League of Heroes........Guardians of Earth (Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster)

Eric remained silent while Lenara spoke of Madame Wu. Since his files only held so much information on the woman. Eric was glad that Alexandria knew more about her. He would update his files with everything Alexandria shared. Eric soon understood why there was so much fear attached to Madame Wu. She was ruthless and like Anton Rayne, she trained assassins. Her Black Hand was a group of trained assassins. There was no doubt in Eric's mind that dealing with this woman would be messy. Her goal would remain unknown for a while. But, once her plan was revealed. It would shake Alexandria and her family to their very core. Eric & Alexandria went to bed after their long talk. The next day started as normal. Eric & Alexandria had breakfast with their family. They then left for work. Eric took one of the cars, Alexandria decided to ride one of her motorcycles, while she still could. She was pregnant with Eric's second child. and there would come a time when Alexandria wouldn't be able to ride her bikes to work.

Alexandria's day had been pretty normal. Plenty of paperwork and meetings. One meeting wasn't schedules, but it was expected. Though, Alexandria wasn't sure when it would happen. She knew that time had come when there was an odd chill in her office. Suddenly, fog started to form and a male figure stepped from the fog. Mister E was here to meet with Alexandria. " Hello Alexandria.......We have a lot to talk about. " Mister E spoke. He hoped she wasn't busy at the moment. Mister E only came when he was needed or had something to share. This time, both were on the schedule. Alexandria wanted information on Project: Icarus. Mister E had his own information to share with Alexandria.
Alexandria hated talking about Madame Wu. Even though she was happy to be out of the assassin business, she had been a bit of a perfectionist when it came to her jobs and it still smarted a little that Madame Wu had kept her from getting one of her targets. She didn't like when she was refused what she really wanted. Alexandria explained to Eric everything she knew about the dangerous woman. From how she dealt with those that crossed her to her methods of doing business. After their long talk, the two of them retired to bed. Alexandria was tired from their night out. The next morning started as most others with them having breakfast with their family before heading off for work. Eric left first in one of the cars while Alexandria decided to ride one of her bikes. She didn't ride her motorcycles as much as she once had before joining Eric as his partner. She had stopped riding as much back when she was pregnant with Erics first child and now that she was pregnant again, she was going to have to put her bikes away once again for a while.

At work, Alexandria had several meetings scheduled and she had plenty of paperwork to deal with. However, there was one meeting that, though unscheduled, was anticipated. When her office took on an odd chill, Alexandria shivered slightly as if someone had run a finger slong her spine before she noticed a fog form and a male figure stepped from the fog. Looking up briefly from the paperwork in front of her, Alexandria looked at Mister E for a moment before returning to her work. "Hello Mister E." she said gently. "We do indeed have quite a bit to talk about. "Shall I go first, or will you?" she asked while signing her name on one of the papers in front of her. With that done, she gathered all the paper work together and she placed them into a folder and set it aside.
Mister E had a gift for finding out the truth. No matter how well that truth was hidden. He was a seeker of knowledge. His type of knowledge dealt more with conspiracies, and the people behind them. Despite how long Alexandria had been meeting with Mister E. She never saw his face, nor did she know who he was. He gave of no scent like other humans do. Alexandria could identify someone just by their scent. The man no only could hide his face, he could also hide his scent. Unless, he wasn't human to begin with. There was noway for Alexandria to know for sure just what her mysterious friend was. He'd helped her in the past with information. He even invited her to his lair once. This wasn't something done very often. She got a look at where Mister E lived and worked. Though it was a rather messy office. Alexandria never saw the outside. So whether the office was real, she didn't know.

Mister E moved around Alexandria's desk. Stopping in front as Alexandria finished what she was doing. " You can go first Alexandria.........Never let it be said that I don't let a lady go first. " Mister E spoke in a hushed tone. He wanted to keep his voice down. Mister E liked to keep his visits private. His lack of a face often frightened people. Mister E wouldn't want to upset Alexandria's pretty redheaded secretary. Miss Case, known as Casey by the Reed Family. Casey was very loyal to her bosses, Eric & Alexandria. She made sure their family businesses ran smoothly while they were busy with other things, or away from the office. Casey was even Alexandria's pet. She had a collar with her name on it, given to her by Alexandria for their special times together. Casey loved being dominated and Alexandria was her mistress.
Though Mister E only showed up when he wished to, whenever he did, he always brought with him news and information that he felt Alexandria needed, whether she liked what he told her or not. In the end, it was always something she needed to know. She had no idea who Mister E was, she had never seen his face, nor has she ever caught his scent. He was the only person she'd ever met who had successfully hidden his identity from the former spy. He was also perhaps the only person whom Alexandria felt probably knew the most about her other then herself.

As she finished up her work on her desk, she listened to him move around her desk and stop in front of it as she finished up and set everything aside. When he told her that she could go first, Alexandria nodded before chuckling softly at his comment about letting a lady go first. She did appreciate his discretion, not really wanting to try to explain to her brother and Casey who exactly Mister E was. Of course, she'd mentioned him to Eric in the past, but she'd told him that Mister E was just an informant of hers who came to her with information. She especially didn't want to upset Casey. The secretary was a sweet young woman who had dedicated her life to the Reeds, having become very loyal to them.

With a soft sigh, Alexandria sat back in her seat, her hands folded casually against her stomach as she gazed up at the man standing before her. For a long moment she was quiet as she regarded Mister E before she spoke. "As I'm sure you know, I have alternative work." she told him. "And during this work, I have come across the mention of a Project that I need some information that I was hoping that you would have." She told him about how she had come across the name, Project: Icarus.

Now, she knew the legend of Icarus who had created wings of wax and feathers. He hadn't listened to his father and he had flown too close to the sun which had melted the wax, causing him to fall into the sea. But she didn't see how this name could have anything to do with what she'd already learned. "I need to know anything you know about this." she told Mister E.
Mister E did know a lot about Alexandria. Once could say, he had the power to find out the truth. Nothing was ever truly hidden from him. He could find out anything. Given enough time and patience. Mister E was certainly no normal human. However, what he was would remain a mystery. If he had a mouth, Mister E would have smiled when Alexandria spoke of her alternate work. He knew all about the night work she and her family did. That was a reason why he was visiting her. Alexandria had shown herself to be a true hero and champion of all persons. Mister E stood silent as Alexandria spoke of Project: Icarus. He nodded his head while speaking of how glad he was Alexandria had been a spy. Like he did, she understood secrets were hard to keep. " The government used that name because their goal is to make super powered people loyal to them. " Mister E then said not everyone in that project got their powers from the government. He said some were hired on, like the former members of Alexander Wentworth's Project: H team. Mister E confirmed that members of that team were working as agents for the government. He then spoke of how the government used gene splicing as part of creating their super powered group. Alexandria was also told about a certain subject called "M". This "M' was created by using sperm from an unknown alien subject, to fertilize the egg of a human female. " The alien who escaped from Area 51 maybe the father. " Mister E spoke as he took a seat.

There wee two chairs placed in front of Alexandria's desk. Mister E was now in one of them. " You've already met one of the men behind Project: Icarus.......General Stockwell..........The other is Doctor Simon Lynch......He is as brilliant as your brother.......But unlike your brother Lynch loves playing God. " Mister E spoke. He told Alexandria that President Gates had started Project: Icarus while he was still a Senator. It was a "Black Project", the type the government keeps hidden from the general public. However, leaks happen and bloggers on the internet have been talking about it for months. No one knew as much as Mister E knew. Except for Alexandria now. Mister E said there were several labs tied to the project, but the main base was under Wright-Patterson in Ohio. Wright-Patterson was a Military base, where reports stated the government took wreckage from downed UFO's. Mister E said the government wants all people with super powers under their control. This included mutants. " They've created their own group to go against our friends Scarlet Cat.....Raven and anyone who sides with them. " Mister E added, but he wasn't done there. " President Gates is only a figurehead.......There is a cabal behind him........Nightmare......Zorg the Black Wizard.......Count Dracula......Baron Blood.......Norman Osgood........Oliver Shaw......Changeling......All are part of this cabal........But there is one other.......Someone who has remained hidden.....This person is the top dog.......This person is the one who sent Kronos after Scarlet Cat.....Raven and Stargirl. " Mister E confessed that he didn't know who the last person was. But, he would find out because nothing can be kept hidden from him forever.

The government wasn't the only reason Mister E was here. He had more information on another subject for Alexandria. Mister E spoke of Madame Wu coming to America. He wasn't surprised when Alexandria said she knew this. " Of course you do........But I know what she's doing. " Mister E said while leaning forward. He said Madame Wu was here to gather a force of black magic users. Mister E spoke of Madame Wu knowing what was going on with the American Government. She made her own plans to stop what the cabal has going on. Mister E then said her idea was no better then who was behind the cabal he spoke of. " There's an old legend of a powerful being the Chinese called Bianxíng zhe......The word in Chinese means shapeshifter......This being was banished from this world by Sorceress and others who use magic for good.........Only a group of equally powerful black magic users can break the spell which keeps this being from returning. " Mister E said Baron Blood was playing both sides. He was a member of the cabal helping the unknown person, but he also plotting against that person. Blood was helping Madame Wu with her plans of bringing in this other powerful being. Mister E said villains were so predicable with they way they double crossed each other for power.
Though she had never spoken of it, Alexandria was rather curious as to just how much Mister E truly knew about it. If he had been anyone else, she would of been concerned with just how much he knew. But he never gave off the vibe that he was truly dangerous or a threat to her and her family. It was the only reason she didn't become alarmed whenever he appeared the way he did. After she spoke of her night work, Mister E began to tell her about the project she wished to know about and what she learned was displeasing. She was told that the government's goal was to make super powered people loyal to them. This information made her shake her head and she listened as Mister E told her about how not all of the members got their powers from the government. Instead, some were hired on. He even told her about a subject called 'M'. 'M' was created by using the sperm from an unknown alien subject to impregnate a female human. That the alien whom had escaped from Area 51 maybe the father. That would explain why the government wanted so many bodily fluids from her friend.

She watched Mister E take a seat in one of the two chairs that sat before her desk and she leaned back while watching him. Next she was informed about how she'd already met one of the men behind Project: Icarus. One General Stockwell. The other man was a Doctor Simon Lynch. A man as brilliant as Eric, but unlike the Reed heir, Lynch loved to play God. "A brilliant mind with questionable morals." she said. "Why am I not surprised he's mixed up with governmental figures like General Stockwell?" She was informed that President Gates had started Project:Icarus back when he was still just a Senator. That it was a 'Black Project', the kind that the government kept quiet from the general public. But as with all other major secrets like this, plenty of others soon learned about it and there were plenty of bloggers who had been talking about it lately for the past couple of months.

Mister E told Alexandria that there were several labs attached to the project, but their main base was located in Ohio, beneath Wright-Patterson, a Military base where the government supposedly took downed UFO's. She was told that the government wanted all people with super powers under their control. This also included mutants. "They're risking starting a war." she told Mister E. "There are plenty of mutants and super powered people who will refuse to be controlled like some kind of slave." When she was then told about a Cabal, she frowned before pausing when he began to mention different members of this Cabal. One name that made her tense was Count Dracula. She remembered the run-in with him and it was one she loathed to remember. He was one of the very few that she'd gone up against who had ever made the shifter feel helpless. And she was aware that the vampire had wanted her. She was then told of one other who was a part of the Cabal. The top dog who had been the one who sent Kronos after Scarlet Cat. "But why would this person target them specifically?" she asked. "And why Scarlet Cat? When she was told he didn't know who this person was, she asked him to keep her informed when he did learn something.

Of course, this wasn't the only reason that Mister E was visiting her. He also had information about Madame Wu coming to America and Alexandria made a soft sound. "I'm aware of her arrival." she softly told him. "It is displeasing that she is here." She watched as he leaned forward and then he told her that Madame Wu was there to gather a force of black magic users. "Black Magic? Whatever for?" she questioned before she was told that Madame Wu knew of what the American Government was doing and was making plans to stop the Cabal from doing what it was. Of course, Madame Wu's idea was no better then what the Cabal was trying to do.

When she was told of an old legend of a powerful being that the Chinese called Bianxing zhe, she tensed, already knowing what it meant before Mister E spoke it. This being had been banished from this world by white magic users such as Sorceress and only a group of equally powerful black magic users could break the spell. She wasn't surprised to learnt that Baron Blood was playing both sides of the fence. "This is not surprising. Baron Blood looks out for himself and his interests first and foremost. He would have a foot in both pools. This way, when one fails, he can easily say that he'd been helping the other all along." Alexandria tapped her fingers against the desk, worried about everything that Mister E had just told her. She commented about how she and her allies had their work cut out for them.
Mister E explained that Scarlet Cat & Raven were true leaders. This made them dangerous. Stargirl was one of the most powerful beings on Earth. This made her a danger. This was why they were targeted. Mister E said they were seen as real threats against the unknown leader of the cabal. As such threats, they would have to be snuffed out. That didn't happen because Scarlet Cat, Raven & Stargirl were able to defeat Kronos & Changeling in the end. Mister E also pointed at all the bad things which happened to the heroes during the last few months. Like the incidents with the Russian superhero team and the Russian Military base. Mister E said these incidents were all set up to make Scarlet Cat and her family look bad in the eyes of the world. He told Alexandria that she was being played by the leader of the cabal. And it was happening through President Gates. Mister E knew that Alexandria was Scarlet Cat. But, he would never address her as such, not even in her office. Mister E respected Alexandria for turning her life around and fighting on the side of good.

Mister E listened as Alexandria spoke about Baron Blood. Clearly she knew the baron very well. She would have made Mister E smile, if he had a mouth to smile with. Alexandria painted a prefect picture of her old boss. Mister E spoke of knowing how some of the League of Heroes had signed up with the government. " At the moment........Our friend Scarlet Cat and her family are out numbered.......You should tell her that she has more friends waiting to help when the time comes. " Mister E was a bit cryptic, but he soon spoke of Bishop having taken SHADO rogue. " They've gone underground to get ready for the war that's coming.......Bishop plans to strike against the cabal. " Mister E added. He was aware of the hard feelings Alexandria had for SHADO. However, he also knew she wasn't in a position to turn down help, no matter where it came from. Bishop had been trying to make peace with Scarlet Cat since she returned to New York. So far, Bishop had no luck. But, they were both on the same side for the upcoming war. Alexandria had spoken of the government starting a war, and Mister E confirmed her fears of what was coming. A war of super powered people with the general public caught in the middle.
The explanation that Mister E gave her made sense. Scarlet Cat and Raven both invoked loyalty and passion in those that followed them. They were smart, kind, caring and passionate about what they did and that made others look up to them as well. When they said they were going to do something, they did for they were a man and woman of their word. The two balanced each other out and made a brilliant team that has protected the world countless times. And then Stargirl was targeted because she was one of the most powerful beings currently on Earth. This made her dangerous to the cabal and even more so because she allied herself with Scarlet Cat and Raven. The trio had defeated Kronos and Changeling. When Mister E began to point out all the bad things that had happened to the heroes over the last couple of months, Alexandria grimaced a little and she nodded, agreeing that they were set up to make Scarlet Cat and her family look bad to the rest of the world. Of course, there were those that stood firmly behind the shifter and her family and then there were those who believed everything they were spoon fed by the media and the government.

However, when Mister E said that Scarlet Cat was being played by the leader of the cabal through President Gates, she pressed her lips firmly together and the corners of her eyes became firm with her displeasure. Alexandria's reaction to Mister E's knowledge about members of the League of Heroe's signing up with the government wasn't surprising. There was a mix of anger, sadness and hurt over her friends and former allies being divided and she sighed. "Yes, they are." she softly said before looking at Mister E in surprise when he gave her a cryptic comment about her having more friends waiting to help when the time comes. "I will. Thank you." she told him before being told about Bishop having taken SHADO rogue.

Alexandria had an extreme dislike for governmental figures for a reason and as much as she had turned her life around, the woman unfortunately had a problem holding vicious grudges against those who had slighted her in the past. Bishop had been trying to make peace with the shifter for quite some time, for she had wanted nothing to do with him and his group after how she'd been treated by the US government in the past. However, she currently was short on allies and she couldn't currently pick and choose who she fought along side. "I suppose I better advise Scarlet Cat to find a way to contact Bishop and try to come to some sort of.... understanding. After all, since they both have mutual enemies." she said slowly.
" There will be no need for Scarlet Cat to contact Bishop.......He'll contact her when the time is right........Bishop is keeping his agents underground for the moment......The NSA......FBI........CIA.......And homeland security have been searching or Bishop since he went rogue........Bishop saw which way the wind was blowing in Washington and dropped out of sight. " Mister E spoke as he stood up from the chair. He moved around Alexandria's desk while saying he would be in touch once more information became clear. Mister E asked Alexandria to be careful. He spoke of her having enemies everywhere. But, he also reminded her that she had many allies as well. Though not all her allies were known at the moment. Fog started to form in front of Mister E. He tipped his fedora hat to Alexandria before stepping into the fog. The fog faded away and Mister E was gone. He could be a mutant, he could be using magic. There was noway to tell. Alexandria did know that his information was always right. Mister E had proven himself to be a trusted ally.

Just after Mister E left, Alexandria got a call from Eric. He asked if she was free? He then asked if she would come to his office? Once Alexandria got there. She would find a surprise seated in front of her brother's desk. The same man Alexandria & Mister E had spoken of. The man known only as Bishop was meeting with Eric. What was being discussed between the two men was important enough that Eric wanted Alexandria involved. There would be a moment of surprise before Alexandria joined her brother. Eric then asked Bishop to go over his reason for being here. Just to bring Alexandria up to speed. Bishop smiled while nodding his head. He greeted Alexandria before starting again. Bishop spoke of how he once worked for the US Government. He then spoke of his displeasure with the direction of things in Washington. Bishop spoke of his hope Alexandria & Eric felt the same. " I came here because I've taken SHADO underground......To get away from President Gates and those pulling his strings......However going underground and staying there is costly.......SHADO no longer has any funding......I was hoping that you'd both be willing to make a donation?.......Perhaps be willing to fund your own black operations program? " Bishop then went silent as he looked from sister to brother. Eric turned his head towards Alexandria. He knew her feelings ran deep about SHADO. Eric just didn't know how his sister would react to what Bishop was asking of them.
Alexandria was told that Scarlet Cat wouldn't need to seek out Bishop for he would contact her when he was ready. He was keeping his agents underground for now and he was being hunted by several different parts of the government. She watched as Mister E stood up and she stood as well as he moved around her desk and she watched him, listening as he asked her to be careful for she had enemies everywhere. But at the same time, she had plenty of allies as well. "Thank you, Mister E." she told him as fog began to form in front of him. Then he tipped his hat to her and then disappeared moments later, once again leaving her alone.

Alexandria was barely alone for a couple of minutes before she got a call from Eric. She was asked if she was free and she told Eric that she didn't have anything planned for another hour or so before she was asked to join him in his office. Erics office was right next door to her own. So she left her office and head into his. When she entered his office, she was surprised to see Bishop but it showed only for a moment upon her face before she looked at her brother while moving further into his office. "What's going on Eric?" she asked him as she moved over to the empty seat in front of his desk. Eric had Bishop go over his reason for visiting and she looked at the man before he greeted her and began telling her about his displeasure with the direction that Washington was heading and he spoke abut how he had taken SHADO underground.

As he told her about this, Alexandria showed no signs of being surprised. As if she'd already known everything he was already telling her, which she did. She'd just been informed of this by her own informant not long ago. However, she wasn't really expecting him to ask them about donating towards SHADO. That perhaps they would be willing to fund their own black operations program. Alexandria turned her attention to her brother, catching his eye. He knew of her past and her deep feelings for SHADO. He knew that her feeling ran deep. Perhaps too deep at times.

The woman sighed and leaned back in her seat a little while looking at her brother, her fingers playing with the ring that he'd given her just the other night. The ring now sat on her right hand instead of her left. Finally the woman stood up and moved over to where Eric had his own small bar set up in his office. Alexandria had much the same in her own. But right now her own was stocked with mostly waters and juice. She pulled down a glass and looked at what Eric had to offer. "And how much does it cost to fund your organization, Bishop?" she asked him while pouring herself something to drink. With the glass in hand, Alexandria returned to her seat. She also asked for details of what they'd be funding. Her reply was understandable, but surprising at the same time. In the past, she'd always been ready to jump down Bishops throat with a refusal for anything and everything he wanted to suggest, at the ready.

Sitting down, Alexandria sipped at what the two men could now see was just some water. With her current pregnancy, unlike her last one, she'd been having some issues with the occasional bout of morning sickness as well as acid reflux. So she's been drinking a lot of water lately to help settled her stomach.
Eric was surprised when Alexandria questioned Bishop about his need of funding. Normally. Alexandria would be spitting venomous barbs at Bishop. There had been times in the past, when Eric, as Raven, had to calm Alexandria down. This was a first meeting between the Reed Family and Bishop. Eric didn't know Alexandria already had her meeting with Mister E. He assumed she was just doing what Alexandria Reed would do and not what Scarlet Cat would do. This time, Alexandria was more receptive to what Bishop was asking. She understood the type of back up he and his agents could provide. " Well Ms. Reed.........I would gladly take whatever you and your brother could spare........I need to keep my agents fed for the coming war the government is plans for the superheroes who refused to sign on with them. " Bishop spoke as he watched Alexandria pour herself a drink. She had an amazing figure. The type which fueled men and women to have such wondrous fantasies about her. Bishop then watched as Alexandria took the second seat in front of her brother's desk. " Since I've taken SHADO rogue........Those agents still loyal to me must eat and they must continue training.......Eating and training costs money......I know how generous you and your brother are.......I also know how you've both supported superheroes and mutants in the past........I was hoping that you could extend that generosity to my group. " Bishop replied to Alexandria's second question.

" Your money wouldn't just be buying food and training.......You would also both become my bosses........I would turn over control of SHADO to you both........I would stay to run the operation but I would take orders from you. " As Bishop spoke, Eric remained silent. He was expecting his sister to lash out at any moment. Bishop was making quite an offer. He would give Alexandria & Eric control over the origination. Bishop would work for them. Taking his orders from the brother & sister. How Alexandria would react, was what Eric was waiting for. At any moment, he was expecting that glass of water to go sailing acrosed the room and smash against the wall.
As Alexandria moved around her brothers office, she wasn't ignorant of the fact that Bishop was watching her as she spoke and poured herself a drink. Right now, she was wearing a pair of form fitted pants with a loose blouse and boots. Normally she'd be wearing a jacket with her outfit, but she'd left her jacket in her own office. Her long hair was currently pulled up into a simple twist, exposing her long, slender neck and her collarbones with the way the top couple buttons of her blouse were opened. She looked professional and sexy both at the same time. Bishop told the woman why he wanted the Reed's funding and what it would be used for. Normally, Alexandria would of been snippy and short with Bishop, but thanks to Mister E's visit, she was keeping a careful control over her temper.

When she was then told that the money that she and Eric donated would not just buy food and training for the SHADO group, the brother and sister would also become Bishop's bosses and they would have control of SHADO. This caused her eyebrows to raise as she finished taking a drink of her water and she set her drink aside. Now that was an interesting bit of information and she tilted her head while looking at Bishop, her gaze flicking over to Eric for a moment, noticing how her brother was watching her. "Well Eric?" she asked him gently. "What is your feelings on this? You already know my feelings on what Washington is doing." She asked Eric about how much the company could afford to donate to SHADO.
Eric was surprised at how Alexandria was keeping herself in check. There were no harsh words, no snippy remarks flying at Bishop. It almost seemed as if Alexandria was accepting what she was hearing. Eric didn't know of her meeting with Mister E. No one knew when he would show up. Mister E only came when he was needed or had some information to share. Eric watched his sister for signs that she was about to go off on Bishop. But, no signs of anger appeared on her face. Whatever problems Alexandria had with Bishop, and his group SHADO, weren't as important to her as dealing with the Cabal, President Gates, those behind Project: Icarus and the person pulling all the strings. Alexandria understood who and what was the real threat.

Eric cleared his throat after Alexandria asked his feelings on this. As a multi billion dollar corporation, owned by the family. The Reed's didn't have to answer for what they did with their money. The Reed Family was so rich. Their name alone was enough to get whatever they wanted. " I think we should help Bishop out........I don't see a way to stop this war before it comes........So we better be ready to fight it.........Plus I think having SHADO protecting our interests is a good idea........Bishop and his agents could keep Reed Enterprises......Reed Family Foundations and Reed Tower safe from anyone who may wish to break in and steal from us. " Eric's words made Bishop nod his head. Bishop said those things could and would be done if that's what Eric & Alexandria wanted. Eric already had a number in mind for how much they would give Bishop to keep his group going. However, it was Alexandria's turn to share her thoughts. " I know how you feel about President Gates dear sister.......I share your feelings on that subject.......But what you do think about helping Bishop? " Eric asked then waited for Alexandria to speak. She had the final say in what happened. If Alexandria said no. There would be no deal. Eric wouldn't support anything that Alexandria wasn't behind.
Eric's surprise with how she was acting was known to the shifter. Her senses told her as much as she sat there. She would explain to him later about the visit with Mister E. Eric knew to a certain extent about her occasional visits with him. She considered the man an invaluable informant when she absolutely needed to know something. She always took everything he told her to heart and took it seriously. That he told her that Bishop was a friend was something that she was going to have to grit her teeth and accept. It was going to be hard for her to overcome her feelings all the time, but she could at least try.

After she asked Eric his feelings on this, she listened to him clear his throat before speaking bout thinking they should help Bishop out. Like Eric, she didn't see a way to stop the war before it came and it would be better to be ready to fight it. He also mentioned that SHADO could protect their businesses from any who would wish to try to break in and steal. They did have a lot of top secret things hidden away in the building and it wouldn't do for their enemies to get their hands upon them.

She was then asked about what she thought about helping Bishop. "Very well. We'll help him." she said finally. "I've worked too hard and too long in mutant rights for President Gates and his people to ruin everything with their need to have others in their control. It's well known that I deeply dislike Gates and those in his party. And if he's going to start a war over this, I want to do everything we can to oppose him and protect those who need it."
Bishop relaxed when Alexandria spoke of helping him. Eric had already told him, Alexandria would have the last word on whether he got the help he wanted. Alexandria spoke of how hard she fought for mutant rights, and how she didn't want to see those rights destroyed by Gates. He was a well known hater of mutants and people with super power in general. Alexandria was very passionate about the projects she supported. Mutant Rights was just one of those projects dear to her heart. Most didn't know she was a mutant. They thought Alexandria was just being a good and kind person for how much she cared. Eric asked Bishop if he had an account number? Bishop pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. He handed it overt to Eric. Using his cellphone, Eric transferred $100 million dollars into a private account, which was under a false name. " $100 million should keep you going or a while. " Eric spoke while placing his phone down. Bishop then stood and thanked both Alexandria & Eric for their help.

His agents would make sure each location they owned would be kept secure. Every business and building owned by the Reed Family had top notch security. However, during a time like this and facing an unknown enemy. Eric didn't want to take a chances that some of their own technology would be stolen and used against them. Doubling their security with SHADO agents would keep unwanted people out. Eric stood and shook Bishop's hand. Bishop said he would be making regular reports to either Alexandria or Eric. He was working for them now. Bishop thanked the brother and sister again before leaving the office. Eric sat down on the corner of his desk and looked at Alexandria. " You were rather pleasant to Bishop........I was expecting to see some of Scarlet Cat to shine through. " Eric spoke with a tone of relief in his voice. He was very happy the meeting ended so well.
After she agreed to helping Bishop, she looked over at him and saw how he relaxed after she gave the go ahead for them to support Bishop. Despite all the bad she'd done in the past, Alexandria strived to do good towards everyone these days as both Scarlet Cat and as Alexandria Reed. One thing she was most passionate about was the rights of mutants and those with powers. This was something that placed herself and Gates on opposite sides of things. She had become extremely powerful and when Gates began targeting mutants and those with super powers, especially her friends and family, Gates had made himself a dangerous enemy in both Alexandria Reed and Scarlet Cat. Many times, she'd gone to Washington herself and had attended some of the meetings before congress, arguing with others about different Bills they were trying to pass. Several times she'd won and that was something that Gates hated about the woman.

Eric then asked if Bishop had an account number and he handed Eric a slip of paper. Alexandria was quiet and listened as Eric transferred $100 million into a private account which was under a false name before he set his phone down. Bishop thanked them for their help and he told them that each location that they owned would be kept secure. The Reed properties had top notch security as it was, but it didn't hurt to have more. Especially with times as they were. Alexandria watched the two men shake hands and Bishop told them he would be making reports regularly to them now that he was working for them. After thanking them again, the man left, leaving the brother and sister alone.

Sitting there in her seat, Alexandria watched Bishop leave before her attention moved back to Eric as he sat on the corner of his desk and looked at her. "I can be a good kitty when I want." she told Eric while sitting back in her seat. She shrugged slightly before telling him that right before he'd called her, she'd ended a meeting with one of her informants. "Most of what Bishop told me, I already knew before I walked in through those doors. Our number of allies are becoming slim because of Gates, and despite holding a vicious grudge against Bishop and those like him, I'm not about to let my feelings chase off someone who will be of use during this up coming war with Gates."
Eric chuckled when Alexandria said she could be a "Good Kitty" when she wanted to be. Only Alexandria could make that funny. Eric said he was glad she let her "Good Kitty" out to play. This meeting was important for everyone involved. As Alexandria pointed out. Their list of allies was short. The government created their own, hired others and talked some of the real heroes onto their side. Thundra was off world, having returned to Asgard. Zandu & Zandora were off on their world tour. Emerald Knight had left Earth, gone into space for an unknown mission. Others like Giganta had retired. Eric hoped she and the others wouldn't stay on the sidelines forever. He did understand her reasons for not wanting to take sides and fight against her friends. Eric & Alexandria didn't have that luxury. They and their family had been targeted by the Cabal.

Alexandria when on and explained she had her meeting with Mister E, before Eric had called her. Mister E timed his visit to Alexandria well. He must have known Bishop would be showing up and planned to meet with Alexandria first. Alexandria told Eric everything Mister E spoke about. It wasn't surprising to learn that someone else was pulling Gates' strings. Alexandria also spoke of why Madame Wu was in the city. She wanted to release some Chinese legend to stop whoever was behind the current US Government and this Cabal of evil which grew up like weeds. Madame Wu was no hero. Obviously she was doing this because it threatened her own power base. The only major players not to be spoken of, were Anton Rayne and Titan. As Eric thought about everything which happened so far. It did seem like something Titan would do. Sit in the shadows, pulling strings and making lackeys dance for him. Eric told Alexandria, Titan could be the unknown leader of the Cabal. He had the ability to set something like this plot up. Eric & Alexandria continued to talk over the next 30 minutes. Titan seemed like the best suspect they had. Despite her feelings for Anton Rayne. Alexandria knew he couldn't be the power behind the throne. The man would have revealed himself, to at least Alexandria by now. Anton would want Alexandria to know he was behind her troubles. Just so he could rub it in her face.

Alexandria returned to her office and her work after speaking with her brother. Both had a lot to think about, and both had plenty of work ahead of them this evening. They would be hitting the streets. Turning up the heat on the crime lords of the city. Tonight, they would be targeting an old boss of Alexandria's, one Roman Tyco. Alexandria worked for Tyco once. They had a major falling out when Alexandria killed his son. The bastard had over stepped his bounds. Just because Alexandria was working for Tyco at the time. Didn't mean she became a whore for his son. The young man wouldn't take no for answer. Alexandria then lost her cool and killed him. Just because she loved sex. Didn't mean she would lay with everyone who had a cock. Alexandria could be a whore, but only for the right people.
After she spoke of how she could be a 'good kitty' when she wanted to, she heard Eric chuckle while she leaned back in her chair and relaxed as he said that he was glad she'd let her 'good kitty' out to play and she smiled at him. Alexandria hated that so many of her allies were either away of even off earth while others were retired and others had turned to the government. This left Alexandria and Eric with few people to turn to and so she knew that she couldn't force away the only people willing to fight with them. Even if she didn't like them. Right now, her personal feelings didn't matter to the big picture.

She then told Eric about her meeting with Mister E and she told him about everything that Mister E had spoken of before he left her. Eric soon learned about everything that she already knew, from how someone was pulling Gates' strings, to why Madame Wu was in the city. She told him about the Chinese legend about a shifter. They talked about the different people involved in the cabal and everything that was happened before Eric told her that Titan could be the leader of the Cabal and she made a soft sound while thinking about it. She told him that she knew that it couldn't be Anton Rayne. "He wouldn't just remain in the shadows and control things from behind the scenes. He'd of revealed himself by now. At the very least to me since he'd want me to know he was behind all the trouble that's been caused in my life lately." she told Eric.

Finally, after talking to him for about half an hour, Alexandria returned to her office to finish up her work. She had plenty to do before their night work. She knew that Eric was planning on going after Roman Tyco, one of her former bosses. Several years ago, Alexandria had worked for him before they'd had a falling out after she'd killed his son. The young man had continuously tried to get her to fuck him and she kept rebuffing his advances, but he continued to get more and more insistent. He came to the belief that because she was working for his father, he could fuck her. So when he pushed her too far, she'd killed the young man. She had warned both Roman Tyco time and again that if he didn't put a stop to his sons actions, he wouldn't have a son to stop. Tyco never listened and she kept her word.

It was after that, that Tyco had hired a man to specifically hunt the shifter. The man had tracked her down to New York after joining Eric as his partner. Of course, things hadn't turned out too well for him, though she wasn't sure what had happened to the hunter since the last time she'd seen him.
The hunter Roman had sent after Alexandria, was a skilled big game hunter, turned assassin. His name was Carl "The Big Cat" Kincaid. Since he became an assassin for hire. No one had ever escaped Kincaid. Alexandria proved herself to be worthy prey for the hunter. Kincaid hunted her for many years, and she always slipped away. Alexandria gained the respect of Kincaid. His respect had grown to the point where Kincaid helped Alexandria during a tough spot while she was in New York. This happened during a time when Raven was captured by Dr. Chill, Condor and Taurus the Bull. Alexandria and a newly super powered Stargirl were drawn into a trap by the villains. Kincaid wasn't about to let some common villain beat Alexandria. So he jumped in and helped her. The last time Kincaid was seen. His body fell into the river. No signs of Kincaid had ever been found.

Later that evening. After eating dinner with their family and spending time with them. Eric & Alexandria dressed, then took Black Beauty out for a drive. Their target this evening was Roman Tyco. This would be a bit of revenge for Alexandria. She would be able to hurt the man who tried to have her killed. Eric decided to add some insult to injury. They were going to hit the same illegal gambling den which Tony Paris hit a few nights ago. It was back up and running again. Their plan was simple. They would chase the customers away. Taken down anyone stupid enough to fight them, then trash the place. Eric said they would also take some of Tyco's cash and dump out in the street. Allowing anyone to take whatever they could carry away. As far as Alexandria was concerned. She loved every part of this plan. What she loved most was dumping the money so people could just take it. That would hurt Tyco where he would feel it most. Black Beauty pulled over near what looked like a private club. This was Tyco's casino. There would be plenty of New York's blue bloods inside. The ones who thought Alexandria Reed was a gold digging whore and didn't deserve everything that came with being a Reed. She was born out of wedlock in their eyes and no better then trash. These were the same people who wouldn't dare say such things to Alexandria's face. She was the queen of New York's high society. Whether they liked it or not. Eric told Alexandria, she was free to be a little rough with the customers, to get them running. More so with those who talked about her behind her back.

Eric & Alexandria exited Black Beauty. They started walking towards the front door of the den. One man, a large one stood out front. Eric got the man's attention, then Alexandria took him down. With hornet sting in hand. Eric activated the weapon. There was a high pitched tone, as the front door began to shake. The heavy metal door was then blown off, falling inside. Eric & Alexandria rushed in as people started screaming and running for cover. There was a bank of slot machines nearby. Eric turned the hornet sting on those machines. One by one, Eric blew holes in each machine as Alexandria was fighting a couple of Tyco's thugs.
The hunt that Alexandria had become the prey of, had lasted for a number of years. She had eventually been tracked down to New York by Kincaid. It had been a long hard struggle for the shifter as no matter how far or how fast she ran from him, Kincaid had always managed to catch up and find her. Finally she had been drawn into a rough spot when Raven had been captured by Dr. Chill, Condor and Taurus the Bull. She and a newly super powered Stargirl had been drawn into the trap by the villians. Kincaid and Alexandria had been involved in a fight together when the other villians had gotten involved and were going to just take her down. Not happy with their fight being interrupted, Kincaid had helped to fight against them and after the big fight was over, he was missing. Ever since, she'd not seen nor heard anything about the hunter.

That evening, after dining together with the family and spending some time with them, Alexandria and Eric got ready for their night work and they head out in Black Beauty. Their target that night was Roman Tyco and Alexandria couldn't deny that she was looking forward to hurting the man who had set Kincaid on her. On top of that, Eric had decided to add insult to injury. The place they were going to hit was the very same illegal gambling den that had been hit by Tony Paris just the other night after she and Eric had gone after his drug dealers. What they were planning on doing would really piss Tyco off. They were planning on taking Tyco's cash and dumping it into the streets for anyone to pick up. When she reached the location, Alexandria pulled Black Beauty over and looked at the building they were about to attack. It looked like a private club.

She knew that there would be plenty of New Yorks upper class people inside. People who looked down on Alexandria and talked badly about the woman behind her back, but smiled to her face. She knew what they said in whispers when they thought she couldn't hear them. She wasn't stupid to what they thought about her. She'd been given permission by Eric to be a little rough with the customers in order to get them running.

Stepping out of Black Beauty, Alexandria walked with Eric over to the front door of the den and after Eric got the guards attention, Alexandria took him out with a quick hit. With the guard out of the way, Eric was able to activate the hornet sting and soon the heavy metal door was being blown down, letting the two into the building. Rushing inside, Alexandria began her part of the plan. She was roughing up a couple of the customers before she was attacked by some of Tyco's thugs. When they attacked, she began fighting back, easily taking on several at a time. At the same time, Eric began blowing holes into the slot machines.
The background created for Alexandria, by herself & Eric was why she was looked down on by those who once ruled New York's high society. The blue bloods, or old money of the city couldn't believe Eric accepted this woman from the streets as his sister. They were horrified when he did. This made her one of the wealthiest women in the world, and with that wealth, came power. Despite their disdain for Alexandria Reed. She became the new queen of New York's upper class. Much to Eric's delight. He never cared for the old money families of the city. They were snobs, always walking around with their noses in the air. The Reed family was old money. Just as old as many of those who saw themselves above the common man. No one could ever say the Reed's were snobs. Each generation understood about the hard work which went into building the family's wealth, and each generation continued to work hard maintaining that wealth and adding to it. Eric had done that and with Alexandria's help. They expended their business empire ten fold. The brother & sister also kept their businesses privately owned by the family. Instead of going public like so many businesses do. Eric & Alexandria didn't have to answer to any board. When they held meetings. It was with those who ran all the different departments, divisions, operations and projects within their business empire.

Alexandria took down the two men who tried to stop her from roughing up the customers. She then took down several more before returning to roughly pushing the snobs towards the door. Gruffly telling them to get their asses out. Eric blew holes in each of the slot machines he targeted. Coins slipped out onto the floor. Several people dropped to their knees to scoop up hand fulls of change before running for the front door. Eric then engaged several of Tyco's men in a fight. He made sure to damage as many gambling tables as possible during the fight. Eric flipped one man onto a dice table, breaking it. The legs cracked, then split as the table hit the floor hard. The remaining men working for Tyco were taken care of after the gamblers were sent into the street. The place looked like a tornado had gone through it. Eric & Alexandria did far more damage then Tony Paris' men did when they hit the same place. That was more of a robbery. This was sending a message. Eric reached into his coat. He pulled a green colored bag which he would fill with money. Alexandria had one as well, hers was black, matching her outfit.
The reaction that her background got from many of those in the high society of New York didn't surprise Alexandria. In fact, it actually helped her to weed out those who didn't like her out of those who might be a possible friend and ally. Unfortunately, most of them were the former and not the latter. Much to the delight of her brother, the other wealthy families really didn't like Alexandria, nor Tina for that matter, but they both quickly became the queen and princess of New York's upper class. They were loved by the public because they were kind and generous women who never let their power rule them. Instead, they used their power to help those in need.

As she took down two men, Alexandria also kept an eye on Eric just in case he needed backup, but he never did. Once the men were taken down, she once more began to roughly shove the snobs towards the door, ordering them to get out, even delivering a couple swift kicks to their backsides to make them leave faster. Like Eric, Alexandria did as much damage to the property as she could by throwing men through furniture and using chairs to hit them as well. Once the men were all taken down and the patrons were outside, Alexandria joined Eric in scooping up money and shoving it into a bag she had. Hers was black like her outfit and she soon had it filled until it was bulging with bills. With it filled, Alexandria moved to Erics side and surveyed the damage that they had done to the place and she looked at him. "Think he'll get the message?" she softly asked him.
Eric & Alexandria stood together, around them were the unconscious bodies of Roman Tyco's goons. The room was littered with broken tables and chairs. Alexandria even smashed some of Tyco's booze when she tossed several chairs behind the bar, breaking the bottles which once stood on shelves behind the bar. They did far more damage then Tony Paris' thugs did during their visit. Now it was time for the people out in the street to enjoy some free money. Eric smiled when Alexandria asked her question. " Oh I'm sure he'll get the message......And he'll be pissed. " Eric spoke as he pulled several of those disks with the Green Hornet symbol on them, from his coat. He scattered them around, so the disks would be found. There would be no questions as to who hit this place.

Eric & Alexandria exited the gambling den, as if they were just leaving a store. All the customers were gone. They'd left in whatever vehicle brought them. The only people left outside, were those who watched as the high rollers ran like the devil was chasing them. On both sides of the gambling den, stood quite a few people. Large groups who wondered what was happening inside. Most assumed it was another hit. Like the one which happened a few nights ago. No one expected to see a man wearing a green mask, and woman wearing a black one appear. Gasps came from the onlookers when they saw the Green Hornet and his beautiful but deadly assistant. The streets had been buzzing about the return of the Green Hornet. All those rumors and stories became true. Eric & Alexandria started tossing wads of cash into the crowd. Both saying this was a gift from the Green Hornet. People grabbed what they could while thanking the two Robin Hood like figures. Between Eric & Alexandria, they tossed almost $2 million dollars to the crowd.

Eric & Alexandria pushed their way through the crowd still grabbing cash from the sidewalk. They reached Black Beauty as another black car pulled up along side their car. The window rolled down, and a man leaned out. " Mr Block wants to have a meeting with you Hornet........Follow us. " The man spoke as his window went back up. Eric just nodded to Alexandria. This is what they wanted from the start. They wanted to cause chaos until they got the attention of Cyrus Block. Well, they had the attention of New York's biggest crime boss. Once in Black Beauty. Alexandria followed the other black car. Eric said they should be ready for anything. There was no way of knowing what kind of meeting this would be. Cyrus may just want to talk, or he might want to try and take them out before they hit him. Eric felt they could relax a bit once they started moving uptown. It wasn't long before the large, brightly lit sign of Block International was seen. It was at the top of a building owned by Cyrus. The building is where he ran his "Legitimate" business from. Block was the only crime boss who played at being a businessman. The cover did keep him from any major run ins with the police. The other bosses had to work much harder to keep themselves clean. After reaching the building. Eric & Alexandria were led inside by two of Block's men. They were taken to the top floor of the building. Several more men waited outside Block's office. Eric & Alexandria started towards the door. One of Block's men stepped in front of them. " The boss wants to see you......Not your girl Hornet.......And we need to search you. " The man spoke, as he stood there looking tough. " My girl goes where I go........And no one searches me........If Mr. Block doesn't like that......Then we'll be leaving. " Just as Eric finished speaking. A loud laugh could be heard throughout the hallway. It was coming from a loudspeaker mounted on the wall above them. The voice then said it was alright. They could both come in without being searched. The double doors of the office were opened. Eric & Alexandria could see Cyrus Block waiting for them. " Come in Hornet! " Block called out while motioning for them to enter.
Standing next to Eric, Alexandria smiled at him after she spoke and when he said that he was sure that Tyco would get the message and he'd be pissed. This made her chuckle and nod, clearly delighted in this thought. "Good." she said to him. The smell of alcohol hung in the air from the booze she'd destroyed. Some of it was pretty expensive stuff, so that would just anger Tyco even more. In all, the damage and the money they were taking would cost Tyco a pretty penny in the end and she was pretty pleased about it. The only way to really describe the way she was grinning at Eric was like a cat who ate a canary. With a shake of her head, she watched as he scattered the Green Hornet discs everywhere before they turned and left the gambling den.

Once they were outside on the streets again, Alexandria looked around at the bystanders before she and Eric began tossing money into the crowd. She took handfuls of cash and chucked it up into the air, causing money to rain down upon the people. With the cash in the air, people began scrambling for the money, snatching it out of the air or off the ground and shoving bills into their pockets while thanking the two figures. Pleased with what they had done, Alexandria began pushing through the crowd, making a small path for the two of them as they made their way over to Black Beauty. As the two approached their car, another one pulled up next to it and a window rolled down, a man leaning out and telling them that Cyrus Block wanted a meeting with Hornet.

This made her glance at Eric. This was what they had been working towards. Eric nodded to her and together they got into Black Beauty, Alexandria beginning to follow the man in the car. As she drove the other black car, Eric spoke about hem being ready for anything and she nodded. "Always." she told him. As the two cars traveled, it became clear that they could relax just a bit. They were moving uptown and Alexandria doubted that Cyrus would do anything stupid to them while uptown. If he wanted them taken care of, he'd go after them away from where he could be found. Soon enough, Alexandria spotted the brightly lit sign of Block International as they drove towards the building. Once there, the duo were led inside by two of Block's men and they were taken to the top of the building. Just outside of Blocks office, they were stopped and told that Block wanted to see Green Hornet and not her. On top of that, they would need to search them.

This made Alexandria pause and she slowly crossed her arms, the look in her eye clearly stating without her having to say anything, that she'd like to see them try to keep her from going with Eric. At the same time, Eric was telling them that where she went, he went and that no one searched him. That if Block didn't like that, then they'd be leaving. Before anyone could say or do anything after that, loud laughter could be heard and Alexandria frowned slightly, the corners of her mouth turning down just a tinny bit before the voice said it was alright and they both could come in without being searched. Then the double doors opened and Alexandria looked through them and she could see the large bald man. She waited for Eric to enter first before she followed him, lingering just long enough to look at the men outside of the office with a long look before following her companion inside.
Cyrus Block rose to his feet as he greeted Eric. He spoke of being a big fan of the Green Hornet, but also spoke of his doubts that Eric was the original. Block said Eric looked much to young to be the original, he also pointed out that original Green Hornet had a male bodyguard and not a female one. Though Block stated he liked the idea of a female bodyguard. He said Alexandria was very sexy to look at. Cyrus Block was a tall man. He was several inches taller then Eric. Block was also built stoutly, but he wasn't fat. The man was over 300lbs of solid mass. One could say he was built like a block. Block asked if Eric or his sexy companion would like a drink? Eric said they were both fine. Block looked at Alexandria, then asked if she ever spoke? Eric said only when needed. " She's a loyal bodyguard......Not a secretary.......When she speaks......It's often with her hands and feet. " As Eric spoke, Block returned to his desk with his drink. Block nodded his head, then offered Eric & Alexandria a seat.

Eric & Alexandria sat down as Block started to tell why he asked for this visit. " I have been watching what you two have been doing........Hitting Tony Paris.....Rico Jones.....Then Roman Tyco.......And you caused trouble for Sato and took on some of those Black Hand thugs moving into Chinatown. " It was a little surprising that Block knew so much. Obviously he knew more about the Black Hand then either Eric or Alexandria could have guessed. " Don't look so surprised Hornet.......I own people within the city government......The major doesn't pick up a whore without me knowing who she is and where they're going. " Acting as criminals was eye opening for Eric & Alexandria. The type of information Block was sharing was the type they'd never get as heroes. " I like the way you work Hornet.......I knew it was only a matter of time before we crossed paths......And I didn't want to become your next target.......That would be bad for both of us.......I feel we could be friends and work together against the competition......A partnership would benefit us both. " Block spoke while Eric nodded his head. Eric agreed that a partnership would be great for everyone involved. He then spoke of starting this new partnership with a deal. " You happen to have a mutant working for you.......Her name is Tabatha Sevens........I have need of someone with her powers. " As Eric spoke, the smile on Block's face disappeared. " Mr. Block.......I know quite a bit about you and your operation here.........And I don't expect you to just give the girl away........I plan on giving you something in return.......Something of great value........Something a man in your position knows how to use properly. " Eric now had Block's full attention. The big man was leaning forwards in his seat, listening to every work spoken. What Eric was about to say would take Alexandria by surprise. He never told her what they would offer Block for Tabatha's freedom. She would naturally assume cash or jewels of some type. Eric had something totally different and unexpected to offer. He had to have something special to dangle in front of a man like Cyrus Block. " We'll deliver Eric Reed to you tomorrow night in exchange for Tabatha Stevens.......You can then hold him and have his sister at your mercy........Alexandria Reed will give anything.....Do anything to get her brother back......A man in your position would benefit greatly from a deal made for Eric Reed. " Eric knew he was in for an ear full from Alexandria once they were away from Block's office. But, he felt it was an offer a man like Block couldn't turn down. The smile returned to Block's face. He agreed to the deal. Both men stood and met on the other side of Block's desk to shake hands.

Alexandria had one job to do while in the office. As Eric kept Block distracted, she had to place the memory stick into Block's computer. This stick held the computer virus Image created to wipe away all evidence Block had on Tabatha. No matter where the evidence was hidden. Once the stick was placed into a computer. The virus would download automatically and begin it's work. Eric told Block they would meet tomorrow night at warehouse 47 down at the docks. They would make their trade then. Eric & Alexandria then left Block's office. He could feel her icy stare on him as they walked. But, expected Alexandria to be upset with his idea. However, the deal was set and the plan would have to be followed through. Though Eric was planning a double cross. That was something else he hadn't explained to Alexandria yet. The pair quickly exited the building and returned to Black Beauty. It wasn't long before they were away and Alexandria brought the car to a sudden stop.
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