League of Heroes........Guardians of Earth (Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster)

Entering the office with Eric, Alexandria watched Cyrus Block rise to his feet while greeting Eric, the two moving further into the office while Block spoke of being a big fan of the Green Hornet, but also doubting that Eric was the original. That he looked much too young to be the original. He also pointed out that the original had a male bodyguard, not a female. Through all this, Alexandria was quiet and passive while gazing at the man. Block was tall and rather sturdy. She could tell just by looking at him, that he wasn't fat, but rather solid. At the mention of Block liking the idea of a female bodyguard and she was very sexy to look at, she raised an eyebrow slightly while looking at the man. This kind of comment was nothing new for most of her female forms. They were all sexy, beautiful and tempting naturally. Unless she made them ugly that is. After they were offered a drink and Eric replied for both of them. Alexandria turned her head slightly as Eric spoke of her being a loyal bodyguard, not a secretary. The woman didn't have to speak unless she wanted too. She and Eric could silently communicate with looks at times because of how close they were to each other and how well they knew each other. Not only that, but Alexandria was rather good at reading others facial expressions and their body language.

The two of them moved together, the sexy woman like a shadow to her partner. Block finally began to speak about why he had requested a visit from them. Through the whole conversation between the two men, Alexandria was quiet as she studied the man in front of her and then she looked around the office. As he spoke about owning people in the city government, her gaze returned to him. It was indeed an eye opening meeting. Though she was aware of the kind of information one could learn as a bad guy. After all, she did spend a portion of her life as one. Finally Eric brought up Tabatha and told Block that they had use of a girl with her powers. She saw Blocks smile disappear, but Eric hit him with another tasty tid-bit to tempt him into making the deal. It was a bit of bait that surprised not just Cyrus Block, but Alexandria as well.

When he offered they deliver Eric Reed to the man the next night to use as leverage over Alexandria Reed to get her to give or do whatever Block wanted to get him back, Alexandria's body stiffened just a margin while a muscle in her jaw twitched just a bit. This deal made a smile return to Block's face. While Eric stood and moved to the other side of the desk to shake hands, Alexandria did what she did best as a spy and she easily slipped the memory stick into Block's computer. Luckily the virus downloaded right away and within seconds it would begin it's work. She had this all done without moving too much in seconds, the memory stick disappearing back into her pocket as quickly as it had come out. With the deal made, Alexandria left the office with Eric and after passing the guards, she shot Eric a hard look, her gaze very angry. She was livid over what he had just offered Block.

Out at Black Beauty, Alexandria got in and waited for him before she took off away from the building. She drove for a bit, her hands gripping the wheel of the car tightly. Not once did she say a work as she drove. Finally, once she felt they were far enough away, she slammed on the breaks. This sudden stop caused their bodies to jolt forward a little before being thrust back into their seats while the night air was filled with the sudden, brief sound of the tires screeching when she stopped the car and she sat there staring ahead of her. Luckily she hadn't been driving fast enough for either of them to be hurt by the sudden stop other then being a little winded from hitting their seats. "What the hell were you thinking?!" she asked him, vocalizing the question that had been repeating in her mind since he'd made his offer to Block. Finally she looked over at him, her eyes wide.
Eric knew Alexandria would be upset. He tried to think of something else to offer Block. However, money & jewels meant little to a man like him. They were mostly just items for him to have. A man like Block needed something special. He wouldn't just take anything for Tabitha. A man like Block needed something of greater value in return. Few things in this world could match having Eric Reed as a prisoner. But, Eric wasn't going to just hand himself over to Block. Not without having an escape plan. So, Eric also planned a double cross to get himself away. This was one more detail he hadn't shared with Alexandria, but he would. Eric knew Alexandria could go off anytime after they left Block's building. She would keep her cover until then. Alexandria was very good at being undercover and she understood the need to keep herself calm even during moments when she wanted to lose it.

When Alexandria did lose it. Eric was pulled forwards, then tossed backwards as the car stopped. Few could lose it and still have such great control as Alexandria just did. " Calm down Alexandria........I tried to think of something else to offer Block........But a man in his position wouldn't take just anything.......I had to offer him something he normally couldn't get his hands on.......I had to offer myself........But I don't plan on staying with him........Once the exchange is made there will be a double cross. " Eric spoke. He then talked of using Tristan as Eric Reed for the exchange. Tristan could then turn into air and escape with ease. Leaving Block without Tabitha or Eric Reed. And it would seem as if the Green Hornet kept his word with Block. Any fault would fall on the men Block would send to the exchange. Eric knew if Alexandria was satisfied, she would drive home. If not, they would remain here and argue over a deal which had to happen. There was no way of stopping it now, but Eric's plan was pretty good. By using Tristan, they could make everything seem legit.
After she brought the car to a sudden stop in the middle of the street, Eric told her to calm down and a soft growl escaped her while she sent him an angry look, everything about her telling him that she was extremely upset at the moment. Eric explained that he tried to think of something else to offer Block, but that a man in Blocks position wouldn't just take anything. She understood this very well, but she was still pissed off that he decided to offer himself. He spoke of how he wasn't planning on staying with Block and that there would be a double cross after the exchange was made. "And you didn't think to include me in on this idea?" she asked him.

She was beginning to calm down a bit, but his next comment just helped to upset her again. He spoke of using Tristan as Eric Reed for the exchange. Eric knew how protective she was of her family, and even more so of those who were her children. So that he would want to use Tristan for an exchange was upsetting. "Use Tristan?" she echoed. "And did you speak with him on this?" They had no clue as to what could happen during this exchange and there were too many variables for her to be completely comfortable with this idea. It was bad enough that he had at first said about handing himself over, but now he was talking about her oldest son. Alexandria wasn't dumb, she knew that since the deal had been made, it had to happen and there was no way to stop it. With a soft grunt, she put the car into drive again and started for home.
Eric knew Alexandria would be upset with what he came up with. But, as he confessed, it was a last minute plan. Eric spoke of not really having anything in mind to offer Block. It wasn't until he sat in front of the man, that Eric knew his offer had to be nothing short of amazing. He had to look into Block's eyes to know what the man would take. The idea for using Tristan came because Tristan could handle himself. Tristan had been trained by his his father. His was a powerful young man, and whether Alexandria liked to admit it. Tristan was a man. In fact, all her children, except Richard could take care of themselves. Alexandria's feline side was just showing through at the moment. Something else Eric had expected. Eric figured Alexandria's pregnancy fueling her anger. Eric would endanger the lives of any of their children. He only thought of Tristan because Tristan's powers would make it easier for him to escape Block. But, if Alexandria wanted Tristan to play the Green Hornet. Eric would play himself and hopefully find a way to escape from Block.

Eric planned on speaking with Tristan once they returned home. There hadn't been a chance for any conversation before. Not with Eric coming up with this on the fly. Eric knew Alexandria would cool down once she thought everything through. Alexandria would see Tristan was the right choice. The only other choice was for Eric to play himself. Eric was confident he could escape from Block, but it wouldn't be easy for him as it would be for Tristan. Eric did point out that Alexandria could always play him. That way Tristan could play her playing Kato. Eric would let Tristan decide what he wanted to do. He wouldn't force Tristan into being involved with the plan. Tristan could say no, and Eric would find some other way of making it happen. Either way. He would make sure Tabitha Stevens was set free.
That Tristan was a grown man was known perfectly well by Alexandria. Looking at her son sometimes hurt the woman deep down because of how much of his life she'd missed. Tristan had said time and again that it wasn't really her fault and he didn't blame her, but it didn't stop her from feeling like in a way it was. However, she did lay most of the blame and anger at his fathers feet. It was his father who had her brainwashes and had her memories controlled. Tristan was a grown man who had been well trained by his father and he was very capable against his foes. However, she was highly protective of her loved ones because of her feline side and now that she was pregnant, her maternal instincts were riding high right now.

After she put the car back into drive, Alexandria listened as Eric pointed out that she could always play him and she made a soft sound before looking at him briefly as he spoke of Tristan playing her playing Kato. "You know perfectly well that neither you nor any of the other men in our family would be okay with me being the one playing you, while in my condition." she softly said. There was finally a slightly light hearted tone in her voice, showing that she was cooling off enough to be slightly playful. She was partially serious. The family knew that she could take care of herself and would never let her unborn child come to harm. But at the same time, the family was also a bit more protective of her during the time she was pregnant. Especially the men. It seemed that her feline ways were rubbing off on her family a bit more.

Alexandria took them home, the woman feeling like having a bubble bath with a cup of tea and perhaps something to snack on. With this pregnancy, things were quite a bit different then with Richard. She was having heartburn off and on, nausea at random times and even the occasional odd craving. She had become extremely hungry for more red meats, which was a bit odd for her. Sure, the woman enjoyed the occasional steak, but she was usually more partial to lighter meats like chicken, and she loved her fruits and vegetables. When this started, they all agreed that it was her feline side showing more with this pregnancy then with the last one.
Doctor Simms ran checks on Alexandria, once every two weeks. As her pregnancy would move along. His visits would happen more often. Doctor Simms said Alexandria's troubles were nothing to worry about. She had three sets of DNA in her body. Shifter, feline and human. During her pregnancy with Richard. Alexandria's feline DNA wasn't as active. It seemed her human & shifter was more in control. Though no one would know how much shifter DNA Richard would have until he was older and showed signs of abilities. Alexandria had a similar pregnancy with Tristan. Her current pregnancy seemed dominated by her feline side. This made Doctor Simms believe the child would have more of this side of Alexandria. Once Alexandria began asking for red meat. James would make sure she had a rare steak made for her. It would be cooked on both sides, yet still have plenty of red on the inside for her feline side. This was perfectly fine since both sides were cooked. James was always ready for any cravings Alexandria may have.

After they returned home. Alexandria went off for her bubble bath, tea and snack. She would fine James had something ready for her return, and if she wanted something more. She just needed to ask. Eric went upstairs and found Tristan in his room. Eric sat down as he started telling Tristan of what happened and the deal which was made. Tristan laughed when Eric spoke of how Alexandria acted. " Mother's moods have become more on edge since she became pregnant......But the plan makes sense. " Tristan spoke. He understood why Eric offered himself. Men like Cyrus Block were hard to sway, unless something really good was offered. Eric asked if Tristan was willing to play him for the exchange? Eric said with Tristan's powers, he would have an easier time escaping from Block's men. Tristan nodded his head while smiling. He said it sounded like fun. Something Tristan hadn't done in a long while. Tristan had done this type of bait and switch before. It was something his father, Anton Rayne loved doing against enemies. Tristan said he would speak with his mother and let her know he wanted to help. Besides, Block's men couldn't hurt him, not with his shifting powers.
The visits from Doctor Simms was usually enjoyed by Alexandria, the woman enjoying spending time with her friend while he checked on the babies progress. Each pregnancy had been a learning experience for both Simms and herself, as well as her family. Her first two pregnancies were fairly calm and easy going compared to this new one. This time, her feline side was definitely in control. Especially with her cravings. She'd even been found at random times raiding the fridge for something if James was busy with something else in the manor. She had even once been found down in the kitchen on one of the nights she wasn't doing her night work. It had been two in the morning and she was downstairs eating a mostly rare steak. The woman had been found gnawing on the steak, by James. After that, he made sure that she had plenty of red meat in the house.

At home, Alexandria slunk off for her bath, tea and snack, softly grumbling to herself. When she saw that James had something ready for her, she purred softly before disappearing upstairs with both her snack and tea. By the time Eric and Tristan were finished with their conversation, Alexandria was resting in her bath. She was laying in the large tub which was filled with bubbles and warm water, her long hair pulled up away from her face while she just relaxed. She had her snack sitting on a small stool next to the bath and her tea was resting on the edge of the bath, both easily in arms reach. While relaxing, she was letting the events of the night play over in her mind and she was admitting to herself that her hormones had taken control over some of her actions earlier. She sighed and rested her head back while closing her eyes. She would apologize to Eric later, though she knew he would understand why she had acted that way.
During that late night when James found Alexandria snacking on raw meat. It became very clear, her feline side was dominate during this pregnancy. Alexandria had even let her normal Alexandria Reed form slip. She was in her natural state. Showing her normal feline features. This didn't shock James, nor would anyone in the house be shocked. They'd all seen Alexandria in her more natural feline form. Though, she preferred to remain in her Alexandria Reed form these days. It become her main form since returning to New York and reconnecting with Eric & James. When Alexandria became pregnant with Eric's second child. It happened while she was in her feline form. Eric had asked her to return to her natural state. He wanted to make love to her in that form. During the time when she become pregnant with Richard. Alexandria was in her Alexandria Reed form. She also had a human form during the time when she became pregnant with Tristan. This was the reason why her feline DNA was so dominate with her current pregnancy. That night, Alexandria wanted more then just raw meat. She also wanted a hard piece of meat taking her. James gave his mistress what she wanted. He fucked her pussy hard while she feasted on the meat. He dumped a load of cum into her hungry pussy that night. Right there in the kitchen.

Tristan may have had some misgivings about whether they should help Tabitha. However, he would help free her since his powers were needed. Tristan wasn't sure if bringing that girl into the fold was a good idea, but he trusted his mother. If she felt it was okay. Tristan would not question her. After Tristan was on board with the plan. Eric left his room and went downstairs to his study. Tristan waited in his room for a while longer. He was sure his mother was relaxing from her evening. He thought it was best to let her relax a bit longer. He would then go to her room and let her know, he was willing to help out with Eric's plan. After about 30 minutes. Tristan left his room, went down the hall and entered his mother's room. The light was on in the bathroom. Tristan knocked on the door, then entered the bathroom. He smiled while looking down at his beautiful and sexy mother. Tristan then sat down on the edge of the large tub. He spoke of his belief that Eric's plan was a good one. And said he was the right choice to play Eric. " Eric's plan is no different from the old bait and switch.........Father had me do that many times over the years........And those men have more to fear from me then I do from them. " Tristan spoke while he took a sponge and started to wash his mother's shoulders. His hand then moved down and the sponge glided over Alexandria's nipples. Tristan continued to move the sponge down until it came between his mother's legs. He spoke of her being overprotective of him, and how he would be alright. Tristan then let the sponge go. His fingers started rubbing Alexandria's pussy. When Alexandria was with Eric or Tina. The incest wasn't real. However, when she was with Tristan or Adam. The incest was very real since both young men were her sons. Adam had come from another Earth, but the Alexandria there was his mother. His DNA was the same as Alexandria's human DNA on this Earth. This made their incest very real.
When she'd first been found by James, Alexandria had been a little embarrassed, but he had been understanding. Lately, she had been showing more and more of her naturally born form which had feline eyes, fair skin that seemed to have very faint bands, much like tiger strips. She also had longer, sharper nails which resembled claws and slightly longer canines while her ears had a slight point to them. They were like elf ears almost. In this form, all of her scars and the tattoos that covered her back could be seen. This was the only time such things could ever be seen since she hid them normally. Eric had asked her to return to this form, having wanted to make love to her while in it. She was beginning to think that the form she was in when she conceived a child had an effect on what kind of powers they might have. When James had found her, not only did she want to eat the meat she'd been found consuming, she wanted to be fucked at the same time and James was more then willing to oblige the woman. So while she ate, James fucked her hard right there in the kitchen. The kitchen had been filled with plenty of animal noises that night as Alexandria growled and made her pleasure known.

When Tristan entered Alexandria's room, she was resting in the bath still. She heard him approaching her room and enter before he knocked on the door. The lights in the bathroom were dimmed, allowing the woman to not have to wear neither her contacts nor her glasses for the moment. When he entered, she looked over at him and smiled as he entered, watching him take a seat upon the edge of the tub. While he began to speak, Alexandria ran her fingers through the water, listening as he told her about how Eric's plan was no different from the old bait and switch, something that his father had him do many times over the years and she nodded slightly. "I know Tristan." she softly told him while he took up a sponge and began to wash her slender shoulders. "I know that Eric would not send others into danger thoughtlessly. And I know that you can take care of yourself perfectly well. Your father used to have me do such things many times over the years as well."

She felt his hand move down over her upper chest to her breast, the woman closing her eyes as it moved over her nipples. She smiled to herself as his hand began to drift further down over her abdomen before he slipped his hand between her legs. All the while he spoke of her being over protective of him, and of how he'd be okay. Turning her head slightly, Alexandria pressed a light kiss against Tristan's arm. After he released the sponge and began to rub her pussy, Alexandria moaned softly before opening her eyes again. She knew that what she and Tristan did was incest, but the feline side of her heritage didn't see what they did as incest. Instead, it was seen as an act of love and of bringing loved ones closer. Shifting her position in the bath a little, Alexandria reached up and stroked her sons cheek gently. "Join me Tristan." she asked him. "The bath is plenty large enough for the both of us. Join me tonight."
The felines didn't see incest as being wrong. They didn't have the same hangups about the act of sharing love with family members. Sex was just another form of love. The felines openly shared love with all members of the tribes. Each tribe was made up from several prides. Dozens depending on how large the tribe was. The members of each pride openly enjoyed sex with each other. Sex was apart of celebrations, and a right of passage. Fathers, grandfathers, uncles, or brothers were the ones who welcomed a girl into her womanhood. Mothers, grandmothers, aunts, or sisters did the same for males. The need for Alexandria to be with her pride sexually, was apart of her DNA. It was something the other members of the family accepted. They knew incest was very taboo in human society. But, it was apart of Alexandria's life and important to her. Incest was just another secret within the Reed Family.

Tristan watched as his mother responded to his touch. He could see the arousal growing slowly. Building like a fire within Alexandria's body. Tristan remembered when he first appeared before his mother. She doubted him at first. Thinking this was some kind of trick. Alexandria's memories of giving birth to Tristan many years ago were locked away in her mind. Zorg the Black Wizard had used his magic to make Alexandria forget. After Tristan appeared to his mother and told her his unbelievable story. Alexandria sought out the help of Psi Girl. A young, but powerful woman with great mental abilities. Psi Girl used her powers to break down the walls Zorg placed to keep certain memories locked away from Alexandria. Tristan became very close with his mother after that. Their first night together was in a hotel room Tristan was using. Tristan kept the hotel room until he accepted his mother's offer to move into the manor and become a part of her pride.

Once Alexandria spoke of there being room in the tub for both of them. Tristan smiled before he stood. He removed his clothing. Dropping each item on the floor. Tristan then stood naked in front of his sexy mother. His fine looking cock was already growing hard. Tristan stepped into the tub, then lowered himself down. His body laying against Alexandria's as she leaned back. They engaged in a passionate kiss as Tristan's cock pressed against her pussy. It wasn't before his cock had slipped inside her hungry pussy. The kiss grew deeper as Alexandria's oldest son started fucking her. During the kiss, Tristan placed his right hand onto his mother's left breast. He roughly squeezed her breast with his strong hand. His cock was already thrust into and out of her pussy. Sounds of splashing water mixed with the sounds of pleasure starting to come from the two lovers.
Alexandria knew that incest was extremely taboo in society these days. But years ago, it wasn't unheard of for family members to be wed and have children. The difference between the humans and felines, was that the felines were much more open with their love then the humans were. Felines shared sex with everyone in their pride. The males were the ones who welcomed a girl into womanhood when she reached a certain age and it was the same for the females when the boys came of age. Alexandria's feline DNA was strong in her and it made her crave a pride and it made her act on her instincts to make sure that the members of her pride were sexually healthy. And because it was so important to her, her family accepted it.

After she began to respond to Tristan's touch, Alexandria faintly moaned before she looked up at him when he stood up, watching as he began to undress. Each article of clothing falling to the floor before he then stood completely naked before her. Seeing him naked before her with his cock already growing hard made Alexandria growl softly in excitement, moving so he could enter the tub. As he lowered himself down, Alexandria reached out and drew Tristan to her, running her hands over his smooth skin while he laid against her and she leaned back. It wasn't long before their lips met in a passionate kiss and she moaned into it. She could feel his cock pressing against her pussy and she shivered with excitement.

It wasn't long before she felt him pushing into her pussy and she moaned louder into their kiss, her long legs wrapping loosely around his hips while he thrust in and out of her. Their kiss grew deeper while Alexandria arched her back slightly, pressing her breast firmly against her son's palm. Her hands ran up his sides, ghosting over the firm muscles that ran along his ribs before caressing over his strong back and shoulder. The air was soon filled with the sounds of their pleasure mingling with the sound of the water in the tub splashing with their movements. Occasionally water would go over the edge of the tub and splash onto the ground, but it would be an easy clean for either of them with their powers.

But that could wait for later. For now, all either of them cared about was each other and the pleasure that they were feeling at each others hands. After a bit, she broke the kiss and she began trailing kisses along his shoulder and neck, occasionally nibbling at his warm skin while she mewled in pleasure. The sounds she was making were purely that of passion and lust, but they were also feline. And even though Tristan didn't get enough feline DNA from her, he had enough to know that the sounds she was making were good ones.
Tristan may not have a lot of his mother's feline DNA, but he knew when she was happy. He'd been around her long enough to know the sounds of pleasure which she made. Tristan sought out his mother to learn more about her. One of the first things he learned. Alexandria was a very sexual person. The feline side of her was very strong and that gave her a powerful sex drive. Something Tristan came to enjoy about his mother. She was very loving. As a mother and as a woman who enjoyed sex. Tristan understood why his father wanted a child with Alexandria. Though, he did force the child on her. Zorg bewitched Alexandria was black magic. Turning her into a very willing pet for Anton to use. Not unlike what Jester had done to Alexandria. The difference, was Jester used chemicals to take control of Alexandria. Anton used black magic to get what he wanted from her. Despite what Anton did, Alexandria loved Tristan with all of her heart. He was her first born and one of her lovers.

Alexandria's playful nips brought moans from Tristan. His hips bucking hard, slamming his cock deeper into her pussy. Water did spill out onto the floor, but nothing which couldn't be cleaned up later on. Alexandria's pussy was already gripping her son's cock tightly. Making him fuck her even harder. Their kiss seemed never ending. They were ever bit the lovers they looked like. If anyone watched them together. They would believe the pair had been lovers for many years. The kiss finally broke, as Tristan started grunting. His cock pounding his mother's perfect pussy. " Someday.......I'll make you pregnant.......And You'll care my child mother. " Tristan spoke through his animistic grunts. It was very possible that one day. Alexandria would become pregnant by Tristan or Adam. This knowledge would only bring her joy. It was common for female felines to have cubs with male members of their family. A daughter having a child with her father, or a mother having a child with her son, was seen as a blessing by the feline race.
Alexandria was a very powerful woman. Both in political and financial standing, as well as with her natural abilities. It was obvious why Anton had wanted her to have a child with her. If he had more people who worked for him with her shifting powers, he could easily take out all of his enemies. However, as he had taken her in when she was still very young, Alexandria had come to view him like a father but her feline instincts never told her to take him as a mate. Her instincts drove her to mate with only those who could produce healthy, powerful young. None of her instincts told her this back then, so she had refused to be a broodmare for him. So he had Zorg bewitch her and force her under his control like some kind of pet. He had debased her and humiliated her in a way that caused any affection she'd had for the man who had made her who she was, to fade to nothing. Instead, she deeply hated Anton. However, she did love her son very, very much. She had been with Tristan until he was a very young toddler. It was then that Zorgs power was released and her memories were locked away. So she fled from Anton, unaware that she was leaving her first child behind.

They were reunited and when they did, she had at first hated Tristan because she believed he was mocking her. The loss of what she had believed was to be her first child had still been a sore spot for the woman, so for Tristan to claim he was her child hurt a lot. But her senses and instincts told her what her mind wanted to refuse. Of course, Tristan had followed her to New York and after some time they became closer. Now they were lovers and she had invited him to join her pride at Reed Manor. She loved all of her family and she was highly protective of them, something that showed in all her forms.

As she nipped at Tristan, she heard his moans and it caused him to buck his hips harder against hers, his cock slamming deep and hard into her wet pussy. This drew louder cries and moans from the woman and she arched beneath him, her hips lifting to allow him as deep as he could while her walls gripped him tightly. All the while they continued kissing. But eventually the kiss was broken while Tristan began grunting. When he began talking of making her pregnant, she shuddered and moaned eagerly. "Yes." she moaned. She could feel an orgasm approaching quickly as he spoke of her becoming pregnant with his child someday and how she'd carry his child. Alexandria had told Eric that she wanted to have a number of children, one with each of the males currently in the family and perhaps with others in the future. But she definitely wanted one with James, Tristan and Adam. Perhaps even with Richard in the future. While Richard, Tristan and Adam were her sons, James was a very dear friend and someone she saw as family, so knowing that she'd outlive him, Alexandria wanted to have his child. That way a part of him would always be with her.

Alexandria began rocking her hips up against Tristan's, meeting his thrusts while her moans and gasps of pleasure became more urgent. This signaled that she was getting closer and closer to cumming. Sure enough, after a number of hard deep thrusts, Alexandria cried out loudly as she came. Her pussy clenched tightly around Tristan's cock, her walls caressing and massaging his cock as she came.
Back when Alexandria lived with Anton Rayne. She wasn't as in touch with her feline side. She was still learning just who she was. Alexandria was a mix of three different species. It took time for her to fully understand and come to terms with herself. It wasn't until years had passed that she understood her sexual nature. Alexandria embraced her feline side, and accepted every part of that side of her. It was Alexandria's feline side which opened her eyes to incest. It was forbidden within human society. But, incest was a major part of who the felines were as a race. Fathers mated with their daughters, adding to their pride. Mothers did the same with their sons. Alexandria was just following nature when she wished to have children with the males of her pride. It was what female felines wanted most from the males who lived with them. Alexandria didn't have a typical pride, but it was hers none the less. Eric, as the alpha male, had given Alexandria two children. That was the order of things. Alexandria would then seek out the other males to breed with. James, Tristan and Adam would all get their chance to have a child with Alexandria. Once he was old enough. Richard would also get his chance. Alexandria had learned that much from the visit of Mathew Reed. One of Richard's children from the future. Mathew was also a lover of Alexandria Reed. She would have a very long life. Outlasting both Eric & James. But, her circle of lovers would continue with her children, grandchildren and other family members.

It was a good thing the family had moved back into Reed Manor. This large home would give Alexandria room to make her pride grow around her. She had done that by asking Tristan to join them in the family and by letting Adam stay and not sending him back to his Earth. This did change how the future would play out. There hadn't been an Adam Reed until Jester opened portals to other Earths. Allowing Adam to enter this world from an Earth where the Reed Family was poor and broke the law often to survive. Though Alexandria & Eric had no idea how allowing Adam to stay would change things. It seemed like the right thing to do. Alexandria couldn't part with the young man. Not knowing the type of life he was living on his world. Alexandria knew she & Eric of this Earth could provide for Adam much better. And perhaps, by letting him stay. The future would be changed for the better. Besides, Alexandria loved having her sons fuck her. They had some great threesomes. Alexandria just loved when her boys took her. Tristan & Adam could fuck for hours and cum inside Alexandria, filling her holes with their seed. After the birth of her second child. Alexandria would spend more time with James, Tristan and Adam. Giving each of them the chance to be the next to knock her up. The only trouble, was Alexandria's cycles. Since she had the DNA of three different species. Alexandria never knew when she could get pregnant. Felines bred more often then humans, but Alexandria's shifter DNA acted as a wildcard. It made her cycles almost unpredictable. For modern day doctors anyway. Image was working on a way to predict Alexandria's cycles better. This would allow her to know when she was ready for breeding and then pick the next father to be. Image thought helping Alexandria would bring them closer together. Since he did see her as his mother and she thought of him as a son.

Tristan give Alexandria everything. He held nothing back from the moment they began to fuck. His cock pounded Alexandria's pussy very hard, just how she loved her men taking her. Having been around his mother enough. Tristan noticed the signs of her fast approaching orgasms. He did everything to make Alexandria's orgasm, a sweet one for her. He roughly played with her nipples, playful bit at he neck and shoulders. All while his cock slammed into her hungry pussy. The warm rush of Alexandria's cum, brought a long moan from Tristan. He loved making his mother cum. Tristan then unloaded his balls into Alexandria's willing pussy. Both knew, at some point in the future, this type of action would lead to them having a child. Tristan couldn't wait for the time when Alexandria's belly would swell with his child. It was something they both wanted, and both knew it was only a matter of time. It took sometime before Alexandria & Tristan exited the tub. Both wanted to enjoy each other more. Once they did leave the tub, and after the water was cleaned up. Alexandria took Tristan to her bed for the rest of that night. She maybe marrying Eric, but Alexandria belonged to everyone in the the family, and those she made her outside lovers.
Growing up with Anton, Alexandria didn't know and understand all of her abilities. Sure, she was aware that there was something more feral about her, much like Logan had a feral side. There were few people like the two of them with a more animalistic side. With the more powerful eyesight, sense of smell and hearing, as well as her reflexes, there was something more feline about her which she had been aware of. She just didn't know how deep it had gone. The woman hadn't been aware that the drive to mate with certain males was a part of that. It had just felt like the wrong or right thing to do, and she figured she was picky at times. Most of the time, her feline side had been quiet when it came to her lovers, but when it came to children and Anton had approached her about having his child, something in her screamed no. Something instinctive and strong, which she couldn't fight against. To her feline side, Anton wasn't an alpha male worthy of siring a cub with her. If he hadn't of used black magic on her, she would of never had his child.

But now she was very in touch with all three sides of her being and she not only had the pride her feline side had been craving for over a hundred years, but she now had her alpha male and her children. She'd will be birthing her second child to her alpha male in a couple months and she had a third to him which had come from a parallel world, but he was still theirs by blood. So her feline side was satisfied with the number of children she'd had with Richard. Next her feline side would want her to have a child with the other three males in her family. Alexandria loved being with both of her sons at the same time, just as she enjoyed being with Eric and James, or any other combination of her boys. There had even been a couple times when all four had taken her at once. That one had been fun.

However, she was aware of how difficult it was to time exactly when she would become pregnant. With her shifter DNA, it was hard to pinpoint exactly when her cycles were. She didn't have a normal cycle like a human woman did. There was no monthly period for her so she could keep track of it. Sure, for her feline side, she had something like a heat maybe once or twice every year, but because of her DNA, they believed that perhaps depending on her different forms, she might have different cycles. Alexandria was thinking for her natural feline form, there were heats maybe twice a year, and her human form perhaps a little more often. But it was her elemental/shifter forms that was a little more difficult to pinpoint. Image was working on a way to predict the cycles better and it would allow her to know when she was ready to have a child again and she'd be able to choose who she would be with next. Alexandria had high hopes for her son and she believed he would figure it out in time. She cared deeply for Image. He was another male in the family she was curious about being with, but had never become intimate with because he has yet to turn on his emotion programing. She wasn't pushing it, knowing that when he was ready, he would take that step.

As mother and son fucked each other, Tristan gave her everything and her cries rang out in the large bathroom. He was taking her hard and fast in the bath, her hands holding onto him while she panted beneath him, loving everything he offered her. Much like the others in the family, he knew how she liked it and how to tell when she was getting close. Alexandria was getting closer and closer to cumming with his every thrust before her release finally rushed over her. He continued thrusting into her as she came before he released his seed deep within her hot pussy. The feeling of him cumming inside of her made the woman mewl happily while shivering beneath him. She was breathing heavily and her face was flushed as she lay beneath him. Neither of them hurried to part from each other and Alexandria took some time to wash Tristan's skin, something she occasionally did after fucking someone in the family. Her instincts told her to take care of those close to her and grooming them was a form of affection. So she took up the same sponge he had used on her to gently wash his skin without even parting from him. Finally though, they left the tub and after a quick cleaning of the water upon the floor, they returned to her bed for the rest of the night where they enjoyed each other.
Alexandria's feline side may have deemed Anton unworthy of producing a child. However, even Alexandria had to admit, her feline side was wrong. Anton gave her a fine son. He used black magic to control her mind and even to bypass her normal cycle. This way Anton was sure Alexandria would become pregnant with his child. And she gave him a son, the same son who would spend the night having sex with his mother. The same son who Alexandria loved deeply and would someday give her a child. Since Tristan had plenty of shifter DNA in his body. He would be around a very long time. Baring any accidents, or injuries which could take his life. Since Tristan would have a long life. He and his mother could have many children together. This was something to look forward too. Both Alexandria & Tristan would produce many fine and healthy cubs.

Alexandria always treated Image with great affection. Though they never had sex. It was something which Image thought about. He knew Alexandria took others in the house as lovers. Both male and female. Yet, Alexandria showed no sexual interest in Image. At least that's how things appeared to him. Image was an android, but fully functional in all areas. This meant he had cock and balls like any male would have. Image could even produce sperm, like any other male could. Since Eric created Image. He knew the android could make a female pregnant. Image had synthetic sperm, but it was made to interact with a human egg. Eric wasn't sure if Image would ever have sex, or have a child with a human female. But, he gave his creation the ability just in case. Image assumed Alexandria would be afraid to have a child with an android. It was understandable since there was noway of knowing what the child would be. No human female had ever gotten pregnant by a synthetic male before. Eric could only guess at what would happen, but even he couldn't be sure. Image kept his emotion program turned off. He wanted to better understand emotion before allowing himself to experience them. Emotion could be very complex, and even for humans, hard to deal with. Despite having never joined Alexandria in her bed. Image never let that get in the way of his seeing her as his mother.

The following evening, after Alexandria & Eric returned from work. They and Tristan met in the cave. They went over the details of the plan. Tristan would assume Eric's form. He would be handed over to Block's men. while Eric & Alexandria got their hands on Tabitha. Once away from the warehouse with Tabitha. Tristan was free to escape from Block's men anytime he wanted. This was such an easy job for someone with Tristan's powers. He could shift into air and vanish without a trace. Tristan took on Eric's form while Eric & Alexandria got ready to leave. Once they were ready. They climbed into Black Beauty and left the cave for the city. The meeting place was warehouse 47. It was a warehouse owned by Reed Enterprises down at the docks. Black Beauty arrived early. Long before Block's men showed up. A delivery van pulled into the large door which Eric had open for them. Block's men found Green Hornet and Kato waiting. Eric Reed was no where in sight. One of Block's men asked where Reed was at? Eric motioned for Alexandria to get Eric Reed from the car. Tristan was waiting for his mother to get him. His hands were tied in front of his body. A blindfold was over his eyes. " Lets see Tabitha. " Eric said while Alexandria was getting Tristan. Two more of Block's men opened the rear doors of the van. Soon Tabitha was pulled from the back. She wasn't tied, but she was wearing a device which controlled her powers. The device was around her neck. It was the same type of device used to control super villains from using their powers. Tabitha was brought before the Green Hornet.
Over time, Alexandria had admitted to herself grudgingly that Anton had been a suitable father and he had given her a fine son. She was just glad to see that more of her genetics seemed to be dominant in her child then Antons. She occasionally wondered how Anton was taking his son having left his side to be with her. He had lost the use of two powerful and skilled people who both now worked against him. But she never let him linger in her mind. She wanted her mind to focus on the here and now, as well as the future of her family. Alexandria loved Tristan deeply and looked forward to one day carrying his child and with his elongated life, much like hers, they could have plenty of children together. Children who would be healthy, strong and powerful.

Of all her children, whether they were her own naturally born children or those she took on as her own, Image was one she'd never been intimate with, though she did have much affection for him and she showed it often. Plenty of times she'd hugged and kissed Image, however, she'd never shown outwardly any interest in sex with him. It wasn't because she wasn't interested, but she hadn't been sure if he was interested. To her, sex was a very emotional act, whether you loved the person you were with or not. There was passion, lust and excitement in sex. Because he didn't have his emotion program turned on, she wasn't sure if he had any interest in it. But lately, her instincts were beginning to tell her that Image needed to be brought into the family completely. She was planning on approaching Eric about this. The woman was well aware that Image could produce offspring due to his synthetic sperm, but it didn't scare her. In fact it intrigued her if anything. So she definitely needed to talk to both Eric and Image about it soon.

The next evening, after the siblings returned from work, they went down to the cave with Tristan and they began to go over the details of the plan. Tristan would assume Eric's form and he would be handed over to Block's men while Eric and Alexandria got their hands on Tabitha. Once they were away from the warehouse, Tristan would escape from Block's men at anytime he wished. Alexandria insisted that he contact them once he was away from Blocks men so they knew he was away from them and okay. It was more a mothers worry that made her ask then her doubting his abilities. Both he and Eric would understand this. With the plan talked out, Tristan took on Eric's form while Alexandria and Eric changed. Alexandria changed father then Eric thanks to her bio-weave clothing and she donned her hat, mask and weapons.

Once ready, they piled into the Black Beauty and they left with Alexandria at the wheel. She drove them into the city where they were going to be meeting at warehouse 47 which was owned by Reed Enterprises down at the docks. They were there quite early and they waited for Block's men to arrive. Finally, a delivery van pulled up and Block's men got out. One of them asked where Reed was and Alexandria was motioned to get Eric Reed from the car. With a nod, she moved over to the car and opened the back door, pulling Tristan out. His hands were tied in front of his body and there was a blindfold over his eyes. While she was getting him out of the car, Alexandria could hear Eric demanding to see Tabitha. This was followed by the sound of the van's doors opening and as she guided Tristan forward, she saw Tabitha being pulled from the back. The girl wasn't bound like Tristan was, but Alexandria quickly recognized the device around the girls neck. It was the same type which was used to control super villains from using their powers. Finally, Alexandria came to a stop next to Eric with her son, her hand gripping his upper arms firmly.
Eric wasn't surprised to see Tabitha wearing a control device around her neck. She was powerful enough to wipe out Block's men and that truck. Tabitha was shocked when she came face to face with the Green Hornet. She'd been hearing Block's men speak of how the Green Hornet returned. Tabitha never expected to meet the man. " This deal will benefit everyone involved. " Eric spoke while taking Tristan by the arm. Tristan was doing his best impersonation of Eric Reed. Asking what was happening? Who was talking? Tristan even tossed in a few, "My sister will give you anything you want". Everything he spoke was part of the plan. Eric asked Alexandria to take the girl. He then pushed Tristan forwards into the waiting arms of Block's men. So far, the deal had been on the up and up. It was a fair exchange. However, Eric was sure Block would try a double cross. He just wasn't sure how it would happen. Block's men took Tristan around, behind the van. They placed him inside, then climbed into the van.

Eric met Alexandria near the driver's side door. " This all went to smoothly.......Something is very off.......Let's get Tabitha moving.....But we won't head for home just yet......Lets stay in the city until Tristan contacts us. " Eric spoke. He then climbed into the backseat with Tabitha. Once inside, Eric had Alexandria activate the scanning device. Alexandria would scan Tabitha for any tracking devices she might have hidden on her body. Block didn't strike Eric as being an honorable man. Since there was no double cross at the warehouse. Eric assumed Tabitha was being tracked. Most likely for Block to find out where the Green Hornet used for a base. Tristan remained where he was placed inside the van. Despite his eyes being covered. He could tell where Block's men were. Tristan waited until the van was away from the warehouse area. He then pulled down his blindfold, spotting each of Block's men. None of the men were watching Tristan. He shifted into his air form, and slipped out through the rear doors. The men didn't even notice he was gone. Tristan rose up above the city. He reformed himself on a rooftop. Tristan then contacted Alexandria. Letting her know he was free. She told him where they were, and what they found on Tabitha. Tristan said he would met them on the backside of Central Park.
Like Eric, Alexandria wasn't surprised to see the control device. The girl was extremely powerful and she could of wiped out Block's men easily. When she saw the Green Hornet, Alexandria could see the shock on her face and it was only thanks to her careful control that she kept her amusement hidden. She let Eric take Tristan from her and she stood there calmly as he spoke of this deal benefiting everyone involved. As Tristan, acting as Eric, began to ask what was happening, who was talking and even saying that his sister would give them anything they wanted, Alexandria could feel her protective side rearing up a little bit but she was still, reminding herself mentally that she had to keep character and she had faith in Tristans abilities. Once the men had Tristan and they placed him inside before climbing inside themselves, she released a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Eric soon met her near the drivers side door and he spoke of it having gone too smoothly and she nodded in agreement about something being off. "You're right." she told him before getting into the drivers seat and with Eric and Tabitha in the car, she took off away from the warehouse. As she drove, she was given orders to activate the scanning device and she nodded. This device would find tracking devices on Tabitha. So she turned it on and it began to scan the girl. When she got the results back, Alexandria frowned to herself. "The scan is complete. It says that there are three on her." she told Eric while focusing on her driving. She was amazing at controlling the fast car, even when she was doing other things. "They are in her shoes and clothes."

While she was driving, she finally heard from Tristan and she sighed while smiling to herself when he told her that he was free. Hearing this let her relax completely and she told him where they were and that they had found tracking devices on Tabitha. To this, he told her that he would meet them on the backside of Central Park and she told him that they'd see him there. With this, she changed what direction they were heading.
Eric listened as Alexandria spoke of finding three tracking device on Tabitha. Clearly this was the double cross. Block planned on keeping Eric Reed, and getting Tabitha back. He would discover where the Green Hornet was using as a base, then attack the place in force. Not surprising since Block was a crime boss. The man may play as a businessman, but he was nothing more then as criminal at heart. Meeting at a public place seemed like a good idea. They could free Tabitha of the devices tracking her, then take her home. As Alexandria drove towards Central Park. Eric pulled Tabitha's sneakers off. The young woman protested. Calling Green Hornet all types of dirty names. None of which would surprise Alexandria. She knew Tabitha was a street girl. A girl who had no understanding of manners or self control. This was because of the life she led, living on the streets and having come from a poor family. Social graces weren't important when survival was all that mattered.

Eric looked the sneakers over, but he couldn't see where the tracking device were placed. " The trackers must be inside the shoes.......We'll have to dump them. " Eric's words brought a nasty reply from Tabitha. " Look asshole!......Those shoes cost me a pretty penny.......Mr. Block had them ordered especially for me!.......I worked my ass to get them and I'm not about to let you and your goth bitch toss them! " Tabitha hissed out. She started fighting with Eric in the backseat. After Alexandria stopped the car, to help Eric get the young woman under control. Tabitha bolted from the car. She ran into Central Park, but didn't get far. Tristan appeared in front of the girl in his normal form. The form he was born with. " Going somewhere? " Tristan asked while grabbing Tabitha. He then forced her back to where Alexandria had pulled Black Beauty over. Eric & Tristan then shoved Tabitha back into the car. Alexandria was then asked, by Eric to find the last tracker. Easier for her since she knew where to look. Eric then asked Tristan to get rid of the sneakers. Tristan took off running with the shoes. Block's men were closing in on where the trackers were leading them. It didn't take longer for them to realize they were heading for Central Park.
After she told Eric about the three tracking devices, she continued driving while Eric pulled Tabitha's sneakers off. Alexandria could hear the young woman protesting, calling Green Hornet all sorts of dirty names, making the shifter roll her eyes. She knew that Tabitha was a girl of the streets. That she didn't understand manners nor self control. She'd seen this kind of behavior plenty of times in the past with others from the street. To the girl, social graces weren't important when survival was top priority. Eric was looking the sneakers over and when he couldn't see where the tracking device was placed, he said that they must be hidden inside of the shoes. That they would have to dump them.

This comment did not go over well with Tabitha. The girl began fighting with Eric in the backseat and when Alexandria pulled the car to a stop in order to help Eric, Tabitha bolted. The girl got out of the car and took off into Central Park. However, the girl didn't get too far before Tristan appeared and caught her, leading her back towards where Alexandria had pulled over. By the time he had brought her back, Alexandria was already out of the car waiting for them and she looked Tristan over. She was pleased to see he was okay. Alexandria was asked by Eric to find the last tracker and she nodded before slipping into the back of the car where Tabitha had been shoved. Meanwhile, Triastan took the sneakers and took off running with them.

In the back seat with Tabitha, Alexandria began to search Tabitha, running her hands along the sewn hems of the girls clothing. The tracking device could be just about anywhere on the girl, but thanks to the scan that she had performed on the girl, she quickly found it. Of course, the young woman didn't cooperate with Alexandria, something that the women was expecting. However, Alexandria easily kept control of the young woman. Once she found the device which had been sewn into the hem of her top, Alexandria made quick work of removing it from the girl. "It's nothing none of us haven't seen before." she lamely told the girl. "But we'll get you a new top." As she spoke, she tossed the shirt out of the car to Eric. If she could of, she might of been about to use her elemental powers to try and destroy the tracking device. But since she couldn't, they had to just get rid of the shirt itself.
Alexandria was keeping her cover. This is why she didn't use her element powers. Tristan was no longer in the same position. As the shirt came flying out from the backseat. Eric caught it and tossed it to Tristan. Inside the car, Tabitha looked like she'd been in a wrestling match, which she had been. " Is this how you and your boss get your jolly's off!? " Tabitha snapped at the Asian woman seated beside her. Outside the car, Eric asked Tristan to remove the tracker and destroy it. Tristan turned his finger into a blade. He cut the tracker from the shirt, then tossed it back to Eric. The shirt was then handed back to Alexandria. Tristan then used his electrical powers and fired the tracker. It was now dead. But, they weren't out of the woods just yet. Eric looked over and watched as a pair of black SUV's pulled up. Four men jumped from both vehicles, eight men total.

" We've got trouble. " Eric spoke as he moved away from the car. He knew Alexandria would be coming out. The eight men were armed and started approaching where Black Beauty was parked. The numbers were certainly against them at this point, but they had Tristan on their side. Eric gave Tristan a nod. The young man then shifted into air, and disappeared from sight. He moved to where Block's men now stood. They were demanding that Tabitha be handed over. Suddenly, the area surrounding these man became thick with smoke. Tristan had shifted into smoke from his air form. Eric told Alexandria this was their chance to attack. He leaped over Black Beauty. Slamming into several men. Block's men were disorganized by the smoke. Once Alexandria joined the fight. Tristan changed back into a human form and started fighting as well. Eight against three wasn't normally good odds, but Eric, Alexandria & Tristan were skilled fighters. However during the fight, Tabitha saw her chance to escape. She jumped from the car and started running. Tristan announced that Tabitha was trying to get away again. As Eric & Tristan continued to take down Block's men. Alexandria was asked to catch the young woman and bring her back. She could use any means to subdue Tabitha and bring her back.
While Alexandria was enjoying this change in their routine from going around as Scarlet Cat and Raven, it was a tad bit frustrating to not be able to use all her natural abilities. She had to admit that perhaps she relied upon them a bit too much when fighting and she did admit to herself that they had gotten her into too much trouble lately. As she wrestled Tabitha in the backseat of the car, Alexandria wasn't even phased as her hat was knocked off in the scuffle between her and the young woman. In the end, Tabitha was the one who looked worse for wear and she had tossed the shirt out of the car. When Tabitha snapped at the Asian woman and asked if that was how she and her boss got their jolly's off, Alexandria looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Sweetheart, unless your about to grow a dick, your not even my type." she told the girl just in time to catch the shirt that Eric handed back in. What Alexandria said wasn't anywhere close to being true, the woman having had many lovers of both the male and female gender, as well as in-between, but that was something she didn't take part in often. However, Tabitha didn't need to know that the woman next to her was willing to fuck both men and women. It was just another way to keep her cover for now.

With Tabitha's shirt in hand, Alexandria dropped it into the girls lap before she heard Eric speak of them having trouble. She knew this long before the SUV's pulled up, having heard the approaching vehicles. With the SUV's there, Alexandria stepped out of the car, closing the door behind her while she slipped her hat back onto her head, her gaze sweeping over the eight men who were armed and approaching the Black Beauty. Green Hornet and Kato were outnumbered, to be sure, but they still had Tristan on their side and after Eric nodded to him, Tristan shifted into air and disappeared. Alexandria could feel him as the air changed as he moved to where Block's men were now standing. They were demanding that Tabitha be handed over. However, soon the area around the men were becoming thick with smoke and Alexandria smirked slightly before the moved in to attack.

Once Alexandria leapt at her opponents, Tristan soon joined the fight and the trio began to take down Blocks men. However, while they were fighting, Tabitha decided to make a run for it again and when Tristan announced she was running again, Alexandria growled softly to herself and once she was asked to catch the young woman, she took off after the girl. While Tabitha was quick, Alexandria was faster as she followed the girls footsteps. She chased Tabitha across the grass of central Park before she grabbed onto the girls arm and with a quick blow to the nape of her neck, Alexandria dropped the girl. The blow had quickly knocked the young woman out and with her now unconscious, she hoisted the girl up into her arms and started back to the car. Upon reaching Black Beauty, Alexandria placed the girl into the backseat before once again rejoining the fight, though there wasn't much of a fight left over. Between the three family members, they were able to take down Block's men.

With the threat out of the way, they got back into the car and headed back for the cave. "As much as I hate to suggest it, perhaps we should keep that power suppressor on our guest until we come to an understanding." she told Eric and Tristan as she drove them home. "I would hate for anyone to get hurt or for damage to be done to the manor because she lashes out." Back at the manor, she drove into the cave and parked the car.
Most of Block's men were down when Alexandria took off after Tabitha. The young woman had no idea she was being exchanged. Block never told her since he never planned on letting Green Hornet take her. He planned on having her back, and having Eric Reed. Sadly for Block, he would end up with neither. Block would also find out he'd lost all evidence on Tabitha. The virus Image came up with worked like a charm. It wiped away all files which had anything to do with Tabitha Stevens. The virus then wiped away all traces of itself from the infected computers. Block would be one very upset man on this evening.

On the return trip home. Alexandria suggested they keep the collar on Tabitha. At least until she was calm and understood what had happened. Eric had thought about the damage Tabitha could do. The plasma orbs she created were powerful and could have caused major damage to the manor. James was very protective about the old house. A house which had been in the Reed Family since it was built over a century and a half ago. He wouldn't have been happy if a fight broke out and something irreplaceable was destroyed. And the old house was full of irreplaceable items, many were antique which couldn't be replaced. Eric agreed with Alexandria. They would keep the collar on Tabitha. This was a good idea, but for another reason. Neither Eric or Alexandria knew the collar was booby trapped with an explosive device. Only a scan of the collar would reveal the tiny explosive, which was large enough to blow Tabitha's head off.

Since they had freed Tabitha. Eric said they didn't need to be Green Hornet & Kato anymore. The roles had served their purpose. This didn't mean they would never take up the roles again. It just meant that at the moment. The Green Hornet & Kato would drop out of sight once again. Alexandria drove Black Beauty back into the cave. Once the car was parked, Tristan & Eric helped Tabitha out of the car. The blow Alexandria gave her, kept the young woman out for the trip home. She was taken into the medical bay while Tristan gave Image the tracking device taken from Tabitha's shirt. He told the android that Eric wanted the tracker scanned to see where it came from. Someone had to make the device and somehow the device fell into Block's hands. Eric wanted to know who and how this all happened.

Eric put an IV into Tabitha's arm. He then started scanning her body in case she had any weapons on her. This is when the explosive device in her collar was detected. An alarm sounded, then the computer spoke out a waning about the explosive. Normally, such collars weren't equipped with an explosive. Block had one implanted. Eric told Alexandria he couldn't remove the collar, not without blowing Tabitha's head off. They would need Image to remove it when it was time. Eric changed into some normal clothing. Then, they waited for Tabitha to come around. When she did, she was truly lost as to what was going on. " Who the hell are you people!?.......Are you planning on stealing my kidneys and selling them!? " Tabitha asked as she struggled against the belts which held her down on the exam table.
James' protectiveness about their home was known and understood by the family. He took pride in his work of taking care of the Reed Family home which had been in the family for a long time. The Reed Family had built it and it held not just history in the way of memories, but history in the way of antiques and priceless items gathered by the family. Things that could never be replaced. There were even a couple items in the house from when she'd been with Eric's uncle. There had been times when she had to go away for work, but she always brought something back with her as a gift to him. Whether it was artwork or some other memento of her time away. After the attack many months back that had destroyed not just several window and a wall in the manor but damaged several antiques, Alexandria was quite protective of her home as well. On top of that, but her children could be placed at risk if Tabitha was allowed access to her powers too soon.

The woman drove them home and after parking Black Beauty, she got out and she watched as Tristan and Eric pulled Tabitha's still unconscious body out of the car. The blow she'd given her was hard enough that she would be out for a while yet and the young woman would probably have a little bit of a headache when she woke up. While the men took care of moving her into the medical bay, Alexandria took care of making sure the car was properly put away before she joined them in the med-bay. Eric was putting an IV into Tabitha's arm and Alexandria stood to the side as he began scanning her body.

When an alarm sounded, followed by the computer warning about the explosive, Alexandria frowned to herself while removing her hat and she huffed softly. That Block had placed such a dangerous device around the girls neck wasn't surprising, but it was a tad frustrating. She nodded after Eric told her that he couldn't remove the collar without harming Tabitha and she told him she understood. "We'll have to be extremely careful about his then." she told him. With that she turned and went to change. She changed into a pair of loose black lounge pants and a light, pale grey sweater before rejoining Eric to wait for Tabitha to come around.

By the time she did return to consciousness, Alexandria was sitting in a chair a couple feet from the exam table she was laying on, a book in her hand. She calmly continued reading even as Tabitha began questioning them while struggling against the bonds. "We have no use for your kidneys." she softly told the girl. "Nor for selling them." She marked her spot and set the book aside before looking at the girl. "Your... boss, Mr. Block sold you. However, he didn't want to fulfill his end of the deal and was going to take you back. To enslave you again, by double crossing the man that he'd sold you to. Not a good idea, by the way. Now, if you'll calm down all the way, we'll be able to tell you why you're currently strapped down to that table. Think you can calm down enough to talk?"
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