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Pokemon Mist (Koibito & Itazura Reborn)

Amy had started to whimper now. Her pussy still sore from the Pokemon's first penetration. Sure it wasn't as bad, but it still hurt. Her body rocked faster as it sped up its thrusting. She could feel the change in its member inside her, and could only guess what it meant, either way she didn't like it. Seconds later, her guess was confirmed right. She could feel the Pokemon's shaft quivering and the growing warmth inside her as it unloaded its thick semen inside her. She only took some hope in the fact that they couldn't impregnate her, but it was still horrible to have a Pokemon defile her by pushing its semen into her body like that.

Her shame was only added to when another one of the horrid Pokemon decided to take its turn of pushing himself onto her as an unwilling mate. This time she felt the full humiliation as the Pokemon's penis was already fully erect. She felt its slimy shaft slide through her pussy lips and deeper into her vaginal canal. It wasn't as painful as the first, but none the less uncomfortable. It was only made worse by the Weedle that was under her shirt. It had started nibbling at her nipples. This caused them to harden unwantedly. The second that started on her clip cause her body to jerk in surprise, only to meet the thrust of the Beedrill with a hard hit.


The small Ralts lay her head against his body and closed her eyes, really needing to rest from the events of the night. Nidoran also lay in Amy's tent, curled up and resting
Leaving Amy properly ruined, the next Beedrill entered eagerly and started fucking her already shamed pussy harder than the last did. As her hips involuntarily jerked into it, the Pokemon pounded the teen's pussy harder, smacking into the girl with it's throbbing dick.

Causing her to jerk about unwillingly, forcing her to buck awkwardly into the Beedrill was the Weedle underneath, nibbling on her clit. It sucked and nipped, latching onto her same as the one on her nipple as she was fucked wildly by the Beedrill inside of her. As it pounded into her, after moments it was the next to cum. It's cock pressed right against her cervix as it unloaded, spunking right against it into her, flooding the girl's teen pussy yet again before it pulled out.

Suddenly, more webbing shot from the other Weedle's crawling upon her, slowly they together began hoisting Amy off the ground. On the way up, a Kakuna, the evolved form of Weedle, landed from the treetops above right onto her. As it almost rolled off, it clung to her pussy, covering it with it's body. Unseen to those outside, the Kakuna produced a small member of it's own and without the small shelled creature moving, the phallus pistoned at a suddenly rapid pace inside of her, fucking her rapidly as if it were some sort of vibrator.
Koibito said:
Leaving Amy properly ruined, the next Beedrill entered eagerly and started fucking her already shamed pussy harder than the last did. As her hips involuntarily jerked into it, the Pokemon pounded the teen's pussy harder, smacking into the girl with it's throbbing dick.

Causing her to jerk about unwillingly, forcing her to buck awkwardly into the Beedrill was the Weedle underneath, nibbling on her clit. It sucked and nipped, latching onto her same as the one on her nipple as she was fucked wildly by the Beedrill inside of her. As it pounded into her, after moments it was the next to cum. It's cock pressed right against her cervix as it unloaded, spunking right against it into her, flooding the girl's teen pussy yet again before it pulled out.

Suddenly, more webbing shot from the other Weedle's crawling upon her, slowly they together began hoisting Amy off the ground. On the way up, a Kakuna, the evolved form of Weedle, landed from the treetops above right onto her. As it almost rolled off, it clung to her pussy, covering it with it's body. Unseen to those outside, the Kakuna produced a small member of it's own and without the small shelled creature moving, the phallus pistoned at a suddenly rapid pace inside of her, fucking her rapidly as if it were some sort of vibrator.

Amy didn't fight when she was pulled off the ground. The cum that had been pumped into her pussy, three times now, ran from her pink, pounded lips as she hung there. She let out a high pitched gasp as something was shoved back into her aching pussy. She didn't know that Kakuna even had a sex organ. Her lower half started to shake from the rapid piston of whatever the Pokemon had shoved into her. Sure, she knew what it was, but she didn't want to know.
As Kakuna rested flush against Amy's young pink lips, pistoning its small stinger-like dick into her fresh pussy, another Beedrill's long, sharp arms crossed over her torso as it held onto her from underneath. Behind the teenager, Beedrill aimed it's cock against her shaking hips and ass and without care or grace it shoved it's length deep up Amy's tight little butt.

The Beedrill began fucking hard into her shaking lower half from behind, plowing her asshole ruthlessly as it's wings buzzed loudly, Kakuna at her pussy vibrating it with the speed of his pistoning dick, as Weedle violated her body with theirs crawling all over it.
Amy couldn't do anything to defend herself. The Kakuna drilling away at her pussy with its unseen member was bad enough, but she soon felt the pink dick of yet another Beedrill. This one, however, decided to take shove into her tightest hole. The slimy organ penetrated her asshole, causing Amy to want to scream. She didn't, knowing it wouldn't do any good, and could actually hurt her more by riling them up. Se was stuck there until they were done with her.
And there she was, just used up by the Pokemon around her. Weedle crawled invasively all over her body with their wiggling forms as a Kakuna 'vibrated' its cock so fast it shook her skinny lower half it's dick fucked so fast. Beedrill just started pumping away at her asshole as she forced herself not to scream, just letting her teenage body quietly take it, the lesbian trainer being violated by Poke-cocks as if some sort of humiliating irony.

Beedrill fucked and fucked, for minutes on end it pushed it's slimy cock up her asshole, violating her until finally it shoved itself deep and a rush of hot cum flooded her tightest hole. Kakuna followed soon after as it sped up and froze, all Amy would feel would be tiny spurts of warm liquid shooting out into her tight teen hole before it fell off of her and to the ground. Even the Weedles crawling under her shirt started to leave trails of sticky wetness as they left the mark of their arousal over her stomach and tiny tits as well.

Hours passed, Pokemon grouped up and fucked Amy senseless as if she was just a receptacle for their pleasure and their spunk. Finally, finally deep into the night did the Pokemon stop assaulting her with their cocks and cum as most of the nest slept, leaving Amy to just dangle there, but dangle there unguarded.
Amy hung from the trees over head by her wrists and ankles. Her body was sore and her mind was numb. Her pussy and ass leaked large amounts of semen from the numerous pokemon who had violated her. She had lost count of how many beedrill had stuck its dick inside her and painted her insides. There was still nearly five hours until sunrise, and she didn't have the strength to pull on her bindings. She caught a lucky break though when they started to snap off at her wrists and ankles, leaving only the bit that was wrapped around them.

The impact of her hitting the ground both snapped her back to reality and caused come of the spunk in her pussy to gush out. She sat up in a daze, and staggered to her feet. She could feel the jizz shifting inside, now running down both of her legs. She staggered off, not really able to steady her self for a run. She only got about fifteen feet before she fell and cursed out. She instantly regretted those words.
Those very words echoed in the quiet surrounding her until it seemed to blossom into more sounds itself... The sound of buzzing, from multiple sources.

Amy had woken more, the rest of the nest.

In a flash hoards of Beedrill were on the already worn out teen and one particularly accurate one jammed it's already exposed cock right into Amy's lesbian twat in a single charge. Immediately it began fucking her as it floated there as another crawled onto her back. This second Beedrill wasted no time and slammed it's lower half down onto her as it's own dick positioned right against her asshole, pushing in deep.

Amy was mobbed, another Beedrill crawled under her and latching onto her body, it did the impossible. Squeezing it's cock next to another, this Beedrill somehow barely fit it's cock in with the other in her pussy! Now two cocks filled her young cunt while one pummeled her little asshole. This would only be the case momentarily however as another crawled upon her side, and like the one angled so that it could fuck her pussy, a second Beedrill double penetrated her ass, fucking her as well.

Amy's holes now utterly used to the fullest, another latched onto her head and attacking her fully, it slammed it's cock down her throat while many others gathered to take their turns now after resting.
Amy couldn't think fast enough about that was happening. In fact, it wasn't until her asshole was speared by a charging Bedrill's cock that she even knew they where awake. The next ten seconds happened quickly. Her pussy was stuffed again, and then stretched further by second cock. The penetration was much easier than it should have been, thanks to the generous coating of spunk flowing from her puss, but it hurt no less from it. A new wave of pain washed over her as her cunny stretched past, what she though, was its limit.

She sucked it a large gasp to scream, but that was halted real quickly by a forth cock being forced into her tight pucker. Again the well lubed hole didn't put up too much of a fight. By the time the scream finally made it passed her lips, they too had been stuffed by another beedrill. The scream came out muffled as she closed her eyes tightly. This was a nightmare. It had to be.
Over and over the Beedrill fucked Amy, swarming and crawling all over her as their cocks squeezed in and out of her holes nonstop.

The next few hours went on without a break. Beedrill fucked all of Amy's holes and when they came, they just wouldn't stop. Each time cum gushed into her holes, flooding over the other cocks and filling her to the brim. Over and over the dick in her throat used her as a toy for it's cum depositing and there was nothing the young lesbian teen could do about the cocks invading her unwilling body.

Each time one wore out it just switched out with another to rest, the new Beedrill ramming her fresh without stopping between. Any cum that didn't fit in her was spilled over her petite body, drenched in the rather thick and rather sticky loads. Hours went by and still she was fucked, it wasn't until sunrise when the last Beedrill fell from her mouth and dumped it's spunk right in her face as if to humiliate her one last time before passing out right there, leaving Amy finally to herself near the running river close by.
Amy's body was rocked and fucked. Her pussy and asshole receive more semen from these violating Pokemon, and she was even forced to swallow, what seemed like, a gallon of the stuff. Her body would never be the same again. When they finished she collapsed on the ground and sobbed. If her mind hadn't been so lost and her body hating it so much, she may have suffered an unknown number of orgasms, but not a single one came. Sure at some points it felt okay, but never good enough to climax. When they left her, she started to crawl. Her body finally gave out next to a the shallow part of a river, where she blacked out, cum still gushing from her.
The sun started to rise as a Slowpoke walked along the riverside, tail dragging along the water, as it came upon a young teen, a trainer it seemed. Her clothes were stretched and torn and she was covered head to toe and filled to the brim with sticky white fluid that even through the night stayed such consistency as it flowed from her.

The scent wafting off her caught the dull Pokemon's senses and as it approached, it too was feeling the call so to speak.

Slowpoke's cock protruded from under it, a pink thick cock slowly extending and becoming erect as it approached the passed out girl. Taking a moment to sniff at her, the Pokemon as casually as possible trotted up to her, dull look upon it's face, as it waddled behind her and crawled up her back until it's cock was positioned between her legs. Very unceremoniously did the Pokemon just cram it's cock deep into her pussy. With the aid of the sticky bug cum as well as Slowpoke's naturally slick cock it glided in easily, letting the Pokemon hump wildly into Amy right away!
Amy never felt the Pokemon enter here. In fact, it wasn't until the Pokemon was half way through its mating that she started to wake. Her body rocked as her eyes slowly fluttered open. She looked around as as her body moved against the bank of the river. It took a few moments for her to understand what was going on. The pink Pokemon was on her back, and it was fucking her. Another Pokemon had claimed her pussy as its receptacle of cum. She didn't want it to happen, but didn't fight him. If it finished, then maybe it would just leave her alone so she could leave.
Having just flopped his cock on in her like it was nothing, the Slowpoke's cock pummeled her tight cunt roughly, the Pokemon huffing dumbly as it pounded her. It's cock would feel more soothing than a Beedrill's at least, but the decently sized cock pumped roughly all the same.

For moments on end the Slowpoke fucked Amy, used a random teen trainer as it's cum receptacle regardless that she was a lesbian - she had taken so much cock the night before anyway, and just fucked away at her until it was satisfied. After a while, the dull Pokemon tensed up, and with a huff it pressed deep. Slowpoke's cock jetted cum into her, though unlike Beedrill's this Pokemon's cum was thin, in fact it was like water which befitted it's typing though no one had researched yet if this was correlated at all. It's jizz squirted into her like a water gun and flooded her pussy, actually washing out the cum as it spilled its own into her, collapsing against her back.

As it regained itself, Amy would find she was correct as the Slowpoke just pulled out of her and went on it's way, not so much as looking back at the young Trainer he just raped.
Amy gasped slightly as the sudden shot of seed into her. It felt different than the Beedrill's had. It wasn't thick and slimy, but seemed to rush out of her as fast as it was put in. For some reason, Amy found herself wishing that she had her Pokeballs with her. Pokemon are easier to catch when weak, and the Pokemon that left her always seemed tired. Once it was done, Amy would slip into the cool water. She needed to wash herself. To cleans away the night's activities. During her washing, she would find that the cum inside her pussy seemed to be mostly missing. Could this have been because of the watery burst from that Slowpoke? Either way, she washed away all the semen she could and cleaned up her clothing.

After washing, Amy climbed from the water and started to make her way back towards her camp. She only hoped that Aiden wasn't there by the time she returned. She didn't want to explain what had happened to her. In fact, she wouldn't even if he asked.
The next morning Aiden was watching over his Ralts and Amy's Nidoran. Putting his Pokemon back in it's ball he took the Nidoran and picked it up in his arms to go search for Amy, she was still missing and he was starting to get worried.

Searching a little ways from camp it wasn't hard to find her coming back, and when he did he ran up to her. "Amy! You alright?" He asked, holding the Nidoran in plain view, "I found him" he said obliviously. All in all Amy's clothes were messed up but she seemed clean. No scuffs or dirt to be seen and so his first thought was that she was out looking all night. "You didn't come back, were you really looking all night?" He asked, handing her her Pokemon back before he lead her back to camp.
Amy didn't tell him where she was. That was a secret that she wanted to take to her grave. She pushed him away for years, and last night Pokemon took what he wanted so much. She just went with a lie. "I got lost on my way back. I looked for Nidoran and our camp. I fell in the river." She tried to explain many things. The reason she was wet, the reason she was gone all night. She even tried to explain the reason she was sore. Sure she would say it was because she was fighting the tide of the river.

She took her small Pokemon and looked at him. At least he wouldn't try to rape her. Of course she didn't know what he was doing last night either. "Let's get out of this forest, okay?"
Aiden nodded, blatantly believing her, trusting his best friend. He had no idea that the pussy he wanted for so long was just taken so casually the night before and Amy would keep it that way for now it seemed. It made sense, she got lost so she wasn't back all night, she fell in the river being why she was wet, and she was sore because of fighting the tide to get back finally. Aiden had no reason to not believe Amy and so he accepted it easily enough.

Amy taking her Pokemon Aiden nodded, "yeah, lets go on!" he said victoriously as he started to pack the camp up.

The rest of the day the two spent making their way through the forest. It was almost sundown again by the time they reached Santalune City, where they would go after their first Gym Badge. Something seemed to be off with Amy though, as if she was in her own world, or off from him in particular in some way.
Koibito said:
Aiden nodded, blatantly believing her, trusting his best friend. He had no idea that the pussy he wanted for so long was just taken so casually the night before and Amy would keep it that way for now it seemed. It made sense, she got lost so she wasn't back all night, she fell in the river being why she was wet, and she was sore because of fighting the tide to get back finally. Aiden had no reason to not believe Amy and so he accepted it easily enough.

Amy taking her Pokemon Aiden nodded, "yeah, lets go on!" he said victoriously as he started to pack the camp up.

The rest of the day the two spent making their way through the forest. It was almost sundown again by the time they reached Santalune City, where they would go after their first Gym Badge. Something seemed to be off with Amy though, as if she was in her own world, or off from him in particular in some way.

Amy would get dressed in clean clothing, her stretched night cloths well past their use now. She went to packing up her camp site before throwing her pack over her shoulder. She winced a little from the weight of the pack on her shoulders. They ached from being hung in the tree for so long. As she walked, she placed her hand on her stomach, thinking of how much cum had been poured into her. It must have been close to a gallon.

She made sure to walk ahead of Aiden to keep from any unwanted questions. When they reached the city, she sighed and looked at everything around her. It was a large place with lots of people moving and rushing around. While everyone seemed so happy and full of life, this wasn't the case with Amy. She had withdrawn into her own world. "Aiden, are you going to face the gym today, or wait until tomorrow?"
Once the two made their way into town Aiden was walking behind Amy, it kept him from questioning her but also gave him the perfect vantage point to scope out her backside as she strode. As such he was content until they reached the town when the boy started walking ahead passed her completely distracted by the prospect of his first Gym battle. He had no idea the dicks his lesbian friend had taken or the near gallon of cum she was forced to accept, all he knew was what was ahead of them.

"Hmm?" Aiden turned back as Amy asked when he would face the Gym. "Well... Can't we right now?" He asked eagerly.
Amy wouldn't care either way. She needed to shop, so she likely wouldn't go with him. "It is getting late. If you want to go, you can, but I need to pick up some things." Her clothing from last night was really no good for her now. She needed new night wear, or she would have to sleep in her street cloths. "Though, I think this gym has a bug leader, so it may be hard with only your Ralts."
Aiden nodded as Amy said she had other stuff to do, he raised a concerned brow at her being so distant suddenly but was obliviously distracted when she mentioned the tough battle. "You.. Think so?" He asked as he considered what she said. They did only have a little bit of training but she did have some, surely they wouldn't be completely useless but maybe Amy had a point.

"Well... What do you think I should do?" He asked his friend honestly.
"Honestly, if you want to fight tonight, I don't think you have time to look for another Pokemon. "Why don't you just borrow one of mine?" She pulled out Litleo, who was a fire type and called him out. "Hey little guy. I am going to loan you to Aiden for his Gym battle, okay. You be good and listen to him. He will return you to me after." She looked up at Aiden. "Right Aiden?"
Aiden's eyes widened as Amy offered such a thing, "really? Thanks!" he exclaimed before Litleo was called out.

"That's right!" Aiden agreed with a confident nod to Litleo as he accepted the Pokeball from Amy. He recalled Litleo and threw his arms around his friend, one of the few times he didn't immediately grope her upon embrace. "Thanks Amy" he told her, giving her a kiss on the cheek - not completely void of his desires after all - and ran off letting her go shop as she needed.

Aiden made his way through Santalune and passed the fountain at the town center. A beautiful building themed in green with trimmed hedges around it held the gym he was after.

Pushing the large double doors open, Aiden entered the room. "I'm here to challenge the Gym!" he shouted through the room before stopping suddenly to see the quiet atmosphere he disturbed throughout the art gallery he entered.

"Huh?" He looked around, "This is Santalune Gym right?"
Amy left looking for a clothing store. She needed new night wear and she would get it if she could. She walked, looking down at the ground, but still watching where she was going.


A man stepped forward and looked at him. "That it is. Viola is a photographer. She likes to fill her gym with her work. If you are indeed here to challenge her, then you should take the elevator down to the court yard and wait there. I will relay the message." The man nodded and walk off, leaving Aiden to his own devices.
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