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League of Heroes........Guardians of Earth (Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster)

Once she left the service road and turned onto the coast highway, Alexandria began to pick up speed. She watched the road and the speed she was at as the car sped down the highway. She was getting a feel for the car, having never driven it before and she knew that she needed to know what the Black Beauty could do before they had to escape from someone. The car was easily one of the fastest that Alexandria had ever driven. As she drove, Eric commented about how different this was and she laughed softly, grinning to herself as she drove but she never took her eyes off the road. If she were going slower she might of, but going at this speed, she wasn't about to risk their lives. She understood what he meant though. Normally if they were driving, it was normally to go to work at Reed Enterprises or the Reed Family Foundations. Sometimes Alexandria might take her bike out for a spin. But any other time, they were being driven in one of the family cars. Unless they were heading into the city for their night work. Then they usually flew into the city and even then it was in different outfits.

Eric told her what their first target was. Tony Paris and his drug operation which took place out of an ice cream factory. He told her that he'd come upon this information and had been planning to let Street Devil take care of it, but with their new plan, they would shut the place down themselves. Once told where the factory was, she nodded and changed their course, heading out for the factory. As she drove, it was obvious that she was really good at handling a car, which wasn't altogether surprising considering her age and how long she'd been driving. With the speed they were going, it wouldn't take them long to get to the ice cream factory. However, as they got closer to the city, she did slow down. After all, it wouldn't do to gain the attention of the police right away and she didn't want to cause accidents, even with the lower amount of traffic.
Black Beauty looked like a fancy limousine, which is what those who saw thought. That someone rich was riding around in their car. This wasn't far from the truth, but the truth isn't always what most think it is. No one noticed the odd looking green headlights as the car rolled through the city. Alexandria finally reach the factory. She pulled the car over, parking it where they could watch the place. Eric spoke of this place having just opened. It was a new operation for Tony Paris to spread drugs around to the dealers who worked for him. Eric said after hitting this place, they would go after a coupe of those dealers. Both incidents would get the attention of Tony Paris. They would then move on to another target. Eric said would only be roughing the thugs up. He wanted them to know who did this. So, they would have to make it clear the Green Hornet was muscling in.

Over the next 30 minutes, Eric & Alexandria watched the ice cream trucks returning from their delivery routes. Each truck had one driver and Image said scans showed the building had 12 men inside. That was one man from the six trucks, plus four who were guarding the factory. Image said all the men were gathered in the garage. It was great having eyes in the sky. Image was using a Reed satellite to scan the factory. " Okay......Let's go Alexandria. " Eric spoke as he opened the rear door, then stepped out into the street. " We'll break into the garage......Take them by surprise......Beat the hell out of them then you use one of your flash bang darts to set the drugs stash on fire. " Eric knew the drugs wouldn't take much to go up in flames. There was enough explosive power in the flash bang to start a fire. Eric & Alexandria approached the garage doors. They each grabbed a door and flung it open. Eric & Alexandria charged in taking the 12 men by surprise. A fight quickly broke out, but these were hired thugs and not trained fighters. They would be not match for Eric & Alexandria.
The Black Beauty rolled smoothly through the city. It drew a couple passing glances because of it looking like a fancy limousine, but that was it. No one took any real notice of it since limousines weren't an uncommon sight in this city. As a matter of fact, they were quite common and they were seen all the time. Reaching the factory, Alexandria pulled the car over and parked it where they could watch their first target. She was told by Eric that the place had just opened and it was a new operation for Tony Paris so he could spread his drugs around to dealers who worked for him. She was told that after hitting this place, they would be going after a couple of the drug dealers and they would only be roughing up the thugs and that was it. Their intention was for them to know who did this and the thugs would turn and let Tony Paris know.

They sat in the car watching the factory for a while, watching as the ice cream trucks returned from their delivery routes. They were soon informed by Image that a scan showed 12 min inside the building. Once Eric was ready and he opened the rear door, she opened the drivers side door and stepped out. Eric was telling them that they were going to break into the garage, take the men by surprise and beat the hell out of them before she was to set fire to the stash of drugs with the use of one of her flash bang darts.

With her instructions, the two of them approached the garage doors and working together, they each grabbed a door and flung it open before charging inside. They had the element of surprise on their side, so the men inside didn't resist and fight back at first, but when they finally snapped out of it, a fight quickly broke out as Eric and Alexandria attacked them. Unlike Alexandria and Eric, these thugs weren't trained in fighting and self defense, so they didn't stand much of a chance against the two as they fought against the men. Alexandria fell back into her old fighting styles from back when she was a legit criminal, her body moving quickly and gracefully as she landed blow after blow against her enemies.
When the garage doors were pulled open and Eric & Alexandria rushed inside. They found 8 of the 12 men seated at a table playing cards and drinking beers. The other four were standing around watching the poker game. None seemed concern when the garage doors came open. That changed when they saw two masked intruders rushing towards them. Eric & Alexandria had many years of training to become the heroes they were. Each had mastered several fighting styles. Alexandria tended use a more classic style of martial arts. Something more fitting since she was playing a new version of the original Kato. She was graceful while kicking the asses of the men she fought. Some of her moves looked almost like dance moves. Alexandria delivered a spin kick, then took out a man with a wicked punch to his head. Another man was dropped with a back kick. Eric was using more of an MMA style of fighting. Tony Paris's thugs were dropping like ten pins.

Perhaps 5 minutes later, the fight was over. The only two left standing were Eric & Alexandria. " Do it......Burn the place. " Eric spoke to Alexandria. He then grabbed one of Paris's men from the floor. The man was dazed but not out. Eric pulled a small round disk from his coat. This disk had the symbol of the Green Hornet on it. " You tell your boss.....The Green Hornet is back in town....I'm going to take back everything that was once mine.......Your boss and several others will be hearing more from me.......They have what I want. " Eric spoke while showing the man the symbol on the disk. That disk was then shoved into the man's shirt pocket. Smoke was already pouring from the rear. The chemicals used to make the drugs, caught fire just as Eric had thought. Eric dropped the man to the floor. " If I were you......I'd get the hell out of here. " Eric spoke to the man before he and Alexandria ran outside, heading for their car. As Black Beauty pulled away. Tony Paris's men staggered out into the street. Smoke and flames followed them. They watched as the black car disappeared from sight. Tony Paris just lost over $15 million dollars worth of drugs, already made and still in chemical form. He wouldn't be a happy man.

Image hacked into the police database and found several dealers who worked for Tony Paris. One was a man known as Fizzy. Image told Eric & Alexandria where they could find Fizzy. Alexandria drove passed the man standing on a street corner. Eric had her take the car around the block and park in the alley near to where Fizzy was pushing. " Go grab Fizzy and bring him back here. " Eric spoke as he climbed from the car. As Alexandria went to get Fizzy. Eric stood in front of the car, his hands crossed behind his back.
Rushing into the garage with Eric, Alexandria quickly spotted eight of the men sitting at the table while the other four were watching the game play out. At first the group weren't worried when the garage doors opened, but that all changed when they caught sight of the two masked intruders rushing them. Over the years, Alexandria had learned many different forms of fighting, from the kind of fighting done on the streets, to pretty much every martial arts available. Tristan's father had wanted to ensure that his prized assassin had every method of fighting available to her and she learned all of it. However, she usually favored the more classic styles of martial arts. These forms were rather fitting considering who she was playing now.

As she fought them men, her movements were graceful but powerful and caused plenty of damage. She easily beat down the men coming at her, using a spin kick followed by a punch to take out one man before she took out another with a back kick. While she and Eric were so different in their styles of fighting, they still seemed to go together as she moved around each other with a practiced ease. The fighting lasted at most, five minutes before they had all but two of the men taken out. When she was told to burn the place, Alexandria looked at Eric before nodding. Stepping away from him while he moved to one of the men, she retrieved one of her flash bang darts and she threw it. It wasn't long before a fire was beginning to spread and she returned to Erics side just in time. Moments later, they ran outside and head to the car. She reached it first and was in the front seat, starting the car up and once Eric was in, she pulled away.

While she drove away from the burning factory, Image was soon in contact with them, letting them know of the whereabouts of several of Tony Paris' dealers and Alexandria adjusted the route she was taking to take them past one of them. Sure enough, they passed one of the men standing on a street corner. She parked the car around the block and in an alley not far from where Fizzy was pushing and Eric told her to go grab Fizzy and return with him. "Sure thing." she said before getting out of the car. Leaving Eric behind, Alexandria left the alley and made her way around the corner to where Fizzy was. Coming up slightly from behind, she called out to him as she got close and when he turned to face her, he was met with a quick punch to the face. It wasn't enough to knock him out, but it was enough to stun him long enough to grab his arm and twist it behind his back. With a firm grip on the dealer, Alexandria began to lead him back to where Eric was waiting. "My boss wants a word with you." she said, her voice soft with an Asian accent.
Eric didn't have to wait long. Alexandria had control of Fizzy. The man was making some very empty verbal threats that his boss would make the unknown Asian woman pay. The threats came in between his complaints that the woman was hurting him. " Not so rough! " The man bitched. Obviously, Alexandria was putting a bit more pressure on the man's arm. Making his trip into the alley more uncomfortable. Fizzy suddenly went silent after Alexandria push him towards Eric. Who was standing there in his green mask, green hat, green overcoat and black leather gloves. " Tonight could have been your last night.......I could of had my girl break your neck......You never would have seen it coming. " Eric spoke after he grabbed Fizzy by the shirt, pulling the man closer. " There's a new boss in town.......Let Tony Paris know his days are numbered.......The Green Hornet is back! " Eric growled out. He then shoved Fizzy back against a dumpster. The man hit hard with a thud. Eric then told Fizzy to empty all his pockets. " You're out of the drug pushing business forever......Don't let me catch you on my streets again......My girl won't be so gentle next time. " Eric added while Fizzy dumped the packets of drugs, and a huge wad of cash onto the ground. Alexandria looked very intimidating as she stood staring at Fizzy. Her stare was a cold one.

Eric gave Fizzy another disk with the Green Hornet symbol on it. He told Fizzy to make sure his boss got that. " Oh and in case you think I'm just messing with you........You're gonna get a painful lesson. " Eric spoke before he turned to Alexandria. " Hurt him. " Eric said with a sly smile. He then bent down and picked up the bags of drugs and the wad of cash. From out of nowhere, Fizzy was nailed with a kick to his jaw. Alexandria's move was so quick. Fizzy never saw it coming. Alexandria knocked three of Fizzy's teeth out with one blow. Fizzy's mouth filled with blood as Alexandria delivered several more wicked shots, leaving Fizzy laying on the ground.

Returning to the car, Eric spoke of having about $5,000 dollars in that wad. " I think we can find a better use for Mr. Paris's money. " Eric spoke as his slipped the cash into his coat pocket. The drugs would get destroyed, the money would be given away to the needy. That would be a fitting end for this drug money. Once in the car, Alexandria pulled away. Over the next few hours. Eric & Alexandria took down five more pushers working for Tony Paris. Each was roughed up. Their drugs, money and any weapons taken. Each was life with a disk and a message for Tony Paris. The Green Hornet was back in town. Later on that night, Eric & Alexandria returned to the cave. They had over $50,000 dollars in cash which once belonged to Tony Paris. They destroyed over $15 million dollars worth of drugs. The money they took, would go to the poor. The evening had gone well. Eric said their next target would be Rico Jones.
As Alexandria escorted Fizzy back to where Eric waited, she listened to his threats and any time he complained about her hurting him, she would roll her eyes and tighten her grip on his wrist just a bit more. His complaints didn't effect her except to annoy the woman a bit. Finally she reached Eric and she shoved the man forward, making him stumble a bit before he saw Eric and he fell silent while Eric spoke about how he could of had his girl break the mans neck and he never would of seen it coming. Alexandria stood calmly off to the side, her arms crossed over her chest while Eric spoke to the dealer, watching carefully as he manhandled him. As Fizzy then emptied his pockets, she watched as packets of drugs and a huge wad of cash fell to the ground at his feet and her gaze returned to the man dropping the drugs.

Eric once again handed out a disk with the Green Hornet symbol upon it and he told Fizzy to make sure Tony Paris got it. Finally he gave her orders to hurt Fizzy. Without even saying anything, Alexandria moved in and she kicked Fizzy in the jaw, hard. She both heard and felt when the mans teeth broke, the sound of his jaw snapping shut filling the alleyway before she hit him several more times and she watched as the man fell to the ground. Satisfied with her work, she stepped back and moved over to the car while Eric spoke of having about five grand and he spoke of them finding a better use for Mr. Paris's money.

The two of them got into the car and they drove off, leaving Fizzy there in the alley. After that, they spent the next couple of hours doing the same thing for several other pushers, each one getting roughed up, their drugs, money and weapons taken and each one left with a Green Hornet disk. Finally they returned home where Alexandria destroyed the drugs and they counted the money. Money which would be going to the needy. She was then told that their next target would be Rico Jones and she agreed. "How quickly do you think Paris will react?" she asked him as she changed back to her Reed form.
Eric guessed that Paris would want to react quickly. But, what would be strike back against? It wasn't like the Green Hornet had a base which people knew of. " It's possible Paris could think this attack was from another one of the bosses.......He could think Jones, Tyco or even Pharaoh was behind the attacks......Paris may lash out at one of them. " Eric spoke while his mind was still going over all the possibilities. " He won't accept the truth until we've hit the others.......But our goal is gaining the attention of Cyrus Block........The more trouble we cause with the other bosses........The faster Block will take us as a serious threat......When we do get a meeting with the big man.....We'll know we have his full attention. " Eric spoke before putting an arm around Alexandria's waist. " You know......You looked like you were having fun out there.......Being the bad girl again. " Eric joked as he an Alexandria walked towards the elevator.

Eric stopped just before the elevator doors. He pulled something from his pants pocket and dropped down to one knee. " I've been thinking about this for a long time Alexandria.......I want to marry you......The real you......Not the Catlin you. " Eric spoke while looking up at Alexandria, holding a ring. They'd talked about Eric marrying Catlin before their second child was born. They even talked about ending Catlin afterwards. However, Eric was talking about marrying Alexandria. The real Alexandria and not one of her forms. Eric said he didn't want Alexandria to change anything or give up anything. She could still fuck anyone she wanted, whenever she wanted. He wanted her to always be who and what she was. This meant letting Alexandria have as many lovers as she wanted. Eric didn't mind. He already shared her with whomever she wanted. " Alexandria.......The real Alexandria......Will you marry me? " Eric finally asked the question, then waited for Alexandria's reply.
Alexandria was thinking along the same lines as Eric when it came to how quickly Paris would react. However, the question was, who would he strike back against? After all, the whereabouts of the Green Hornet were unknown and unlike the rest of the cities crime bosses, they didn't have a known headquarters nor was it known as to what the Green Hornet did. As Eric spoke, she removed her mask and hat, putting it away and she ran her fingers through her now long hair, the dark locks falling around her shoulders. In her Reed form, just like her natural form, she had pin-straight dark brown, almost black hair. Alexandria found it slightly amusing to think that Paris would strike out against the other crime bosses in retaliation to what she and Eric were doing. It was like stirring a hornets nest because it would start the men to fight amongst themselves until they all accepted the truth. "Then we better cause as much trouble as we can for the other bosses." she told him.

When he slipped an arm around her waist, Alexandria moved closer to him while smiling and she looked up at him as he joked about her looking like she was having fun out there. "Well, I won't deny that there is always a side of me that likes being the bad girl." she softly told him as they started towards the elevator. "After all, I've spent most of my life as the bad girl." This was true. Even when she was helping Cap during WW2, she was still a bad girl. It wasn't really until after she met Eric's uncle that she began to ease off of being bad and it was only after joining Eric that she did give it up. And her feline side liked being bad too. Her feline side showed more when she was being bad.

Just before they reached the elevator doors, Eric stopped and she looked at him as he pulled something from his pants pocket and she felt her heart skip a beat when he dropped to one knee. Her eyes widened a bit as he began speaking about wanting to marry her. The real Alexandria and not her Caitlin form. They had talked about Eric and Caitlin marrying before the second child was born and then ending Caitlin afterwards. It had been strange for Alexandria to talk about pretty much killing herself in a way, but she had admitted to Eric that she felt she was being pulled in too many directions with Caitlin in the picture.

However, Eric was now talking about marrying the true Alexandria and not one of her many forms. He went on to tell her that he didn't want her to change in anyway nor give anything up. He was telling her that she could continue to take on any lovers she wanted and that he wanted her to be who and what she was. When he as her if she would marry him, she gave a short laugh and covered her mouth for a moment before placing her hands on either side of his face and she kissed him softly for a moment. "Of course." she said softly, a happy smile on her face. "Yes. Yes, I'll marry you." she said, this time talking louder. There were happy tears in her eyes and if anyone would ever ask in the future, she would always insist that it was hormones from the baby. But part of the truth was that even though she knew that Eric and the rest of the family loved her deeply, there would always be that small part of her that believed that no one wanted her because of how her parents had treated her as a child. So Eric asking the real Alexandria to marry her made her much happier then most anything else ever had in her life.
Eric & Alexandria just made each other very happy. However, even Alexandria didn't know the full truth of her past. She and her family knew part of it, but her real parentage was unknown. The people Alexandria thought were her parents, the people who gave her up because they thought she was a monster. They weren't Alexandria's birth parents, just the people who raised her. This was the true reason why they shunned her. Casting her away from their house. They didn't know the child they accepted was a mutant. Though, they could have loved the child anyway. They reacted with fear when her feline side began showing. Thinking they had some demon child. Alexandria's real father would be returning soon enough. His return is linked to a plot Madame Wu was currently working on. The same plot which brought her Black Hand to America, and foraged an alliance with Baron Blood & LEGION.

Eric placed the ring on Alexandria's finger. Their marriage would have to be kept private. Their public believed them to be brother & sister. So, they would have two weddings. A public one where Eric marries Catlin, and a private one where he marries Alexandria. They walked hand in hand into the elevator. Exiting once they reached the manor. Most of the family was seated in the living room when Eric & Alexandria appeared. Eric let Alexandria share the special news with everyone. Champagne was popped and glasses handed out. Alexandria had juice because she was pregnant with her third child.
The truth of her past would be brought to light soon enough and how that effected her was yet to be known. All of her life, Alexandria had believed that the people who had cast her out were her parents. After all, she had looked a lot like them. She had been raised for the first couple of years of her life in Russia, which was something of a surprise to some people who learned this small tidbit of fact. But after being chased out of not just her home, but her village when she was barely into her teens, she'd been found and raised by Tristan's father who had taken her under his wing, raised her and trained her as a spy and assassin. Something she excelled in. She was one of the best in that field. But soon enough she would learn that her real father was someone else.

After Alexandria said yes, Eric placed the ring on her finger and she happily kissed him again. Because the public believed she was his sister, their true marriage would have to be kept private, something that they were used to with their lives. But they would have to hold two weddings. One for Eric's public marriage to Caitlin and a private one for Alexandria and him. With their hands linked, Alexandria rested her head against his shoulder while they walked onto the elevator, the smile never leaving her face. She knew that she would have to switch which hand she wore her ring on when in public, but she wouldn't remove it at all except for their night work.

Once in the manor, they joined the family in the living room where Alexandria happily told them the wonderful new of them being officially engaged. The family celebrated with some champagne, though Alexandria had some juice. While she knew that with her metabolism, she could of had alcohol, she preferred to err on the side of caution when it came to her baby. She didn't want to take any chances with harming it.
There was a small celebration after Alexandria shared the news of the engagement. The family was very happy that Eric & Alexandria were to marry. They were all aware of the plan for Eric to marry Catlin, but they also knew the plan where Catlin would die during child birth. Everyone was pleased that Eric & Alexandria would remain married and the marriage wasn't just for show. Once the small celebration was over. Eric & Alexandria went upstairs together. She would join her husband to be in his bed. Their rooms had always been near to each other. The newly engaged couple made love for several hours before falling asleep. The following morning, they woke in each other's arms. They made love again, then showered together. Both had busy days ahead at the office, but it was their night work this evening they were really thinking about. While Eric & Alexandria were working. Image combed through police files on Rice Jones and his operation. This included tips which came on the crime hotline. One tip spoke of Rico Jones working with the Yakuza boss Masi Sato, trafficking Japanese girls for use in Sato's whorehouses. The tip spoke of the girls being brought into New York by submarine. The tipster, who didn't gave a name, gave Pier 47 as the location. Image thought this would make for a good hit. Since two crime bosses were involved

The afternoon news brought a story which Eric & Alexandria were expecting. The reporter spoke of the police investigating an attack by crime boss Tony Paris on crime boss Roman Tyco. It seems a group of men, believed to be working or Paris, invaded an illegal gambling den run by Tyco. The gambling den was trashed and money taken. It was just as Eric had thought. Tony Paris didn't believe the stories told by his hired thugs. Despite having all those Green Hornet disks which backed up their stories. Tony couldn't accept the truth, so he came up with his own truth. The attack happened later last night. So, Tony didn't wait long before hitting the person he thought hit him. The news was amusing for Eric & Alexandria. Their plan was so far, working perfectly. Later that day. Eric & Alexandria returned home. They spent time with their family, then had dinner. After eating, they went down to the cave to begin their evening. Eric & Alexandria reviewed the information found by Image. They agreed to check out the pier. If Sato was smuggling girls, there was no telling what else he was smuggling into or out of the country. Once Alexandria & Eric were changed and ready to go. They jumped into Black Beauty and roared out of the cave.
The family all celebrated the new engagement between Alexandria and Eric. They were the patriarch and matriarch of their family and while Alexandria's feline side made it clear that Eric was her primary mate, the marriage was something more solid and it was something that they all wanted to happen. After the celebration was over, Alexandria retired with Eric to his bedroom where she joined him in bed. Their rooms have always been close to each other since she moved in with him. Even back at the Penthouse, their rooms were close to each other. Now they spent the night in Erics room, the two of them spending several long hours making love to each other before they fell asleep with Alexandria curled up in Erics arms. The next morning, they once again made love before they showered together. While they did so, Alexandria pointed out the slight bump beginning to form on her belly. It wasn't enough to be obvious to others at first glimpse, but it was a sign that their child was growing. Luckily it wasn't big enough to be obvious to anyone other then those who knew she was pregnant.

After showing, they enjoyed breakfast with the family before they head to work. While they were at work, Image was checking through police files on Rico Jones and his operation. He was one of their next targets. Image soon came upon a tip that Rico Jones and Masi Sato were working together to traffic Japanese girls for Sato to use in his whorehouses. Later that day, Alexandria was visiting Eric in his office when they got word that Tony Paris had attacked Roman Tyco. This made Alexandria laugh in amusement. Just like she and Eric talked about the night before, Paris didn't wait long before striking back and he struck out at one of his fellow crime bosses. This action would cause plenty of bad feelings between the two men.

The two of them returned home later that day and they enjoyed a couple hours with the family and then had dinner, just spending time relaxing before their night work was set to begin. They finally head down to the cave and they reviewed the information that Image had found for them and they both agreed that the tip was as good as any and they would check it out. Alexandria wanted to try to stop these girls from being used in Sato's whore houses and on top of that, if he was smuggling girls, there was no knowing what else he was bringing into the country. So the duo changed into their Green Hornet and Kato persona's before they got into Black Beauty and they head out for the night.
Black Beauty was parked down from Pier 47. Eric & Alexandria then moved in on foot. They went as far on the ground as possible, then climbed up to a nearby roof. This vantage point gave them a view of Pier 47. At a moment like this, Eric wished he was wearing his Raven costume. The helmet would give him the ability to scan the area, and to zoom for a closer look at the two groups of men waiting below. Eric would have to rely on Alexandria's sharp senses. Her feline senses were beyond those of normal humans. Below, two groups of men stood, though they didn't seem to be together. One group was clearly Yakuza, the other belonged to Rico Jones. Despite being on the same pier. Both groups of armed men stayed away from each other. Eric felt this was odd. The tip said Jones was working with Sato, but the tip could have been wrong. The men were waiting on something and that something arrived.

A black manta ray shaped submarine broke the surface, then pulled up to the dock. A hatch opened on the sub, and the villain Manta Ray appeared. A boarding ramp was swung on towards the sub. Another, larger hatch opened. One by one, a group of Japanese girls started to appear from the sub. The women walked single file up the ramp and towards a waiting van. Manta's men brought out a large wooden box. While Sato's men were taking care of the girls. Jones's men went for the box. There was writing on the box. This writing was in Russian, and though Eric could read Russian. He couldn't see what was written on the box. Since Alexandria had the eyes of a cat. She could see the writing better and she knew Russian better then Eric did.
Driving the Black Beauty down to the Pier, she parked it down a ways from Pier 47 before they got out and started towards the pier on foot. They got as close as they could before they climbed up onto a nearby roof where they could see Pier 47 rather well. Alexandria had a slight advantage over Eric at the moment because of her stronger vision. During the day, she had to use special glasses and contact lenses because the day light left her nearly blind without them. But at night, her vision was very strong. She could see things from a very far distance and she could easily see in the dark. As she studied the groups of men down below, Alexandria frowned to herself while she softly spoke to Eric about what she was seeing.

There were two different groups upon the pier. One was clearly Yakuza while the other must belong to Rico Jones. She related all of this to Eric, however, she told him that the two groups were staying well away from each other. As if they wanted nothing to do with each other. "Perhaps they're not working together, but they have a mutual contact?" she suggested to Eric.

Soon enough, a black manta ray shaped submarine broke the surface and she narrowed her gaze while watching the hatch open on the sub and the villain, Manta Ray appeared. "Manta Ray." she murmured. "Looks like he's involved in this as well." While she spoke, a boarding ramp was swung over to the sub while another larger hatch opened up. Moments later, a group of Japanese girls began to appear from the sub and they walked in a single file up the ramp to the waiting van. At the same time, a large wooden box was being unloaded from the sub and it was transferred into the hands of Jones's men. With her vision, she could see the writing on the box fairly well and she recognized it as Russian. SHe read the writing and she softly spoke in Russian before her eyes widened slightly. "High Powered Laser." she said in English. "What does Jones need with a high powered laser?"
Eric wasn't surprised when Manta showed up. Smuggling was his game. Obviously, he was making two deliveries. One to Sato and one to Jones. Though the tip did pan out. It was wrong that these two outfits were working together. Alexandria got Eric's attention when she spoke of a laser being inside the large box. ' That's a very good question......I wish I had an answer. " Eric spoke while Sato's men got the girls into the van. As much as he wanted to help free those girls. The real danger was that laser and whatever Jones planned on doing with it. A man like Jones could cause a lot of trouble with a laser. No bank vault was safe, no jewelry store would keep his men out. " We can't let them leave this pier with that laser. " Eric spoke while he watched Jone's men lugging the large box towards a truck. " Image?.......Bring Black Beauty to us. " Eric spoke, then Image brought the car under his control.

" We gotta move! " Eric spoke as he and Alexandria started to climb down. Once on the ground, Eric pulled the hornet sting from inside his overcoat. He extended the sonic weapon, while they moved towards their target. Black Beauty came around the corner. This drew the attention of everyone else on the pier. The men working for Rico Jones never saw Eric & Alexandria rushing towards them from the darkness. By the time they did, they couldn't stop them. Eric & Alexandria attacked with fists and feet flying. Sato's men noticed the oddly dressed pair, but did nothing to help Rico's men. In fact, they watched as a fight broke out for control over the high powered laser. Eric was using the hornet sting like a baton as he fought. Alexandria was right behind him, taking down men with wicked kicks.
Alexandria wished she had an answer as well. While she watched what was going on down at the pier, she knew without Eric saying anything that there was a choice to make. They could either free the girls or they could go after the laser. It was an unpleasant choice to make, but she knew that they had to keep that laser from leaving the pier because there was an unknown amount of trouble that Jones could cause with it in his possession. He would be able to rob any bank vault or jewelry store he wanted. Not only that, but he could go after places with weapons and she even thought of the vaults at Reed Foundations which another villain had attempted a theft from. So she knew that they would have to go after the Laser instead of the girls.

She heard Eric contact Image and ask him to bring Black Beauty to them before Eric told her that they had to move. With a nod, she moved and slipped down off the roof that they were hiding on. She got down in a faster and easier manner then Eric could because of her natural abilities. Once on the ground, Eric pulled the hornet sting from his coat before he extended the weapon while they moved towards their target. The duo moved swiftly in the shadows while Black Beauty came around the corner and brought the attention of everyone on the pier to it. With the attention on the car, neither Eric nor Alexandria were noticed until it was too late. The pair attacked swiftly with both fists and feet flying.

Alexandria brought several men down rather quickly with a flurry of quick jabs aimed at the right pressure points which incapacitated them to a small extent. Just long enough to deliver a punch or kick to take them down the rest of the way. With the way she moved, some of Sato's men would be able to tell that she was trained in martial arts and she had been trained by some master because some of the moves she used were only taught by true masters. Alexandria herself could probably be considered a master of several fighting styles, but she didn't usually teach others. So far, she'd only taught Tina and Adam proper fighting.
Manta Ray watched the fight start from the deck of his submarine. While Sato's men wouldn't get involved, they weren't targets. Manta saw Rico's men as customers. And as customers, he would help them. It was good for his smuggling business. Manta called for some of his men to come up on deck. He could see the fight was going against Rico's men. These two masked intruders would soon have the laser. Manta ordered his men to fire their weapons at the green and black interlopers. Gunfire erupted from the deck of Manta's sub. Bullets began striking the ground near Eric & Alexandria. This forced them to retreat behind some large metal cans. Normally, Alexandria could just change forms and become something they could hurt with bullets. But, she needed to keep their cover.

Moments after the gunfire started. Police cars began pulling up. Another gun battle started between the police and Sato's men. Eric hadn't expected they would get this deep into trouble. Not after last night had gone so well for them. Manta quickly got his men back into the submarine. The black sub then pulled away quickly from the dock. The gun fight between the police and Sato's men died down. Several of Sato's men were down from the gunfire. A couple of Jones' men got the box holding the laser into their truck. That truck then took off down the pier, heading away from the police. " We gotta get that truck! " Eric's words were spoken as he and Alexandria were already moving towards Black Beauty. They suddenly stopped when a voice from behind yelled for then to freeze. That voice then told them to turn around and raise their hands. Eric & Alexandria slowly turned. Several feet away stood two NYPD detectives, their pistols pointed at them. The two police officers were Detective Carlos Cruz and his partner Detective Mercedes "Misty" Dawson. Eric & Alexandria had spoken about what they would do if encountered by the police. Neither wanted to hurt any officers they might meet. So, it was decided that Alexandria would use one of her tear gas darts to help them escape any police trouble. Eric gave Alexandria a nod of his head. This was the sign for her to take action. Black Beauty was just behind them. The motor was still running and the laser was getting away.
While Alexandria and Eric fought against Rico's men Manta Ray watched as the two strangers attacked his customers. It wouldn't come as a surprise that Manta Ray decided to help Rico's men. He considered them customers and he wouldn't just let them get a beat down without helping. After all, that wasn't good business. It wasn't long before gunfire erupted around them and Alexandria and Eric were forced to retreat behind some large metal cans. Alexandria might of shifted and become something that was hard to hurt with bullets, but they had to keep their cover and not only that, but she'd rather not risk her child as well. They didn't often go against people using guns like this.

Shortly after the gunfire started, police cars began pulling up and then a second gun battle started between the police and Sato's men. Alexandria listening to this, softly hissing under her breath before she glanced at Eric. It wasn't long before Manta got his men back into the submarine and the black sub pulled away. Soon enough though, the sounds of the gunfire began to wane and Alexandria peeked out and she saw that several of Sato's men were down and Rico's men had gotten the box into the truck. That very same truck was taking off down the pier, heading away from them and the police. Eric then said exactly what Alexandria was thinking and she stood up with him, the both of them moving towards Black Beauty.

As they moved, a voice spoke up and ordered them to freeze and then to turn and raise their hands. Alexandria stopped in her tracks before she turned with Eric, her body twisting around as she turned her attention to the two NYPD detective who had their weapons pointed at them. Alexandria turned her head slightly and looked at Eric just in time to see him give a nod of his head. Because she wasn't turned to face them completely, she was able to easily grab one of the darts she carried with her, without them seeing and a second later she threw it. The dart landed on the ground at their feet and seconds later, tear gas began to fill the air around the two detectives.

While this happened, Alexandria grabbed onto Erics hand and pulled him after her towards Black Beauty, releasing his hand once they were close and she got into the drivers side. Once they were both in the car, Alexandria put it in drive and they were soon speeding off after the truck with the laser in it.
Detectives Cruz & Dawson weren't sure what they had here. They'd followed up on the same tip which brought Eric & Alexandria to the pier. The tip didn't say anything about a man dressed in green and a woman dressed in black. Both of them wearing masks. Eric & Alexandria didn't have time to answer questions. That would allow the truck to get away and put that laser into the hands of Rico Jones. Alexandria tossed the dart, which struck the ground right in front of the two detectives. Tear gas drove them backwards, allowing Eric & Alexandria the chance to escape. Once in Black Beauty. The car pulled away and was soon out of sight. Image was already tracking the truck. He was able to tell Alexandria how she could catch up with it. The truck ended up inside a garage in Harlem. Alexandria pulled Black Beauty up and parked it. Image said there were five heat signatures coming from inside the structure. Since only two of Rico's men escaped the pier. This meant the other three had been waiting here. Eric said they were going inside.

The outside door was locked, but Alexandria was a skilled lock pick. Something she picked up while living with Anton Rayne. After he took her in and started training her. After cracking the lock. Eric & Alexandria moved inside. They headed for the work area of the garage, where the truck and the heat signatures came from. Eric got the hornet sting ready. Alexandria then kicked the door open. The pair moved into the garage quickly. The five men were taken by surprise. One of the man was Rico Jones. He'd come to inspect the laser he bought. " Hold it!......Nobody moves and nobody gets hurt! " Eric said as he pointed the hornet sting at the men. One of the men from the truck, said these were to two who tried to take the laser. Rico questioned as to the type of weapon the man with the green mask had. Eric gave him a smirk before firing the hornet sting at a table leg. The table leg exploded, then Eric pointed the weapon back at Rico and his men. The exploding table leg made Rico and his men jump. " Okay so your weapon is nothing to mess with......Just who the hell are you? " Rico asked while he studied the man and woman standing before him. Eric explained that he ws the Green Hornet. This brought a puzzled look to Rico's face. Most of the crime bosses had heard of the Green Hornet. The name was famous in the underworld of New York City. " You can't be the real Green Hornet......That man would be dead by now. " Rico spoke. " In a world where mutants and super powered people are running around......Anything is possible. " Eric replied. This was something Rico could understand.

Rico asked why Green Hornet tried to steal his property? Eric said he was really after the girls Sato brought into the country. " I could make a lot of money selling those girls to whorehouses around the country.......Then I happened to notice what you had delivered......I changed my plans and tried to take the laser. " Eric then added, he could use such a weapon. Rico said the laser cost him a lot of money. Saying he bought it from the Russian mob. He spoke needing the weapon to protect his business from two super powered trouble makers. A man the people of Harlem called Powerman and a woman called Iron Dragon. Eric & Alexandria knew the man to be Lincoln Rhodes. They just recruited Rhodes and his partner to join them against the government. Eric & Alexandria also agreed to help Rhodes & Iron Dragon with whatever Madame Wu and the Black Hand were plotting. Eric told Rico he understood his need for the weapon was greater. He did ask Rico if he could see the laser? Rico nodded his head, then had a couple of his men remove the large box from the truck. Eric handed the hornet sting over to Alexandria. He told her to keep Rico and his men covered. Eric grabbed a crowbar, and forced the lid of the wooden box open. He looked the laser over after removing the lid. It was a high powered laser with Russian Military markings on it. No doubt stolen by the Russian mob.

Eric couldn't be sure if the laser would work on Rhodes. His skin was unbreakable. But, Eric could let a man like Rico have a laser weapon. He could use it for other things. Breaking in banks, jewelry stores and even against the police. Eric said the laser was impressive. Though he knew Reed Enterprises built much better lasers then the one inside the box. Eric spoke of making Rico a deal for the weapon. " I'll match what you paid......Plus I'll add 15% more for your troubles. " Eric's offer was quickly turned down by Rico. He said he needed the weapon now. " That's a shame.......I was hoping this would end on peaceful note. " Eric spoke while pulling his gas gun. He gassed Rico and two others, knocking them out. Eric & Alexandria then took out the remaining two with ease. " Blow a hole in the garage door and let's get this laser out of here. " Eric said while putting his gas gun back into his coat. Alexandria aimed the hornet sting at the large door. A high pitched sound came from the weapon once it was activated. The pitch became louder until a hole was blown in the door. Alexandria then tossed Eric the weapon. They grabbed the laser and the power pack. Once inside Black Beauty. They left Rico and his men behind, without their weapon. Eric & Alexandria started for home.
With the two detectives driven back by the tear gas, Alexandria and Eric were given an opening in order to get away and they took it. Once in the car, Alexandria took off and they were soon out of sight. Image was quickly in contact with them, having already begun to track the truck and he began to direct Alexandria on how she could catch up. With this information, Alexandria soon was pulling up to a garage in Harlem and she parked it. Once there, they were told that there were five heat signatures coming from inside the structure. Two of which were men who had escaped from them, which meant that the rest of them had been waiting for the men and the laser to arrive.

They discovered that the outside door to the garage was locked, but that was no problem for Alexandria. As of yet, there was no lock that Alexandria had been met with, that she couldn't pick. So it only took her a couple of seconds before she was opening the door for Eric. The two of them slipped inside and they headed for the work area of the garage where the truck and the men were. Once Eric had the hornet sting ready, Alexandria took a step back before delivering a hard kick to the door and they hurried inside.

The men inside were taken by surprise by the sudden entrance. They had probably been sure that the two who had attacked on the pier had been lost, but it turned out that this just wasn't so. After entering, Alexandria quickly scanned the area and then looked at the five men. One of which was Rico Jones himself. At her side, Eric had the hornet sting pointed at the men while he spoke, telling them not to move.

When Rico asked about what kind of weapon Eric had, Alexandria glanced at her lover as he smirked and aimed the weapon at a table leg and he fired it. This made the table leg explode and she smirked slightly as well before looking at the men again as Rico questioned who they were. Alexandria stood there as Rico studied the two of them. She stood in a confident yet relaxed manner, one of her hands resting upon her hip which was cocked out a little. And like most everything else she did, Alexandria looked sexy without even having to try.

After Eric announced he was the Green Hornet, Rico claimed this couldn't be so because that man would be dead by now. But Erics reply made his partner nod slightly. One couldn't always tell if someone else was a mutant or had some kind of super power. Like right now, none of the men knew that the woman standing before them was considered a mutant with super powers. They were then questioned as to why they tried to steal his property, to which Eric said he had actually been after the girls that had been brought into the country. Until he saw what had been delivered for Rico, that is. While the men spoke further, Alexandria moved her gaze to the different men in the garage. Watching for them carefully. She was then handed the hornet sting and was told to keep Rico and his men covered. "Of course." she softly said. This was the first time she'd spoken in front of this group.

With the hornet sting in hand, Alexandria pointed it at Rico and his men again while Eric moved forward to inspect the laser. After inspecting it, Eric made an offer for the weapon, telling Rico that he would not only match, but also add 15% more for Rico's troubles. However, instead of taking the generous offer, Rico turned it down and said he needed the weapon now. Clearly this wasn't what Eric had hoped to hear because moments later, the men closest to Eric were all being gassed by Erics other weapon. Alexandria then moved forward and they easily took out the last two men. The men were all knocked out in seconds and Eric and Alexandria moved over to the laser, taking a look at it before Eric told her to blow a hole in the garage door.

Turning, Alexandria aimed the hornet sting at the large door and she fired it. When she first did, the high pitched sound bothered her a little before she quickly turned her hearing devices down while the high pitched sound got louder until a hole was blown in the door. With that done, she tossed the weapon back to Eric before they gathered up the laser and the power pack that went with it and they returned to Black Beauty and they were soon on their way home. Alexandria turned up her hearing devices once again as she got into the car and she put the car in drive. As they headed for home, Alexandria asked Eric what they were going to do with the laser
Eric wasn't really sure what they should do with the laser. Alexandria's question did make him think for a few moments. This laser was pretty poor quality when compared to lasers made by Reed Enterprises. However, being a lower quality weapon, didn't mean it wasn't dangerous. Even today's world with all the fantastic weapons at hand. An old, out of date musket could kill. Eric said they would take it home and put it in storage down in the cave. They had no other use for it, but they couldn't let the laser remain in Rico's hands. That would be like letting a child play with a stick of dynamite. Eric & Alexandria made their hit on Rico Jones, and it was a hit Jones would never forget. He was out a lot of cash, and lost his new toy. By the morning. The news of what happened to Rico, would spread. Tony Paris would begin to understand, his attack against Roman Tyco was wrong. A gang war would be brewing between the two crime bosses. Unless Paris knuckled under and gave back the money his men stole from Tyco. Tony would also have to pay for the damage done to Tyco's gambling den.

As Eric & Alexandria were heading home. They were passing through Chinatown. Eric spotted something out of the ordinary in an alley. He asked Alexandria to go around the block for another look. After Alexandria went around the block. Eric had her slowdown as they approached the alley. They could both see a group of men unloading a delivery truck into the rear of Chinese restaurant. There was a sign on the front of the restaurant, saying it wasn't open for business yet. " This is an odd hour to be making deliveries to a restaurant which isn't even open for business. " Eric spoke, he then asked Alexandria to take the car around and they would come into the alley from the other end. Alexandria brought Black Beauty down the other end of the alley. She and Eric then climbed from the car and moved towards the delivery truck. The truck had no markings. This was another sign something was up. While the men were inside, Eric & Alexandria had a chance to check out what they were taking inside the restaurant. The boxes were all marked with Chinese lettering. Chinese was one area which Eric didn't excel in. However, Alexandria knew Chinese after having spent time living there. She would be able to see the name Madame Wu spelled out in Chinese letters.

Eric & Alexandria just stumbled acrossed Madame Wu's base of operations. She was setting up this new restaurant to be a front for her Black Hand. " Hey you two! " A voice yelled out from behind Eric & Alexandria. The voice spoke in Chinese, not English, but Eric knew they'd be busted. They both turned to see four men standing there. These were the men unloading the truck. The men thought the two wearing masks were trying to steal from the truck. A fight quickly broke out. These men were better trained then the normal thugs hired by the local crime bosses. They put up a better fight for Eric & Alexandria. However, these men were still no match for the brother & sister. Eric & Alexandria left them laying in the alley, as they dashed back to their car. Alexandria put the car into reverse and backed out of the alley. She then headed straight for home. They arrived back at the cave a short time later. Eric stashed the laser before he and Alexandria went up into the manor. Alexandria was troubled by the sight of seeing Madame Wu's name again. Sure, she had heard that her old enemy would be showing up in New York. But, seeing the name written in Chinese brought back so many memories. Alexandria knew just how dangerous this woman was. Madame Wu wore eight power rings on her fingers at all times. These rings made Madame Wu a force to be feared. Eric & Alexandria sat down, with some cups of tea while she spoke of her troubles. Alexandria needed to explain the type of woman Madame Wu was, before she and her family encountered her and her Black Hand.
The answer to her question was to take it home and place it into storage down in the cave and she nodded. "If it's put away, men like Rico can't get their hands on it." she said in agreement. They didn't have any kind of use for the laser, but perhaps some time in the future they could make some kind of use out of it. They had just made a good hit on Rico Jones and soon enough, word would spread to the other crime bosses about this. Rico had lost a lot of money and he'd lost this new weapon. When Tony Paris learned of this, he would have a serious decision to make regarding Roman Tyco. Unless he reimbursed Tyco not just the money he had stolen from him but also paid for the damage done to Tony's gambling den, a gang war would start up. It would be interesting to see if Tony bit the bullet, as it were, and did just this.

On their way home, as Alexandria drove Black Beauty through Chinatown, Eric spotted something down an alley and he had her to circle back around and she sent him a curious look before doing as she was asked. She pulled the car around the block and drove back down that street a second time, slowing down as she approached the alleyway. As they did, they could see a group of men unloading a delivery truck into the back of a Chinese restaurant which wasn't even open yet. "It is quite curious." she told Eric before she was asked to take the car around and they would come into the alley from the other end. So she drove the car around to the other end of the alley and she parked before they got out of the car and moved towards the truck.

As they neared, they could see that there were no markings anywhere on the truck, which just made it all the more suspicious. While the men delivering things were inside the building, they got a chance to check out what was being taken into the restaurant. Looking at the boxes, Alexandria's gaze moved over the Chinese lettering several times. "Shit." she mumbled when she read the name of Madame Wu spelled out in Chinese figures upon the boxes. Before she could say anything else to Eric, a voice yelled out behind them and she turned quickly to see the four men standing there.

Moments later, a fight broke out between the two groups. These men were better trained then the thugs that they had dealt with earlier, but they still weren't as good as Alexandria and Eric. While the fight went on, a young woman appeared in the doorway of the restaurant. She had long dark hair and was dressed in a school girls outfit. The girl looked to be around Tina's age if not a year younger. She stood there in the shadows of the shop, watching as the masked duo fought and beat down the men delivering things. Not once did she move to help nor did she make a sound. After beating up the men, Alexandria spotted her just as the girl disappeared into the restaurant. After seeing her disappear, Alexandria turned and fled with Eric, the two of them rushing back to the car and she put the car in reverse, backing out of the alleyway and taking off for home.

It didn't take them long to reach home and she parked the car in the cave. Eric stashed the laser away and then they head up into the manor. She was troubled and worried after seeing the sight of Madame Wu's name in person. While they had been informed of the woman showing up in New York, Alexandria thought that they would have some time before the woman actually would show signs of being in the city. It was troubling to think of this enemy being in her city. Up in the manor, Alexandria made put a pot of water on for some tea, working in silence while she thought about Madame Wu. It was only after she'd finished making the tea and poured them both some that she began to speak. "Those men, were delivering things for Madame Wu." she finally told Eric. "It seems we've stumbled upon a base of operation for her." Alexandria sighed and sipped her tea before beginning to tell Eric more about the woman and just how dangerous she was.
Eric hadn't seen the young woman standing in the doorway. His back was towards the rear door during most of the fight. Only Alexandria had seen her. Though, at this time, the school didn't seem dangerous. She took no actions to stop either Alexandria or Eric as they won the fight against the men unloading the truck. The girl disappeared as quickly as she appeared. Alexandria and the unknown girl locked eyes for a moment. Eric & Alexandria then took off for their car. A fight and been planned on, but they didn't want to hang around and see what else would happen. Eric & Alexandria returned home. Once there, Alexandria made they some tea. They then sat down for a long talk.

Alexandria started to speak about this Madame Wu. Eric knew the name. She was some type of crime boss, or warlord from China. So feared the reports said. The Chinese Government wouldn't even stand against her. Eric knew from past talks, Alexandria had a background with the woman. He knew of how she was working for Anton Rayne, a man who was an enemy of Madame Wu's. They had competing businesses. Once Madame Wu found out Alexandria was working with Anton Rayne. Alexandria became hunted. Madame Wu sent men to kill Alexandria, but she was able to escape them. After hiding out for a short time in China. Alexandria was able to leave the country and returned to Anton's base. She then left Anton and struck out on her own. Alexandria had often left Anton at different times. She felt better being on her own and this was during that time in her life when building wealth became important to Alexandria. She no longer held a need for building wealth. She had more then enough money. From being a member of the Reed Family, and from the wealth she amassed on her own.
The sight of the girl weighed upon Alexandria's mind, but it didn't seem as important to her as what she'd seen on those boxes. Of course, on the way home, she had mentioned her to Eric. She didn't seem dangerous since she hadn't become involved in the fight. Alexandria suggested that perhaps she was related to one of the men. Her thoughts on the girl were quickly pushed aside however, in exchange for thoughts about Madame Wu herself. The talk about Madame Wu would be similar to the time she had sat and spoken to Eric about Anton Rayne so long ago.

She had a long history with Madame Wu. She told him about everything she knew, both from stories and from experience, about the woman. She told him about how, because she had been working for Anton Rayne the last time she'd had a run in with Wu, the woman wanted Alexandria dead. Not because of anything Alexandria herself did, but because of who she worked for. Part of her hoped that now that she no longer worked for Anton, Madame Wu would no longer want her dead. But she also doubted that this would happen. Alexandria sipped on her tea while she told Eric about how Madame Wu had sent men after her to kill her, but she'd been able to escape them and after hiding out in China for a short time, she'd fled the country and returned to Anton. It had been at that time that Anton had her put under his complete control and she'd been forced to bare his child. After that, she fled from him as well and struck out on her own.

She had, at the time, felt a very deep need to be free of everyone who controlled her and she found that she gained more money when she worked on her own. So for a time she had worked as a hired killer, a spy and a thief. Eric knew of this life that she'd lived. She had amassed quite a fortune over the years working on her own. Eric knew that she had been wealthy before joining the family and she'd told him about a lot of what she had done and had, but the exact extent of what she had stashed away wasn't completely known. But now, she didn't have a need to live a life such as that, because she was now a member of the Reed Family and with that, combined with her own wealth, she actually never had to work again. Alexandria did, however, because she needed to keep busy.
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