RoosterTeeth: A New House Guest (RoleplayMaster x Someonewhoeatsapples)

"Sea food? What do you like Curtis?" Ashley droned in to the conversation. Meg pulled over to the parking spot, luckily close to the door. "Help me again?" Meg cut the gas and strode out to pull Curtis. Sharing his weight between themselves, she tried impacting less on his foot. "Walk carefully," she whispered till they found a table for three. Meg sat beside Curtis, holding his hand while Ashley on the opposite. "Order away," Ashley pushed the menu to him. "Our guest of honor."
"Seafood sounds good." Curtis replied, wrapping an arm around the shoulders of both girls as they helped him inside. It was a little embarrassing, as they drew the eyes of other customers, but they soon sat down. "I'll just grab.. a battered flake." he said, choosing from the menu. "And some chips too I suppose." He added, smiling as he handed the menu back to Ashley. He looked down at Meg's hand, which was still holding his, a blush coming to his cheeks.
Meg released his hand, waving the waiter off with her order of fried salmon and Ash's fish and chips. "So Curtis," Ashley turned her attention to the boy. "Do you have a girlfriend?" Meg muffled a laugh beside him at the sudden question. "What's that supposed to mean?" she counter asked.
Curtis was a little shocked at the question, blushing still but shaking his head. "U-Uh, no." He stuttered. "I'm uh... not too confident when it comes to those matters." he replied, ignoring the slight bickering between the other two. "How about you?" he asked, trying to make conversation, and not realising he had asked her if she had a girlfriend.
"None at the moment," Ashley replied prompt. "Can't find a good muse. You should try the dating scene. Like here, kids are flaunting two girls on their arms. Try your luck. Most importantly, be confident. When it comes to work or personal life." Ashley preached, while Meg squirmed in her seat. "I will be back from the ladies," Meg announced as she left her seat.
Glancing at Meg as she spoke up, he turned back to Ashley. "There is literally nothing about me that screams 'confident', but I'll do my best." He shrugged. "And I don't see myself looking to uh... pick up girls. Not yet, at least. I barely know my way around my new home, let alone Austin." Curtis said with a smile and another shrug.
"I could set you up," Ashley chirped in like it was top secret. "You are so lucky to have Meg around too. Like a buzzing electricity between you guys. Its noticeable." she sank in her chair, grinning. "I can assure you."
Giving a small shrug at the idea of Ashley setting him up with someone, he tried to seem nonchalant, but he was clearly interested. The mention of the apparent buzzing electricity brought redness to his cheeks once again. "M-Me? And Meg?" he asked, sounding doubtful. She was quite a bit older than him, and way out of his league. "You sure about that?"
"Seemingly so," Ashley tried to play it off cooly. "You guys look at each other like you know a secret. Are you into older women?" She asked, unsure of what type of women he liked.

Meanwhile, Meg splashed water onto her face. She felt at fault for hurting Curtis. She should have seen before picking up on the camera that it was faulty. Drying her face, she threw the disposable towel and exited the toilet. As she neared their table, she saw Ashley and Curtis in a deep conversation. Waiting around, she joined them after ordering drinks that got missed.
His cheeks darkened further. "When I got the message that I was coming to join Roosterteeth, never thought I'd be having a conversation with Ashley Jenkins about my uh... preferences." he admitted. "I've never really explored what I'm uh... into. But I would suppose so, yes." Curtis answered at last, after darting around the question for so long.

As Meg finally returned, his blush had mostly disappeared by now. But it seemed like such a common trait for him now, that him having a red face did not seem out of the norm. "Everything okay?" He asked Meg as she returned, trying not to think too much on what Ashley said.
Ashley smiled, at the response. "Did I think that? Not really. We are really friendly at the Know , bodering on invasive at times. I would keep your Meg secret a secret." she winked and zipped her lips as Meg returned.

"I am fine....I feel bad though. You must be hurting a lot again....for me."Meg slumped her shoulders. "You sure you dont need expert attention?" The food arrived soon after, Meg helping herself to hers.
"It's my fault, don't worry about it. Sure, I'm a little sore, but I should be fine." he promised. Grabbing his food when it arrived, Curtis began to eat. It was truly good food, and the company was great too. "So what's the plan for when we're done here?" he asked in between mouthfuls.

Feeling the pain in his foot increase, he wanted to inspect it without worrying the girls. "I'll be back." He said, slowly getting to his feet and limping off to the bathroom. Thankfully it was close enough, and there was plenty of spots which he could grip onto for support on the way there. Heading to the bathroom, he looked over his foot, wondering what Ashley and Meg would talk about in his absence.
"We are obviously heading home and you are resting with no strain on that foot." Meg interverned before Ashley could come up with some made up plans. As he digged in, a relief washed her as he was still somewhat ok other than experiencing the pain.

As he stood, Meg followed him with her eyes till he was gone. "So what's up?" Ashley picked a forkfull. "You tell me what's up? Got a new muse yet?" Meg counter asked. "May be I did." Ashley sing sang-ly replied. "Tell me already!" Meg was excited and shoved her by the shoulder. "Secret secret," Ashley acted innocence. It could only mean one thing.
Inspecting his foot, it really did not look good. His two small toes aimed the wrong way, and he might be able to see a bone poking against one of them. The smallest toe was drenched in blood, apparently having only done that some time after Ashley had inspected them.

Putting his shoe back on, Curtis limped back to the table. "How are you girls going?" He asked, slowly easing into his chair. "When we're done here, might want to stop at the hospital. I've never had a broken bone before, but I think a few of my toes are broken." Curtis said casually, as not to stress Meg.
That took up Meg's attention, making her all the more guiltier. He was her responsibility and she had already severely failed at it. "Let's leave now or you wanna finish your plate?" she asked, her voice laced with anxiety. Ashley sat shook beside them, wondering at the severity of the incident. Authorities could have a say if things went out if hand, specially with Curtis' already injurious past.
Meg called on the waiter, asking for the bill and held his hand. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" she demanded softly, looking at Ashley, "You saw his wound. Why didn't you check it well, Ash?" Ash sat fidgeting, unsure what to say. "A bone? That's bad already. I am sorry Curtis. I should have checked better."
"I already finished." He said, raising a hand as Meg began to blame Ashley, and she blamed herself. "No, it's no one's fault but mine. I dropped the camera. Please stop blaming yourselves or each other." Curtis requested. "If you want to make it up to me, just give me a hug and we're even." He shrugged, trying to show them that he did not blame them in the slightest.
Meg was the first, hugging Curtis close to herself. She felt slightly better since he smiled afterwards. Ashley took turns to hug him while Meg dissolved the bill. Limping on their way, Meg speeded tje car to the nearest hospital. Finding a wheelchair on the outdoor station, she seated Curtis on the chair while Ashley wheeled. Luckily, the outdoor ward wasn't busy, granting them an easy access to healthcare. As the old doctor checked up on his toes, Meg looked away, unable to bear the blood. Ashley kneeled beside him, holding his hand as the doctor worked on his toes.
"See, it's alright." he said softly as both girl's hugged him, smiling gently to assure them that he did not blame them.


Holding Ashley's hand as the doctor worked, there was a bit of pain as he slowly cleaned away the blood, to observe what had happened. "Oh, a nasty hit, wasn't it?" The doctor mused, gently wrapping up his toes in a cast. "Make sure you clean it daily, and with new wraps. You should be walking easily in a week, and back to normal in two or three." The doctor said. Before they left, Curtis was given a crutch to use, though he was still wheeled out of the hospital.

"Sorry for all the trouble." Curtis said, not being able to help himself from apologising. Standing up, he slowly limped to the car, using the crutch to help him.
"It's no trouble," Meg replied, fastening his seat belt. "You coming with us Ashley?" she turned to ask the blond.

"yeah, figured I would help you. I brought the oinment and bandages in case." she lifted the medicine bags. "That will do," Meg swerved the car to her place. "Remember Curtis, you are fully under rest. And I will take care of you. No ifs and buts. " The blond added soon after, "Me too. I will drop in between work and share some responsibilities too."
He wanted to deny their help, but both girls seemed adamant about helping him. "Fine.. but I'll have to find a way to pay you two back, somehow." Curtis warned them with a small smile, getting out of the car when they got home, using his new crutch to help him inside. "If I'm meant to be sitting down and resting while I heal, I'm going to get bored really quickly. Either of you got an idea or plan?" He asked, since they wanted to help him so much, perhaps they could hang out with him some more.
"Sure thing," Ashley sprawled on the couch beside Curtis and Meg took another seat. "We could play truth or dare, or just truth since Curtis won't move." Meg suggested, not coming up with something much fun.
"Well, truth or dare could still work, if I don't have to move much." Curtis shrugged. Lifting his leg onto the table, he glanced from one girl to the other. "So who starts? Or should we do the bottle technique?" He asked, the bottle technique being where a bottle is spun, and whoever it points to is asked truth or dare.
"We could do spin a bottle technique." Ashley agreed. Meg stood to get an empty bottle from the kitchen to be used. "I will start," Ashley grabbed the opportunity and spun the bottle for herself. "I will do Curtis' spin too." The bottle head pointed at Curtis, and Ash asked him, "Truth or dare?"
"Let's start with a dare, shall we. Make things interesting." Curtis smiled. As he waited for Ashley's order, Curtis slowly pulled his shoe off, as it felt rather constricting. He was also a little shy about answering questions about himself, so a dare would hopefully ease him into it.
Ashley thought a little before smirking at the idea hitting her head. It was perfect. "Kiss the sexiest person here on her cheek."
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