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Highschool DxD Erotic harem (Firestarter09 & xXRyuJunkieXx)

"Well I haven't really done myself, but you should probably start rubbing yourself like this." Kiki replied with. She gave Koneko a hands on demonstration by using her hands and rubbing the naked girl's pussy, her finger running up and down the slit. Her free hand went and teased the girl's breasts, her thumb rolling around the nipple.
Koneko moaned and mewled as her as her pussy was rubbed, she let out more gasps and moans, as she felt Kiki finger running up and down her slit, mewling even louder as Kiki free hand teased her breasts, the thumb rolling around the sensitive nipple. "I-IT FEELS GOOD!" Koneko cried out, rather loudly... It was really loud, It seems that Koneko would have to learn about how not to scream so loudly. She began to buck her hips letting Kiki finger slip into her wet pussy. "ITS IN ME!" She cried out, as she felt the finger move in her cunt. "DON'T STOP!" She mewled happily, her eyes beginning to cross... Well it seemed as if Koneko was a light weight when it came to masturbation... Though she did say she had never do it before.
"Shh.....not so loud Koneko. I won't stop but you have to keep it down a bit." Kiki whispered as she began to pump her in and out of the girl. This was causing her to get wetter by the second. She leaned down and began suck on the girl's left nipple, her tongue swirling around the hard numb before lightly biting it. Hearing the sounds that Koneko made only made Kiki's pussy drip with arousal.
Koneko moaned and squealed, as the fingers began to pump in an out of her wet pussy. "Kiki it feelsss gooood!" She moaned happily in pleasure. "Keep going." She moaned as her breasts were sucked by Kiki, she loved the way the tongue felt, the way it moved around her around her nub nipple, she let out mewls and squeals as she was pleasured. "Kiki your mouth feels sooo good."
Kiki continued to pleasure Koneko for about another five minutes before stopping as she had an idea. "Akeno gave this for me to use. I think you're suppose to use it with two people. Guess that explains why her and Rias spend so much time together." The blond reached under her bed and took out and double ended vibrating dildo, placing one end into her pussy and the other into Koneko's before turning it on. "Ah......oh fuck that feels good." Kiki moaned as the toy went to work pumping in and out of each of their pussies.
Koneko moaned as she felt the toy pump in and out of her pussy. "I-its! So big! " she squeaked in surprise, as she let out a lewd moan, her pussy leaked girl-cum down the robotic shaft, coating it in her fluids. "Oh fuck!" She moaned out in pleasure, as her pussy tightend around the sex toy more, her thighs were coated in her juices.
"Ah......ah this is so good!" Kiki cried out. Her pussy juices were also flowing down the dildo mixing with Koneko's. The pleasure was becoming too much for the blond. "Fuck.....I'm....I'm going to cum! AHHHH!!" She screamed out as a huge gush of cum squirted out of her pussy causing Kiki to collapse into the bed panting. Her breasts were heaving up and down as she was breathing.
Koneko came her juices rushing down the double sided dildo, as her eyes crossed and tongue hanged from the side of her mouth, she panted heavily her large breasts jiggling with each breath. "Kiba I feel sooooo! Gooood!" She let out in purrs, as she looked at the former male. "Why does it feel so good?" Koneko moaned as she came once more, as she finally collapsed panting even more. She could barely move a muscle due to all the pleasure and orgasmic release, boy did it feel good though for the rook of Gremory.
"I-I have no idea. Though....this is much better pleasure than a guy has." Kiki said. That was the first orgasm she had as a girl and man was it much better than a male orgasm. Maybe it wasn't so bad that Iris turned him into a girl. By now Kiki's pent up stress was gone and she was pretty tired. Taking the double ended dildo out of her and Koneko she ended up drifting off to sleep a little after that.
Mako stretched as she woke up the next morning, yawning a bit as she looked at Iris. "Wake up sleep head." She said poking at Iris left tit, trying to get her awake as a minute passed, then another minute, and then another minute. The erotic being was getting plenty annoyed with the fack her poking was not waking up the pervert, sighing she looked at Iris with an evil smile once an idea came to mind, raising her hand and bringing it down she smacked one of Iris generous sized breasts, leaving a red mark and sending a lot of pain to wake the girl up from her slumber. "That worked just fine." Mako reassured herself. Knowing that she probably going to hit or yelled at for her actions, but the erotic being did not care in tbe slightest. She hummed as she awaited for the pervert to awaken.
Iris was still exhausted from the other day so much that she didn't even feel Mako poke her until her tit was slapped. It was a delayed reaction but Iris' eyes shot open and karate chopped Mako in her head. "OW! What the duck was that for?! " She then asked. After last night the futa girl believed she deserved some sleep in.
"Ow!" Mako yelped slightly rubbing her head after its karate chop. She glared at Iris slightly. "Well... I was just trying to get you up, after all you do have to go to school, and then meet that fallen angel Raynare at the end of the day." Mako began. "It's time we start advancing! There's no doubt that we have been lagging behind! Having to much sex and incest! It's time for us to get serious!" The erotic being declared, a noticeable determination and fire in her eyes, as she raised a clenched fist whilst looking badass as hell. "Now my lovely representative get ready for school!" Mako sternly to Iris. "We can't lag behind any further than we are, that also means your going to have to train with your sacred gear, do you understand?" She asked Iris, continuing to look at the futa.
"Can't I just skip school today? I'm still sore from yesterday." Iris whined. Indeed her cock still felt extremely raw not to mention her nipples were throbbing in pain and real sensitive. Of course hearing that Asia grabbed a hold of the futa girl's cock stroking it a bit which caused Iris to yelp in pain. "Sure you can stay home. You could use more practice plus we could milk you again." The said smiling so innocently of course. "Y-Yeah....on second thought I'll go to school." Iris said. Just having an erection right now was painful for her. They really went overboard with her.

School was absolute torture as well. Mainly because of what Iris was wearing. The bra's hard fabric was rubbing right up against her nipples which was causing her to get hard which by now her erections were painful due to her cock still being raw. It had become too much and she had to excuse herself from class to go to restroom. "Fuck.....I-I can't take this." She whispered to herself.
Akeno hummed as she wsshing her hands in the girls bathroom, everything was so peaceful today, no crazy nonsense as of yet. The only real issue there was Koneko and Kiba new appearances which had continued to trouble her friend Rias. Akeno couldn't help but think of what she was going to do to Iris when she saw her, maybe torture and hurt her a litte till she fixed what she had done... Yeah that was what she going to do! Humming happily she finished washing her hands and adjusted her uniform a bit, her bust jiggling as she did, her thighs an ass slightly wobbled as well shen re-adjusted her panties and skirt. "Hmm maybe I'll break her." She said aloud to herself, unknown to one of the two great ladys of kouh academy, she was about to have an encounter with the pervert she had thought about, boy would it be rough.... For Iris not her of course, after all she wasn't suffering from an afflicted dick, or sore breasts/nipples after all.
Boy Iris should have chosen another bathroom for when she entered the first person the futa girl laid her eyes on was Akeno. Besides trying to make it through the day Iris was trying to avoid Rias and anyone associate with the Gremory peerage. Akeno was the last person Iris wanted to run into especially hearing stories of how 'sadistic' she could be. She just there frozen in fear. Of....fuck....oh fuck what do I do? Iris thought. If she stayed there she was screwed, but if she ran chances are Akeno would chase after her and the way she felt there was no way she could outrun her. Yep, Iris was fuck either way.
Akeno froze for a moment when she heard feminine gasps, turning her head slightly she saw Iris frozen in fear. A cold creepy soft smile forms on her face as she began to slowly cock her head in a odd fashion. "Oh hello miss Iris! Whats the perverted princess doing in the bathroom at this time? Not peeping are you?" No hint of anger in her voice. "I mean you just act like such a guy... All the girls are worried you might flash them when there in here." A hint of teasing in her voice. "Espically Koneko and Kiki, they are really worried about that." She began to walk closer to the girl, when she was close she placed her hand on the pevertes shoulder, gripping tightly. "Now. Lets try to discuss and fix this little issue! We wouldn't want anymore trouble happening!" Her voice sounding almost peppy, but of course there were small amounts of anger laced jn her words. "Wouldn't you agree Iris?"
Fuck......I should have ran. Iris thought even more afraid now than she was a few seconds ago. She could tell Akeno wasn't too happy with her. The futa girl had to find a way out of this mess somehow. "Um......I um I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm sorry for what happened to your friends but I had nothing to do with that." She tried to play the stupid card hoping it would work.
Akeno smiled as she approached the poor girl. Placing a hand on her shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze her eyes twitched as she heard what Iris said. "W-what?" Akeno had not expected this answer. "Explain " she sajd in soft sweet voice, her grip loosening slightly from the perverts shoulder as she was now truly interested as to what she had meant. "Explain what you mean." It seemed Akeno was not going to hurt her, but instead pinned her agsinst the bathroom wall. Akeno was surprisingly quick despite her appearance. One could see the true amount of care Akeno had for her friends and were worried for their well being.
"L-Like I said. I-I didn't....that, to your friend. I have no idea who did that." Iris replied with. Well in truth she did know who was behind it but she wasn't going to rat Mako out and put her in danger. However if she didn't do something soon she was going to be in danger. Not thinking very clearly Iris saw an opening. She pushed Akeno off of her and bolted out of that bathroom. Yeah....that probably wasn't the smartest thing for the futa girl to do. Fuck....I know I'm not going to outrun her. I gotta hide somewhere. She throughout.
Akeno growled slightly as she got off ber bum, from being pushed to the ground, obviously this had angerd the Fallen angel half devil, so much so she had sparks of electricity around her, crackling and such. The lightning priestess took one step and ran out the door, as she was soon on the hunt for the perv. The electricity from before having disappeared"I can't believe i let her do that!" Akeno couldn't help but berate herself as she went on her hunt for the futa girl. "I'm going to break her, and fix my friends." She said determinedly to herself, as she marched onwards keeping her sense sharp just incase the damnable perv decided to sneak up on her and try something funny.
Oh Iris had no intentions of going up against Akeno. That would be suicide. Instead she did the smart thing and hid. Where you might ask? Inside an empty box outside the hall. "Alright alright. I'll just hide in here until she's get tired of looking for me. Then once the coast is clear I hightail it out of here." She whispered to herself. These falling angels that Mako was talking about. Iris had to find them fast. They had no way of going up against Rias and her peerage. The futa girl remained calm and still, as best as she could. In truth she was scared shitless right now. She knew she probably pissed off Akeno and no clue what she might do to her if she was caught.
Akeno eyes darted back and forth looking for any signs of the pervert, her entire attention being focused on finding her as she was not letting her go. "Hmm.. Where could she be?" She thought to herself, hopefully she wouldn't notice the box Iris was hiding in, because if she was found Akeno would have a lot of fun with the futa girl when she did. She probably beat the living crap out of her with her lightning. "C'mon were are you?" She creeply said to herself, lightning crackled around her body arching and moving around. Her eys darted to the left once again and then back to the right, turning around to the left and heading down another hall. Her steps picking up pace as she could of swore she heard the faintest of breathing, as she walked Akeno began to notice a burning sensation building up in her body, her face slightly going flush with red. She slightly panicked when she felt it as she thought the pervert was doing something to her, and became slightly kore panicked when she began to feel a wetness in between her legs.
I...I think it's safe to get out now. Iris thought to herself. She slowly peaked out to see that the hallway was clear of anyone. Quietly sighing with relef the futa girl quietly got out of the box and tried to make a mad dash out of the school. However luck wasn't on Iris' side today for as she turned down the hall she bumped into the last person she really really wanted to bump into which was Akeno. Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me! This time there was no running.
Akeno turned around as quickly as she could, smiling slightly as she realized that the pervert was behind her. "Why hello! Iris... Would you kindly come with me?" She said to the pervert watching as the girls face paled. "I promise i wont hurt you." She stated to Iris, her face slightly flushed. "You've sparked something within me, I want to fix that and find out why spark that thing in me, but if you don't come with me, I will force you to come with me." She states to the futa, her panties an thighs were slowly getting covered in girl juices, though wasn't noticeable at all. Akeno breathing was getting a bit heavier as she narrowed her eyes at the representative of Mako. "Will you come peacefully or no?" Akeno began to tap her foot as she patiently waited for the perv to make her move. "I could let you touch breasts.~" the Fallen angel half devil cupped her tits jiggling them a bit.
Yeah, Iris didn't believe Akeno for one second that she wasn't going to hurt her. Then again if the futa girl tried to run it would probably end up badly for her. She was already in pain now. However her answer was chosen for her when the lightning priestess said that Iris could touch her breasts and from the looks of it Akeno had some pretty big knockers. "A-Alright." Iris simply replied with. She still didn't trust the girl all to much but the perv side on her was telling her that she was going to be able to touch boobs. That was more than enough.
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