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Pokemon Mist (Koibito & Itazura Reborn)

Amy smiled and looked at the little feline Pokemon. It seemed like her luck was looking up. A Litleo, and a male one at that. She wouldn't let this one get way from her. She tossed her Poke'ball and took a fighting stance as her little Nidoran appeared. "Okay Nidoran, let's add this one to our team. Hit it with Peck!," she ordered, and her little pink friend rushed the Litleo with his horn poised for attack.


The Foongus looked at the little Pokemon and then the person standing behind it. It had a confused look on its face, but it assumed it was wanting a fight, so it quickly launched the only attack it new. Absorb.
The Foongus wasn't really something that Aiden would want on his team, it wasn't cute like his Ralts was, but it was the perfect opportunity to test out the abilities of his new partner. Foongus seemed to start as a small eerie glow came from its tip. Ralts seemed to wobble just a bit but there seemed to be no other effects.

"Hnn... Alright... hit it with Confusion, Ralts!" He called out, the tiny Pokémon looking determined as she reared back before tilting forward, sending out a blurry wave of force from the red tip atop her head, right at the opposing wild Pokémon.


The Litleo glared down the Nidoran that faced it before charging in with its little horn. Litleo yawned, a cock little thing, before it spat a small spray of embers, using the move of the same name Ember to burn out the little Nidoran that dare come to his patch of grass with a trainer.
"Don't stop! If you move fast enough the flames won't hurt you." Nidoran let out a sharp "RAN!", charged head on, running as fast as its short legs would allow it.


The Foongus was poison type, so the Confusion would do a lot of damage. Though it wasn't out of the fight just yet. It staggered to its fee before trying to Absorb once more.
The Litleo seemed a bit surprised that the Nidoran was able to outspeed the embers that landed behind him, it was an arrogant little thing it appeared. As the embers landed behind Nidoran, burning small holes in the grass, Litleo had to reguard himself as he had so easily dropped it when believing it's opponent to go down in one shot.

It was not enough time however and the young Pokemon wasn't quick enough, it was rammed and stung with the attack from Nidoran.

Litleo was flung across the patch of grass but it was not out, it stood and growled defiantly, but it was weakened now.


Aiden grinned, "alright it looks worn out!" he announced excitedly. The boy was a Trainer, he knew how to battle, how to catch Pokemon, but he didn't have every little crazy detail memorized and so Types weren't something he considered all the time, but he could tell when something worked.

"Do it again! Confusion, Ralts!" He grinned, the small Pokemon focusing again and aiming for the attack even as it tried to Absorb again.
Amy smiled and pulled a small Pokeball from her pouch and flung it at the weakened Pokemon. She hoped it would catch, as it was better suited for her than the pink thing she started with. She really hoped that the Litleo would stay inside the ball.


The Foongus was hit hard with the attack and was sent flying. It hit the ground and lay still, having passed our from the tough fight.
The Pokeball struck Litleo with a small pap before it opened, bathing the weakened creature in a bright light before it was taken into the ball in a flash. The small red and white ball wiggled a bit, twitched back and forth. Once, twice, the ball's movements were slowing until....

Click the sound went off as the Pokeball stopped moving. It meant only one thing, that Litleo was caught, he was Amy's now.


On Aiden's half, the Foongus went down leaving Ralts the victor. "Hah... We did it!" He chuckled before the excitement washed over him. Aiden picked up Ralts in his hands and held her up high.

"You did great!" He told her happily. "Amy? You done?" Aiden walked over to watch her battle or to congratulate if she was done.
Amy smiled happily and rushed over to snatch up her Poke'ball. She thanked her little friend and made her way back to the clearing after recalling him. "I sure am," she said, holding up the Poke'ball with Litleo in it. "Even added a cutie to my team."
Aiden marveled at the Pokeball, "woah nice!" he congratulated her as he in turn held up his Ralts. "I didn't think about catching it..." He admitted, "eh... Not as cute as my Ralts" grinned the boy before setting her down, proud of the small Pokemon that was his - they had won their very first battle.

"You did good" He told the small green and white Pokemon before he held out his Pokeball, returning her to it to rest.

"So" he looked to his friend, "shall we move on?" Aiden smiled brightly to her.
"Yeah, well you have to think about these sort of things if you are planning on making a strong team. Litleo would make a great partner and a good addition to my team." She tossed the ball up and caught it before hooking on her packs strap. "So now where to?"
"I suppose you're right..." Aiden said thoughtfully as he looked up and then down following along with the Pokeball flying up before Amy caught it. He stashed Ralts' Pokeball and looked down the path they were headed, "I guess it's on to Santalune!" He said excitedly with a dramatic point forward, though standing behind Amy his eyes definitely fell to her backside a couple times, ruining the grandiose declaration of continuing their journey whether Amy noticed or not.

"Lets go!" He quickly said to recover himself whether she called him out or not and he hurried on down the path.
"I thought we were camping here before we head into the forest?" She looked at him and then looked around. "Besides, it will be hard to set up our tents in the dark of the forest, wouldn't it?" She wasn't scared, but her little fire Pokemon had just be caught and she didn't want ot push it already. She wanted to bond with it a little first.
Aiden froze as Amy was completely right, calling him out on his obvious mistake. "Aha... Yeah, you're right, I got excited" he explained as he rubbed the back of his head, fidgeting bashfully, "lets uh... Lets camp off the road over there?" He suggested as he pointed across the way from the tall grass, a nice open clearing they could take advantage of.

"How 'bout it?" He asked as he strode over.
She walked over and sat down her pack and looked around. "It should so nicely," she replied as she stretched. Amy set about pulling her camping gear from her bag and picking a good spot for her tent. Finding a quite place she easily set up her tent, as it was small and just meant for one person. "Okay, all done. I think I am going to look around a bit and see what other Pokemon are around."
The rest of that night was a peaceful one, Aiden set up his tent next to Amy's and as she went out to search for Pokemon he finished setting up the campsite, having a fire ready by the time she got back. They had dinner, enjoyed each other's company as per usual - with plenty of perverted comments from the boy, also as per usual, and eventually they both got to sleep. Aiden slept well that night and woke the next morning refreshed.

"Mm... Amy, you up?" Aiden yawned out as he stretched, getting out of his tent. They would have a big day today, their first full day on their journey, but Aiden was pretty excited for it all and all. He started packing away his tent again as he looked to see if his best friend was up.
Amy would stay up late, but not too late that she wouldn't get a nice sleep. As the sun rose, she sat in her tent and looked over her things and the map. She wanted to plan out where to go and what she was doing. The forest was known for having lots of bugs and even a few elemental Pokemon for Fire, Water, and Grass. She had a fire type already, so that was taken care of.

"Yeah, I am up," she called back at Aiden before putting her things away and rolling up her sleeping bag. The morning was spent breaking down camp and making sure the fire was out. "So into the forest for another day of training and searching. I figure we will camp there for the night as well, so we should set up camp first thing when we find a good spot."
"Sounds good" Aiden called back as he finished packing up his little tent into his pack. That way they could stay out and up later if they found a good spot ahead of time, the two could catch more Pokemon or train more, and at least foremost on his more slacker mind was more time to relax and hang out. Not everything had to be business after all, and Aiden was definitely an all play and no work kind of guy if he had the choice. Still, the more productive benefits still were there and so that was the plan, the two packed up, they headed into Santalune Forest.

After a good trek in, the two got far enough that it would only be about half a day to get out so it was a good place to set up their camp and they had made good time.

"How's this?" Aiden motioned over to a small part in the thick trees they could use.
Amy looked the area over and nodded. "This should do nicely." The area was flat enough that they could set up their tents with little to no problems with rocks or things. Amy put her pack down and called out her two smaller Pokemon. "Okay you two, you can run around, but stay close." She sat about putting her tent up and making sure her site was made up for her night.
Aiden nodded and took the spot next to Amy, setting up his tent easily enough and like that they had another campsite for the night and it was set up early giving them more free time to explore, maybe catch some more Pokemon, or just to relax. The boy reached into his pack after Amy released her two Pokemon, letting Ralts out to stretch too.

Nidoran and Litleo seemed pleased to be out, but as Ralts was let out, the small pink-purple Pokemon kept his eye on her. Interest maybe? It was impossible to tell for now...
Amy soon finished setting up and stretched before pulling her pack back over her shoulder. "I am going off to look around for some Pokemon. I will be back before nightfall." she waved as she recalled her two Pokemon and set off into the forest.
Aiden nodded, watching his friend leave the campsite. She really was determined, serious about this, he had to get serious too... But how? He let Ralts stay out of her Pokeball as he looked to her.

"We should train or something... I haven't seen any around I wanna catch, but we should get you stronger, right?" He asked Ralts casually with a grin, it was obvious he did care about her growth, she was his new partner, his starting Pokemon, after all.

"C'mon, lets go battle" he offered to her, taking her into the forest.

It was later that evening as the sun was about to set when he would return, looking to see if Amy had as well.
Amy would return some time later, with her two Pokemon in tow. "I didn't find anything worth catching. I did a little training on a few bugs, that nothing big." She sighed as she sat down on a small stump beside where the fire pit was built. "You would think with all these little bugs there would be a fully evolved one here somewhere."
By the time Amy came back, Aiden already had a fire started and was sitting on the stump by the fire before she joined him on it. "Sorry to hear" he said simply, "but the training was good, right?" He asked. Even if Aiden was a lazy pervert he did take honest interest in his friend's going ons, so it was more than just small talk.

He poked at the fire as the two chatted and while her Pokemon returned with her, Ralts was sitting on the grass next to the stump.

Nidoran and Litleo with her, Nidoran nuzzled against her leg as they all gathered at the fire. It seemed like he was feeling rather affectionate that night, and his nose seemed to be... Twitching? Did he smell something in the air?
"It was okay. The little bugs didn't give much in the way of a fight. Litleo took them out quickly and Nidoran, well, I didn't use him much." She reached her hand down and scratched the top of his head, making sure not to prick herself on his horn. "So what about you? You didn't spend this whole time setting up your little tent, did you?"

The sun was starting to set now, and she would be turning in soon. The night was a fairly hot one so she would likely leave her tent open so the air could flow better. The sky was clouding up and it would hide the moon.
Aiden shook his head, "nope!" he answered, almost eager to prove his friend wrong. "Me and Ralts went out and did some training too" he said rather proudly for just doing a little training, though the results showed with Ralts being definitely more worn than, for instance, Nidoran who didn't get much in.

The boy agreed with Amy's decision to keep her tent open as he slept, by late that night he was in a deep sleep and he had let Ralts stretch out for the night and sleep out of her ball.
"It is getting cloudy, but I don't think it will storm. IF it does, we can always just close up." She looked at the sky and then at Aiden. "No sneaking into my tent, okay? We are going to need our strength tomorrow, and I don't want to spend the night beating you out of my tent." She passed a small smile to show she was kidding, but she did hope he stayed in his tent.
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