Highschool DxD Erotic harem (Firestarter09 & xXRyuJunkieXx)

(No...they're two guys. They are from a series that we both know of.)

The next day the three ladies hit the beach, and for some odd reason most of the students from Kouh Academy were there as well including Rias, Sona and their peerages "Whoa....who would have thought Kiba looked hot in a bikini." Iris said.
Mako nodded in agreement with Iris. "By the way. How are you hiding your dick in your bikini?" she asked Iris, out of the three, it was only Mako and Iris wore bikinis, Mako wore a black a simple black bikini, the emphasised her assest more, allowing her to tease Iris with them.
"By tucking it between my thighs. It's not easy either especially with all these hit ass women her in swimsuits." Iris replied with. She had on a red bikini. Though she wore a pair of swim shorts over her bottom piece so her package wouldn't show. Asia on the other hand was wearing a one piece, like the ones they wore in school. "So where are these assistants? Are they running late?" Asia asked. They were indeed. Well they were kind of hiding mainly because they kisses off two members of the church.
"Presonally i would have just made a Koneko, Akeno and Xenovia assistants, but hey Axel is a dick.... I swear if they don't show up, im going to turn them into a Mizore or Kurumu!" She huffed aloud, clearly annoyed by the fact, the fact the two hadn't shown up. Sighing she turned her attention to the two new kuoh academy students. "So its Xenovia and her." she said, before going back to searching for the two morons.
"Pssst. Hey. Over here." A voice called out from a dumpster to Iris and the others. ".......Did The dumpster just talk?" Iris asked. "Yeah we did now get your asses over here." Another voice said lifting up the lid slightly. In it were two armored guys, one light blue and the other aqua. "Oh great. We had to get paired up with the big boobed bitch." The light blue one said.
"Oi! Fuck you!" she exclaimed, she turned her head away fromcthe dumpster, crossing her arms like a childm. "At least im not you, or a version of you, also hows all that child support going." She said, She did not like these two people at all. (Turns out in the rvb episode, tucker fucked a bunch of chicks after winning the war in chorus. Had a lot of kids)
(Oh I saw it. I laughed so hard at that part I woke my parents up.)

"So....I'm assuming you don't get along with them as well huh?" Iris asked. "Alright so where's your partner? Don't tell me you turned him into a chick again?" Tucker asked. "Holy fuck you love doing that don't you? Got a fetish or something?" Church then asked. "Are, you two suppose to be Iris' assistants?" Asia asked. "Yep that's right. I'm Tucker and this here's Church. If you're wondering why we're hiding in a dumper well.....we kind pissed off these two holy chicks and now they want to kill us."
"Tucker fuck off, what i do with representative is none of your concern!" She exclaimed. "Dont piss me off, or else i will make you become a Mizore or Kurumu." Mako was quite mad at these two. "Oh so you went pissed off those two, huh... This might work to my advantage, if i can at least get Xenovia to not join the shitty devils faction, then everything will be better." she said as she let a bit of racism out.
"Too bad you can't Axel told us if you pull that shit on us to report you. Then you'll have your powers stripped from you, bitch." Church said. "I'm going to assume Xenovia is another person I meet in another dimension?" Iris asked. "Ah you talking about that blur hair chick? Aw sweet, wouldn't mind having some kids with her." Tucker said. "You don't need anymore kids Tucker." Church told him. "Mako why do you hate the devils so much?" Asia asked.
"Asia hold on for a second... Butch like Axel could do shit, I have connections to the higher ups, you know the guys that aren't apart of the erotic beings group, IE people like Dr.Church!" She exclaimed, she turned to Asia with a smile. "I'll explain it when the tine is right, but just know this, i absolutely hate devils, their fucking peerage system, and the fuckjng gremorys!" She saw fron the corner of her eyes Xenovia.
"Why do you hate the Gremorys? They did do something to you?" Iris asked. Though before he could get an answer his two assistants began to panic. "Oh shit it's her!" Tucker yelled. "Yeah, way to give out position away dumbass!" Church said.
Mako huffed before turning around and walking away, she was not in the mood, the blue haird girl dressed in white robes, that showed off her connection to the church aprroached the dipshits in the dumpsters. She simply cracked her neck and looked at them annoyed to hell. "You two!" She said in a stern tone, she seemed quite pissed. "Out of the trash can now!"
"Wait, aren't we going to help them?" Iris asked following Mako along with Asia. Oh the two got out of the dumpster.....and then made a mad dash in the opposite. "Oh fuck this I don't wanna die." Tucker said. "Yeah trust me you don't. I know the feeling." Church said. You would think a guy and a robot in highly advanced armor for this time period wouldn't be afraid of a big breasted teenage girl. Then again their past experiences with woman haven't been so great.
Mako shook her head no. "Yeah those guy are not getting help, also because for now we need to avoid those two church girls, and turn our attention to having fun, and getting those fallen at the church Asia would have gone too." Mako smiled with a perverted grin. "Now i got feeling, that a lot of good will come by causing a bit of mischievous incidents, say lets screw around with people, i dont mean fuck." she clarified.

Xenovia ran after the two morons.
"Well judging by the armor they were wearing I would say they would be fine." Iris said. Besides she didn't come all the way to the beach to get chased by a bunch of church girls. "So these fallen angels. We'll be adding them to my harem?" She then asked. Just thinking about being surrounded by naked busty woman put a dumb smile on Iris' face, not to mention her bikini bottom got a little tight. Good thing she was wearing shorts. "Um....I don't think that's a good idea." Asia said as a loud gunshot was heard.

"How the fuck did you miss from that close?!" Tucker asked. "Fuck! The sun was in my eyes." Church replied with.
Mako sighed heavily, she quite annoyed, pissed even. "Yeah im going to strangle them." She said to herself, she reallly hated those two. "Sooooooo...... Do we have to save them?" Mako groaned.

Xenovia sighed and charged at the two morons, she wss pretty pissed.
"It's the right thing to do." Asia replied with. "Well they are my assistants too. Plus I'm sure your boss will have your ass if something happens to them." Iris said. "This will also give me a chance to try out my sacred gear. You still have to teach me how to use that."

"Whoa sweet cheeks calm down. It's not he was aiming for you." Tucker said. "Yeah, I was." Church said.
Mako sighed. "Well i can't help with that, you might wanna try to awaken the dragon within your Sacred Gear, or you know lets just let them get their ass's beat, after all its not my fault the two are fucked." Mako huffed as she turned her head slightly, closing her eyes in annoyance. "Besides i had hoped that our two assistants would have been a Kurumu or Mizore, at least they are tolerable."

Xenovia swung her fists at Tucker, hitting in the helmet, before kneeing him in the stomach.
"Well how the hell am I'm suppose to do that? It's not like this thing comes with a fucking instruction manual." Iris said in annoyance. Of course she and Asia had no idea who the hell she was talking about. Oh well, looks like those two were screwed for the time being.

Tucker didn't really feel the hit to his head, but he sure did feel the knee to the stomach. "Urk.....son of a bitch." He said collapsing to the ground. Church aimed his rifle at Xenovia again though instead of getting her in the head he shot her in the leg. At least he got her this time.
Mako sighed annoyed out of her mind. "Fine just think about summoning your scared gear." She told Iris as she turned to Asia. "Im going to demostate an ability. Got it?" she got a quick nod from the blonde. "Serach." she simply said, she went quiet, her eyes glowing as she did.

Xenvoia grunted as she as shot in the leg, that didn't stop her though and she ran at Church, knocking the rifle from his hand and tackling him. "Die!: she exclaimed in anger and rage.

Koneko sighed as she adjusted her new bathing suit, it was pain, well at least it wasn't like Kib- Kiki situation.
Iris nodded as she closed her eyes. All she was trying to focus on was her scared gear and within a minute the red gauntlet that was on her hand last night reappeared. "Ha! Sweet it worked." She said. "Very good Iris." Asia said happy for the girl.

"No thanks. I've done that already." Church said. Well it looked like he was about to die again.

Kiba or Kiki's face was a bit red as she looked down at her breasts. She was wearing a dark grey bikini and was still getting used to being a female. "The fabric is so, thin on this. How do you girls wear these?" She asked.
Mako gasped as her eyes stopped glowing. The gasp was not one of danger or anything, but one of excitement. "Well don't know how this slipped by me, but whatever. This universe is awsome, there exist a Moka, Kurumu and Mizore in this universe." She turned her head and looked at Iris who was to busy looking at her scared gear. "Woah."

Xenovia started to punch the helmet Church wore repeatedly, again and again, she punched, not once stopping, the rage in her eyes was very, Scary.

Koneko shrugged. "Just comes natural I guess." She said with a stretch. "Why did this have to happen to me." She complained about her new form. "I mean I guess its nice being bigger but.."
"Yeah I actually got it to work.......now what?" Iris asked. "Do I just....punch people with it. Or maybe I build up energy and it shoots it out."

"Ow.....ow.....ow....ow." Church kept saying in the most emotionless tone ever. "Damn.....and her I thought Tex and Carolina were bad." Tucker whispered to himself pretending to be knocked out.

"I....guess.....if you were born a girl that is." Kiki whispered that last part to herself. "I think you look beautiful Koneko."
Xenvoia didn't stop, and continued to punch, and with one final swing she slammed her right fist into Churchs visor, breaking causing it to crack.

Mako sighed. "With that scared gear, your able to boost your own power, or transfer it to other things, and you can keep going for a long time, you could power yourself up enough that you could kill a god. Well so long as your body can handle the energy." She explained to Iris, using her left hand to grab Iris left gaunlet covered hand/arm. "Now try to communicate with the dragon inside." She said.

Koneko sighed annoyed as her breast slightly jiggled. "I need to go clothes shopping soon, hey Kiki do you think what happened to use is becuase of that pervert?" She asked her former male friend.
"Hey you cracked my helmet you fucking cunt. I only have one of those." Church said angrily.

"You and me both." Kiki said chuckling a bit. She still only had boys clothes, the girls uniform she borrowed from Rias. "You talking Issei, or Iris? Maybe though she says she had nothing to with it." Kiki answered with though she had her doubts.

"Alright.....here goes nothing." Iris said as she tried to focus once more. However she just couldn't focus hard enough. "Shit.....nothing is happening."
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