League of Heroes........Guardians of Earth (Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster)

Tabitha had no idea who these people were, or even where she was. The place looked liked some type of medical facility. This led her to believe these people were trying to use her for some despicable plan. Like taking hr kidneys and selling them. Tabitha had heard about such stories over the years. She didn't know if the stories were true, but what was around her made her think it was possible. Tabitha hadn't noticed the woman seated in the chair. She only saw Eric, Tristan and Adam standing around her. Suddenly, she heard a female voice speaking. There was something familiar about the voice, but Tabitha couldn't place it. She then noticed the woman who was speaking when Adam moved. This allowed Tabitha to see a familiar face, which went with the voice.

Tabitha was surprised to see Alexandria Reed among these men. She remembered Alexandria very well. Alexandria could have had her arrested when she slipped into Reed Manor, and tried to steal the Reed Family jewels. But, Alexandria let her go and promised not tell the police. Alexandria kept her word, and didn't tell the police who tried to steal from the family. Tabitha was still worked up. She didn't like being tied down to the table. The young woman did listen as Alexandria spoke. Tabitha wished she could have denied what Alexandria said about Cyrus Block, but she knew the man very well. The fact that Block was going to sell her, then planned a double cross, wasn't a huge surprise. Tabitha could see him doing that, though she never thought he would ever think of selling her. Tabitha agreed to calm down, but she wanted to know more of what happened. " I never expected to see you here.......Were you working with the Green Hornet?.......I noticed that man with Hornet and his bodyguard. " Tabitha was speaking of Tristan who stood acrossed from his mother. There was more going on here then Tabitha knew. She was looking at Alexandria for answers.
When Tabitha regained consciousness, Alexandria had known before the girl even opened her eyes that she was waking. Her hearing could pick up on the girls heart rate picking up before the girl began struggling against her bonds. After the older woman finally spoke up and looked up from her book, Adam, who had joined them, moved from where he stood in front of his mother and Alexandria looked at Tabitha. She saw the surprise on the young womans face when she saw Alexandria Reed among the men. Alexandria waited calmly and patiently as Tabitha stared at her and processed what she had said before she spoke up. She spoke of never expecting to see her there before asking if she was working with the Green Hornet, speaking about having noticed Tristan with Hornet and his bodyguard.

Alexandria knew that Tabitha spoke of Tristan but she never looked away from the young woman. "I can not give you all of the answers. Not just yet. But I can tell you what I can for now." she told Tabitha. "I suppose you could say I'm working with the Green Hornet." She softly explained to Tabitha that the girl had never really left her thoughts in the time since she'd tried to steal the Reed Family jewels. That she hated the thought of anyone not having control over their lives the way that Tabitha was denied that control by Cyrus Block. "So, with the help of those I trust, I set to work on finding a way to free you from his clutches. Cyrus Block was tempted into a deal with Green Hornet. The agreement was a trade. You, for Eric Reed. That was the man who was handed over to Blocks men this evening."

The woman sent Eric a glance before looking at Tabitha again and she told her that they had expected a double cross. That they knew Block wouldn't want to loose someone with powers like those which Tabitha had. "He wanted both you and Eric Reed. However, he currently has neither. He doesn't even have information on you anymore. We've taken steps to wipe all mention and all traces of you from his computers." she told Tabitha. "However, we currently have you strapped down for a different reason. That collar needs to be removed but... there are a couple problems. First is your powers. We needed you calm because we didn't want you to lash out due to anger or fear. I think we would all like to remain uninjured. Another is that Block implanted an explosive in the collar and we need to be careful during the removal."

Alexandria never sugar coated her words, but at the same time, she didn't tell Tabitha everything. Tabitha knew of the deal and what they had done, as well as Alexandria being behind it. But she didn't know where she was at that very moment.
Tabitha was surprised when Alexandria spoke of working with the Green Hornet. Alexandria Reed was one of the richest and most powerful women in the world. She had a reputation for doing good all over the world. It was shocking to learn that Alexandria Reed worked with a criminal. It made Tabitha believe that the older woman's reputation may just be a cover. Perhaps Alexandria Reed wasn't as good and kind a person so many believed she was. After all, good and kind people don't work with known criminals, not for any reason. Alexandria continued to explain more of what happened. She spoke of Block, the deal and the double cross. She then spoke of using her own brother as bait. It was obvious that Eric Reed was safe. Tabitha now recognize Eric Reed standing at the foot of the table she laid on. At the beginning. Tabitha's mind was full of fear and anger. She was confused and didn't understand what was happening. Now that she'd calm down, she was able to figure out who everyone was. She knew the young man who moved from his position, was a member of the Reed family. She just didn't know his name. The other unnamed man was the one who caught her the first time she tried to escape. He had some kind of powers.

Alexandria spoke of how Block wanted both Tabitha and Eric Reed, but he had neither. She then spoke of how all traces of Tabitha had been wiped away from Block's computers. This news was overwhelming for the young woman. Alexandria was telling her that she was now free. Block no longer had anything against her. He could no longer use her for his own gains. She thanked Alexandria for freeing her. However, the news wasn't over. Alexandria explained about the collar and the explosive hidden inside. Hearing this wasn't shocking. Block had once told Tabitha, he'd sooner see her dead then lose her. " You don't have to worry........I won't hurt anyone......But I'm afraid my freedom won't last long. " Tabitha spoke. " I know how Cyrus Block works......If he wants me dead.....I'll be dead. " Tabitha added as Image joined them in the med bay. " Why am I not surprised. " Tabitha sighed when she caught sight of Image. She remembered him from the encounter in the manor. " Mother.......I have detected the explosive is activated and counting down to detonation.......Tabitha Stevens has less then two minutes to live. " Image's words seemed cold, but very true. " You see........Block isn't your typical crime boss.....He made sure I wouldn't live.......You should all leave before things get messy in here. " Tabitha spoke, she then closed her eyes to wait for the end.
Tabitha was partially right in her thinking about Alexandria's reputation being just a cover. It was partially a cover and she had at one time been a bad person. But she'd made her amends and the amount of good deeds she'd done over the years has helped put her into the good graces of one of the few people who she really feared. The one being who hunted down bad people due to their sins. She had thought that she would surely die because of what she percieived to be a mountain of bad things she'd done over time. However, she'd been informed that she was safe from justice at the hands of the being which road a motorcycle and hunted bad guys. The mere thought of him could make Alexandria shudder. But she had turned from that life and was now working to better the lives of those around her, even if it meant working with a 'bad guy' for a while.

After telling Tabitha about what they had done to free Tabitha, she watched the girl's reaction. Alexandria could see multiple emotions flashing through the girls eyes before Tabitha told them that they didn't have to worry. That she wouldn't hurt anyone, and that her freedom wouldn't last long. It wasn't long before Image joined them and she looked over at him when he spoke to her and told her that he'd detected the explosive was activated and it was counting down to detonation. That Tabitha had less then two minutes to live. Tabitha then chimed in, telling them that they should all leave before things got messy. Alexandria ignored Tabitha's words and looked at Image. "Image, if you can get that off of her without it going off, I want you to do so." she told him. She trusted him and had faith in her son.
There was a time when Alexandria had a lot to fear from Demon Rider. Had she ever crossed his path in her early days. He would have many her suffer for the evil she did, or took part in. One didn't need to harm innocents directly to incur the wrath of the rider. The single most feared being on Earth. Demon Rider had no mercy while dispensing justice. No one could control this being, and he certainly answered to no one. Demon Rider was a supernatural being who appeared when needed most, or when innocent blood was shed. For anyone who crossed his path. They would remained hunted until the day the rider caught up with them. And Demon Rider always caught his prey sooner or later. Many stories had been told over the years of flaming skull demons who dragged their victims to hell. The stories and the legend of the Demon Rider have been around for several centuries. Back before cars and motorcycles. It was said the rider rode a demon horse. Snorting fire as it came down upon it's victims. There was much more to the rider then Alexandria knew. She & Eric would soon discover the truth behind all those stories and the legend of the Demon Rider.

Tabitha was sure she'd be dead soon. This was the only reason why she didn't react to Image calling Alexandria "mother". Tabitha had figured this blue & white being was some kind of robot. The way he spoke, and how he acted when they first met. Led Tabitha to thinking she was right. All that didn't seem to matter at the moment. She had less then two minutes to live. Her head would soon be gone, and she would no longer be apart of this world. Tabitha did hope the next world would be better. Despite what Alexandria had said to her robot. Tabitha didn't believe she would survive. Image did ask for everyone to leave the med bay. Just in case he failed. He didn't want anyone hurt. Image could protect himself enough from the blast. The android moved around the table. He studied the explosive for a moment. Image then removed the outer covering of the collar, exposing the explosive. He removed the explosive, turned his back to Tabitha, grasping the explosive in between his hands. There was a muffled "bang", which brought everyone back into the med bay. They found Tabitha still alive, and Image was wiping off his hands.
In the past, Alexandria had done plenty of bad things which would of brought the wrath of Demon Rider down upon her head. There had even been a time that the woman had been cocky enough to believe she would of been able to slip his grasp. But these days she was much wiser. She'd killed many people, both innocent and those who weren't. Had stolen countless times and she had led to the suffering of others and she had even been involved in the atrocities of the second world war. But that had been the first turning point in her life. After actually seeing what was happening to women and children, she began to work against those who were paying her. Years later, she had met Eric's uncle and she began to walk a more straight path. But it wasn't until she returned and joined Eric that she began to walk the straight and narrow. She'd saved hundreds of lives and donated millions of dollars to the betterment of the lives of those in need. The Demon Rider had made it clear she had redeemed herself, but he still made her nervous. She still worried sometimes that she might do something wrong and incur his wrath again.

After asking Image to remove the collar, he asked the others to leave the med bay and she nodded. Image knew that she had faith in him. Alexandria ushered her other family members out of the bed bay and they waited just outside while the android worked. It was shortly after that there was a muffled 'bang' and Alexandria turned to look at the entrance of the med bay before leading the way inside. When she entered, she saw Tabitha was still alive and Image was standing there wiping off his hands. Seeing this made Alexandria smile brightly at her son and she approached him. "Wonderful work Image. Thank you." she told him before kissing him on the cheek.

While Alexandria was fond of Image and she showed emotional affection, she didn't normally show physical affection for the Android. But lately she'd been showing more and more physical affection to him. After kissing him on the cheek, she moved over to the table and looked down at Tabitha. "Block may want you dead, but I want you to live." she told Tabitha. "And I usually get what I want. One way or another." There was a light smile on her face, her eyes bright with amusement before she looked at Image and asked if it was now safe to remove the rest of the collar.
Image gave Alexandria a simple nod of his head after she thanked him. There was really no need to thank him though. As an android. Image didn't need or seek out thanks for doing what he was capable of doing. He saw this as being a need for humans. Image wasn't human, but he was trying to become more human like. Which was why he gave his mother a nod of his head. But, her kiss was something of a surprise. There was a time when Alexandria never showed any physical affection for Image. This never bothered him. He wasn't a real human after all. There was a time when Tina acted mean towards Image. She refused to think of him as a member of the family. It took Tina time to become comfortable with having Image around. While Alexandria was never harsh towards Image. Her lack of physical affection made it seem as if she had her own problems with having an android around. Image never questioned Alexandria for her reasons. He assumed she needed time to become comfortable with him. Alexandria had said that about Tina, and she was proven right. Image never expected his mother to want him, as she wanted her other sons. He'd studied human sexual activity. And found humans could be picky about the types of lovers they had. Since Alexandria had never shown any interest in him. Image assumed Alexandria didn't find him sexually attractive. The kisses she was giving him now, were vary puzzling for the android.

Tabitha knew she was damn lucky to be alive. Alexandria's robot had saved her. The young woman listened as Alexandria spoke. Though, it sounded a lot like the older woman was boasting. But, Tabitha felt Alexandria could boast if she wanted too. The woman was among the richest people in the world. That alone gave her quite a bit to boast about. Alexandria then spoke to Image about the collar. " It can be removed safely.......I have detected no other devices hidden inside......I can remove it now if you wish? " Image replied to his mother. He then spoke of the collar, the tracking device and the explosive all coming from Reed Enterprises. This news made Eric raise an eyebrow. " That can't be.......Only Alexandria or myself can authorize sales........I know every company we do business with.......None are connected to Block in any way. " Eric spoke. Image said his scans showed each item was made by Reed Enterprises. Adam pointed out that Block was a criminal. He said the items could have been stolen from a company they did business with. It was possible, but Eric hadn't heard of any Reed tech being stolen.
In the past, Alexandria hadn't shown much physical affection, but her pregnancy was driving her instincts to want to draw Image deeper into the family and one thing that had become something like tradition already, and as they had been told was tradition by their visiting kin, was that she became intimate with them to bring them into her pack. When she'd first learned of Image's existence, she'd been so unsure about him because it wasn't natural and she'd wasn't sure what Eric was going to do with him. But in time, she had become accustomed to his presence and she'd come to care for him like she did the others. She had scolded Tina for treating him so poorly. She had been mean towards him and Alexandria had made her disapproval known of such actions. Image was told that it may take Tina some time to become used to him. It never occurred to Alexandria that the way she was letting him have time to try to understand human emotions might of come across as her having some kind of issue with him as well.

Alexandria didn't normally boast about things. She had become much more modest over the years and she wasn't as arrogant of her abilities as she'd once been. Sure, she was confidant in them, but she wasn't arrogant any longer. She was simply merely honest about things. After she asked if the collar could be removed finally, she nodded. "Yes, please remove it." she requested from Image, stepping back so that he could remove it. However, when he spoke of the collar, tracking device and the explosive all coming from Reed Enterprises, Alexandria stopped and frowned, clearly unhappy to hear this. Eric spoke of only himself and Alexandria being able to authorize sales of such items and that he knew every company that they did business with. And that none of them were connected to Block in any way.

She was quiet as the men spoke about the items and how the could of been stolen from a company that they did business with. "We can figure out exactly how Block got these items later." she told them. "For now, we should focus on getting this collar off Tabitha." There was nothing that they could do about how Block got these items right this moment.
There was little which could be done about whether Block had stolen Reed tech, at the moment. Right now Alexandria wanted to focus on getting Tabitha out of the collar. This job was rather simple for Image. As he started working. Eric removed the IV from the young woman's arm. The IV was to help Tabitha recover faster from the blow Alexandria gave her in the park. Eric was no doctor, but he had learned enough about medicine to preform certain types of procedures. The belts around her wrists and ankles were also removed. Image finally pulled the collar free from around Tabitha's neck. The young woman sat up on the exam table while thanking Alexandria. " This is the second time you've helped me.......I guess I owe you for both times. " Tabitha spoke to Alexandria while she looked around the med bay. The young woman was a big believer in street honor. If someone helped her. She would do anything to make it right with them. No one had ever helped her before. This would be Tabitha's first time repaying her debt. Tristan wondered how long his mother would take before telling Tabitha everything. He knew Tabitha couldn't stay in the med bay or the cave the entire time she was at the manor.

Tabitha slowly looked around the med bay before she returned her eyes to Alexandria. " So where have you taken me?........Is this the place where you created your robot servant? " Tabitha's words didn't effect Image. He was aware that most humans didn't know the difference between robots and androids. Image remained silent as he watched Tabitha interact with his mother. The kiss she gave him was still being processed. It did make Image wonder why Alexandria was showing such affection now. He knew it was possible, she felt guilty for not sharing such emotions with him in the past. It was also possible, Alexandria had another reason. One which Image hadn't thought of yet. Image was left still working on the puzzle of his mother's kiss. He wondered if watching humans engage in sexual activity would help him understand the kiss better? Once in a while. The family would take part in a group fuck. Alexandria & Tina would take on Eric, Tristan, Adam and James in the living room of the manor. Alexandria & Tina always started things off by putting on a show for their men. They kiss, fondled and fucked each other to make their men hot and ready for sex. Image never took part in such activities, but he had been there during the start of a few. He quickly left so he wouldn't get in anyone's way, or make anyone feel uncomfortable.
After Alexandria spoke, Image began removing the collar from Tabitha while Eric removed the IV from the young womans arm. The belts around her wrists and ankles were also removed. Belts that had been used on Alexandria herself some months ago when she had been under the Jesters control. Shaking her head, she watched as the collar was finally pulled free from around the young womans neck and she sat up, the young woman telling her that she owed her for both times and Alexandria shook her head. "You owe me nothing, Tabitha. What we did, was the right thing to do. No one deserves to be enslaved in any way." she told the young woman. Her words were gentle and sincere as she said this to her.

When she was asked about where she'd taken her, Alexandria was about to answer when Tabitha asked if this was the place where she created her robot servant. "Robot servant?" she echoed before looking over at Image and she smiled gently at the android before softly chuckling. "Image isn't a robot." she told Tabitha while moving over to him. "He is much more then that. In fact, he's a part of our family." She gazed up at the android fondly before looking at Tabitha again. "He's a valued member of our family. Now, perhaps we should move to a more comfortable location then the med-bay?" she suggested, glancing over at Eric. "I think perhaps a couple of drinks in a comfortable setting while we explain things a little more sounds good. Perhaps the living room?"
While Tabitha agreed that no one should be enslaved. She felt Alexandria sounded like a politician looking for votes. Talking of doing the right thing. It all sounded so noble the way Alexandria spoke. But, she hadn't lived for over a year under the thumb of Cyrus Block. Sure, Alexandria had her own troubles. None of which Tabitha would know about. Tabitha only knew no one cared about her for over a year. The young woman was crass and ill-mannered. She believed people only did something for you, when they wanted something from you. That was a rule of the street. Something Tabitha lived by. She was sure, Alexandria would want something from her. Despite Alexandria saying she was owed nothing.

Tabitha raised an eyebrow when Alexandria spoke about Image. Saying he wasn't a robot, but he was a member of the family. Alexandria even said he was a valued member of her family. Tabitha knew the use of the term "our" wasn't aimed at her. She had no family and was no member of Alexandria's brood. Tabitha listened as Alexandria then spoke of moving to a more comfortable location. She said something about having drinks in the living room. " Yeah......Whatever works for you. " Tabitha spoke while crossing her arms over her chest. Whatever Alexandria had to say, better be pretty damn good. So far, a whole lotta nothing had been said to Tabitha as to why she was here. She wasn't even told where she was. Image & Eric would stay in the cave. Eric wanted to know how Block got his hands on Reed tech. He felt that could no longer wait. Alexandria could have her talk with Tabitha. Tristan decided to stay down in the cave. Adam went along with Alexandria & Tabitha.
Though Tabitha knew nothing about the troubles that Alexandria currently had or had gone through in the past, the young woman would learn in time more about her. After she spoke of them moving to a more comfortable location, Tabitha crossed her arms over her chest while agreeing. The posture was one that Alexandria recognized. It was a defensive one that also had a hint of defiance. The girl was spirited and Alexandria liked that. With a nod, Alexandria looked at the men. Tristan and Eric were going to stay down in the cave. She understood that Eric wanted to know how Block got his hands on Reed tech and she told him to keep her informed. Finally she turned and asked Tabitha to follow her.

The woman led Tabitha out of the Med bay and led the way up into the manor. As she did so, she was aware that Tabitha would get a glimpse of more then most other outsiders had of their secret life and the young woman would have plenty of questions. Upon reaching the ground level, Alexandria paused long enough to contact James and ask for drinks before she led the way to the living room and she asked Tabitha to take a seat wherever she liked. "I'm sure you have questions and I'll answer them to the best of my abilities." she told Tabitha as she took a seat in one of the more comfortable chairs. She sat with her legs curled beneath her and in the living room, dressed as she was and sitting like this, she looked much more relaxed and open.
After leaving the med bay. Tabitha found they were in a cave, but it was unlike any cave she'd ever seen before. It was full of high tech gear, a large super computer and other things which Tabitha couldn't identify. As she looked around, she could see this cave had several rooms just off the main cave. It was like some kind of base. Like something one would see in movies. A super secret base used by a Bond villain. Tabitha was sure Alexandria was no villain, but she wouldn't take any chances. No that she had full use of her powers. Tabitha would be ready to use them if it turned out Alexandria was evil. She, Alexandria & Adam reached the elevator. They stepped inside and started up. Tabitha heard Alexandria contact someone named James, to have drinks ready. After reaching the ground floor, the doors opened into Eric's study. This was a place Tabitha knew well. It was the room where she was caught trying to steal the Reed Family jewels.

The small group headed for the living room. Once there, Tabitha was asked to take a seat. She sat in a chair, acrossed from the couch and beside where Alexandria would sit. Adam took the couch as Alexandria spoke to Tabitha about questions. The young woman raised an eyebrow. She thought it was odd that Alexandria wanted question. Back in the cave, the older woman spoke of explaining everything. Tabitha was expecting Alexandria to come clean about why she was here and why they had a cave under their house. Before Tabitha could speak. James came into the living room carrying a silver tray with three glasses. One glass was iced tea for Alexandria. The other two glasses were lemonade for Adam and their guest. Tabitha rose to her feet after James placed the tray down on the coffee table. " Another robot servant Alex?.........This one looks more lifelike then the one downstairs. " Tabitha spoke while looking at James' face closely. " I can assure you young lady......I am no robot. " There was a hint of annoyance in James' voice as he spoke. " I have served the Reed Family and all manner of guests for many years........No one has ever compared me with a machine before. " Seeing James square off with Tabitha made Adam chuckle. They came from two different worlds. Tabitha was from the streets, where manners weren't used. James was brought up in a world where manners were everything. He still called Alexandria & Eric, mistress & master, in certain situations. Though, in private he was less formal them. James & Tabitha stared at each other until the front door was heard opening and closing. " That would be Miss Tina returning from her evening classes........I'll get another drink and bring in something to snack on. " James spoke before walking away from Tabitha. " You know Alex.......You did pretty good work with old pops there.......But you really should work on his manners.......He's real rude for a robot.....You should reprogram his ass. " Tabitha's words made Adam laugh even harder. At that moment Tina walked into the living room. She would have gone right up to her room, but she heard Adam laughing about something. Tina stopped after seeing Tabitha standing by the coffee table. " Did I miss something? " Tina asked as Adam was beside himself.
Alexandria let the way out of the Med Bay and through the cave. The cave was filled with all sorts of high tech things that weren't often seen outside of high security businesses like Reed Enterprises. To someone like Tabitha, it would look like the base to some evil villain. Upstairs in the main house, Alexandria let Tabitha and Adam to the living room and shortly after they took their seats, James entered with a silver tray with three glasses. Seeing the iced tea that he brought her, Alexandria smiled brightly up at him. "Thank you James." she said to him. However, Tabitha then stood up and got extremely close to James while commenting on him being another robot servant. The suggestion made Alexandria's eyebrows rise quickly and she covered her mouth with her hand while stifling a giggle while James spoke about him being no robot, explaining that he'd served the Reed Family for years.

That Adam was chuckling didn't help Alexandria much as she cleared her throat and took a sip of her tea while watching the two standing there stare at each other. The moment was broken when the front door was heard opening and closing. "Of course. I'm sure she'll appreciate that." she told James. "Thank you." She watched him leave before Tabitha spoke up about her doing pretty good work with James but she should work on his manners, claiming he was rude for a robot. When she said that Alexandria should reprogram his ass, Adam began laughing loudly and Alexandria sighed while looking upwards. Moments later Tina entered, asking if she'd missed something.

The older woman shook her head. "Your brother seems to find a great deal of amusement in Tabitha's assumption that James is a robot." she said before picking up a magazine from the table near her and she rolled it up before swatting Adam on the leg with it. "Behave yourself." she softly told him. Her voice, though gentle, was firm before she sighed and looked at Tina again. "James will be returning shortly with a drink for you and something to snack on." she told Tina before looking at Tabitha. "Now, James is not a robot and he's nothing like Image from downstairs. He is completely human. He is a formally trained butler who takes his job very seriously and takes a great deal of pride in his work. We are very grateful for all the work he does for us."
Tina acted all serious after Alexandria spoke of Tabitha believing that James was a robot. The young woman looked over at Adam who was just beside himself. " Oh.....Don't tell me his batteries ran down again? " Tina spoke with such a serious sound in her voice. The sound made Tabitha's eyes open wider. Like she'd just heard a dark secret of Reed Manor. Clearly Tina wasn't helping with the situation. Tina then openly laughed after Alexandria swatted Adam with a rolled up magazine. There was no doubt, Alexandria was the mother of this house. After Adam got his smack. Tina moved over to the couch, joining her brother. Alexandria explained to Tabitha that James wasn't a robot. He was a real man who was a formally trained butler. Tabitha had heard of such people, but she never met a butler before now. James returned with two trays. A smaller one with Tina's drink on it and a larger one with snacks. There were several small plates on the large tray. So anyone could take whatever they wanted from the snack tray. " Thanks pops.......I'm starved.....Now get your ass out of the buffet line. " Tabitha spoke while giving James a slap on his ass. This and they way Tabitha spoke caused James' eyes to fly open wide. " Really!? " James was aghast by this young woman's lack of manners.

James moved, he stood off to the side. Tabitha didn't wait in anyone else. She grabbed a plate and started filling it with food. " Hey Jeeves!.......Get me a beer!......None of the light shit either. " Tabitha barked out her order while sitting down with her food. Adam was in shock as he sat on the couch. Despite the life he led on his Earth. He was never this bad. " My name is James young lady.......And I use that term lady very loosely......Not Jeeves.......And how old are you? " The word James spoke made Tabitha look over at him. She spoke of being 19. Unsure why that made any difference. " You are not old enough to have a beer in this house or even in this state.......If you wish to have a soda......I can bring one of those. " James wasn't happy, and he wasn't going to let Tabitha run wild in the manor. Tina was amused by watching James & Tabitha interact with each other. They came from from two different worlds.
After explaining why Adam was laughing as he was, Tina spoke and her response made Alexandria frown slightly after seeing Tabitha's eyes open wider and she huffed softly afer Tina began laughing once the woman swatted Adam with a magazine. However, things didn't get much better after she explained that that James was a butler. After he returned with two trays, one holding Tina's drink while the other one had snacks for them, Tabitha slapped him on the ass while telling him to get out of the 'buffet line' and Alexandria sighed while watching Tabitha as she grabbed a plate and began filling it with food.

When the young woman ordered James to get her a beer, Alexandria placed down the glass of tea she was sipping from after James told Tabitha that she wasn't old enough to have a beer and that he could bring her one if she wished to have one. Deciding to stop this before it got any worse, Alexandria stood and moved over to him. She softly apologized for Tabitha's behavior before she gently asked him bring a soda for Tabitha. "Perhaps you could check on Angel and make sure she's okay. You know how she sometimes neglects to eat when she's caught up in watching the baby." she suggested, what she was saying being true. The angelic being, with her empathy powers, tended to get swept up in the happy emotions of the baby at times and she won't always eat or drink. "And if we need anything else I'll give you a call." She didn't approve of Tabitha's treatment of James and Alexandria wasn't going to let her continue to treat him like this. She planned to talk to Tabitha, both about how she was treating James and about why she was currently sitting in Reed Manor.
James understood why Alexandria was concerned about Angel. She often got caught up with Richard. He was such a happy child, and Angel had become like a nanny for the young boy. James said he would check on her and bring her something she needed it. He then left the living room. James wasn't upset by what happened. He was irritated by Tabitha's lack of manners, or understanding of how she should act with others around. This was to be expected, since Tabitha had live on the streets most of her life. Tabitha was just being herself. What she had to become to survive on the streets. There was little room for "please" and "thank you" on the streets. There was even less room for other pleasantries. Tabitha wasn't used to being around anyone who didn't live on the streets.

Adam had stopped laughing. He could see his mother wasn't very happy. Adam knew it wasn't Tabitha's fault. She and James came from two different worlds. James lived his life among the rich. Taking care of members of the Reed Family since he was a young man. Tabitha grew up on the streets, where no one was rich and stealing meant you survived another day. Adam watched as Tabitha chowed down on the crackers, cheese, vegetables and fruits James has prepared. He wasn't sure how his mother would handle this. There was a time when Alexandria herself lived on the streets. However, that was a long time ago. Alexandria had found room for manners since that time.
After James said that he would check on Angel, Alexandria thanked him and lightly touched his arm. She watched him turn and leave the room, remaining where she stood for a little while longer while watching him disappear from view before she turned and faced the three young adults in the room. "If all the laughter and merry making at James expense is over." she said softly while returning to her chair, sitting down and placing her hands in her lap. Alexandria was a little tired and lately, when she got tired, she got a bit cranky. However, she had things to do and things to talk about before she went to sleep.

She understood that it wasn't Tabitha's fault and that she came from a completely different world then the one that James lived in. Like Tabitha and even like Adam, Alexandria had once lived on the streets and she had acted like it. Until Anton had taken her in. He had insisted that she be taught proper manners so that she could blend into the high life circles but at the same time, she was rather rough around the edges. This had been something that James had experienced then they had first met years ago. Of course, since then she had changed a lot.

Once settled into her seat again, Alexandria picked up her drink and took a sip while she watched Tabitha chow down upon the food that James had prepared for them. For a little while she merely watched the young woman before she spoke up. "Tell me, Tabitha, did you hate being used the way Block had been using you?" she asked the young woman. "Do you hate running the streets?"
Tabitha wasn't phased by what Alexandria had said about the teasing of James. She was at the moment, busy stuffing her face with food. Clearly, the young woman hadn't eaten in sometime. Lack of food was one way Block used to keep Tabitha under control. She was fed, once or twice a day. Tabitha didn't waste anything. She ate whatever was given her. Alexandria's words did settle in with Adam & Tina. Both gave their mother, that I didn't do anything wrong look. Adam always teased James in some way. Alexandria would remember the silver tea set Adam used to steal and place into his bedroom. Tina teased the older man, but in sexual ways. She would always please him after the teasing was over. " We didn't mean any harm mom. " Adam spoke, he then went silent. His mother's moods had become more erratic since she became pregnant. It didn't take much to make her cranky these days.

Seated in her chair. Tabitha was still feeding her face when Alexandria spoke. This time the words registered with the young woman. Tabitha had a mouth full of food as she looked over at Alexandria. " I've been used all my life......Long before Block got his hands on me.......There was always someone looking to use me......Business owners.....Cops......Pimps looking for new girls......Other street people.......You name it......I've been used by them. " Tabitha spoke while chewing her food. She used the sleeve of her shirt to wipe her mouth. Despite the fact that James had brought napkins to be used. " The streets are the only life I know Alex. " Tabitha spoke as James returned with a can of soda. She took the can he offered with out saying anything. Tabitha just rolled her eyes. James left the living room, to go check on Angel. Tabitha cracked the soda, then took a long drink before letting out a belch. " You said you'd explain everything once we were here Alex.........You didn't say you were playing 20 questions.......So why don't you tell me why you brought me here?......You just didn't free me because it was the right thing to do..........You could have done the right thing months ago.......You knew I was being forced to work for Block......You want something from me........And what's up with that lair you have hidden under this house?.......Somehow I doubt all rich people have a Bond villains lair under their houses.......But it wouldn't surprise me. " Tabitha spoke while she continued to eat. If nothing else. Tabitha would at least get fed from this visit.
When Adam spoke, Alexandria closed her eyes and took a deep breath before softly sighing and she nodded slightly. "I know Adam. I'm sorry." she gently told him. "It's been a long day." She reached out and gently grasped his hand, a gentle and apologetic smile on her face as she tried to relax more. She then released his hand and sat back in her seat before she spoke to Tabitha. After she asked the girl about being used by Block, the teen spoke of having been used by someone her whole life. The older woman studied Tabitha while she spoke before looking up when James returned with the soda and she smiled at him before her attention returned to the girl as she took a long drink of the soda and then burped.

Finally Tabitha asked her about why she was brought to the manor, accusing Alexandria of wanting something from her and then she asked about the lair beneath the house. The comparison of the cave to a Bond Villains layer made Alexandria chuckle softly. "Actually, that is why we freed you. I had seen something of myself in you. A long time ago, I was forced to work for a man like Block and he made me do terrible things. Before Eric found me that is. He freed me from that life and ever since, I've tried to show that same kindness to others who were in similar situations." she told Tina. "You are right, we could of done the right thing months ago. But there was an incident involving that psychopath, Jester, which put a lot of our plans on hold. But once things were under control, we began planning. It takes time, Tabitha, to make the right plan for going against someone like Cyrus Block. Even as a Reed, I had to be extremely careful."

She finally moved forward and she placed a couple pieces of food from the tray onto one of the small plates and then sat back again, resting it in her lap with a napkin. Despite her having grown up like a street urchin and then lived a majority of her life as a killer and spy, Alexandria looked the image of a lady raised in the high society circles with how she sat and acted. "As for the lair beneath the manor..... Do you remember when you were last here, that you met Scarlet Cat, correct?" she asked the young woman. "Well, that lair had been for when she was here. Unfortunately, the government is trying to force all people with powers under their control and she's become a prime target for them, so she's not been here lately. It's also used by Eric and myself to continue working on projects from our work. We sometimes get swept up in our projects and we sometimes bring the less dangerous ones home with us." What Alexandria was saying was true, but it wasn't 100% the complete truth. "Tabitha, I wanted you freed so you could choose what to do with your life. We, as in Eric and myself, along with our family, are offering to help you. We want you to have a better life then the one you currently have with Block."
Tabitha continued to eat while Alexandria spoke. She listened as the older woman talked of being like her. Alexandria said there was a time when she was controlled by a man like Cyrus Block, and how that man made her do terrible things. Alexandria credited Eric with saving her from that life. Tina was confused as to why Alexandria wasn't being straight with Tabitha. If anyone had saved Alexandria, it was herself. She could also point to Thomas Reed & Doctor Alvan Simms as those who helped her become who she was today. Tina knew that Alexandria's public image, was that she was found by Eric. The young woman understood the reason why Alexandria needed to keep that image protected. However, Tina thought Alexandria was bringing Tabitha into the coming fight against the government. Alexandria then brought up Jester. Saying there was some trouble with him. Tabitha knew of Jester, but she never met him. This was something Tabitha chocked up to luck. Tabitha knew of several people who crossed paths with Jester. The encounter never ended well. Tabitha was then told that helping her escape required careful planning. That made sense.

Tabitha watched as Alexandria got herself some food. The way she acted, the way she moved. All pointed to Alexandria being born wealthy. Tabitha really didn't know of Alexandria's background. Despite the press Alexandria got once she was revealed as Eric's sister. Tabitha didn't keep up on the news. She just knew Alexandria was a member of the Reed Family. Tabitha would never have guessed Alexandria once lived on the streets. People who didn't know of her background, would natural think Alexandria was born to live a lady's life. Once Alexandria returned to her seat. She started speaking of the time when Tabitha met Scarlet Cat. That was something Tabitha would never forget. That was the time when she slipped into the manor and tried to steal the Reed Family jewels. Alexandria said the cave was for Scarlet Cat to use. What the government was doing was brought up, but only briefly. There was no hint that Tabitha was being asked to help. Tina was still confused, but she assumed Alexandria had a plan. Tabitha was also told that sometime Alexandria and her family used the cave for their work. Alexandria then spoke wanting to help Tabitha get a new life. She talked of the young woman having a right to choose something better then what she once had. Tabitha was told Alexandria, Eric and their family would help her.

Tabitha had a lot to think about. Living on the streets, you didn't make snap decisions. Not unless you were being chased by the cops. You didn't have much choose then. " So.....You are just opening your house to a known thief?......You know I can turn invisible and could steal anything I wanted.....Right? " Tabitha asked. She just wanted to make sure everything was clear. " And you don't want anything in return?........You don't want to use me or my powers.......You and your family just want to help me? " Tabitha added before taking another drink. She had by now. Cleaned her plate of the snacks. Tabitha leaned back as she thought of what her next move should be. Alexandria's offer was pretty damn good. The young woman knew living here was safer then being on the streets. Block's men would spot her if she returned there and Tabitha would find herself back under the man's thumb.
Alexandria let Tabitha continue eating while she spoke. After having lived on the streets herself, she knew that one never knew where their next meal might be coming from and sometimes a girl could go days without eating so she was letting Tabitha eat. Alexandria wasn't telling Tabitha the complete truth about things because she still had to protect the family. While she wanted to trust the young woman, it was still too early to do so. Besides, even though she had a hand in pulling herself out of Anton's grasp, she continued the kind of work that Anton had trained her to do. It was only after she had met the Reeds that she began to leave that work behind and it was only after meeting Eric that she put her spy and assassin work to rest completely. To others, they might think she pulled her self out, but to her, Alexandria attributed her escape from such a life to Eric and his uncle.

Eventually Alexandria wanted to approach Tabitha about working with them against the government, but first they needed to be able to trust her and she needed to learn to trust them. Right now, Tabitha believed that anyone who did anything for her expected something from her. In time Tabitha would come to trust them, hopefully and when the time was right, Alexandria planned to bring her into the fold, as it were, and explain everything in detail to her. But for now, she was going to keep from going too deep into detail with her explanations.

After she spoke to Tabitha, Alexandria sat back in her seat and she ate the snacks on her plate. It wasn't exactly what she wanted, her cravings for meat beginning to kick up. But this would do for now. She waited patiently as Tabitha thought about what she'd said before the young woman spoke, asking about her just opening her home to a known thief and mentioning that she could turn invisible and could steal anything she wanted. Then she asked about them wanting anything in return. The older woman smiled gently at Tabitha. "Tabitha. Back when you first entered my home many months ago, we were aware of your presence here. We knew that you had entered and we found you quite easily. Besides, you never know when Scarlet Cat will be in the house. She doesn't always announce her presence as she's welcome to come and go." she told Tabitha. "But yes, we are opening our home to you. My son here, was once a thief, as was myself at one point."

She finished the food that was on her plate before wiping her mouth and she set her plate aside before taking a sip of her tea. "And no, we are asking for nothing in return. I just ask that perhaps a little restraint on how you treat James and at least show a bit of respect towards him. He's very dear to me and he's taken good care of my family." she told the teen. "I want to help you. To teach you things that will help to better your life. If you want to go to school. We will aid you in that. If you want to do something else, just let me know and I will do everything I can to help you to that end goal."
Tabitha's thoughts were taken back to the day she entered Reed Manor. She did this while dressed as a member of a television crew here to do a story about Catlin. After the interview was done. Tina discovered a uniform stashed in a garbage can. She alerted Alexandria who alerted Image. Alexandria & Image were able to track Tabitha. They found her in Eric's study, trying the steal the family jewels. Between the two of them. They were able to trap Tabitha, despite her powers of invisibility. Tabitha nodded her head while Alexandria pointed that fact out. They had caught her when she slipped into their home, but that was different from welcoming her with open arms. Tabitha just wanted to make sure, all the cards were on the table. Her attention was drawn to Adam when Alexandria spoke of him having been a thief. Tabitha was then surprised to hear that, the richest woman in the city and perhaps the world, had been a thief. Her lack of keeping up with the news showed. " I had no idea you came from a dark past Alex. " Tabitha spoke while wiping her mouth with the sleeve of her shirt.

Tabitha again nodded when Alexandria said they wanted nothing from her. She felt Alexandria was telling her the truth. But, Tabitha knew tomorrow was a different day and something could be asked of her. She would wait and see what happened. Alexandria's request of respecting James brought a sigh form the young woman. " I didn't mean to hurt Jeeves' feelings......He seems like a good enough egg.......Just a little tight ass is all. " Tabitha spoke before burping again. This was followed by a chuckle from her. Alexandria then spoke of how she wanted to help Tabitha and teach her things. The subject of school came up. Tabitha openly scoffed at going to school. " I haven't been to a school since I was a very young girl........I think I'll pass on school. " Tabitha spoke as she looked around the living room. This whole house, or what she'd seen so far, looked like a museum. Suddenly, Eric & Tristan walked into the living room. Both wore very serious looks on their faces. " Sorry to interrupt Alexandria.......But we need to talk. " Eric said as he approached where Alexandria sat. In his right hand, Eric was holding a tablet.
When Tabitha had slipped inside of the Reed family home, she had no clue exactly whose home she had entered. True, it was Eric and Alexandria Reed's home, but it was so much more then that. She had entered the home of some of the most powerful heroes in the city. Of course, she still wasn't entirely aware of this, but she would learn in time. After telling Tabitha about herself and Adam having been thieves in the past, the young woman said that she'd no idea that she came from a dark past. "My dear, there's a lot that most people other then my family and closest friends don't know about me." she told Tabitha. "And I'm sure I could surprise you yet with some of the things you may yet learn." She smiled gently at the girl, watching as she wiped her mouth on the sleeve of her shirt. Perhaps one of the first things she might attempt to teach Tabitha was some manners.

Upon asking for some respect for James, Alexandria heard the sigh before the young woman spoke of not meaning to of hurt his feelings. "I doubt you hurt his feelings, Tabitha. It's... more for my sake that I ask. James has helped me through a number of rough patches and I respect him a great deal." she told Tabitha before a soft snort escaped Alexandria when she said that James was a little tight ass. "He can come off as such when he's working at times. Like I said, he takes his work seriously. But trust me when I say, he's not always like that." Tabitha's scoff at school didn't really surprise Alexandria. The young woman didn't seem like the type to want to go to school. "Then we can look into other things. Perhaps there is something you've always wanted to do, but never had the opportunity." she suggested. However, things were brought to a halt when Eric and Tristan entered and Eric said that they needed to talk. She saw the tablet in his hand and she frowned slightly before nodding. "What have you found?" she asked him while setting her glass aside.
Answering Alexandria's question of what he found. Eric replied, "Nothing good". He moved over to where Alexandria sat. Eric then handed his sister the tablet. It held all the information found during their search in the cave. Image transferred copies of the information from the main computer. So Alexandria wouldn't have to came down to the cave. Eric said the explosive was from their company. In fact he said, it was something he and Alexandria had seen just two months ago. The brother & sister were in one of their bi weekly meetings with the heads of the different departments and companies within Reed Enterprises. The explosive was something their research and development department came up with. It was believed that such a tiny explosive could have many applications. However, neither Alexandria or Eric were sold on the device. Eric wanted more time to study it himself. Alexandria had her own reasons for halting the project. The explosive was put on hold until another meeting, for another day.

Eric said there was no doubts that the explosive device came from them. The tracking devices and the control collar were also straight from Reed Enterprises. Eric said the collar had no markings on it which pointed to who bought it. Only after sales are made, are markings placed on such devices. The markings identify who bought the items from Reed Enterprises. The largest buyers of the control collars were the government, and police departments all over the world. There was such a huge demand for the collars. Reed Enterprises opened new factories in different countries. They also partnered with other companies to help produce these device. Reed Enterprises went into such a partnership with Ichida Industries from Japan. The Ichida Family are long time friends of Alexandria. When Eric spoke of expanding their businesses in Japan. Alexandria made it happen by bringing her long time friends into a partnership which benefited both families.

Eric spoke of having image ran checks on any company Reed Enterprises did business with. He spoke of having Image go back over two years. There were no reports of robberies where Reed Enterprises goods were involved. Eric said there was no evidence that Block stole the collars or the trackers from anyone who did business with them. This meant only one thing. " Someone inside our company is selling items for their own gain. " Eric spoke. The proof was the explosive. Only Eric & Alexandria could okay the sale of any type of weapon or explosive. Since they both put a hold on the device. That pointed to someone inside the company helping themselves to what belonged to the Reed Family. " If Block wanted such items stolen.......He would have had me do it........I never stole any explosives from anyone. " Tabitha spoke up. What she said confirmed the facts Alexandria held in her hands. " It sounds to me.......Like you have someone dirty on the inside........Someone who is padding their pockets with stuff which belongs to you. " Tabitha added while she finished her soda.
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