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Pokemon Mist (Koibito & Itazura Reborn)

Aiden nodded at the challenge and headed to the elevator. The boy stepped inside and hit the last button down and waited as it carried him to the courtyard. Once there the doors swung open and Aiden entered the courtyard.

"Uhm... Hello?" The boy looked around nervously, hand at the ready of his Pokeballs. Though his mind was mainly in the gutter most of the time, he knew this should be a seriously difficult battle, his first Gym Battle.
Viola was waiting for any challengers in the garden. "Why hello there. Are you a challenger for me, or just someone who has lost their way?" She was sitting on stump that was made into the garden. It wasn't as if they cut down a tree for it, but it was one that they made. She was wearing a par of tan short shorts and a white a tank top. It was a rather warm day so it wasn't her normal gym wear, but it showed off her female body very well. Around her were several bug Pokemon.
Aiden's seriousness melted away for a moment immediately as he got a look at Viola. He still recognized her as the Leader as she had made perfectly clear, but that powerful ability she had to have as one only made the sight he was graced with even better.

There was no sugar coating it, this chick was hott. She was older than him but still seemingly a young woman with a rather blessed body. Gulping softly, Aiden returned his attention to the Gym Leader and nodded firmly. "I wanna battle you" he declared to her as he grabbed his Pokeball, holding it at the ready for wherever Viola would have them battle.
"Well, you seem like and eager one," she said as she hopped off her stump. She placed her right hand on her hip and her left hand on her camera, which rested at her side. "So, I take it you want my badge, is that it? Well, you are the first challenger I have had in a month. I say that makes this a special fight." She made her way over to him, a little sway in her step. "How about a little wager on the outcome of this match. If you win, I will let you have a go at me?"
Aiden had to take another glance up and down as Viola sauntered towards him. "Uhm.. Y-yeah! Yeah, I want your badge!" Aiden corrected himself, steadying his resolve as the woman revealed they had not had challengers in a little while. What came next however was a total shock to the boy and at first he didn't think he had heard her right.

Still Aiden jumped at the chance, the small chance that Viola had actually just said what he thought, "y-yeah! Most definitely!" Aiden agreed, "can I really?!" He asked excitedly. The boy wasn't so much concerned with what would happen if he lost, much more excited about the apparent prize, but it was best to hear her out. "If... I lose?" He asked, eyed glued to her curvy body.
"I never go back on my word. If I said you could have a go, then I mean it. As for what happens if you lose," she smiled and walked into the trainer circle of the battle field, which was the garden. "Well, if you lose, you have your picture taken, and I add it to my collection. However, you will be nude and in a humiliating pose." She grinned and pulled her camera up and struck a little pose as she snapped a picture of him. "This one is just for my trainer wall."
"A-a-alllriiiight!!!" Aiden jumped in the air with glee as the flash of Viola's camera snapped a shot of him for her trainer wall. The excitement shining bright from the boy as he landed and pumped his fist forward in a challenging pose.

"Yeah, no problem! But I won't lose now, I can't!" Declared young Aiden as he grabbed at his Pokeball and tossed it forward. The ball clashed against the ground and snapped open, a blaring light flashing before revealing his own Pokemon. The tiny Ralts revealed to Viola as Aiden readied for the match.

There was a fire burning deep in his gaze, he was more determined now than anyone he knew would have seen him before. Was sex really that motivating for him? It went beyond a normal perversion... It was like it was a passion to him!
Seeing the trainer's first choice, Viola snickered. "Oh, how cute. You think you can be me with a cute little Ralts." She shook her head though and pulled out her first Poke'ball and tossed it. From the little ball came a flash of white and then a colorful Vivillon fluttered about. "Alright Vivillon, use Infestation."

With the command called, Vivillon cried out and sent a flurry of tiny insects at the small Ralts.
"Tch.." Aiden scoffed at himself, Amy had said the same thing basically. He'd show them for sure.

"Ralts duck back!" He called, he knew just the kind of attack to get through it. "Use Confusion!" he shouted.

Confusion was a wave of psychic energy, it could pass through a physical thing and if it struck would leave the opponent in a daze. Ralts jumped back from the attack and put her hands on her head to focus, a hint of purple light radiating softly from her green shelled cranium.

"Yeah just like that!" Aiden encouraged. The thing was, however... Aiden wasn't accounting for typing like he had been advised.
"Dodge it Vivillon," Viola called out. "Then counter with a Tackle." They flying insect easily dodge the incoming attack before folding its wings around itself and dove at Ralts.
It took timing and observation to dodge a not so physical move such as Confusion. Aiden didn't rightly think of it in detail, but even just that showed Viola's skill and awareness.

Vivillion dove like a rocket as it folded in it's wings and dove for a no doubt powerful Tackle move. Aiden gritted his teeth and shook his head to snap out of his momentary freezing up at the swift skills of the Gym Leader he faced.

"Ralts, hurry and dodge it!" he called out to his Pokemon who just in time reacted, Ralts dove to the side, barely ducking the attack.

"Come on... Hold out!" he encouraged.
While the attacks just barely missed, it was keeping Ralts from attacking. "It seems your Ralts is a little slow," Viola said with a smile. She wasn't tainting him, but she knew her Pokemon and Ralts was slower. "Okay Vivilon, use tackle!"
Vivillon tackled into Ralts roughly who took the brunt of the move. The small cute Pokemon doubled back but it still stood, Aiden worried for his Ralts and aimed his Pokeball for her. Ralts disappeared into it and he reached for his other, the one Amy gave him, Litleo's Pokeball.

"Ngh... I'm sorry Ralts, you did good" he whispered to his Pokeball before he cast the other. Litleo burst forth and Aiden called out, "Ember!" before Litleo gave a small roar that burst forth in a ball of glowing heat right at Vivillon.
"Oh! Dodge it quickly!" Vivilon drew her wings in and rolled, but a she was grazed by the attack. "Well, it seems this won't be an easy fight after all. However, this isn't over yet." Viola seemed fired up by the fight as she took a more energetic stance. "Alright! Use infestation!" Vivilon flared its wings out and sent a mist of small insects at Litleo.
"Tch..." Aiden grew a bit nervous as Viola got more serious, would he not be able to win this?

Viola called her next attack and Aiden tensed, "Litleo jump back and burn through it with Ember!" he ordered.

Litleo did just that, the small creature leapt back to give more space between the incoming swarm and itself and reared back, breathing in to exhale another hot ember right at the swarm. Aiden's hope was that he could burn through the cloud of insects. "Then use Tackle!" Aiden shouted, if the cloud cleared then Litleo would be able to go right through at Vivillon, but if not it was going to hit him anyway.

Aiden watched Viola, she was a little plain for a Gym Leader but that didn't hinder how cute she was. A curved body with a small waist, cute blonde hair in a bulbous almost bouncing style that looked like it would be fun to grab, what mysteries lay under her sporty clothing urged Aiden on. He had to win this, he had to fuck her!
Viola was a little surprised by the fact that he could command his Pokemon like he did, even though she had a feeling that this was their first battle together. The embers burned up the tiny insects and covered his body as he struck Vivilon. The tackle, combined with the fires from ember, was enough to put the butterfly down. "Darn it. Well, looks like I have to amp this up. Return Vivilon." Viola recalled her Pokemon and reached for a second Poke'ball.

"Alright, let's fight fire with water. Go Surskit!" Viola tossed out the Poke'ball, and with a bright light, a small blue Pokemon appeared. "Okay my little skitter. Cool him off with Bubble."
"I.. I did it!" Aiden exclaimed with a sigh of relief as he took down Viola's first Pokemon. The boy knew she had another, but now he had more hope that he could do this.

"Alright.." Aiden composed himself as he faced her Surskit. The creature used Bubble and Aiden gritted his teeth lightly in thought, "okay... Okay yeah Litleo try to work around and Tackle again!" he commanded. It was his hope that maybe he could get around this one too, despite the Type difference, if he could just strike it and not let Litleo get hit, it was possible...

But would Viola allow it?
"Use Quick Attack to dodge it, then counter with bubble." Viola had called for her Pokemon to use two attacks, but it didn't work that way. Surskit had used the Quick attack, but not to cause harm. It was used to quickly move out of the way of Litleo's Tackle. The Surskit slid along the grass before sending a blast of bubbles at the Litleo at nearly point blank range.
Litleo sped to the side and around towards Surskit, dodging the blast of bubbles that would decimate the small Fire-Type if he was hit as it curved it's path right at the other Pokemon.

The Litleo rammed at Viola's Pokemon once again but this time, in a blur, Surskit quickly moved out of the way and at Viola's command, a tough barrage of bubbles exploded around the Litleo sending it reeling to the ground.

"No!" Aiden called out. "Dammit..." He growled to himself as he recalled Litleo to his Pokeball.

"One more time Ralts, okay? You got this" he encouraged as he cast her Pokeball once more releasing the small Pokemon.
Viola only watched as the bubbled engulfed the fire Pokemon. When the bubbles cleared, she would see that the Litleo was laying on the ground. "Well, it seems my Surskit was too much for you'r poor little Litleo." She put her hand on her hip and snapped her hips to the right. "Are you going to send out your little psychic type again?"" She waited for the Aiden to make his choice. When the small Pokemon reappeared, she smiled and called her Pokemon back to the start. "Alright, time to finish this."
Aiden nodded, sweating only a little at the situation. "Ralts rush in!" he called, not calling an attack but telling Ralts to run in at the opponent. Aiden waited for a response and at the very last second he shouted out.

"Teleport!" he told it. Ralts' eyes flashed and if it was not struck down by Surskit, Ralts would disappear from sight instantly.
As Ralts moved in, Viola just watched for a moment. "Alright, hit it with a bubble!" The small blue Pokemon moved around on its stilt like legs and as Ralts grew close, it sent out a blast of bubbles. However, the attack missed as the psychic Pokemon vanished from the target path.
The barrage of bubbles shot from Viola's Surskin swarmed towards Ralts in a thick cloud. It appeared as if it were going to hit and overwhelm the tiny Pokemon, but at the last second Aiden's call came and Ralts disappeared in a blur, appearing instantly behind the Pokemon.

"Confusion!" Aiden shouted, Ralts responding in kind as it's eyes glowed again and a near invisible wave of psychic energy blasted towards Surskit. If it struck it would likely confuse the Pokemon but also do a bit of damage on it's own. Hopefully it was enough for the pair.
The Surskit, too slow to dodge the attack in time, was sent flying with the blast of energy. It rolled a little when it hit, before staggering to its feet. It looked around, dizzy and in a daze. The Pokemon was swaying a little, and this was enough to let Viola know that her Pokemon was confused. "Damn," she muttered under her breath. "Just try to dodge and stay out of the way."
Aiden watched as the attack hit direct and Surskit was swayed, "again Ralts, Confusion!" he ordered. Ralts gave a determined nod and focused again, this time trying to hit the Surskit with Confusion head on. The boy hoped that Surskit would be confused enough now that he could barrage it. Maybe he really could win this fight! And a go at that Gym Leader Viola!

The spikey blond haired kid pumped his fist eagerly, standing front foot forward as he started to see his victory. He couldn't wait to see those baggy cargo pants off of those curved hips and that tight white shirt stripped away. His mind raced with thoughts of what he'd do to her, and it only pushed him further!
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