RoosterTeeth: A New House Guest (RoleplayMaster x Someonewhoeatsapples)

Instead of a smile, he grimaced. "All I can think of with this marriage is that I'm ruining Meg's life." He explained. "But ignoring that, it's not a real marriage anyway. It's done out of duty, not love." He shrugged, taking a sip from his Coke. "And the only thing that could be moderately appealing from the marriage is the idea of being able to say 'I'm married to Meg Turney', except it's a secret so I can't tell anyone." He took a longer drink of Coke. "Sorry, you'll learn I love to complain."
"You could boast to me." she tried to be somewhat sympathetic. "Has Meg been hard on you lately? I mean...the way you mention her being upset and all. You could tell me. If you want." she added not wanting to pester him.
"No, of course not" He said quickly, yet reconsidered. "Well... not intentionally at least." he answered. "Since she found out my real age, she still tries to be the same person, yet she's changed a bit around me. When she thinks I'm not looking, she has a hurt look on her face. She's quieter, not trying to make me laugh as much. She just isn't herself." Curtis explained. "And then today, with her coming home drunk like that... It makes it feel as if this is the last thing in the world that she wants to do." He sighed, thanking the waiter as he brought their next serving of food.
Ashley was kinda irritated at Meg's attitude towards Curtis. How could she turn so blind on his feelings? But thinking rationally, she would have done more or less so. Her lips tugged to an understanding smile, as he dug in hungrily. "It was either Meg or me. And Meg decided to carry out the task in hand. Now don't be so hard on yourself ok? Meg will warm up soon and drunk Meg isn't fun." She tried.
"You know her better than I do, so I hope you're right." Curtis replied, smiling slightly as he began to eat. The second serving of food lasted longer than the first, but he finally finished it, but was definitely full afterwards. "I don't think I could eat any more." Curtis grabbed his belly, feeling bloated yet happy that Ashley insisted on getting him some food.
"You were literally starving. Meg didn't feed you out of anger?" she tried to be sarcastic but it seemed wrong. "I mean did you stop eating because you thought she was upset?" Tipping the waiter off, Ashley got off her chair. "Tomorrow's big day so we will have fun and be out on road. And try talking to Meg. Clear out the confusion. I know its in paper but you will still live under the same roof." She started shuffling, hoping he will soon catch up with her pace.
Shaking his head, he gave a small shrug as they began to walk. "I just... didn't feel like eating. It was similar when the uh... accident happened, I just wasn't motivated to do anything but lay in bed." He explained, essentially detailing that he had depression, without saying the word.

Nodding at the advice, Curtis wrapped an arm around Ashley, giving her a squeeze while they continued to walk back to Meg's house, where Ashley's car and Curtis' bed was. "Thanks. For everything." He said, even though he felt like he had done this quite a few times already.
Ashley was taken aback at the skin ship but she leaned on nonetheless. Like a couple, they walked back to Meg's place. Stopping on her driveway, she said, "I will say bye here then." Reaching out, she hugged him tight, knowing he needed that. "Sleep tight," she kissed the crown of his head. "Things will be better tomorrow." Waving, she started on her car, watching Curtis in her rearview till she was far out to see him no longer.
Feeling Ashley's arms around him, Curtis leaned into her touch, until he felt her pull away. The boy stood in the driveway as Ash drove off, waving at her until she disappeared. Heading inside, Curtis went to his bedroom and fell asleep, trying not to think about all the terrible thoughts in his mind.


The next morning, Meg would be awoken by a knock on the door, and the smell of breakfast outside her bedroom. If and when she said it was fine for entry, she would find Curtis entering the bedroom, a tray in his hands. On the tray was some bacon, eggs, and toast, and a glass of juice. "Good morning." he said, knowing that she'd be hung over and wouldn't want to do much this morning. And the breakfast was a thank you and apology for everything she had done for him.
Meg lay awake in her bed, as early as she usually gets up. Drained of her energy, she curses herself inwardly. It was inappropiate of her to behave like that with Curtis. He must have been so hurt. Her train of thoughts break as he knocks on her door. It smelt of breakfast, making her realise how hungry she was.

"Come in," she glanced at her phone to see a notification. Sitting up, she pulled the sheets around her breasts. Ash must have changed her dress. "Oh, you took so much trouble," she sighed, making space for him. "But come here first, birthday boy. Happy birthday!" she hugged him to herself.
Placing the breakfast to the side, he accepted Meg's hug, blushing as he felt all her skin against him. He hugged her back, trying to keep his hands in safe areas, but he did accidentally feel her bra strap against his hand. "Thank you." He said with a smile, feeling himself grow hard from the touch of her warm skin. When he pulled away, his bad posture helped hide his erection, as he grabbed the breakfast tray to lay it across Meg's lap. "Do you need anything else?" he asked, standing beside her bed. Despite it being his birthday, he wanted to make at least the morning all about Meg. He doubted she would let him make the whole day about her though.
"Sit here," Meg insisted, smiling and pulling him beside her. "Firstly I am extremely sorry." She tucked her red hair behing her ears. "Like awful lot. And I plsn to make it upto you. Any way." She sipped on the juice, deciding on a quick plan. "What do you want to do? Just name it."
Sitting beside Meg on the bed, his face was just as red as it used to be. It had been a while since the girls had made him blush, growing used to their friendly hugs and kisses, yet as he sat beside Meg, it was difficult to think of anything other than the fact that Meg was in her underwear under those sheets. And if he looked down, he could possibly peek at her body, due to the gap between body, sheet, and bed.

"You don't have to make it up to me." He assured her, the response he had given every time Meg tried this tactic. He was getting deja vu from when he broke his toes, and Meg thought it was her fault. He had managed to blow that off by making her hug him, a very simple deed. Yet with the amount of hugs she loved to give, especially the one a few moments ago, he doubted that would work again. "If you had an idea in mind, go ahead, but I promise you that it isn't necessary.
"You are always telling me that. How about shopping? Or spa? We can eat afterwards in you favorite restaurant," Meg feasted on her breakfast. "Eat," she nudged him, clearly knowing he hadn't. "Did you eat last night?"

It dawned upon her of her ignorance. They hadn't properly eaten together in last few days. "God, I am so bad." She mumbled. "So, so bad. I must have been hurting you while you were all alone. How could I?" she dropped her fork.
"Ashley took me out to get some food yesterday." Curtis replied, taking a piece of bacon off her plate when she told him to eat. "I guess a spa day could be fun?" He shrugged. "And you'd enjoy it too, which is good." He wondered what exactly it would entail, and from his questioning tone, it was clear he was unsure, but he didn't mind.

As she told herself off for leaving him all alone, Curtis shushed her gently. "It's alright. It's alright. I'm the one in the wrong, not you. That's why I made this breakfast too... that, and I knew you'd have a killer hangover this morning." He smiled.
"That's nice of Ashley. Atleast one of is acting responsibly." Meg murmured. She made a mental note to thank her afterwards. "But today is going to be all about you. We never got around to talk what you loved doing back there and today, surprise me." She smiled smugly, shrugging her shoulders.

With the food gone, Meg was about to leave the bed when she got reminded of her state. "Erm, do you mind placing the tray back and join me in for a chat?" She had to talk to him. This was the best opportunity for a prep talk.
Nodding, Curtis realised her hesitance, remembering that she was in her underwear. Taking the tray from her, Curtis took it back to the kitchen, putting the dishes in the dishwasher before returning to Meg's room. He had left the door open by mistake, so he stood around the corner, reaching in to knock on the open door to ask if it was safe to enter.
Meg swiftly got off the bed and changed into a pair of leggings and shirt. Buttoning up, she combed her hair and patted her skin to wake herself up. Straightening the pillows and restoring the bed into a neat state, she waited by the edge. When he knocked, she replied with a curt, "Come in."
Curtis returned to the bed, sitting beside Meg with his legs crossed. He wore a simple shirt and shorts, as the day was fairly warm outside. It was nice and cool indoors though. "So what'd you want to chat about?" He asked, assuming it was about the marriage that was not far off. It was weird, thinking that he was sitting next to his soon-to-be wife.
Meg felt awkward, sitting in silence before speaking. Intaking a sharp breath, she resumed, "We would have to talk about this sooner or later. So yeah, firstly, I want to clear off any misunderstanding that is going through your mind. I am doing this for you and well, me because I want you to stay. And I don't feel burdened, not in the least. Secondly, it might arise what happens after we...are together- we try to be the same as before like no change. I know it is a lot to take in with recent things in your life but I promise to make it hassle free. " She reached for his hand, moulding hers over his. "And promise me one thing. Always be honest for this relationship to work. I think I can ask for that much." Her eyes met his, momentarily gazing to remove to her lap. "Anything, question that comes to your mind, ok?"
Listening to Meg talk, Curtis kept his eyes on her, wanting her to know that he was being serious about this. "Of course. I'll be honest, I've learned from my mistake." Curtis said, turning his hand in hers and giving her hand a squeeze. "And I'll make sure to ask if anything comes to mind." He said, thinking stuff over in his mind before speaking up.

"And since this isn't like a uh... 'real' marriage, this probably goes without saying, but feel free to date whoever you want. You have no obligation to me as your uh... future husband, I guess." He felt awkward saying it, but felt he had to say it in case she had other thoughts.
Meg could say he was still thinking that she didn't trust him enough. "I meant," she looked squarely at his face, "I forgave you long back for lying about your age. It isn't about that anymore. I know this marriage won't be a real one but let's admit it's both of our first time." Pausing; she quickly added with a silly smile, "Getting married."

"And I don't think I should date," she opined, "To keep it low profile and all." Actually she was thrilled, getting married even if it was fake.
Laughing a little at the elaboration, he gave a nod. Though honestly, if she meant something else when she referred to first time, it would have likely been true anyway.

When she mentioned the lack of dating, Curtis shrugged. "It's completely your choice, but I don't want to be the reason that you find a potential someone and pass on them." He said. "Keep the marriage a secret from them, and then by the time you might marry them, we could secretly divorce because I'd be of-age, and you'd be fine to marry." Curtis explained his theory on how she could date despite their new relationship. He didn't bother talking about himself in the idea of having a partner while the pair were married, doubting he'd manage to get a girlfriend at all... unless Ashley set him up with someone like she had proposed a while ago.
"We will see when time comes. So you know, the same applies to you too. Free to date and all." she clapped her hands together. Things were better than last day and she felt lighter since they were talking again. Without much realisation, he had become a big part of her thoughts.

"Shall we save the day? We have loads to do and I am sure you would love a massage. I will call Ashley on our way." She stood to pick out her dress. "Go get dressed too," she playfully slapped his butt as he followed suit.
"Yeah, but doubt that will happen." Curtis replied with a shrug, jumping in surprise as he felt the swat at his butt. He didn't mind it, it was just unexpected. Leaving the room, he soon found some appropriate clothing for the day and got dressed. The boy waited in the living room, which was next to the front door, for Meg to finish up.
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