RoosterTeeth: A New House Guest (RoleplayMaster x Someonewhoeatsapples)

"No problem!" Meg offered another encouraging smile, flashing her pearly whites. "It's rather fun and addictive once you get the hang of it." she rested a hand on his across the table. "I will make it worth your while and your camera shyness will vanish in a ziffy." She clicked her fingers. "Smile more often Curtis. You look good." Meg wondered where that came from but yes, she liked putting up a smile on everyone's face. Makes them more radiant only.
Blushing and smiling despite himself, Curtis gave a shy nod. "Thank you." He said, accepting the compliment. "So uh.. what do you cosplay as?" He asked. "If I'm honest, I haven't delved deep into your cosplay career." He admitted, blushing deeper. That blush meant only one thing when talking about the modelling career - Meg's underwear modelling.
"I do many- bunnies, butterfly, superheroine, cowgirl, with wigs, short costumes and a good amount of latex costumes too. We can roleplay too. Recently, I have been delving into realistic themes- prisoner's orange suit and such." She was droning on and noticed the blush on his cheek. "I am not making you uncomfortable; am I?"
The more she spoke, the more his mind was filled with dirty thoughts, especially when it came to latex costumes and roleplay. Shaking his head at the question, he felt his cock hardening under the table. "Uncomfortable? No, not at all. Just uh..." Should he confess his thoughts? Figuring she was cool enough and probably heard it all before, he admitted what he was thinking. "Just imagining these outfits and uh... an eighteen year old's mind is not pure, let's just say that.." He mumbled the last bit, yet the room was small, so his words were heard.
Meg casually sipped onto her drink, watching as Curtis' blush grew deeper and evident. When he confessed, Meg chuckled freely, throwing her head back. "Honestly, since we are being so honest and I would love us to remain so, I cosplay for the sheer pleasure of it. The dressing up allows me to play another character. The outfits often make me feel sexy and that's a plus point," she nudged her nose, finishing up on her food. "And the last part, I truly understand Curtis. How I miss being a teen again but I am a teenager at heart mind you." she dished her plates on the dishwasher. "Retiring to bed again? We could catch a flick over a bag of Hersheys if you are up." Meg shrugged her shoulders, pulling out her snack.
His blush remained as she spoke, helping put away the dishes and so on, pushing in his chair. "U-Um, yeah, a movie sounds good." Curtis said quietly. He didn't think he could go to bed again after waking up not that long ago. Following her to the living room, Curtis sat down first, at the edge of the couch, giving her plenty of room to decide where she wanted to sit. "So what are we watching?" He asked Meg, trying not to stare at her bum now that she stood in front of him. His erection still remained from before, and he only managed to hide it a little bit.
"I don't know, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince? Or you wanna see something more laid back?" Meg flipped through the selection of movie tittles at her disposal, clearly not aware she was blocking his sight. "Harry it is then," she clicked the button and joined him shortly with pillows and a blanket. Pulling him by the tee shirt collar, Meg offered a smile to gesture him to join her. "I don't wanna seem the fat person hogging all the space with you sitting on the edge. Move over."
"Harry Potter's good. Love the movies, love the books." Curtis replied, waiting for her to return to the couch. At her insistence to come closer, he gave a small nod, sitting beside her, still not touching her. He had known her for less than 24 hours, and despite wanting to curl into her side, snuggling up to her, he doubted that would seem like a good idea. So he simply sat there, enjoying the movie and ignoring the desires he had, however big or small.
Meg watched the movie in quiet, big creatures passing on screen, unlikely characters plating with magic, sucking her deep in wonderland. She had been a fan of Harry Potter and to her delight, she seemed to have a headstart since Curtis liked the series too. In the middle, she got up to bring two beverage cans, Coke since he ordered it earlier at the driveway. "Scoot closer, Curtis," she urged but kind of worried if she was nagging too much. "I have space here."
Taking a can from her with a quiet thank you, Curtis opened it as softly as possible before taking a sip, placing it down on the table. Shifting a little closer to Meg, his leg touched her foot, which was curled up like the rest of her body. "Like that?" he asked, glancing from the screen to her. He didn't mind missing bits, as he had seen the movie a few times already.
"Yeah," Meg whispered as if they were in a theatre for real. With the lights killed, the ambience was somewhat similar. Meg could feel her skin heat with the warmth from both of their body, her attention wafting from Curtis to the movie and back. "So tomorrow is a Saturday. What plans do you have?" she asked, wanting him to take certain desicions and help him execute them to make him feel at home and liberal. "Don't be shy." She added an arm around his shoulder. "Consider me as a friend onwards. I would like that."
Smiling and leaning into her body as she wrapped an arm around him, he looked over at Meg as he shrugged. "I literally have no plans." He laughed. "If I had to say something, then maybe meeting more of my new colleagues, getting to know them better. Since it seems I'm at the Know, I'm assuming I'd need to get to know you and Ashley more than anyone else really, am I right?" he asked, feeling the side of her boob squashed against him a little bit.
"You would be mostly with us on the run as we work, so yes, its Ash and me. She isn't that awkward when you have been around her more. She us fun. Other's too and time to time, we skype with Funhaus too when need arises so that gap is covered. Seems like we are heading to the office again. " Meg squeezed his shoulder, letting out a low yawn.
"Did you have any plans? If so, I would be happy for you to do them instead, I don't want to be a burden.." Curtis quickly added. "I can join you or wait here if you need." He said, listening as she yawned. "Did you want to head to bed? You don't need to stay up for my sake." Curtis said, admittedly enjoying the attention she gave him. He wondered how it would differ a week or a month from now, when he was no longer the new kid.
"Actually, my agenda would curve around you till you are good enough to roam alone in the streets of Austin on your own. Basically, you are my responbility that I happily and willingly toom upon." she filled in, sipping in her coke. "I don't mind staying up with you for company. No burden. If I sleep off, just leave me here." she raked her hand through his hair. "If you don't mind, may I ask how it had been after...the accident?"
Closing his eyes as her fingers roamed his hair, his body stiffened at the mention of the accident. It was brief though, which meant he was trying to work through it. "In all honesty... I contemplated suicide." he said softly, staring blankly at the tv screen. "I lost my only family, and while my friends pitied me, they eventually forgot about me like they always do - you need to understand that I wasn't too popular. No reason why, other than being an introvert and them assuming I didn't want to do things with them." Curtis further explained his friends, to clarify he didn't think them as bad people.

"I healed slowly from my broken arm, and I was in the hospital so I couldn't attempt anything there. But to stave off my boredom, I watched Roosterteeth stuff; The Know, Let's Plays, Podcasts, and so on. And by the time I was eventually released from hospital, I had gotten the message from you, welcoming me to Austin and Roosterteeth. I still find it hard, and I haven't had a good sleep since that night, but I think I'm getting better." Curtis sounded as if he were trying to be optimistic, but his soft, weak voice didn't show confidence.
Meg saw Curtis in new light, a strive inside to be cared and realised. It was a sad cause how such a young blood would be pushed to take his own life. Wasted skills. His story in his own words sounded more tragic and appealing to Meg than what she read at the forum. Her heart string tugged, a dire need to hold him close. Holding him by the shoulder, Meg held him close to her breasts, seemingly not caring about it.

"Everything happens for some good reason Curtis. Moving on will be hard, but embrace this new opportunity at The Know. I...we brought you here to change your life, make it better and worth living all the more." her hands closed on his back, patting him softly. "Tell me if anything bothers you. Don't hold back ok? Its good to pour out emotions than bottling them. Tell me or Ash...we will listen." She added not to bag all attention on herself.
Nodding slowly, Curtis closed his eyes and relaxed into Meg's arms, barely noticing the breasts that pressed against his face. Staying silent for a few moments, he spoke up, a little shy about his request. "Do you mind if I uh..." he hesitated. "Sleep with you tonight?" he asked, clearly not meaning it in a sexual sense. "Every time you've held me today, I've felt better than I have felt in weeks. I... I want to see if I sleep better that way too." he requested. "It could be your bed or even here on the couch, whatever your preference. Or you can say no, I don't expect you to agree." Curtis spoke the last bit quickly, hastening to say that he wanted her to be comfortable no matter what, not wanting to sleep in her arms if she did not want him there. It was a rather blunt question for someone he had only met in person hours ago.
Meg considered a little, seeing no harm in sharing her bed with Curtis. He sure did miss having someone and that reflected a lot in his simple request. Reachimg fir the remote, she switched the tv off. "Sure, let me change into my night clothes and we can crawl in my bed. Its bigger." she let Curtis go off her embrace, seemong happier to make him happy.

Moving on, she went to her room, pulling off her clothes and bra and slipped on a longer tee shirt that reached her knees. She slept in nude, for the bra hurt her big breasts and nighttime was only when she was free. Walking down, she brushed her teeth and red hair before applying luttle night cream. "You coming?' she called out from her door before crawling under her sheets without caring to put her bra away.
Blushing and smiling as she agreed to his request, Curtis got up and prepared for bed. Brushing his teeth and changing, Curtis got into some lighter clothing to sleep in. He usually slept in only underwear, but he did not want to make Meg more uncomfortable. Waiting outside her room, he only entered when she called for him.

Entering her room, he noticed the discarded clothing, blushing lightly as he approached her bed. Slowly slipping under the covers, he chose that moment to admit something else. "I've uh... never been in bed with another woman before." He said softly, a nervous laugh leaving his lips
Meg laughed along, "I don't know what to say to that Curtis but I feel good that I am your first!" she winked, reaching for the night lamp to turn it off. "Good night Curtis, " she wished him, planting a smooch on his temple, surprised on her own bold move. She didn't think much, draping an arm on his as she faced him to sleep. "I am here."she reassured him, squeezing his arm.
Freezing as he felt her lips on his temple, Curtis was happy the lights were off, so Meg couldn't see his blush, nor his tent. His breathing was a little weak as it went dark, though began to relax as he felt Meg's touch. Closing his eyes, Curtis drifted off to sleep, finding himself in a world of happiness, a first since the accident. Finally, he was dreaming dreams.


The next morning, Meg would be the first to wake. Feeling a pressure behind her and on her stomach, she would find that their positions had changed through the night. The two ended up in a spooning position, his arm draped protectively over her body. It seemed loose, but moving away would only make the sleeping boy pull her closer. His body was lightly against hers, though thankfully their hips didn't touch. If she backed up even a little though, she would find herself essentially sitting on an erection.
Meg's body clock woke her up at the usual 7 am. She was shaken at first, thinking who was with her but soon remembered Curtis. He was spooning her, holding her close as the woman shiftwd. She was half expecting Curtis to be awake since he must have been tired from the long journey. Not bothering to wake him up, Meg slowly detached his arm, getting off the bed. She put her pillow in her place, with no signs of tears that were positive endearings that morning. Averting her eyes from his hard on, Meg stretched her arms over her head and noticed her own hardened nipples and wet arousal. "A morning thing," she mouthed softly, heading out to finish off her essentials .

In the kitchen, she went with bacon and eggs, whipping them quick and decided to wake him up. Getting on her bed, she shook him gently, holding his cheek. "Morning~ rise and shine." she said in a sing song manner.
Curtis slowly rolled a little as he woke, confused to see a pillow in his arms. Throwing it to the side, he looked up at Meg with a small smile. "Good morning... and thanks again for last night, best sleep I've had in weeks." Curtis admitted. Yawning and sitting up, he could smell the bacon and eggs. "You're making breakfast? Awesome, I'm starving. I'll make it up to you next time." He promised, though doubted he would make it up to her with breakfast, as he was not used to being an early riser.
"That's nice to hear you slept well. We can continue till you feel better." she smirked, moving away. "I'd be more than happier if you helped me clean afterwards. I will take care of the cooking. I am used to being on a rush on most days."
She took her chair on the kitchen as Curtis joined her shortly. "No bad dreams at all?" she doubled checked in case he was just saying it to make her feel better.
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