RoosterTeeth: A New House Guest (RoleplayMaster x Someonewhoeatsapples)

Shaking his head, he helped plate up the food and then sat down. "No, not really. I think there was a little bit near the end that didn't feel so great, just before I woke up, but through the night was good." Curtis smiled. The part that didn't feel good correlated with when Meg left to make breakfast.

"So what's the plan for today?" he knew the basic plan of them heading to the Office so he could grow more accustomed with everything, but he was seeking specifics.
"I will sleep in more I help," Meg added to the conversation. Helping herself to some toast, she started eating.

"Since its your first official day, we will pick up on the basics; let you use the camera and a more thorough tour till lunch. Ash was thinking since we are living together, we might film sometimes, and what better if you leant to handle the cam. It's easy," she shrugged her shoulders. "Afterwards, we can yake it as you please."
Nodding, Curtis pleased with the plans. He did not think he'd enjoy being in front of the camera, but working behind it suited him fine. And it gave him the excuse of staring at Meg more with the excuse of being a cameraman. "This is so weird, haha. I used to watch the Know, and now I'm a part of the production"
"Believe it," Meg smiled, pushing her glasses upwards on her nose bridge. "There is a photoshoot and vlog today, so you better get ready. I will be counting on you." Meg was confident he would live up to her expectations and not let her down. Also, she would be there to tell him its fine if he felt pressured. She herself worked better under pressure.
Finishing his meal, Curtis grabbed his and her dishes, cleaning them before turning to Meg. "So I'll jump on the shower, then we head off. Does that sound alright?" he asked her, glancing over at her
"Yes, just wait a little afterwards while I shower myself. We would be good to go." Meg answered, thanking Curtis. "And tell me when you are done showering. I will hop in quick."
Nodding, Curtis left the kitchen and got into the shower, washing up. Knowing how prone he had become to erections while around Meg, he decided to masturbate, hoping that if he got it out of the way, he wouldn't show visual arousal later. It was a false hope, but a hope nonetheless. Finishing up and drying off, Curtis got dressed and let Meg know the shower was free, not noticing the semen mess be had left on the wall.
Meg sorted out her clothes while Curtis showered. It was her usual assortment- low cut tank top, with skinny jeans. Hearing him on his way out, she walked into the shower and bolted the door. It was awkward since she didn't have the practise to lock doors.

Dropping her towel, she cleared the humidity residue on the mirror and got in to the shower. The wall had something white and sticky from the look of it and she jetted the hose against it till it was gone. Considering Curtis, he was young and she would have to do with his habits. If she pushed, he would break. Taking a cool shower, she toweled dried and changed quickly to meet Curtis in the hall. "All set?" she picked up her keys and folders.
Nodding, Curtis was dressed in a simple plain blue shirt and some jeans, the baggy kind since he didn't like wearing skinny jeans. It was difficult not to stare at Meg, but he somehow managed. "Yeah, lets go." Curtis smiled, following her to the car. "So... my job at the Know is to be a cameraman?" He asked, confirming if that was his only role, or if he'd be doing something else. "And I'll be a cameraman for your vlogs and such too?"
"Pretty much, now don't make it sound so bad," Meg offered a smile to Curtis, starting up on her car. "You would work with me mostly and on the editorial team too. Your internship will cover all bases of RoosterTeeth so don't be surprised if we tell you to host." Stepping on the gas, the engine roared twice before joining the free flow of traffic. "Basic drill, try to be interested even if you hate it. Always gets you through a bad day. And tell me if something does not work."
"Remember what I said as well, I might be enthused about it even if I don't sound it." Curtis reminded her. "I'm actually excited to be working with you all, just nervous about stuffing up is all." He admitted, turning to watch the traffic. "But yeah, I promise I'll say something if I'm feeling uncomfortable or unhappy with what's going on." Curtis assured her.

"How often will I be working with the other main faces of the Know, like Ashley?" He asked curiously. Would he be just with Meg, or others too? She seemed nice enough when they met yesterday.
"Ashley and me in between, also with Ryan, Gus and Jon. We would shuffle work so that every one can asses you. Don't worry, for there won't be much pressure. Just learning you would do today." Meg took the final turn to drive in the familiar street.

Parking on her usual spot, she locked the car and strode towards the lift. "Happy first day, Curtis," she with him with a half hug while the lift descended.
"Thank you." He said softly, his heart thumping fairly hard in his chest. Wrapping an arm around her to give her a squeeze back, he soon released her as the doors opened. "So where do we start?" he asked, once the lift took them to their destination.
"This way," Meg showed him into the studio room and walked towards the back where the equipments lay. "Morning Robert," she wished one of the camera operators before briefing him on Curtis. Picking up an Z7 they use for basic filming, Meg cleared the table to show Curtis.

"We will start with this baby. Robert will run you through functions that are common in every other filming equipment. And I will get your pass while Ashley will come in ok?" she squeezed his shoulders on her way out.
Nodding, he was a little nervous when Meg left him, but put those thoughts to the side as he listened to Robert explain the camera. They went through the buttons, the way to hold it and aim it, and some ways the crew liked the cameras to be used, such as focusing on certain things when the hosts spoke or moved. It was truly interesting, and the camera thankfully had a tripod so he wouldn't have to hold it on his shoulder or anything.
Ashley was tipped off by Meg, who joined Curtis shortly. He was learning quick and Robert's face gave off the expression that he had a good student.
"Hello," She thumped on his shoulder; taking him by surprise. "Enjoyng first day?" The blond smiled down at him.
Jumping slightly at the touch, he turned to see Ashley beside him. He made sure his shock turned into a smile, so as not to worry her that he didn't like her presence. "A-Ashley, it's good to see you again." He said, looking down at the camera before looking back at her. "Yeah, it's been interesting so far. Never really used a video camera like one of these before - if I needed video of something, I'd use my phone, so this is a completely different experience." All of what he said was a fairly obvious statement, but he was trying to fill the dead air; Curtis had a habit of answering questions as short as possible, which he was trying to change.

"Anything I can help you with, or did you just pop in to say hello?" he asked. He wanted to show he could be as helpful as possible, no matter what they needed.
"That's interesting. I hope you are enjoying while you learn. There are more cameras in case you need to sate your curiousity. Break one or two. I won't mind."she smiled warmly. "I was hopping in to say hi and help me with a short clip. Just zomming in and out of our logo for the intro. We need variations. Come to my office?"

Walking ahead, Ashley pushed the double doors of her cabin as Meg was seated in one of the computers. "Meg's here too," she chirped. "Start on your camera Curtis. I need you to cover the back drop. Ok hon?"
Nodding, Curtis followed, doing his best to do what was asked of him. Everything worked fine for the logo shoot, and just as they finished, Curtis messed up. Trying to get the camera a little higher up, one of the tripod's legs gave out. The device landed on his foot, which hurt like hell. Not that he realised it, but he broke two toes. "Ow, motherfucker!" he swore, a surprise from the usually quiet kid. Using a nearby table for support, the boy sat down at a chair, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the chair. "Damn that hurt." Glancing over at the camera, he saw that the left side of it had shattered, which he looked really guilty about. "Sorry." he apologised, expecting to be fired immediately.
Meg left her chair instinctively, shakong at the curse that left the otherwise quiet boy's mouth. Ashley was already by his side, helping him to a chair. Meg felt a pang of unknown emotion as Ashley checked through the damages.

Kneeling before Curtis, she checked his hands and moved to his sneakers. "Let me see," she examined his toes since Z7 is a heavy equipment. "I told you to break a cam but not literally...don't be sorry. I pushed you hard." Meg moved the broken camera out of the way, bringing an ice pack for him to hold. "Hold this on your toe." she patted Curtis. "No one blames you."
Taking the ice pack from Meg, he held it to his right foot, groaning softly at the pain coursing through his toes. "Sorry." He said again, not accepting that he didn't do anything wrong. "I don't think I'll be able to walk for a little while." he warned them, running the cold hand that had held the ice pack, along his pounding forehead. "Sorry." he said one more time.
"It's ok," Ashley was convinced the boy was guilty. "Let's go to lunch together." she proposed as Meg picked up the vcr tape. It was still intact. "Looks like we had a faulty tripod and the footage can still be put to work at the expense of Curtis getting hurt." she announced the others to hear. "And don't say sorry again." she bent over to kiss Curtis on his cheek while Ashley was not looking. "I know you didn't do it on purpose. Wait here and I will drop the video on edit pannel. We can go to lunch afterwards." she smiled last time before exiting.
"Sorry." He said one more time, apologising for saying sorry too much. It was then that he shut up, realising what he had done. Blushing dark red at the kiss, Curtis waited in silence for Meg to return. "If we're going to lunch, I might need someone to carry me." He laughed weakly, looking over at Ashley while Meg disappeared. Slowly getting to his feet, the pain was blinding. He could limp a little bit, but when he reached halfway across the room, he couldn't continue, so simply sat down on the ground.
With Meg back, Ashley helped her to pick Curtis and squish him between the two women as the boarded the lift. It was easier for Meg to hold him while they stood than walking. "Take the day off." Ashley mouthed as she closed the passenger door with Curtis seated in. Meg reached over to strap him in, her breasts brushing against him. "You ok?" he looked breathless. "Breath in and out. It will be fine." With Ashley in the back, the car was headed to a restaurant they commonly dined at the Know. Through the drive, Meg held his hand, giving him asssuring squeezes.
"A little sore, but I should be fine." He waved it off, trying to look stronger than he was. He blushed as she helped him into the car, chest to chest as she spoke. Holding her hand, it was a nice, comforting feeling. He didn't need it like he had when he thought of his parents, but it seemed to help all the same.

"So what are we getting for lunch then?" He asked, trying to draw the conversation away from himself.
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