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Ascension to the Heavens|Descent into Hell(Corsair and Xana)

“Still, doctrinal differences aside, we need to report to these developments to the main temple, as well as request the inquisition sends a mission here,” Eva suggested, repeating what Mykel had said earlier. “The inquisition will be able to sort through all this more clearly than any of us.”

“I’d like to escort Zamira to the temple myself,” Lily offered, unconsciously reaching for her hand, “I actually intend to pose the idea to Furtan personally this evening. Did you want to join us, Cassandra and Melinda?”

“I don’t know that it would be such a good idea for all of us priests to leave at the same time,” Melinda argued. “But if you bring a mission here, we can study the dogma under them while we undertake our duties.”

“And they can decide whether feeding is a sacrament or sacrilege,” Eva pointed out, suddenly curious herself. She and Mykel never did it as an act of religious expression, and she didn’t see Mykel as fallen. Still, the way they did it might have been different, but it could still be an affront to the Goddess. Eva just hoped not.

“By the way, Lord Furtan does invite you all to stay at his manor while you remain in town. Perhaps observing him up close will further convince you of his authenticity?” Zamira invited, motioning with one hand while the other clasped with Lily’s.

Cuthbert nodded at the plan, pushing his own plate aside. “Are they still held by the Veiled Whisperer? I thought I heard tale of a human uprising some time back. Not that it matters all that much to us. Still, if the thieves got that far, could take a long time to find the skull. Months, certainly. Years, possibly.” Though, as he spoke, he considered that Verrier wouldn’t see it as all that long. And, further, he didn’t mind the thought of spending all that time together. Even looked forward to it.

Before he could continue, another couple entered the tavern, hand in hand and laughing. Immediately familiar, to Clara at least. Willam, and his wife Nereis. The mother of his child, (since Clara had been unable to conceive) who was sent to be Monsford’s sole inquisitor.

If he wanted, Cuthbert could have listened into their conversation. There was certainly a temptation to do so, feeding the fear that all his spouses had moved on past him. But he pushed the thought away, turning his attention back towards Vera, “Why don’t we had up to the room? It’s been a long day.”
"I think," Mykel said, "that the act of drinking blood, if consensual, is not a sin." This was something he'd puzzled over for years, beginning after the first - accidental - time he'd tasted Eva's blood. They'd done it frequently since then, to the point that it was often the final climax of any time they spent in bed. Or, sometimes, as a substitute for sex. And both of them were still Paladins. For that matter, based on subtle signs he'd only recognized after the fact, he was certain that his parents did so as well. And mom was still Lady-Commander of the Monsford Order, and dad was still an angel. "But... in the context of the Celebration? I... don't know."

"The Celebration is of life," Anja repeated, stubbornly. "Not the taking of life."

"It celebrates freedom as well," Mykel countered. "And yet, I've seen celebrants voluntarily allow themselves to be bound. Such an act is considered one of utmost trust. Wouldn't feeding be the same?"

Anja sighed at that. "A good point. I don't like the idea personally, but I suppose we'll need to let the Missionaries weigh in on that." She shook her head, then looked at the two blonde priestesses. "And, you're right. Assuming that your tenets are accepted, it would be wrong to deprive the community of all of their clergy. But..."

“By the way, Lord Furtan does invite you all to stay at his manor while you remain in town. Perhaps observing him up close will further convince you of his authenticity?” Zamira invited, motioning with one hand while the other clasped with Lily’s.

Anja looked at her, glancing at the twined hands of the women before answering. "That... could skew our impartiality."

Mykel rolled his eyes. "As if we could be impartial, by now. I say we decide who is returning to Monsford, and who is staying, and the ones who stay take Lord Furtan up on his offer. If he's sincere, then we should be able to learn that more easily under his roof."

"All right," Anja agreed. "Let's get Rynne and Svalis back here and put it to a vote."

"Where are they, anyway?" Mykel asked.

"Rynne went riding early this morning," Anja said, leaning back in her chair. "And Svalis... I don't know. Probably got lucky last night. He wasn't here when I went to bed, and I haven't seen him back yet."

“Why don’t we had up to the room?" Cuthbert asked. "It’s been a long day.”

"Momentarily," Vera answered, watching the two Paladins as she gnawed the last of the meat from a ribcage before tossing the bone down. Her chair scraped on the floor as she rose. "I need to do something first." With that, she assumed a warm smile and walked across the room to the table occupied by the newly-arrived couple. They looked up at her curiously.

"May... may I help you, ma'am?" Willam asked, frowning slightly as he studied her.

"Oh, please," Vera laughed. "Not ma'am - I've not earned any titles of distinctions to deserve that honorific. Just Vera, Vera Altes. My... companion and I," she gestured back at Cuthbert, "are newly arrived in Monsford, and in need of employment. Is the Order hiring soldiers right now?"

"What makes you think we're with the Order?" Willam said.

Nereis shook her head. "The spear and cup medallion you wear, perhaps?"

"Of course," Vera laughed. "Who but a member of the Order would wear a symbol of the gods so, so openly in the Kingdoms?"

"Touche," Willam sighed. "I was just hoping for a quiet evening, you know?"

"And I won't bother you long," Vera insisted. "But we've limited funds, so I decided to act."

Willam looked her over, then stared at Cuthbert. "Well, I'm not sure."

"You'd need to speak with the Lady Commander," Nereis continued. "I'd be happy to introduce you."

"Oh, thank you," Vera smiled.

"Tomorrow," Nereis added, bluntly.

Vera nodded understanding. "Of course. Until tomorrow, then."
Riding in the early morning had cleared Rynne’s mind. Reeves’ Bluff was so thick with demons, the taint of hell seemed to pervade all her senses. Staying here just felt off, which made sense because demons were unnatural, and their presence was an affront to the rightful order of the world. What was so aggravating was how no one else seemed as bothered by it as she did.

Mykel, well, of course, that made sense. Half-demon himself, she doubted the demonic presence affected him much. And Eva was in love with him, despite his heritage, so demonic presence most not concern her. Anja and Svalis were cautious, but still far too nonchalant about everything.

And Lily was the real mystery. She was Nephilim, bearing celestial blood from her father’s redemption. Shouldn’t she recoil from the corruption and decay of Reeve’s Bluff as much as Rynne did? Angels stood in opposition to demons, didn’t they?

Consumed in her thoughts, Rynne walked through the docks, hoping the scent of the river could cleanse the infernal stench that seemed stuck on the inside of her nostrils. So far it wasn’t working. So she took note of the people working on the docks.

A large man with deep olive-skinned shook hands with a smaller toad looking demon. Money exchanged hands, and without looking like she was listening, Rynne overheard parts of their conversation.

“Bring them by Furtan’s manor tonight.”

“Yeah, yeah, like always. Why though? If he is going to free them anyway, why act so ashamed?”

“It’s unpleasant business, that’s all. Especially after your crew has their pleasure out of them.”

The olive-skinned man laughed, and anything else was lost in the din of the crowd. What in the hells was that? Furtan buys slaves, only to free them? That couldn’t possibly be a good thing.

Turning, Rynne headed back to the Inn. Hopefully Mykel and Lily returned by now, and would have more information to make sense of Furtan’s scheme.

Every inch of Cuthbert’s skin crawled as Vera spoke with Willam and Nereis. The reason why quickly became apparent, but in the moment Cuthbert wondered if it were possible to die of embarrassment. And the look of disdain of Willam’s face, as he glanced upon him, stung to his very core.

Still, they now had a meeting with Ari tomorrow, so as anxious as the brief conversation made him feel, it was successful. Still, Cuthbert found himself nearly dragging Vera along, unable to get out the common room fast enough, still feeling Willam’s contemptuous gaze on him.

“Did you have to do that?” he complained as they walked up the stairs. Of course, he knew the answer, but it didn’t make him feel any better. Sighing, he shook his head, “Maybe this was a mistake.”

The room they were given was pleasant enough. Small, cozy. The bed took up most of the room, covered in a thick quilt that was soft from years of uses. The headboard was worn and scuffed in places, showing it’s age, but still strong and sturdy. Cuthbert sunk into the bed, working at his boots and wriggling his toes once they were free.

“The sooner we can cross Matthias off our lists of suspects, the better,” He decided, stripping out of his padded jerkin, “I don’t know how long I can keep up this charade.”
As if on cue, Svalis wandered in through the door. "Well, hello everyone!" he called, sauntering over and eying the three priestesses with obvious interest. "Ladies. To what do we owe the pleasure?"

"This," Eva said, "is Melinda and Cassandra, and that is Zamira. They're priestesses of..."

"Oh, yes," he said, looking at Zamira as he sprawled into a chair. "I remember you, from the Celebration we witnessed... two nights ago?" Stifling a yawn, he took the pitcher from in front of Anja and poured a drink. "Does this mean we've decided that they're..."

"We're leaving that decision to the Inquisition," Anja snapped, clearly not wanting to start the discussion again.

"...staying the night, so we can have a Celebration of our own?" He gave his half-sister a smug look as Zamira shook her head and Melinda and Cassandra laughed. "I mean, I suppose we can wait for the Inquisition, but why? Surely it's up to them whether they sleep with us or..."

Anja rolled her eyes, irritated by the additional laughter. "And where were you, last night?"

"Oh, I met the most amazing couple yesterday," Svalis answered. "Visitors from the Jeweled Isles, Najila and Rafiq. Dancers and acrobats and singers, who..."

"I'm sure I don't want to know," Anja muttered.

"Oh, but you do," he insisted. "Najila could bend over backwards and put her hands flat on the floor, and..."

"Rynne!" Anja called, seeing the last missing Paladin enter. "Do come join us!"

“Did you have to do that?” Cuthbert complained, all but dragging Vera up the stairs.

"Of course I did," Vera replied smoothly. "We're strangers here, remember? We can't simply pound on the Lord Commander's door and demand admittance. But now, we have a plausible excuse for visiting."

Cuthbert sighed as he pushed open the door. “Maybe this was a mistake.”

She shrugged. "Perhaps. We could always return to my first plan." She smiled as Cuthbert glanced back at her. "Burn the city to the ground and sift through the ashes for the skull. Then, if it is not found, require the survivors to bear word of my wrath and displeasure across the kingdoms." Her smile broadened, white teeth flashing. "I suspect you would prefer this method?"

Not waiting for an answer, Vera paced the room and examined the contents. It didn't take long, as it was small and mostly filled with a bed and a wardrobe. Cuthbert collapsed onto the mattress, pulling his boots free. “The sooner we can cross Matthias off our lists of suspects, the better,” He decided, stripping out of his padded jerkin, “I don’t know how long I can keep up this charade.”

"Charade?" Vera sounded puzzled for a moment. "What charade? You need not pretend to be anyone or anything other than what you are." She unbuckled her sword belt and hung it from a bedpost, then began unfastening the mismatched armor she wore. "Your shape does not change who you are, and your name does not dictate who you are." Dropping onto the bed herself, she began tugging off her high boots. "You are, after all, none of those things."
The group was still far too nonchalant for Rynne’s liking, as she entered the inn. Laughing, joking, flirting. It was a relief to know Lily and Mykel returned from Furtan’s without incident, but still, this wasn’t a game.

Her gaze passed over the priestesses, and lingered over Zamira and Lily’s clasped hands. It was too much to hope the other would retain their objectivity. Still, she had proof of Furtan’s misdeeds. “I don’t know what you uncovered last night at Furtan’s,” she started, ignoring the knowing smirks on the twin priestesses’ faces or the snort from Anja, “but just this morning I caught news that he purchases slaves.”

“That is hardly news,” one of the blond priestesses interrupted, “He purchases slaves, but he doesn’t keep slaves. All the slaves are freed upon purchase.”

“Every last one?” Rynne questioned, hands crossed over her chest.

“Yes.” The response came without hesitation, from the same priestess who spoke up before.

The other added on, “We were part of a group taken from our homes, and he let all of us go. He has asked nothing in return.”

“But you serve him.” Rynne pointed out.

“We chose to serve him, and his endeavor towards redemption. We have reason to believe in his sincerity, after all.”

“Still, it’s all well and good for him to free the slaves he purchases, but it’s problematic that he buys them in the first place. He has created demand, a reason for slavers to tear families apart and kidnap.”

“But wouldn’t those slavers just sell to others, if Furtan didn’t purchase the slaves?” Eva asked. “Probably even cruel masters.”

“Unlikely. Slavery is no longer legal anywhere, ever since it was prohibited in al-Nithiel two decades ago,” Rynne pointed out. “Anyone willing to buy slaves would be few and far between.”

“Still, buying freedom for slaves strikes me as a good thing. He is certainly doing more for these slaves than anyone else in the region.” One of the blond priestesses countered. “It’s not as if the Order has taken up to break up slave trading rings.”

“This is new information,” Lily admitted, still holding hands with Zamira, “But it’s not enough to condemn Furtan on. I still say we have the Inquisition come out to investigate. If there is anything untoward, they would know. And now that you are here, we can discuss how we are going to split up. I would like to accompany Zamira, and any other priests who desire to join us, to Caerhold.”

“That’s easy for you to say. My husband just looked at me like I was scum, intruding upon his private moment with his wife.” Cuthbert sighed before anything else could escape his lips. Like the fear that his spouses really were better off without him. None would miss him if he never returned, not only would they move on, the basically already had. But, as he already discovered, Verrier really didn’t understand those concerns.

Seeking distraction, Cuthbert found it in the creamy skin revealed as she removed her boots. Damn, she looked good, and he wanted to see more. She was down to the padding, and he was shirtless, with just pants covering him. Pants that were growing tighter with every passing second. “Here, let me help you with that…”

Fingers that had removed armor thousands of time –mostly her own, but often other’s– worked at the belts and buckles of Vera’s gambeson. Soon lips followed, pressing against Vera’s until she opened her mouth to him. Hunger drove him to deepen the kiss, to fill his mind with thoughts of Vera until it overwrote all his insecurity and jealousy.

Then, he explored her exposed skin, another new experience. The most surprising thing was how soft Vera was. Not that she was particularly soft, in any sense of the word, but compared to the male form she usually wore, and especially as the dragon, soft was the last word he would have ever associated with Verrier. And yet, Vera’s curves were delightful, from the slight curve of her hips to the firm weight of her breasts.

“I’ve been with…countless women,” Cuthbert admitted, laughing lightly as he thought back on it. “But never like this. Hopefully I am not so terrible in this new role…”

One thing Cuthbert was quickly discovering was that a throbbing cock was far more insistent than a pulsing clit. Erect, he ached to be inside Vera, to feel that inner warmth stretched over his girth. “I want you, like this. Beneath me, writhing under my touch…”
MF Smut Scene, Gender swapped Verrier and Clara
"That's a good suggestion," Svalis said, grasping the opportunity to put everyone's attention on a new topic. "Who else should return to Caerhold? No slight on your capabilities, Lily, but the Demonlands are still dangerous. It would be better to have more than one Paladin."

"I'll go," Anja declared, looking around the table. Seeing everyone's startled expressions, she continued. "Lily is clearly biased. As am I. The two of us would present different perspectives on the situation here in Reeve's Bluff and the nature of the faith here." A shrug. "If we can't have a single dispassionate report, then we offer two different but equally biased reports and let the Inquisition decide how to proceed." She nodded at Zamira. "And you, of course, would be able to explain the doctrines of your faith better than we could."

"That seems... fair," Zamira agreed.

"I'll go as well," Svalis declared. "That gives three Paladins making the journey, and leaves three here to explore Reeve's bluff more."

"You think we're all staying?" Rynne asked, sharply.

"Frankly," Svalis replied, "yes. I'm sure that you want to keep looking into the matter of the slavers, after all. And Mykel's established a close working relationship with the faith here in Reeve's Bluff, so he can be our man on the inside." As Cassandra and Melinda giggled, he tried to look stern. "I'm being serious!"

"No, no, it makes sense," Rynne agreed hesitantly. "I suppose I should stay here. When will you leave?"

"I can't speak for the rest of you," Zamira declared, "but I shan't be going anywhere until tomorrow. At the earliest. I have to serve again, at the worship."

Vera allowed herself to be pushed back into the bed by the heat of Cuthbert's desire, growling with pleasure as hands and lips explored her curves. “I’ve been with…countless women,” he groaned aloud. “But never like this. Hopefully I am not so terrible in this new role…”

She responded by dragging her blunt nails down his back, feeling the hard ropes of muscle beneath his skin. "So far," she husked, arching her back as Cuthbert kissed a peaked nipple, "you're doing quite well." He leaned back a little and she lifted herself up, biting at his chest. "Very well, I'd say." Her fingers explored his abdomen, skimming over a taught stomach as she gently tasted his skin once more. "And this?" she asked, curling her fingers around the hot length of his erection. "This seems to be working quite well indeed."

Cuthbert groaned at her touch. “I want you, like this. Beneath me, writhing under my touch…”

Vera smiled hungrily as she leaned back, spreading her legs wide to expose the bare, slick folds of her slit. "Then come here," she purred, stroking his length. "Come here, and take what you want..."
Lily nodded and Zamira’s condition. She’d already agreed to it, afterall, and had also agreed to assist. And even more now, she was determined to help her carry the burden of redemption. Guilt, perhaps, in knowing how much she had drank from the priestess? In knowing how much she still wanted, still craved? Or was it because she had enjoyed serving as well, enjoyed using her body as a conduit for penance. “Tomorrow it is, then,” she decided, smiling and squeezing Zamira’s hand.

Cuthbert hovered over Vera, entranced by the pink flesh on display before him. For him. His cock, already aching from her grip, twitched. Demanded pleasure. There would be no taking it slow, drawing out their foreplay until one or both were med with need. He was already there. So he shifted on his knee, scooting closer and lining his length up with her slit. Brushing his head against her dripping lips, Cuthbert shuddered as her juiced coated him. “Oh fuck…” he whimpered, biting his lip to get a grip. Slowly, he fed his shaft into her, relishing in the slick walls that clung to his meat.

Cuthbert thought he was prepared for this. Thought the years of fingering and eating other women would have informed this act. Hell, as Clara, she had fucked Sue, using a glass phallus to mimic a cock. None of it had compared, not to this. Not the sensation of velvet heat caressing his cock. Craving –needing– more of it, he pushed on, pushing in against Vera, past her silken resistance until their hips met.

“Wow…just…wow,” He breathed staring in disbelief down at Vera. It was nearly as good to fuck as it was to get fucked. Or perhaps it was better? It was hard to tell, hard to compare, hard to consider anything but the electric sensation seizing his mind and his shaft. He couldn’t even move, briefly fearful he might climax from the slightest sensation.

He…he needed control, Cuthbert decided. It was the only way to stave off orgasm, to last long enough to indulge in the new, exciting sensation of this new body. So he grabbed Vera’s hands, pinning them above her head. Clasping them in a steel vice grip, and refusing to let go. Pulling out, nearly his entire length, he fucked Vera the way he liked to be fucked. Slow, deep strokes, rubbing against her clit each time. He found a pace, a sweet spot between the delightful friction and exquisite moist pressure. “Vera…” he groaned against her lips, sheathed in her glorious wet heat and pressing her deeper into the mattress, “Tell me…tell me how you like to fuck…”

“You wish to take Zamira to the Order?” Furtan repeated, curious. He scratched at the scabbed skin of his chin as he considered the question. “Why?”

“I believe you may indeed be sincere in your belief for redemption. I know Zamira is sincere in her desire to bring the fallen back into the grace of Afodisia. It is my belief that the problem in your approach lies in the doctrinal misunderstanding. At the temple, Zamira can receive dogmatic lessons, teachings she can bring back to Reeve’s Bluff and its people,” Lily explained.

“Well, If Zamira wants to go, I certainly won’t keep her here,” Furtan agreed, nodding. Then his expression turned grim “But you will lead worship tonight, won’t you?”

Zamira nodded, “I would not abandon my service on such short notice. And Lily has agreed to lend a hand, offering her knowledge to those who would partake of salvation.”

“So, you don’t find our rituals too objectionable?” Furtan asked, smiling through cracked lips.
Lily cleared her throat.

“It is my hope that the Fallen can return to the graces of our Lady. I don’t know if this is the right path, but it is true that pleasure honors Afodisia, so long as it is freely given.” Still, even as she gave the explanation, her body grew hot and wet, thrilling to the prospect of ecstasy once more. Want to serve the goddess upon her back, to offer a taste of the divine to any who hungered for it.”

“Excellent!” Furtan decided, turning to retrieve a bottle of wine and three glasses. “Let us drink then. To hope, that the heavens will open it’s gates to all who wish to return.”
“How did I get tasked with carrying everything?” Mykel grumbled, shifting a bag slung over one shoulder.

“Oh, hardly everything,” Svalis replied. “Just your belongings, and Eva’s, and Rynne’s.” He began ostentatiously peeling an orange as he walked beside his fellow Paladin. “Eva I just understand, given the changed nature if your relationship. But Rynne?”

“She said something about looking more into the slavers,” Mykel muttered. “Then she tossed her baggage on me and took off.”

Svalis shook his head sadly. “I’d have dumped them in the floor, and told her to carry the damn things herself. The rest of us aren’t leaving until tomorrow, so there wouldn’t have been any risk to it.”

“I guess I’m too damn nice for my own good,” Mykel huffed.

“Yep. Ironic, isn’t it?” Svalis pulled a segment of range free and popped it into his mouth. “You being half-demon and all. Compensating for your heritage.”

“Nah.” Mykel shook his head. “Probably just a side effect of mom being Lord-Commander and dad being an honest-to-god angel. There’s expectations.”

“Yeah, no shit.” Svalis are another wedge of orange. “I’m kind of surprised you didn’t rebel hard and turn out an utter bastard.”

Flashing Svalis an evil grin, Mykel shifted his burdens and dumped them all into his cimpanion’s shoulders. “Who says I’m not?” he laughed, dashing up the road. “See you at Furtan’s!”

“Bastardized,” Svalis grumbled.

In response to his question Vera hooked her ankles around Cuthbert’s thighs and arched her body, pressing her firm breasts against his chest and pulling his cock deeper into her slick heat. “Hard and long,” she purred, tightening her walls around his shaft. She made a long, low sound of pleasure as he tightened his grip on her wrists in n response, driving himself deeper into her. “And not gently.” She twisted her hands slightly, allowing her to grab his wrists and use them for additional leverage

“If you want control,” she groaned, clenching around his cock once more, “then you had better take me. Because I will fight you.” She shuddered as pleasure ippled through her body. Then her legs tightened, straining to pull him into her. Struggling to set the pace and fuck herself with his dick. Her teeth flushed and caught his throat, biting hard enough to mark the skin. “Fuck me hard,” she demanded, Golden eyes filled with challenge. Then her gaze rolled back, snother cry of pleasure escaping her as he thrust deep deeper nice more. “Show me you have the strength to take what you wish.”

She struggled beneath him, her sleek body taught and slick with sweat as she fought to pull her wrists from his grip. Her mouth was hot on his lips, his face, his throat as she bit and sucked and kissed. “Show me,” she growled, chest heaving against him as she gasped with lust and effort. Her walls clenched tight around bd him, keeping him buried in her depths as he slammed into her. “Fuck. Me.”
Demon orgy: Lily, Zamira, and mulitple demons.
Lily lounged upon a thickly cushioned chaise, brooding. Truthfully, she’d expected Furtan to reject her proposal, giving her and the rest of her group some reason to descend upon him. Earnest acceptance had thrown her off, left her on edge.

Perhaps it was the realization she was returning to the Order, the main stronghold of the order. There were plenty there who remembered what her father had done as a demon, and had never truly forgiven him. Those who would look upon her with that same distrust. If she didn’t constantly project the image of a noble paladin, it would be proof her father’s redemption was a farce. Truly, Furtan’s cult, and the hope and inspiration they found in her father’s transformation was a welcome respite. Perhaps, if the Inquistion cleared them, Lily would devote herself fulltime, along side Zamira. And speaking of which…

“You seem so tense,” Zamira pointed out, offering a glass of wine, “Here, this will help you relax.”

Unconsciously, Lily licked her lips. From what she did remember of last night, it wouldn’t be a good idea to drink too much. She should say no, and not let this night get away from her like the last had. Instead she reached for the glass and drank deep, thirsting for the rich flavor. It reminded her of Zamira, and slaked one of her hungers.

Lily took in Zamira’s appearance, lingering on smooth olive skin on display. Licking the clinging drops of wine from her lips, she pulled Zamira down atop her. “Think I can get you off again before anyone shows up?”

Zamira laughed, a musical sound that hummed in her ears, “Even if you’re not done by the time others arrive, I don’t think anyone will mind so much. I certainly invite you to try.” Her delightful giggles became a surprised squeal as Lily picked up the priest and stood in one motion, demonstrating her greater than human strength. Once more she carried the priestess to the large bed in the center of the room, laying her down in the middle. Lily hovered over her, planting light kisses over her skin, savoring Zamira’s moans and sighs.

Now, she sat on her knees, before Zamira. With gentle insistence, she opened the priestess’ thighs, and groaned at the sight of pink lips blossoming before her eyes. Breathing deep, the musky aroma of desire filled her nose, and it was a struggle to fight back against fangs that wanted to extend. Instead her tongue slipped out, lapping along the length of her slit and savoring the tang of Zamira’s lust. The silk dress she wore rode up her thighs as she moved in to sample deeper, leaving her exposed to any that might enter. For reasons she couldn’t explain, that thought excited her.

“Perhaps I should demonstrate for the Fallen exactly how one is to worship at your altar.”

Cuthbert grinned down over Vera, the expression feral as she told him what she wanted. Fuck that hot, and she was hot. Burning from within, where their bodies met. “Not gentle…” he husked, voice thick, almost as thick as he was inside her, “I think I can manage that!” With that he drove into her depth, pushing with divine strength until he reach her far wall. He pulled out again, mimicking the way he had so far, pulling out slow to thrust back hard at the last moment. Only this time, before he was half way out, he drove forward again, catching her off guard.

This rhythm grew faster, as Cuthbert experimented with pleasure. His and hers, listening to her harsh moans and needy cries. Listening to his own body beg for more, of her sopping walls and delightful friction and her strong thighs pulling him in. Nothing could stop his hungry pursuit of ecstasy. Not the sharp bite on his neck, surely breaking skin. Not her powerful legs nor her gripping muscles, trying to hold him deep and still. Not even the pounding of the headboard against the wall, echoing his thrusts into Vera.

Finally, he released her wrists, pushing himself up in an effort to go even harder, deeper. Hands skimmed over her curves, groping a handful of breast and pinching the nipples hard. From this angle, he could see his cock plunging into her dripping cunt, and the sight left him throbbing. One hand gripped her hips, hold her down, in place, so he could fuck even harder without moving her with each stroke. The other trailed down her stomach, firm and flat and working at fucking into him, until he found her clit.

“Cum for me,” He growled, knowing he was losing control. “Cum on this thick cock, before I fill you with my pleasure.”
"Yes, please do," rumbled a voice as Zamira moaned luxuriously. "Please, educate us."

Three demons had entered the room, all watching hungrily as Zamira offered her glistening slit to Lily's mouth. The speaker was a hulking, winged figure of shadow, eyes burning like white sparks in a grey-black face. Beside him, barely dressed in scraps of black leather and black steel, a succubus licked her lips, her barbed tail twining around her thigh. Their shadows danced crazily in the blazing light cast by the third demon, a lion-like thing of dark, smoke less flame. "Is this the Paladin we've heard about, Zamira?" that third demon rasped, stalking forward. The heat of its body prickled Lily's skin as it sniffed her body. "The one who served with you, last night?"

"Oh, she's gorgeous," the succubus purred, running her talons lightly over Lily's back. One pushed a little harder than the others, slitting silk and drawing a thin line of blood up her spine. A serpentine tongue lightly caressed the talon, slowly removing the crimson beads that stained it. "And delicious." Smiling hungrily, she knelt beside Lily and used her talon to pierce Zamira's skin just above her clit. Blood welled up and trickled over her bare folds, mixing with her juices. "How do I worship at the altar?" she whispered, lowering her mouth to Zamira's folds. "Like this?" Her forked tongue caressed Zamira's lips as she coated it with blood and arousal. "Or like this?" she asked, drawing Lily's mouth to her own.

"Like this," the shadow demon declared, moving around and pressing Zamira's back down on the cushions. The priestess opened her mouth, hungrily licking the length of the demon's grey-black meat before yawning wide. The demon fed his dick into her, making her throat bulge as his balls rested on her face. "Fuck," he groaned, "like this."

Claws dug into Lily's shoulder as the lion-demon reared up behind her, flames scorching her gown as his body pressed against her back. "I'd rather take this approach," he declared, his jaws closing on Lily's neck to hold her in place. Thin his thick cock was filling her, pushing into her depths as the succubus' tail slid over her thigh. "Gods you're tight," he growled, the words indistinct against her skin. "Do you taste as good as you feel?" As he bottomed out in her his fangs sank in slightly, letting her blood trickle down his throat and her back, hissing and bubbling against his flames.

Vera groaned as Cuthbert reared up over her, driving himself deeper into her. In this position she'd lost her leverage, unable to move up and fuck herself on his thick cock, but he more than made up for it by driving deeper and finding her clit with his hand. She signaled her pleasure at the contact by gasping, arching her back and trying to take him even deeper anyway. “Cum for me,” he growled. “Cum on this thick cock, before I fill you with my pleasure.”

"I don't," she gasped, digging the nails of one hand into the hard muscle of his shoulder and meeting his demanding gaze with her own, "I don't... yield... so easily..." Her words were cut off by a gasp of pleasure as Cuthbert slammed into her once more. "Take... what you want..." she growled back, tightening her walls around his shaft. "Make... me...cum..." Her hand slid lower, dragging her nails down his back until she could grip the tight muscles of his ass and tug on them, demanding that he fuck harder and deeper. The other hand cupped her full breast, pinching and tugging at her nipple in time with Cuthbert's thrusts. And then she lost her grip, hand flailing and gripping the covers as she climaxed, roaring her pleasure as it tore uncontrollably through her body.
Lily pushed herself back from Zamira as her blood dripped, a single rivulet trickling over trembling pink lips. The scent of it, mixed with her lust, was maddening, tempting. An ambrosia Lily wasn’t strong enough to resist. Her tongue played over her fangs, throbbing with need. Calling on her inhumane gifts was her only means of resisting, and even that faltered as the succubus drew her into a kiss. Then she was sucking Zamira’s blood off the demon’s tongue, pinning her down as she tried to wriggle away. More, I need more…

Lily gasped, a high-pitched whine as the other demon pinned her down in turn. Mounting her like an animal. Like a whore. Still, she didn’t protest. Cock drove into her, parting her, demanding accommodation. He struck her cervix, and as she tensed in pain and shock, his teeth tightened on her neck. And still, she didn’t protest, pain making her wetter. Craving the impact of a hard cock deep inside, and the shuddered clenched that followed.

Somehow, the succubus had slithered beneath her. Taloned hands caressed her breasts, supporting them as the demon’s fervent thrusts made them bounce wildly. Sharp nailed pricked the nipple, a delicious bite, and sting that left her aching painfully. The succubus pressed closer to her, kissing her with a forked tongue that still tasted of Zamira, before pulling off to kiss the demon inside her as well. Squeezed between two demons, her body burned. Partially because of the fire that radiated from the demon fucking her. Hellishly hot, and yet not damaging her. How she didn’t know and didn’t care to know. Not right now, as pain became pleasure so intense it was once again pain.

“I want to taste you again, at the end of the night,” The succubus whispered, her serpentine tongue flicking Lily’s ear. “Taste you as the seed of countless demons clings to your skin. Broken by bliss, a vessel emptied of her divinity, and full of our offerings. How many will enter your graces tonight?” There was another kiss then, tasting of Zamira still, but faint, and of herself. Faint, until a fang tore into her tongue and her blood gushed into their joint mouths, followed by the gush of ecstasy between her thighs.

One last clenching, stronger than those before, holding her demon lover still inside until the fluttering of smooth muscles brought on his climax. The first jet streamed inside, and the second lashed across her skin, ass and thighs. It burned, signing her skin with actual pain. Her lover laughed, smacking her ass, “That is going to leave a mark…”

The closer Cuthbert got the climax, the harder he drove, driven by some instinct that clearly transcended gender. Even as Vera resisted him, gripping him like a silken fist, she demanded more and he needed more. Sweat stung his eyes as he pushed stroke after stroke past rippling folds. Letting go of her now was unthinkable, impossible before he achieved release.

The climax was the same sort of gradual build up to sudden sensation that he knew from before. A similar tightening, but lower, in his balls and hardening cock until it burst from him. “Ver…VERA!” Her names was hardly recognizable, a guttural growl of satisfaction and triumph and shock, equal parts vulgarity and veneration.

Cuthbert gasped as he sunk down, the weight of completion heavy in every fiber of his body. Hovering over her, hands on either side of her head, he panted, and grinned. “I hope I…I wasn’t…wasn’t too…terrible.” He leaned in, tongue slipping between her delicious lips for just a quick moment. “Because you…you were amazing.”
More demons entered as the ashen demon climaxed in Zamira’s throat, throwing his head back as his tarry cum dripped and oozed from her lips. The priestess moaned, stroking his shaft with one hand as she milked the last of his seed, her other hand frantically rubbing her clita as she sought her own release. Laughing, the succubus turned to her and filled her slit with her taloned fingers and barbed tail. Zamira screamed aloud, the demon’s thick meat slipping from her lips to spatter her face and breasts with the last signs of his pleasure.

More demons entered the room, a mostly collection of forms and sexes - some Mel, some female, some both. They eyed the priestess and the Paladin hungrily. “She’s back,” one murmured. “Never fucked a paladin before,” declared another, “think it’s holier than fucking a priestess?” “Let’s find out,” laughed yet another.

A thing shaped like a baboon with the hide of a crocodile stepped forward, massive cock bobbing with every step. Without a word he lifted Lily and sat upon the mattress, then lowered her down onto his wrist-thick shaft. “Receive me into paradise,” something seemed to murmur against the skin of her thigh, seeming to emerge from his hands as his meat stretched and filled her slit. As he shifted his grip, mouths on his palms but at her skin, bearing it with blood that tiny tongue slapped at.

As the demon fucked up into her, something like a nest of vipers slithered up her back. Grayish roles of flesh writhed and caressed her skin, wrapping around her waist and chest and lifting and cupping her breasts. “Receive us,” murmured a fang-lined maw at th end of one rope, as another latched onto a nipple and yet another coiled around her throat. One of the ropes pressed against the bud of her ass, then two more followed as the first pushed in. “Accept our offering.”

As the demons used her, more availed themselves of Zamira. A bull-headed thing with six arms was between her thighs, making her cry out in mingled pain and pleasure as he slammed himself harder and harder into her body. Her cries were muted by a four-breasted demon with skin the color of verdigris and the tail of a scorpion, who straddled her face and shrieked lik a bird of prey as the priestess put her tongue to work. Then the view was blocked by a demon resembled a perfect sculpture of a man worked in red marble with gently curving horns of gold. He stroked a hand through Lily’s hair, smiling as she jerked and bounced as the two(?) demons fucked her. “Accept my offering,” he whispered, gripping his meat and stroking it gently against her lips.

“You worry too much,” Vera laughed, skin flushed and glistening with sweat from the force of her orgasm. “You learn quickly. But,” she added with a smirk, “I think you need more practice.” With that she pushed on his shoulder, rolling him back to lie on the mattress. “Much more.” She made an amused expression of disappointment as she straddled him and found him only seem-hard. “You see,” she purred, leaning down to kiss him lingeringly, “i’m very demanding.” Another kiss, hungrier this time. “Very. Demanding.”

Slowly she began kissing and licking her way down his figure, exploring his shape with lips and tongue and breasts. With a wicked smirk she hit from time to time, leaving little bruise marks on his skin and whispering “mine” each time. Then she nestled his cock between her breasts, watching his reaction as she squeezed them around the thick shaft and watching his expression as the blunt head emerged from her cleavage. “Would you like to cum like this?” She teased, slowly sliding him between her breasts. “Would you like to see what your cum looks like, dripping down my body?”

Pumping up and down a few strokes more, she suddenly released him. Then she slid back further, gonna by down on her elbows as she gripped his shaft with her hands. “Or would you prefer this?” She asked, dragging her tongue slowly from his balls to his head. His cock twitched, and she purred with delight. “Oh, maybe you do prefer that.” Experimentally she took his head in her mouth, watching his reaction as she sucked the taste of his precum from him. Then, letting her saliva run down his length, she slowly swallowed his length.
Lily didn’t resist as another demon took her. Didn’t want to resist, despite its monstrous appearance and massive meat. Lubricated by the first demon and aided by gravity, she slid down the next demon’s length. Pushing into her depths, it seemed to push all other thoughts out. All that was left was how much she wanted to fuck, needed to fuck. Craving the rough treatment that stood in direct contrast to her earlier lovemaking with Zamira.

Distantly, she was disturbed by the second demon, the one that wrapped around her like a writhing nest of serpents. Still, her disquiet was remote, disjointed from her experience. She made no move to stop it or remove it, gasping as it latched onto a throbbing nipple and hissing as one appendage pushed into her ass. It was already a tight fit, but still it forced two more inside her, testing her limits. The three moved in an asynchronous motion, thrusting and twisting within her, each at its own pace.

Zamira’s mingled cries of pain and pleasure concerned her, and still she could not bring herself to intervene. What was wrong with her? Why was it so easy to give into this, why did she crave it so strongly? Why did it feel as if nothing else mattered, as if nothing else was as important as that next climax? Even now, stretched along a dense shaft, feeling as if she could break, she wanted to break. To be used and lose herself to carnality and bliss.

Zamira’s comfort was no longer her concern, as the next demon demanded her attention. Out of sight and out of mind, Lily reached for the new cock. Salivating, she brought it to her lips. Brought it to her tongue, slickening him in her spit. More…she wanted more. Obedient eyes glanced up at this demon as she opened her mouth to swallow him. Even with filthy ropes tight on her throat, squeezing to the point of choking each time she was filled –stuffed really- with each phallus. A little inspiration to clench her entire body, gripping the cocks inside as they retreated just a little. Still, she offered up her mouth, enthusiastic lips and tongue exploring and indulging this newest supplicant.

Every hole she possessed, even the blood pumping in her veins, all of it served to grant the Goddess’ grace. Her body served to commune with the Goddess, feeling that connection to the divine in each stroke and throb. That connection growing stronger, clearer once all three(?) moved in unison, inside her, flooding her altar with the proof of their devotion. And when she could accept no more, it streaked across her skin, a mural of lust dripping along breasts and back.

Standing was a challenge on legs that felt like jelly, so she let herself fall unto the bed. The mattress shifted under the moving of Zamira and the demons using her. Lily reached for her lover, gripping Zamira’s hand as two slender fingers slid into her cunt, and scrapped her tender walls. A sharp talon pricked her clit, causing her to seize and squeal, even more seed soaking her thighs.

“Hmm, you taste so good, Paladin,” One succubus moaned, licking cum drenched fingers, tipped in her blood. Brushing her curvy figure against Lily’s, she crawled up the Paladin’s body. Cum and bleed cling to her lips as she pushed her tongue into Lily’s mouth. The kiss was intoxicating, Lily’s fangs once more throbbing at the taste of her own blood. “Can you give me a taste of rapture?”

No words escaped Lily’s lips, just sounds of consent and vigorous nodding. Something pushed into her, then. Something hard with no give, not like flesh. What it was, Lily couldn’t see, couldn’t care, could only cry out and arch her back, squeezing her breasts into the breasts of the succubus straddling her.

Vera’s teasing was blissful torment, especially coming on the heels of Cuthbert’s first orgasm as a man. Even softening, he was incredibly sensitive, and the heat of her breath was already maddening. Suddenly he had more sympathy for the men he’d subjected to this over the years.

“I’m yours…” Cuthbert offered, not as willing to struggle against Vera’s dominance in this new, strange form. He was far too willing to take her demands in stride, to explore the thrill of submission in a man’s form. “Fuck, Vera…I’m yours, I’m…Ah!” The blood in his head rushed to his cock, taking away his words at the same time.

“What I…what I really want is…to taste myself…in you,” Cuthbert admitted, groaning as her tongue made him twitch yet again. “But I want…want…want more in you. I want you flooded with my passion, dripping with my pleasure so I may slake my hunger upon you.” Calling upon inhuman will, he pulled Vera away from his cock, lifting that firm, strong body up until she was straddling him once more. “Lay claim to me again, Lady Vera. Fuck yourself on my thick cock.”
The demon was a thing of steel and flame, an automaton inhabited and animated by an infernal spirit. He gripped Lily’s bare hips with scorching hot iron hands, his crotch running and flowing into a rod of cherry-red steel. The thick iron sizzled and hissed as it stretched Lily’s well-lubrucated cunt around it, the heat of his carapace flashing the cum that streaked her thighs into steam. Powerful thrusts drove his burning-hit dick into her with bruising force, his searing hands jerking her deeper into him. “YOU. CAN. TAKE. ME. PALADIN,” it grated in an eerie monotone. “SO. FEW. CAN. AND. LIVE.”

The succubus slowly dragged her claws over Lily’s shoulders and breasts, leaving bloody furrows in their wake as she ground her slick slit on the Paladin’s belly. “I can feel Xigor in you,” she whispered, painting Liky’s lips with a bloody talon. “Ah, fuck, he burns. Does he burn you, Paladin?” Her forked tongue explores Lily’s lips. “Do you like it? Does the pain excite you?” Talons dragged lower as she polished up, allowing Lily to see her proof smeared across the succubus’ snow-white breasts, letting Lily watch the patterns drawn in blood and pain across her own skin. “It excites me.”

Staring into Liky’s eyes, the succubus trailed her claws up her own thighs and stomach, gasping loudly as black blood oozed from the cuts she left. Erect, her body heaved and bounced with each of Cigor’s inhumanly powerful thrusts, forcing her to spread her wings for balance. “Taste me,” she groaned, pushing a snow-white finger dripping with tarry black blood into Lily’s mouth. Then Xigor thrust again and she fell forward, her black blood stinging and burning where it dropped from her own wounds into the bloody trails carved across Lily’s flesh.

Beside them, a faceless thing cried out as it climaxed in Zamira. The Priestess, her mouth filled with the warty dick of the bat-winged thing that tittered and slobbered as it used her. As it emptied it’s seed into her limp form, the faceless thing’s mask split open and dripping jaws erupted out to sink fangs into her stomach. Multiple tongues caressed her violates skin, collecting the flowing blood.

The succubus pulled Liky’s lips to her shoulder, her own mouth caressing her skin as she did. “Feed on me, Paladin,” she hissed. “As Cigor cums, as I drink from you.” Sharp teeth tore Lily’s skin. Then Xigor cried out as his iron dick throbbed and pulled against Lily’s walls, flooding her with burning-hot cum.

“Hardly a lady,” Vera laughed, braving herself on Cuthbert’s shoulders and straining her thighs against his arms. Her slit, slick with arousal and cum, parted slightly on his head and dripped down his shaft. “Would a prim and proper lady suck that fine, thick dick of yours until it’s hard as a rock? Would a lady fight you, drooling down your dick and letting your body beg to be fucked?” Her legs have way as Cuthbert pulled harder, and she gasped as she parted and stretched around his length until it was completely buried in her. “Oh... fuck,” she moaned, squeezing hard around his meat. “Fuck, you feel good in me.”

Watching Cuthbert’s face she leaned back, letting her weight impale her still further on his shaft. Her hips rolled, letting his duck run against her clit as she fucked him. Fucked herself on him. “So... fucking... good...”. Still watching, she ran her fingers over his broad chest and belly and then up her thighs. “Mmmm...” she purred, slipping me and then two fingers into her cunt, the tips brushing his shaft as she stroked her clit. “Fuck myself on you,” She moaned, cupping a firm breast with the other hand. “Then don’t cum. Let me... use you... to get myself off.” She circled a nipple with her thumb, watching him with half-closed eyes as she took him out n deeper, faster strokes that matched the speed of the fingers between her legs. “Let me... AH! Fuck... myself on, on this... oooh... this thick... dick.... then fuck... your cum... into me... when I cum..”
Drinking the demon’s blood was like swallowing glass, and still Lily thirsted for more. Gulping mouthfuls, she could feel it healing the burns and wounds on her flesh, flesh that still burnt and ached. Burnt further, as more cum poured into her body. Such exquisite agony, she thought and hoped she might die. When she didn’t, she looked over at Zamira, even paler than this morning, and remembered why she volunteered for this.

“Za…Zamira…” She gasped, reaching for her unconscious lover. As she did, another cock lined up behind her, pulling her back just enough to thrust its cock in her. It was thick, covered in barbs and spined ridges, that scrapped her violated inner walls. Lily hissed, gasped, moaned, half heartedly pushing this newest worshiper away. Again, she reached for Zamira, and the demon inside her thrust harder enough she fell across Zamira’s splayed form. The iron sweet scent hit her nose as warm blood splashed her skin, and her own fangs ached.

Another demon, a succubus, was between Zamira’s thighs, licking the mingled ambrosia of cum and blood from Zamira’s swollen lips. “Don’t…” Lily groaned, another stroke slammed into her cervix, “Don’t feed on her, anymore…She’s…she so drained…”

“Will you satisfy us then, Paladin?” That succubus asked, crawling up Zamira’s body. She kissed Lily, the seed of a dozen demons on her lips and tongue. The demon fucking her pulled Lily’s arms back, forcing her up until her back was touching his chest. Sharp nails trailed down Lily’s skin, opening new wounds, thin lines that bled copiously. Another demon, a catlike humanoid, came forth, lapping the ruby rivulets with a sandpaper tongue. The succubus’ fingers found Lily’s clit, teasing it with claws, and brushing against the cock still pumping her.

Suddenly the demon fucking pulled out, leaving her curiously empty. Not for long, as two sets of fingers, the succubus and the cat demon thing, pushed into her slit. From behind the slick head prodded her ass, forcing the tight ring of muscle apart. There was no consideration as he drove his length into her. She screamed out in unison with the demon, the unwilling seizing of her body milking his climax from his throbbing cock.

Lily slumped over, resting her head against Zamira’s breast for just a little while. Just needed to close her eyes and–

“Ah-ah-ah, Paladin,” Some new demon mocked, pulling Lily up by her hair. “You need to stay awake, so that each of us may find heaven within you, if you want to spare your friend.” He pulled her back onto his cock, filling her ass easily with the cum left inside her. Limp against his motions, another demon lifted Zamira’s hand to her mouth. “Drink,” they offered, ordered, forcing the soft skin in her mouth and ripping flesh on Lily’s fangs. Despite herself, she sucked, parched for Zamira’s taste, feeling the woman’s fading heartbeat in the pulsing of blood. It was an effort to stop, to seal the wound and pull away. In return, another demon moved before her, shoving yet another cock into her used cunt.

Vera was a vision of sensuous strength atop him, moving with serpentine grace. Somehow, she felt even better than she looked, smooth, slick muscled gripping him like a fist. Cuthbert enjoyed the show, enjoyed her movements, and demonstrated that enjoyment by twitching as she came down his length. Shifting his hips just slightly with each of her motions, making sure to graze her clit with his pulsing veins.

“Cum,” he growled, blunt nails digging into her thighs as he pulled her down hard, “Cum hard on my cock. Cum hard on your fuck toy.” His hips bridged as he thrust up into her, intentionally driving into her far wall. Again, his fingers bruising as he pulled her down his shaft, craving –needing her sultry heat wrapped around his cock. His eyes rolled back into his head as pleasure built again, threatening his resolve with ecstasy. “Cum!” He growled, begged, whimpered until he bit his lips to hold back.
A dozen more demons had Lily that night - some misshapen monstrosities, others inhumanily perfect, all of them mean cierise of human form in one way or another. An insectile thing held her aloft, it’s chitinous member stretching her ass painfully as a thing like a reptilian bull forced a rough scaled dick deep into her aching cunt. An inhumanly perfect thing of obsidian forced icy meat deep into her throat as something she couldn’t see fucked her cunt and ass sumultaneously, blunt claws raking furrows in her thighs as it drove harder and harder into her. And still they came, fire and ice and barbs and silk, a seeming endless parade that moaned blasphemies as they took their pleasure in her body.

Their cum streaked her skin in colors, leaving scars and welts as it splattered her body, mingling with the crimson that dropped from the wounds they inflicted in their bestial lust. When she showed signs of flagging they would mock, and leer at Zamira, and open their own veins to force their burning blood between her lips and down her aching throat. And then they would take her again. A writhing mass of tentacles that choked her and used all her openings as the demons gibberish with delight. A man with burning eyes and cornsilk hair, taking her roughly from behind as his fangs tore her flesh. Last of all Furtan himself, his charred skin harsh on her violated flesh as he spent himself in her. “Sleep now,” the demon lord of Reeve’s Bluff murmured as he slid from her depths. “You have served well.”

Vera clenched down, meaning at the feel of his thick meat resisting her strength and the sound of hi lips gasping sweet obscenities as he begged her to cum. She moved faster on him, grinding her clit against her fingers and his length, bracing herself with a hand that gripped his shoulder hard enough to make blood ooze from his skin. She climaxed with a roar of pleasure, collapsing into his chest and greedily devouring his lips as her cunt squeezed and milked his dick.

“You didn’t cum,” she accused, pressing fingers slammed close with her juices to his lips. She kissed him again, tasting her pleasure in him as she lazily moved on his rock-hard meat. “You should do something about that.” Sharp teeth nipped at his chest. “Because I want to feel your cum in me.”
Cuthbert grinned, not hiding they way his body shuddered in the aftermath of Vera’s orgasm. “I guess I should, huh?” he teased, licking her juices from her lips. With a sudden motion, he stood, lifting Vera up with him. The feat would have been impossible for a normal man, but Clara still possessed the Mantle in this form.

Now standing, rough fingers digging into the firm meat of Vera’s ass, Cuthbert fucked himself with her slick hole. Muscles in his arms bulged with the effort, fed by his raging need to climax. Rhythmic thudding accompanied his strokes, bracing Vera against the wall to fuck harder and deeper into her soaking slit. The thudding grew louder, quicker, echoing his own wordless grunts.

“Vera…” he managed, driving her into the wall again so he could kiss her. Driving his entire length into her, needing to be engulfed in her warmth. Tearing his lips away, he bellowed his ecstasy, the object of his ecstasy, until her name shook the walls in the room and his climax coated her cunt in thick strings.

Finally, spent and gasping, he set her down on the bed, and fell to his news before her. Drinking deep of her scent, and the scent he left in her, Cuthbert smirked up at Vera between heaving breaths. “I think you are ready for me to taste you…”

Furtan had invited all of the guest paladins to join him for dinner, along with the priests and priestesses that called his manor home. And while it might have been a good opportunity to meet with more of Furtan’s followers, Mykel had promised Eva he would make up for the night she’d spent all alone. And he wanted privacy for that.

So they shared a quiet dinner in their room, just the two of them. The room was nice, nicer than the one they shared at the inn, with a single large bed, fitted with silk sheets from Huaxim, as well as a love seat and the small table and chairs, at which they shared their meal. Plenty of interesting options as far where and how they might have sex this evening. And future evening, perhaps with a priestess or two joining them.

By now dinner was done and the wine was drunk, and Eva couldn’t help but wonder if things would be different now. Of course, things would have to be different, now that they admitted to being in love and wanting to pursue a relationship in stead of their usual friends with benefits situation. Would fucking Mykel be different now? Was there more pressure to perform, or was it all in her head?

I feel silly, but honestly, my first though when I saw you two priestesses this morning was how I wanted to make you feel the same jealousy I felt in that moment.” Eva laughed, resting her head on her hands. “I was seriously thinking about how I might try to pick up a guy or two where I know you could see, just to see if I could get a reaction from you.” Shaking her head, she laughed more. “Stupid idea, I know, but I was not in my right mind. Not after spending all night longing for your touch.” She reached across the table now, running finger tips over his knuckles. “So I am very interested in hearing how you intend to make it up to me…”
“I think you are ready for me to taste you…” Cuthbert smirked, voice coming in gasps as he fought for breath.

Vera licked her lips, luxuriating in the feel of his cum in her as he went to his knees before her. Smiling hungrily, she leaned back on one arm and slid the other hand slowly over her sweat-click skin. "Am I now?" she purred, sliding her fingers over the wet, swollen lips of her cunt. Watching his reaction she opened herself, letting him see the glistening pink folds beaded with the iridescent pearls of his seed. Then she lay back, stroking her clit with her other hand and bringing her finger to her mouth. "You taste good on me," she murmured, licking his seed and her juices from her finger.

Fingers explored her depths again, filling the air with a wet sound as they penetrated her. Still watching Cuthbert she stroked her fingers over her abdomen, painting a shining trail of cum over her flesh. "Show me," she invited, opening herself wider as she sucked the remaining traces of their taste from her fingertips. "Show me how much you love our mingled flavor."

Mykel had been on edge all through dinner, uncomfortable at the thought of spending another night in the demon's house. Even if Furtan was a demon seeking redemption, it still went against all of his training to simply sit and talk. Thankfully, their host hadn't been offended when he'd said he and Eva wanted to spend the evening alone. Far from it - he'd sent food and wine to them, and offered musicians and entertainers. Mykel had turned down the last two offers, though, on the grounds that they hardly represented alone.

"I feel silly," Eva laughed, burying her face in her hands, "but honestly, my first though when I saw you two priestesses this morning was how I wanted to make you feel the same jealousy I felt in that moment.”

"Oh?" Mykel poured her another glass of wine. It wasn't the finest he'd ever had, but it was flavorful. "How would you have accomplished that?"

"I was seriously thinking about how I might try to pick up a guy or two where I know you could see, just to see if I could get a reaction from you.” Shaking her head, she laughed more. “Stupid idea, I know, but I was not in my right mind. Not after spending all night longing for your touch.”

"I..." He hesitated. The thought of watching her fuck someone was hot as hell, but... "Yeah, that would have done it." Nodding, he poured the last of the wine into his own glass. "I mean, not if I was one of the guys. But... yeah. It would have worked."

She reached across the table now, running finger tips over his knuckles. “So I am very interested in hearing how you intend to make it up to me…”

Rotating his hand so he could caress her hand with his, he sipped his wine. "Well, that depends on your mood." He smiled back. "One thought I had was to invite Cassandra and Melinda in, so you could have them." Draining his wine, he watched her expression. "As long as you want, and all I'd be allowed to do is watch - without climaxing - until you say otherwise." One of his fingers slipped between hers, slowly moving back and forth. "Give you a chance to make me as jealous as you made me."

His hand moved gently, lifting hers to his mouth. A fang pricked the pad of her middle finger, and he gently sucked the bead of blood from her flesh. "Or instead, I could spend the night doing everything you longed for while I was with them. Explore you and pleasure you in all the ways you dreamed of, showing you that you are mine until we lack the strength to continue."
The evening had been filled with new and awkward experiences, but there was nothing awkward about this. Nothing new about it either, but that was just fine with Cuthbert. He had plenty of experience in this area, experience that didn’t care if he were man or woman.

One arm went around Vera’s firm thigh, and the other spread her dripping lips open. Pearlescent seed dribbled out from her slit, filling his mind with the aroma of their lovemaking. His tongue delved deep inside her, enjoying the mingled flavor. It was different from the last time he sampled it, when he was Clara and she were Verrier, but not unpleasant.

“Hmm,” he hummed, breathing purposely on her throbbing clit, “it is a musky savor.” Lips brushed against her clit this time, ghost soft. Just teasing, before fucking her cunt with his tongue again. He made sure to meet Vera’s eyes from across her svelte figure, enjoying her reactions to his teasing and craving more. Desire drooled from his lips and chin when he pulled away again, replacing his tongue with two thick fingers. Two thick fingers that fucked her hard, just the way she liked.

“Are you going to cum, Vera?” He asked, closing in on her clit once more, letting the words dance over it. “Or are you going to beg me?” His tongue darted out this time, flicking the delicate nub, before adding a third finger to her tight slit.

Eva bit her lip as she considered Mykel’s offer, particularly intrigued by the idea of making him jealous. Would he lash out, in that case? Claim her as his, marked by his teeth and his seed? That fantasy of him, driven by lust and possessive need, sent a thrill of hunger down her spine. Another night, perhaps. Tonight, she’d have his devotion.

“I want you,” she admitted, twisting the hand he held until her fingers caressed his jaw. “I want you to make love to me all night. Though I am sure we can find some room for you to fuck me silly too.” Her expression grew playfully, and she shifted around the table to sit on his lap. “I don’t want to leave this room until everyone can smell my claim on you.”
MF Smut Scene: Mykel and Eva
Vera clenched her inner walls, trying to trap Cuthbert's maddening fingers within her. "Not... not yet..." she managed to growl out, pushing up on her elbows to watch his performance. "I... I don't... yield... that easily..." Not that she wasn't of a mind to yield, though. Not after Cuthbert's skilled tongue and fingers had opened and explored her. Not with their mingled juices glistening on his face. Fuck, it had been a millennium since she'd indulged herself like this. "You... you have to take... what you want... Like...this..."

Her fingers tangled in his thick, dark hair, dragging his hard body up over hers. Then her mouth was on his, tasting herself - tasting both of them - on his lips as she devoured him. Her hips rocked as she kissed him, fucking herself on his fingers as she moaned into his mouth. Her free hand dragged over his thigh and between his legs, gripping his sticky shaft and stroking it. "I want this," she growled, biting his lip and squeezing his dick. "Hard in my mouth... while you fuck me... with your tongue..."

A jolt of pleasure exploded in her cunt, making her fall heavily back onto the mattress with a cry, and her eyes were hungry and slitted and crimson as she stared up at Cuthbert. "I want to taste your cum," she growled, cupping one full breast and toying with the nipple. "I want it hot in my throat and on my skin, while you claim my pleasure with your tongue." Her hand worked on his cock harder. stroking faster. "Or I will jerk you off right here, right now."

Mykel didn't respond, except for a slow smile that crossed his lips. His teeth, still blunt, scraped the palm of her hand and nipped at her wrist. His free hand worked at the laces of her bodice as he nibbled and sucked, exposing her a little at a time. "Your claim on me?" he whispered, gently scraping a fang over the skin of her wrist without piercing the flesh. "And what of my claim on you?" The lone hand tugged at the hem of her blouse, pulling one shoulder down until her bare arm slid free. Smiling hungrily he pulled her close, dragging the other sleeve down her arm as he molded her bare chest to his shirt. "I've always healed the bite marks completely before."

Strong hands massaged her bare shoulders as he kissed her, exploring the lingering taste of wine on her lips. Feathery kisses trailed down her jaw and along her throat, teeth scraping without piercing the skin. "Maybe I should leave a scar, this time?" His hands slid along her spine and over her clothed hips, slipping between them. "Let everyone see how much I love your taste?" Deftly he unfastened her trousers. He couldn't get them off her, now while she straddled him, but it gave him room to work with as he slid fingers between cloth and skin to grip the firm flesh of her ass.

Nipping at her collarbone, he let one fang scratch lightly. A single bead of blood welled up, trickling along the curve of one breast and down into the well of her breastbone. His tongue explored the encarmined flesh, tracing the rivulet back up to the tiny wound. Then he stood, lifting her into the air. Kicking the table, he sent the dishes flying to the floor with a clatter and a crash as he laid her back on the hard wood and peeled her trousers over her hips and thighs and cast them aside. "There'll be gentleness," he promised her, staring at her with hungry eyes as he licked her blood from his lips. "Eventually," he added, tearing at belt and breeches to expose his rock-hard meat.

Hard hands gripped her hips, pulling her closer and impaling her on his thick cock. As she arched under the shock of the invasion he slid his hands under her back and pulled her body against his, using her weight to drive her deeper onto his cock. "Eventually," he repeated, moving her up and down his shaft as he fucked himself into her. "I held back with Cassandra and Melinda," he growled, fangs extending. "I've held back with you, in the past. But you can take it, can't you Eva?" Fangs tore the skin of her throat, letting her blood stain her breasts and his shirt as he sucked at her life. "You want to, don't you?" he growled, kissing her hungrily, letting her taste her own blood on his mouth before he bit her again. "Don't you?"
Even as Vera pulled him away, Cuthbert fingers never stopped working in her. In and out, a constant hungry rhythm. Her hand felt good, stroking still sensitive meat, this third erection nearly painful, but even more, he wanted what she offered. Mutual pleasure, working in tandem to get each other off.

So Cuthbert took one more greedy kiss before rolling them over so she was on top of him. His experience in doing this as Clara informed him it worked better with the woman on top, so that’s what he did. Still bearing the mantle, it was little effort to lift Vera and move her into position, gripping her firm ass and thighs as he brought her slit to his mouth.

Meanwhile, his cock stood proud, throbbing and awaiting her skilled, sultry mouth. Fingers dug into her flesh, craving her taste, and her blissful cries before they would be smothered on his length. Cuthbert wasted no time in teasing her, claiming her as she demanded, forcing her to submit in ecstasy to his use of her. Still, three thick fingers moved in her, thrusting and twisting, moving at the pace set by lips sucking her clit. Teeth came next, scrapping, toying, biting just enough to draw a squeal from her.

There would be no demand for her to cum. No need for such demands. Coaxing out her climax would become inevitable, as Cuthbert continued, sucking alternating with biting, thrusting alternating with twisted, never stopping or slowing, but constantly seeking her sweet release.

Somehow, Mykel’s slide from sensual to forceful was both slow and sudden. Inevitable and unexpected. Terrifying and welcome all at once, especially once he stroked into her, sudden penetration stealing rationality from her. Fuck, this was all Eva wanted, all she craved the entire night before. Now he was inside her, fangs and cock buried deep, and still, she wanted more. Wanted everything. Everything he offered and threatened and promised.

"You want to, don't you?" he growled, kissing her hungrily, letting her taste her own blood on his mouth before he bit her again. "Don't you?"

“…yes…yes!” She cried, finding her voice. Arms clung to him like a lifeline, nails dragging down his back with the same desperate need. She drew blood too, trickling hot down her fingers, as hot as lust that soaked their thighs. “Please Mykel…please, Goddess, please…” What she was begging for, she didn’t know. Some mercy, as he drank down mouthfuls of her blood? More, as his iron cock split and pounded her tight slit? Legs wrapped around his hips, offering more of her body and she pulled him even closer. Held him within her depths.

“Mark me…claim me…use me…” She gasped, pulling him away from her throat to kiss again, lips cool against the heat of his mouth. “Yours…oh Goddess, yours!”
Vera moaned aloud as Cuthbert's tongue and mouth covered her dripping slit, and a sharp gasp of pleasure erupted as his nails dug into the flesh of her ass. Refusing to be outdone she slid her tongue up the length of his thick shaft, exploring his shape and savoring the mixed flavors of their pleasure on his skin. His fingers pushed into her depths, joining hs tongue on her, and she bit back a a moan of hunger - not that it would have fooled Cuthbert into believing her unmoved. The way she spread herself for him, granting him deeper access to her cunt as she fucked herself on his fingers was proof of her arousal.

Curling her fingers around the base of his meat, she swallowed his head. The thick feel of him in her mouth, pressing against her tongue and the roof of her mouth, tore the sound of hungry desire from her throat. Her head began moving on him, his length glossy and slick with her spit as her head bobbed up and down his shaft and her hand pumped along in counterpoint. She whimpered as his teeth scraped over her clit, and his dick slipped from her lips as she clenched around his fingers and her back arched in pleasure. "Fuck me!" she sobbed out, her strong hand still working up and down his length. "Fuck!" she snarled out, sharp teeth nipping at the slick velvety skin of his dick as she jerked him off.

With a cry of wordless pleasure she reared up, bracing her hands between his thighs as she pushed her dripping slit down into his fingers and lips. Without thought her hips moved, fucking herself against his face as he teased her closer and closer to a release. Shifting slightly she captured his meat between her breasts, squeezing his iron length between them as she rode his face. Breath coming in ragged gasps, she threw her head back and then forward, capturing his head between her lips. Pleasure erupted in her, drawing a muffled howl of release as she hungrily sucked at his meat.

Was it the wine? The release of claiming her as hers? Or something else entirely? At the moment, Mykel didn't know or care. Two and a half decades of controlling his demonic urges melted in the heat of her blood and sex and her desperate cries swearing she was his. Hunger drove him, hunger for her, her blood and her body. Blunt talons emerged from his fingertips, raking bloody welts in the skin of her hips and ass as he fucked her hard - harder than he ever had before. "Mine," he snarled, gripping her copper hair with one blood-streaked fist and pulling her mouth to his. "Mine," he growled again, fangs tearing her flesh as he sucked her blood from her arching throat.

The table slipped and bounced as he fucked her hard, his meat slamming into her with bruising force. Irritated he kicked her away, lifting her up and impaling her on his dick. Ruby blood trickled down her collarbone and between her pert breasts, splattering him as he moved her up and down his length. "Mine," he snarled, tongue lapping at her life as his cock grew harder and harder within her. Twisting he slammed her back against the door, listening to it rattle in its frame as he drove himself into her harder and harder.

"MINE!" he roared one last time, before claiming her mouth with his, roaring his pleasure into her lips as his cock thickened and pulsed, emptying his seed into her. It seemed an eternity of pleasure, cum pumping into her as he moaned and growled his lust into her body. Finally, spent and dripping with sweat and smeared with blood, he pulled away and lapped at the wounds on her shoulder and throat where he'd bitten here. "So, uhm," he gasped out, "maybe.. next time... I'll try and last... a little longer?"
Cuthbert wasn’t sure which was hotter: the feel of Vera’s breasts and mouth against his aching cock, or the writhing of her body as climax took her. Still, steel fingers digging into her hips and ass, holding her still, holding her down so he could continue to suck and lick at her cunt and clit while release consumed her. If this were to be the last orgasm of the night, it would last. Teasing out every ounce of pleasure, there would be no mercy. Not until his meat went rigid, bursting in an agonizing orgasm.

His cum streamed into her mouth and against her cheeks, dripping down his thighs and stomach, and generally making a mess of them both. For several moments he laid there, limbs heavy like iron. Once Vera had finally gotten off him, half tumbling off to lie beside him, he pulled her close, savoring musk of this coupling.

“Wow…” The word was equal parts surprised and exhausted. Thoughts melted away after the heat of their passion. All that mattered now was that she was warm and soft and fit perfectly within his arms and against his body. A quirk of shapeshifting, no doubt. Another sign that this is where he (she) belonged. Beside Verrier, in a complementary shape.

“I could get used to this…” he admitted, leaving “this” purposely vague.

Eva’s moans and cries became screams and shriek as Mykel continued, fucking her harder than ever before. Harder than she would have believed she liked. Not entirely sure she enjoyed his relentless strokes now, even as her legs pulled her closer, and deeper into her. Hands on his lower back, she matched the bloody scratches he left on her, raking his skin in passion and defense. When he lifted her, arms and legs tightened further around him, fighting the pounding thrusts that moved her along his length.

Had things changed between them? Was this some sign of trust, Mykel feeling as if he no longer had to hide this part of himself from her? That he wanted, or was even capable of such aggression was shocking. Even more shocking, her body responded to it, pain becoming pleasure by the time it reached her mind. She couldn’t take anymore, and she couldn’t bear for him to stop. The words “stop” and “wait” got caught in her throat, swallowed into moans and gasps.

Air burst from her lungs as he slammed her back into the door, and she convulsed in both orgasm and asphyxiation, shuddering gasps desperate to catch her breath. Lightheaded and dizzy, she feared and welcomed unconsciousness. It was the opposite of their last time together, when he fucked her awake.

Still, she managed to stay conscious, trembling legs struggling to hold up her weight as he lowered her to her feet. Arm clung to his neck for support. “I…” The words died on her lips, died before she even knew what they might be. Instead, she buried her face into his shoulder, seeking some comfort. “Can you just hold me?”
“I... yes,” Mykel agreed, gasping for breath and uncertain what had just happened. His hands slid over skin slick with sweat and blood, seeking a firm grip. When he found it he lifted Eva away from the door, carrying her on unsteady legs back to the large bed. There was a minute of awkward shuffle by as he pulled the covers back and laid down, but at the end her head was pillowed on his chest as he dragged the quilt up over them both.

For a time he just laid there, enjoying the feel of her body pressed against his and contained in his arms. His mind wouldn’t stop replaying the memories of what had just happened, the brutal way he’d fucked her and torn at her skin with fangs and with claws he hadn’t even known he’d possessed. And she’d certainly enjoyed it. Hadn’t she? He’d heard her animal noises of pleasure, felt her sense-shattering orgasm. But...

“You, you’re sure you’re sure you're all right?" he asked, hesitant. "I mean..." He sighed. "I don't know what I mean. It's just... well..." Holding up a hand and concentrating, he watched his nails transform into talons. "I didn't know I could do that. Or, that I could lose control like that." With an effort he willed the claws away and wrapped his arms around Eva. "I don't know what else I can do, or what else I might be capable of doing."
A distant ache lingered in her muscles and along the scratches and bites on her skin. She had liked it, right? She’d certainly came, a most intense orgasm that left her sensitive, trembling still. It just wasn’t the evening of tending to her pleasure he had promised her and neediness bubbled up again. The concern in his voice abated her pain; he was just as confused by what happened as she was.

“I… did like it,” she said, finding truth in the admittance, “I think I could even come to crave such a fucking. But…” she exhaled a long breath, buying time to find her words. “I think I was expecting something different.” True again, but tempered in concern. If she loved him, truly loved him, she owed him the truth. “Its hard not to feel used…but I can’t really blame you, now can I? I did offer.” She laughed, empty, feeling even rawer now than after he’d finished in her. The night couldn’t end like this.

Smooth as silk, her skin slid over his until she straddled him. Fingers interlaced with his, she held them over his head, and firm breasts brushed against his chest. “You promised me gentleness, and I know you are capable of that.” She tried for playful, but emotion seeped in, tinging the words in anxiety. This time, her lips covered his, seeking love and reassurance in their joined mouths. “No matter what, you are still the man I love.”
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