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RP: FTWD: Survive With Me (randomname98766789 x greenandgold)

Alicia spent some time watching Braden, once he had fallen asleep. She enjoyed seeing him so happy and peaceful like this. They were getting married in a few hours, and she couldn't wait. The brunette loved her boyfriend, well, practically husband now. It was terrifying and exciting to know that in just a few hours, their lives were going to change. And it wasn't just that they were getting married, and that her name was changing. Along with getting married, this meant that they could now make important decisions that they couldn't have before. Their opinions wouldn't have carried any weight.

For instance, if they ever decided to split from the others and go their own way, they could do that and no one would question it. They were officially adults and were going to be together.
But anyway, that didn't matter. Because at least for now, the two of them had no plans to leave their family. Alicia had to admit that given the dangerous way the world was now, she didn't see the idea of them leaving their family behind ever happening. They all needed to stay close to each other to love and protect each other.


Clarke nodded as she listened to Nick speak. "Good night, Nick." The blonde said softly, and she was happy to lay there and just enjoy the sight of him sleeping. It had been a long time since the two of them had been alone like this, and able to fully relax with each other. She was happy to watch the rise and fall of his chest as he slept, and let that, and the rocking of the boat lure her to sleep. They were all together now, and they were safe, for the most part. That was all that she could ask for. The young woman felt her eyes start to get heavy and after fighting it for a few minutes, finally gave in and let her eyes close, as she fell asleep, wrapped up around Nick.
Braden slept like a baby. It was not until early the next morning when he woke at the sound of knocking at the door. Surprisingly, it was Madison. “Braden, Alicia. We’re going to set up for the wedding. We’ll come back and get you when everything is ready.” It seemed that Alicia’s mother was going to set everything up for them. That was sweet of her and Braden called out a sleepy thanks while rolling over with Alicia in his arms. It was not typical for the husband and wife to wake up in each other’s arms and the same bed on the day of the wedding but these were not typical times.

Peppering soft kisses along her face, Braden smiled sweetly at the brunette. “Wedding day.” He chuckled softly, nuzzling their noses together. At least they could get dressed in their wedding attire here and then go right into it. But until they were called for, he wanted to enjoy this cuddling with Alicia as he was too sleepy to move right now, not wanting to let Alicia out of his arms. He loved her more than anything and he could hardly believe this was happening. He appreciate their families for helping out.


Nick also slept well. It was thanks to Clarke – she gave him the best night of sleep he had in a while. When the next morning rose, he slept peacefully until there was a knock at the door. It was Madison, calling for both Nick and Clarke. She wanted their help in preparing the wedding setup for their siblings. Nick woke Clarke if she was not awake yet and explained to her what was going on. Before leaving, the male dressed in a new t-shirt, jeans, and nice tennis shoes. He waited until Clarke was dressed as well before they left the room.

They found Travis and Madison outside on the deck on the far side of the yacht. Even Daniel and Ofelia were willing to pitch in and help out. Madison explained it, even though this could not be like a typical wedding, they would still have their rations of food and water to celebrate with some wine as well. There was music they could listen to and have a few dances. Travis would be the mediator and they needed to prepare the deck. It just meant finding some flowers and clearing a space for the couple to stand and for the others to watch. Nick was more than happy to help the little wedding ceremony setup. He would walk Alicia down to the aisle and they figured it was best for Clarke to walk with her brother as well.
"Early," Alicia said sleepily, cracking her eyes open just the slightest bit. "Warm. No moving," She said and rolled in his arms, burying her head in Braden's chest and furrowing deeper under the blankets and into his body. "Love you," The brunette whispered, a smile coming to her lips as she felt him start to pepper kisses all over her face. Seeing his smile made hers widen. "Last chance to ditch me," She whispered, teasing him, happy to nuzzle her nose back against his. "I know that I've said this many times before, but I'm going to say it again. I love waking up to you."

Her eyes closed once more as she cuddled into his side. "In just a few hours, we'll be married. I won't lie, this is nothing like I envisioned it. But that's okay. What matters is that we love each other, that we're getting married, and we get to share it with our family and friends. All that matters is that you know how much I love you." She paused for a moment, and then turned very serious. The brunette opened her eyes again, and moved to a sitting position, taking Braden's hands into hers. "After today, we need to make sure that we don't flaunt our relationship."

"I don't want to upset Clarke. She's family, and while I do want to enjoy us being married, I also don't want to hurt her feelings. I know that she's happy for us, but I'm also sure that she's going to be struggling. That she's been struggling, since losing Bellamy. I don't want it to be like we're rubbing our happiness in her face. Your sister is my best friend and I just don't want
to hurt her."


Clarke was both happy for her brother and Alicia, and dreading this day. She had known it was coming for a long time. But now that it was here, it didn't feel real. Especially since the world had ended and things had gotten so messed up and out of control. But it was happening, and Nick's words to her from before made sense. She had to get rid of the self-pity. It wasn't helping anything and it wasn't going to bring her husband back. Besides, the blonde knew that Bellamy wouldn't her to spend the rest of her life upset and lonely because of his death. He'd want more for her.

Though she just didn't know what that was yet. All of this flew through her mind in the space of a few seconds. And suddenly, Clarke found herself getting up and getting dressed, and then leaving the room to help set up for the wedding as much as they could given their limited resources. Not for the first time did she wish their parents were still around to celebrate with them. The blonde pushed those thoughts away to dwell on them another day. Right now was a time to be happy, and celebrate Braden and Alicia. A small smile came to her lips as she helped the others decorate.
Sitting in the bed, Braden’s arms wrapped tightly around Alicia. “I love you, too. I know it is early but we have a few things to prepare. I think I’m going to pass on ditching you. Besides, you have my heart under lock and key anyways.” The male responded, returning the teasing tone. “We’ll still make this the best wedding ever. I don’t care about the world or the circumstances this is happening under. The only important thing here is our love, friends, and family.” Braden agreed, sharing a kiss with his future wife. After the notion about Clarke and flaunting their relationship, Braden agreed.

“I think you’re right. I hope soon enough, she’ll feel better about what happened. I know it is easier said than done. Maybe seeing us happy will make her happy again, though. I get what you mean.” Even though he agreed, that did not mean he was ignoring Alicia if Clarke was around. He just might be a little more careful with how much PDA they showed. But as much as he loved and cared about Clarke, today was his and Alicia’s day. He was sorry about Bellamy but he was not holding back today regardless of how she felt about the marriage.

“I guess we should start getting dressed then, right? They should have us ready soon so we could take a quick shower together.” Braden mused, thinking about the best way to go about everything. Forcing himself from his lover’s embrace, Braden found the towels and cloths they needed. Even though they might not get the chance to play with each other in the shower because of time, he would still enjoy an early morning shower with Alicia before getting dressed and ready for the day.


Final touches were being done around the Abigail. Nick thoroughly enjoyed setting the stage for the wedding. Occasionally, he looked towards Clarke and got a read on her expression. There was a mixture of emotions but Nick decided not to worry about that. If Clarke wanted to act like a bitch and ruin her brother’s and his sister’s big day, Nick would not have any part of it. Honestly, he was getting sick of her moping around and dreading this day. It was super annoying to him. When he caught the small smile on her face, though, Nick felt relieved. The dark-haired man approached the blonde as he looked around the sky and then back to everyone on the deck preparing for the wedding.

This was an exciting day. “Look at that. It’s sunny, not a cloud in the sky, and it feels nice: not too humid or windy. I don’t think today could be more perfect for a wedding.” Nick mused since yesterday the sky was ominous and it looked like a storm was approaching. It must have passed them, hopefully a sign of good things to come. “That looks like we’ve got everything ready. Have we missed anything?” Nick asked, looking around the deck. It would be a bit before Braden and Alicia were ready so Nick would spend that time with Clarke if she would have him.
Alicia was pretty quiet that morning, just letting Braden talk. She wasn't upset or sad or anything like that, but was just preparing herself for what was to come. It wasn't about cold feet. The brunette had no doubts about marrying the man she loved. It was just that she needed some time to fully come to grips with the fact that they were getting married. It didn't feel real. Maybe once they were actually at the wedding that feeling would go away, but for now it was what she felt. A smile came to her lips as she listened to him speak. "You're so cheesy," She teased him and then kissed him.

"Yeah, we should." She said in agreement when he suggested that they needed to get up and start getting ready. A pout came to her lips when Braden pulled away from her and she playfully tried to pull him back into the bed with her. After a few moments, though, Alicia got up and began to help gather what they would need to get ready. A few minutes later, the two of them headed for the shower, and the countdown to the wedding was on. The brunette felt herself getting more and more nervous, the closer they got to the wedding. But she didn't let it stop her from being happy.


Clarke was a mess of emotions that day as she helped get everything ready for the wedding. She didn't say much, not wanting to be a downer when everyone else seemed to be extremely happy about the wedding. Eventually, the happiness in the atmosphere seemed to seep into her, and for a little while, she felt less worried about what was going to happen. It was her job to make sure that Braden and Alicia's day went off without a hitch, so she pushed her thoughts and feelings about it to the side, and just focused on the fact that this was the best day of her brother's life, and she needed to be happy for him.

The small smile remained on her lips as she continued to help the others set up. She looked up as Nick approached her, and after putting the finishing touches on the small decoration she
had made, turned to face her friend. The blonde nodded at his words, not saying much, feeling it was better to let him talk. "I don't think that we missed anything. It looks great," Clarke
said softly. After standing there in silence for a moment she said, "You're thinking about the birthday again. You should know that Alicia forgave you a long time ago. You're her brother and she loves you."

"You should try and let that go. Just focus on being the best brother you can be from now on. You're already doing that by supporting her and Braden with this wedding."
During the shower, Braden spoke sparingly. Nothing was wrong – he simply wanted to enjoy the moment. His hands roamed over every inch of Alicia’s flesh, scrubbing and cleansing her skin. They both finished rinsing off soon enough so Braden cut off the water. Showering with the woman he loved was so intimate, something he hoped to do often now that they had working bathrooms again. Stepping out of the shower, he used a towel to dry Alicia, wanting to touch her again. During the showering and drying off, Braden stole a few kisses from her lips, sliding his lips all over her face and neck. The few times he did speak, it was normally telling Alicia that he loved her.

They returned to their shared quarters and started getting dressed. Like Braden said before, he wanted this to be semi-formal for himself and Alicia. They did not exactly have a suite and tie with a wedding gown in their bags, but there were dressy clothes available. After applying light deodorant and the cologne with whatever fragrance Alicia liked the most on him, Braden looked through his bag at the few items he had before settling on an outfit. The male dressed with Alicia, his mind spinning with eagerness to finally marry the woman he loved. Now that he was dressed and ready to go, his eyes turned to his bride after she had finished. It should only be a few more minutes before they were called.


Nick supposed Clarke was right. It was undeniable that his past was not the cleanest or the brightest. Alicia might hate him or think less of him than before. This was a chance to prove everyone wrong – he would stay clean and help protect this family. They needed him. Nick needed them. It was thanks to Clarke that he was back onto the correct path. He owed Clarke his life, honestly. They talked for a few more minutes until Madison approached them. “I think we’re set, here. You two should go fetch Braden and Alicia. We think it is best for the siblings to escort our groom and bride here. Of course, Clarke, you bring Braden here first. Nick, you give us some time here and bring Alicia out after.” Like most ceremonies, the bride would be escorted last in a celebratory fashion. That was one of the few things they could keep similar about other weddings.

Nick agreed with his mother and decided that was the best idea. With a smile, Nick turned away from Clarke and started walking through the yacht, going down to the bottom level where the couple was stationed. “Alright, here we go.” Nick responded to Clarke as they stood outside the door. Knocking a couple times, he called out. “Braden! Alicia! We are ready when you are. Clarke’s here to escort Braden. I’ll take Alicia out to the deck a couple minutes after.” Nick added, stepping back as the couple had just finished getting dressed.
Alicia finished drying her hair, slipping on some deodorant, lotion all over her neck, arms, legs, and above the waist, she also put on the perfume that Braden had bought for her last birthday. Once she finished getting dressed a few minutes later, she lipped her shoes on. It was nearly time for her and Braden to get married. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she felt so full of love for him and their family, that it felt like her heart would explode with everything she felt. Once she was ready, she turned to face him and a smile came over her. "Last chance to back out," The brunette said teasingly.

She looked up a few minutes later at the knock on the door and then watched as their siblings entered the room. The young woman greeted Clarke with a hug and then watched as the blonde led Braden out of the room. Turning to face her brother, she reached out and pulled him against her, hugging him. "I love you, Nick." Alicia told her brother. "And no matter how many times we've fought or had issues in the past, it doesn't change that. For whatever we've done to each other or said to each other, I hope you can forgive me. And I want you to know that I forgive you. For all of it."

Clarke smiled as she walked with Braden out of the room, and leading him out onto the deck. "You clean up nicely, little brother." She teased him gently, and then reached out and pulled him into a hug. "I really am happy for you. I know how much you and Alicia love each other and I'm glad that the two of you are finally able to get married." She kept him in the hug for several minutes before finally releasing him. "Take good care of her, and let her take care of you too. Compromise and teamwork is a big part of marriage. So is love, but there's more to it than that."

"Be happy, and be safe. No one knows where life is going to take the two of you. We might not always be together. So make sure that you enjoy both the good and the bad, and Alicia will do the same. I love you, Braden." Clarke told her brother softly. "And if Mom and Dad were here, I know that they would be so proud of the man you have grown up to be. I like to think that they're watching us from wherever they are and are looking out for us." After she spoke, she fell silent and reached out, fixing the collar of his shirt, before they turned to wait for Nick and Alicia.
Greeting his sister with a tight hug, Braden smiled softly and listened to everything she had to say. “Thank you so much, Clarke. It means a lot. I’ll probably come to you for advice about this. I love you, too. This is the happiest day of my life. I know it sucks that Mom and Dad are not here, but I know they would be happy, too. Thank you for being here for me. I’m so happy that you were able to get here. I know that life is even more unpredictable now than it has ever been before, but I know that this will work out.” Braden responded, linking arms with his sister as they reached the deck where Madison, Travis, Chris, Ofelia, and Daniel were waiting to watch.

Braden greeted Madison and Travis with a smile, Madison even approached her soon to be son in law and hugged him tightly. She had always viewed him this way ever since he was first around. She definitely approved of Braden with her daughter and she took time to remind him that Alicia’s father would have approved of this and been happy as well. Madison was already teary eyed. Now, standing and waiting for Alicia, Braden took a deep breath and just watched the scene in front of him, more than ready for this to commence.


The other set of siblings greeted each other just like Braden and Clarke. Nick hugged Alicia tightly and let her talk first before pulling back and kissing her temple. “Thank you, Alicia. That means so much to me to know that you forgive me. I was worried you might not. I love you so much and you have nothing that you need my forgiveness for. Everything you’ve done was well warranted. I promise things will be different now. I know I’ve said that before but I want this to be different since I have to help keep us alive. There is more to the world than just wanting to make myself feel good and be high. I know that now. But enough about that: this is about you and Braden today. I know he loves you very much. Don’t give him too much of a tough time. I’ll do that enough. He’s a really good man and I know that I feel much better about your safety when he’s around. I know Clarke feels the same way about you in regards to her brother.”

Reaching out with his arm, Nick waited for Alicia to take it before they started walking away from the quarters. They slowly made the short trip from the lower level to the outer deck. Now they stood right behind the entrance and there was even an iPod that Madison had playing the traditional “here come sthe bride” song. “Whenever you’re ready, Alicia.” Nick whispered.
The wedding went by in a flash, and before either of them knew it, they were putting the wedding rings on each other's fingers and then kissing. They were announced husband and wife, and Alicia took Braden's hands into her own, squeezing them as she happily kissed him. "I love you, Brae. And I'm glad that I'm now your wife." The newlywed couple kissed a few more times to applause, before they turned to face their family, all smiles. Today was an amazing day. They didn't need a huge wedding to make them happy, just having their family and friends around made them happy.

As her mother played some more music from her ipod, Alicia took Braden's hands and started to dance with him, their first dance as husband and wife. She couldn't keep the smile off her face as she moved in time to the music with her husband around the boat, just letting herself get lost in the love and happiness that she felt for the man dancing with her. This wedding had been a long time coming and the brunette was so happy that they were still alive and able to have this day. She was also glad really that Clarke was safe and with them, and that Nick was clean.

Clarke was silent as she watched the ceremony between her younger brother and one of her best friend's. She was happy for them. The blonde loved her brother, and she loved Alicia as a best friend and now her sister-in-law. It was good to see both of them so happy and together on this day. She hoped that they would both be careful, and together and alive for a long time. They were good kids who loved each other, and they deserved to be happy and together for many years. The young woman smiled as she watched the two of them dance their first dance as husband and wife.
Without a doubt, it was the best day of Braden’s life. Despite the loss, despite the struggle, Alicia made everything worth the hardship. Her love and her smile brought him back to Earth and made him feel safe. During the wedding, he could not rip his eyes from her gaze. She just looked so damn good in her dress and Braden fell deeper in love with her. They were officially married and they had their first kiss as husband and wife. Once they kissed, it was time for their first dance together as well. When they started dancing, Braden let one hand take hers while the other rested on her hip.

They started slowly moving as Braden pressed his forehead against hers. He even leaned down to steal a few kisses from her lips as they moved together slowly to the rhythm of the music. “I love you so much, Alicia. Alicia Patterson. That sounds perfect. I’m so happy that you’re my wife now. I knew this would happen and I’m glad it happened so soon. I would never want it another way.” The male whispered quietly, nuzzling their noses together as he kept swaying his body to the music.


Nick watched the entire ceremony with a smile on his face. It truly made him happy to see Alicia so happy. He wanted this for her and he was excited to see it happen. They were a perfect match for each other. Nick smiled and clapped with everyone else. The music started and the young couple was slowly moving to the music. It was an adorable thing to watch as Nick felt his heart swell with love. Never did he think he would watch Alicia get married at this age, but it was not necessarily a bad thing. It was the opposite, actually.

Now, he turned to see Travis and Madison joining in on the dance as well now that the couple had their first dance, it was time for everyone else to join. Nick looked to Clarke and he debated on things for a moment. Should he approach her for a dance? Was it wrong of him to ask? Nick thought the worse he could do was try. He never knew until he asked, right. Walking to Clarke, he reached out, offering his hand while offering a smile. “Would you like to dance with me, Clarke?” The male asked softly.
As they danced to the music together, getting lost in their love for each other, Alicia couldn't keep the smile off her lips. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," She told Braden, and it was the honest truth. "I never knew that I was able to love someone as much as I love you. And I never knew it was possible for someone to love me as much as you do, who wasn't my parents or Nick. You should know that the best day of my life was the day that you pulled my hair when we were kids in Kindergarten. We didn't know it then, but that would be the first and last time you ever hurt me."

She chuckled. "It was simply a means of getting my attention. I know that now, but that day, I seriously wanted to punch your lights out. Who would've ever guessed that we'd be there for each other for years, supporting each other and loving each other, until now, when we're finally husband and wife. Thank you for pulling my hair and then turning out to be my best friend and the man I love. I don't know if I can truly express how much you mean to me. I guess the only way to do that would be like this. You're the only person who's ever made my heart and my pulse race."

"You're the person who I can't live without. And as cheesy as this is probably going to sound, you're a part of me that I just can't live without. I've known you all of my life, and I can't ever imagine you not being there, and I don't ever want to do so." A few moments later, Alicia kissed him once more.


Clarke had never seen herself as one of those overly emotional women who cried at weddings, but apparently she was. It was a hard pill for her to swallow, the fact that Braden was all grown up now, and married. She loved her brother and she loved Alicia. But in her mind, her brother would always be the funny little brat who put gum in her hair when he was 8. Memories of the good times and bad that she had had with her brother over the years, played like a movie in her mind. There was a smile on her lips, as she forced the memories away and focused on Braden's big day.

She clapped, sang, and cheered for them when it was appropriate. The blonde was shaken from her thoughts when she heard someone walk over to her, and looked up to see Nick holding out a hand to her. "I'd love to dance with you," The young woman said easily. She reached out and took one of his hands into hers, and then followed him a few feet away from where they were so that they could dance. As their bodies swayed in time to the music together, Clarke found herself enjoying herself more than she probably should be. "You're still a pretty good dancer."
Between the married couple, Braden was always better with words than Alicia. However, the things she said to him just now almost made him tear up. When she kissed him, Braden wrapped both arms tightly around the brunette’s waist and returned the kiss. After it ended, he only pulled back a few inches so he could talk. “I don’t know where I’d be without you. When my father died, it felt like the end of the world. Mom went into such a big depression and it felt like I was alone but you always made sure I never felt that way for long.”

“Now this, losing my other parent and dealing with this apocalypse, you’ve helped me through it all. You are my rock and my soulmate. I don’t care if most people don’t think something like that exists – I know it does because I’ve found mine. I love you, Alicia Patterson. You are the most beautiful, most intelligent, and most perfect girl in the entire world. I would rather die than lose you. I’m going to keep you safe until my final breath. I don’t know how long we have on this Earth but I know I want to spend it with you.”

“I want to live every day and be happy with you because I love your smile and I love your body and I love you as a whole. You’re my best friend, my wife, my world, my everything. I am the luckiest man to ever live.” He whispered quietly, leaning down to press another kiss onto his wife’s lips. The ring on his left hand felt strange but it was a nice feeling, something he would get used to for sure. He continued to kiss her, his hands resting in the small of her back, pushing her chest closer against his.


It almost shocked Nick when Clarke agreed to dance with him. The dark-haired male half-expected the blonde to slap him or insult him. Instead, she took his hand while he pulled her towards the center of the deck so they had more room. Now, Nick had never done this before. He never even danced at prom because he was always on a drug binge when it was time for prom and he had been kicked out by his senior year. He was not exactly skilled in this area. Trying to focus, he slowly moved his body with Clarke, letting her take the lead as he tried not to trip over her feet.

Chuckling when she complimented his dancing, Nick only shook his head. “I don’t think so. I’m just trying not to fall. You’re the good dancer.” Nick said as it was obvious she had danced at a wedding before, her own wedding, so she knew what to do. “I think this has turned out to be a great day. Look at our siblings. I’ve never seen Alicia smiling so much.” Nick commented, happy that his sister was married to a man she loved. “And we still have that wedding feast after this. Well, it might just be a couple sandwiches and chips but I like the thought. It feels nice to hold onto some of the old world like this.”
"You make my life better every day that you're in it. You make it so that I always want to wake up and face the day. Knowing that no matter how bad it might end up being, you'll always be there to talk to me, comfort me, or take me into your arms and soothe whatever's wrong or bothering me. If I didn't have that, if I didn't have you, I don't know what I'd do. My life would be empty if you weren't in it and I'd never want to have that kind of life." She stopped talking a few moments later, as they kissed and continued to dance. The words that Braden said, made her smile.

"You were there for me, too, when my father died. You've been there for me, helping me and loving me as I tried to take care of my family and help Nick with his addiction. I don't know if I can express just how much that means to me. Other people would've written off my brother after he relapsed the first time. Or they would've tried to encourage me to distance myself from my brother, but you didn't do either of those things. You helped me take care of him, and you held me when I need to cry or vent about the situation. You're the best thing to ever happen to me."


"You should give yourself more credit. You're not doing too bad at dancing. As for today, I know what you mean," Clarke agreed softly. It's nice to have a day like today, where there's nothing bad going on. There's no fear, worry, or anger. Just happiness and joy as we watch Braden and Alicia enjoy their wedding day. Sure, things might have been better in the old world, but this is what we have now, and the whole point of our struggles, is to embrace the good things when they happen, like today." The blonde sighed softly. "I'm glad that I took a chance and came back to LA, looking for my brother and you guys."

"I'd never want to miss this, or miss being with all of you, for anything." She paused for a moment and then continued to talk. "I love seeing Braden so happy. I've always known that he and Alicia were it for each other. They have always been closer with each other than most kids their age were. From the time they entered first grade, up until now, they've been inseparable. Even when Braden was away at college, Alicia would always make the trip to see him on the weekends. What they have is special, and I'm glad that they realize that."
Everything Alicia said to Braden meant the world to him. His only objective in life was keeping Alicia happy and safe. So far, he had done well. After another five minutes of dancing, things were slowing down and it was time for the feast. No, they did not have an endless buffet of food nor did they have a wedding cake: their meal consisted of a turkey sandwich with a bag of chips. It was fine, though. It only meant they could get back to their cabin sooner rather than later. Braden knew tonight would be fun because it was their wedding night. Just for a while, they could forget about everything else.

Sitting down onto one of the lounge couches on the deck, Braden pulled his wife down with him. Of course, they were taking the first bites of food as the newlyweds. Braden fed her a bite of the sandwich and let her do the same if she wished. The meal did not take long as Braden practically fed his wife the entire time. Madison shared some fond memories about the two and it was truly a happy time for all involved. Soon enough, Braden and Alicia cleaned their plates and finished their water bottles. He was just so excited for what was happening next. While everyone was talking and having a good time, he leaned his lips close to Alicia’s ear. “Ready to get away from everyone for the night?”


“I’m glad you came back, too. I honestly thought I have seen the last of you. And I agree that they have something special. It makes me want to find something like that one day. I’m not sure if that will happen, though.” Nick murmured softly as seeing his sister get married was a real reality check. He was happy for Alicia but it also showed him the things he wanted most in life. He wanted to get married and possibly have a family. He always wanted to get clean, find a job, and find someone to share his life with but that never happened and it felt like he was slowly wasting away.

Soon, the dancing was over and Nick was disappointed because he was carried away dancing with Clarke. When they all sat down to eat, Nick shared a seat with Clarke. As everyone was having their own conversation, Nick decided to ask Clarke something. “Did you mean it last night?” Nick whispered so only she could hear. “You want me to stay in your room every night with you?” He added, wondering if she meant it or if it was just out of emotions flowing from her nightmare. Of course, Nick could only hope that it was the former, that she meant it but it had been on his mind all day.
Dinner with everyone was nice. Obviously, it was a bit of a letdown, if Alicia was honest. But that didn't matter. What mattered was that her family was alive, safe, and with her, and able to celebrate this special day with her and Braden, and that's what mattered. At one point, she caught sight of Nick and Clarke dancing, and nudged her husband so that he could glance at them, too. It was sweet seeing them together. The idea of even trying to get them together passed through her mind, and she promised herself that it was something to think about, but later on.

They fed each other their sandwiches, and then cuddled up together as they ate. She knew that she would never get tired of feeling his arms around her for as long as she lived. When they finished, excitement hummed through her body, as Alicia knew what was coming next and she looked forward to it. When Braden leaned close and whispered in her ear, instead of answering, she jumped up and grabbed his hand. "We love you guys, thanks for today. Good night!" She wasted no time and practically dragged her new husband to their room, ignoring the chuckles from their family.

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't meant it," Clarke said seriously. "I try to be careful with my words. Lots of times the things that we say, hurts the people we care about, even if that wasn't our intention. So, however weird or inappropriate it might be, I did mean it, and I haven't changed my mind. You're a good man, Nick. You've screwed up a little, and had some bumps in the road, but it's time to change that. And I'm going to help you. I mean, you no longer have access to drugs. So, you're already starting off on the right foot. Your system is clean and you're yourself again."

"And I'm going to be here for whatever you need. If you need a friend, if you need support. Or just someone to talk to. If you don't want to be alone, I'm here. Just tell me what you need and I'm happy to do it." After they had danced, eaten dinner and then cleaned up, the two of them returned to her room and she closed and locked the door behind them as they moved to sit in the bed. "Nick?" After his name left her lips, she reached out and cupped his face in both of her hands, their eyes locked, as she leaned in and then pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.
One minute, they were hanging out with the family. The next minute, Alicia pulled Braden into their private cabin. As soon as they entered, the door was closed and locked. It was time for their ‘do not disturb’ time. Braden did not waste another second. Both of his hands wrapped gently around her wrists and he suddenly pinned Alicia against the wall, her arms above her head. “Fuck. You look so sexy in that dress. It almost makes me want to leave it on you.” Winking, Braden pressed their lips together and used his tongue to reach inside of her mouth. He massaged the insides of each cheek and pinned down the brunette’s tongue. Finally, he released Alicia’s arms and let his hands rest in the small of her back. Lifting up and pressing Alicia against the wall, a soft moan left his lips as their bodies were now the same height off the ground with her being lifted up.

“Tonight is about both of us, babe, but I need to live out my deepest, darkest fantasy about you. I want to make love to you with your wedding dress on while I have you all tied up nice and tight. Are you willing to do that for me, love? It would mean so much to me. Besides, I have a feeling I’ll be inside you tonight for more than just one occasion. We can explore a few things.”


It was beyond relieving when Clarke assured Nick that she meant everything she said to him. “I did not think it was weird or inappropriate. I am glad you meant it. I just wanted to be sure. I knew you were going through something rough last night. I wanted to make sure that you were thinking clear enough and that you did not regret telling me the things you did. Thank you for helping me. I feel much better now that the withdrawal is over. I feel even better because I have you to help me.”

Honestly, Clarke made Nick feel better than any medication or any feeling of relief from drugs that he ever felt. “Thank you for being here. I am here for you as well. “he assured her as they finished the night together. When it was time for the night to end, all he did was think that they were going to bed and tat was it. They sat on the bed and Nick was preparing to get his pajamas and change in the bathroom until Clarke called his attention. Turning to her with curious eyes, he felt her kiss him. It was a gentle kiss and it surprised him but he was more than happy to feel it. “Clarke?” He whispered, almost confused. “Did… Did that just happen?” He asked, almost touching his lips as if he was feeling it to see if her lips had been there.
Alicia moaned as Braden grabbed her wrists and then pinned her against the wall with her hands over her head. His words had her smiling, and when he leaned in and kissed her, the brunette happily kissed him back. When he winked at her a few moments later, the young woman pressed her body against his as much as she could in their current position. As her husband's tongue entered her mouth and then moved against hers, she also caressed his tongue back with hers, sighing softly when he pinned down her tongue. She waited to see what was going to happen, as he released her arms and moved his hands to her back.

A small chuckle left her as her husband lifted her up and pressed her body against the wall so that they were now the same height. "I love you," Alicia said softly. "And we can definitely do that. I don't have a problem keeping my wedding dress on for as long as you want." She smiled at Braden's words when he said that he had plans to fuck her several times that night. I can't wait. I know we're going to be exploring each other all night." The young woman fell silent a few moments later and kissed him once more, unable to get enough of his lips against hers.


Clarke smiled at Nick's words, as she remained on the bed and nodded. "Yeah, it did just happen. I didn't want to regret not letting you know how I feel." She sighed softly. "I'll always love Bellamy, but I know that he would want me to move on and be happy. And he knew how close you and I used to be, and he would be glad that you and I got a chance to be with each other and make each other happy. That is, if this is what you want. If I'm completely reading the signs wrong, let me know and we can just go and pretend that none of this ever happened."

"What do you want to do?" The blonde asked softly. She didn't want to pressure Nick into a relationship that he might not be ready for. Hell, he might not even want a relationship. He might just want sex, and if that was the case, then she was okay with that, too. There was nothing wrong with them just hooking up, as long it was something that both of them wanted. Clarke lifted her eyes and met his, as she fell silent so that he could talk if there was anything that he needed or wanted to say to her. She reached out with a hand and took one of his into one of her own, squeezing it gently.
Pulling back from Alicia’s lips, Braden placed his hands onto her waist. “Thank you, Princess. I love you. This will be so much fun. I will take control for now. At some point tonight, I want us to have some nice, old-fashioned, and gentle love-making. Before we do anything else, though, let me show you the fantasy I have wanted for the longest time.” Braden spent many nights and days thinking about their wedding night. It had to be special. While most people thought of the wedding night as first time between husband and wife involving roses and soft music and dimly lit rooms with candles, Braden knew their first time as a married couple would be hot, kinky, and rough. It summed up the majority of their style after all.

Once everything was said to Alicia, Braden pulled a chair for Alicia to sit down in. There were no arms on the chair and the seat was cushioned. “Baby, sit close to the edge and make sure your legs are spread out for me. I’ve always wanted to tie you to a chair and make love with you.” Most people did not consider the chair tie bondage position a valid place for vaginal sex, but like many times before, Braden had found a way to make it work. While waiting for Alicia to sit, he went to their bags and started to gather a great deal of rope.


“I feel the same way about you, that you feel about me. I know you will always love Bellamy and I could never replace him. If moving on and making you happy entails involving me in a relationship, then I want to do this for you. I know it has not been that long since you lost him. Don’t feel pressured into this unless you are truly ready. I know you make me happy and I want to make you happy as well. You are not reading the signs wrong. I was just worried that you did not want this because of what happened with Bellamy. I was afraid to make a move because I did not know how long you needed and I did not know if you would ever want me. You’re so much better than I am.”

There was no pressure here for Nick. He did want a relationship. It sounded like that was what she wanted as well. Reaching over to grab her hand, he returned the squeeze and kept their eyes locked together as he tried to put his feelings into words. “Is that what you want, though? A relationship? Just sex? I am okay with us having either but it sounds like you want a relationship and I think that is best as well.”
"I love you, too.." Alicia said softly and then she nodded at the rest of what her husband said. When he grabbed the chair for her to sit down in, she did and waited to see what else Braden had in mind for them to do that night. A few moments later, the brunette followed his instructions once she had sat down on the chair. She moved to the edge of the chair and then eagerly spread her legs wide for him. "I'm ready for anything that you want to do to me.." The young woman told him softly, a few moments later. The love and trust she felt, clear on her face and
in her eyes.

She fell silent and sat there, waiting as he got out the rope for what they were about to do together. It was a strange position, she had to admit, if only to herself, but as long as neither of them got hurt while trying this, then Alicia wasn't going to do or say anything to put a stop to it. "What all do you have planned for tonight?" She asked him a few moments later as her curiosity and impatience started to get the better of her. The young woman flung her head a little, to get her hair out of her face as she waited. She was pretty sure that Braden was going
to gag her at the least.


Clarke shook her head. "I'm not better than you. Never have been and never will be. Get rid of that thought. You've just had a bit of trouble dealing with things, and I'm here to help you do that, now. You won't be alone, and it's not all on you to keep your family together. We're all family now, and when you need anything, all you have to do is come to me. Don't be afraid and don't worry about annoying me or taking up too much of my time, because I won't see it that way. Actually, I'll be pissed if you don't come to me. I care about you and I want to help you.
So don't ever be afraid to talk to me."

"As for me being happy and us being together, it's not just about me, Nick. It's about both of us. If we do this, if we start a relationship, we have to be equal partners. We have to trust each other to have our backs, otherwise things between us aren't going to last for very long. As for what I want, I just want to be with you. However that needs to happen. We don't need to slap a label on what's going on with us if you're not comfortable with it. I don't want you to feel pressured or anything, and I'll do my best to be less of a handful. Or, you could just keep me in line.." She said teasingly.
The first thing Braden did was tie a rope around Alicia’s waist once and around the back of the chair to secure her into the seat. When Alicia asked about his plans, he did nothing but wink at his wife. “oh, there are so many things, baby. You’ll find out soon, though. The first thing I’m going to do is make love to you while you are in a chair tie. I’ve always read that it was impossible to have sex in this position other than oral sex. I want to prove that wrong. It might be difficult but this is a classic damsel-in-distress pose that you always see in shows and movies. I want to do this so badly and I know it can work. Trust me, I put some thought into this.”

Chuckling, Braden kissed the brunette again before adding some breast bondage. The rope wrapped below her breasts and around the chair before he brought it back around above her breasts. Not only did it restrain his wife further, but it accentuated her breasts and just looked sexy if Braden was asked. “What do you think so far, baby? This is already the most you’ve been restrained before. I love it.” He told her as he now pulled both her arms behind her back, tying a tight knot around her wrists before attaching the rope to the back of the chair as well. He was only just getting started and as always, the ropes were loose enough to be safe but not loose enough where she could get free.


Nick cared about what Clarke thought. Even though this was true, Nick did not believe she was not better than him. She was and he just saw Clarke on this pedestal whereas he was much lower than her. However, she reassured him that he would never annoy her or take up too much time. It made Nick happy that she wanted him to talk to her often. It made him feel relieved. It was about them both and they must be equal. After she finished talking, he chuckled at her last comment and relaxed as he leaned into Clarke. “Thank you, Clarke.” Nick whispered while gently kissing Clarke’s lips.

“Believe it or not, I like to have things organized so I’d like to have a label on what we have. I don’t see how relationships are so complicated in that way. If we like each other and we want to be with each other, then we are dating. I think that is simple. So that solves what we are to each other. I do want this and I will talk to you. I’m just nervous. You are incredible, Clarke. I don’t know how I ever earned a second of your time but I am going to be happy that I did. Thank you for this. I’m ready to jump into this if you are.”
Alicia was happy to sit there on the chair and wait to see what her new husband had in mind for the two of them. A smile was on her lips as he used a rope to tie her to the chair and secure her to the seat. His words had her smile turning to a smirk as she listened to what Braden had planned for the two of them. The brunette nodded when he asked her to trust him and said that he had put a lot of work into figuring out how to make things work. She kissed him back when he kissed her again, and then watched as he tried another rope around her, this time around her breasts and the chair.

The brunette smiled when Braden asked what she thought, still happy to go along with this, knowing that her husband loved tying her up for his pleasure. Alicia let him grab her arms and pull them behind her back, where he tied them, too, to the chair. A few moments later, her ankles were tied to the chair as well, and once that was done, the young woman waited to see how he was going to get things started between the two of them. She was happy to trail her eyes over his hot body as she waited for his next plans, though she was impatient to really get started.


Clarke smiled and then kissed Nick back. "You never have to thank me. I care about you, and I have for all of my life. You might not realize this, but you mean a lot to me. You're family.." She paused to let him speak and then raised a hand, pressing her fingers to his lips a few moments later. "You never have to earn my time or my feelings. You're a good man, and I'm going to keep reminding you of that until you start to believe it yourself. We've both been through a lot. We've lost people that we loved and yet we somehow still managed to come out on the other side of those losses."

A few moments later, the blonde removed her fingers from his lips and used that same hand to cup one of his cheeks in it. "I feel like I should say something both profound and amazing right now, but the only thing I can think to say, is to tell you that you mean a lot to me, and I'm glad that we've decided to give things between us a chance. And I feel the need to repeat my earlier promise where I said that I'm here when and if you need me. I want to help you. I just need you to tell me what you need, as I won't assume or pretend to know what you need.
Only you know."
Before binding Alicia’s ankles, Braden reached underneath his wife’s dress and removed her panties. This was for two purposes: one, to ensure it was out of the way when he was ready to make love to her and two, to use for a gag. Before doing anything with her underwear though, Braden spread Alicia’s legs open and used more rope to tie each ankle to one of the legs of the chair. It would leave her own legs spread out wide for him, giving Braden easy access. Everything was finished except for one thing, the most important thing – the gag. Braden took the underwear in his hand and balled it up into his fist. “Open your mouth, Princess. Let’s make sure you’re gagged properly tonight.” Braden cooed, wanting to use this for the stuffing in her mouth.

Whenever she complied, Braden pushed the panties into her mouth until her lips could completely shut. Keeping the panties inside, he grabbed a clean tie that he owned and used it, placing it between her lips so he could have a cleave gag. Once that was done, the young man took a few steps back only to admire his creation. “I want you to struggle for me now. I want to have a front row seat to you trying to get loose. I won’t make you do it long. I’m going to fuck you soon, but this is going to help me get hard for you, baby.”


“Get used to me thanking you. I know you don’t think I should, but I think I should. So many of my friends and even family have given up on me a long time ago. You never did and that means more to me than I could ever express. Don’t you forget that, either. You are family to me as well. You mean more to me than most. You do make me feel like I’m a better person that I used to be. I don’t know what I’d be doing now if you weren’t here. I wouldn’t have anyone to comfort me or really believe in me like this. Everything you told me and everything you have done for me is unspeakable. I am so happy that we’re together during this. I wish that the end o the world could be avoided, but if it can’t, there’s nobody else I’d rather spend my time with.”

Nick continued to lean his head against her hand, a smile growing on her face when she talked about giving him a chance and giving them a chance. “You should do the same, you know? I might not offer the greatest advice. I might not know as much as you do but I like to think I’m a good listener that can help you out whenever needed. I will come to you if you come to me. We’re in this together now and I promise to do all I can to ensure your safety.” The male promised Clarke, deciding to lean in for another kiss.
Alicia remained tied to the chair as Braden went to work and put the rest of his plans into motion. A chuckle left her lips when her husband reached under her dress and took off her panties. She had a few ideas of what he was going to do with them. She was happy to let him spread her legs wide open for him, and only relaxed in the chair as he tied her ankles to the legs of the chair. The brunette knew that the point of it, was to give him easy access to her most private area. When he balled her panties up in his fist and then told her to open her mouth, she did.

A few moments later, her panties were stuffed into her mouth and then tied a tie around her head and lips, sealing her mouth with a gag. His next words had her nodding, and a few moments later, the young woman did as her husband asked and started to try and struggle against the bindings that held her against the chair, though there was no way for her to escape, with how well he Braden had secured her to the chair. When he talked about getting him hard and fucking her soon, she could only grin, and continue to struggle. Loving how much the simple act turned him on.


Clarke let Nick say what he needed to say, and when she was sure that he was done, she began to speak. "I never gave up on you, because I knew that you needed me. I knew what you were going through, and though I didn't know how to help you, and I figured that you wouldn't want my help, I still thought that as long as you knew I was around if you needed me, that it would at least help a little. I know that you used the drugs as a reason to forget about the pain and loss of your father. I know that sometimes the pain is just too much for a person to handle."

"I know that because I felt the same way about my own father and losing him. As much as I wanted to lose myself to drugs and bury my head in the sand to the rest of my family's pain, I just couldn't do it. The idea of putting my own life at risk just to forget the pain for a few hours, wasn't worth it. I always thought, what if something happened to me, too? What if I OD'ed, and left Braden and our mother alone? The last thing they needed after my father's death, would be for me to die, too. And I don't mean this to come across as preachy, and I hope it doesn't."

"I'm just trying to explain why I never allowed myself to give in and crawl into a bottle or take drugs. I know that not everyone sees things the way I do, and I'm not judging. I just remember how I felt when we lost my father. How much pain we were in and how long it took us to get back into some sort of functional state, and I realized that I could never cause them that kind of pain. So, if things ever get too bad for you, tell me. I don't want to lose you, Nick. As much as I wish I could, I can't bring your father back. But I can hold you and listen as you talk about your memories of him."

She smiled when Nick called her family to him, too. "There's nobody else that I'd rather be with, either.." The blonde said softly, and pulled him close, hugging him tightly against her. "I have no doubt that you're a very good listener. You always were before, and I know you will be, now. Though you shouldn't give me too much permission to talk. I might talk your ear off.." The young woman teased him. "I've always had a big mouth, that hasn't changed." She nodded when he said that they were in it together now, and he would look after her and protect her.

"The same goes for me, about you and the others. You and your family, is now my family, too. Regardless or not of Braden and Alicia being married. I've always considered your family as my family, too. Now it's just official, with the two brats getting married..." She said, though there was no malice in her words, and there was a grin on her lips. "You have my word that I'll protect them. All of them, if it's the last thing that I do. I love them, too. Your mother has always been a second mother to me, and Travis fits in nicely with the family as well. He's a good man, very good for your mother. "

"And I can see that he loves you and Alicia, too. Just like I do. So, no matter what happens, I'll look after them. And you, too. And I'll kick your butt if you ever try any of that macho crap and act like you don't need my protection. As you're well aware from hunting trips we took in the past together, I'm good with a shotgun and a knife." A few moments later, Clarke finally stopped speaking, and leaned in just as Nick did and their lips connected as they kissed. The hand that had been cupping his cheek, moved, and she slipped both of her arms around his waist as they kissed.
While Alicia gave him a show, Braden decided to perform something of his own. As Alicia squirmed and struggled in her bondage, the male slowly undressed himself. He started with his shirt, slowly undoing the buttons before dropping the material onto the ground. Next, he undid his belt and slowly dropped his pants before stepping out of them. After that, he was clad in only his boxers so he straddled Alicia’s lap and pulled those boxers down as he sat there, his cock growing hard and now becoming free from the material that kept it confined. Soon enough, he had seen enough struggling and he wanted to fuck her so badly that he could not hold back.

Looking into those pretty eyes, Braden saw everything he ever wanted in life. Kissing her over the gag, Braden held their lips together before lining up the tip of his cock to her entrance. Once he did that, the male slowly pushed forward so his long, thick cock was pressed into the bound and gagged brunette. A moan left his lips and his head tilted back as he gripped onto her shoulders, holding her still. This was an awkward position at first but he quickly found a rhythm, slowly rolling his hips together as he made love to Alicia as she was tied to the chair. It was a different position indeed, but that helped keep everything interesting.


“You’re right. I did need you. I need you now. I can’t ever see a point in my life where I wouldn’t need you.” Nick answered when Clarke started talking. This was true. Nick always had known Clarke to be in her life. Even when his father died, she was there by his side, helping him through the turmoil he dealt with. “I always welcome your help. I might not act like it but when you did things like smile at me or comfort me when I had to cry at the funeral, that meant the world to me. I should have showed you that and been more thankful for that.”

Nick remembered how she helped him through the funeral. She sat with him on the front row much like Braden did with Alicia. Nick did not know if he would have made it through that ceremony without Clarke. It made Nick feel weak, though, when he thought about Clarke losing her father. She went through the exact same thing he did almost around the same time that he did. It was only a few months after his own father died when Clarke’s father died. That was something else he didn’t mention before.

“That’s something else I wanted to say to you but I just never have. I am so sorry that I wasn’t there like I should have been when your father died. That’s when I started using heavily – the few months after my dad’s death. I tried to deal with it but I just couldn’t. I was always too high to talk to you or I couldn’t be found. I felt weak when I thought about it. You went through the same thing I did but you turned out alright. I wish I could be strong like you.”

There was almost some jealousy there, but nothing bad. Nick just wished to be strong like Clarke. “You are the strongest person I know Clarke. It is incredible to see you each day. I feel so lucky that you’re still in my life even after all the shit I’ve done to you. I wasn’t there for you like you were there for me. I will regret that until the day I die and even longer than that. I am so sorry for that Clarke. You deserved so much better. I know how horrible it must have been. I was lucky to have you helping me through the loss. I wasn’t there for yours.”

He had to pause here because he was getting a little emotional. “Just like you offered me – I can try to do better now. If you want to talk about your father or just have me hold you while you think of him, I can do that. I will help you now however I can, like I should have a long time ago. That’s a mistake I can’t take back but I sure as hell can change the future and change what happens now.” Nick was determined to make that change for Clarke.

He smiled when Clarke talked about family. The same was true for him. “I will make sure to keep an extra eye on your brother, too. I know Alicia thinks the world of him. I do, too. I know the older brother should try and make all his sister’s boyfriends run off but he’s the only one she’s ever had and he makes it impossible to dislike him. I do agree that we all see each other as family, even before today. We will look out for each other.”

When they finished talking, it seemed that Clarke was ready to kiss. Nick did not hesitate and since they had spoken about things already, the male felt so much better. His mind was not clouded and he could think properly again. While kissing Clarke, Nick just did what felt natural. His hands were on her waist and he slowly found himself lowering on top of her. “You’re so beautiful, Clarke. How does someone so gorgeous have the ability to act so badass?” He teased playfully as he thought about her skills with weapons and the skills he had seen since the outbreak started. She looked like anything but the kind of girl that could do these things.
Her eyes happily trailed over Braden's body as he stripped, a smile formed on her lips as she watched as each piece of skin was revealed to her. Once his shirt and pants were gone and he remained in his boxers as he straddled her, she moved her head forward so that their lips could meet in a kiss, enjoying kissing him with the gag on. This happened just as her husband started to remove his boxers. "I love you, Brae." The brunette said softly against the gag over her mouth. She felt his cock against her and moaned loudly as he slipped inside of her.

Their positions on the chair weren't very comfortable, but it was fine. It didn't hurt, so she wasn't going to say anything about it. They continued to kiss through the gag on her mouth, and even as he started to fuck her, she moved her hips as much as she could, given her tied state, to encourage Braden to keep going. There was something so wonderful about being with the man she loved, that nothing else mattered in that moment. All that mattered was the two of them making love, letting their bodies do the talking as they told each other they loved the other.


Clarke smiled at Nick. "Like I've said before, I'm here when you need me. All you have to do is say the word." She stopped talking when he began to talk about his father's funeral, smiling when he thanked her for being there for her when his father had died. The young woman reached out and took one of his hands into one of her own and squeezed it. "Thank you for saying that. I know that back then you weren't in any place to do so. With struggling with your grief and dealing with your addiction, there were more important things going on at the time."

"But thank you, I meant it. I'm glad that you realize now, I was only trying to help back then. Things between some of us were ugly there for a while. I don't know how much you remember, but your mother had sort of shut down at that time, and Alicia, well, she went back and forth between episodes of rage, or complete silence for a week at a time. She didn't know how to handle her grief and it manifested itself in rage or silence. It was a a really hard time back then."

"But anyway, I'm glad to have my friend back. I'm glad that you're back to your old self. I missed my best friend." When he started to apologize for not being there for her, she shook her head. "First, thank you for saying that, but it's unneeded. You were dealing with your own issues at the time, and no one expected you to babysit me, least of all, me. And you're wrong, I'm not strong. I forced myself to not deal with and process my feelings about my father's death. It was the only way I could cope."

"I focused my time and energy on taking care of Braden and Alicia, and trying to help out you and Madison when I could. I found that it was a better use of my time and energy than getting upset over something that wasn't going to change no matter how much I wanted it to. And truth be told, I was always afraid that if I let myself feel that loss, I'd come completely unglued and I couldn't let that happen. I needed to be there for you guys."

Once they had both stopped talking, she sighed happily into their kiss. When Nick pulled away to talk some more, she smiled at him. "Thank you for saying that," She said and blushed a little when he called her beautiful. "As for me being badass, I don't see it that way. I just refuse to let anyone or anything get in the way of me getting to my family. Braden and all of you."
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