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TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

Mynx, having never met a king before, held out her hand for Aquaman to shake. "It's an honor to meet you, your highness. Your kingdom is so amazing, at least the part I saw."

"I do not know, is there some kind of food you would like to eat?" Starfire asked.
"You're supposed to bow,"Awualad humorously reminded her before Aquaman chuckled goodheartedly."Do not worry, Aqualad. It is a pleasure to meet you, Mynx. Aqualadn told me that you were in need of aid," he said as he stood up from the throne.

"Well, what do you like? I heard From Beast Boy that everyone likes pizza," Diego suggested with a smile before he saw they arrived at their floor. "I'll help you with all of the questions and such. Though I am curious. When do you think you and the Titans will pick your successors? I'm wanting to know for address reasons," Diego asked her.
"Yes sir." She said as she bowed slightly. "I'm having difficulties controlling my powers, and I was told you knew someone who could help with that."

"I do enjoy pizza quite a bit." She said. "I have no idea, once I meet someone I think can take my place on the team."
"Yes we do. He's a bit unorthodox, but he is a man of many talents and skills," Aquama explained before he began swimming over to a room in the back of the palace, leading Aqualad and Mynx. The room they entered was some sort of study. There was also a lack of water.

"Aqualad, Mynx, I would like you to meet Dr. Fate. Justice League member and our authority on magic," Aquaman said as he introduced the gold-helmeted hero to the two. "It is a pleasure to meet you both. I understand that you are in need of answers?" he said to Mynx.

"Then we'll go have pizza after the meeting then," Diego told her with a smile as he squeezed her hand once more. They took a seat waiting for them. "Have the others picked theirs yet or are you not sure?" he asked her as he took a number. They had a little while to wait.
Mynx shook Dr. Fate's hand, saying, "The pleasure is all mine, sir. I was hoping you could help me to control my powers, first and foremost. I'd also like to know about my past..." She pulled a plastic bag out of her messenger bag containing a blood stained jacket and another bag with a letter in it, before she continued speaking, "I was found as a newborn on a couple's doorstep. I was wrapped in this" she held up the bag with the jacket, "and my birth mother left this," she held up the bag with the letter, "I didn't know if they would help so I brought them just in case."

"Robin has," Starfire said, "and I think Cyborg and Beast Boy have people in mind. As far as I know, Raven hasn't found anyone yet. Mynx has talked about having someone called Superboy take over for her."
"I will be able to help with both. The magical arts have a widespread of usage and being able to find secrets is one. It was wise of you to bring both objects in. They contain bits of your spirit and it will make it easier to search for your lost past. As for your powers, first we need to decipher your mysterious past and when we have discovered the origin of your powers, we can then proceed," Dr Fate explained as he gingerly took the bag and placed it on a table with a magic circle. It also possessed a mirror in the middle. "Before I start, as a practicing doctor of medicine, I am curious as to how your powers developed. When did you first show signs of them?" he asked her.

"I'll try and help you both find people though I figure Robin would have some people in mind," Diego mused before his eyebrow lifted at Superboy. "I wonder what's Superboy's connection to Superman?" he said before he was called up. He returned with a sheet of paper. It was an application. "I'll help you out," Diego told Starfire with a smile in filling out the application and the information.
"I don't know when I first developed them but I was about two when my mom realized I had powers." Mynx said trying to remember. "She had put me down for a nap and when she went to go get me, I was gone. She started tearing my room apart and when she looked out the window she saw me at the bottom of the pool. She told she expected to pull my dead body from the bottom of the pool, but when she jumped in I was sitting on the bottom laughing. I only had a few powers until I started puberty then it's been like I get a new power every couple of weeks."

"I think he's a government created clone of Superman." Starfire said. "Do I need to fill out paperwork?"
Dr. Fate listened and nodded. He began the incantation. With the knowledge he got, he would be able to get a clearer picture. The items that Mynx brought with her began glowing with a faint magenta light as energy seeped into the air and Dr. Fate's helmeted eyes began glowing. He then placed his hands on the mirror. "I am drawing upon the energy of the items to see a picture of the past, which will be seen in the Mirror," Dr. Fate said as the energy went into the mirror to form an image... Of how Mynx was born...

"That doesn't surprise me," Diego said before he nodded his head. He wasn't a big fan of the government at times, but he did catch up on the times. With Eisling being imprisoned, it seemed that things were getting better. "Yeah, though it's not alot and I'm here to help you, " Diego told her with a smile. He helped her fill out the form, which was merely for basic information and so on. "I guess we'll put down the address of the Tower for where you live and we can change it later..." Diego noted.
A young woman probably about nineteen appeared; she was beautiful and also heavily pregnant. She was in some sort of facility, nervously putting clothes one (including the jacket Mynx had brought in). She skillfully snuck out and ran into some woods to hide. Guards starting filling out of the building most likely to search for the girl when an explosion went off, diverting their attention. The girl ran when she was sure they wouldn't follow. She eventually made her way to a small building where she picked the lock and went inside.

"That's my parents' animal rehab center." Mynx said.

The girl found a kitchen and quickly grabbed an apple. She began eating it as she searched for something else. "I need protein." She said to herself before she found some raw meat. She grabbed it and found a Brunson burner that she used to cook the meat. She then grabbed a sheet of wax paper that was used on the exam tables and put it on the table placing the cooked meat on it, and filling a sterilized beaker with tap water. She found some partly stale bread in a staff room and made a sandwich. She finally sat down and began eating the small meal as she rubbed her belly. "It's okay, princess, I won't let the bad men take you. I'll make sure you're safe." When she was done eating, she found a couch and laid down to sleep.

The mirror skipped to the next morning when the girl awoke in pain. "Dammit." She said. "I thought I'd be able to get farther before you decided to come."

At the moment, a woman walked in and upon seeing the girl ran over to her. "Do you need me to call an ambulance?"

Mynx looked shock, as she simply whispered, "mom..."

"No," the girl responded, "they'll take my baby and I can't let that happen."

The four watched as the young girl went through hours of labor that appeared to be extremely painful. Finally the woman smiled saying, "it's a girl." She held a baby wrapping it in the girl's jacket before handing the baby over.

The girl took the child and smiled down at her, "Look at you, you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." The baby was crying but stopped when the girl kissed her on her forehead. "You are so perfect!"

Looking at the baby, it was clear that the girl was looking at the child as her mother because the infant was anything but cute. The baby had tufts of blonde, black, brown, grey, and red hair jetting out in all directions along with several bald spots. She also had a normal looking ear, another small pointed one, patches of green skin dotting her body, one of which covered her right eye resulting in a lack of an eyebrow. Soon the baby opened her eyes revealing that the eye with the green patch was completely red with no discernible iris, pupil, or sclera while the other appeared to be broken up into sections of blue, brown, red, green, black, and grey. The baby looked around at the two women and immediately shapeshifted to look like an average human.

"What the hell just happened?" The woman asked.

"She was an experiment. I found out what they wanted her for and escaped." The girl said with tears in her eyes. "They'll never stop looking for us... the best thing for her is for me to leave. They'll come after me thinking assuming I have her, and when they inevitably find me I'll tell them I killed her. They'll stop looking for her and she'll be safe."

"What about you?" The woman asked.

"They'll kill me." The girl stated bluntly. "I'll die but I'll be happy knowing I brought the secret of my daughter's true fate to the grave. I'm willing to lay down my life for her to have everything I never did," she looked up at the woman, "like a family. Please take her, and raise her as your own."

The woman took the baby, "what is her name?"

"You're her mother now, you choose." The girl said kissing the baby on the forehead.

"What's your name?" The woman gently rocked the small infant.


Starfire looked at the paper and gave him the address of the Tower. "My real name is spelled K-O-R-I-A-N-D-apostrophe-R and I am eighteen years old."
Aqualad remained quiet while he was watching the entire state of affairs. Both Aquaman and Dr. Fate were also quiet while watching the whole memories going on. "I will try and see if I can go back further. Since the clothes also belonged to your mother, we will try and see what she was speaking of so we may get mroe information," Dr. Fate said before he chanted once more and the memory began to ripple to that of Aphrodite, Mynx's biological mother.

Diego helped Starfire fill out the information on the paper, turning it in and getting their name called in. Diego squeezed Starfire's hand before following her into the room where another woman was there with an elderly but wise demeanor. "Good morning, my name is Ms. Robertson. You are Miss Starfire, correct? I was told an appointment would be set here because you wish to become a citizen, correct?" she said with a smile on her face as Diego put the seat for Starfire before sitting down himself.
Mynx purses her lips wiping her eyes, saying, "my real name is Aphrodite. My mom named me after my birth mom."

The mirror showed Aphrodite, probably about sixteen, in what looked like a boot camp with four other girls. They were sitting on beds talking.

"Did you hear what happened to Anya." A blonde girl about twenty one asked.

"Yeah, her baby kicked her too hard and ruptured one of her organs." An Asian girl who was twenty five said.

"Is she alright?" Aphrodite asked.

"She's dead." A nineteen-ish African American girl stated.

"Chara?!" The last girl who was a redhead and probably in her thirties.

"What?" Chara asked. "This whole thing is gonna kill all of us. These stupid scientist want results and they don't care how they get them."

"They said I'd go free after this." Aphrodite said.

Chara rolled her eyes. "Yeah and freedom is death. You're new here but each of us have been here since we were your age." She motioned toward the redhead. "Karli over there has had her pelvis broken twice." She then pointed to the blonde. "Emily's been pregnant four times and each time her body treats it like a parasite and destroys it." She pointed toward the Asian girl. "Anna nearly died because her baby was absorbing all the nutrients." She then put her hand on her chest. "And me, I've either miscarried and had to abort because the baby wasn't what they wanted. Between the four of us and Anya, we've been pregnant over twenty times and there still hasn't been a baby. This whole program is doomed to fail and bring us all down with it."

The mirror then speed up showing girl after girl disappear and Aphrodite become pregnant twice. The first time she went into premature labor and birthed a baby girl, which was small and somehow less cute than Mynx when she was born, died shortly after birth. The second time resulted a stillborn baby boy. Finally it showed Aphrodite heavily pregnant with Mynx, walking down a hallway before stopping next to an open door. There were two shadows

"Twenty-seven failed pregnancies, countless girls dying in the process, and we're running out of funding and resources." A gruff male said. "If that bitch doesn't have a healthy baby, this whole project is done for."

"Surely the government will renew our funding, Doctor." A female voice said.

"No, they won't." The man replied. "I tried telling them that having a healthy embryo comprised of the genetic material of so many different individuals is difficult, especially when so many of those individuals are of different species. But they want what they want and what they want is a super soldier they can train to become a living weapon, powerful enough to bring down the heaviest hitters of Justice League like it was fighting a couple of children. I can only imagine the things they'll put it through; they'll turn it into an emotionless husk with no ounce of humanity, willing to kill anyone without hesitation."

Aphrodite covered her mouth to muffle her cries, and had her other hand on her stomach. She tiptoed back to her bed and laid down.

Starfire sat down, squeezing Diego's hand back. "Yes, ma'am." She said with a nod. "I have lived on Earth for over three years, but I do not have any papers from my home planet."
Aqualad squeezed Mynx's hand before he continued to look. Aquaman had also been recording this for future information. The details of Aphrodite (senior)'s past experiences and how Mynx came to be was certainly a highly unnerving one.

"I gotta get this to the League. This is guilty of crimes," Aquaman told Dr. Fate. "We have plenty of evidence and I should be able to gather the locations of any other survivors, but what are the chances they wil prosecuted?" Dr. Fate asked Aquaman.

"Surprisingly higher than you think. It's getting harder for governments to justify these sort of actions, especially as the up and coming politicians are mroe willing to work with the various hero groups rather than against. Of course, it's not my call to make," Aquaman explained.

Aqualad was just holding onto Mynx, letting her know he was here. "You are free to stay here in the mean time," he gently told the heroine before he went off to inform the League.

"Well, you do not have to worry about that. You've been working to protect us all," Ms. Robertson told her with a smile. "Now, your paperwork will be processed and such. Normally, this would take longer, but the Justice League's intiatives so offworld heroes can settle on here has been a massive help for our databases and getting everything done," she explained to them with a smile.

"How long until everything is confirmed?" Diego asked her. "Well, within a few months, you'll be considered a resident and then you have to go through the normal passage of being a citizenship though President Ross has been a big benefit in helping out our immigration laws," she explained to them. "So you will have to learn some of the history and cultures and whatnot, though I assume you are already learning them," she added with a smile.

"Now, you did note the address was temporary. Does that mean you will be moving soon?" Ms. Robertson asked. "The League did inform us that the Teen Titans' roster would be changing though I didn't it meant this. I suppose we all gotta grow up and see the world," she said with a smile while waiting to hear from Starfire.
Mynx turned and hurried her face in Aqualad's chest, sobbing. "I thought she didn't want me," she said, "but she died to protect me. She was just a kid when they started doing that to her and she was still a teenager when she died." She continued crying. "And at least thirty-five lives ended, to get what? Why did I survive?"

"I have learned quite a bit already." Starfire said with a smile. "I have been reading books on EarthMs history since I arrived." She listened to the woman before adding. "I need to find someone to replace me but after I have done that, I will most likely be leaving to join the Justice League."
Aqualad remained quiet as he was holding her, not sure what he could tell her. However, he remained diligent in holding her in a comforting manner. However, Dr. Fate had an idea. "I do someone who may be able to provide some solace," he announced before he meditated in the air, contacting someone. However, a circle of magenta light appeared in the ceiling before a golden light bathed the room. Coming from the portal, someone appeared.

"You called me, old friend?" the winged man said. "Who is this?" Aqualad asked, in awe of him. "This is Zauriel. He is a member of the League while also an angel serving the Presence," Dr. Fate explained. "I sense great tragedy in you," Zauriel said to Mynx. "What troubles you?" he asked her.

"I am sure you will do all right, dearie. We need more heroines," Ms. Robertson said with a smile and smirk. "I am assuming that you will be her sponsor and thus she will be living with you, dearie," she asked Diego. Diego nodded. "Well, I figured, especially since I was the one who handled your application of metahuman abilities," she added. "But regardless, jsut come and visit me when you will move to tell me your new address, but as of right now, you are now a resident of Earth," she told Starfire with a smile. Diego turned to Starfire and embraced her.
"I just found out I'm a government experiment to bring bring down the Justice League, and nearly thirty five women and unborn babies died as a result of the experiments." Mynx explained trying to remain composed. "My mother and I were the only survivors but she sacrificed her life to keep me safe. And to make it worse I don't know whose DNA was used to create me."

Starfire bit her bottom lip while smiling, barely able to contain her excitement. She immediately jumped up and leaned over the woman's desk to hug her. "Thank you so much!" She said.
Zauriel remained quiet to take everything in. He was one of the more secretive members of the Justice League and not many outside of the League were aware of his presence. "I cannot answer that question though I predict Dr. Fate may. However, would you like to see her? Your biological mother?" Zauriel asked her, going down so he could see her face to face.

Aqualad felt at ease with the angel. He just radiated a calming and serene presence. He attributed this to the angel, well, a being of goodness serving the Presence.

Diego couldn't help but smile at the joyous scene. Ms. Robertson was quite taken back byt it, but returned the hug after a moment. "Thank you for everything you've done, Miss Starfire. That concludes today's appointment and I will call you or Mr. Vendrix should more information be required," she told them.

"Congrats, Star!" Diego said as he embraced Starfire.
Mynx looked shocked, asking, "You can do that?!" She started to tear up again, however this time it was from happiness instead of a mixture of sadness and emotional overload. When he nodded, Mynx said, "Please."

After hugging Ms. Robertson, Starfire turned and hugged Diego. After years of living on the planet, she could honestly say she officially belonged here.
Aqualad just squeezed Mynx's hand before he saw Zauriel go up back into the glowing portal. Within a few minutes, he flew down, holding the hand of a ghostly young woman. Aqualad's eyes widened. Mynx very much resembled her mother.

"Thank you very much for everything," Diego said before he took the papers and put it in the binder he brought with him before he went to the elevator, his hand holding Starfire's the whole time. "How do you feel?" he asked her with a smile as he pressed the down button.
Mynx watched with tears in her eyes as she slowly approached the woman. "Mom?" She asked.

"Princess?" Aphrodite asked holding her arms out to embrace her daughter.

"Mom!" Mynx ran up to her mother and threw her arms around her. "I'm so sorry I thought you abandoned me."

"I'm sorry I had to leave." Aphrodite lifted her daughter's face, wiping Mynx's tears away. "But I have always been there, watching over you. When you have been at your lowest, I was there."

"Beyond happy." Starfire said still smiling ear to ear. "If I had known it was that simple I would have done this when I first arrived."
"SHe can only remain a few minutes here on the mortal realm so I advise you use the best of every second," Dr. Fate mentioned. It was pretty difficult for Zauriel being able to do this, but it was gradually getting easier, at least with help from Dr. Fate and of course from Earth. Zauriel's attempt at contacting Superman's parents ended with a minor scuffle with Rao, the former sun god of Kryton.

Aqualad stepped off to let the two Aphrodites spend their time together.

"I think the reason it was easy was because of the Justice League and your own reputation here. It probably would've been harder if you did first started out," Diego explained with some thought. He smiled at her joy. "So let's go celeberate with some pizza!" he said with a smile while squeezing her hand. "Only thing left would be that once you find your successor, you'll go and move in with me when I head back to my home. You still okay with that?" Diego asked her.
Mynx nodded. "Mom, what am I?"

Aphrodite took a deep breath and pursed her lips. "You're my daughter, beyond that I'm not entirely sure. The government wanted you to be a living weapon and if the experiments were successful they planned to make a whole army. What I did find out was government agents had been secretly collecting the DNA of as many superheroes and super villains as they could to map out their genetics, then pick and choose what would make a good soldier and leave out all the weaknesses."

"Did ever find out who any of them were?" Mynx asked.

Aphrodite paused to think. "They joked that you were most of the Justice League combined into one package, and the only one that I could figure was the Martian."

"Martian Manhunter?" Mynx asked.

"Yes, but that's because when you were born had one eye that looked like his and you were covered in green spots." Aphrodite said. "Also I did overhear them talking about some of your species. They said something about you being Atlantean, Kryptonian, and human. There's probably more but I couldn't hear it. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help."

Mynx hugged her and said, "It's okay, Mom, you helped me so much already!""

Aphrodite hugged her back before taking Mynx's face in her hands, saying through tears, "Promise me that no matter what you discover, you'll never let it define you. Before you had powers, you were my daughter, and now that you have powers, you are still my daughter. I love you more than you will ever know, and to me you'll always be my little princess." She kissed Mynx's forehead before turning to Zauriel and saying, "I'm as ready to go back as I'll ever be."

"Of coarse I am." Starfire said as she held his hand tighter. "Where is your house?"
Aqualad, Zauriel and Dr. Fate merely watched about everything that was happening between Mynx and her mother. Dr. Fate was recording the conversation magically in the event it was needed in court or such. "I hope this brought you solace," Zauriel told Aphrodite Sr. "However, it will be a matter of time before your daughter joins you, at her time of course," the angel told the mother-daughter duo.

He waved good-bye before he grabbed her hand and ascended through the portal, vanishing into light. "How do you feel?" Aqualad asked her after a period of time.

"I live in a smallish town, or at least I did before becoming frozen," Diego explained to Starfire while he held her hand. "However, I was planning on moving to Atlanta. So we'll stay with my parents for a little while and then we'll get the apartment in Atlanta. I'll take care of everything and with Atlanta being a big city, it'll have its fair share of crime we have to watch for," he told her with a smile.
Aphrodite nodded before she blew a kiss to Mynx.

"I don't know." Mynx wiped tears off her face. "I do know I want to find who killed her, I want her to have justice. Then I want to find that doctor to find out whose DNA they made me from and I'd at least like to meet them."

"Are you sure your parents would not mind me living with them?" Starfire asked. "I really do not want to impose."
"I would bring the Spectre for an event, but he is a rather difficult individual to get in contact with him and tends to go his own route," Dr. Fate mentioned, his tone indicting the trouble toward his ally. The Spectre was perhaps the strongest member of the team, but was only loosely affiliated due to the pressures it was on Jim Morrigan, the human host and side for the angel tat was the embodiment of God's rage.

"For right now, you should probably rest. I will join up with Aquaman to discuss this with the rest of the League," Dr. Fate mentioned. "I predict that Superman will be taking this up with the current President," he added before he vanished.

"Do you wanna take time to rest or nap? We can see the city afterward," Aqualad told her gently.

"No, no. My folks are going to be happy to know I've been alive to say the least and they always informed me they'll be happy to let friends stay over for a little while," Diego explained to her with a smile. When they stepped out of the elevator and the door, they heard explosions. It was none other than the villanious Dr. Light, causing chaos and attempting a robbery.

"Who is that?" he asked, looking at the deranged supervillain.
"Can you tell them that I'm open to having a relationship with whose ever DNA I'm made of?" Mynx asked before she looked at Aqualad. "If it's not too much trouble I'd like to go home, my real home."

"Dr. Light." Starfire said as dropped Diego's hand before her's began glowing.
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