laughed, watching as Meg pulled into the parking space at the spa. "So should we just wait here for Ash?" He asked, glancing over at the redhead.
"Yeah, we should wait for missy. Otherwise she would throw tantrums." Meg exaggerated her words.

Ashley parked around the corner, close to Meg's impossible to not notice red car. She decided walking the rest of the distance, since it was a mere yards away.
"Hello peeps!" she knocked on the hood of Meg's car, shocking the two inside.
Jumping as he heard the knock, he glanced over past Meg, seeing Ashley through the window. His eyes immediately darted down to her cleavage, the effect that Ashley seemed to be going for, before his eyes moved back up to her face with a light flush on his cheeks. He could feel himself grow a semi as he climbed out of the car, assuming that they would be heading inside shortly.

"Hey Ash, good to see you!" he smiled, greeting her around the other side of the car.
Meg climbed out, catcalling unknowingly as she took in her boss's attire. She looked like a woman with a mission. With a bemused smile, she followed Curtis' steps.

Ashley met Curtis halfway, hugging him tight and wishing him "Happy Birthday". Her enthusiasm wouldn't die down, as they walked into the spa parlor. Meg inquired for massages and it turned out they had only two free. Ashley inclined immediately, saying they should go ahead while she could have hers done at a later date. "Are you sure?" Meg asked before following the attendant. While, Curtis' masseuse would be up in five minutes.
Smiling and hugging back, her enthusiasm was clear. He loved the tight hugs Ashley gave him, just as much as the gentler ones that Meg provided. Gently pulling away, he followed the girls inside.

Curtis moved to object when Ashley pulled back from the massages, insisting that he and Meg go ahead. He wanted to say that she should take his place, but knowing neither girl would even allow him to get that sentence out, Curtis simply shut up and promised to make it up to her.

Following the attendant, Meg and Curtis were led to different rooms. As he was let into his room, the woman told him to strip naked and lay on the table, using the towel to cover his decency. Blushing deeply, he reluctantly did as he was told, putting his clothes in the corner and laying on his stomach on the massage table, placing the towel over his butt and legs. Slipping his face into the hole, the boy closed his eyes and tried to relax his nerves as he waited for the masseuse.

His body wasn't very muscular, quite the opposite really. Rather thin and pale, it fit the typical description of a nerd's body, yet had the physic of someone who had done some sports in the past. His back was a little hairy, as were his legs, and when he would eventually flip over, hair on his chest and below his bellybutton would also be revealed, both of which were somewhat hairy for a seventeen year old.
Ashley bit onto her lip as Curtis dissappeared behind the doors. She saw his masseuse walk out shortly afterwards and thought it was then or never.

"Um, could I ask you a favor?" she started. With little coaxing and bribing, she had access to the room. Tipping on her toes, she tried to be discreete as much as possible without arousing any suspicion in his part.

The massage room was candle lit with scented wax candles and centrally controlled temperature. Ash took a quick look with her things to work before she approached Curtis. His bare back was for her to see and she decided to be mute. Applying oil to her hands, she glided them across the expanse of his back, maintaining a professional approach. Her finger tips sunk in his structure, tracing his muscles. Kneading his flesh, she felt his tension release and un-knot under her hands. Her hands travelled no further than he decided to show, pressing his shoulders and neck with orbital motions.
Curtis was silent as the masseuse began her work, the gentle touch telling him that it was a woman (thankfully) that was working on him. He let out long, happy sighs as she worked on him, the slick, warm oil feeling and smelling great. "Feel free to go a little harder. Crack my back even." he suggested. With enough pressure, his back would satisfyingly crack, which he experienced only a couple times before, but it felt good.

"And if you want to get my legs too, go ahead." He offered. He didn't raise the towel though, not wanting to blindly move the towel without knowing if he was still covering his butt.
Ashley stilled, thinking if he recognised her but he was being general. Pressing harder; she used her knuckles to softly hit in places that seemed tensed and moved to his legs.

Rising the towel to his back of the knees, she renewed her hands by oiling them copiously. It was hard, not to look but she did it all for the sake of doing. She wrung his muscles, moving her hand from his knees to his ankles. His balls sockets were turned a few times, her thumbs circling the soft padding.

Regrettably, the original masseuse tipped her to end the session of an hour. Ashley wanted to stay and prolong the steps but she had to leave. With quick switching, Ashley was on the waiting room. No one the wiser.
After the first hour, Curtis thought it was different. The masseuse was more gentle than she had been after he had already said she could go rougher, but was also rougher in a way that was not pleasant. Rough in a sense of hairs being pulled out by her movements, or a burning sensation if she moved back and forth too much on the one spot, almost like a rug burn.

But finally, the masseuse was done, telling him that she would leave the room for him to get dressed. Hearing the door soon shut behind her, Curtis sat up, using the towel that had hid his body to wipe off the oil as best as he could, before pulling his clothes back on.

Leaving the room, he caught up with Ashley, finding that Meg was still in her session. "Hey, sorry about that... hope you weren't too bored waiting?" He asked, seeming a little guilty.
Ashley's face lit up as Curtis arrived, standing up to meet him. "I was fine hon. Don't worry. Did you enjoy the spa?" She asked picking on her lips to hide her devious smirk from him. She wondered if he knew or doubted her in the least. "When Meg arrives, we could head for lunch. You are sitting with me this time." She booked him ahead.

Meg resumed dressing, happy for he choice to relax her muscles once in a while. It was necessary before they got married. Much necessary. Joining the two, they were talking already. Instinctively, she held Curtis by his shoulder. "Are we good to go?"
"Yeah, it was good." Curtis smiled happily. "The end wasn't great, but the first part felt good." Curtis replied. "I'll make it up to you somehow since you had to sit out. We can come back together sometime, or I could even try and give you a massage?" Curtis offered and shrugged. After a moment, he realised what that might have implied. "I mean like, through the clothes, just the shoulders." He added, not meaning a naked massage like he had gotten.

Jumping slightly as a hand moved to his shoulder, he turned to find Meg with them. "Yeah, let's go." He smiled, finding that she smelled different to him. Must have had different oils used.
Ashley smiled at the offer, not really minding what he had to say. "Sure we can visit some day or you can just press my back at work when I am stressed." She had no idea where that came from. When Meg joined, they returned to the parked cars. "Hey Meg, do you mind if I drive Curtis to the restaurant?" She sighed out of relief when Meg shrugged it off. "Cool. Come with me." She beckoned Curtis to follow her to her car.
Curtis nodded at the suggestion, and then moved to follow Meg when Ashley asked if he could drive with her instead of with Meg. He had assumed that she meant having him sit with her at the restaurant itself, not on the drive there, but he didn't mind either way. Turning to follow Ashley instead, he slipped into the passenger seat of her car and got strapped in. "Nice car." He complimented, the interior feeling cozy and soft.
"Thanks," Ashley adjusted the rearview mirror before swerving her car. She was suspiciously happy at her own actions, looking at Curtis from time to time. "So, what do you want for your birthday?" she asked him. She already had a gift but wanted to double check just in case he wanted something different and edible.
Shrugging, he glanced over at her as she began to drive. "I don't need anything. Hanging out with you and Meg is present enough." He assured her. "However, if you insist on getting me something, I promise you that I'll like it, whatever it is." he smiled the same smile he always did, the humble, shy smile that would only suit his face.
"Aish so cute," she pulled his cheek. "You are a gentleman Curtis. I wonder why you didn't date back at home. Those girls are surely missing a lot. I hope you make some girls happy in the States." she smiled warmly. "I couldn't figure what you would like so I ordered a bunch of games from Nintendo. Hope you like it." She shrugged her shoulders, "And incase you don't, I have a back up plan. Remember the set up thing I wanted to get you a girl? I think I will introduce you to her."
Blushing as she pulled his cheek, Curtis nodded as she told him his present. "Yeah, I bet I will like them." Curtis replied, pausing as she mentioned if he didn't like them, she'd set him up with someone. "So uh... if I don't like the games, you'll set me up with someone?" Was the logic that he heard there. "Well, maybe I might not like the games so much." He tried, even though he had just said he'd like them. His obvious intent being that he wanted a girlfriend.
"You get both," she chuckled at his obviousness. "It's a blind date so you will be blindfolded till you can see her. No cheating." Ashley was relaxed since he agreed himself. "Further on, we can just send the games to the boys in case you don't like them. Always have a back up plan." Driving in silence; she pulled over the chic restaurant and parked at the entrance. Leaving the keys to the valet, she walked to the other side. "Happy birthday," she wished him again, holding his hand to enter the place.
"Never thought 'blind date' was taken in the literal sense." he laughed, as it usually just meant not knowing who your date was until they showed up. Taking her hand, he smiled at her happy birthday well-wishing. "Thank you." he said happily, entering with Ashley. The table had already been booked, so the pair went and sat down while waiting for Meg. "So can I know anything about her?"
"Patience will bring you good results and blind folding you will ensure you aren't cheating."
"Curious much?" Ashley laughed at his inquiry. "Let's keep it all a secret but I dare say, she likes you very much." She straightened her posture in her seat. It gave away the knowledge that the date was someone whom already knew about Curtis.

Meg arrived in her strappy heels, looking around before hunting them down. "You two look suspiciously happy today of all days. Care to tell me too?" she resumed on her chair across them.
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