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RP: FTWD: Survive With Me (randomname98766789 x greenandgold)

Braden enjoyed the shower with Alicia, but it ended too quickly. When the couple reached the deck and spotted their siblings talking, he listened closely to the conversation before they all sat down. Instead of interrupting them, Braden simply focused on Alicia. With her head on his shoulder, Braden decided to take things one step further. He pulled the brunette to sit in his lap, her ass against his crotch. However, there was nothing sexual about this. Instead, he was merely holding her in a loving, gentle position. His arms wrapped around her waist and Braden started peppering kisses along her neck. Nick and Clarke were in a different world right now, oblivious to them.

Braden just wanted to spend more quality time with Alicia. His head was feeling much better now that he rested. “I love you, Alicia. Get used to being in my lap and in my arms. I don’t think I’m letting you out anytime soon.” The young man teased not all that jokingly. If they were here on the yacht, Braden would always find a chance to hold Alicia and kiss her. If things went well, it could be a nice, relaxing ride in the water. Braden doubted it but he liked to remain optimistic.


Nick also spotted Braden and Alicia. While he always worried about his little sister, Nick had known Braden and Clarke forever. Sure, he was not always around but he had always seen how well Braden took care of Alicia. Big brothers were supposed to scare off their sister’s boyfriend, but Nick had never found himself to have an issue with Braden. Besides, he was always there while Nick was hardly there. That was the past, though. Nick wanted to change the tune about him. Talking to Clarke, he was mesmerized. She had always been attractive to him but he was mostly too drugged up to function. They had been good friends before she left to college. Around that time was when his addiction started getting worse.

She asked about his life the past few years and Nick was embarrassed to answer. “Well, I certainly have not had a life like yours. I’ve been fighting my addiction… and always losing. I’ve been in rehab facility after rehab facility. I couldn’t keep a job. There’s nothing much you missed, honestly.” Nick hated talking about his past because it was shameful. Here was Clarke, a gorgeous girl that he had known forever and she was having an incredible life while Nick was full of self-loathing.
When Braden pulled her into his lap, Alicia went willingly. Her head rested against his shoulder like usual, and she was just happy to be with him, and to see that Nick and Clarke seemed
to be doing okay as well. She relaxed peacefully and happily in his arms, glad and thankful every single day that he was okay. That they were all okay. The brunette felt his arms wrapping
around her waist and a smile came to her lips at the well recognized and well liked action. She could tell that their siblings didn't realize they were there with them, as they were too caught
up in catching up with each other, and that was okay.

"I love you, too." She said softly, and then kissed his lips. "And I have no problem being in your arms all the time. Though being in your lap might cause a few stares. The others might think that we're trying to hide something," The brunette said and then she laughed softly, teasingly, so that that her boyfriend would know what she meant. "I'm okay with you not letting me go anytime soon. I love being close to you and you know I will take any excuse I can get, to keep being close to you.." Alicia rested her hands on his arms that were around her waist.

Clarke reached out with one of her hands and took one of Nick's into her own. "I'm sorry that you've been having so much trouble with your addiction," She told him. "I know that you had started using when your father died, as a way to cope with, or even forget about the pain and emptiness his death left behind. I just want you to know that if you ever need or want to talk about anything, I'm willing to listen. Or if you just don't want to be alone, I'm happy to give you some company. When I was at college in Dayton, I lost a friend of mine to addiction."

"So while I won't pretend to know what you're going through, and I won't coddle you, I will say that you have my ear and my attention any time you want or need it. All you have to do is
let me know." The blonde squeezed the other blonde's hand that held hers. "You're my friend and I just want to make sure that you live as long as possible. I know that's more difficult now with the Infected walking around, and as bad as this is to say, maybe this is just what you've needed to finally kick your addiction. I mean, it's not like you'll be able to get drugs anymore, with everything as fucked up as it is."
“I was thinking about our wedding. I don’t want us to wait longer than we have already. I was able to find some wedding bands in an abandoned jewelry store during my time away. Since we both want our siblings to at least be there, we can suggest it after they are done talking. We can talk to your Mom and Travis, too. We can set it up somewhere on the yacht. I doubt Strand will mind. It means getting everyone away from him and he’ll probably enjoy the peace in his cabin. What do you think? I need to marry you as soon as I can. I love you, Alicia. I can’t wait to call you my wife.” Braden admitted with a soft smile.

After saying this, he waited for Alicia to respond. “Do you think you’d mind dressing up a little bit? I know we don’t have any fancy clothing but we did bring a few pieces like this. I made sure to get a dress or two in your bag. I know you’re not one for dressing up but I’d love it if you would. I can dress up as well unless you prefer I did something different. I want this wedding to be perfect. It’s already perfect for me since I’m marrying you, but I think we can add in a few extra things we both like.”


It was an actually surprising action when Clarke reached out to take one of his hands. Nick did not fight it, though. It felt nice, actually. He listened to her talk about the origin of his usage and she was right. It was a way to deal with what happened to his father. She was not the only person that was willing to talk to him. Madison, Alicia, and even Braden offered to talk if he ever needed help. However, he wanted someone to talk to that was not really family: he wanted a friend. Sure, his family was his friends but he wanted a friend that did not have to be around him by default. Clarke might be that person. “I’m sorry that you lost someone to addiction. I think my mother has lost a son to addiction and Alicia has lost a brother to addiction already.” He might not be dead but he was pretty much lost.

Knowing that the other couple were about a dozen feet away, Nick spoke that part quietly. “Thank you for offering this. I’m glad that you are my friend. I will do my best. It’s been a tough few days with my withdrawal but I’m doing better. I just feel hopeless for the most part. I didn’t think I could ever get past this but now I have no choice and I think I’m doing better. I want to be around so I can help protect everyone.
"I don't mind dressing up," Alicia assured him. "And I'd love it if you dressed up as well. Anytime I get to see you all dressed up is a treat for me," She said and then smiled. The brunette nodded at her boyfriend's words when he spoke about having their siblings and her mother and Travis there, too. "Yeah, I'm sure Strand will definitely appreciate the time alone, without
my mother constantly nagging him about where we're going or about making up some kind of plan about what's going to happen next." The smile on her lips widened when he said that
he couldn't wait to call her his wife. "I can't wait to call you my husband."

"Just like you said, our wedding is already the best thing in my life, because I'm getting to marry you, the one I love. And yes, that did get overly sappy and romantic, but I don't care. I love you and I want us to spend the rest of our lives together, however long that may be. If there's one reason I'm glad for the end of the world, it's that I get to marry you sooner instead of later. If the world was still normal, we'd have had to wait several more years before we got married. I'd have wanted to finish college before we got married. But that's a moot point, and I'm happy to marry you now."

Clarke shook her head at Nick's words. "Your mother and sister haven't lost you to addiction. There are only two ways that happens. One, would be if you had overdosed and died from your addiction, which you haven't. And two, would be if you had gotten so lost in your addiction that you left and never came back. The thing is, is that you're looking at things the wrong way. This is a new opportunity for you to reinvent yourself. You're no longer going to have access to drugs, so it'll be easier for you to not be tempted since there won't be any drugs around to tempt you."

"I'm sure that you've already been through withdrawal. So, now, all you have to do is focus on other things. More important things. Like staying alive, trying to keep your sister and your mother alive. Staying alive because if you try and wuss out on me, I'll kick your ass," The blonde said firmly and without hesitation. She fell silent a moment later when he spoke about doing his best. "That's all anyone can ask of you, Nick. You just have to remember that drugs aren't an option anymore. By doing drugs you're not just putting your own life at risk, but everyone else's. If you were to take drugs and fall into a stupor, you'd be setting yourself up as an easy target for the Infected."

"And you wouldn't be able to help defend your family. And I know that you'd never want to put them at risk. So, talk to me. When things get too bad and you don't know how to deal, wake me up and we'll talk. And don't give me some shit excuse about not wanting to wake me up. Because I'm telling you right now, that I'd rather have you wake me up and have me lose a few hours of sleep, instead of finding you out of your mind on some kind of stupid drugs."
Everything Alicia said made sense and made Braden happy. For the next few minutes, he cuddled with Alicia and gently kissed her neck and face. When Nick and Clarke grew silent for a couple minutes, he decided there was no better time to approach them than the present. Holding Alicia’s hand, he pulled their chair towards their siblings before he sat down again, pulling Alicia back into his arms. “There’s something we want to talk to you both about. We are getting married soon. Maybe tonight or tomorrow. We want you two to be there. We care about you both so much and it would make us happy if you were there.”

Pausing, Braden smiled at Alicia when he admitted to their siblings that they were getting married. “I know that we’re young and we know that if the world hadn’t gone to hell, things might be different right now but that is besides the point. We absolutely want this and we don’t want to wait. I have the rings already and we just need our close family there. We’ll talk to Madison and Travis soon but we wanted to talk to you first.” After pausing, Braden looked to Alicia and waited to see if there was anything else she wanted to add to what he just said. Besides, Clarke married rather young as well so she would hopefully understand their dire need to marry now.


It was not often that anything anyone said to Nick resonated with him. However, when Clarke started talking about this, Nick paid close attention and decided she was right. This was not the time to give up. He had made so many fucking mistakes in the past but that was all over now. Instead, he would focus on living his life and helping his family survived. He promised Clarke that he would talk to her whenever he needed someone to talk to. For now, he was good. He did not say that just to get Clarke off his case. In fact, he truly felt relieved for the first time in a long time because of the things Clarke just said to him. He appreciated it and a very comfortable silence fell between the two until Braden and his sister arrived.

Nick paid attention and heard what they said. Marriage? It made Nick smile. As the older brother, his job was traditionally to scare away any boy that even looked at his sister. Unfortunately, that was a difficult task for Nick since Braden was so good to his sister. During the times when he was not there to protect Alicia or make sure she was taken care of, Braden did it. Nick never forgot the one year he made Madison miss Alicia’s birthday party because of him being on a drug bender. It was Braden that quickly called the bowling alley to make a last minute reservation just so Alicia would have something for her birthday.

Nick thought Braden was a special guy. He knew their father loved him even when they were so young. “I would be happy to be there and help however I can. You two are a great match for each other. I know you’ll always keep my sister safe, Braden. It helps me rest easier at night.” He commented, offering the male a smile when he saw the look on Alicia’s face as they talked about getting married. Age was not an issue. They were truly in love and Nick saw no reason to wait for them.
"I think tomorrow afternoon would be the best time," Alicia said softly, smiling. "This way no one has to wake up too early in the morning and we can all just enjoy a lazy morning, and then get up and get ready for the wedding in the afternoon." She fell silent a few moments later and listened as Braden spoke to Nick and Clarke. When he was finished, the brunette paused and waited a few moments just to make sure, and then she started to speak again. "With what's going on now, no one knows how much longer we'll all be alive. And with that said, I don't want
to waste a single moment more of my life, not being married to Braden."

"So, you and Mom and Travis might think that we're too young to get married, but the same rules as before don't apply now. All anyone can do now, is try to survive, and try to find some kind of happiness in the mess that the world has now become. And marrying Braden is what's going to make me happy. You know both know how deeply Braden and I feel for each other. We've been together for years." She stopped talking a few moments later, when Nick started to talk. A smile came over her lips and she moved to hug her brother when he agreed.

"Thanks Nick, I love you big brother." The brunette said and kissed his cheek.

Clarke and Nick had been talking and getting to know each other again when their siblings joined them. Hearing her brother talk about marriage made her smile, though the action was strained. It wasn't that she had a problem with Alicia, or with the young woman becoming a part of her family. She was just worried about what was going to happen to both of them.
The blonde didn't want either of them to get married and then have their marriage end up like hers had. Having to see the person you loved turned into something so unrecognizable
was horrible.

And then having to kill the person you love was even worse. She didn't want that for them. But it didn't matter what she wanted. This wasn't about her. She would no longer be needed to protect her younger brother. He would be married and his focus would be on Alicia, which is where it should be. But that didn't stop Clarke from worrying about his safety. Braden and Alicia getting married meant that her brother would be more at risk now. He'd go to even more dangerous lengths to keep Alicia safe from now on. And even though she thought all of this, the words never left her lips.

This is what Braden wanted, so she would support him. She would never let him know the doubt, worry, and fear she felt about it. He didn't need the added pressure of having to reassure
her. She was the older sibling here and it was her job to make sure that her little brother got everything that he wanted and needed. A small smile came to her lips, but it was forced. The
only good thing about their time apart from each other the last few years was that her brother was no longer good at reading her. "Just let me know how I can help," Clarke said softly.
It pleased Braden to hear everything that Nick and Clarke said. Like Clarke thought, Braden did not read her well enough now to see how she was truly feeling. Even though that was true, he walked to Clarke and gave her a hug as well. Then, Nick stood up and pulled his future brother-in-law into a hug of his own and they chuckled happily. Once this was done, Nick suggested they could all use some rest. It was getting late and they needed to be ready for tomorrow. Agreeing, Braden bid their siblings a good night as he was just excited for tomorrow afternoon. Before going to bed, though, they would likely have to talk to Madison and Travis. Taking Alicia’s hand, Braden walked his fiancé through the yacht and back to the cabin where her mother and Travis shared. He knocked on the door and informed them who it was at the door.

Once it was opened, Madison invited them both inside and Braden decided he would talk. “Tomorrow, Alicia and I… we’re getting married. We know that we’re young but those rules don’t apply anymore. We love each other so much and getting married is something that will keep us happy. We know this is what we want. We’re going to have a little ceremony tomorrow afternoon. Of course, we hope that you both will join us.” Braden spoke, looking politely to her mother and Travis. As expected, Madison actually seemed happy about the news as she and Travis were both congratulating the couple and were excited to hear this.


It did make Nick happy to hear this. Alicia was going to have the kind of life that he could never have with someone. That was alright, and that was what he wanted. Besides, Nick knew that Alicia would be in the capable hands of a man that loved her dearly. That’s all he could want. Even with the possibility of losing each other, Nick figured it was better to live out their days in love than to ignore each other just because the other might die. It would be painful losing someone but Braden and Alicia were both concentrated on making the most of their life. It was truly a representation of the difference between the glass half empty and glass half full kind of person.

Nick finally pulled Braden into a hug since he was family now. He’d always been family so it was official now. After Nick suggested they should probably get some sleep, he grinned to himself as he watched the couple walk away and off deeper into the yacht. He waited until they were out of earshot before saying anything. “Young love.” He chuckled softly and leaned back into the chair. “It seems like only yesterday they were in middle school and Braden passed her a note. I could never forget the excited look on my sister’s face the day that happened.” He mused as he thought back. Who knew that a relationship that started so young with such a childish beginning like all middle school relationships did would grow into this.

Looking to Clarke, he could tell there was something forced about her smile. Perhaps Nick was just good at reading people and once Braden and Alicia left, it seemed like she was not forcing anything anymore. “Are you not happy for them?” he questioned curiously, wondering what in the world could possibly make someone not agree with a marriage between such a perfect match.
Clarke looked at Nick. "I love my brother and I love Alicia. There's no question about that. You and your sister are our best friend's, just as our parents were best friend's. But you're asking if I support a marriage in this new fucked up world when I already know how it's going to end. And being honest with you, I don't wish that kind of pain on anyone. It's not something you ever get over. And it's bad enough to have to put a bullet in your boyfriend or girlfriend, but it's even worse when it's your husband or wife. But Braden's my brother and if this is what he wants, then I'll put on a fake smile and do whatever he needs me to do."

"As long as he's happy, that's all that matters. Even if we both end up regretting this in the long run." She sighed and fell silent a moment later, running a hand through her long blonde hair. The fingers of her other hand moved against Bellamy's wedding ring that always hung from her necklace, a nervous habit that she had picked up shortly after he had died. "I just worry about him. About both of them. I don't want them to have to go through the pain that I went through with my husband.." Clarke said softly. "Losing Alicia would destroy Braden, and vice versa. But there's no stopping it."
Nick listened to what Clarke had to say about his sister’s and her brother’s marriage. It was disappointing to hear how negative Clarke was about it. Nick assumed she was the more optimistic type judging by what she said earlier. He understood what she was saying somewhat but he just shook his head. He knew she had to kill her husband when he reanimated and that must have been horrible. “I think you’re right that it would be horrible for Braden and Alicia to lose the other, but you don’t know how it’s going to end. If you knew we were all going to die now then why should we even try? Like you told me earlier, there would be no point of me trying to stay clean now. Not long ago you were telling me to keep myself clean for a better future. Braden and Alicia are that future, Clarke. They are getting married. Hell, they might even have a kid sometime. Who knows? If they do, that’s great.”

Nick sighed, sitting up on the chair. “We can’t just say fuck love and ignore people because we might lose them. We could lose them even when the world was normal. I’m just asking you not to ruin the day tomorrow. Think twice about a fake smile. Put on a real one. This should be a happy time. I remember how happy Braden was at your wedding. Just don’t be an asshole, please. Don’t ruin their day.” Clarke was blunt with Nick earlier and Nick was blunt with Clarke now. He found it unfair that she thought this way. Just because she went through one thing did not give her the right to think so poorly of the marriage. Besides, this was a needed relief in a world of shit. How could she not be anything but happy?


After spending the next ten minutes talking with Madison and Travis, Braden and Alicia explained the wedding would take place tomorrow afternoon. They would want to do it outside on one of the decks if the weather allowed. Braden had the rings ready and they were going to dress up for each other. Braden also spoke of wanting to have a dance with her. His phone still had charge in it and he could play some wedding songs for at least a few minutes. They could have a mock feast with the little supplies they have. Of course, they would not consume a lot of supplies: they would consume a normal ration for each person but they could make it up like some wedding feast.

Braden and Alicia wanted a genuine wedding experience even with the world as it is. Not long after that, they couple was done here and walked down to the lower level of the yacht. They were still the only used cabin down here for maximum privacy. Once they entered into their quarters, Braden looked towards Alicia and offered her a sweet, loving smile. He could not resist himself, pulling the brunette into a hug so her head rested against his chest. “I’m so excited, Alicia…”
Clarke didn't say much more for the rest of the night. She wasn't trying to be a bitch. She wanted Braden and Alicia to be happy, but how could they be happy with what was waiting for them around any corner? Did they think that this was just going to go away? That a few people were sick and once the CDC got off it's ass and made a cure, everything would be better? That life would go back to normal? That wasn't going to happen. There was no cure. There was no waiting out what was going to happen, because they were all going to end up as one of the Infected.

It wasn't a matter of if, but when. After listening to what Nick had to say, the blonde excused herself and left the front of the boat, going into her room and closing the door. Maybe it would be better if she just didn't say what she thought anymore. Just pasted a smile on her face and went along with what everyone else wanted. She had never seen herself as a glass half-empty kind of person, but that had changed once Bellamy had died. Clarke was struggling with him not being there. The blonde moved to lay down in the bed. Maybe she just needed some sleep and that would help her feel better.. Maybe help her feel not so bleak.

Dinner was going well. Bellamy had just gotten home for the day after his load of classes. Clarke had returned home an hour ago, and she had made dinner for the two of them, wanting them to be able to have a nice dinner together and relax after a long day. She heard her husband come into the kitchen and then felt his arms slip around her waist from behind and his lips on her neck as he kissed her, making her laugh and turn in his arms. They had agreed on a simple night in. It was their 4th wedding anniversary, they had gotten married 4 years ago today.

She wore a figure fitting dress that hugged her hips and showed off her chest and ass. Her hair was pulled up into a complicated twist, and she had made the same food that they had had on their wedding day. They met in a kiss, and after a few minutes of being in each other's arms, released each other and sat down to dinner. Their dinner together was wonderful, one of the best times she had had in her life. Suddenly, there was the sound of pounding on the door, and they both got up to see who it was. Clarke followed her husband and watched as he looked through the peephole, telling her that it was one of their neighbor's, Cassandra.

Bellamy unlocked and opened the door, and they ushered their friend inside, closing and locking the door behind her. Clarke helped Cassandra to sit on the couch, asking the other woman if she was okay and what had happened. The other woman's shirt and jeans were torn, and her arm was bleeding. After finding out that some homeless man had bitten her, Clarke helped Cassandra to the bathroom and helped clean her wound. Her and Bellamy's celebration of their marriage was over. They agreed that Cassandra could stay with them that night, and set
her up to sleep on the couch.

Eventually things had calmed down and after the two of them had showered, they laid down in bed together, curling up together. Clarke fell asleep in Bellamy's arms, waking only slightly a few hours later to hear Bellamy tell her something about him going to check on Cassandra and for her to go back to sleep, so she did. Sometime later she woke up again, and glanced at her husband's spot in bed beside her and noticed that he wasn't there. She looked at the clock and frowned, knowing that he had left to check on Cassandra hours ago, and apparently he hadn't come back?

Clarke wiped her eyes and got up from the bed, leaving the room and going into the living room to check on Cassandra and see if Bellamy was with their friend. A light was on in the living room, and the blonde paused as she noticed that the front door was open. But what really caught her attention was the sight of another of their neighbor's lying on the floor with both Cassandra and Bellamy leaning over them, their hands and faces covered in blood and wait.. Were they eating that person? She called out to Bellamy and Cassandra, and when they
turned to look at her, she saw that their eyes were red.

As they dropped the bits of flesh that was in their hands and got up, going over to her, she ran into the bedroom and got Bellamy's shotgun, shooting them when they entered the bedroom. Clarke shot them each in the arm, in the leg, trying to get them to stop. But it didn't work. She shot Cassandra in the head and her friend went down and didn't move. A scream of sadness left her lips as she finally shot Bellamy in the head, and he dropped to the floor and didn't move.
[End of Dream]

Clarke screamed as she bolted upright in the bed, her heart pounded in her chest as she tried to get her bearings. Her breath came out in gasps as she reached over and quickly turned on the lamp on the bedside table. It was just a nightmare. It was over and done with, and she just needed to forget what had happened. The blonde told herself these things as she tried to get her fear and breathing under control once more.
With everything that was going on, Braden needed to feel Alicia. His hands reached underneath her thighs and lifted her upwards in his arms as he carried her towards the dresser set up in the room. It was the perfect height for this. With a smile, Braden sat Alicia down onto the edge as he started kissing her. The love he felt for the brunette was growing wildly. They were getting married and now they were going to make love. One hand rested on the small of her back as the other rested on the nape of her neck, tangling in her long hair.

He pulled her face to his while they kissed, his tongue sliding into her mouth. The male moaned out softly against her lips, his head tilting to the side. A soft moan left his lips and Braden made the kiss even more passionate. “I love you, Alicia. I love you so much.” The male whispered softly against her mouth. It was impossible to control himself now as the hand on her back reached underneath her shirt, searching to unclasp her bra while they kissed passionately. His hips started rubbing against her crotch, growing more aroused by the second.


Nick retired soon after Clarke did. She had just been through so much trauma. He related, but not in the same way. When he tried to sleep, Nick found it impossible. He tossed and turned all night long. When he was in a half-asleep state, the scream next door woke him up. In fact, he was landing on the floor, pulling on a shirt within mere seconds before bolting out the door and beside his room. There was Clarke. Taking a deep breath, he checked the doorknob and found that it was locked. Then, he started to knock on the door with his fist.

“Clarke? Clarke, is everything alright? It’s Nick. Please, open the door. I heard you scream. Either you open the door or I’m busting in.” He called out. They were away from everyone else so the male just needed to know if Clarke was alright. It mattered to him. He did not think there were any infected on board. She likely had a bad dream or something so Nick wanted to be there for her. He simply stood there and waited to see if she was opening the door or if he was finding a different way inside.
Alicia laughed softly when Braden lifted her up into his arms and then carried her over to the dresser, and placed her on top of it. "This is a new one for us," She teased her fiancé and then happily kissed his lips. The brunette felt one of his hands move to her back, as the other one moved to her neck and tangled in her hair, causing her to moan softly against his lips as they continued to kiss. When his tongue slipped into her mouth, she rubbed her own tongue against his and moaned softly against his mouth, unable to get enough of the enjoyable action.

"I love you, too." The young woman said softly, a smile on her lips as they whispered to each other. A smirk came over her as she felt his hand that had been on her back, moving under her shirt and searching for the clasp on her bra as they continued to kiss. Moans left her lips as Braden finally found the clasp on her bra took it off and tossed it aside, along with her shirt. As
his hips started to rub against her, Alicia eagerly and happily rubbed back against him, feeling him getting more and more turned on against her every second. "Take me to bed," She said
in no uncertain terms.


Clarke quickly got up from the bed when she heard Nick's voice, which told her that she had waken him up. She walked over to the door a few moments later, unlocked and opened it. The blonde lifted a hand and quickly wiped at her eyes, not wanting to seem weak. "Sorry for waking you up," The young woman said softly, and stepped back a little so that her friend could
enter the room. She was just in a long t-shirt and her underwear, having decided to save the rest of her clothes to wear during the daytime. "It's so stupid, I'm fine. I just had a nightmare."

"You can go back to sleep. I didn't mean to wake you." A few moments later, she ran a hand through her hair, knowing that she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep any time soon after the nightmare. She was afraid of seeing Bellamy as one of the Infected, with the skin in his teeth and the blood all over his mouth, face, and hands. It was a memory that still haunted her all
of the time, especially at night. "Hopefully I didn't wake anyone else up with my screaming," Clarke said softly.
Breaking the kiss, Braden gripped the hem of Alicia’s shirt. In seconds, it was removed from her body and discarded on the floor. Nude from the waist up, Alicia’s body was in full view of Braden. He took his time and admired her. Toned abdomen, tanned skin, firm, perky breasts, a killer smile, gorgeous eyes, long, flowing hair. Wow. “How did I get so lucky?” He wondered aloud, reaching down to grab both of Alicia’s hands. His kissing took on a new set of emotions this go around. His lips captured Alicia’s again, but it was a slow kiss. Within seconds, he was smiling against her lips. How could he not? Braden was kissing the most beautiful girl that ever existed in the world. How could he not smile while kissing her?

They had sex in many places during their life. A new surface had just presented itself. When Alicia told Braden to take her to bed, he would. First, however, the young man was going to fuck her right here on this dresser in their new cabin. Pulling back from the kiss again, Braden decided to give his fiancée a little show. His hands slowly stripped away at his shirt, throwing it to the side and leaving his hot upper body revealed. The male grabbed her hands again, placing them on his chest while his fingers worked on her pants. “I know we might be alone on this level but I’m going to make you scream so loud that everyone will hear you.” Braden winked, his lips capturing the sensitive spot on the brunette’s neck while he worked on undoing her jeans.


When the door open, it was easy to see that Clarke was crying. It appeared her act earlier was just a façade. She acted like feeling of love were nothing when her own ate away at her from losing the love of her life. She did not even need to say anything. Nick already knew what she had dreamed. It was just this gut feeling he had. “Don’t apologize, Clarke.” Nick murmured when he stepped into the rom. “It is not stupid, If you had a nightmare that bad, you probably don’t need to be alone Clarke. I’m not going back to sleep unless you’re alright. You have been there for me. You told me I could come to you whenever I needed something. The same goes for you.” He explained as he made his point that there was nothing that would move him from this room.

Nick knew she would not fall asleep anytime soon. The male simply shook his head when she asked about waking anyone else. “Why don’t you just lay back down? Talk to me. I’ll sit here in the chair and talk.” Nick offered, figuring she would not want them to be in the same bed. Nick just wanted to help her however he could though.
"Promises, promises." Alicia said and grinned as she watched her boyfriend work on her pants. Her hands happily traced all over Braden's chest as she shifted a little to get more comfortable on her back while lying down on the dresser. "You got so lucky because I forgave you for putting sand in my sandwich when we were kids, and you were the only boy who didn't scream or cry when I kissed you in retaliation. The rest of the boys on the block who were part of the joke, ran screaming or crying when I kissed them or tried to. It's all pretty funny now when I think about it."

She scratched her nails lightly over his chest. Not enough to hurt him, but just enough to give him a little bit of that pleasure/pain feeling. A moan left her lips when Braden's lips moved to her neck and he started to kiss that sensitive spot that he knew dove he crazy. Her own hands remained on his chest, caressing the skin there for a little while, before moving down his body and starting to work on his pants. She undid the button and zipper, and slipped one of her hands inside his pants and started to stroke his cock, wanting to get him hard and ready for her.
The fond memory allowed a chuckle to erupt from his lips. “Haven’t we come so far since then? Now look at us. We’re getting married. Tonight is our last night not being husband and wife.” Exciting did not even accurately describe how Braden felt. It was something deeper than pure excitement. Soon enough, his hands successfully pulled down her jeans. Ridding Alicia of her shoes and socks, the jeans were next. Their lips connected again while Alicia stroked his cock. A moan escaped his lips against Alicia’s mouth because it felt so damn good. His jeans slid down around his ankles so the male quickly stepped out. His cock had already grown erect against Alicia’s hand because her touch was an unbelievable sensation.

“I love you, Alicia. My sweet, sexy Princess.” Breathing out, Braden placed his hands onto her thighs and began massaging her upper leg. With her feet dangling off the dresser, Braden found it easy to pull her feet towards his boxers and against the bulge. “Use your feet to take off my boxers, baby. You know how much I love it.” Braden reminded her as both hands reached behind her, gripping her ass tightly as they continued kissing. With the girl’s feet against his boxers, Braden desperately started thrusting against her soles for stimulation, drawing a moan from the back of his throat almost immediately.
Alicia nodded at Braden's words. "Yes, we have. We've been through so much together since then that it's sometimes hard to believe there was ever a time when I didn't love you.." The smile on her lips widened as he pulled off her jeans, shoes, and socks. "I love you, and I can't wait for us to get married.." The brunette said softly, kissing his lips once more. Her eyes trailed over his body as he dropped his jeans. His next words had her nodding along with them. When he started to massage her leg, she moaned softly at his touch, unable to get enough of the feeling
of his hands on her body.

The young woman nodded at his request and wasted no time using her feet to press against Braden's crotch for a moment, rubbing against his bulge, before pulling his boxers off and tossing them aside. Her eyes immediately dropping down to his crotch and then roaming over all of his body. She moaned against his lips, as his hands moved to her ass and gripped and fondled the flesh there as they kissed. When he started to thrust against her feet, the brunette used her feet to stroke his cock as well as she could. Alicia loved the sounds that he made, and wanted him to keep making those sounds for as long as they lived.


Clarke gave Nick a small smile. This was the guy she remembered. The one she had been good friend's with before leaving for college. Not caring about what anyone would say or think if
they were seen in her bed together, she reached out with one hand and took one of his hands into her own, pulling him so that he would lay down in bed beside her. There was nothing inappropriate going on, they were just friends spending time together, and she was grateful that Nick being such a good friend to her. "I just keep dreaming about that night. It's like some horror movie playing over and over in my mind every night when I try to sleep."

"I get that feeling of concern when I wake up and realize that Bellamy's not in bed with me, so I go to check on him. We had been having dinner earlier that night, celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary, when one of our friends/neighbors, Cassandra started banging on our door. We let her inside and saw that she was bleeding. It turned out that she had been bitten by one of the first Infected. A homeless man. So I had taken her into the bathroom to get cleaned up. She ended up sleeping on the couch. And the first time I woke up in the middle of the night, I wasn't fully awake to grasp that Bellamy wasn't in bed with me, and I fell back asleep."

"The second and final time I woke up was a few hours later. Again, I saw that Bellamy wasn't in bed with me, and I figured he was with Cassandra, talking to her or something. I thought it was strange that he hadn't come back to bed. So I left the bed and went into the living room. A light was on in the living room and the front door was unlocked and open, which was weird because we always kept the door shut and locked with two locks and a deadbolt just to be safe. And when I looked down on the ground, that's when I saw them. Another of our neighbors
was lying on the floor with Bellamy and Cassandra kneeling over them."

"Bellamy and Cassandra had blood all over their faces, mouths, and hands. And when they turned to me, I could see the flesh of our other neighbor in their mouths. I called out to them, and they turned to me and I saw that their eyes were red. Bits of flesh fell from their mouths as they got up and stumbled over to me. I didn't know what to do, so I ran back to the bedroom and pulled Bellamy's shotgun down from the closet. They followed me into the bedroom and I shot them both in the arm and leg once, but that didn't stop them from trying to get to me."

"So I shot Cassandra in the head. She went down and didn't move again. That didn't stop Bellamy from trying to come after me. So, just like Cassandra, I shot him in the head, and he went down and didn't move again. I had screamed when I shot Bellamy. And after he went down, I remained standing there for a few seconds trying to understand what had just happened. Then I forced myself to move and I kept the gun in hand as I packed clothes, other weapons, and food and then got in my truck and got the fuck out of there. I ran over many Infected as I drove to LA. And I even stabbed a few at night that tried to bite me when I took a short nap in the back of my truck."

"I just dream about that night a lot. I dream about it every night, actually.." Clarke said softly.
Braden felt nothing but love and arousal right now. His manhood was fully erect thanks to Alicia’s touch. The only piece of clothing remaining on either body was Alicia’s panties. Of course, that did not last long. While kissing the brunette’s sensitive neck, the male moved his hands to hook into the waistband. He slowly pulled the underwear down her toned legs and off her feet. It left the couple nude but there was just one more thing Braden wanted to add. With their eyes locked together, Braden suddenly pulled open one of the drawers. This had been strategic. From the drawer, he removed a pink ball gag. Just like all ball gags he used, it was smaller than the average gag to prevent drooling.

“Just to make sure nobody hears you screaming and thinks something is wrong.” Braden teased playfully. All he wanted tonight was to gag Alicia. Tying her up was fun, obviously, but this was his mood right now. When Alicia opened her mouth, he pressed the pink gag in between her teeth. Once her lips touched the gag, Braden latched the strap at the back of her head, underneath her hair. Satisfied, Braden placed both hands back onto her ass while his head leaned down against her chest. His lips started peppering kisses along her mound of flesh, attacking directly on her nipples at times. It made the male moan again, hoping she would use the chance while not tied up to touch all over his skin.


Clarke’s smile warmed Nick’s heart. His father’s death changed him. After the accident, Nick started using heavily to deal with depression and it spiraled out of control. Nick was not always like this. He had been close with Clarke at one point. They were neighbors and Braden was always over at the house with Alicia. They spent much time together by default and Nick always remembered enjoying it. Sure, he had always crushed on the blonde but he figured she was too far out of his league. Then, she went off to college across the country and Nick could not even graduate high school successfully because of drugs. There was no chance in hell he could have been with her.

It surprised Nick when Clarke grabbed his hands. At first, he wondered if this was a mistake but she made it clear that she wanted him in bed beside her. Nick did not refuse and he allowed himself to be pulled wherever he was needed. If Clarke just needed comfort right now, Nick would provide it. Unlike most guys, his head did not jump straight into the gutter. There was nothing inappropriate about this right now and Nick had no reason to believe that would change. Right now, this was just one friend consoling and helping the other.

Clark revealed that she kept dreaming about “that night”. It did not take a genius to understand what she talked about. To this point, Nick had not overheard anything specific about Clarke having to kill Bellamy. All he overheard was that Bellamy turned and Clarke put him down. He respected her enough to not press the issue and ask about specifics. That was why he did not ask for them now. However, he did not have to ask. She told him anyways. Nick was curious as to what happened. But now that he knew, Nick could better understand his friend. Hopefully, that meant he could better help her recover. It was impossible to fully come back from this, but Nick knew what impossible odds looked like. If he could make Clarke smile and at least get her hopefulness and optimistic back like he remembered her for, that would be great.

It turned out that he died being a good person. Their neighbor was attacked at the beginning before anyone knew anything. Bellamy had gone to check on the woman that was bitten. The way she described the night was horrific. He could not imagine having to kill someone they loved. But, again, Bellamy was not himself after that. She did not kill Bellamy. She just killed an infected. Even in death, it appeared that Bellamy had protected Clarke since he went to check on the neighbor and not her. The roles could have been easily reversed.

When she finished, Nick was surprised how easily she talked about it. Nonetheless, she probably needed a hug and some comfort so he offered that, wrapping his arms around her. “Clarke, I am so sorry to hear that happened. I wish there was something I could do to fix this, but I know that’s not possible. I know Bellamy loved you and I know that you loved him. I can’t imagine what it was like to see him in such a state. I understand that you would have that nightmare every night. Is there anything I can do to help? You know that Bellamy would want you to still try to live out your life and be happy. I can tell you’re much different than the last time I saw you. I know this changed you but I also know that Bellamy would want you to honor his memory by trying to make the best of your life. Even if this never goes away, which I know it won’t, that doesn’t mean we can’t lead happy lives. We’ll go through a lot, but we’ll go through it together. All of us. Your family is my family now and vice versa. It’s always been like that. I’m here for you Clarke. I don’t even know what to say because I can’t even imagine wat you went through. Just let me know how I can help, though.”
Alicia was happy to lay on the dresser and keep running her hands all over Braden's body, caressing his skin and pressing kisses to his lips or neck, whichever part of his body that she could reach. At one point, the brunette felt him take off her panties and she smirked and eagerly spread her legs while watching him toss the clothing aside. They locked eyes a few moments later, and then she watched as he pulled open one of the drawers, laughing softly when she saw him pull out a pink ball gag. "I was wondering when we going to use them again," The brunette said softly, happily.

She was happy to go along with whatever he wanted. The young woman nodded at his words and then opened her mouth and waited as Braden placed the gag between her teeth. A moment later, her lips closed around the gag, and she leaned forward just a bit so that he could tie the strap around the back of her head. His hands moved back to her add a few moments later, and as he groped and squeezed the flesh, she moaned softly against the gag. Her moans turned louder when he started attacking her nipples with his mouth. Alicia loved the sensations that went through her body as he did this.

Given that she wasn't tied up and still had free use of her hands, she wasted no time running her fingers and hands all over his skin. The brunette even reached around Braden and gripped his ass a few times, squeezing the flesh there, before scratching her nails down his back just a little bit.


Clarke held the hug for a long time, once Nick's arms went around her. With the exception of hugging her brother when she had gotten to LA, she pretty much shied away from physical contact. But she needed this. Badly. It wouldn't solve any of their problems with the Infected and it wouldn't erase what she had to do or bring Bellamy back, but it comforted her, and
that in itself was a big thing and the blonde was grateful for it. She was grateful for Nick. He had been her best friend for as long as she could remember, and hopefully that wouldn't

"You're helping me by being here. Talking to me, and just letting me get this horrible thing out. I haven't even told Braden everything that happened. I told him that Cassandra attacked Bellamy, that I killed her and that he died, too. I don't want to scare him, or have him think that I'm a threat to any of you. Honestly, I'm just worried about everything. About everyone.
Who knows how many other people are still alive? And even then, there's a pretty good chance that we're outnumbered by the Infected. I feel bad that things are so damn fucked up."

"Even from the beginning. Both of our fathers are dead, now my and Braden's mother is dead. It just feels wrong knowing that they're gone. I hate that Alicia's wedding is going to mirror mine, where she won't have your father to walk her down the aisle. You and Travis are amazing. That's never been in question. But it's just different when it comes to your own father, you know what I mean? And it's not just about that. It's about all of it. How are we going to live? How are we going to find food and supplies? Is there really any safe places anymore?"

"The Infected are all over, everywhere, and you talked earlier about Braden and Alicia having a kid? I want them to be happy, but it's not safe." Silence passed between them for a few moments and then Clarke said, "I'm going to stop talking now so that you can try and fall back asleep. Thank you for coming to check on me." The blonde scooted close to her friend in
the bed and then pulled the blankets over both of their bodies.. "Good night, Nick. Thank you for being here, and reminding me why you've always been my best friend."
With the gag in Alicia’s mouth, Braden was ready for the real fun. With a grin on his face, Braden felt himself grow even harder when her moans started to grow louder. Feeling her hands touching his body sent a shiver through Braden’s spine. “I love you, Princess.” Braden reminded her with a soft whisper. He used his hand placement to pull Alicia towards the edge of the dresser as he stood at the edge as well. Her legs went around him as he moved Alicia upright into a sitting position. Feeling no reason to waste more time, Braden prepared to enter his fiancée.

His hands playfully spanked her ass, feeling the flesh shake underneath the strike. His lips went back to her neck, attacking her sensitive spot. When the tip of his cock press against his lover’s entrance, Braden shoved inside of her. It felt incredible, having her tight pussy lips clamp on his manhood. Braden moaned Alicia’s name out immediately. His hands squeezed her ass, pushing forward so their hips connected directly. Keeping his fiancée on the edge of the dresser, Braden pumped his hips in and out of her womanhood over and over again.

Braden’s hands kept busy by slapping her ass with each thrust. He simultaneously spanked her ass cheeks while he made love to her. The sound of her muffled noises only served as a catalyst for his impending orgasm. It was not there yet, but Alicia was so hot and Braden loved her so much. There was not a chance he would last too long. His breathing picked up as did his moaning, making sure his lips were right against her ear for each sound.


Nick was surprised how long Clarke held the hug. Since she needed it, Nick stayed in the embrace until she pulled back. She was worried and that was obvious but Nick hoped to quell that worry. “Clarke. You should tell your brother, I think. It’s not my place but you know how much Braden cares about you and even if he’s your little brother, he’s always tried to be around to protect you as well. He won’t think you’re a threat. Besides, he’s seen this firsthand. He knows that the infected are not people. You have nothing to worry about. I assure you. Besides, he’s your brother. I’m sure he knows there’s more to the story than you’re telling him. Nobody else knows you better than him even if you have been away at college.”

Nick understood the bond between siblings. It was true between himself and Alicia. It was nice to hear that he helped her by just being there. Sometimes, that’s all someone needed. Then, Clarke expressed her worries and while they were valid, they were also unimportant in the grand scheme of things. “Clarke, you’re right. It’s not safe. But even then, how many times have children died during birth in the old world? How many freak accidents have happened to take the lives of someone? It happens. It’s always been dangerous to fall in love, to have a kid, but it’s worth it. I haven’t ever known the feeling myself but you have and I know our siblings feel it. They understand it. Even though the world is gone to hell, they see that there is more to life than just finding food, water, and shelter. There’s more to life than worrying about the infected. That’s only surviving. Sure, it might seem smart but it’s a miserable existence. For so long, I only tried to survive. Now, I want to live. That’s what they are doing. They are taking a chance, sure, but they know that the rewards far outweigh the risks. I think that’s a beautiful thing that two people so young understand it. They know that something could happen to either of them. Instead of living in fear, they want to live their lives knowing they tried their best and gave each other everything. There’s much more to life than surviving, Clarke. I know you might not understand that anymore but I hope you will soon enough. When you see them tomorrow, I don’t think you can feel this way anymore. When you see their pure love together during the wedding, I don’t see how anyone can think this is wrong.”

Nick wanted to make Clarke happy. He wanted her to change the way she looked at the world. That started with something simple: like the wedding tomorrow. If he got her to see the good things in these horrible times, it would go a long way to helping Clarke recover. At least, Nick thought that.

“Don’t go to sleep just because you think I want to. We can keep talking if you want.” Nick reminded her, not ready to go to sleep. There was probably more on her mind anyways.
Moans left her lips as Braden spanked her. As he resumed kissing her neck, she started to kiss his shoulder. A mixture between a moan and a scream left her lips, when he shoved his cock inside of her. It wasn't because he had hurt her or anything like that. It was because it felt so good to have him inside of her once more. Each time he thrust inside of her, she also felt him slap her ass, which contributed to making her moan louder against the gag in her mouth. Each time he moaned, it sent a shiver down her spine since his mouth was right at her ear, letting her hear all the sounds he made.

Their bodies banged against the dresser and the wall as they continued to make love. The brunette kept her legs wrapped around Braden's waist, almost as if trying to draw him deeper and deeper inside of her. Alicia loved every single time that they made love and this was no different. Even as her back slammed into the wall once he had moved her to a sitting position, and
while the force of his thrusts slammed her into the wall, there was no way she was going to ask or tell him to stop. Instead, she lifted a hand and pulled viciously at his hair as he fucked her.

"It's not Braden's job to protect me. It's my job to protect him. You're an older sibling, you know what I'm talking about. I know that what you're saying is true, but I think that there are just some things that our siblings don't need to know." She fell silent a few moments later and listened to everything that Nick had to say. Once the blonde was sure that her friend was done speaking, she started to speak once more. "It's not that I think their love is wrong. I just feel like everything is a set up, if that even makes sense. You get everything that you want, only to have it ripped away from you and have it leave you behind and shattered."

"As for the wedding, I already told you that I'm not going to ruin it. I want Braden and Alicia to be happy. I just worry about the end cost." The blonde pushed those thoughts away and looked over at her friend. "I never would've guessed there would be a time where I was the glass half empty kind of person, with you trying to assure me that everything was going to be okay. The role reversal is freaky," Clarke said softly, and she curled into his side. "You know, I haven't said it yet, but I've missed this. The old you. My best friend from before your father died, and I lost that friend to the drugs. I think that being around you might be the pick up that I need."

The blonde paused again for a moment and then said, "Will you stay with me? I don't just mean tonight. I mean from now on. If it makes you uncomfortable, all you have to do is tell me. I just.. I feel safe with you. And your view of things gives me hope that things are going to get better for all of us. I still have doubts. Many of them, but you're right that I should try and find that positive side of myself that's disappeared since Bellamy's died."
In the midst of the violent fucking, Braden had an idea. His hands stopped spanking Alicia’s ass. Instead, they simply rested against her backside and lifted her upwards. They would both have more freedom if he pushed Alicia against the wall instead of the dresser. Braden forgot how difficult it was for them to fuck on a surface like a table or dresser since they are always so rough that it was likely to break something. With a smile on his face, Braden pushed the brunette with her back against the wall in the same position. He had a tight grip on her ass so she was not going to fall. Once the position was assumed, Braden returned to fucking her, sliding his thick cock so deep inside of her.

He could not stop moaning. Braden had been kissing her neck for a while so he finally changed it up and attacked her lips with his own. His breathing became ragged and a smile was growing wider on his face. Braden just fucking loved feeling Alicia’s gagged lips kissing his while they made love. The sound of her back slamming against the wall each time was so arousing just because it showed how rough this was going. His hands remained on Alicia’s ass for support though his fingers continuously dug into and squeezed her flesh, unable to get enough.


Nick agreed with Clarke about the older sibling dynamic. He agreed, but she should never tell Braden that it was his job to be protected by his older sister. Nick could remember, even with their age difference, Braden sticking up for Clarke to a guy that was in Clarke’s grade that had done something to her. Braden was always passionate and fiery when it came to his family. Honestly, Nick found himself often jealous of Braden and Clarke. That was the relationship he wanted with Alicia, but sometimes he felt like that was ruined and that Alicia hated him. He could never forget the look on her face after he was found passed out in the streets on her birthday and Madison had to miss the party and cancel to be with Nick.

He had done so much he wanted to make up for. Nonetheless, he listened to Clarke talk again about things being a set up. “Or, you can look at it a different way. Even if something happens, they can always reflect on the good times. It’s not the same, but it would be something to help them cope. Honestly, though, you see how protective they are with each other. I doubt anything will happen to them. They both have their older siblings protecting them as well.” Nick pointed out with a soft chuckle. It made him almost blush when she wanted him to stay with her, not just tonight, but every night.

“Okay, Clarke. I will be here with you. Every night if that is what you want.” The male whispered, looking deep into her eyes. “I hope I can make you see the positive side of things. That’s all I want, really. I miss this as well. I know there are a lot of doubts. But you shouldn’t focus on those. That does nothing but make you feel miserable. Like I said, I think you’ll have a different opinion when you see them tomorrow and hopefully when I hang around you more often.” Nick added that last part with a soft chuckle.
Alicia let Braden move her how he wanted. Her back hit the wall and each time he fucked her harder and harder, her back slammed into the wall, but the brunette didn't care. All she cared about was that she loved Braden, and how they were both making each other feel right now. Loud moans left her lips as he fucked her and kissed her neck, and when his lips met hers, she kept moaning, this time against his mouth. The gag muffled her moans, but the young woman knew that was part of what Braden enjoyed. Their bodies kept slamming into each other in a harsh frenzy.

Her hands scrambled to find purchase on the wall, even as he supported her body by gripping her ass. A mix between a chuckle and a surprised squeal left her lips when he squeezed her flesh and started to fuck her harder. Alicia was happy to keep kissing him through the gag on her lips, as he kept driving her crazy. Her hands moved to his waist and then to his ass, as she tried to pull him closer and closer to her, encouraging him without words to fuck her harder and faster. Now was not a time for slow and gentle. She wanted it hard, fast, and rough, since this was their last time together as just boyfriend and girlfriend.

Tomorrow she would be his wife. The thought made her smile.

Clarke smiled as she looked at Nick, and listened to what he had to say. "Thank you for agreeing to stay with me. As for everything else, I guess all I can say is that we're going to have to take it one day at a time. My feelings aren't going to change out of the blue. But I do promise to work on not being such a downer all of the time. It's a lot of the reason why I don't talk
much to anybody. I don't want to get them down, but I can't help how I feel." The young woman shrugged a few moments later. "I have an idea," She said and gave a soft smile a few moments later.

"Why don't you tell me the things that you see happening in the future? Things that you just know are going to happen. And things that you want to happen or that you hope happen. Maybe hearing you talk about good things to come will help me change my opinion of how bleak the future looks from here on out." After speaking, Clarke fell silent once more and scooted closer
to Nick, where she rested her head on his chest, took one of his hands into hers, and squeezed it. "No matter what happens, I hope that things between us are okay. I know that I was a
jerk for leaving and crappy at keeping in touch."

"I hope that you can forgive me."
There was something so spectacular about this setting. Braden loved hearing the loud smack of Alicia’s ass and back being slammed against the wall. He loved hearing her muffled sounds with a different pitch with each thrust. The feeling of her skin against his upper body made him weak in the knees. He felt her heels digging into his back with her legs around his waist. “I am getting close, Alicia. I am going to cum inside of you, baby.” Braden growled lowly and loudly. This was turning animalistic. Braden could not control himself. There was nothing that would stop him from finishing the job.

Showcasing his strength, Braden supported Alicia with only one arm. The other hand slipped in between her legs and their colliding hips. The man’s forefinger and middle finger pressed into her clitoris and he began rolling the sensitive bundle of nerves around between them. A wide smile was starting to grow even wider because he wanted to bring Alicia to an orgasm as well. He wanted to feel her soak his cock one more time. His lips attached to her neck again and the male was pounding right into her core. “I love you!” He moaned out in pure pleasure with each thrust. After a particularly sexy moan behind the ball gag, Braden found his release. Ropes of his thick, hot semen exploded from the tip of his cock and filled Alicia as Braden kept kissing her as passionately as he could, focusing on her lips even with the gag in her mouth.


Nick disagreed when Clarke said that she could not change the way she felt. She could if she tried hard enough. Nick had been down that road before. It surprised him when she talked about the future – hearing things that he wanted to happen that could help change her opinion. Nick moved closer as well and even squeezed her hands. Before he said anything, he offered her a smile in return. There was nothing for her to worry about between their friendship. That was something he needed to make certain that she understood. It was important to Nick that she understood it. “The first thing I want you to imagine is me forgiving you even though there is nothing to forgive. Our friendship will stay close. We will be best friends. Picture us having every night together, cuddled up, and a good night sleep. I know nightmares will come but when it does, I will be here to hold you until you feel better. You said that me being here has already helped you. Think about me being there every day and night. I’ll never leave you.” Nick promised the blonde.

“Your brother will marry Alicia tomorrow. They will dance and laugh. You’ll probably dance with your brother and see how grown up he’s becoming. You’ll see the love in his eyes for his wife and know that nothing can tear them apart. You’ll believe in true love again and believe in happiness again. Even when bad things happen, you will see them together and be blown away by the power of love. We’ll make it to wherever we’re going. There will be walls, a roof, and safety. Guards. Fences. We can make a community. We can have our lives somewhat back again.”
After a particular brutal thrust from Braden, and when his fingers found that special spot inside of her, she found herself coming hard on his cock. Her head slammed back against the wall
with dangerous force but the brunette didn't care. His words had a huge smile forming on her lips, and as his fingers and cock continued to work her, even as she the feeling of pleasure
went through her. They kept kissing as they both came, with the gag still on her lips, and her moaning his name. Alicia finally slumped down on the dresser and nearly fell off. She would
have fallen, if Braden hadn't caught her.

"Bed?" The young woman asked a few moments later. She reached for him, wrapping his arms around her waist and hoping that he would carry her to their bed. "I love you. And I love having sex with you. I can't wait for us to be married, so that we both know without a doubt that we belong to each other." When Braden scooped her up into his arms, she happily rested against his chest, all smiles. "I can't wait to be Alicia Patterson," The brunette said softly, curling more comfortably into his side once the two of them were lying down in their bed a few minutes later.


Clarke looked at Nick and at his words, she reached out and hugged him tightly. "I'm still sorry for leaving you and everyone else behind. I was being selfish, and I wasn't there when you and Braden needed me. And I'm sorry for that," She said softly, honestly. "As for you being here with me, I'd love that. I've missed spending time with you, and now we can change that. I want you to tell me if I ever bother you or make you feel uncomfortable, so that I can stop what I'm doing that makes you feel that way. I know I keep saying it, but I don't want to do anything
to screw up our friendship."

She stopped talking a few moments later and listened when Nick started to speak. "I like what you're saying," Clarke said softly, when she was sure that her friend had finished speaking. "As much as I like it, I don't know if I believe it. Not yet. I might need some help. I'm going to need you to keep reminding me of the good things. Can you do that for me? I'll work on not being such a downer anymore. It helps that I have my best friend and my brother back." The blonde let silence fall between them once more as they both thought about the day tomorrow. Many things were going to be different, and she didn't know if she was ready for that.
After placing Alicia down onto the bed, Braden removed the ball gag from her lips. Cleaning it off with a towel, the male placed the gag back into the proper dresser, buried under some clothes. Joining Alicia on the bed, he wrapped his arms tightly around the girl. Sure, he loved making love with her but the post-sex cuddling was always needed and enjoyed. “Alicia Patterson. That just sounds right. I love it. I can’t wait, babe.” He whispered softly, leaning down to nuzzle their noses together. A bright smile remained on his lips as he kissed her lips a couple more times to bid her a good night.

Once they cuddled for a few more minutes and remained nude, Braden pulled the covers over their bodies so they could become warm and slowly drift off to sleep together. Tomorrow was an exciting day and it was so exciting that Braden could hardly sleep. For most of the night, he found himself adoringly staring at Alicia’s face and body. How could a man get so lucky? Braden loved Alicia more than anything in the world. He would keep her safe until his dying breath regardless of what happened here in this new, intense world they faced.


“You were not being selfish, Clarke. You were going to college. How in the hell is that leaving anyone behind? I’m demanding you to stop thinking that. You have no idea how illogical that sounds, Clarke. You were chasing your dreams and you were going to college. I envied that. I wished I could do what you did. There’s nothing to be sorry about.” Nick promised her and even returned the hug. They would never not spend time together now and Nick doubted that she would ever do anything that made him uncomfortable. After Nick told her about those happy things in their future, he just nodded his head in response when she asked to keep reminding her. Everyone that went through a loss had a stage like this.

“It is natural, Clarke. All your life, you have been bright, bubbly, and optimistic. That won’t change. Any person that loses a loved one will have a phase like this. Trust me, I know. It’s even worse considering the circumstances but soon you’ll be happy again. I can promise you that it will happen. Just stay strong and I will keep reminding you.” Nick thought this was a perfect point to end the night. “Good night, Clarke. Sleep well. If you need something in the middle of the night, wake me up. I don’t care when it is. I’ll do the same if I need something.” Nick murmured, deciding to give her one more hug as well.
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