RoosterTeeth: A New House Guest (RoleplayMaster x Someonewhoeatsapples)

Opening his eyes, Ashley soon returned in a sexy blue lingerie set. Black was the sexier colour, but Ash could pull anything off. "Wow." He mumbled, before being pulled into the changing section. Eyes widening, he looked left and right in slight panic. "Shou-" he began to voice his concern, before a finger stopped him. He took the hint and shut up, watching her face approach his, soon feeling her lips against his own. Slowly, he kissed back, face shaking from nerves a little, as he was worried he'd disappoint. Blushing darkly as she pulled away, he watched for her reaction, trying to sense her disappointment.
Ashley let out a huff as they broke apart. She worried if she had gone too far. Cradling his face on her hand, she traced his jaw softly. Her eyes remained on his, trying to establish a form of understanding. "Was it disappointing baby?" She whispered.
His fear of rejection turned to surprise at Ashley's words, shaking his head. "I-It was good. I um... n-never uh... did that before." he confessed. "Never kissed someone, I mean." he hesitated. "Is my... inexperience... unappealing?" he asked.
She siezed that moment to hold him close to her. "Really baby? So I am your first kiss?" She could hardly believe him. "I find it rather cute, hon." She kissed his forehead. "You were so hard to resist." She sighed against his shoulder. "Tell me if I make you feel uncomfortable. Or when we can again kiss." She shrugged her shoulders. "I will just get these from the counter. Wait a little?"
"We can kiss whenever you want." he quickly replied. "Though don't get offended if I uh... don't initiate it too often." He added, wanting her to know now that she would be the one in control in this relationship. Nodding at the request, Curtis sat back and waited for Ash to return.
"I won't mind." She smiled at him reassuringly. The next ten minutes, she changed back to her own clothes, and paid for her purchase. Finding Curtis she walked out holding hands and the bags together. "Where do we go now? My place? I never really happened to take you there did I?"
"Going to your place sounds like fun." Curtis smiled. "It'll be interesting to see if it matches my expectations: unicorns, Justin Bieber and One Direction posters, and so on." He teased, as they approached her car.

It did not take long to get to Ashley's house, as she lived fairly closeby. Following her inside, Curtis made sure to grab most of her things, wanting to be as helpful as possible. "Where do you want everything?"
"Leave them on the couch,sweet." Ashley was flustered at his eagerness to help her. "This is my place-." She waved around showing off the practical space she owned. "Come, I will show you my bed." She held his hand, a nominal gesture in their new found relationship. She wanted him to feel no regrets. "Sit beside me." She patted on her soft bed. "I want to break the ice between us. Just let yourself free? Ok babe?"
His cheeks flushed as she suggested they go to the bed, unsure what she had in mind. He had an idea of course, but surely she didn't want to do that now. Here... right?

Following her, Curtis looked around the modest place, before finding the bedroom. Sitting down as she gestured for him, Curtis' uneasiness was obvious. "What uh.. what did you have in mind?" Despite her request for him to let himself free, he was more tense than ever, still worried that whatever they would be doing, he would disappoint.
"Relax," she took his hand between hers. She was nervous herself, thinking things were happening at too a fast pace. Rubbing his hand, she wanted to pacify him to calm down. "Firstly, tell me what makes you uncomfortable since communication is the key to any successful relationship. We can..erm take things ahead afterwards as we deem fit."

"Since it's your first relationship with a woman in fact anyone, I want you to regret nothing afterwards in case we are over. Anything we will do will always prioritize your comfort and you don't have to be gullible about it. It's natural."
Nodding, Curtis took a few breaths to calm himself, giving a smile to let her know he was calming down a bit. "I um... I'm not uncomfortable, just nervous." he said softly. "As long as we uh... t-take things slow..." he said, glancing at the bed as he was unsure if she intended sex now or something, "...I'll be fine." He assured her.

Biting his lip as an idea came to him, he reached down, hooking his arm under her knees and behind her back, pulling her onto his lap. He made sure to not put her over his groin though, hoping she didn't notice his boner.
It was a much needed consolation as she watched his breathing calming himself, "We will take it baby steps no worried." She placed a hand on his shoulder. Much to her surprise, he reached for her limbs to place her on his knees. Ashley giggled throughout the process, smiling at his endeavor to maximise their proximity. Her hand placed casually on his shoulder, she was enjoying the best seat in the house. Her dainty finger traced his jaw, searching for his blue eyes. "What is it babe?" Unsure what he wanted to do, she wanted him to put her out of her wild guesses trial.
Happy with her reaction, Curtis wrapped an arm around her lower back, and another around her shoulders, pulling her closer for a shy, soft kiss. As he did so, he would accidentally pull her lower half closer too, so she sat right on top of his erection. Blushing and feeling himself too embarrassed to continue attempting to make out with her, he found himself burying his face in Ashley's neck, kissing that one spot as he hid his face.
Ashley's heart sped like receiving her first initiated kiss from long awaited crush after getting noticed. Leaning on, she received his lips, softly nibbling before he pulled away. Her reaction arrived late, his face buried in the crook of her neck. "I don't mind really," she took notice of his obvious boner for the first time against her leg. "I would be worried if you didn't sport one though," she chuckled at her own joke. A sharp gasp escaped her lips, as he planted a kiss on her neck. "Mm, can we kiss again?" she asked before pulling his face in her hands. "Cause we were just about great."
Breathing a sigh of relief when she said that she didn't mind his reaction, laughing softly against her neck, he gently nibbled on the skin, creating a hickey. Pulling back, he nodded at the request before pulling her in for another kiss. Her lips tasted like cherry chapstick, and when that thought entered his mind, he couldn't stop giggling. Pulling away, he was still laughing, but in between breaths, he apologised.

Once he composed himself, he answered the unasked question of why he laughed. "I kissed a girl, and I liked it. The taste of her cherry chapstick." He sung (badly), quoting the lyrics from Katy Perry's hit song.
Ashley gasped softly at his mark on her skin, looking forward to their time ahead. A smile seemed to be stapled to her face through out. So random that it was straining. Her fingers carded his hair, moaning into the soft Kiss. When he started laughing, she stared amused. What could it be? She shook her head to the melody he sang, not baring her own bad vocals. "Wow, you sure are a romantic." She smiled into the next kiss. Pulling away, she held his gaze. "We are improving here. Tell me more about you."
"What do you want to know?" he asked, not used to talking about himself. His fingertips gently danced up and down her leg, enjoying the weight of her on top of him. "Do you want to move to the couch or something? Or did you want to stay in here?" He asked. The couch would give him some back support while he sat, but if she had plans for the bed, he wasn't about to stop her.
Ashley realised she was going too fast paced and being inconsiderate of Curtis' comfort zone. Given his chaste nature, being alone with her must make his nervous and shaken. Smiling softly, she planted a kiss on his cheek. "We could go anywhere you would be comfortable. Just tell me ok?" Sliding off his lap unwontedly since she was used to being close to him, Ashley stood up on her feet. Holding his hand, they travelled to her couch in the floor below. "I hope I am not failing your expectations of a first date, babe."
"Failing my expectations?" He repeated with a small laugh. "You're going above and beyond." He replied, giving her hand a squeeze. Sitting down on the couch, Curtis pulled Ashley down onto his lap, fingers gently running along her body. He was growing a little more confident, his hand moving under her shirt and stroking the skin of her lower back. "So what did you want to know about me?" he asked. After a moment's thought, Curtis spun around so he was laying on the couch, Ashley on top of him.
Ashley felt her knees weaken at the mere touch. It was intimate and sweet, plastering a default smile on her face. Her arms wound around his neck, she fell on top of him, her breasts crushing on his chest. She couldn't breathe for a while, lost in the moment. "Um," she thought before answering, " Tell me about your likes and dislikes in a girl. Anything that makes you feel good or hurt. I want us to be perfect." She stole a kiss from his lips, hiding her face away in his neck.
"Well..." He thought, fingers running through her hair as she buried herself in his neck. "I like girls that have all the proper
girly bits. And if their name is Ashley, that is a good feature to have. Just the simple stuff like that." he teased, not answering the question properly in an effort to make her laugh. "But in seriousness, I enjoy lots of touching. So hand holding, hugs, that sort of thing." he confessed, elaborating on the types of touches so she didn't get the wrong idea. Unfortunately, he then got an image of Meg in his mind, and all the hand holding, hugs, and touches she had given him in the past. Shaking that thought out of his head, he continued speaking.

"Honesty is a big thing too. I am always anxious I'm doing something wrong, so tell me if I need to keep doing something or stop doing something." He requested. "And finally... don't be afraid to tease me and such. I want a best friend as well as a uh... g-girlfriend." he smiled, his hands moving a little higher up her back. "And same question for you... but about guys." he requested
She raised her head to see his blue eyes. "Ashley huh?" She laughed, "Thank lord my mother decided to name me as one." She was lost in his words, realizing how much they had in common. She was into skinship- loads of it no matter where it started from. It was an addition to her bubbly personality.

She reached for his face, stroking his chin. For a flashy brief moment, she felt a strange connection with him. As if she had known him forever. "I am not that choosy. I like guys who are down to earth, cute and trusting. You know it takes two to tango. I expect the same honesty from you too. Even if it includes telling me how burdening I am on top of you."
Laughing a little at that last bit, Curtis shook his head. "I honestly enjoy the weight on top of me, whether you're laying on me or sitting on my lap. It's a comforting feeling, especially after you said that the uh... unintended poking in the leg didn't bother you." He added, talking about the erection. Though the statement wasn't completely true anymore, as it now was poking her in the crotch, not that he minded at all.

"Now..." He began, remembering something that could be fun. "I think I owe you a massage, am I correct?" He asked with a shy grin.
Ashley was welcoming the warmth that surpassed between their bodies. It was reassuring and had a calming effect on her. As for the situation in hand, she had no complaints either. When he mentioned of the massage, her eyes widened. " I didn't knew you were that serious. Like you would do it for real." Remembering the eventful day earlier, she wanted to tell him the truth but feared it would ruin the moment. "I would love a massage." She announced. "It would be the very best."
Blushing a little, he gave a small shrug, which was a difficult task from underneath her. "Honestly, I dunno if I would have if we weren't together. I offered because you're extremely u-uh.. attractive, and who wouldn't want to touch you and be close to you for a little while?" he asked rhetorically. "But being with you, I have slightly more confidence, so we can give it a shot." he smiled. "The only thing that sucks, is how comfortable I am right here, and I don't want it to stop." He laughed. Despite that, he eventually patted her side in a silent request for her to get up.

"Go to your room and get ready for the massage. However you want to be massaged, and I'll be there in a moment." he instructed. "I don't mind how... uh... far you go with it either, so you don't need to worry about how uncomfortable I might get." he offered. He had to go to the bathroom, which he had been holding for a little while, but resisted because of the moment that the two were sharing. But with the idea of a massage in play, he had the excuse to get up. With the suggestion that she could go as far with it as she desired, he hoped Ashley would still be slightly mindful of his experience and their only recently made companionship, but he would raise no complaints if he found her naked in the bedroom when he returned.
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