League of Heroes........Guardians of Earth (Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster)

The frown that was on Alexandria's face deepened when Eric told her that what he found was 'nothing good' and she shifted in her seat as he approached her with the tablet in his hand. She held out her hand and took the tablet from him before she turned her gaze to it. Her gaze moved over the information the tablet was giving her while she listened to Eric speak of how the explosive was from the company and that it was actually something that they had just seen a couple months ago in one of the bi weekly meetings with the heads of the departments and companies of Reed Enterprises. The more she read and the more she listened, the more she was coming to the decision that her feeling that they had a traitor within the business.

She was told that Eric had no doubts that the explosive had come from them, and that the tracking devices and control collar were also straight from Reed Enterprises. Because the collar had no markings on it told them that it hadn't been sold, thus it couldn't of been stolen from someone who bought it. They kept careful track of who bought their collars and how many were bought. They had factories opened in many different companies. Alexandria knew where every single factory was and she knew many of the people working in each one after having done a tour of every factory some time ago. It was actually just about time for another tour of each one. Reed Enterprises had also partnered with other companies in order to produce these items. One such company they had partnered up with was Ichida Industries from Japan. When Eric spoke of expanding, she told him that she had some contacts in Japan that they could partner up with. She told him about the Ichida family that she was long time friends with. The partnership had brought her long time friends into a partnership which was mutually beneficial.

Eric said that he had Image run checks on any company that Reed Enterprises did business with and he spoke of having Image go back over two years but there were no reports of robberies involving their goods. She sighed softly and nodded in agreement when he said about someone working for them selling items for their own gain. "I was afraid of this." she softly told him while finally looking up from the tablet resting in her lap. Tabitha then spoke up about if Block wanted such items stolen, he would of had her do it and she'd never stolen explosives from anyone. After she said that they had someone dirty on the inside padding their pockets with stuff which belonged to them, Alexandria nodded. "Indeed we do. Now we just have to weed this person out." she said.

Alexandria suggested to Eric that they begin to look into their current inventory and quietly do an audit on the numbers for the explosives, tracking devices and the collars. "We can also ask Image to look into bank accounts. If someone is selling our things, they are going to have more money then they will get from their paycheck. They might have a house and/or car that is beyond their means." she told Eric. "We'll look into who has had access to all three items."
Eric had anticipated Alexandria's suggestion. However, getting into bank accounts of employees wouldn't be easy. There was a plan Eric did have in mind. Eric spoke of having called Casey. She was brought up to date and was given instructions on what she needed to do. Eric said that since they now owned SHADO. They should let Bishop places his agents among the employees. " I have a feeling.....Whoever is stealing from us......Has been doing so for quite a while.......It must be someone who has the position to cover their tracks.......Sadly that could be anyone of 50 people........And I doubt they were sloppy.......Or we would have discovered them before now. " Eric spoke while moving towards the fireplace. " We have a meeting with the department heads tomorrow.......I would like to bring Bishop on board and give him the power to do an internal investigation........We could give him the title of Chief of Internal Operations.......That will let him place his agents inside the company and allow them the chance to track down whoever is selling our property. " Eric added. He then waited to see if Alexandria had any abjection. Eric wouldn't go forward without her okay.

Eric spoke of having sent Image to Reed Enterprises. At this time of day. Image would slip into the building and do an inventory without anyone seeing him. And not just of the explosives, trackers and collars, but of every item they should have on record. Image could count much faster then any of them could. He could get done in a few hours what would take a small group days to do. Eric said if someone was stealing those items, they could be stealing anything. Even super secret projects that only Eric, Alexandria and a few others would know about. Eric said that Block wouldn't be the only buyer for Reed technology. He said OsCorp, Shaw Industries, or a dozen other companies would pay top dollar for even a hint at what Reed Enterprises was working on. They needed an in-depth investigation to find out how long this was going on and what else was missing.

Reed Enterprises was known for it's generosity towards those who worked there. Eric & Alexandria paid everyone very well. From those who ran the departments, down to those who cleaned their buildings. Janitors were paid double the minimum wage, and it went up from there. Everyone, no matter what position they had, got bonuses at the end of each year. Every employee got healthcare through the Reed Healthcare System. A branch of Reed Medical & Pharmaceuticals. Each employee also got a pension depending on how many years they worked for the company. Despite all this, someone still wanted more. This is what bothered Eric the most. He was sure Alexandria felt the same. Someone within their business family was betraying them. Stealing from them, and lining their own pockets as Tabitha put it.
Alexandria was glad that she had someone like Eric. They had become so close to each other, that they thought alike when it came to the business and Eric knew how to read her many moods and attitudes. Eric told her that he had called Casey and brought her up to date on what had happened. He that that now that they owned SHADO, they should let Bishop place his agents amongst the employees. While Eric spoke, she watched him moving over towards where the fireplace was and she sighed softly while absently running her fingers over her stomach, an action she'd been doing more often lately. After he spoke, she thought about what Eric said before she finally replied. "Do it." she softly told him. "I want this leech found as quickly as possible."

Eric knew that Alexandria was extremely proud of the business that the Reed Family had built and she was even more proud of how far he personally had brought the company after taking control. She herself worked hard to do right by Eric and the memory of both his parents and his uncle, both whom she'd met in the past. Alexandria was informed that Image had been sent to Reed Enterprises to do an inventory on every item that they should have on record. One of the things that she was worried about, was if this person had gotten into the more dangerous experiments. They had plenty of private, secret and dangerous projects in the works. She herself was working on research into the mutant gene. She had even taken the joke about bottling her pheromones and was working to make it a reality. The idea had been a joke in the beginning, but she had decided to actually take it on and she was working on making a perfume for women and a cologne for men. But instead of targeting everyone like her pheromones did, she was working on altering them so that they would attract compatible partners, and she made sure that they weren't going to be anywhere near as strong as her own were. But if someone got their hands on the base component, they could cause some serious trouble.

Like Eric, Alexandria was very upset that someone that they paid very well would steal from them for any reason. The Reed Family were known for their kindness and generosity towards others. Everyone was paid well, treated well and they got both benefits and bonuses from the company. On top of that, they gave out gifts every Christmas as a corporate Christmas party, threw small parties for the employees. Over the past year, Alexandria had even sent out gifts to the young children of the employees for their birthdays and birthday cards with gift certificates to the older children. It was a surprise to the families and it showed how much Alexandria cared about those that worked for her. They also had a massive Easter picnic and egg hunt for the families of the company, yet another thing that Alexandria had put together. She had quickly become respected and loved by the employees, just as she cared about them. So it was very upsetting that someone would do this.

The creasing of her brows would tell the others that her mood was changing again but she took a deep breath and slowly let it out while shaking her head. Finally she looked at Tabitha. "Thank you for your input on this Tabitha. It's very appreciated." she gently told the young woman. "We certainly weren't expecting this, of all things, tonight."
Once Alexandria gave her okay to bring Bishop on board. Eric left the living room to contact the director of SHADO. It was something Eric could have done in front of his family. However, since Tabitha was new, around the manor. And since Eric had no idea how much Alexandria told the girl. Eric decided to make the call in private. He did so from his study. Since buying SHADO, there was a secure line which could be used by either Eric or Alexandria to contact Bishop. During the conversation between Alexandria & Eric. Tabitha watched the older woman closely. She noticed how Alexandria touched her belly. Tabitha had seen women do this before. Mostly in the parks around the city. All those women were pregnant. This made Tabitha wonder if Alexandria was pregnant? It was really none of her business if the older woman was. Though, Tabitha did wonder who the lucky man was? Alexandria was a desirable woman and anyone, of any sex would be lucky to have her.

Alexandria had every right to fear what could happen if her pheromones fell into the wrong hands. She knew how they effected both men and women. Alexandria could turn normal people on with them. She could make their arousal grow until all they wanted was her. Until they were blind by lust. Alexandria used her pheromones as part of her spy work. It made her one of best spies in the world. Alexandria knew secrets could be found out during the heights of sexually activity. The more pheromones Alexandria used. The more control she had over the person or persons effected. Alexandria no longer used her pheromones to make people want her. Although, there were times when accidents happened and Alexandria might slip up and let her pheromones get loose. Unlike days gone by. Alexandria would help those inflicted by her now. Helping them to get off, since it would clear their minds quicker and free them from her control. In the past, she may or may not do anything for them. It just depended on Alexandria's mood and how much time she had.

Tabitha smiled while Alexandria thanked her for the help. She just confirmed what they already knew. That Cyrus Block bought those devices from someone within Reed Enterprises and not stolen them. To be honest. Tabitha had no feelings about the person stealing from the Reed's. She wasn't angry like those around her. She also felt no pity for whoever this person was. Tabitha knew that every thief risks getting caught. The only time she was every caught, was here by Scarlet Cat & Image. Tabitha was sure the Reeds would find the person. They'd already started looking and it was only a matter if time. " Do I get a room here in your museum Alex? " Tabitha asked after she stood and put her plate and empty soda can onto the table. There was still things which Alexandria hadn't told Tabitha about. Like the fact that Angel, a woman with living wings was a nanny to her youngest son. Another was Dak, Alexandria's martian friend, was also staying at the manor. He was still recovering from all those years as a prisoner of the government. Dak had one of the many rooms upstairs.
After her okay was given, she watched Eric leave the room. He didn't have to say anything for her to understand why he stepped out of the room. Tabitha was new to the household so they were going to have to be careful around her. She didn't know the dynamics of the family right now and she also didn't know some of the dealings that the family was involved with. How much she knew of the family from the media was unknown to them, but in time, they, just like she, would learn more about each other. As she watched Eric leave, Alexandria continued to slowly run her fingers over her belly. In her current form, as Alexandria Reed, it wasn't very noticeable that she was pregnant. In this form, she was able to easily get away with the slight bump that was forming. But if she was in the form that she was born with, her belly would be a bit further extended from the growing baby.

She saw Tabitha smile after she thanked her for the help, even though Tabitha had only confirmed for them what they already knew. Eventually Tabitha asked if she would get a room in her museum after she set her plate and soda can upon the table. With a chuckle, Alexandria stood up as well. "Indeed you do." she softly told her. "Come, I'll show you to a room." she said before she started out of the living room. Out in the hall, she waited until Tabitha was with her before leading the way upstairs. As she walked, she began to speak.

"Since you are staying here, there are two people that you should be aware of who are currently living with us. They are friends of the family. One of them is a young woman named Angel. We took her in and after she became very close with Eric's son, we chose to offer a place to stay for a time. We took her in because she has wings and we worried about what the government would do should they get their hands on her." she told Tabitha as she led the way up the steps. "You'll see her more often then our other guest. But I don't want you to be surprised when you first see her." As she was saying this, the very person that Alexandria spoke of stepped out of the nursery. Angel paused in the hallway and gazed down towards Alexandria and Tabitha, her wings twitching slightly. The beautiful woman had waist length pale blonde hair and pale blue eyes with fair skin. She was dressed in a simple halter top dress that was a cream color with soft pink roses on it. Angel smiled at them and softly told Alexandria that the baby had just fallen asleep, before she disappeared into a room across from the nursery. Alexandria had given Angel the bedroom across from it so she was close to the baby.

After Angel disappeared, Alexandria smiled at Tabitha. "She doesn't speak much." she told Tabitha. "The other guest, his name is Dak. He is currently recovering from a terrible experience that he has recently gone through. I'm not sure how often you'll see him." She led Tabitha in the opposite direction of the section of the house that the family resided in and to where guests would stay. Stopping at a room, Alexandria opened the door and stepped back. "I'm sure James will have a word with me for doing his job." she said playfully. "I do hope that you like your time here and I hope that in time, we can become better acquainted. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask any of us."
Tabitha took a last look around the living room. She then followed Alexandria out, then up the stairs. Alexandria began speaking of others who were also staying here. She spoke of a woman with wings, called Angel. While climbing the staircase, Alexandria spoke of how the family was protecting this winged woman from the government. Tabitha was able to tell how distrustful Alexandria was of the government. The young woman understood why Alexandria would feel as she did. Though Tabitha wasn't on the government's radar. She knew what it was like to be used because of her powers. Cyrus Block wouldn't have wanted Tabitha, if she had no abilities. She would have been nothing more then a worthless brat from the streets to a man like Block, without powers.

Tabitha was taken by surprise when the angelic winged woman appeared. The young woman stopped in her tracks. Tabitha had never encountered anyone quite like Angel before. She looked the part of what people said angels were like. However, Tabitha was uneasy about the way this woman looked at her. The two having made eye contact, for only a brief moment. The look Angel gave, wasn't threatening. It was more like she was studying the newcomer. Looking into her soul. That's how Tabitha thought of the glance. Once Angel disappeared into another room. Alexandria spoke of another guest. Someone she called Dak. This person was recovering from something terrible. That's how Alexandria put it. Alexandria led Tabitha to a part of the house used by guests. It was far enough away from the family rooms, that Tabitha wouldn't hear any activity. Alexandria opened the bedroom door. She said if Tabitha needed anything, she just needed to ask. Tabitha was at a loss for words. The room was beyond anything she'd seen before. There was a large bed, a television, a dressing table, a writing table, a large walk in closet and a private bathroom. " Most of my life I slept in abandon buildings or warehouses........Sometimes in the parks or the bus station when the cops weren't around......The room Block gave me was little bigger then a prison cell.........I've never seen anything so beautiful. " Tabitha's voice was soft as she spoke. There was a sense of wonder in her voice, which was almost child like. The normal rough exterior of the young woman showed some cracks. Tabitha walked into the room. Each step she took was like she was walking on egg shells. Tabitha looked like she was afraid to touch anything. She did thank Alexandria for her kindness. The young woman looked around the room. She seemed and looked very out of place.
To the public, Alexandria tried to make it seem like she supported the government, though was against many of the things that the current president was pushing. It was normal politics. But it was no surprise to those that knew her personally like Eric and the family, that she had a deep dislike for the government. She once told Tina that there were too many dicks in government, both literally and figuratively. That comment had set the teen off, making the young woman laugh quite a bit.

When Angel had appeared, the winged woman studied Tabitha for several long moments, her head tilted slightly as she took in the emotions of the young woman. It was almost like she was deciding something before she spoke and disappeared from sight again. "Angel, is an empath." Alexandria told Tabitha. "It's why she enjoys being around the Richard so much. He's such a good boy and so happy. Too many emotions can overwhelm her sometimes. But she does love being a nanny for us and if it makes her happy, we're glad to let her do so."

At the bedroom for Tabitha, she looked at the young woman as she looked into the room. It had all the basic necessities except for clothes and Alexandria would see that it was remedied soon enough. After all, Tabitha couldn't go around wearing the same thing she was currently wearing every day. She would talk to Eric about making something of an allowance for Tabitha, much like they did for their own children, for her to use on things like clothing. Tabitha told her that she'd slept in abandoned buildings or warehouses most of her life. Or in the parks of bus stations when the cops weren't around. She also said the room that Block had given her was little bigger then a prison cell. This made Alexandria grimace slightly before smiling at Tabitha again when she said that she'd never seen anything so beautiful. "The room is yours for the time you're with us." she softly told her. "As long as you wish it to be."

Leaning on the doorframe, Alexandria watched as the young woman stepped into the room and looked around, thanking Alexandria for her kindness. She could definitely see herself in Tabitha. "The first thing I did, the very first time I was shown to my room, was dive onto my bed." she told Tabitha while watching her. "I still do so every so often."
Tabitha looked at the bed when Alexandria spoke of how she dived on hers. This was when Alexandria was given her room. Tabitha never lived in such style. This was all alien to her. She just shook her head while saying she would pass. That might have worked for Alexandria Reed, but Tabitha was no Reed. Tabitha could tell the stuff in this room alone, was worth more then most of the stuff she used to steal while living on the streets. She wasn't about to break anything. Tabitha thanked Alexandria once more. She then picked up the remote control for the tv, and turned it on. Tabitha then sat on the floor, instead of using a chair, the bed or the bench at the foot of the bed. It would take time for Tabitha to settle into her new surroundings. Tabitha checked out the tv for a while. She'd never really seem television expect for stores which had them. Tabitha found her thought drawn towards that woman called Angel.

Tabitha became invisible before she left her room. She then headed for the part of the house where she'd seen the strange woman. Tabitha paused between the two room. One was nursery, the other the room Angel was seen walking into. Tabitha slowly started opening the door to the other room. She assumed it was a bedroom. Not unlike the room she had on the other side of the house. Tabitha entered the room, still invisible. At first glance, it seemed very much like the room Tabitha had. Though she was invisible, Tabitha was dealing with an empath. The young woman didn't even knew what that was. Perhaps that is what made Tabitha so curious. She knew of a mutant called "Dove" who had real wings. This Angel had similar wings, but looked very different from Dove.
After Tabitha said she would pass, Alexandria dipped her head in understanding, watching as Tabitha instead picked up the remote for the television and turned it on before sitting on the floor. It was a curious thing, but then she understood that it would take time for Tabitha to get used to things and to settle into her new home. Seeing this, Alexandria bid her goodnight before she closed the door softly and she head downstairs to spend time with the family.

When Tabitha left her room, the house was fairly quiet. In Angels bedroom, things looked much like Tabitha's. However, there was evidence that Angel lived there as there was the occasional feather laying around the room. Especially around the bed. The covers and pillows on the bed had been arranged in such a way that resembled almost a nest for the woman to sleep in rather then something to cover up in. On top of that, with the help of the Reed family, a hammock like structure had been put up in a corner for the winged woman. She was strange to be sure, but she was gentle, kind and there didn't seem to be a mean bone in her body.

However, Angel wasn't in the room when Tabitha had entered. Instead, she had returned to the nursery for a little while only to return not long after Tabitha had entered. The door to the room made little noise as Angel entered and closed the door behind her, her footsteps noiseless as she moved through the room. She moved over to the dressing table and she picked up a hairbrush and began brushing her long hair. She had made no sign that she knew Tabitha was there, though she could tell she was because of her emotions. Angel could feel Tabitha's curiosity. After some time, Angel finally spoke up, her voice soft and gentle. "I know you're there." she softly said without turning around.
Tabitha noticed the bed as she walked into the room. Her first though, was that this Angel was messy. It did seem odd that the butler, Tabitha met downstairs, would put up with this. James was very understanding of Angel's needs and the way she did things. Caring for her room was different then what James did for the other rooms. As Tabitha moved into the room, she saw the mess on the bed was almost nest like. Tabitha then spotted the hammock like structure in the corner. " This is one odd chick. " Tabitha spoke softly while picking up a feather. Clearly the feathers were real and not just something strapped on. She placed the feather down moments before the door opened. Having been a thief most of her life. Tabitha developed keen hearing. One needed sharp ears or one got caught, and few ever caught Tabitha. In fact, the only place where she ever got caught, was here in Reed Manor. Scarlet Cat and Alexandria's robot could track Tabitha, even while she was invisible.

Tabitha has moving towards what looked like a hammock, when Angel entered the room. The young woman froze in place. She had no idea what kind of abilities this winged woman had. Tabitha planned on moving towards the door as Angel sat down and began brushing her hair. She assumed escaping wouldn't be difficult. However, Tabitha never met someone who could sense the emotions of others. Tabitha was struck with fear when Angel spoke of knowing she was here. It reminded the young woman of when she was busted by Scarlet Cat and Alexandria's robot. " Not everyone could tell when I'm around........You must have some power to detect me. " Tabitha's voice was heard before her body became visible. She was standing near the foot of Angel's bed. " I'm Tabitha......Tabitha Stevens......I'm new around here. " Tabitha spoke as she started to fidget a bit. She was nervous around new people who had powers. Most of the ones she knew, weren't the nicest people. These people often worked for Block when he needed extra muscle.
After she had spoken, Angel had continued brushing her hair, slowly drawing the brush through the long, platinum blonde locks that glittered in the light. If it wasn't for the wings extending from her back, Angel could of easily had a job for a modeling company she was so beautiful. One could tell just by looking at her that she wasn't exactly human. She was too beautiful or as Adam had jokingly put it, she was too perfect, to be human. There didn't seem to be a flaw to the innocent being. She was considered part of the family, but no one had approached her sexually. They figured that if she wished for it, she would approach them first and they wanted such things to happen at her pace.

It took a little bit, but finally Tabitha spoke about not everyone being able to tell when she was around and that she must have some power to detect her. This made Angel smile gently before looking into the mirror and seeing Tabitha appear in the reflection. Tabitha introduced herself and then spoke of being new around the manor. Angel set down her brush before turning to face the young woman. "Everyone calls me Angel." she softly told the girl. "I suppose that is what my name is. Anytime anyone in the past saw me, that is what they would call me. Though I suppose it's because I look like the being that they call Angels. I... don't have any other name."

She became quiet and blushed a little. "I'm rambling a little. I apologize." she told the young woman before tilting her head slightly. "And yes, I suppose you could say I do have some power to detect you. I am.. an empath, as Alexandria calls it. It means I can feel others feelings. Like now, you are feeling nervous. Though, the Reeds tell me that I should try not to openly read others emotions because it makes them uncomfortable. I apologize again if I am making you uncomfortable."
Tabitha watched as Angel stopped brushing her hair and stood. The young woman was wary of anyone who had abilities. It wasn't always easy to spot good people from bad, but Tabitha didn't get any bad vibes from this winged woman. Angel explained who she was, or at least who people thought she was. She also spoke of what an empath was. This struck Tabitha as being very odd. The ability of feeling another persons feelings wasn't what Tabitha expected as a super power. Though, the woman before her did have wings. Angel then apologize for rambling and for making Tabitha feel uncomfortable. Tabitha said it was alright. She said it wasn't Angel's fault. Tabitha said it was just how she was around people with powers. She spoke of being a thief and it was unsettling to be around someone who could track her even while she was invisible.

" You do look like an angel.......Or what people say angels look like. " Tabitha spoke. " The name suits you. " Tabitha continued. She then asked how long Angel had lived here with the Reeds? Tabitha said Alexandria seemed like a good person, but she felt Alexandria wasn't entirely truthful with her. She spoke of having a feeling certain things were being hidden from her. Tabitha said she didn't blame Alexandria for not trusting her. After all, Tabitha was new around here and she had a very checkered past. " I haven't always done the right thing........Most of the time I've spent doing bad things for bad people. " Tabitha spoke like she was confessing her sins to this angel. As far as Tabitha knew. Angel could be a real angel from heaven. " I tried not to hurt anyone.......But sometimes I had no choice.......Sometimes accidents happen. " Tabitha spoke while her thoughts went back to the apartment building she brought down. That was an accident. Tabitha didn't mean for anyone to get hurt or die from her actions. As she spoke. Tabitha looked at her right hand. The hand had a slight glow of power under the skin. There was no danger of a plasma orb developing. Tabitha had great control over her powers.
Angel once again smiled gently after Tabitha told her it was alright and that it wasn't her fault and that it was how she was around people with powers. The winged woman felt it was curious that Tabitha was nervous around her but not Alexandria or Tina. Perhaps she didn't know yet?? Tabitha then told her about being a thief and that it was unsettling to be around someone who could track her even when she was invisible and Angel nodded slowly in understanding. When she was told that the name, Angel, suited her, the woman thanked Tabitha while moving towards one of the seats in the room and sitting down, softly inviting the young woman to sit as well. "Oh, I've been here a couple months. The Reeds came upon me during a trip to Russia. The one named Tristan, had been very sick and I could tell that I was needed. So I came to help." she told Tabitha.

Patiently and with an air of understanding, Angel listened to Tabitha as the young woman spoke of having a feeling that Alexandria wasn't entirely truthful with her and that she felt certain things were being hidden from her, but that she didn't blame Alexandria. She also revealed that she tried not to hurt anyone, but that she sometimes had no choice and sometimes accidents happen. Seeing the young woman glance down at her hand, Angel stood and moved close to the young woman and gently covered Tabitha's hand with her own. "It's alright, Tabitha." she softly said. "You will find no one who will think badly of you for any of these things. Alexandria has her own dark past that she doesn't speak of openly to others very often because it could negatively effect her family and yes, there are things that she hasn't told you. Not so much because she doesn't trust you, but because she's very protective of her family. You will learn more about her and her family soon enough."

Angel gently cupped Tabitha's glowing hand within both of hers. Tabitha would be able to feel the soothing aura that the others had come to associate with Angel as the other woman stood close to her. Eric and Alexandria had been helping her to control her powers better since she had joined the family. "Think of Reed Manor as a safe haven from the ugliness from the outside world. Yes, that ugliness will show itself here in the manor, but the family supports each other and helps each other through that. Alexandria is offering you a place here and the family will support you in any way you need."
Tabitha didn't doubt the Reed Family were decent people. They seemed to be so. There were a lot of things which didn't make sense though. Alexandria certainly spun a good tail while talking with Tabitha. However, the young woman wasn't born yesterday. She expected the Reeds to have secrets. Secrets which they wouldn't share openly. Hell, they were beyond rich, and it was said that rich people have the most skeletons in their closets. Tabitha was sure, this old house had many skeletons lurking around. There was a lot Tabitha would know and wouldn't know about the Reeds. It would all depend on how long she would be around. At the moment, Tabitha would be a round for a while. But, she wasn't planning on living here forever. Tabitha hoped to move on in time. Perhaps leave New York, change her name and find somewhere else to live. Her future was unknown.

Tabitha felt Angel was the kindest person she'd ever met. Angel spoke of this house as being a haven. That maybe, but Tabitha brought her demons with her. This was the reason why Angel's touch didn't sooth the young woman. She wasn't ready to forgive herself for what happened to those people in that apartment building. Tabitha was reckless and some people were killed because of her. This was something which just didn't go away. Tabitha thanked Angel then spoke of returning to her room. She started towards the bedroom door, then stopped. Tabitha spoke of Angel being like a nanny to Eric's child. She said Alexandria had talked about that. Tabitha then asked where the child's mother was? She said Alexandria spoke about everyone who lived in the house. However, she made no mention of who the child's mother was. Tabitha thought it was odd that Alexandria didn't say someone else was living here. Maybe this was one of those skeletons? Tabitha then spoke of her belief that Alexandria maybe pregnant. She said Alexandria touched her bely like pregnant women often do.
Out of everyone in the house, Angel was probably the most understanding and non-judgmental. She had no reason to judge anyone and with not knowing her own past, for all she knew, she could of done terrible things as well. And unless her own memories returned, they would never know. The winged woman was thanked and then Tabitha spoke of returning to her room and Angel nodded while releasing her hand. "Of course. I'm sure you'd like some rest." she told Tabitha, watching as Tabitha started for the door before the young woman stopped. When she spoke of Angel being like a nanny to Eric's child, she nodded and softly said she was.

Tabitha mentioned that Alexandria had talked about that before she asked where the child's mother was. She spoke of how Alexandria spoke of everyone who lived in the house but had made no mention of who the child's mother was. When Tabitha also spoke of Alexandria possibly being pregnant and of how she touched her belly like pregnant women often did, Angel looked down at her feet for a moment and then back up at Tabitha again. "It's not really my place to say." she told Tabitha. "Tabitha... the Reeds are wonderful people, but things aren't what they always seem around here. Alexandria.... she's much more then just a human woman. There are reasons she helps people like us. People with abilities."

Angel shook her head and told Tabitha that she didn't want to say much more because it wasn't her secrets to spill. "It would be best to perhaps straight out ask Alexandria and the others." she told Tabitha. "After you prove that they can trust you with such delicate information."
Tabitha listened as Angel spoke of the Reed Family. She understood how Angel felt. The winged woman didn't wish to get involved with things which could upset others in the house. Angel was safe here at Reed Manor. She wasn't hunted or threatened to do anything against her will. Angel was free to live out her life in peace. She wasn't even asked to care for Richard. It was a job Angel took on herself. She enjoyed being around the happy child. She also enjoyed being in a house which had some much love. Angel could tell when the members of the household were intimate with each other. It made her feel wonderful when Alexandria & Tina were with the men, or even with each other. Tina loved it when Alexandria took on her male tiger form and fucked her. It was so primal and yet filled with so much love. Tabitha said she understood Angel's reasons for not saying more. She wished Angel a good evening before leaving the bedroom. Tabitha headed back to her own room. Once inside, she looked at the large, comfortable bed. Tabitha sighed, then moved towards the bed. She grabbed a pillow and blanket from the bed. Tabitha then laid down on the floor. Curling up and closing her eyes.

Image returned to the manor several hours later. He had Eric, Alexandria, Tristan & Tina join him in the cave. Image spoke of inspecting each item on the inventory list. He said the list and what he saw didn't add up. Image said several items were missing, though all lists, whether on paper or computer, said all items were accounted for. He made a list of missing items. On that list were several more collars, trackers, several types of explosives, several power cells and several samples of Alexandria's pheromones. Image also spoke of finding evidence that someone copied files and projects from the computers at Reed Enterprises. He said this person covered their tracks well. Saying they were very capable with computers. None of this sat well with Alexandria or Eric. They would be meeting with the department heads the next day. It would be very hard for them to just sit there, knowing that one or more of those people were stealing from them. It was even more personal for Alexandria. Several samples of her pheromones were missing. There was no way of knowing who had them or where they were. Eric said Bishop was putting a team together. During the meeting the following day. Eric would introduce Bishop as the new Chief of Internal Operations. Bishop would then be able to slip his people into certain areas of the company. On the inside, his people would have no trouble tracing down who was stealing and selling Reed Technology. Until the person or persons were found. Alexandria & Eric would have to play it cool.
Angel thanked Tabitha for being so understanding. This place, though it had been strange to her at first, had become home to the woman and she didn't want to loose that by revealing the secrets of her new family. They protected her from those who wanted to use her for her abilities to control others, an ability that she rarely told others about because of others trying to control her. The government had old reports of the woman from the past but since she'd not been seen in so long, many had forgotten about her. Now that she was with the Reed family, she didn't have to worry about others seeing her and wanting to use her. Tabitha wished her a good evening and Angel told her that if she ever wanted to talk about something, no matter what it was, that Tabitha could always come to her. Once Tabitha left her, Angel changed into her own nightgown and then she turned in for the evening.

Later that evening Alexandria was called down to the cave and she, along with several of the other family members, joined Image down in the cave. After they joined him, he began to speak about how his inspection had gone. He told them that after checking each item on the inventory list and inspecting it, the list and what was actually there didn't match up. He told them that several items were missing, though the lists all said that the items were accounted for. He told them about the list of missing items and told them of each item. That several collars, trackers and explosives were missing wasn't too surprising considering what they had found already. But other then that, they were missing several power cells as well as several samples of Alexandria's pheromones. That they were missing was very upsetting for the woman. She knew the power of those pheromones and that some unknown person had their dirty little fingers on those samples was upsetting.

The next day they were going to be having a meeting with the department heads and they had no way of knowing who was involved in this theft. Eric told them that Bishop was putting a team together and that during the meeting the following day, Eric would introduce Bishop as the new Chief of Internal Operations. He would then be able to slip his people into certain areas of the company and once inside, his people would have no trouble tracking down who was stealing and selling Reed Technology. But until then, Alexandria and Eric would have to play it cool. "Very well." she told him. She would be taking steps, however, in making sure no more of her pheromones were stolen. She told Eric that she was planning on replacing the actual samples with fake ones. With the kind of stuff found in normal perfumes. That stuff didn't have the kind of power as her own pheromones.
Eric thought Alexandria's idea of switching her pheromones, was a good one. Though, only a few samples were missing. In the wrong hands, those missing samples were dangerous. Alexandria knew how powerful her pheromones could be. She didn't often lose control, but when she did, things could get quickly out of hand. In her early days, after her feline DNA kicked in. Alexandria found it very hard to control her pheromones. In later years. She was able to unleash them and use them to make people fall in love with her, or with anyone she wished. The pheromones were like a powerful love drug. They worked on both males and females. One of Alexandria's projects, was curing male impotence. She knew her pheromones could be turned into a drug which would help men who could no longer get their cocks hard. The best part of this pheromones based drug. There would be no side effect like with other drugs which men take to help them get hard. Like with her perfume project, the drug project was moving along. They were currently doing human trails for both projects. Eric suggested that Alexandria move everything secretly to one of their off site facilities. He said she should only let those whom she really trusted continue the work. The rest could continue to work with the false samples. Nothing they did would matter, but it would keep things appearing normal.

The following morning. Alexandria, Eric & Casey were all at work, very early. Casey had everything ready for Bishop to come on board and for Alexandria to move her secret work without anyone knowing it. One of Reed Enterprises off site labs was set up, last night under Casey's watchful eye. The lab was still in the city and Alexandria could visit it anytime she wanted. The lad was in a sub basement of the Reed Foundations Building. Alexandria would deliver the samples of her pheromones there, herself. She had plenty of time before the meeting started. Later that morning, After Alexandria returned from Reed Foundations. The meeting started. The department heads were gathered around the large table inside the meeting room. Eric sat at the head of the table. Alexandria sat in her normal chair, on Eric's right hand side. There was a new face at the meeting this day. A man seated on Eric's left side. The man was introduced, by Eric as Mr. Martin Crawford, the new Chief of Internal Operations. Eric said Mr. Crawford would help keep things running smoothly if the brother and sister were away form the company. He also said Mr. Crawford would oversee all matters concerning the internal workings of Reed Enterprises. While Eric spoke. Bishop sat there smiling. He was studying the faces of each person seated at the table, who wasn't a member of the Reed Family. This was everyone expect for Eric & Alexandria. Bishop quickly spotted several people who looked suspicious. Like they had something to hide. The meeting went on as normal after that. Each department head gave reports on current projects being worked on. Depending on how the projects were working out. Eric or Alexandria spoke of whether or not they should continue. As it stood, all projects were allowed to continue. Once the meeting was over. Casey said she would show Mr. Crawford to his new office.

After Casey left with Bishop, Eric sat back into his chair. " We shook the tree a little today.......Did you pick up on anyone who could be a suspect? " Eric asked Alexandria. Her sense and her work as a spy made Alexandria just as good, if not better then Bishop at detecting people who had something to hide. He'd noticed how Bishop looked at certain people. There was also a mood change in the room after Bishop was introduced. Several people suddenly seemed very uneasy. However, one had to be careful when dealing with people. The sudden uneasiness could have a different meaning. They could just be concerned for their jobs. It was possible they felt the Reeds no longer felt people were doing a good enough job and this new man was here to weed people out.
To those much like her, her pheromones were didn't effect them too much unless she really laid them on thick. But on humans, she could send a person into a mindless haze of lust, much like what she had done at area 51. She had those soldiers ready to do anything for her because they had wanted her so badly. If she had told them to, she could of told them to kill each other and they would of, just to be with the object of their lust. After taking a look at which samples were missing, Alexandria was a little relieved to see that the ones that had been taken weren't the extremely potent ones that she had. They had been some of the slightly weaker samples. But they could still cause trouble in the wrong hands.

The next morning, Alexandria was up very early, as was Eric and they head to work early where Casey met them. She had everything ready for Bishop to come on board and for Alexandria to move her secret work without anyone knowing it. Alexandria head down to the labs where her work was set up and she began working to transport things. That she had to move her work aggravated the shifter because she had liked being able to just pop downstairs to the labs from her office to work on it when she wanted. But now because someone was greedy and had been stealing from them, she had to move the work elsewhere. Eric had told her that once the people involved were rooted out, the work can be returned if she wanted.

With everything gathered together, Alexandria left with the samples and took them to the lab in the sub basement of the Reed Foundations Building. She had left fake samples behind and she had made up some different research reports, swapping the fakes for the real ones and she took the research information with the samples. Whoever had been behind the theft had really pissed her off and if they stole the research that she had swapped out, they would be in for a surprise. The information had been altered in a way that while it wouldn't cause harm, should the person try the experiments in the papers, it would negatively effect the samples that had been stolen. The samples would be destroyed.

She was back to Reed Corporation with plenty of time to spare and she joined Eric at the meeting room. She took her seat next to Eric who sat at the head of the table. She was on his right while Bishop was now on his left. At Erics side, Alexandria looked at each person around the table after everyone gathered, her gaze moving from person to person while Eric introduced Bishop as Martin Crawford, the new Chief of Internal Operations. He would be the one to keep things running smoothly if the siblings were away from the company and that he would be overseeing all matters concerning internal workings of Reed Enterprises. While she looked around, she could see several people who looked suspicious at first glance, as if they had something to hide. However, she didn't just focus on them. She also focused on those that looked too calm. Too relaxed. As a spy, she knew that it wasn't always the suspicious ones that you had to look at. If a person believed that they might of gotten away with something, their confidence and ego would cause them to be calm. After introducing Bishop, the siblings spoke about different projects after the department head gave reports on any current projects that they had being worked on. Once the meeting was over, Casey said she'd show Mr. Crawford to his new office.

This left Alexandria alone with Eric and she shifted in her chair a little while turning to him while he sat back into his chair. He mentioned about shaking the tree a little and she nodded before being asked about picking up on anyone who could be a suspect. "Mm, there are a couple who are acting a little suspicious. But there are a couple who seem a little too calm." she softly told him. She explained her thoughts about the people she had spotted and she told him that she would keep an eye on them. She would meet with Bishop and they would go over what they had each noted about the heads of the departments.
Eric knew it was just a matter of time. They would catch whoever was behind the missing items. That person or persons would pay dearly for what they did. Eric knew how violated Alexandria felt. More then just tech items had been stolen. Part of who and what Alexandria was, had also been taken. It didn't matter if the samples were wearer then others. They were still drawn from Alexandria's body and could be turned into a powerful mind control drug. Once Alexandria shared her thoughts on those who were at the meeting. Eric & Alexandria left the meeting room, returning to their offices. Both had work to do before heading home at the end of the day. Back at the manor. James was going about his normal daily work. Eric & Alexandria had gone to work. Tina had taken Adam to college with her that morning. Adam was looking to follow in his sister's foot steps. Tristan was relaxing in his room, watching a movie. Tabitha was sacked out on the floor of her room. Dak was in a deep meditation. He was still recovering from the years at the hands of the government. Image was down in the cave, working on a way to predicted Alexandria's cycles. The mix of three different DNA's in her body. Made it hard to pinpoint when she could get pregnant. Image was very close to mapping out how they could tell when Alexandria was ready for a child. She was already pregnant with one, but she wanted a child with all the males in her pride. It was in her feline DNA to mate with each male.

James had been cleaning this house for years. He had hsi work down to a science. James knew how to get everything done without spending hours cleaning. Most of the room weren't being used and only needed a dusting. The older man moved from bedroom to bedroom until only young Richard's room and Angel's room remained. James only cleaned Angel's room once every two weeks. He respected her privacy. Angel was a very beautiful woman. Tristan & Adam often jerked off while thinking of her. They wondered if she could feel the lust they had for her. Eric & James also had lustful thoughts of the winged woman, but they were more reserved with their thoughts. James was currently finishing up the dusting he was doing in the hallway. He was outside Angel's room, running a feather duster over one of the large paintings which decorate the hallways.
Alexandria had a particular bone to pick with the persons involved in the theft of her and Eric's company. She had things stolen from her in the past, but this was very personal. Somebody had stolen something that had come from her body itself and sold it to someone who could use it for nefarious deeds. It rose a feeling inside of her that she rarely felt in the past and that was that of violation. The last time she'd felt like this was when Jester had brainwashed her and then before that, it had been because of Anton. After sharing her thoughts, Alexandria and Eric left the meeting room and they returned to their offices. They both had plenty of work left to do before heading back home for the day.

At home, the manor was quiet. Most of the family were out of the house. Adam and Tina were off at collage while Alexandria and Eric were at work. Tristan was in his room relaxing while the new guest Tabitha was in her room. Angel was currently in her own room. She had recently just gotten Richard to sleep, the toddler sleeping peacefully after Angel had laid him down for his afternoon nap. With Alexandria and Eric's approval, Angel had him on a routine and she was teaching him. Richard was proving that he was very smart, just like his parents and he was learning quickly.

Angel was sitting in her room slowly grooming her wings while she let her senses spread out, feeling the emotions of those in the house. She was aware of what Tristan and Adam did to thoughts of her. She was also aware of the emotions of pleasure as they filled the house quite often. The pleasure was always intertwined with love and affection for different family members depending on who was involved. As she expanded the range of her powers, she felt that James was just outside her room and Angel opened her eyes slowly, the pale blue orbs looking out the window her dressing table sat near while plucking another loose feather from her wing and she set it with the others on her dressing table. Lately she had been thinking about how she had been brought into the family so much, but she has never taken part in the intimate part of being with the family.

Lightly biting her bottom lip, Angel smiled gently to herself before she stood up and she moved over to her bedroom door. Grasping the handle, she turned it and opened the door. When she did, she saw that James was standing before a painting just outside her room. The woman opened the door a little further and she watched him for a little while before she finally spoke up. "James." she softly said. "Can I ask you something?" As she spoke, one of her hands drifted up to the halter of her dress and she played with the soft material. All of her dresses and tops were the same. They were all halter tops with open backs so that her wings were unhindered.
All the males within Reed Manor, had lustful feelings about Angel. Tristan & Adam often stroked off while thinking of her. However, Eric & James also enjoyed thinking of the exotic winged woman. Just a few days ago. Eric jerked off while in the shower, before getting ready for work. His mind ran wild with thoughts of what fucking Angel would be like. Despite the lustful thoughts for Angel. None of the men approached her about sex. Both Alexandria & Eric wanted Angel to feel comfortable and take her time settling into life at the manor. They figured if she ever wanted to engage in sexual activity. Angel would decide when and if she was ready. Angel got no pressure from anyone in the household. They treated her with respect, and kept their conversations non-sexual around her.

While James was dusting the painting. He was also humming a song. It was Rule Britannia James was proudly humming as Angel opened her bedroom door. The older man busy with his work until she spoke. Upon hearing Angel, James smiled then bowed slightly. " You can ask me anything Miss Angel.......I am here to help you as I am everyone in this house. " James spoke as he put the feather duster on a small table to the left of where Angel stood. He then moved to stand in front of her. The older man placing his hands behind his back. James was the perfect gentlemen's gentleman. He'd been a butler all his life and spent all that time caring for members of the Reed Family. James often spoke of it being an honor to serve members of such a fine and brave family. He was loyal and apart of the family in every way. Alexandria even planned on having a baby with James. He had no family of his own. Having devoted his entire life to the Reed Family. Alexandria wanted to reward James for being so loyal.
The males in Reed Manor weren't the only ones who had lustful feelings for Angel. Alexandria, being the highly sexual being she was, has had a number of sexual thoughts about the winged woman. But like the others, Alexandria refrained from approaching her about sex and the family had all come to an agreement not to have sexual conversations around Angel because they wanted her to be comfortable in their home. When she was ready to be intimate with anyone, she would approach them.

After opening her door, Angel took a moment to listen to James as he hummed, a smile tugging at her full lips while she watched him. She didn't let James know, but Angel enjoyed watching him work if he was working in a room she was in. She could tell, not just by what she felt from him, but also by watching him, that he loved his job. Finally she spoke up and he smiled and bowed slightly to her while telling her that she could ask him anything. That he was there to help her like he did everyone in the house. The woman watched him set the feather duster down before moving to stand before her with his hands behind his back.

To Angel, James was such a wonderfully kind and patient man. He took time to explain things to her without getting annoyed or frustrated if she didn't catch on right away. It was thanks to him that she had a better understanding for modern technology and it was with his help that both her manners and the way she spoke had become quite a bit better. She did sometimes fall into old habits such as rambling or she would be a little rude, but the family had come to think of them as a bit of a quirk that she was working on. Angel was clearly very fond of the man, just as she was fond of Richard.

For a moment Angel stood before James, her gaze nervously pointed towards their feet while she lightly worried her bottom lip. She was so sexy without meaning to be so. Finally she looked up at him, her cheeks becoming a little pink as she gazed up into the mans eyes and a small smile formed on her lips. "I.. was wondering if... well, would you would want to be with me?" she asked, almost shyly. Her fingers played with the ribbon that held the halter of her dress up behind her neck. If it was given a firm tug, it would come free. "Like you do Miss Alexandria and Miss Tina." Because of him tutoring her and with her sort of working for Alexandria and Eric, Angel occasionally fell into the habit of referring to them like James did."
James loved looking at Angel. She was a true beauty. Angel could be a model or actress if she wanted. If she was human that is. James never caught her looking at him. But, he often looked at her as she moved around the house. Angel had a natural glide while she walked. It almost looked as if she were walking on air. Her style of dress was very sexy as well. Angel didn't wear anything under her dresses. From where she came from. Beings like her didn't wear anything under their outer garments. Angel had only ever worn simple outfits. Nothing fancy or layered. James watched as she playful tugged on the ribbon. He never even suspected that her dress could fall away and expose her flawless naked body. Angel finally spoke, asking if James would want to be with her. This struck him funny. Had he been thinking along sexual lines. James would have understood right away and answered. However, it wasn't until Angel spoke of Alexandria & Tina, that things became clearer for James.

James was very surprised by the question. He expected Angel to want Eric first. He was the master of the house. Then there was Alexandria, the mistress of the house. Either would be expected first. Then there was Tristan & Adam. Alexandria's ever horny boys. Tina was also part of that list. The older teen loved spending time with the family. Always willing to join in whenever some fun started. James smiled at the beautiful woman standing before him. " It has been an honor for me to with both Miss Alexandria and Miss Tina.......Most butlers don't have the luck of being with their mistresses......Not in the manner I have. " James spoke with a hint of pride in his voice. He loved fucking both Alexandria & Tina. He loved it even more when he spent time with them at the same time. Tina had learned a lot about sex from Alexandria. " It would be an honor for me to be with you Miss Angel.......You are very sexy and quite hot looking as the boys say.......I'm very flattered that you thought of me........But wouldn't you rather have Miss Alexandria or Master Eric first? " James wanted to give Angel a chance to back out. Just in case she wasn't quite ready. He knew how Alexandria & Eric felt about Angel. How they wanted her to decide when the time was right. If that time ever came.
If Angel didn't have her wings, she could of been very successful in the modeling or acting business. She was beautiful in many different ways, whether it was her appearance, the way she treated others or even in things she did. There always seemed to be a grace to her that was weightless and something even the most graceful dancers would wish to achieve. And the way she dressed was always light, airy and comfortable. Alexandria had taken to designing clothing for Angel, something that the woman greatly appreciated and the two women had bonded over the designing process. Most of the time, Angel wore dresses, though she did occasionally wear skirts and tops, but she rarely if ever wore pants of any kind. At the moment she was wearing a simple, off white dress made of some kind of light material that clung to the curves of her body and moved just right when she did.

After she spoke of him being with her like he did Alexandria and Tina, she could feel his surprise and she waited, trying to be patient as he smiled at her and told her that it has been an honor for him to be with Alexandria and Tina. And that most butlers didn't have the luck of being with their mistresses. She could hear the pride in his voice and she smiled a little wider as he told her that it would be an honor for him to be with her before asking if she wouldn't rather have Alexandria or Eric first.

At this, she slowly shook her head. "I am very fond of them and I care deeply for them, just as I have come to care for the rest of the family." she gently told him. "They have done so much for me after taking me into their home. But you have spent the most time with me. While everyone else is at work or at school, you've been here with me to help take care of Richard. Teaching me and taking care of me when I didn't understand anything around me." Angel took a slow step forward so they were closer to each other and she looked up at him through her long eyelashes. "I want you, James. Please."
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