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Highschool DxD Erotic harem (Firestarter09 & xXRyuJunkieXx)

Akeno smiled as she still had a red flush across her face, her breathing still a bit heavy as the hot feeling slowly began to subside, she clapsed her hands together as she stared bright eyed at the girl, her purple eyes locking with Iris brown and white. "Now I believe we can sneak off somewhere less out in the open? No. Or do you want to go back to the bathroom?" Akeno hummed happily as she began eye up the pervert, watching as she could see her face turn bright red, which Akeno used to her advantage, getting closer and pressing her impressive breasts, against Iris own. "My for a former male, you've got some bjg breasts." She points out placing a hand in Iris left breasts before squeezing it within in the palm of her, moving it around and watching it jiggle she could see the nipples become erect from the stimulation they were receiving. The queen of Rias Gremory peerage couldn't help but laugh at the irony, that the pervert who loved womens body so much was now a girl with an equally sexy body. "There's so much irony to this." She states as she rubbeds her thumb across the covered nipple. "Wearing a bra i see, good you have some deceny i see." Akeno smiled as she placed a hand on Iris wrist. "Come on Lets go somewhere more private."
Iris couldn't help but wince and whimper a bit as Akeno teased her breasts. Her nipples were still extremely sore and the lightning priestess wasn't doing much to help the situation. "Uh.....t-thanks?" She said as she was complemented on her tits. What the hell was wrong with this girl? At first Akeno seemed pissed at Iris, now it looked like she wanted to fuck her. "A-Ah!" The futa girl yelped a bit feeling Akeno thumb rub against her nipple. She really didn't have no choice but to follow her. What was she going to do say no? Well Iris should have stayed hidden in that box as they did go someplace more private when she was cuffed spread eagle to a bed and stripped naked. Iris was kind of scared and excited at the same time. She had no idea what Akeno was going to do to her.
Akeno blushed as she thought of the ways to take charge, as she looked at Iris fron the side out of her view. "Her cock is huge, so big! No focus! Figure out why and how she was able to go about changing, herself, Koneko and Kiba! Do it for the peerage!" Akeno mentality said to herself, as sbe felt her more perverse desires kicking up as she almost about to lose herself to it. Breathing slowly to keep her composure and calm, she took a few steps into Iris line of sight still gressed in her Kouh academy uniforn. "Alright! Now you maybe wondering what I'm going to do to you? Well its easy really. Im going to torture you until you fix, Koneko and Kiba and then I'm going to find out how you changed yourself." She states firmly to the pervert, noticing that she was really hard. "My your quite hard from this? Are you perhaps a submissive girl? No ounce of dominance in you?" Akeno asked with a big smirk plasted on her face. "Are you? Yes you must be!" She said getting closer and leaning down and placing her hands firmpy around her balls, and shaft moving the slowly and whilst firmly fondling them with ease.
This day wasn't getting any better for Iris. She had been tortured enough yesterday and now Akeno was going to torture her, probably not in the same way Mako and Asia did though. She had no idea why she was hard but the erection was kind of painful. Her cock was still sore from yesterday and Akeno's teasing wasn't helping either. Iris let out a groan as she tried to resist the sensations. "I.....I....I already told you. I don't know what happened to your friends. I'm not the one that did that either." Iris told the lightning priestess. She was going to stick to that story no matter how much torture she was put through.
The lightning priestess did not like the exact answer given, and so she twisted the shaft that was in her hand, like a doorknob earnjng crys of pain fron Iris. "Don't lie." She hiss's before letting the cock untwist. "You were behind all of this, after all you were a boy before and now your a girl... With both sets of genitals. Explain that!" She rebuttals to the futa girl. As her firm grasp on the poor futas balls tightend, as the air seemed to have more static in it. Akeno couldn't help but think of the ways to mess with the poor former male, though some where not so appropriate for the situation at hand. Pondering on what to do while she had Iris cuffed to the bed, a devious idea came to mind. "Mhm be such a shame if i started to play with your feet, tickling them to no end, but of course that can be avoided, all you have to do is increase my cup size by one size." She tells Iris, Akeno didn't seem to be kidding as you could tell from the look of her violet purple eyes. That she was dead serious. "I mean it must be so tempting after all... You did the same to Koneko and Kiba." She purrs rubbing the gland slightly.
"GAHH!!" Iris cried out as her shaft and balls were twisted and squeezed. They were already in pain from yesterday and Akeno wasn't helping. Fuck that hurts. She thought a couple tears forming in her eyes. She listened to what the lightening priest had to say about tickling her feet if she didn't increase her breast size. Shame for her Iris wasn't ticklish on her least she thought. When Mako transformed her the futa became ticklish everywhere especially her feet, breasts, nipples, cock, and balls. "Sorry......if I could I would but I can't." It seemed Iris was holding her ground no matter what kind of torture Akeno put her through. If she were to increase her breast size then she would know about her powers.
Akeno sent small amounts of electricity through out Iris body; as she moved her hands down to the soles of the futas feet; her spindly fingers began to rubb and glide across the soft soles, which in turn would elicit soft happy moans from the former male. "Please don't make a girl upset, you wouldn't like me when I'm annoyed or fed up." She pouts to Iris, as she began to send electricity through out Iris body once more, though only enough to give her a little jolt. "Well if you can do it, then do it. Increase my breasts size or i fry your package here off, you wouldn't want that now?" She ask says, with a laced undertone of sadisim which was hard to spot. "I promise to give you real pleasure if you do as I ask, maybe a titjob.. Or you can worship my body you little perv." She says seductively, as she began to rub and tickle the soles of Iris feet even more; as her violet eyes were filled with lust, as she began to lean forward getting her head closers to Iris. Her lips inches away from Iris own as she brought herself closer and closer; before going in for a straight up kiss as she forced her tongue into Iris mouth; exploring every nook and crany that she could, her hands began to pick up their pace as Akeno continued her make out session.
Surprisingly to Iris the futa began to giggle as Akeno glided her fingers over her helpless soft soles. Since when were her feet ticklish? That sense of feeling though caused her cock to twitch a bit in arousal. However it was quickly replaced by pain as a jolt of electricity went through her body causing her to scream. "A-Alright......alright. I'll do it." She said out of fear as she could see the raven haired girl's hands hovering over her cock. Iris didn't keep her eyes off of Akeno's hands as they soon went back to her feet. The futa burst into laughing. "S-Stop.....I said I would do it." She managed to get out between laughs. Man her soles were extremely ticklish because she began to thrash around the bed, her throbbing thick cock slapping against her stomach. Before she could protest anymore she felt the lightning priestess' lips onto her own, a tongue being forced into her mouth. No doubt Iris closed her eyes and gave into the kiss. Her cock grew harder, her pussy got wet, and her nipples became erect. She quickly gave into the sadistic girl's the Gremory peerage.
One could only hope Akeno would not end up losing control, especially since it became very apparent she was using her magic to get what she wanted. Pulling away from the kiss Akeno stared lsutfully in to Iris eyes, her violet eye's locking with Iris eye's. She felt the string of salvia connecting them break, as she pulled her head back farther. Her hands stopping their little assault on Iris feet allowing the cries and tears, and fits of laughter to stop... For now. Smiling Akeno couldn't help but think ahe had won. "Now my dear Iris-kun, you will do what I saw, and expand my breasts by one or two sizes, two if your really feeling daring and want to be tickled more." She says in a soft angelic voice, putting some nerves on Iris to rest. Hands gliding upwards, moving across Iris supple thighs and hips before converging on Iris meaty shaft, as fingers began to stroke and play with the gland, earning effective moans and slutty cries that would make anyone blush.
I....just got to remember how to do it. Iris thought. She began to focus on Akeno's boobs. Man they were already big to begin with though they could be a big bigger. The futa's white eye began to glow a bit and before you knew it the lightning priestess' breast began to grow two sizes their normal size, just how she wanted it. "T-There you go." Iris spoke before she felt Akeno's delicate hands run up her thigh making her shudder a bit. She felt the other girl's finger wrap around her thick throbbing cock, teasing the glands under her head. The futa girl arched her head back letting out a slutty moan from Iris. She showed no resistance as she let Akeno have her way with her. "F-Fuck.....p-please don't stop." She begged as she could feel her cock twitch a bit and her balls tighten up. Iris was about to cum.
Akeno moaned as she felt her breasts grow, the already large EE cup jiggled as it surged with growth. Her nipples grew erect at the sensation, as her lips qivered and parted, letting morr whorish moans escape her lips. Her breasts pushing outwards and jiggling while they did, flesh burgeoning and growing as her breasts hit an F cup, and then finally left her with a FF cup. Her breathing became slightly ragged as she continued to stroke and pleasure Iris cock. "Mmm! Yes that felt wonderful!" She coos, her stamina comming back to her. Her bra had snapped beneath her academy shirt, as said shirt was straining against her tit flesh, it looked like the buttons were about to pop out. Akeno moaned like a wild animal as she lost herself; straddling Iris waist and moving her hand away from Iris cock, her panties were getting soaked with her juices, as the queen of the Gremory peerage lustuflly stared at Iris. "Pull my panties down and fuck me~." She purrs to Iris, it seemed the expansion had set her off the edge.
Iris watched as her eyes went wide seeing Akeno's breast get bigger right in front of her. Now doubt it turned her on as her cock twitched a bit. She was beginning to wonder what her member would feel like in between those fun bags. "A-Ah...ah!" The futa moaned pulling against her restraints as her cock was being jerked off once more. Fuck....I don't know how much longer I'm going to last. Iris thought. She let out a little whine though when the lightning priestess moved her hand away from her aching meat stick. "Um.....I'm kind of tied up at the moment." She then replied with. In the position Iris was in there was no way she could get to Akeno's panties.
Akeno giggled as she knew that Iris would've said that. "Oh I know, thats why I said it." She smiled devilishly. "I just love to mess with people, especially when it's like this." She began to rub her legs together; she could feel them grow wetter as her juices trailed down her thighs. "I just love seeing them squirm and move around." She leaned forward a bit, letting her large bust which strained in her shirt hang and rub against Iris cock. "Hahaha! This is so fun!" She laughed excitedly, she was getting quite the odd enjoyment from all of this. "How about this, I'll let you fuck me silly~. If you do what I say~." She said seductively, it seemed she was going to use this as a wau to control Iris. Both were currently unaware that they were being watched, by two parties Rias herself and Mako and Asia. The latter of which was currently in the room but were completely hidden from all senses.

Mako sighed in annoyance. "How in the fuck did she get captured?" She asked herself, glancing over at Asia who just watched. "I mean really, how does this happen... Well at least I'll be able to turn a profit over this. I've been thinking it be pretty good to slowly start adding those Gremory peerage members to our numbers, and getting rid of the queen first... Well it make the job a lot easier." She paused as a thought came to her mind. "Iris could always use her own lieutenant." Her grin began to grow wider. "But of course, we can't have that bitch Gremory seeing anymore of this." With a flick of her wrist she teleported away whatever had been watching Akeni and Iris.
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