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Highschool DxD Erotic harem (Firestarter09 & xXRyuJunkieXx)

Mako sighed in annoyance once again. "Keep trying." She told Iris. "Try connecting on a higher spiritual level. Reach into your mind." Mako said simply, she watched in anticipation with Asia, before suddenly, Iris fell to the ground. "Well that's one way to do it."

Koneko giggled slightly. "Your nipples are visible." She pointed out Kiki, the fabric had rubbed against her chest so much, that her nipples were erect from the stimulation.

Xenovia spit on Church before getting off of him, and walking away.
Yeah, it seemed Iris focused too hard and ended up tiring herself out. "You know what.....lets just have some fun." She finally said. "Are you alright?" Asia asked helping the futa up. "Y-Yeah.....just a little wore out." Iris replied with as her gear vanished.

Kiki looked down to see her nipples poking through her bikini top. Her face turned a shade of red as she cross her arms over her chest over her nipples. Them along with some other body parts had become more sensitive ever since she became a girl. "I-I think I'm going to go find a shirt." She said.

".......Is she gone?" Tucker asked. "Yeah....I think so. Bitch cracked my helmet though." Church replied with.
Mako nodded and walked with her representative, and apprentice. She smiled happily as she pointed at very underdeveloped girl. "See that really underdeveloped seventeen year old over there." Still pointing at the girl, who did not know what was about to happen. "Why don't you use your erotic powers and upgrade her." she said with a sly smile. "Maybe give her a little something on top and on the bottom, you know even it out."

Xenovia sighed as she tried to find Irina, she had seperated frim her when she went on her hunt for those two dipshits. "Irina where are you!" She called out for her friend.

Koneko gggled for a second before laughing out loud, she laughed for a good minute before stopping, she cleared her throught by coughing and put back on her more stoic, emotinless face, she left rhe changing room and decied to catch up with the rest of the peerage. "Why do i feel like todays going to be a clusterfuck?" she asked herself.
"Wow, she's about as flat as Koneko used to be. Maybe even flatter." Iris said. She began to focus on that girl having some nice double D breasts and a plump ass to go with it. Suddenly you could hear the girl screaming. "AH! Oh my God. My breasts! My butt! How did they get so big?!" She wondered Her shirt tore wide open as he small flat boobs became melons. The two guys she was with wouldn't stop staring. "Stop looking at me!" She yelled. "Did I....just do that?" Iris asked.

"Glad to see I gave you a laugh." Kiki smiled a bit. It was rare to see Koneko laugh that hard. However she was right about today being a clusterfuck. Unknown to Iris, Asia, and Mako, Rias had sent her familiar to keep an eye on the sacred gear user and low and behold it saw her transform that 17 year old confirming he was responsible for what happened to Koneko and Kiba. The familiar reported back to her master immediately.
Koneko smiled as she went to catch up with the rest of the peerage, she moaned lowly as her chest jiggled with every step, she some what enjoyed the feeling to a degree, she saw Rias conversing with her familiar.

Mako chuckled at the sight, it was very amusing, seeing the girl go from zero to a ten, they way she tried to get the boys to stop staring at her, was also funny "Hmmm wanna teach those boys a lesson?" She asked Iris.
"What you mean turn them into girls?" Iris replied with. "'s worth giving it a shot." She said. "You can do it Iris." Asia told her. Once again the futa focused her energy on changing those two boys into attractive girls. At first it didn't seem like it was working but within a minute they both started to look more feminine. "What the fuck?" One of the boys said as his voice became more girly. "Y-You two are turning into girls." The actually girl said looking at the two in shock as she watched them transform right in front of her.

Kiki came out of the changing room a minute later wearing a long with t-shirt over his bikini. She was still uncomfortable wearing one mainly because of her new breasts. She did noticed Rias talking to her familiar. "Is everything alright Rias?" She asked.
Mako giggle at the males misfortune, it was pretty funny to see this happen in public. "Soo shoyldbwe actually go swimming or what?" She asked Iris and Asia. "Or do we continue our fun here?" She really didnt care if they wanted to continue here or not.

Rias looked at Koneko and Kiki and smiled at them. "Oh its nothing, just do you remember Issei or Iris, whatever name she- he going by, well i just found something out." There was a hint of annoyance in her voice, the heir to gremory household was pissed.
"Hmm.....yeah. I mean that's what we actually cam for right?" Iris asked. "Yeah plus you said you would teach me how to swim." Asia spoke up. "Oh yeah. I haven't forgotten about that." Iris told the blond smiling a bit.

"Let me guess. She or he is responsible for what happened to Koneko and I?" Kiki asked clearly not amused from the sound of her voice. "I should haven known, and she lied straight to our faces."

"Uh-oh. That doesn't sound good." Church said as he couldn't help but overhear the Gremory peerage talking while he and Tucker were passing by. "Should we, warn them?" Tucker asked. ".....Nope. They didn't help up. So lets watch and see how this plays out."
Mako smiled and headed for the water, walking at a decent pace. "Lets have some fun!" She exclaimed.

Rias nodded. "Yes, she was lying alright but, who knows how dangerous it is to approach her.... I mean seriously what if she makes my boobs shrink, i dont wanna be flat chested!" Rias exclaime, her peerage sighed and deadpanned.
"You're really worry about her shrinking your boobs? This is Iris we're talking about. She's one of the biggest perverts in Kouh Academy. I'm pretty sure she would would want to make your boobs bigger than smaller. Look what she did to Koneko and I." Kiki said.

Iris helped Asia into the water staying mostly in the shallow area being that the blond didn't really know how to swim. "Yeah.....just kick you legs like that. You're doing real good Asia." Iris said. "T-Thanks."
Rias sniffled in a very non mature fashion. "Oh what was i thinking! She is a pervert after all, why would she shrink my boobs... Oh silly me..." She paused for a second, silence falling upon on the group, only for a momment later for the gremory heir to freak out. "What if she turns me into a man, i dont know how she swings in the sexuality department... I don't want pecs." Her peerage sighed in unison once again. Sometimes Rias was kind of out there, serious when she needed to be, and a complete idiot the other half.

Mako smiled as she floated around in the water not caring, her arms and legs spread out. The erotic beung could swim, she just choose not to and floated around aimlessly, surprising she was able to keep near Iris and Asia. "Wonder if we will encounter those fallen i was talking about earlier." She said to herself. "Or Xenovia and Irina." Saying that one to herself.
"I'm pretty positive he still likes girls. Probably turned himself into a girl so he could watch them undress in the locker room." Kiki said sighing a bit. She sometimes wondered if Rias thought for a minute before jumping to conclusions.

"Don't worry I got you." Iris said. She wasn't far from Asia who was doggy paddling on her own. Iris had stopped so that the blond could catch up only for her to swim right into Iris' boobs. "Oh goodness I'm so sorry." She said. "It's alright." Iris smiled. It actually felt kind of good.
Mako smiled as she just floated around in the water, she giggled at what happened to Iris and Asia. "Do you think this day could get any better?" She asked the two.

Rias sniffled again. "Hey its ok Rias." Said Akeno her queen who wore a Black bikini. "But Kiba has a point, Iris is still a pervert, sooooo you know i doubt she would seriosuly shrink your breasts."
"Yeah, if my harem was complete this would be the best day ever......of all time." Iris said. "You mentioned something about finding fallen ones?" Asia asked trying to stay a float.

"Or turn you into a man. I really doubt he would have turned me into a girl or did what he did to Koneko if she was into guys." Kiki said.
"I meant those fallen angels we were talking about earlier." She stated as she floated by Iris. "There names are Raynare, Kalawarner, Mittelt, and Dohnaseek." She again as she floated by... once again. "Though you might have to gender bend Dohnaseek, he's a guy, or not if your willing to have cock stuffed into you, so yeah... Its basically that." As she stopped floating around in the water, and was now actually swimming normally, her tits moved with each stroke.

Rias stopped sniffling and got up, with a determined look in her eyes.
"So you want me to recruit a bunch of fallen angels? Didn't you tell me fallen angels are enemies to devils?" Iris asked. "That would make me a giant ass target at school and from what happened yesterday Rias already doesn't like me. Also is she, Koneko, and Kiba the only devils that go to the school?" He then asked. "Hey no need to fear. You got us." Tucker said. "What happened to your helmet?" Asia asked Church. "That blue haired cunt cracked it. Seriously I don't have a replacement." Chruch replied with.
"Cry me a river." Mako sarcastically said, waving her hand in a nonchalant manner, she really did like Church at all, she really hated him and found him quite annoying.
"Oh fuck off ya big boob cunt. No one wanted your opinion anyway." Church said. It was obvious he wasn't very fond of her either. If he could he shoot her in the head.....if he could actually aim. Iris just sighed. She knew this was just going to be another headache for her.
Mako growled as she flipped off Church. "C'mon lets go, this day will be ruined with these two here." She said as she began to swim to shore, still flipping of Church, she really hated him.
"Hey you already doing that for them." Church said to Mako giving her the double bird with both hands. "Psst hey. Just to let you know that red head chick over there knows what you can do the people. Just thought I would give you a heads up." Tucker told Iris pointing to Rias. "What? She knows? How?" She asked. "Hell if I know. Maybe she has magic or something? I don't know how this world works. Oh.....and Axel said you might want to recruit some people in case you do have to fight. Mainly devils." "Um.....thanks for the heads up."
Mako stomped as she walked on to dry land, not very happy and upset, she headed off to one of the beach bar's that were around, she walked pass Rias ignoring her and her peerage and went to one of the aforementioned bars. She was angry.
"Well....she didn't look too happy." Kiki said as she watch Mako storm off in front of them. "Hey Asia did you see where Mako went?" Iris asked. "Yeah, she went that way." The blond was pointing in the direction of where Rias and her peerage was. "Well.......shit. We gotta figure out a way to get past them." Iris said. There was another way to the beach bar Mako was at by waking on the sidewalk. So Iris and Asia decided to take that route hoping not to get caught by Rias and her peerage.
Mako sighed and sat at one of the bar's seats, resting her head on the counter, as she grumbled in anger. "Stupid fucking idiots." she muttered to herself jn anguish, she really didn't like those two. "Fuck Axel, stupid fucking asshole ruins everything." She also didn't like him as well, really she despied him so much, hated everything about him and so much more.
Yeah, and up there at the Erotic Being HQ Axel was in his office watching all this shit unfold and laughing his ass off. "Well if you don't like it then quit. I'm sure the devil would love to have you." He had told Mako plenty of times. "Oh come on don't tell me you're going to sit here and act like a spoiled brat just because of them." Iris said walking up to the bar.
Mako sighed as she banged her head against the bar, only to stop when a grin spread across her face, she had thought of a way to get back at Axel. "Well guess theres no harm in doing that." she said deviously the grin growing even wider.
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