RoosterTeeth: A New House Guest (RoleplayMaster x Someonewhoeatsapples)

Meg walked with a stagger, the alcohol seeping into her system already. She needed courage and loads of it to carry out such a big task. It seemed as if she were crossing a big hurdle.

"We are getting....married." she said in a husky tone, collapsing on the sofa. It was her second bottle in two hours and Ashley knew better to take it away from her.
"In papers." Ashley clarified further, not wanting to create more hardship. She let the boy sink in her words. "It's...hard but we had no option Curtis."
"M.. Married?" He repeated, at a loss for words. "How? Why?" He asked. Watching Meg drunkenly move along her home, he soon realised the 'why'. "No. I won't let you do it. You've done so much for me, I don't want you to ruin your life by marrying me." Curtis said, looking at Meg. "I'll just go back to Australia, it's fine." It wasn't fine, but after seeing how distraught Meg was at the idea of marrying him, he didn't want to cause more harm.
"You don't have a say here anymore, Curtis." Ashley couldn't bring herself to say anything without being harsh. "Meg and I thought over it again and again. It would hurt us more if you leave. We don't want you gone." the blond crosses her arm to make a strong impression.

"You lied to me and take this as your punishment. No Austrailia." Meg mumbled from the sofa.

Ashley put an assuring arm around Curtis. "She just had too much too drink. Our girl here doesn't hold up her liqour much. She is doing this willingly. Just say yes."
Looking at Meg, Curtis felt even more guilty. "I'll do it." He mumbled softly. It felt nice knowing they cared so much that they would do something so big to keep him here, but knowing what he had done, he knew he would be unable to pay her back. "Thank you." he said to Meg, though from the look in his eyes, it was clear that he wanted to go back to Australia, believing it would be the best for everyone.

"So... how does this work? We sign papers and we're legally uh... together?" he asked, unable to bring himself to say the word married. "And then after that, I'm able to stay in the country?"
"In papers," Ashley began explaining since Meg was out to even talk. "You guys are legally binded and being Meg's spouse, you land permission to stay here and work as you like with all due respect. Though, they will check upon you soon and periodically afterwards."

"I will contact my lawyers who will put and end to this in a few days. Everything will be normal. Hopefully." Ashley sat beside Meg. "You aren't hiding something else, are you?" she wanted to be clear of further problems that may arise.
Curtis shook his head. "N-No, I'm not hiding anything else." Curtis said, sitting down across from Ashley and Meg. "I was hoping to get away with it, because as of the day I got here, I was one year and one month away from being eighteen. I thought surely they wouldn't check too quickly..." He admitted, now thinking how stupid it had been. One crucial detail as well from what he had said, was that his birthday was a month after he had came to Texas. And with him having been here for almost a month, he may have let slip that his birthday was soon. But with everything Meg and Ashley had done for him (and even more so now), he didn't want to mention it, not wanting them to feel any obligation to gift him with anything.
"That's good," Ashley nodded solemnly. She was glad that he wouldn't have to leave no more. Eyeing her friend, she let out a sigh. Paper work and he was safe.
"A month and a year you say. That means your birthday is coming up given you are here for a month." her eyes glinted with realisation. "Did we miss it?" she asked, trying to remember the date from his bio incase he would hide it.
"It's not important." Curtis brushed it off. At the look Ashley gave him though, he eventually answered. "Tomorrow. But please don't get me anything. Just me living here is present enough for me." He said earnestly.
"You couldn't hide it anyways," Ashley replied, "I would have to see the papers anyways laters and wish you. I understand you feel guilty but trust me; its no burden. And Meg is doing this for our friendship. It would hurt to let you go. So if things go right, let's celebrate some place. Meg would be thrilled."

That ellicited a sleepy groan from Meg, "Yeah, party time~" Ashley chuckled beside her. "See, she agrees too."
Laughing softly at Meg's comment, Curtis gave a nod. "Sure, a lunch or dinner or something like that could be good." He suggested. After a moment's hesitation, Curtis stood, walking over to the girls and sitting between them, a move he would never have the confidence to do when he was back in Australia. "You two are great people, you know that?" He asked them, though he doubted he'd get much of an answer from Meg. Wrapping an arm around them both, he nervously pecked Ashley's cheek, and then Meg's, giving them both a one-armed squeeze.
Ashley leaned on the hug while Meg blurted out something incoherent. "Aww, so sweet. You are nothing short of it Curtis. We would go lengths to have you here." She hugged him fully, crushing her close to him. "Don't get too worked up. I got it all under controlled." she said, eyeing the eyebags under his eyes from lack of sleep. "Help me put Meg to bed will you?" she asked.
Feeling Ashley's arms wrap around him, Curtis closed his eyes and leaned into her, enjoying the moment despite the situation surrounding it. Nodding at the request, the boy grabbed Meg's upper body, as that would have been the heavier part, while Ashley picked up the ankles. While he had chosen this side to be more considerate for Ashley, he had not realised how intimate it would be, holding Meg under the armpits and feeling her breasts against his balled up hands. His hands touched the sides of her boobs, which were all too soft, but he did his best to ignore it, as the pair carried her to the bedroom.

"Do you mind uh.. getting her ready for bed? I don't believe it'd be appropriate if I did so." he said to Ash, face flaming. He stepped out of the bedroom, resisting the temptation to peek inside.
"Sure," Ashley smiled at his nervousness, making quick work to strip Meg of her jeans and top. Leaving her in her underwear; the blond tucked her in. "She should be fine. Though check up on her to be safe." she commented walking out of the room. "Did you eat?"
About to respond, his stomach chose to that for him, rumbling loudly. "I was about to lie and say I ate just before you came around, but clearly my stomach has other ideas. I think I last ate at breakfast." He answered, not planning on saying that he meant breakfast yesterday. He had difficulty eating and sleeping after knowing how badly he fucked things up, but now that they were on a positive path, he suddenly felt hungry. "You?"
"I could do a quick meal. Care to take a walk?" Ash invited him as they ventured out of the house. He would return before Meg would be up. There won't be a problem. Though, she couldn't think of why she was derieving guilty pleasure from something so trivial. Was it because he was marrying Meg? Opening the cafe door, Ashley ordered her steak and corn on the counter while waiting for Cutis to place his. "It's on me."
Curtis chose to order the same as Ashley, yet despite her saying that it was on her, Curtis pulled out his wallet and paid for both meals. Heading to Ashley's table, he sat down across from her. "Work been busy?" He asked. He hadn't worked there for a few days now, and Meg always thought that it would hurt his feelings if she were to talk about her day.
"We managed fine," she welcomed the sincerity in his question. "You are missed immensely." she toyed with her blond hair. "How have you been holding up?" she asked, knowing it was hard on him to think about the matter. Her hand touched his over the table. "Tell me anything to make yourself feel lighter. I won't mind." Ashley was different from Meg in that way. Words knew no sensor with her mouth.
Smiling a little at the touch, Curtis began to talk. "Honestly, the fact that I stopped working for you guys was not what has been on my mind the last few days. It's the thought of everyone I met so far, and what their ideas of me would be after lying to them. I feel like I see it now every time Meg looks at me... Not so much you, since I only saw you today, when there was already a solution to fix this... but everyone at RT would know about this now, and then I'll suddenly be back at work one day, and there won't be a reason why, due to this whole paperwork thing which will be a secret." He panted after his small rant. "But now I feel even worse with this marriage thing, because I've made Meg's life more difficult. She has to live with this secret, and her dating life will become worse from it too. What will happen if a boyfriend finds out she's married to someone half her age? Not just the age thing, but that she's married? What happens if she eventually divorces me when I'm of age, and marries someone else? He'll be her second husband, which makes her reputation worse again."

Curtis was working himself up into a load of stress, so it was lucky timing that their food arrived, making him go silent while the stranger was there. It also would finally give a space in what he was saying for Ashley to speak.
Ashley listened with admiration, admitting Curtis was beyond his age when he talked and looked at things. As the waiter was out of ear shot, she laced her fingers with his. "Wow...I mean you are so thoughtful. I never saw this that way. I can assure you that you won't have much problem in the office. We have really open minded people working on our team. For Meg, I can't say much. Marriages are common here, age gap is conventional. These happen everyday, so if Meg truly finds someone who loves her dearly, he would accept her as she is. Don't burden yourself on this. And that leaves out me. I will never stop supporting you. We are friends for some reason no?"

Picking up on her food, Ashley took small bites. He carried a point in his words and that surely did worry her. What happens after they divorce? Or more, when they get together in the first place.
Giving a small nod, he let out a breath and smiled a little at Ashley. "Yeah, we're friends for a reason." He replied, giving her hand a squeeze before he pulled back, beginning to eat his food. He was stressed out from this, but his stomach was thankful that he finally chose to eat something.

"Thanks for letting me rant." He said quietly, in between mouthfuls.
Ashley watched him eat, her heart expanding for some unknown reason. She knew Meg enough, as bubbly she could be, she could be ignorant too at times. She returned to her own food, looking up at him in intervals as he was eating diligently. "You sure look hungry," she murmured, "Should we order some more? I am feeling for something spicy." Her intention being spending some more time with him.
"I'm not big on the spicy stuff." Curtis admitted, taking another bite. Chewing through it and swallowing, he finished his thought. "But I definitely could do with some more food." He finished, noticing the slight look of disappointment that had flashed on her face when he mentioned not liking spicy food.
"I will go order, and mind you its on me this time. What will you have?" she asked. She had forgotten how Australians aren't much keen on spicy food. She would remember it next time.
Shrugging, he gave her a small smile. "Surprise me." he replied, watching her leave before pulling out his phone. It was hard to believe that he would be married to one of the hottest members of Roosterteeth in a few days, even if it was a bonding without love. Actually, that thought made him sad again, so he quickly put it out of his mind as he saw Ashley return.
Ashley ordered two assortments of vegetable- potatoes, carrots with braised chicken as main and side rice. Returning, she picked up the worry in his eyes though didn't bother to bring it up. "Tell me something, aren't you a tad bit excited to be getting married?"
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