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RP: FTWD: Survive With Me (randomname98766789 x greenandgold)

Alicia moaned as her boyfriend rubbed his cock against her. "You really love to tease me, jerk.." She said, even as she laughed softly. A few moments later, the brunette nodded at Braden's words when he said that he wanted to fuck her in the ass. "I don't have a problem with that, Brae. You know how much I love being with you in any and every way." Their eyes met a moment later, and a happy smile was on her lips, as she pressed a kiss to his lips. The words that he said had her nodding and happily grabbing the towel. Within seconds the young woman had soaped the washcloth up wasted no time running it over his body.

Eager to caress her boyfriend's chest, down his stomach, and then stroking him with both her hand and the towel, between his legs. Moving her hand up and down his cock. Alicia didn't stop her ministrations as he asked if she would wear a dress for their wedding. "I'm happy to wear one for you. I don't have a problem getting dressed up for my handsome and sexy man." She continued to wash his body, loving all of this alone time they were having. It was her favorite way to be with her boyfriend. It was almost enough to make her forget that the world had ended.
After the shower ended, Braden dried Alicia’s body with a towel. He allowed his fiancée to do the same thing to him. When they were both dry, he led Alicia back into the bedroom where the clothing was picked out for them earlier. For Alicia, he had chosen a matching pair of black, lacy bra and underwear. He chose a tank top for her shirt and a pair of leggings that would look so damn good on her ass. Of course, he chose a pair of flip flops for her to wear. The male dressed in everything she set up and they returned to the basement.

When they returned, Braden collected a few items: a ball gag, a bit gag, bondage tape, leather cuffs, regular cuffs, bondage rope, a flogger, nipple clamps, and a couple of blindfolds. He packed in everything he could in one of his bags and let Alicia choose whatever she wanted as well. When they were both ready to leave, Braden reached down to hold Alicia’s hand as they left the rich people’s house and started going towards the jewelry store. As they arrived, Braden realized he was correct. Sure, it was broken into but not much was taken. It had no value anymore so Braden felt like they could take their time. “Let’s look then. Do you want me to find an engagement ring for you, too? Or should we just take a couple wedding bands?”
"Just some wedding bands," Alicia said softly as they looked around. "We can leave everything else for anyone else who finds the place and might need or want them." They each carried
a bag full of sex toys and extra clothes as they browsed the store. Eventually, she found a ring that was masculine and one that would look good on Braden, and safely tucked it away. They continued to browse the store and and eventually had picked out a few things they liked, before storing them and leaving the store. "I think that we should head back to the house, before
it gets to close to curfew."

"I wanna check on everyone and make sure that they're okay. Then I was thinking that you and I might make dinner, and we'll all relax in the living room and spend some time together before we all go to sleep. What do you think?" The brunette asked as they started the walk back to the house. She reached out with one of her hands and then took one of his in her own. Silence fell between the two of them as they kept walking back to the house. It had gotten dark out while they were walking and it was a good thing the house was only a block away.
When Braden and Alicia turned, Braden noticed something was off. The day had been full of treacherous activity for the family. Travis ventured into the Dead Zone with a group of soldiers. Madison, Daniel, and Ofelia discovered that the military was employing Operation Cobalt – a mission that meant the evacuation of all military personnel before the city was bombed. On the way home, Braden spotted truck after truck of military personnel leaving the neighborhood but it never dawned on him that something might be happening. For now, Madison decided to keep this to herself, deciding they would leave in the morning as she tried to carry on like normal. Travis did not even know yet as he had returned not long ago as well.

Since Alicia knew much more about cooking than Braden, he let his girlfriend explain everything they needed. While helping, Braden wondered something aloud to her. “How about our wedding? When do you think we should do it? I would ask where but it’ll probably have to happen in your bedroom or the backyard or something. How do we go about it? We could get my sister or something to play the mediator role. I think she would.” Clarke had always liked Alicia anyways. Braden thought about their wedding with a smile, keeping the wedding ring securely in his pocket as when they went to her room to drop off the bags, he just could not take it away from his grasp.
"Having our wedding in the backyard would be fine. And having your sister be the officiate would be good, too. We just need to decide when we're going to have the wedding and I want to make sure Nick is there, too." Alicia walked with him back to the house. And after storing their bags in the bedroom, they went back downstairs and into the kitchen. She wasted no time pulling out food and pots and pans and starting to cook. Directing Braden around the kitchen and having him do a few things for her. She wasn't being bossy, and just gave him one or two things to do, so he wasn't bored.

The brunette walked around the kitchen easily, stirring food, cutting food up, putting things in pans and pots. Boiling water as she needed it. The plan was to start getting other supplies. She and Braden would have to go on a supply run soon. They were going to get animals to start breeding them for food purposes, like pigs chickens and some cows. They were also going to start a garden so that they would have some fresh fruit and veggies. Once they got that going, it would put an end to any issues they would have for food. After that, they could start scanning the neighborhood for water bottles, clothes, and other useful supplies.
Soon, Travis, Madison, Clarke, Chris, Daniel, and Ofelia returned. Everyone seemed distraught. Braden knew something was off. The members of the house ate their dinner in various locations. Braden enjoyed his meal with Alicia in his lap on the couch. After finishing the food and washing the dishes, Braden decided they could relax tonight. However, Madison talked to the young couple before anything could happen. She came clean about everything they knew: the military was evacuating the neighborhood because they were bombing Los Angeles in an attempt to contain the infection. They learned about it through one of the soldiers and they had to leave immediately. Daniel found out the location of the military compound where they were quarantining those they found.

There, they would find where Nick and Griselda were held but they had to leave immediately. Braden helped his fiancée pack up all their bags with their toys, clothing, and other things they needed. All vehicles were loaded up and they were ready to leave. Braden drove his truck. Alicia would sit in the middle all pressed against him while Clarke would sit in the passenger side. Chris rode with Madison and Travis. Daniel and Ofelia used their vehicle. Braden, his fiancée, and his sister were in the middle of the two vehicles as Daniel took the lead, taking them through the empty neighborhood towards the compound. Things might be getting shaky soon.
Alicia was curled into Braden's side as he drove them out of the neighborhood. "We have no idea where we're even going," She said softly, worriedly. They had basically looted their neighbor's houses for anything useful and then packed anything and everything they could from their house, into the vehicles. They had five cot beds, tons of pillows and blankets. Lots of shoes, clothes, jackets. Kerosine lamps, candle, lighters, food, water bottles and different things to drink in the coolers spread out in the separate vehicles. They had camping gear, sleeping bags, flashlights and more.

She and Braden had hidden their bags of toys from everyone else, just saying it was a few personal things. The young woman had no idea where they were going, just that they were leaving their neighborhood. With a soft sigh, Alicia waited until they pulled up in front of the cemetery. She had one request to her mother and Travis, and it was that they stopped by the cemetery before they left, so that she could tell her father goodbye. There was no telling when or even if they would ever come back. She got out of Braden's truck and entered the cemetery a few minutes later.

Alicia walked over to her father's grave and stood before it, tracing the headstone. "We're leaving, Dad.." She said softly, sadly. "I don't know if we're ever coming back, so I needed to tell you that I love you, that I miss you every day, and that I'll take care of them like I always do. It's too dangerous for us to stay here, so we have to leave. But I just needed to say goodbye. We never got that chance since you died upon impact during the accident." Alicia wiped her eyes and continued. "The world is a mess, Dad. But there's one thing about it that's never going to
get messed up."

"And it's how much I love you, our family, and Braden. We're still together, you know. Even with all this crazy crap going on and the world ending. We're even planning to get married. I wish you could be there, but I know that you're looking down at us and will be there with us in spirit on the special day. I think about you every day, and I do my best to look after Mom and Nick. I'll do better about keeping him off of drugs, I promise. It's going to be hard, but we're strong. Goodbye Daddy," Alicia said softly. She traced the headstone once more, and then turned and walked out of the cemetery, getting back into the truck, and then they were headed out of LA once more.
Braden assumed Alicia wanted to enter the cemetery alone since she did not ask him to join her. He respected that and gave her room though he did stand at the gates to keep an eye on her for safety. While Alicia was gone, Braden asked Clarke to take over the wheel so he could comfort Alicia when she returned. When Alicia did return, he let the girl slip into the truck first and towards the middle before joining as well. However, he pulled Alicia into his lap so her back was against the glass and she was sitting in his lap during the drive. There was surprisingly enough room to do this comfortably as her head was supported against his arms. Without saying anything, the male reached down to press a kiss to her lips when they started moving again, sliding one hand through her long hair.

“I love you so much, Alicia. I’m sorry that we have to leave. I know your father will always be with us and I know he’ll watch over us. I just hope I can continue to gain his approval.” Braden chuckled softly as he nuzzled their noses together. He might have been quite young when he died in the accident, but Braden and Alicia had been dating for a few years even then. It was like her father knew they were meant to be together and he never had trouble with Braden coming over to the house. Braden liked to think he would have happily given his daughter’s hand in marriage when he asked.

He wanted to make sure that she was taken care of so he kissed her lips again, pressing their lips together firmly. “I’m going to keep you close. I’m never going to let anything happen to you and I will try my best to keep your family safe along with mine, too. You are going to be my family now. We’re going to get married soon and I will make sure we live a long time together.” He whispered quietly before kissing her neck and then followed it to her lips again.

Their noses nuzzled together again and he kept playing with her hair. He wiped away the tears that had fallen on her face before kissing her cheeks gently. “I can already imagine you wearing a cute dress. I brought the suite from our prom to wear. It will be incredible. I hope we get to do it soon.” He purred quietly, pressing their foreheads together.
"We can do it as soon as we get to wherever we're going. I don't want to wait, and I definitely don't want to waste any time. As for this my family and your family stuff, that's not how
it works. Your family is my family and my family is your family. We're going to be married soon." She smiled a little bit. "It still feels weird to say that. Not that I'm getting cold feet or anything. I just mean that now I won't need to make up excuses when I want to have time with you. And it also means that when we sneak off for some time alone together, it's not
just about hooking up."

After speaking, she fell silent once more, and just rested her head against Braden's. The plan was to be on the road for hours if they could manage it, to put as much space between
them and LA as possible. Each vehicle had numerous guns, ammo, and knives for protection in case they ran into any of those things while they were on the road. The young woman
glanced over at Clarke who had one hand on the wheel and the other one at her neck, fingering her wedding ring on it. Leaning back into her boyfriend she whispered as quietly as
possible in his ear.

"When we get to wherever we're going, you might spend some time with your sister. She's putting on a brave face, but I know that she's more worried than she's let on."
The convoy of vehicles passed through various military checkpoints: all abandoned. It appeared the soldier Daniel tortured was being truthful. They finally reached the main military compound where the prisoners and sick were contained. Parking near one of the entrances to the garage, Daniel executed the next part of their plan. He would lead a horde of the infected into the military compound while the others drove into the garage. As expected, Daniel cut the chains holding the front gate. The herd of infected piled into the compound and the soldiers scattered. The military had locked these infected inside a nearby stadium. It ended up hurting them in the long run. With the distraction, everyone else entered into the garage. The plan was find Nick, find Liza, and find Griselda before making a quick escape.

Once that happened, they would start towards anywhere but Los Angeles and play it by ear. It was not a great plan, but they thought the desert might provide the most safety. Gunshots were firing and more plans were being made. They needed everyone to help so Braden and Alicia were trusted with keeping the vehicles safe. Everyone else went deeper into the compound to find where their friends and loved ones were being held. After they all agreed, Braden watched Travis, Madison, Chris, Clarke, Ofelia, and Daniel leave the compound and go deeper inside the holding area. Braden did have his weapon in the back of his pants ready to fire if needed as he and Alicia stood outside, leaning against one of the vehicles, holding hands.
"I really hope that this doesn't take too long," Alicia said, concerned. "I just want to get Nick, Liza and Griselda out of here, and then we can all get the hell out of here, get back in the cars and find somewhere safe to stay for the night or for the next few days." She rested her hip against one of the cars, standing there and holding one of Braden's hands as they looked after
the cars and kept an eye out, while the others went out and did the rest. "I really hope that Nick's okay. If anything happens to him, my mother won't deal well. I know this for a fact."

A small sigh left her lips, and she squeezed Braden's hand in hers. "I love you, and I know that I've already said this a million times, but I'm going to say it a million more. I'm glad that you and Clarke are safe and are with us. With everything that's going on, I can rest easy knowing that you're always nearby. I'm always gonna worry, but I worry a little bit less when you're with me." Alicia fell silent a few moments later as they remained standing there. The longer her mother and the others were gone, the more concerned she became. They didn't know anything about this place.

How well guarded it was. If there were more infected locked up somewhere, about to get free any minute now.
Before answering, Braden spotted something alarming. Down the garage, the male spotted a few shadows. “Alicia, quick. Get inside the car.” The last thing they needed was noise so Braden figured they could wait out the infected. After settling inside the vehicle, everything went dead quiet until the glass shattered from a window. There were three soldiers that forcefully pulled Braden and Alicia. Knowing that Alicia was in danger, the fight-or-flight response took over. Braden through a violent right hook to the nearest soldier’s face and knocked him onto the ground. The second soldier grabbed him and a scuffled ensued.

Even though they were two trained soldiers, there was not much a man would be unable to do when the love of his life was in danger. The third soldier simply held a gun to Alicia’s head. “Make a move and you’re dead, sweetheart.” He growled into her ear, pulling on her hair. It was clear that Braden had defeated both soldiers, knocking them down. He approached the other side of the vehicle and saw that there was a gun to Alicia’s head. “Stop right there. One more inch and I will kill her. I swear to god.” This soldier growled. Braden gave Alicia a frown but could not risk anything. He dropped the knife in his hand and there was a sudden strike to the back of his head with a gun, dazing him. The soldier that knocked him out put a gun to Braden’s head while the soldier holding Alicia let her go.

“Now, here’s what’s going to happen. Lay down on the ground, flat on your stomach. Bring your hands behind your back. Don’t try anything. We won’t kill you. If you do try something, we will shoot your little boyfriend here and then take you with us. Understand?”
Alicia barely had time to get into the car, before she and Braden were pulled right out of them by three soldiers. She fought against the soldier that had a hold on her, as Braden did the same to the one who had a grip on him. She froze when the man who was holding her, suddenly pulled out a gun and placed it at her head. A cry of pain left her lips when he pulled on her hair. She shook her head when Braden dropped the knife on the ground. "Don't listen to him! Ow!" The brunette let out another cry of pain when the man yanked on her hair once more, shutting her up.

"Braden!" The young woman said worriedly, when the soldier knocked her boyfriend out with the butt of his gun. She let out a shaky breath when the soldier who had been holding her, let her go, while another soldier put a gun to Braden's head. Suddenly one of them started speaking and Alicia glared at him with as much hatred as she could muster. If looks could kill then they would be dead from the look she was giving both men. Sighing in resignation, she moved to the floor, lying down on her stomach with her hands behind her back, just as he said to do. Nodding once he had finished speaking.

She wasn't sure how long she laid there with Braden unconscious beside her, face down on the ground with her hands behind her back, until the young woman heard the sound of her mother and Travis talking, and knew that the other's were going to be upset when they returned and found them like this.
After Alicia went down, the soldier removed some zipties and bound her wrists together along with her ankles. Then, the soldiers around Braden found the keys from Braden’s pocket and took the truck since that was the only keys Braden had on him. They left the couple there in the garage. However, Braden was not out of it for long. He was only there for a few seconds at most: long enough for the soldiers to bind Alicia and get into his truck. They sped off from the scene and Braden slowly sat upright. He looked down at his girlfriend and saw that she was bound by the soldiers.

His head was throbbing but he moved towards Alicia and sat her upright. “Alicia, Princess. Are you alright?” He asked softly and looked at her body. He did not see any injuries so he was thankful. He could have lost her again to another group of rogue soldiers but she was alright, thankfully. There was a burning need for Alicia right now so he reached behind her back to hold her hands as they kissed, sliding his tongue as deep into her mouth as he could manage. A soft moan left his lips while his other hand stroked through her hair.

Braden did have his pocket knife handy and he could slice the ties off her ankles and wrists when needed but first, he had to touch Alicia, to make sure that she was truly alright. They continued kissing and he could not slow down, tilting his head to the side as his eyes fluttered closed. “I love you so much…” He breathed out, just pressing as close to the love of his life as he possibly could.
"I'm fine," Alicia assured him. "All they did was pull my hair and bind me. You're the one that got knocked out from being hit by their gun. Are you okay?" She asked and let him lift her up from the ground and move her body as he wanted to move it. A few moment later the two of them were kissing, relieved that once again, though they had run into rogue soldiers, not too much damage had been inflicted upon either of them. They kept kissing, taking some time to just enjoy the fact that they were both still alive. Especially after two close calls which weren't that far apart.

"I love you, too." She said softly, locking their eyes together. They kissed again and again, just grateful that neither of them were dead. After several minutes of the two of them just being together, Alicia felt a bit better when Braden finally sliced the zipties off her ankles and wrists. She moved around a little bit, and then sighed. "Hopefully the others will be back soon. And
the next time we're left to babysit the vehicles, we're going to have more people with us, so this kind of crap doesn't happen again." After speaking, she fell silent and just leaned into Braden's side, resting her head against his shoulder.
“Yes, I am fine.” Braden whispered against her lips. The bump on his head would exist for a few days but it was unlikely he suffered a concussion. Braden did not slice the zipties off her wrists and ankles yet. They did hope the others would be back soon but first, he felt the need to have Alicia. Besides, this was not the first time she was taken from him. Flashes of her being taken hostage in his mind. With that, he helped Alicia into one of the vehicles that was not stolen. It did not matter if this car belonged to Travis. The only thing Braden did was slice the ties off her ankles before placing the gag back in her mouth so she knew where this was going.

His hands cupped her soft globes of flesh through her shirt. He knew they did not have a ton of time, so he was going to be quick about it. Braden started pulling down her jeans and her panties with a smile on his face. “I need you. Right now. I don’t care about anything else.” His voice was primal and dominant as he pulled her jeans and underwear down around her ankles. The male also started undoing his pants and boxers, revealing his member as he moved to lay in between her legs, straddling her in the back seat while kissing her over the gag.
Alicia knew what was coming the moment that Braden helped her into the backseat of the car that Travis had been driving. His intentions were made even more clear when he sliced the zipties off her ankles and put the gag back in her mouth, neither of which she had a problem with. The brunette moaned against the gag in her mouth when her boyfriend started caressing her breasts through her shirt. A chuckle left her, when he released her breasts and wasted no time pulling down her jeans and panties. She was as eager to be with him, as he was with her.

As soon as he started to undo his own pants, her eyes went to his crotch as she blatantly eyed his cock once it was free of his clothes. Their lips met over and over, against the gag as he kissed her, and rubbed his cock against her. Alicia mumbled against the gag over her mouth, telling him not to waste time teasing both of them, and to just shove his cock inside of her.
They didn't know how much more alone time they had left together, but she didn't want to waste a minute of it. A loud moan left her gagged lips when he finally slipped inside of her.
This had to be a “quickie”. It was better than nothing at all, however, Braden did not hold back. Instead, he gripped her breasts firmly again and held her body down onto the seat as his hips started to violently pull back and slam forward repeatedly. Moans were leaving his lips as he kissed Alicia over the gag in her mouth. He could not control his body at this time, his thick cock striking deep inside of Alicia’s core. The tip of his cock brushed against her g-spot each time he thrust and the head of his cock also pressed as far into her cervix as possible.

The car was shaking and there was nothing gentle or slow about this. One hand tangled in Alicia’s hair to pull and roughly tug on her strands while his other hand slipped down in between her legs so he could start massaging and assaulting her clitoris. While he wanted to cum inside of Alicia again, he also wanted the brunette to reach her orgasm as well. He continued moaning and kissing Alicia on her neck and collarbone. “I’m so close already, baby. I want you to cum with me. I love you so fucking much.” He breathed out as the overpowering emotions took over in that moment, helping him continue to thrust at a quick pace.
Loud moans left her lips as he slammed in and out of her. The car was shaking from the force of their thrusts, and she didn't care. All that mattered was that her boyfriend kept ramming
his cock inside of her, causing her to cry out. At one point, Alicia even gripped his cock inside of her in a tight grip, trapping him there for several moments so that he couldn't move. A grin was on her lips as she did it, and then kissed him a moment later. Then, the brunette released him, and started to move her hips against his just as quickly and roughly as he moved against her.

They didn't know how much more time they had together before everyone else came back, so they had to make the best of it. A laugh came out as the young woman suddenly realized how much the car was rocking as they had sex. Each time Braden slammed into her, she cried out and slammed back into him just as hard. When he pulled her hair, she reached out and gripped his hips, scratching him with her nails, enough to hurt a little, but not enough to cause permanent damage. Alicia kissed him and after slamming her body into his the hardest she had ever done, cried out against his lips as she came, squeezing him again inside of her.
Even though this might not seem like the ideal time or place for sex, Braden disagreed. There was no better place or time. It was always an appropriate time for sex. Besides, he wanted to show Alicia just how much he loved her and how thankful he was that everyone was alright. Looking deep into his girlfriend’s eyes, Braden moaned out loudly as she came all over his cock. Her slick juices coating him combined with her sexy, muffled moans was enough to send him over the edge soon. His cock was bursting, his sticky semen filling up her sweet pussy with his thick ropes of cum. He moaned out her name loudly as he tilted his head back. Once he emptied himself inside of Alicia, Braden leaned down for another kiss over the gag in her mouth.

After this kiss ended, Braden forced himself to pull out of Alicia. Since they had to get moving, Braden quickly sliced the zip ties from her lips and pulled the gag out of her mouth. Once they were redressed and out of the car, Braden cleaned their mess quickly and turned to the brunette, tightly wrapping his arms around her. “I love you. I’m so glad you’re alright.” He whispered quietly into her ear, nuzzling his nose against her neck and just focusing on that moment, not wanting to do anything other than hold and love her.
"I'm so glad that you're okay, too. I'm sorry that the guy knocked you out.." She said, kissing his lips gently. The brunette sat down on the hood of the car, and relaxed into Braden's side. Alicia felt like an idiot with the two of them sitting there with no weapons and all by themselves. "Next time we get stuck babysitting any cars, I'm telling you, we're getting other people
to stay with us so that this kind of thing doesn't happen again." Silence fell between them a few moments later as they sat there. Finally, a feeling of relief ran through her when her mother and the others came back.

"Let's get the hell out of here before anything else happens," She mumbled to Braden a few moments later, after everyone else had come back. "Some idiots showed up, roughed Braden up and then stole the other car," Alicia said and sighed, as she turned back to her boyfriend and checked him over for any other injuries. "How are you feeling?" She asked him a moment later, needing to know that he really was doing okay, and not just trying to keep her from worrying about him. The brunette gave her boyfriend a small smile, reached out and caressed his cheek
a moment later.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me, Princess.” Braden assured his girlfriend, letting his own hand cup her face. Before doing anything else, he leaned down to press a kiss onto her soft lips to assure her that things were fine. When the group returned, Braden noticed a new face. His name was Victor Strand. Apparently, he had been able to help Nick through the headquarters. The group had to commandeer the rest of the cars so Braden, Alicia, and Clarke had to haul a couple in the back of Braden’s truck. Madison, Strand, and Travis took the lead in Madison’s car. He apparently knew where they could go.

They were driving back through the city of Los Angeles and it was completely abandoned. Reaching over, he grabbed Alicia’s hand to hold as they were flying through the city. If Clarke had asked Braden anything, he would have also assured her that he was alright and there was nothing she should worry about. There were massive fires all over the city and Strand took the families to side roads off the freeway. They finally arrived at Strand’s house, Braden gawked at the place. It was an oceanside mansion. Strand said that he had a yacht they could escape on.
An hour later, they had unpacked all of the vehicles and loaded everything up and onto the boat. Everyone spread out and picked rooms on the boat, and Alicia moved to lay down on the bed, after their things were put away. "Right now I don't wanna worry about anything or anyone else. Let's just lock the door, get in bed and get some rest." She suggested, as they both kicked off their shoes and moved to the bed. The brunette got back up a few moments later, locked the door and then she quickly moved back to the bed to lay down beside her boyfriend. "Love you."

The words were said softly, and she wrapped her arms around his waist, and rested her head against his chest. "When we wake up again in a few hours, we can check on everyone else and find out what's going on. But for now, we just need to get some rest in case something comes up, we want to be able to handle anything." She lifted her head and kissed his lips again, before placing her head back down against his chest. A few moments later, the brunette closed her eyes and her breathing slowed down as she relaxed and then slowly drifted off to sleep.
While they packed supplies into the yacht, Liza revealed that she was bitten. Travis decided to put her down since they realized it was not safe. Liza told them what she had seen at the headquarters. She did not want to turn into one of the monsters that they had seen. Chris did not take it well and it bothered him deeply. The bombs were starting to drop over Los Angeles now. The infected were pouring over to Strand’s mansion. Braden was brave as he defended Alicia and her family so he was the last one to board the yacht. He was nearly bitten a few times but he survived and killed few infected with his knife.

Once they were on board the yacht, Braden took a cabin with Alicia. He wanted to shower but when Alicia offered him to lay with her in bed to rest, he wanted that more. He could bathe when they woke. This yacht must have been super expensive with the showers and everything on board. The man undressed in his bloody clothing and redressed ins omething else before joining Alicia on the bed. His arms tightly wrapped around her neck and he began kissing her softly before slowly drifting to sleep as well. He would wake before Alicia did. Then, he would just watch her rest until her eyes opened. Once they were opened, Braden just stared into them and became lost. “Hey, Princess.” He purred softly, leaning down to attack her lips. He would suggest they could get a shower first before checking on the others as everyone would probably want some rest now.
"I'm so glad that you're okay," Alicia said once she had woken up and leaned over and kissed Braden's lips. "I really don't wanna leave this bedroom or your arms, but we could both use a shower, and then we should check on the others. I'm sure that you wanna check on Clarke, and I need to check on Nick and my mother, and see how they're doing. 45 minutes later, they
had showered and changed into some clean clothes. The two of them went out onto the deck and looked for their siblings, a curious expression on the brunette's face as she pointed out their siblings sitting off to the side together, talking softly.

She heard a few bits of their conversation. Something about Dayton, Ohio. That was where Clarke had been living when all of this started. A concerned expression covered her face for several minutes before the brunette forced the look off her face. "Come on, let's go find a seat by the chatterboxes," She suggested, and then took one of Braden's hands into her own and led him over to where her brother and his sister were sitting down talking. Once they were seated on the bench next to their siblings, Alicia relaxed and simply rested her head on his shoulder.


"There's not much to tell," Clarke had been saying to Nick, who had asked about her life in Dayton, Ohio. The blonde trailed off a little when she caught sight of her brother and Alicia exiting the bedroom that the couple had claimed earlier. "You know, Braden's going to take good care of Alicia, no matter what. He loves her more than anything," The young woman assured her friend, knowing that he was as worried about his little sister, as she was worried about her little brother. When the couple got closer to them, she resumed talking about her life in Dayton.

"My husband and I lived in an apartment in Dayton. We were nearly finished with our third year of college. Bellamy was going to be a physical therapist and I was going to be a teacher. We had all these plans.. But that ended with the end of the world, and when he passed." Her hand gripped her necklace that contained her wedding ring around her neck, and then turned the topic away from herself. "What about you? What's been going on in your life the last few years? I left for college and Dayton 3 years ago and have been horrible about keeping in touch."
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