RoosterTeeth: A New House Guest (RoleplayMaster x Someonewhoeatsapples)

Curtis froze, unsure how to act. "Seriously?" He asked, blushing deeply. Thinking it over, he nervously stood up, walking to Meg and kissing her cheek softly. Returning to Ashley, he did the same before sitting down. "Don't make me choose, that's just mean." he smiled, spinning the bottle, and watching it land on Meg. "Truth or Dare?" He asked. Both girls had felt nice when he kissed them, and that was the first and second time he had kissed a girl at all, let alone on their face somewhere...
Meg felt a sense of victory wash through her as Curtis chose her but it was short lived as seconds later, Ashley's grin was more than visible. She didn't blame him, for it would be tough to keep to women happy and given his limited experience, he was far off her expectations. "Truth," Meg said, seemingly not wanting to keep her audience waiting. Her cheeks were red with envy and it was a similar feature on Ash.
Curtis silently thought it over, wondering what he wanted to know about Meg. Eventually coming up with a decent question, that may have embarrassing results (which seemed to be the aim of this game, after Ashley's question) or may not. Either way, he was interested in the answer. "What was the first impression you had of myself and Ashley, when you met us?" he asked. Technically, it was two questions, as he was asking about both of them, even though they all met at different times. But he doubted Meg would care.
Meg felt utterably cornered with the question. She opened her mouth to speak, closing it off to think a little. "When I met Ash at the office first, I thought I was standing in front of a barbie- such was her influence over everyone, making everyone smiley and dovey. She still is, just a tad bit mean." Meg ducked to dodge the pillow coming from Ash's direction and returned to Curtis. "And when I saw you, honestly I thought you were a gamer sort, ethusiastic with those blue eyes. But you carry rather a calm temperment and thoughtful vibe. It's refreshing." Meg sighed a little, speaking of too many good stuff in one sentence.
His cheeks went a little red at the compliments, visibly pleased at the impression he had made. "I'd say that's all correct." Curtis said with a nod and a smile. "You're up." He added, gesturing to the bottle.
Meg spinned the bottle, not mentioning the redness in Curtis's cheek. The head landed squarely between the two, a gush of wind indicating it towards Ash. "You are up! Truth or dare?" Meg asked the usual. Knowing the girl, Meg was not surprised when Ash picked "Dare."

Grinning as she rubbed her palms, Meg thought of a devious dare. "Sexy dance for us, Ash. Let's see how cool of a dancer you were in your younger years." Meg last saw her dancing drunk at a get together and everytime someone brings it up, Ash flushes. "Why do you- argh!" Ash went off, blushing beet red. "Fine." Getting off her seat, she started rolling her hips, singing some lines from Tove Lo's Talking Body and moving gracefully. Meg had thought it to be embarrasing but she was pulling it off great. "Wow!" Meg catcalled. Ash plopped back on her seat, triumphant smile on her lips.
Curtis watched in silence as Ash began to dance, amused as she moved. She had seemed embarrassed at the idea, but she sung and moved surprisingly well. Giving her a small applause as she sat back down, he hoped neither of them noticed him checking her out.

Watching Ashley as she spun the bottle, it landed back on Meg. "Revenge time." Curtis laughed. "What have you got in store for Meg?" He asked, knowing he wouldn't get a reply until after Meg chose Truth or Dare.
Meg was hooked to the game, straying away from her previous "Truth" and chose "Dare" instead. "I am already up for the second time. Shoot your dare."

Ash needed no time thinking, fully planning a get back at Meg. Even though she liked the attention from Curtis. "You playing with fire baby." Ash was trying to intimidate her, nonetheless, stating her dare. "Sell your underwear to us. Let Curtis be the judge of it."

It was surely different from her cosplay and modelling act, a low curse escaping her lips. "Are you for real?" She couldn't meet the boy's eyes afterwards. Huffing, she took off her top with a pull, leaving herself in her bra. Fluffing her breasts, she spoke without making eye contact. Tracing her hem of the cups, she played peek-a-boo with her soft white mounds. "The softest material, fully supporting these babies," Meg was beyond a care for her words. Her tits bounced lightly in her hands as she watched Ash arch an eyebrow. "I am sold though Meg. Take me shopping next time." Ash interverned, blushing hard since it had gone too far.
Curtis looked away as she took her shirt off, face flaming red as he heard the sound of the shirt being pulled off. Listening to her speak, he risked a peak, feeling himself grow to full mast straight away, before looking away once again. "Could you um... could you.. uh... sh-shirt?" he stuttered, looking at the ceiling above Ashley, trying not to take a look at Meg at all. He wanted to be respectful, yet from his erection, it was obvious that he had a small peek.
Meg sat perplexed, quickly pulling on her shirt to conceal further embarrassment. They had gone too far. "Your spin Curtis?" Meg asked the boy, barely looking in his face. Such was the effect she was under. She made a mental note not to take this game further more baffling for any party involved.
Watching the bottle land on him, Curtis nodded at Meg's comment. "Dare." he answered, without waiting for the question. After that last dare, he was curious what would happen. They were all friends, so he knew he could say no if it got out of hand.
"Imitate Ashley. That should be easy no?" Meg asked. It was the nearest to a sane dare she could think of. Other was putting make up on his face. Though that could rest for now. Settling back on her seat, Meg had regained some of her courage to cross eyes.
Nodding, Curtis thought it over, wondering how he could imitate her. After a moment, he slowly rose to his feet, dancing the same way Ashley did moments earlier, though with noticeably less grace. He was having fun with it though, hoping that the girls were entertained by his silliness. He had to move one-legged though, his other foot too sore to put too much pressure on. Eventually though, he could feel that he was moments away from falling, so he chose to gently fall onto Ashley's lap, the boy being light enough that it wouldn't hurt too much. "Sorry." he apologised, worried he had hurt her with the impact.
Ashley and Meg were holding onto their sides, laughing away until Meg saw his leg twist. Saving his fall, Ashley didn't mind saving him. "It's cool." she helped him in place,slightly brushing her hand over his crotch accidentally. "I am sorry," Ash mumbled. Hugging Curtis tight, she kissing him bye. "Take care."

"I am off. Thanks for the fun night guys!" she hugged Meg and wished them night before leaving.
Blushing at the brief touch, Curtis pretended it didn't happen, though he was turned on by the touch, and the kiss on his cheek that followed. Easing off of her lap, he let Ashley leave, before turning to Meg. "Shall we retire to bed?" He asked. After the confirmation, he slowly made his way through the house, getting dressed in night clothes and doing his other nightly duties. It was not long until he limped into the bedroom, ensuring Meg said it was alright to enter first.
Meg was fluffing out the pillows and added two extra for more comfort. Changing into her nightie, she invited him in. Slipping under the covers after freshening herself up, Meg hugged Curtis tight in her embrace. It lessened her guilt by little. Pressing her lips on his cheek, the woman turned to face him. Holding his hand, she planned to do it all night. "Good night."
Settling into the bed, Curtis grimaced as his toes touched the sheets, feeling slight pain, but not mentioning it so he didn't make Meg do anything. Feeling Meg's arms wrap around him, he smiled, closing his eyes as her lips touched his cheek. "Good night." He replied, wondering how he'd get used to this. 'Don't get used to this. The moment you do, you'll show the disappointment when you eventually need to leave for your own room.' Curtis thought to himself.


The next month was amazing for Curtis. He grew more knowledgeable about the equipment he was using, and grew closer still with Meg and Ashley, among other RT staff. His toes eventually healed, which he was grateful for, as he hated seeing the guilty looks on Meg and Ashley's faces. He also finally managed to move back to his own bedroom to sleep, a move that Curtis regretted every night. But he knew that if Meg was the one that broke it off, the surprise would be impossible to hide, or she would put it off more and more, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. While he did regret the move, he wanted the best for Meg


Returning home from work one day, Curtis grabbed the mail while Meg headed inside. Oddly, one was addressed to him for once. Frowning, he entered the house, handing the other envelopes to Meg as he opened his own.

To Mr. Curtis Smith,
The work VISA that has been requested, allowing you twelve month residency, has been denied. These VISA cards are handed to potential of-age American employees so they may stay in the country, with checkups happening annually.

Unfortunately, it has been discovered that you are sixteen, thus, your work VISA is denied. Deportation agents shall collect you from this address in fourteen days time. Do not hide, as it is a federal offence. Your employer has been notified, and you will be unable to work until you return to your home country of Australia.

After the letter, followed the writer's name, station in the government, and so on.

As Curtis read the letter, his hands shook more and more, nervous and scared at what this meant. Throwing the letter on the table, Curtis retreated to his bedroom, taking deep breaths as he tried not to panic.
Meg went ahead, finishing her shower while Curtis waited around. Or seemed too. Their life had fallen into a schedule, as they worked during the week and drove through Austin at night. His recovery had brought relief to her and it was followed by him moving out to his room. The first few night was awkward for Meg. She had gotten used to having someone to wake up to in the least sexual way possible. The teen sported hard ons which the woman kindly ignored since he was coming of age. Overally, Meg had no complaints in having Curtis in her life. None at all.

Draping her bathrobe over her body, she let her wet hair free flow. "Curtis? You can shower now! I am done." she called out, passing his room. Returning to hers, she dressed in casuals and retreated downstairs to grab a water bottle.

The letters were out on the kitchen table. Picking one randomly, she read the opened one. Her eyes bulged, fear ghasting through her. Things were just getting better for him. "Curtis? You done showering?" It was awkward when there was no response. He was usually eager to shower and eat. She checked the bathroom finding it empty. Thus, she walked upstairs. Knocking on the door, she saw his back to her on his bed. "Are you ok?" she felt out of place to ask. If she were him, she would be anything but ok. With no confirm answer, Meg entered and placed a hand on his back.
"I'm being sent back to Australia." he mumbled softly, staring straight ahead blankly, head in his hands. "Back to the parent-less, friend-less place I thought I got away from." He leaned into her, stunned nothing but blank stares. "I enjoy it here. I don't want to go back." He admitted softly.
Meg was fighting a storm inside, torn between deciding whether to support him or not. She had grown fond of Curtis over the weeks they spent; a welcome addition to her life. But she couldn't be selfish and work him when he was barely 18. Part of her wanted to lash out at him for lying but she couldn't bring herself to redeem that far. Sitting across him, she cupped his face for his eyes to see hers. "We could have avoided this if you didn't lie. Anyways, we will figure it out together cause I...we don't want you gone. You grew on us thick Curtis. May be don't work. Just stay here. We will find a way out."
Nodding, Curtis edged forward, wrapping his arms around Meg and holding her tightly. "Sorry." He mumbled, reverting to old habits. He stayed like that for several minutes, before eventually pulling away. "If this is the last two weeks that I'm here... thanks for everything." he said sincerely, looking upset yet trying to hold it back.
"Don't be," Meg said softly, tightening her hold around his back. "I am not upset...just a little troubled." She held onto him, "Hopefully it won't be your last weeks. I will find a way."


Meg had not yet gotten around to break the news to Ash after three days. The next day at work, the letter copy was on her desk, citing Curtis's underage. She had hid it first while passing off Curtis's absence as sickness. Instinctively, Ash was worried and wanted to see him. Meg thought it was high time she knew.

"Ash," Meg stood in the blond's office. Skipping her eyes, she looked at the logo of the Know. "Curtis is underage." she spoke under one breath.

The woman was less reactive, hoping and prepared for such a situation to arise. She had entrusted Meg with his recruit, legal proceedings and immigration. Unless he was clever, there was no doubt Meg had overlooked the detail. "How young? Have you known it all along?"

"16," Meg shuddered saying the number. Too young. "I got to know only three days back when this arrived." She produced the employer copy of the letter addressed to the Know. "I would have said-" Meg was cut off by Ashley's hand as Gus came into view for the first time she was in the office. Her face went pale, thinking she dangered Curtis more by not being so quiet afterall.
Gus was in Ashley's office, working away at editing another episode of Red vs Blue. Sure, they had people employed to do this, but he liked the relaxing feeling of doing it himself every now and then. Watching as Meg entered the office, he couldn't help but listen to the conversation.

"He's sixteen?" He asked, when his presence was pointed out. "So I'm guessing that he's being deported then? Sucks for him I guess. I mean, he could probably be saved with a 'green card marriage', but I don't know anyone dumb enough to do that." Gus shrugged, though the way he said it suggested he was saying 'go for it, but you didn't get the idea from me'.
Ashley sunk deeper in her flexi chair while Meg stood with her shoulders slumped. She was torn miserably. Gus was right, it was the only way to save him from getting deported. But she didn't have the guts to ask someone. Like who would....he's sixteen for God's sake.

"Would you?!" Ashley and Meg speak out at the same time. "No!" they shout but a confused Meg says afterwards, "I guess there is no way. We will do it in papers and keep him here. It's a wild idea."

"Bless you Meg!" Ash hugged the red haired woman. "Remember we are doing this for our friend."

"Who would tell him though?"


An hour later, Meg walks into her house with Ashley. "Curtis? We need to talk!" she shouts from the bottom of the stairs before pulling out a wine bottle from the cooler. Taking a swig, she musters her courage to break the news. Damn! Why is it so hard?
Curtis jumped as he heard Meg's voice. It was a shout, and in his nervous, guilty mind, he assumed it was anger. Trotting down the stairs, Curtis found Meg at last, giving a small nod in greeting to Ashley as his eyes followed the wine bottle. While he would normally greet either girl with a smile, his face was without it today, not wanting to provoke Meg into more anger. "Yes? Have you decided to punish me?" He asked softly, avoiding her eyes.
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