RP: FTWD: Survive With Me (randomname98766789 x greenandgold)

Alicia and Clarke were in the kitchen cooking together when Braden found them. They talked it over and had decided to prepare as much food in advance as they could. This way when and if the electricity ever went out, they would have food already made. "So, there's something we can do to make things easier on everyone. Clarke and I have been discussing the
idea of doing trading with the neighbor's. We can trade food for weapons and for other food, or clothes or other supplies we need. There's a house one street over that a shut-in used
to live in."

"He was one of those doomsday prepper types. The man, Turner Jakes, has a locker stored with guns, ammo and knives. He used to be in the Navy or Army, I can't remember which. Shortly after he got back to town and resumed his civilian life, he lost his wife and daughter in a car accident. He was a nice man, and I knew that he was lonely, so I'd help out by
doing his yard sometimes. I think that I reminded him of his daughter, Anna. Anyway, he told me a few times about a locker that he had upstairs in his bedroom. He said that he was
an active hunter and collected gun's and ammo and stored them in the locker."

"Turner said that he hadn't told anyone else about the gun locker, which was built into the floor under his bed. He also has tons of canned goods and food that can be cooked over a fire, stored in a vault under the kitchen table. He told me about the guns in case I ever needed to defend myself. He was a nice old man who missed his family, and we were close. Not close in an inappropriate way, but we were friends. Anyway, you can sneak into his house at night, and get some supplies. There's a key to the back door, hidden under a potted plant. Use it
to get inside."

"The code to the gun locker is 0598. Anna's birthday, May '98. The code to the food locker is AMJNPJ1990, for Anna Maria Jakes, his daughter, Natalia Penelope Jakes, his wife, and 1990 is the year that Turner and Natalia got married. And don't give me any funny looks. Turner was a nice man. He never tried anything funny with me, and he was a good friend to my father before he died. Turner died a few weeks ago in his sleep. And with everything that's been going on, no one's been able to do anything with the house, so it's just sitting there with the supplies."
Listening closely, Braden took in everything that Alicia said. It could definitely help them. There was no need to wait until the night. Braden just took two huge backpacks since it was not that far away. After ensuring that both Clarke and Alicia were safe for now, he left and set out for the house immediately. Indeed, there was a key underneath the potted plant. The male entered the house and typed in the codes that Alicia told him. They were all accurate and by the end, his bags were filled with weapons and supplies. After that was done, he returned back to the Clark house. It did not take him long. He was back two hours later and everything had calmed back down.

Much had happened. Travis and Madison returned while Chris continued talking about the flash he saw outside of the walls. It was designated as the Dead Zone. Apparently, everything outside these walls were dead. Nick had been using one of the elderly patients morphine pump to get those fluids in his system instead. Madison ventured outside the wall and found that everything was dead outside the walls, but not all the dead people in the streets were infected and that bothered her. They all had reasons to distrust the military but there was literally nothing they could do. Just then, Braden entered amidst the chaos and he showed the supplies to Alicia and Clarke.

“You were right, Alicia. Everything was there. We should hide this stuff just in case the military enters in here for some reason. I don’t think we want them seeing this.” The male commented as he decided to hide all the weapons in the closet in Alicia’s room while adding the food to the other pile of canned goods in various cabinets. There was no real reason to hide food, but the weapons were another story. There was so much in his collection but they would benefit from it. It made Braden wish he knew the male as he would have certainly appreciated knowing the man.

Later that night, the large group of people were gathered around in the living room. Doctors were supposed to come by and take the elderly Griselda and Daniel to the hospital. They entered and called out Griselda’s name. They helped her out but instead of taking Daniel, they took Nick. Knowing that Alicia would likely fight back since they were taking Nick by force, Braden grabbed Alicia’s hand so she did not do anything and he took charge. Braden even tackled one of the soldiers but finally he caught a blow of the butt of a rifle to the back of his head, knocking him away as one of the soldiers held up a gun, threatening to shoot Braden if anyone else walked forward. Eventually, they removed Nick from the house and Travis’ ex-wife, Liza, joined the team of doctors as they drove away which infuriated both Madison, Chris, and Travis all at once.
"What's the plan now? We can't just stay here and do nothing," Alicia said immediately, once the soldiers had left with Liza, Nick, Griselda and Daniel. "We need to find out where they're taking them, and we need to get the hell out of this neighborhood. Even if we have to do some things that we don't like or really want to do, we'll do them." The young woman glanced between Braden, Clarke, her mother and Travis. "They just took Nick. We have to do something!" The words came out desperately, as she was worried about her brother and what the soldiers were going to do to him.

"I don't trust them, they're dangerous.." She said, and flicked a concerned glance between Braden and Clarke, the memory of her short kidnapping coming to mind. "We have to figure
out how to take them on. Not all at once, but we take them out one or two at a time. It's the only thing we can do. We should start sleeping with a knife or more than one, at our sides just in case. And if you think that I'm overreacting, I'm really not. We don't know what they're really doing here and they're not talking. So, unless that changes, I refuse to trust them."
Madison looked at Alicia with a frown on her face. “I am sorry, Licia. We can’t do anything right now. We have no idea where they are taking him. All we can do is wait. We can’t attack them. We can’t take them on.” Madison was furious too but she was level-headed. Meanwhile, Braden was still on the ground in pain. It sure as hell rang his head. Daniel was by his side and helped him, stopping the bleeding from the back of his head. When Braden finally felt well enough to stand, he looked towards his girlfriend and approached her.

He could not imagine what she was feeling right now, but he thought the only thing he could do was huge her. “Come here, Princess.” Braden whispered, wrapping his strong arms around her. “We will get Nick back. I promise we will, but we can’t do anything brash. We’ll have to plan. We might could get some of the other soldiers to talk. I don’t know, but we’re in this together, my love. We’re going to get through this.” He promised the brunette and gently kissed her on the corner of her lips before pulling back just enough to look into her eyes and show her that he was there and going to comfort her.
"Are you okay?" Alicia asked him concerned, when Braden was able to get up from the floor, and wrapped his arms around her. The brunette reached out and gently ran her fingers of one hand, over the back of his head where he had been hit by the riffle. After a few moments, she stopped caressing the tender spot and instead just hugged her boyfriend tightly. She was worried about him, worried about Nick, and worried about the situation they found themselves in. It seemed like things were spinning farther and farther out of control with each day
that passed.

"Maybe we should turn on a movie or something, while there's still electricity.." She suggested a few moments later. "Since there's nothing we can do for anyone right now, we might as well do something to take our minds off this situation.." Once she had spoke, the young woman took Braden's hand and nodded at Clarke for her to follow them into the living room. The brunette turned on a movie and got a blanket, the three of them moving to sit on the big couch, while her mother and Travis sat down on the smaller couch, and Daniel and Ofelia each took a seat in the recliner's in the room.

They had a decent movie collection, given all the different types of personalities that lived in the house. So it was easy find a comedy and put it on. They could use a few hours of mindless entertainment. And once the movie was set up, Alicia was under the covers and she sat in the middle of Braden and Alicia, and held their hands under the blanket as they cuddled together. Though they didn't make it obvious that the three of them were together. With everything else that was going on, the three of them didn't need anyone finding out
that they were together.
When the movie started, Braden nuzzled in close with Alicia. One arm wrapped underneath her neck and his hand was planted strategically so he could stroke his fingers through Clarke’s hair when nobody was paying much attention. Then, his other hand reached over to hold both Alicia’s and Clarke’s joined hands underneath the blanket. After doing that, Braden felt the need to pepper Alicia’s face with kisses, so he did. The male slowly kissed up, down, and all over her face, attacking her lips at one point as well. It made him feel better, knowing that they were all cuddled up.

Everything was finally calming down now after a night of horrible things. However, Madison was still furious, even at Travis since it was his ex-wife that took Nick from their home. They were not really talking or looking at one another as the movie played on. It was tense at some areas for everyone but Braden kept himself busy while holding the love of his life close: both of them. He knew that when they returned to the bedroom he could kiss and hold them both. After the movie ended, Madison excused herself and Travis did as well. Daniela and Ofelia both looked shocked because they did not feel good about having Griselda with these soldiers. They were supposed to help but now they did not know.

The trio walked upstairs and into Alicia’s room. Once they reached it, Braden closed and locked the door before they all headed towards the bed. When they reached the bed, Braden crawled in first until he lay in the center of the bed. Next, he looked towards his two ladies and expected them to join him as he wrapped his arms around them both, giving each a kiss on the lips. “I love you both so much. We’ll get through this.” He whispered to them as they relaxed against his arms. “I guess we’d do well to get some rest tonight. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow.
Clarke was the first one up the next morning. She glanced over at the clock, which read 6AM. The sun was just coming up and the young woman spent the next several minutes just watching her lovers sleep. They were so calm and peaceful and safe, and that was how she wanted them to remain. She promised herself that she would do whatever it took to keep them safe. They were the most important people in her life. The blonde loved them more than she ever thought was possible. Watching her two lovers sleep was one of her favorite things to do. Among other things.

The thought planted itself in her mind, and a smile came over her lips because of it. A sneaky idea came to her and a few moments later, she shifted against Braden, and slipped a hand down his body and over his crotch. Clarke started to run her fingers and her hand over him, caressing him through his boxers. Her eyes were on his, waiting for her brother to wake up, knowing that he would enjoy waking up this way. When his eyes opened and met hers she whispered, "Good morning," so as not to wake Alicia. Then a moment later, the blonde lowered her head and then kissed his lips as she kept stroking him.
Braden slept peacefully until he felt something touching his crotch. His blue eyes opened and he saw his sister looking at him. Following her arm, he found her hand wrapped around his cock, moving up and down. “Morning.” He whispered in a sleepy, raspy voice. The last thing he wanted was to wake Alicia since she was sleeping so peacefully. “This is an amazing wake-up call. I think you should do this more often.” Braden teased and returned the kiss, sliding his tongue across her soft, sweet lips. One hand wrapped around her waist and squeezed her ass firmly while she did this. His other hand tangled in her long hair, pulling on the locks not so gently but not too roughly, either.

A smirk crossed his lips and Braden pulled back from the kiss. “You know about my foot fetish now. How about instead of getting me off with your hand, you could use your feet.” Braden suggested since Clarke had never given him a foot job before. She had given quite a few handjobs since they started their relationship together. The most he had done with her feet was kiss them a couple times and she did not seem bothered by it, thankfully. “I think you can manage to curl up and use your feet while still kissing me.”
"I don't have a problem with that," Clarke whispered and then kissed her brother. She pulled his boxers off a few moments later, and set them aside. Once that was done, the blonde resumed kissing Braden. She carefully shifted on the bed until she was comfortable, and then trapped his penis between both of her feet. A few moments later, the young woman began to rub her feet again him, the actions not too rough, but not too softly, either. She wanted him to enjoy this, just as she was enjoying it. Soft sighs and moans left her lips as they made out, and as she kept rubbing her feet against him.

"Brae, go ahead and take off my shirt." She told him, and stilled her feet against him for a few seconds so he could do just that. "I love the feel of your hands all over me," The blonde said, once he had removed her shirt and set it aside. Clarke resumed stroking him with her feet, adding a little bit of force to the strokes of her feet, wanting to both surprise him and turn him
on more. "I love you," She said, and pulled back from his lips, and started to kiss his neck. The young woman was unable to keep her hands off of him for long. Loving just touching him,
even if it wasn't sexual.
Braden was thankful that Clarke agreed to his idea. When she started stroking him with her feet, a soft groan left his lips. The man continued kissing his sister, pausing the kiss until Clarke told him to remove her shirt. Obliging, he removed the girl’s shirt and admired her chest. While she kissed his neck, Braden tilted his head away to give her all the room she needed. Then, the male used both of his hands to start massaging and assaulting her breasts, squeezing her mounds of flesh firmly while her strokes continued. The faster she went, the more turned on he was. Moans of her name left his lips as he tried to keep himself rather quiet. Braden continued fondling her breasts even when his orgasm reached.

The muscles in the tip of his cock flexed and clenched until he finally felt three or four spurts of his hot, sticky semen explode from his cock and coat her feet and toes in his semen. This made Braden moan again, moaning the entire time that his orgasm was lasting. After his orgasm finished, Braden did not stop playing with her breasts. A smile was on his face and soon he was starting to kiss her neck. After pulling back from the kiss, Braden looked to Clarke and then looked to his other sleeping girlfriend. “I think I know how to wake her up. You can kiss her and touch her. I think I will eat her out to wake her up.” He smirked, giving Clarke one more kiss. He crawled underneath the blankets and settled himself in between her legs before pressing a kiss to Alicia’s pussy lips before sliding his tongue inside of her, slowly stroking her walls.
Alicia sighed softly, moaning as she slept. The dream she was having was a pleasant one. In it, she, Braden, and Clarke lived together across town in LA, in a nice apartment. Things were still normal, and they had all moved in together after she and Clarke transferred universities to live in town with Braden. However, a noise caught her attention and caused her to wake up. Another moan left her lips as she awoke, opened her eyes, and felt her boyfriend between her legs, eating her out. She brushed a hand through his hair and then kept moaning as he pleasured her.

She smiled when Clarke leaned over and kissed her, happy to meet the blonde's lips for a good morning kiss. The brunette moaned even more as both siblings started to work her body. As Braden kept eating her out, her girlfriend had started to squeeze, tease, play with and fondle her breasts, causing the younger woman to pull them tightly against her body, needing more. "Best wake up call ever," Alicia told them, as she reached out and pawed Clarke's own breasts. She thrust against Braden's face, almost as if trying to shove his tongue deeper inside of her.
This was not the first time Braden ever did something like this to wake up his girlfriend. Hearing her moan made his entire body shiver and shake. She sounded so hot. His eyes looked upwards to see his girlfriends kissing and that turned Braden on even more. Braden’s tongue reached as deep inside of Alicia as humanly possible. He massaged every inch of her inner walls while moaning against her crotch. His teeth gently grazed against her flesh. His hands went to her ass, holding her ass and squeezing the flesh. He pushed forwards so her hips were grinding more into his face.

Braden was moaning again, his tongue eagerly licking and sucking at Alicia’ tight, sexy pussy lips. Finally, he moved one hand onto her clitoris, using the index finger and the middle finger to start rubbing slow circles on her clit. He wanted to make Alicia cum for him. That would be the best way to start out this morning for his girlfriend, the male thought. He did not slow down nor did he hold anything back. With his mouth on her pussy, one hand on her clit, and the other hand on her ass, Braden was trying to give her the maximum amount of pleasure possible.
Alicia was eagerly humping Braden's face as he ate her out. Her moans against Clarke's lips as they kissed, were barely muffled. She felt one of her boyfriend's hands on her ass, and the
other one working her clit along with his mouth. Needing something to hold her attention so that she could control her moans, the brunette shoved her face into Clarke's chest, pulling the other woman's shirt off. Within moments, she was happily licking, sucking, and biting her girlfriend's nipples, enjoying all of the wonderful sounds that the blonde made for her and Braden.

The brunette only pulled back when her boyfriend's fingers pressed deep inside of her, setting off the mini explosions of pleasure that shot through her body as she came. Her body clenching down and tightening around his fingers that worked her over. "I love waking up to the two of you.." She said, reaching out for Braden as she tried to catch her breath. Grabbing him by the hair, and pulling him up to her level, to kiss him, as her hands started pinching and pulling Clarke's breasts. "I love you... Both of you. And I love starting every morning in bed with my favorite people."
After Alicia reached her orgasm, Braden pulled back and crawled up the bed to kiss his girlfriend. “I love both of you, too. I love waking up with you both and starting out our day like this. I know we’re living in some crazy days but you both make me so damn happy and I care about you both so much. I will keep you both safe and love you forever.” He whispered, sharing an intimate moment with the girls, giving each a kiss on the lips. After kissing them both, he locked eyes with Alicia first and then Clarke before sitting up and just relaxing.

He reached down and grabbed both of their hands, squeezing them gently. “We should get ready for this day. I think both of you should choose something you’d like to see me wear.” Sure, a male’s wardrobe might not have all the same options a female did, but he was sure there were certain things that girls liked to see their guy wear. Offering that, he wondered what Alicia and Clarke would decide together. He thought it was a cute idea to try and he just wanted to see what they would say. Braden wanted to make them both happy and to make them both unable to get enough of him.
As soon as Braden made the offer, both women kissed him and then left the bed and walked over to the closet. Braden had always left half of his clothes at Alicia's house. They had been best friend's for years, and then they had started dating, so there was never any discussion or argument about him leaving his things at her house. The two women browsed through his clothes, discussing shirt's and bottom's and then pulled out the clothes they wanted him to wear. Even though both of them were currently walking around the room naked, it seemed without a care.

Once they had Braden's clothes figured out, the two women returned to the bed and both of them started kissing him and then each other. "Who's going to shower first?" Alicia asked, as she cuddled into Braden and reached out a hand to hold Clarke's hand in hers. The three of them remained in the bed for a few more minutes as they enjoyed each other's company. "I'll need to check on Nick and the others in a little while. Soon, but for now I just like having both of you close." The young woman cuddled her boyfriend and girlfriend close, kissing each of them.
Thinking about the shower, a smirk grew to Braden’s face. Last time you two showered together and I watched. This time, I want to shower with one of you. Alicia. Next time, I can shower with Clarke.” Braden suggested, waiting to hear if it was okay with them both. After they confirmed it, Braden gathered his clothing, a wash cloth, and towels before heading across the hallway. The male made sure to check to see if the coast was clear. Thankfully, it was. The house seemed empty. Travis left this morning to speak with the soldiers in charge. Chris stormed out of the house. Madison, Ofelia, and Daniel were in the basement of their neighbor’s house with one of the soldiers captive, trying to pry out information. Lastly, Nick was somewhere looking for drugs. The house was theirs again.

It was the perfect time to do this. Braden crossed the hallway and turned on the water first, making sure it was nice and warm before his girlfriends arrived. The male was still nude and already stepped into the water, waiting for them both to enter. Perhaps he could shower with Alicia first and after she was clean, he could wait for Clarke to join him after. That way, they would all get time together this morning.
Alicia joined Braden in the shower a few minutes later. She wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed him several times, unable to get enough of him. Eventually, she made herself pull away, and grabbed some soap and a washcloth. A few moments later, the brunette used the soap and washcloth and started to rub it all over his body. A grin on her lips as she did so. The young woman loved touching her boyfriend's body, and seeing him naked, and touching him was one of her favorite things to do. "What do you wanna do today, once we're all cleaned up?"

A chuckle left her lips as she spent way more time than was necessary, washing his crotch and his cock. She was having lots of fun teasing Braden and playing with him, before she finally forced herself to stop, even though she didn't really want to. "I love showering with you," Alicia said, a smirk on her lips, as she finished washing her boyfriend's body and started to rinse
him off, still running her hands over his skin, this time the action more innocent than it had been before. She continued to kiss him, even as her hands ran over his chest, just innocently touching him.
“I think we should get out of the house for a bit after we’re all cleaned up. Everyone else is gone and we might as well try to look for clues. I had an idea. It might not be that moral but we have to do everything we can to survive. So many houses are abandoned now. We can try to look for supplies before anyone else does. Or we can just all walk together and stay relatively close to our neighborhood. I know Travis is going to talk with the soldiers. It seems that the ones we encountered were rogue and hopefully not all of them are evil.”

Braden explained with a shrug. At different times, he moaned when Alicia touched his body and helped him wash off. After that, he took his turn and started washing her off as well, keeping their eyes locked together. “I love you so much, my sweet Princess. I know you must be worried about Nick but we’ll figure something out. I hate feeling like there’s nothing we can do, but that’s the truth. We need more information and I think that’s what the others are doing today. There’s not much else we can do other than watch over the house and each other.” Braden added, spending ample time with her breasts before finally finishing up and letting her rinse off.
Once they had all finished showering, they all got dressed together and then left the house. Alicia had her keys and slipped them into her pocket, as the three of them started walking. "I can't seem to shake the feeling that something's off about the soldiers presence here. I mean, how come we don't ever see them interacting with radios and talking to people from other states? LA can't be the only state that's still somewhat functioning." The worry on her face was genuine, and each and every day, she was more and more sure that something was going on that was being kept quiet.

They walked around the neighborhood, making sure to stay close, so that nothing happened to any of them. After a few minutes, the two young women followed their boyfriend into a house that he led them to, and once they were inside, closed the door silently and started to explore the house. "This house used to belong to my 5th grade teacher. I was always curious as to what the inside of a teacher's house looked like, and even though we were neighbor's, I never really visited or ask to come inside. I always thought it would be just too weird." Alicia admitted softly.
“Well, they don’t need the house now.” Braden pointed out. The woman and man that lived here were rich. Even if she was a teacher, her husband owned a big business and they came from two families that were rich. This house was one of the nicest Braden had ever seen. He thought about just checking it out. “Let’s see what kind of clothes they have. Maybe you’ll find something you two like. I know neither of you particularly like dressing up or make-up or anything, but I think you’re both so hot in dresses and heels.” Braden quirked hoping they might be open to it.

“Besides, you can look through the outfits from the husband and see if there’s anything you want me to try on for you. I’m sure there’s some nice clothing you might enjoy.” Braden added, walking right upstairs to the bedroom where there was massive walk-in closet they could try. There were just so many things to choose from and he had no idea where to even start. “Well, what do you girls think? There’s so much here. It’d be a shame to le tall of this go to waste.” Braden added, squeezing both their hands.
"Yeah, maybe you're right." Alicia said, and then a few moments later, she and Clarke followed Braden upstairs and to the Master bedroom. The brunette walked over to the dresser, opened a few drawers and started to go through the clothes and other belongings that were inside. She looked up and saw that Clarke had walked over to the window and was looking outside. Deciding to let her girlfriend have a minute to herself, she kept going through the drawers, pulling out some clothes and trying them on. "It feels kind of weird to be doing this," She admitted to them.

After browsing through the woman's clothes for a little longer, she started to go through the husband's clothes, going through everything and picking out what she thought would look good on her boyfriend. After going through the husband's clothes for a little while, Alicia motioned for Braden to join her at the dresser, and picked up some clothes and held them against his body, to see if it looked good on his form. A smile was on her lips as she did this. "We'll definitely have to take some of this back to the house. Go through the wife's clothes and let Clarke and I know if you think any of this would look good on us."
Braden thanked Alicia for the clothing ideas and then suddenly leaned down to kiss her lips, cupping her face while they kissed. “Of course, Princess. Anything you want.” He murmured softly, their eyes locked together before pulling back. Then, he walked to the wife’s side of the closet. He found a few dresses, heels, and sexy lingerie. Next, Braden also found some nice jeans and lower cut shirts she could wear when she was around him. With a smile, Braden brought them back to Alicia “We can find some bags to put everything in. We should explore everything else, too.” Braden suggested.

He looked to Alicia and grabbed her hand before they started to head downstairs together. There was nothing they could use in the lower level, but the basement was a different story. The married couple must have been kinky. There was a different bedroom with darker colors and items that looked like they had some fun toys to use. It just so happened that there were different cuffs, clamps, gags, and everything else that was basically heaven for Braden. “You know, we aren’t really expected back for a while. We could take some time here and play.” He suggested, looking to the others.
"That sounds like a fun idea," Alicia said, a grin on her lips. She closed the door to the room behind them and wasted no time taking off her shirt, standing there before her boyfriend in
her bra and jeans. After removing her shirt, the brunette removed her bra, and then her jeans, only standing there in her panties now. "Are you just gonna stand there and look, or are
you gonna join me for some fun? There's all kinds of toys just lying around, waiting to be used. I'm sure you have plenty of ideas forming in your head," She said and smirked at him.

The young woman walked over to her boyfriend and pressed her body against his. Her bare skin against his clothes, she took one of his hands, walked over to the bed and sat down on it. Within moments, Alicia was rubbing her boyfriend's hand between her legs and moaning. Hoping to encourage him to keep this going. "Touch me, babe.. We're all alone, and we can do whatever we want here." A moan left her lips as she kept pressing Braden's hand between her legs, making him rub her. After a few moments, she lifted his hand and slipped it into her panties, watching his expression as she slipped his fingers inside of her.

"We both know that you wanna touch me and play with me," Alicia said, grinning. "And there's plenty of toys around the room to give you ideas."
“You’re right, I do.” Braden smirked, happily touching his girlfriend. His touches only ceased when he started stripping himself of his clothing. Before long, he stood only in his underwear, looking through all drawers and boxes before making a decision. In the end, he threw a few items on the bed: leather wrist cuffs, leather ankle cuffs, a hot pink ball gag, nipple clamps, and a flogger. “This is like a heaven for me. I’ve thought about having these things and using them on you but I never thought I’d get the chance until we were at our own place, maybe in college.” Braden admitted not wanting to ever risk getting caught by her mother or Travis or her brother or anyone for that matter with these things.

It was bad enough that they were nearly caught a handful of times when they were having sex but if they were caught and Alicia was being dominated, well, that was a whole new world of problems. That was not a worry here. “You know, I also thought about hogtying you. There’s some ropes or other cuffs I can attach that will make a hogtie. What do you think, Princess?” Braden asked curiously, looking into her eyes as he held up the rope. Braden also loved using these leather cuffs instead of regular rope or tape or even normal handcuffs. There was just something special about how it looked and felt. “When you’re ready, lie on your stomach for me.”
Alicia pressed a sweet kiss to her boyfriend's lips. She quickly stripped off her remaining piece of clothing, which were her panties, and then moved to lie down on her stomach on the bed.
She was happy and eager for Braden to tie her up and play with and touch her body. There were so many toys in the room, and even though her boyfriend had picked out a few that he wanted, and had even mentioned a few things that he wanted to do, there was still no telling which of those things he was going to do to her and with her first. The thought of it made her smile.

She laid there patiently on the bed, to see what Braden was going to do. The brunette knew that her boyfriend was probably taking a few minutes just to stare at her body, and a large blush
spread over her skin. Both enjoying the attention, and even a little embarrassed. "Are you going to put anything over my mouth?" Alicia asked him curiously. She didn't have a problem with
it if he wanted to gag her. The young woman knew that the sound of her muffled moans would drive him crazy. Getting into place, she set her hands behind her back a few moments later.
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