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Pokemon Mist (Koibito & Itazura Reborn)

Aiden nodded in agreement with Amy as they planned for the weather. When she insinuated that he'd sneak into her tent, the boy grinned devilishly as she casually said she'd have to beat him up out of it. "Yeah, I'll try" he said, smirking back showing that as interested as he was, he too was joking mostly - he'd love to, but wouldn't. What fun was there anyway in doing anything he usually tried on her while she was asleep? Not to mention it was a creep factor that was a bit above his own honestly.

It was late that night that Nidoran snuck out of his tent, sniffing around like before, almost obsessively, as he exited the tent and started more towards where Aiden's Ralts was.
The little Ralts was already outside looking up at the clearing sky. The moon was full and the stars were beautiful through the tree tops. She wasn't very sleepy, despite the training of the day. The little Pokemon didn't notice that Nidoran had left Amy's tent, nor did she see the faint coppery mist that was filling the camp.
It had been in the air for a while now, the scentless.... feeling wafting through the air that had been attracting Nidoran all day. To what? For a while the small Pokémon didn't know, but now as the red color was just barely thick enough to be seen, he knew his target, and his desires.

Sneaking up behind, the Nidoran approached carefully before with a snarl he pounced, taking Ralts to the ground. Down below a new feature of the Pokémon revealed itself as he became aroused and a small pink, hard cock protruded from his underside.
Ralts yelped as he tackled her. She hadn't noticed him, so it was easy for him to attack her. She struggled slightly, thinking he was just playing with her. However, when she noticed what was really happening, she sent a small psychic blast to send him flying off of her. She climbed to her feet and looked at him, now seeing that something wasn't right. She readied herself to fight, though she was weak from the training.
The Nidoran who had barely trained at all was fully rested, the psychic blast knocked him off but was not as strong as it could be, leaving the male Nidoran fine to strike again. It pounced at Ralts, trying to tackle her to the ground so he could enter her, use her to satiate his... Oddly rapidly growing desires. Nidoran's length was tense with need, rock hard as he attempted to push it at her. Just what was happening to him? He didn't care... He just needed to fuck!
Ralts quickly started to dodge his attacks. She was trying her best to move around and even sent off a confusion at the poison Pokemon. When she felt herself growing weaker, she cried out before rushing off into the forest, knowing that Nidoran would chase after her. If she had ran into the tent, it may cause her trainer to become injured. She ran as fast as her little legs could carry her, being out of sight before either of the trainers got out of their tents.

Amy, having heard to the cry of Ralts, rushed to climb from her tent. She had her belt around her waist, but that was all of her normal clothing she was wearing. She was dressed in her sleep clothing that consisted of a tight pink tank and a pair of short silk shorts that had wide legs that would allow her pink lips to be seen from below. She didn't bother to put anything else on in her haste. "Aiden? What is going on?"
Nidoran withstood Ralts' defense as she tried to fight him off before running off into the forest, the small Pokemon taking off after her.

Aiden woke to the shriek of his Pokemon, "Huh....?" He grumbled as he groggily poked his head out at the sounds of Amy rustling around outside. "Uhh... What IS going on?" He asked with a yawn, looking around the camp, around his tent, and finally his Pokeballs. "Where's Ralts..." He said, serious for once in his life in tone.

Deep in the forest, Nidoran was starting to catch up to Ralts...
Amy checked her tent as well, only to find one of her Pokemon. She had let both of her Pokemon out for the night to sleep. "Nidoran is gone too. We have to find them. Come on Litleo!" She recalled her Pokemon and turned to Aiden. The two trainers hadn't seen where the Pokemon had gone off to, so they hadn't a clue where to find them. "We should split up. We can cover more ground that way. If you find them, call me." Amy didn't wait for him to reply as she rushed off to look for the two Pokemon.

Ralts kept running, now panting and growing tired. It was clear she wouldn't be able to out run him. She had to hide and quickly. There were some bushes up ahead, and she hoped she would be able to hide in them. However, going through only led to a small clearing, not much bigger than the camp itself.
When Amy discovered that both Pokemon were gone Aiden's mind immediately went to the gutter - as with most things with him. He kept his mouth shut and nodded, hurrying out the other way, opposite Amy.

Amy's path started with thicker group of trees that opened up as she went along. A faint sound slowly resonated through the woods that intensified as she went on... Buzzing?

Nidoran kept after, stamina currently much greater than the tired Ralts'. As she tried to hide away in the bushes, Nidoran merely sniffed her out, catching her in the clearing behind before tackling the Ralts to the ground and with everything he had, forcing himself into her, penetrating the small Pokemon.

Successfully pushing into her, the small four legged Pokemon's hard, bumpy cock, all few inches of it, was shoved in. Being a smaller Pokemon obviously it's cock wasn't anything special size wise to say, something the size of a human, but Ralts was a rather tiny thing itself. His cock stretched her tiny walls, hitting deep inside of her small body as the small bumps that covered his member scraped along her walls.

Immediately with no restraint Nidoran started to fuck the little Ralts right there. It's small hips pistoned into her, letting out a snarl as he fucked Ralts into the ground ruthlessly.
Amy kept moving, not really hearing the sound over her own. The forest kept getting thicker, and she was about to turn back. "There was no way they would have come this far," she told her self. As she was about to turn around, she snagged her foot on a low laying object. In the dark she couldn't really see what it was, but could tell that something was wrapped around her foot. Reaching down to undo the object, she could tell it was some kind of silk, like that used by bug Pokemon. It started to tangle her hand as well as her foot, and she couldn't reach her Poke'ball on her right hip.


Ralts was too weak to fight off the Nidoran and soon found herself under him, on her back. She kicked and slapped at him, but she wasn't a Pokemon of physical strengths. Her mental powers were used up and she was helpless. She hadn't known it was sex it was after, so the Pokemon easily got between her short legs. In the blink of an eye, she felt something drive into her untouched pussy. She tried to scream, but pain choked off the sound. Small ribbons of blood stained her pale white skin. She closed her eyes tightly as tears fell down her cheeks, though her hair hid this.
The sound would go louder as she neared, but Amy was about to turn back before it became audible enough. That was, of course, if not for snagging herself on... Something?

The girl dove her hand down to untangle herself but whatever it was just wouldn't let go. Whatever this material was it sure as hell stuck to whatever it touched despite feeling like smooth silk at the same time. As Amy pulled at it the silken material stuck to her hand and the more she moved it the more she entangled herself into it. What was worse was that as she struggled, more seemed to be added... Strings of it came out from the dark and just added to her bindings and the source was coming near enough to be seen if Amy let her eyes adjust.


It was multiple Weedle and they were approaching, rather aggressively for their kind in fact. More of the mysterious substance, which no doubt was the String Shot of the Pokemon coming after her, shot out to her other leg, aiming to bind it to the other to take them together. As other Weedle stayed around her sticking her up with their String Shot, one actually started to crawl up her legs!


Nidoran let out a victorious cry of pleasure, it's light voice echoing out as it slammed itself into Ralts, his oddly shaped bumpy cock pummeling into the Ralts' fresh pussy. His hips crashed into hers as his cock pounded inside effortlessly, it's head craned back, small purple body furiously fucking away at the poor Ralts it fucked into the dirt.

It was strong and mostly rested, there was no fighting back from a small non physical fighter like Ralts who was exhausted. Nidoran's front legs were grounded on either side of the small Ralts as it's hind legs worked, slamming his hips against hers and cramming his cock into her tight pussy as hard and fast as it could. He was out for his own pleasure not for hers, he took her as he pleased.

In the distance, Aiden approached. He had been searching for the Pokemon opposite the way Amy went and it looked like he was the one that was going to find them. The boy walked up to a tree watching to make sure the two were their Pokemon. His eyes widened as he laid eyes on the pair, Aiden didn't expect to walk up on his Ralts getting fucked...
Amy worked feverishly to free herself from the sticky bonds that she was not being wrapped in. The choir was becoming more and more difficult to get off. She was starting to panic as more of the sticky substance breached the darkness of the forest and covered her body. As more and more covered her, she finally seen what was happening to her. She had fallen for a trap set by a bug Pokemon.

The little tan worms wiggled from the darkness of the night shade as she tried to strike back at them. She tried to throw something, anything, but her hands were stuck tightly, and anything she picked up just stuck to them. Kicking also didn't work as she couldn't get enough force behind them to do any harm. The most she could muster was a short spasm and a flail.

Fear set in as she felt the Pokemon working its way up her leg. She didn't know what it was going to do to her. She knew it was part poison type, and she didn't have any antidotes on her. She also hadn't heard of Weedle attacking people for food, so what were they planning with her?


Ralts lay under Nidoran, her small frame suffering the abuse of its thrusts. Her body rocked hard against the ground with every impact. She tried pushing it off of her, but could just move its head. Her pussy ached as the bumpy rod impaled her over and over again. Her silent scream turned into painful grunts.

The tears in her eyes had stopped, but only because there wasn't any left to flow. Sure she may grow to like sex, but Nidoran was a Poison type an her soft abused mound was starting to sting. She begged for him to stop in her own tongue, but she was sure he wouldn't do so. She didn't know what had gotten into him.
More and more the sticky silk was shot at her and wrapped around her. The more Amy struggled, the more it entangled she became as more and more Weedle flocked to her. Soon most of her body would be stuck together making it all the harder to struggle as the Weedle attached to her by the silk started to go the other way. Collectively they pulled with great strength and Amy wouldn't be able to keep her balance forever.

As the collective Weedle tried to drag her off, the one furthest up her legs wiggled to her wide legged shorts and started to worm it's way inside... Just where was it going?!

Slowly it got closer and closer to her crotch, soon it's body grazing up against her pussy!


Nidoran's head moved slightly with the effort against him from Ralts, but he was just too heavy for her to do anymore. Nidoran pistoned faster, humping into the small feminine creature roughly as she gave out her unique cries and whines of pleading. The bumpy cock fucked Ralts deep, spreading her tender abused pussy as the Poison-Type cock made her sting.

It began to throb, Nidoran was a young Pokemon after all and he wasn't trying to last for her, but he kept fucking, getting closer to the edge. Though... Whatever had gotten into him, would it let him be done with her after just one quick go? Either way, Nidoran plowed Ralts harder into the dirt, his body rocking rapidly and getting faster.

Aiden watched on. For some reason he didn't immediately step in, was it curiosity? He wasn't thinking about it but all he knew was that he did stop, he didn't intervene, and the boy just watched his cute little Pokemon getting railed in the woods.

And boy was she cute...
Amy started to panic. Her body was becoming harder and harder to move, and there were more and more Pokemon surrounding her. Thoughts of her fate rushed through her head, but she didn't stick to one long enough to fully envision it. She struggled more and managed to hold her ground, but when she felt the Pokemon touch her virgin snatch, she yelped out and jumped.

When her feet hit the ground again, she toppled over, landing hard on her round rump. She tried to close her legs as much as possible, trying to trap the Pokemon, or halt its movements. She was scared, and was sent into a frenzy, trying to escape.


Ralts was too weak to put up any kind of real fight. Her body had already become exhausted and her hands slipped away from Nidoran's head. She didn't fell him throbbing, as the pain of her stolen virginity was making her throb as well. She could feel his poison setting her and it making her weaker. Her eyes started to fade and become dim as she slowly slipped into a fainted like state.
Amy fell onto her tight, round little butt as she tried to struggle away from the Weedle trapping her up in their silk. Once she had fallen, the Weedle continued and started to drag her through the dirt deeper into the thick forest. As the young Trainer yelped and gasped the Weedle that wormed it's way up her shorts, up to her tight virgin cunt, began burrowing against her opening but as Amy struggled she only made it worse... And the Weedle shoved it's tail into her, stinger and all! The Weedle began crawling itself backward into her young pussy, her struggling only making it tighter and only making the Weedle dig it's hind end further, harder into her.

As Amy was faced with a Weedle digging itself into her virgin snatch, she was continuing to be dragged deeper into the forest, closer to the sound of intense buzzing...


Nidoran fucked all the harder as Ralts weakened and finally as he pounded her harder and faster, the poison spreading, Ralts fainted and the purple Pokemon went harder pumping her little body. It tensed up and roared out, was it about to finish?

Aiden gasped softly watching this, watching Nidoran violating his Ralts, about to cum inside of her. He couldn't help watching, it was such a sight... But why did he have an erection?! Aiden felt himself hardening in his trousers as he watched, silently wondering just how it would look seeing something cumming inside of little Ralts like that...

With a sharp cry Nidoran forced his cock into the fainted Ralts. It tensed up and shook softly as it pressed against her unconscious body, Nidoran's cock twitched and pulsed inside as suddenly it dumped thick shots of cum right into Ralts as she just took it. His cum was hot and... slimy, it flooded into her pussy and filled her full so fast it squirted out from between them, Nidoran huffing as it used the little Ralts like his own personal cumdump. Though, even as it finished, Nidoran did not stop, starting to hump her rapidly again not caring that she was just laying their fainted.

Aiden gritted his teeth, he had to stop it now. He ran up to them and grabbed Nidoran from the small Pokemon, shoving him under his arm as he held him out of the way and looked down at his Ralts. As he ran a hand softly across her cheek, looking into her faded, dim, fainted eyes, Aiden couldn't help but look between Ralts and his own bulge straining his trousers, not able to figure out what he should do right away.
Amy let out a yelped scream as the she realized what the crawling Weedle was doing. She had worked so hard to keep the pervers advances of her friend at bay, and now a bug was crawling into her untouched pussy. She felt her walls getting tight around the Pokemon as it worked is thickening body into her. She prayed that the pointed stinger on its tail wouldn't punch through her insides. She was panicking now. She closed her legs tightly, trying to stop its movements as he eyes teared up. The tried to beg and plead, but she was sure they didn't understand her. Not only that, the buzzing was getting louder.


(You made her faint, so I cant really reply to this part.)
Slowly the sound of Amy being dragged across the dirt scratched out as inch by inch the Weedles pulled Amy along, taking her back to wherever as if she was a prize or prey. The one inside her definitely seemed to have both in mind as it's body wiggled around inside. The Weedle wormed it's way into the girl's untouched teen pussy, the tight hole she had staved off her pervert of a friend from was now being violated by a Pokemon, a bug, Weedle wiggling it's body inside it's poison stinger only barely scraping against the lesbian's tight inner walls as it shoved itself back deeper and deeper.

Maybe it was because it was warm, maybe it found some pleasure in this, was it trying to mate with her? More Weedle, other than the ones who were dragging her, began to crawl up her body. One moved up her chest, another up her arm. It was as if they were waiting for their turn or looking for elsewhere to burrow on the soft young teen.

Where they were dragging her slowly would come to be revealed as the buzzing got closer and closer until it was all around her. Soon the sight of large bee-like Pokemon covering along the trees could be seen, they had dragged Amy all the way back to her nest.


Aiden sat down and placed Ralts in his lap, inadvertently setting her on his throbbing bulge, but now wasn't the time. Digging into his pack he found an antidote and prayed the small, petite little Pokemon with it. Aiden held her on his lap, trying not to focus on the pressure on his hardened cock, as he then applied a potion, hoping to nurse the Pokemon back to health as his hips couldn't help but adjust, pressing his bulge against her.
Amy couldn't believe what was happening to her. She was being dragged to a tree filled with Beedrill. As if the Weedle weren't bad enough, Beedrill too? Her body was growing tired of fighting. She had worn herself out trying to escape and stop the Weedle inside her. She felt it scratch her insides. She felt it pushing further into her. Her young pussy ached from the stretching and she could do nothing to stop it. Her body hurt too much to trying to fight more. She let her body go limp, letting herself rest in hopes that the time to run would come. She hoped they would cut her free, and then she would run.


Slowly Ralts came to. Her eyes fluttered open slowly as she looked around. Her body was ravished and she was in a lot of pain. Her pussy still leaked the sticky spunk of her attacker and she was starting to feel sick from the poison. Her trainer was holding her and that was enough for her. It made her feel safe in his arms, so she lay there and let herself rest.
As Amy went limp, exhausted from struggling, the Weedle crawled from out of her slowly, stretching her pussy with it's body until it fell from her entrance. At the same time she was swarmed, more Weedle crawled towards her but a few Beedrill flew down as well. One in particular dove right for her, and with no grace as it landed over her, buzzing loudly, shoving it's stinger right up into Amy's tight only freshly touched cunt.

The large bug did not even set her free, merely impaling her entrance with such accuracy that it did not sting her, immediately thrusting it's body to piston it's stinger into her, the others waiting, surrounding her as more Weedle headed right for her.


Aiden smiled sympathetically to his small Pokemon, the antidote he used would kick in soon and so the boy watched with fascination at Ralts' pussy leaking with cum. He never really thought of Pokemon doing this kind of thing, or that even something so cute had a pussy at all.

Shaking his head and snapping back to reality before he picked up Ralts and then grabbed Nidoran, taking them both back to camp.
Amy was a little relieved when the Weedle left her, but it didn't last long. The Beedrill that landed on her wasted little time. She heard a ripping sound only and instant before her pussy was pierced by the Pokemon's stinger. Amy through her head back in a silent scream. The Weedle hadn't broken her hymen, but the thrust and pointed tip of the Beedrill's stinger had no trouble tearing away her virginity. Seeping from around the Pokemon's white needle were tiny ribbons of red fluid would flow.


Ralts would remain out until the reached the camp. The antidote and potion slowly working on her body.
The stinger entered, penetrating Amy's tight, no longer virginal pussy. As it entered, the Beedrill seemed still at first, but a new feeling would come to be as the stinger inside seemed to split open.

The tip opened up and slowly a hard, warm object began to enter her. Beedrill mated through their stingers and when they would mate, a thick phallus was produced from the stinger. The warm cock of the Beedrill pushed into Amy's tight cunt and became erect inside, nine inches in total from cock to stinger shoved itself right inside of her.

Wings buzzing loudly as the Beedrill moved around, it started fucking, pumping itself into her ruthlessly with little care for much else besides it's own pleasure.


Aiden waited at camp holding his Ralts. As she lay there, Aiden slowly rubbed her body, trying to soothe her in any way he could rubbing away any soreness. She was small, it was too easy for his hand to wander, and trying to soothe her soreness Aiden didn't really think about it as he started to comfortingly rub her sore pussy, even as she woke.
Amy had trouble adjusting to the object inside her. Her pussy tried to squeeze the stinger out of her, but the Beedrill was just too strong. She felt the movement inside her. She felt something reach deeper inside her. Something she could only assume was the Pokemon's penis. When the Pokemon started to thrust against her body, a flurry of pain hit her body and a flurry of thoughts filled her mind.

Was this Pokemon really trying to mate with her? After all these years of holding off the advances of the town's boys, she lost herself to a Pokemon. A fucking bug of all things.


Ralts slowly started to come to as the potion and antidote healed her body. She could feel a soft sensation between her legs, and when she finally realized that something was touching her, she yanked away and backed up. She hadn't noticed what had been touching her, only that something was. Her head whipped around looking for the Nidoran that has raped her, but found only her trainer.
Beedrill fucked Amy ruthlessly, it pumped it's body at quick, jerking speeds characteristic of a big as it's wings buzzed loudly and surrounding Beedrills seemed to be waiting their turns, hard cocks already revealed from their stingers giving Amy the perfect view of just what was pummeling her small cunt.

As she was lost in her thoughts, Weedles started climbing atop her again, one sliding it's way up her shirt as another slithered along her neck, all the Pokemon in the area seeming intent on using her up. Amy truly had lost herself to a bug, after years of denying boys she lost it to a bug's cock, a male dick was inside of her now.


When Ralts jumped up Aiden reached out and scooped up the Ralts in his arms, hugging it close. "Shhh, hey, it's alright now" he comforted the small Pokemon trying to soothe her, unaware of the stiff bulge in his pants.
Amy's body jerked with every thrust of the Beedrill. She managed to regain herself a little, and looked around at the surrounding Pokemon. She was in trouble. Her pussy burned with pain and she could see the others around her. The Pokemon was forcing small grunts from her mouth as it relentlessly pummeled her teenage puss. She could feel something crawling on her, but by the time she went to look, it had sunk under her clothing. She was sure it was a Weedle, but she didn't know what it was trying.


Ralts looked at her trainer with pain in its eyes. She was sore and had let that thing attack her. Sure it wasn't its fault that it went after Ralts. The Mist had forced it too, but none the less, it had done it. She whimpered slightly as he held her in his arms.
The large Beedrill kept pounding Amy's jerking body ruthlessly as it's length throbbed deep inside her. It didn't take long, it was a wild animal after all, seeking to take it's pleasure from her with no care for the twitching young girl underneath it. In moments of pumping, the buzzing of it's wings got louder as it's body pistoned into her, Beedrill's cock tensed up as suddenly thick, hot spurts of cum burst inside of Amy's teen, lesbian cunt, flooding her full of it's spunk.

More awaited, another thrust it's thin, sharp arms into the ground on either side of Amy and with rather intense force for something of it's size shoved it's stinger, cock already exposed from it, deep into Amy, immediately going at the young girl again.

Weedle crawling under her shirt, it found her small chest and it began to slither along her tit, grazing her nipple as it crawled along her. Another began moving down her thin abdomen and as it reached her pubis, as if trying and failing to fit itself in with the Beedrill it pressed along her clit slowly.


Aiden held Ralts close trying to comfort her, his less reputable thoughts racing in his head but he had to hold them back for now. He held the small creature in his arms, "shhh it's okay now... It's okay" he told Ralts as he kissed her head comfortingly.

He began to wonder just where Amy had gotten off to, with no idea that she was being 'gotten off' in a sense of her own off in the forest. Though... He'd probably love to see something like that.
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