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You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)

The guys waved off good-bye to Rai and Pearl before they began going on the deep dive into the supposed mysterious lost ruins...

Hours had passed and Rai would get contact from the walkie-talkie.

"Rai, can you hear me?" Steven told her, his voice excited.
While the gems and Diego were on the mission, everything was moved into the house. And even though Rai hadn’t done much past telling people where to put things, she was tired by the time they’d finished.

“Sorry, she’s taking a nap.” A voice on the other end replied, which was recognizable as one of Rai twin brothers.
“Oh, well how is everyone doing?” Steven asked them. They had just arrived and Diego was looking through the place with unbridled glee. It was a massive beautiful city, but what his attention was a path leading to a large cave in the rocks.
“Good. Everything is moved in and both of the expectant moms are knocked the fuck out after eating a shit ton of food.” The twin said. “Like they ate soooooooo much.”
"Huh, that's weird. Pearl doesn't eat, I guess this is affecting her," Steven noted in surprise as he was walking through the place and Diego was in the cave. "Well, I'll call later. Diego says he feels we'll find something big," he adds. "Anything new?" he asked as the Gems were waiting for him at the entrance.
On the walls were carved murals depicting humans and gems interacting. Some even showed them in relationships and having what appeared to be wedding ceremonies.
"Oh wow," Steven said as he was taking pictures with his reinforced smartphone to examine the various murals and pictures.

"Steven, come here! Get the Gems to come here! I found something... incredible. Something impossible," Diego said, being in complete shock. Steven nodded and he went to get the Gems over to where Diego was. They entered the cave, which seemed to have systems to pump the water out and making it able to walk around.
The walls showed various birthing scenes. There were humans giving birth to Gem hybrids, what looked like Gem hybrids giving birth to babies with and without gems, but most shockingly there were several Gems giving birth to hybrids.
"How?" was all Steven could say. The Gems were giving birth, but not disappearing. Humans were givig birth and Gem Hybrids acting like normal. He was recording everything and he turned to see Garnet and Amethyst and Peridot's reactions.
Garnet and Peridot seemed to be studying the writings that accompanied the mural.

“It looks like the language from that book mixed with the written language that Homeworld uses.” Peridot explained as she looked at the writing.
"Jackpot... I found it," Diego said, having gone into manic glee and jumping up and down.

Steven went to get the Gems and began leading them to Diego. The rooms they past looked like they could've been medical rooms or something of the sort, Steven wondering what Diego found in that room.
Amethyst walked back to the sub when she realized the batteries to the walkie-talkie were running low in order to change them out for new ones.

Peridot and Garnet went with Steven to see what Diego discovered.
It was a massive room with more inscriptions, but this time on tablets. There were counters, tables and what could look like early medical equipment. Diego was holding a something and was near what looked like some inscriptions.

"This... this... this device... it could allow a Gem to give birth to a hybrid and not lose their gem... it does so by giving the baby its own Gem," Diego noted as he had an incredlous look. The device in question looked like a large belt and next to it was some sort of gripping device that the instructional pictograms noted would go on the Gem and scan it. Furthermore, some scans are already in place.

"Some Rubies, some Pearls... alot of the old basic Gems are here," Diego said as he noted Steven's look.

Diego took the grip and put it on Steven's belly gem. "What the-?" he began saying before a scanning noise was made. It took a little while due to age, but the number asnd such appeared. "Your Gem is too complex for these to make. We could probably make an updated model, but it'd still take a lot of computing power to make. This would make it so one of your kids at elast could inherit your Gem," Diego said to Steven.
Amethyst walked in after changing the batteries in the walkie-talkie. “Yo, we need to leave.” She said with a look of concern on her face. “I don’t know what’s going on up there but something’s happening and someone’s in the hospital.”
"Wait, what?! Who's in the hospital?" Steven said as he turned over with concern. "Right! Peridot, you get as much of the stuff we can carry so you and Pearl can study it later," Diego said as he grabbed the devices and a tablet. Once everyone got everything, they began running toward the sub.
“I don’t know. All I could understand was someone was being brought to the hospital.” Amethyst said. She trying to stay calm But was clearly worried as she helped the others.
"We better get going then," Diego said as everyone got loaded into the sub and they began heading back to the surface. "Was it anyone in specific?" Steven asked Amethyst in concern.
"Well, maybe we should try contacting them again," Diego told Amethyst while they were heading back to the surface with their knowledge and their new technologies.
“How long until we reach the surface?” Diego asked them as they were all hanging on. Steven was trying to contact with his phone.
“it shouldn’t be much longer.” Peridot answered.

Every time Steven called Rai’s phone it rang and rang before eventually going to voicemail, same with Pearl.
“We’re almost there “ Diego said as he looked at the scanners and such. “I guess it’s easier heading back up thanks to the location,” he noted.
"We have reached the surface," Diego noted, impressed at the speed of the submarine.

"What's going on?" Steven said, increasingly worried as they were heading to the beach.
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