Hey! Doc here. I was mulling about this today about the origins of my name. Dr. Nibbles was not always a doctor. At first she was a he and was a Daemon Prince of Chaos.
(Ignore the images atop) This is what his model looked like. Now If you're not familiar with Warhammer, demon prince are traditionally large creatures with big wings, wepaons and teeth. This guys was the size of my thumb nail and nibbled his way into my heart.
Some months passed and I took on the Handle Lord Nibbles... eventually turning to Mr. Nibbles for more formal places. And evenually I transitioned and wanted a more androgynous handle, but still maintaining the class true to the Dark Lord: thusly, Dr. Nibbles.
So do any of you have any intereting stories to tell? Or maybe you just want to shed the light on your name? Lets spill some beans.