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League of Heroes........Guardians of Earth (Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster)

Bishop was surprised by the thanks he'd gotten from Alexandria. In the past, she often had other choice words which weren't as nice for him. Bishop smiled while nodding his head. He talked of letting his team know how Eric & Alexandria thought of their work. Bishop then excused himself. Alexandria began speaking of letting the other department heads know what happened with Frank. She felt it was something which should be addressed. Eric agreed and had Ami call a meeting of the staff. All the department heads rushed to the meeting room. They knew something big was up. Eric & Alexandria didn't normally call for unscheduled meetings. Once everyone had gathered, Eric started the meeting by pointing out that Frank was missing. He then went into the reason why Frank wasn't here and would never be again. Nothing was held back. Eric spoke for a time, then Alexandria shared her thoughts with their staff. By the time the meeting was over. Each of the department heads knew all the facts. They were asked not to discus Frank outside the office building. Eric & Alexandria still had to get their property back, or as much of it as they could. The police would be taking over for Reed Enterprises security. The lawyers would be going after the companies who bought Reed tech illegally. Because of these reasons, the department heads were asked not to speak on this subject.

With the thief caught, life returned to normal at Reed Enterprises. Or as normal as it could get. The press was asking for interviews with Eric or Alexandria. The press wanted to know their thoughts on the message the Circle of Light broadcast. Neither Eric or Alexandria would give a statement to the press. White circles began appearing all over the city. Some were spray painted on walls, others were posters hung with the words "Join the Light" above the circle. It didn't take long for the tv press to find people who began spewing the same garbage as the Light had. Rich people were bad. They were the cause of all the troubles in the world. They didn't pay their own share. Eric & Alexandria made a lot of money, but they also gave away a lot of money. And they paid a lot in taxes. The average person just didn't understand all the facts. It was the wealthy people, like Eric & Alexandria who created jobs. And they had over 250,000 people working for them all over the world.

As the days turned into weeks. More posters of the Light were being hung, not only in New York, but around the world. However, no more messages came from the group. They seemed to have gone silent. During this time, Adam started at New York University. The same college Tina was attending. Eric & Alexandria were very pleased with their son. He came from an Earth were the Reed Family was poor and often turned to crime to pay their way. Eric & Alexandria worked hard to turn Adam around. To change his thinking. He was a bright young man once he put his thoughts to something other then crime. Adam showed how bright he was by finishing high school from home. He then was accepted into college. On the day Adam started. A new professor also started at NYU. Her name was Ellen Green. She taught Botany. This was a new subject and as it turned out, it was a required subject for all first year students. Being a full year ahead of her brother. Tina didn't have to take the subject. But she wasn't a target like Adam was. Ellen Green was really Tiger Lilly, working for Madame Wu. She planned on turning Adam and making him her love slave. Madame Wu felt this was such a perfect way to strike at the Reed Family. Of course she had other ideas in mind for the rest. Madame Wu would break them, bring them to their knees before she took their heads.
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The animosity that Alexandria had for Bishop was known to the man as well as those who worked for him and with him, as well as Eric and her own family. In the past, Cap and Eric had both tried to get her to work with Bishop and she always had some choice words for the man. And in the past, she handed out more then her fair share of backhanded compliments in regards to Bishop and his people. Some might even say that she was a down right bitch towards them, which she would admit she had been. She was stubborn and she tended to hold a grudge. So when she thanked Bishop honestly and gave him a true compliment about his people, the man was surprised. He then excused himself and Alexandria spoke with Eric about speaking with the rest of the department heads about what had happened. The others should know what Frank had done and that even though she and Eric were very giving and they cared deeply about those working for them, they wouldn't tolerate someone stealing from them. So they had Ami call a staff meeting.

Everyone rushed to the board room where Alexandria and Eric were already waiting and once everyone was gathered, Eric started things off. She was quiet as her brother spoke to everyone before it was her turn and she looked around at everyone before she spoke. The woman spoke of how she believed that she and Eric were very generous employers, often paying everyone in their employment a good deal more then any other company would for someone doing the same job. They also did so much for not just their employees but the general public as well at all the holidays. This brought murmurs of agreement from those gathered, all of them agreeing that the Reeds did so much for everyone. This was followed by a but and this caused everyone to become silent as she went on to say that she and Eric would not tolerate a repeat of what had happened, because when someone stole from the company, it wasn't just her and Eric that was being robbed. But it eventually effected everyone else in the end run.

The siblings asked that everyone not say anything outside of the office. It would become public knowledge soon enough once this went to trial. But for now, they didn't want word getting out that someone had done this until their lawyers had all their ducks in a row, as it were. Frank would be paying for what he'd done for quite some time, as would the companies who bought Reed tech illegally.

After that, their lives returned to relative normality with the exception of being pressured by the press for interviews with Eric or her about what their thoughts were about the Circle of Light. It wasn't long before Circle of Light paraphanelia began appearing all over the city and people began spreading the groups doctrine. It was quite worrying that the people of the city were agreeing with these people. Saying that the wealthy were the ones behind all the troubles in the world. Alexandria sat and spoke with Eric about this and they discussed how a large number of people in the city would be out of a job as well as without health care and many other things if the Reed businesses went down and she asked how these people didn't realize this. If the Reed Family closed down all their businesses in New York alone, there would possibly be an economical crisis.

However, the weeks passed and though posters of the Light continued to be hung, there were still no follow up messages from the group. Though they were still digging into who they were. Alexandria had all her contacts trying to find as much information on these people as they could. As the weeks passed, Alexandria's slight baby bump continued to grow as she got further along in her pregnancy. The entire family knew that soon enough, she wouldn't be able to continue her crime work and she would have to remain home while doing work for Reed Enterprises. At the same time, she was also planning her and Erics weddings.

Adam also was beginning college as well, something that made Alexandria very proud. Adam had come a long way since joining their family. He was a fine young man and he had a very bright future ahead of him. When he started, Alexandria was a little surprised to hear that Botany was a required subject for all first years and it was a little confusing since Botany wasn't usually a mandatory class. However, she was told that it was something new that the university was trying and she accepted it.
Botany wasn't normally a mandatory class at any university. However, Tiger Lilly had already worked her spell on those who ran NYU. Enough of the men were under her control and they changed the course subjects. Making Botany mandatory for all first year students. This was all part of the plan to catch Adam Reed and turn him into Tiger Lilly's puppet. Having Adam under Tiger Lilly's control, would play a huge part in Madame Wu's plans for revenge. Eric & Alexandria Reed needed to be taught a lesson. They needed to know you didn't get in Madame Wu's way. Those that did, suffered at her hand. Madame Wu continued to gather the best assassins in the world. However, one turned her down. This man had known Alexandria for many years. He was her oldest mentor in the spy & assassination game. His was known as Tabor, but Alexandria also knew him as Geno Ramos. Tabor had taught Alexandria all she knew while both were part of Anton Rayne's Assassins Guild. Both had left Rayne many years ago. Tabor wasn't all human anymore. Over the years he had special implants placed into his body. Among these were a bionic arm, not unlike the one Chip had. His left eye had been replaced by a robotic sensor. His hearing was also enhanced. Tabor was perhaps the greatest assassin in the world. Made even better over time with technology.

One day while Alexandria was at her desk. Ami came into her office. She spoke of an odd looking man who wished to see her. Alexandria normally didn't have time for unexpected visitors. She was far to busy. But as Ami discribed this man's look, Alexandria's mind was taken back in time. It sounded like her old mentor. A man she hadn't seen in 20 years. Alexandria heard that Tabor was still around and in the game. Thanks to the upgrades made to his body. Ami then said his last name was Ramos. Very few people alive knew of Tabor's true last name. Alexandria was one of those people. Ami then asked if she should call security and have this man removed?
On the day that Alexandria got her unexpected visitor, she was sitting at her desk going over some paperwork concerning one of her projects that she had going on. She heard the door of her office open and briefly glanced up from the papers sitting in front of her to see Ami approaching her desk. The young woman then spoke of an odd looking man being there wishing to see Alexandria and the woman frowned slightly, glancing over at the schedule book that she kept on one side of her desk and saw that she didn't have anyone scheduled to meet her at the moment. However, she was very busy with her other work. It wasn't very often that she accepted anyone without an appointment with her. After all, she was one of the heads of the company and she was very busy at the moment.

However, Ami went on to describe the man who wanted to see her and an old memory came to the shifter as she thought of the man Ami was talking about. It sounded like someone from so many years past. Her old mentor. He was a man that she hadn't seen in many years. Not since around the time that Anton Rayne had her hypnotized actually. She had heard that Tabor was still in the spy and assassination game. Tabor had been a strict teacher and he, like Anton, expected results of those that were in the Assassins Guild. When Ami said that the mans last name was Ramos, Alexandria looked up at her again and gave Ami a long look before she was asked if security should be called and have the man removed. "No. No, that won't be necessary." she told Ami. "Send him in." As she spoke, she carefully gathered her partially finished paperwork into a neat pile and slipped it into its file, placing the file into a drawer of her desk.

After having not seen Tabor in so long, she was fairly nervous. She didn't know what to expect from him, but if he sought her out, it had to be important. Once Ami turned and head out of the office, Alexandria took a deep breath and calmed herself while standing and smoothing down her skirt. She'd worn a charcoal grey pencil skirt with an ivory silk blouse and black high heels that strapped around her ankle while her long black hair was left hanging loose. She looked very professional and every bit the important business woman she was these days. Alexandria had given up her life of spying and death in exchange for a life of what many others would consider luxury.
Alexandria had a very different look when she was with the Assassins Guild. However, certain people knew the secret behind spotting her, no matter what form she was in. Alexandria had certain mannerisms which only a few people knew her well enough to spot. Tabor, or Geno Ramos was just such a person. Having been her mentor. The man behind most of Alexandria's training. Tabor knew her very well. Plus his electronic eye could see that Alexandria Reed was more then just a normal human. His eye was just one of the changes in Tabor since the last time he saw Alexandria. His bionic arm was another change. These changes Alexandria had heard of, but hadn't seen with her own eyes. Tabor was wearing a dark suit when he was shown in the office.

Ami came ahead of the man. Holding the door open as he stepped in. She then gave Alexandria a nod of her head. This was to let her boss know, she would be just outside if needed. Ami didn't know this man, and she was on guard against anyone who might threaten Alexandria or Eric Reed. Tabor stopped as the door was closed behind him. He looked Alexandria over. His mechanical eye glowed, as if it was scanning her. Tabor then slowly removed his back leatehr gloves. Exposing his mechanical hand and his real hand. " I wasn't 100% sure that you were the Alenandria I knew until now. " Tabor confessed while stuffing his gloves into his suit jacket pocket. " It's good to see you again Alex. " Tabor spoke while giving Alexandria a soft smile. He'd always called her Alex, instead of using her full name. " You've done quite well for yourself over the years.........You've kept your beauty........Even if you have a different look these days........And you've finally got that family you always spoke of. " As Tabor spoke, he could still remember how Alexandria always talked of having her own family one day. It was a dream for her, but some thought she was just wishing for something which would never come true. Those people were wrong. Alexandria was living her dream.
When she left the Assassins Guild, Alexandria had retired the look that she had used so long ago, vowing to never use that look again because she was putting that part of her life behind her. However, if there was one person other then her family who knew how to spot her no matter what form she was in, it was Tabor. There were certain mannerisms that gave her away, though they were small things that normal people wouldn't notice right away. When Ami entered with Tabor, the woman looked at the pretty Asian and thanked her, nodding slightly to Ami. As the door shut, Alexandria looked at Tabor finally and looked him over. He was dressed in a dark suit and she could see he was wearing black leather gloves. Though despite the suit, he was almost exactly as she remembered him.

She saw how his eye glowed and it caused her to raise an eyebrow before he slowly began to remove his black leather gloves, exposing his hands, both real and mechanical. The shifter had no clue as to why Tabor would of tracked her down after so long and it made her slightly uneasy. After all, he was one of the best from the Assassins Guild, just as she had once upon a time been one of the best. After all, she had talents that few others could make claim to and she had earned her place. Most had at one time called her 'The Ghost', because of her ability to disappear without a trace and without leaving any evidence behind when killing someone. Very few had been allowed to call her by her given name, as it was something she didn't want others to really know. Tabor, being her mentor, knew her name though because she held a great deal of respect for him.

Finally, Tabor spoke of how he'd not been 100% sure that she was the Alexandria that he knew until now. She stood calmly behind her desk, watching him as he continued to speak. Finally his comment of it being good to see her again, along with the soft smile he gave her, caused the woman to gently smile in return after he called her 'Alex'. Her small smile widened as he mentioned her keeping her beauty and she chuckled. "Mm, not quite." she replied to his comment of her finally getting that family she'd always spoke of. "But I'm getting there." When she was still young and in her early days of training, she'd made it known that she wanted her own family one day and many of the others would laugh at her. Telling her that it would never come true. Especially with her position in the Guild. But she showed all of them. She had a mate along with plenty of family members that all loved her and she was planning to have plenty more family members added to the family over the years. "And of course I kept my beauty. I did learn early on to use my looks to get what I want."

It was actually one of Tabors lessons when he was teaching her. Because she was able to take on beautiful forms, she could use them to her advantage to get what she wanted and it was a well learnt lesson. "So, what brings you to my office, Tabor?" she finally asked as she moved around the desk, motioning for him to sit on the couch that sat against one of the walls in her office and she sat down with a sigh.
Tabor's robotic eye could pick up on how tense Alexandria was when they first laid eyes on each other. Alexandria had every right to be a little tense. She had no idea why her old mentor, and one of the world's greatest assassins was in her office. There had been no contact between them for many years. Not since a brief meeting in Singapore during the 90's. They shared a drink while Alexandria was spying for the British, and Tabor was tracking a target. Tabor didn't want Alexandria to feel like she needed to be on guard with him. He wasn't here to harm her. He was here to share recent information. This is why he put her at ease soon quickly. Using the nickname he once called her, and letting her know, she was doing a better job in covering who and what she really was. His statement of not knowing if she was the same person he once knew, until he was in the same room. Was his way of saying Alexandria's skills had grown.

Tabor nodded his head as Alexandria spoke. Despite everything she had. Despite all she had gained in her life. She was still a very humble person. Alexandria knew how beautiful & sexy she was. She had the power to be any woman, or man for that matter. She was a woman of great power & wealth these days. And though her days of killing people were over, along with her days working as a spy. Alexandria couldn't hide from her past. Only a few truly knew her entire backstory. Some had ideas on details, but they could never be sure. However, there were several who knew enough to cause her problems. Madame Wu was one such person. This was the reason why Tabor had come. He moved to the couch when Alexandria invited him to sit with her. Once they were both seated. Tabor began to explain why he felt the need to see her again.

" I'm sure you already know Madame Wu is out for your head. " Tabor started with things he assumed Alexandria would already know. " She feels betrayed after that business with Malcot.........She thought he was a God who would grant her anything she wanted for bringing him back........She had no idea Malcot was only a shifter banned from Earth..........She didn't take his rejection of her well..........She also didn't like you and your family messing in her business.........She has declaired a blood feud against the Reed Family..........Like in the old days when family clans would battle for supremacy......She wants the heads of your family placed on pikes for everyone to see. " Tabor spoke in a serious tone while he looked at Alexandria. Though she would know some of what he spoke of, certain details would be new to her. Like the blood feud. Alexandria was old enough to remember when such feuds took place. She even took part in one, defending Ami's family. " As you know.........Madame Wu has he own army of trained assassins..........Her Black Hand.........But she is also hiring as many assassins from outside her group.........Most of these are special assassins.........They either use magic or have somekind of super powers..........She's paying top dollar to have your family wiped out. " Tabor continued. He then leaned towards Alexandria. " She made me an offer to kill you.........$50 million dollars if I took your head...... " Tabor spoke while he stared at Alexandria. His words tailing off. He wanted to see her reaction before speaking again. " I turned her offer down..........I have great respect for you Alex........You are the finest student I ever taught.......And I still believe in honor.........I have lived a longer life then most normal humans.........Thanks to magic and technology.........I have made and pissed away several furtunes during my life.........I have killed thousands of people.......But I have always valued honor above all else........I would have dishonored myself if I took her blood money and went against you. " Tabor finally leaned back and crossed his legs. He then told Alexandria how Madame Wu didn't know she and Scarlet Cat were the same person. This is something Alexandria knew, but what came next would be a surprise. " Madame Wu believes Scarlet Cat is the woman she once hunted years ago........The connection between you and your Scarlet Cat is the reason why she is hiring super powered assassins........She thinks you hired Scarlet Cat........The Raven and the rest as your personal protectors. " Tabor then grew silent and waited for Alexandria to speak what was on her mind.
Alexandria had come from very humble beginnings that had been filled with anger, hatred and plenty of abuse in different ways. But she had come a very long way from that and she could of been one of the most arrogant and egotistical people for it. However, she wasn't like that. She knew that she could loose everything if she and her family weren't careful, so instead she appreciated and cherished what she had. The woman was also aware of how beautiful and sexy she was. As a child, before her powers had kicked in, she had been beautiful. So she was attractive naturally as a grown up and most of her forms were attractive, though she could choose to be unattractive as well if she had to.
Over the years, she's made plenty of allies, but even more enemies because of her work as a spy and assassin. One such enemy was Madame Wu. Alexandria had tried to hide from the woman and keep as far from her as she could, but it seemed as if her past was constantly coming back to bite her in the ass as she yet again made an enemy out of the woman. But this time it was as Alexandria Reed.

When Tabor spoke about her knowing that Madame Wu being out for a head, she nodded, confirming that she was aware of this. The mention of the woman feeling betrayed after the business with Malcot made the woman shake her head with a slight smile. Though she didn't know her father very well just yet, she was curious as to what he might of told Madame Wu when he rejected her. Her smile disappeared when Tabor said that Madame Wu didn't like Alexandria and her family messing in her business. Alexandria had tried her damnedest to stear clear of the woman, even during her travels to Asia as Alexandria Reed, but ever since Wu had come here, the Reeds have been getting involved in one way or another. The news of the blood feud was a little surprising at first, but Alexandria should of known it would come.

Alexandria met Tabors gaze with a serious one of her own as he spoke of how Madame Wu wished for the heads of her family placed upon pikes for everyone to see. She had always thought of Madame Wu as a barbaric old hag, something she'd said once when she was younger, and that she was crazy. But the woman was smart. Very smart and she could hold a grudge like few others. The shifter nodded slowly, showing that she did indeed know of the Black Hand. But Tabor informed her that the woman was also hiring as many assassins from outside of her group with magic or some other kind of super power. This made her raise an eyebrow before he then informed her that the woman was paying top dollar for the lives of the Reed Family.

Then Tabor dropped the news that he'd been offered $50 million for her head. This made her tense slightly. To a normal on-looker, she wouldn't appear as if she'd tensed. But Tabor would recognize the signs as the fingers of her hand that was resting casually upon her knee flexed slightly and the muscle in her jaw twitched as she gazed at her mentor. She hoped that he wouldn't of taken the money, but coin was important to assassins. The life of an assassin, though dangerous, was very well paid. He then announced that he'd turned down the offer and she relaxed a little. That he turned down such an offer meant that he respected her more then he needed or wanted the money and she acknowledge this.

"I thank you for turning down her offer." she softly told Tabor. "I would of hated for such a woman to come between the two of us." Tabor had been the one who taught her everything that she'd once known for the life of killing. But since then, she'd learned plenty of new tricks which might give her the edge on him in a fight, but she'd rather not fight the man who had taught her so much. Like him, she'd made and spent several fortunes over the years before she just began putting it away. And she'd killed hundreds if not thousands of people as well. She was after all, one of the best whom had been trained by one of the best. "Sometimes I wonder if people like Madame Wu even understand the meaning of the word honor." she said dryly. Of course, Tabor had some more surprises up his sleeve and he showed this when he announced that Madame Wu believed that Scarlet Cat was the woman that she'd once hunted years ago and this was why super powered assassins were being hired. Because the woman thought that Alexandria Reed had hired Scarlet Cat, as well as The Raven and the others to be her personal protectors.

For several long moments Alexandria stared at the man before she laughed and she stood up, moving over to her drink cabinete and she shook her head as she opened it and pulled out a glass and poured herself some water that was in a container. As she poured herself the water she asked if he'd like something to drink. Usually she would drink whiskey or vodka, but with her expecting a child, she stuck with water. After she got his answer, she finally spoke while returning to the couch. "That woman really is something else." Alexandria commented before sipping her water. "I suppose in a way she is correct. Raven and the others are my personal protecters to a certain extent." she told him. The woman became silent as she sipped at her drink, a small frown tugging at her lips. "I worry about her." she admitted. "But not for myself. For my family. Not all of them can defend agaisnt a woman like her or the people coming after her." Alexandria wondered briefly how the woman would react if she found out that Malcot was actually the father of the very woman that she was trying to have killed.
Tabor doubted that Madame Wu understood honor. She was a pure and evil woman who ruled through terror. She was very smart, very skilled and controlled power rings which gave her power over others. Few dared to stand against her. For those who could. Well, that's why Madame Wu could hire muscle. Like any other evil villain mastermind. The Chinese saw her as a warlord, and even the Chinese Government feared her. Madame Wu was hundreds of years old. Much older then Alexandria, who was herself almost 200 years old. Only Anton Rayne was older. Having lived for almost a thousand years. Madame Wu & Anton Rayne were human. Alexandria's father wasn't, and he was the oldest living being currently on the planet. Malcot had seen the dawn of man. He'd seen the savages take over the world. Now he was living among them, even taking on their form and a human name. It was an idea which Alexandria supported, So Malcot did as she asked.

Tabor turned down the offer for as drink. He couldn't stay. Tabor was just paying Alexandria a visit, to warn her of the danger she and her family faced. Alexandria was also worried, though not about herself. She feared for those among her family who couldn't defend themselves against the forces Madame Wu could bring down upon them. " She doesn't care for honor Alex..........She cares about her power.......And anyone who crosses her path must he dealt with..........Make no mistake..........She won't rest until each member of the Reed Family has been wiped from the Earth.........Even your unborn child will suffer if she finds out you are pregnant. " Tabor added. A knock then came at the door. The door slowly opened and Eric popped his head inside. He apologized for interrupting, but he needed a moment of Alexandria's time. Tabor smiled while standing up. He spoke being ready to leave anyway. His job here was over. Tabor wished Alexandria well, and said if she needed him, she knew how to contact him. Before leaving. Alexandria introduced Eric to her mentor. The two men shook hands before Tabor left.

After Tabor was gone. Eric sat down with his sister on her couch. He spoke of having some news which would interest her. Eric said he got a call from a street contact he used. This contact spoke of Madame Wu wishing to meet and hire the Green Hornet. Eric guessed that Madame Wu was looking to hire Green Hornet to go after them. He suggested that they grant Madame Wu her wish. Eric & Alexandria would go and meet with Madame Wu this evening at her restaurant in Chinatown. " I've already asked Image to get Black Beauty fueled up and ready to go. " Eric shared his information and his suggestion. He was sure Alexandria would be up for a confrontation with Madame Wu.
Alexandria understood when he said he couldn't stay and she returned to her seat, leaning back as he told her that the woman didn't care for honor. Only power. She sat there sipping her drink while she listened to her friend speak. If Madame Wu was determined not to rest until Alexandria and her family had been wiped from the Earth, Alexandria would have to make sure that she took her out first. She didn't say anything in reply and she didn't need to. Tabor knew her well enough to know that she would already be thinking of ways to protect the family. They were then interrupted by a knock on he door and a moment later the door opened and Eric popped his head in and she smiled when she saw him, the love she had for the man showing in her eyes as he apologized for interrupting.

Standing up as Tabor did, Alexandria looked at her mentor as he wished her well and to call on him if she needed him. "Of course." she told him. "Thank you. For everything." She took a moment to introduce Eric and Tabor to each other before her mentor left them. This left the siblings alone and Alexandria sat down once more with a sigh, pressing her fingers lightly against her eyelids as she let her head fall back against the back of the couch until Eric joined her, telling her that he had some news which would interest her. This made her lower her hand and open her eyes to look at him as he spoke of Madame Wu wanting to meet and hire the Green Hornet. Eric told her that they should grant Madame Wu's wish and meet with her, that they would go and meet with Madame Wu that evening at her restaurant in Chinatown. She was then told that he had asked Image to get Black Beauty fueled up and ready to go.

She was ready to confront Madame Wu. She actually wished that the woman had never left the shores of Asia and come to America. "I want the threat of that woman gone from our lives." she softly told Eric. "Tabor was here to tell me that she's reaching out and hiring all sorts of assassins to kill our entire family." she told him, worry tinting her voice.
As much as Alexandria wanted to kill Madame Wu. She knew saying or even thinking of such a thing was easier then doing it. Like Anton Rayne. Madame Wu had escaped death several times during her long life. Despite a lucky few having seen their dead bodies. They still returned from death's cold embrace. This was done through the use of alchemy and magic. It would be easier to get rid of cockroaches then it would to get rid of Madame Wu. The best which could be hoped for. Would be to get Madame Wu to leave America. Have her return to China. This was also easier said then done. Now that a blood feud had been declared. One clan would need to yield to the other. Madame Wu would sooner wipe out every living person on the planet before she would yield.

Eric wasn't surprised by what Alexandria said. From what he learned from Alexandria so far. Madame Wu was a woman who would take any route to get what she wanted. And what she wanted most now, was the death's of each member of the Reed Family. Eric regretted the way he first met Madame Wu/ Perhaps what he said during their first meeting wasn't the best way to handle things? That was all water under the bridge now, and Eric couldn't take back how he confronted her. They had to move forwards and counter whatever moves were made against them. Having Alexandria spend time with her father and bring him closer to the family, sure seemed like a great move. Malcot could never fight against his own daughter. This is what she wanted from him after returning him to Earth. Malcot laughed in her face while say he was no one's lackey.

Eric suggested that Alexandria ask her father to come live at the manor. He loved her and her children. That much was very clear when Malcot came to visit. Having him staying there full time would only increase the protection of the manor. Image, Tristan, Dak, Tabitha & Malcot would make a formidable force to protect James, Richard & Angel while Eric, Alexandria, Tina & Adam were away during the day. Eric said they could have James get a room ready for Malcot. The sooner he arrived at the manor, the better off everyone would be. Malcot might have a sinister past, but he truly loved his only daughter.
The difficulty of killing Madame Wu was not lost on Alexandria. She knew, as long as the woman had her rings of power and magic, she was pretty much impossible to kill. Much like Anton Rayne. Luckily it seemed that Anton was leaving her be for now, so all she had to worry about was Madame Wu. So she and Eric needed to figure out what to do about the Chinese woman and quickly. Because the sooner the woman no longer had an interest in their family, the better. The shifter was aware of how her brother felt and how he thought that perhaps what he had said during his first meeting wasn't the best way of handling things. Sure, there could of been a bit more tact used, but it was in the past now. Besides, Alexandria hadn't been much better when confronted at the Officers gala about relinquishing her interest in the very building that Madame Wu had been interested in. In retaliation, Madame Wu had the building destroyed. But Alexandria swept in and purchased the land itself, not wanting to let Madame Wu gain any more of a foothold in the city then she already did.

When Eric suggested asking Malcot come live at the manor, she nodded in agreement. It was something that had been spoken about before and she told Eric that she would feel much more comfortable with her father living at the manor to help protect those in their family who couldn't protect themselves. James, Richard and Angel were all fairly defenseless. Sure, they knew that Angel had some powers, but she hated to use them as they could be used to influence a persons will as well as being an empath. Other then that, the woman was more of a healer and caretaker then a fighter. On top of that, the angelic woman was carrying James' child. So having Malcot in the manor to protect them while the rest of the family were out would definitely make Alexandria feel better. Alexandria sighed and shook her head before telling Eric that she didn't know what they could do about Madame Wu though. "The woman is so powerful and dangerous, Eric." she softly told him before admitting to being worried for their family.
Alexandria had every right to be worried about Madame Wu. Eric felt just as worried about their family. They'd faced many dangerous foes in the past. And each one had been very powerful. However, none had ever directly threatened the family like Madame Wu had done. The family always faced some kind of danger from villains, but this was becoming very personal. Madame Wu wanted all the Reed;s dead, No matter who they were or how young they were. She would even cut the baby from Alexandria's body just to make sure every member of the Reed Family was wiped out. This how deep her hatred for them ran. Having Malcot around the manor would ease the minds of everyone staying there. His powers made him a formidable foe for anyone to face. Alexandria had done the right thing by reconnecting with her father. Giving herself to him and taking him as another lover. Despite his past misdeeds and the fact that she wasn't sure how to feel after first meeting him. Part of her past had been rewritten after Malcot announced that he was her real father. Alexandria was able to come to terms with this, and she accepted Malcot as her true father. He was also her newest lover.

Both Eric & Alexandria returned to work. They spent their day dealing with normal work until their day was over. Both returned home, finding Malcot was there waiting. Alexandria had arranged everything for her father coming to stay at the manor, James got a room ready for him, not far from the room where Alexandria stayed in. In fact, Malcot was in the room next to Richard. So he could be closer to his grandson. The older shifter made it clear. He would kill anyone who dared to harm the child. This was a promise he would keep. Eric & Alexandria wouldn't be eating with the rest of the family. They would eat later, after returning from the city. Once their business with Madame Wu was over. Adam was once again not around. He left a message, saying he could be in the city studying until late. This was a bit concerning. Adam seemed to be spending more and more time away from the manor and the family. Tina said Adam had really taken to that botany class. Though she thought he was sweet on the teacher. Tina said the woman seemed to get men wrapped around her finger. Adam no longer seemed interested in the business classes he was taking.

Having Adam so distracted was troubling, but the family had Madame Wu to worry about. Eric & Alexandria would have a talk with Adam later about what was going on with this botany teacher. Right now they needed to focus on Madame Wu and her threat to the family. Eric & Alexandria went down into the cave. Alexandria's bio-weave created most of what she needed for Kato's outfit. The only thing she needed from the original outfit was the mask & the chauffeurs hat. These were the only things the bio-weave couldn't create because each item was separate and not connected in anyway. Eric got dressed in the Green Hornet costume while Image brought Black Beauty out from it's hidden garage inside the cave. She was already fueled up as Eric had asked. Eric then joined Alexandria once he was dressed. They stood looking at the black car. It was marvel created from the body of a 1966 Imperial Crown sedan. Eric kept the car in perfect running order. Despite it's age. It was still a beast of a car. Black Beauty was like a tank on wheels. She was heavily armed and armored. She could still out run most other vehicles on the road, even with the armor. Few cars could match her speed, and no car could match her firepower. " Lets go pay Madame Wu that visit..........We'll drive around a bit before going to her restaurant......Let the people on the streets see us. " Eric spoke before he and Alexandria climbed into the car. Alexandria then fired up the motor before pulling out. Driving the car through the hidden road which led out of the cave, down away from the manor and onto a nearby road. This road led straight to the city.
After talking with Eric, they both returned to their work and finished up the rest of their day normally. While she worked, Alexandria had contacted James and asked him to ready a room for her father. She wanted it near her own room and the nursery. In a couple months, she would be having her next baby and he would be able to be close to both Richard and the new baby in order to better protect them. And since Angel was always with Richard, Malcot would be able to protect her and her child as well. Returning home after work, Malcot met them at the manor and she greeted him before she showed him to the room he was going to be staying in. After she did this, she was told that Adam wasn't home and she asked why. She wasn't surprised to hear that he was staying in the city, studying until late. Alexandria was beginning to worry about her son. He was spending more and more time away from home and away from the family. Tina told her that she thought Adam might be sweet on the woman who taught the botany class, but the woman was able to get men wrapped around her finger. This made Alexandria even more concerned when combined with the news that Adam wasn't interested in the business classes he was taking.

Alexandria had voiced her concerns to Eric and he told her that they would have a talk with the teen after they finished with Madame Wu. So she nodded and accepted this, understanding that they had to focus on Wu first. So the two of them head down into the cave to get ready for their night out. Luckily it didn't take her long to get ready. Before Eric made her the bio-weave clothing, it used to take her some time to get into her tight leather outfits. But now, the clothing formed on her and adjusted to her form. The only thing that the bio-weave didn't form was the mask and the chauffeurs hat needed. So while Eric got dressed, Alexandria changed her form and altered her clothing. As she was donning her hat and mask, Image brought Black Beauty out from it's hidden garage inside the cave and Alexandria smiled when she saw it. It was actually one of her favorite cars to drive other then her own personal car and motorcycle that had been gifted to her by Erics uncle many years past.

Hearing Eric speak, Alexandria looked at him and nodded. "Let rumor spread around the city a bit that we were seen. She'll more then likely know that we're on the streets before we get to the restaurant." she told him while moving to the drivers side and opened the door, slipping into the drivers seat. With them both in, she fired up the car and pulled out, driving through the road that led out of the cave and then took off down the road that led into the city. One of Alexandria's favorite things about Black Beauty was the speed of the car. She loved fast vehicles and this one was definitely one of the fastest, if not THE fastest car that she'd ever driven. It didn't take long for them to reach the city and she slowed down a bit as she skillfully maneuvered the car through the streets of New York.
Alexandria was thinking along the same lines as her brother. Eric had wanted word to spread that the Green Hornet was driving through town. He knew full well that Madame Wu would have eyes on the street. Those eyes would spot Black Beauty driving around, and she would soon hear of this. Eric & Alexandria would dive around for a while. Letting the street people get a good look at their car. And as they guessed, it didn't take long for tongues to start wagging. Any time Black Beauty was seen on the streets of New York. Those who lived on the streets always wondered what was Green Hornet doing this time. Madame Wu was told about Green Hornet being spotted. She was also told when Black Beauty was seen driving into and even reached Chinatown. Madame Wu was waiting in her restaurant by the time the black car pulled up out front. Kato & Green Hornet stepped out. Looking around as people stopped in their tracks. They looked on in awe at seeing the two famous criminals.

Green Hornet pulled his Hornet Sting from his green colored overcoat. He & Kato then made their way towards the front door of the restaurant. Kato opened the door, as Green Hornet entered first. Kato was close behind while closing the door behind them. The restaurant was empty, expect for Madame Wu seated at a booth, eating her dinner. Green Hornet & Kato exchanged looks before approaching the woman. " Word on the street is that you're looking for me? " Green Hornet spoke as he and Kato stopped a few feet from the booth. Madame Wu greeted them with a smile. " Yes..........I wish to hire you and your assistant.......I will pay well for the job. " Madame Wu spoke while offering Green Hornet & Kato some food. The food offer was turned down. The offer for the job was still on the table, for now. Green Hornet acted interested in her offer. He asked for more details on the job Madame Wu spoke of. She then told of wanting Green Hornet & Kato to kill Eric & Alexandria Reed. This made Green Hornet & Kato look at each other. Both wearing a slight smile on their faces. " I'm not beyond killing anyone who get's in my way..........But Kato and I are no ones lackeys..........No matter how money we're paid.........Besides.......I have my own plans for the Reed siblings........Killing them isn't part of that plan. " Green Hornet's words drew a frown from Madame Wu. Being turned down wasn't what she wanted to hear. Not after being turned down by Tabor. " That is very bad..........I had hoped you would join me........Sadly if you're not with me........You are against me. " Madame Wu spoke before snapping her fingers. Six men came from the kitchen. Each one carried a hatchet in their hands. They were Madame Wu's hatchetmen. She then ordered her men to kill the Green Hornet & Kato. The six men started to approach the masked pair. Green Hornet & Kato were ready for this. They expected Madame Wu to pull something like this. After all, Eric had the same type of encounter with her a while back. As the fight started. Eyes watched from the kitchen. These eyes belonged to Susume, the young woman who worked for Madame Wu. The woman who gave Eric quite a fight. She'd been punished by Madame Wu for failing to kill Eric Reed when she had the chance. As Suzume looked on, she spotted something familiar in how Green Hornet was fighting. She'd seen him fight before, though not as the Green Hornet. Suzume was sure the Green Hornet was Eric Reed. She got the idea, he could help her get away from Madame Wu. Certainly anyone who posed as a criminal, but was a well known businessman could do almost anything. Even free Suzume from Madame Wu.
It felt a little strange to be masquerading as a criminal. She had spent more then half her life living as one and now she was a reformed criminal who was now considered a hero, pretending to be a criminal. So it was certainly strange. Just as Kato had said and Green Hornet was thinking, it didn't take long for people to take notice of Black Beauty as Kato drove it up and down the streets of New York, just taking them for a drive before it was time for them to head towards Chinatown. Pulling up in front of Madame Wu's restaurant, Kato parked and glanced at the building before they stepped out of the car, the masked woman glancing around as she moved around the car, her hazel eyes moving over the people who had stopped and were staring at the famous duo. Once Green Hornet had pulled his Hornet Sting from his overcoat, they made their way over to the door of the restaurant, Kato stepping forward and pulling the door open for him and waiting until after he had entered to step inside as well, closing the door behind them.

With the door closed, Kato glanced around the restaurant and quickly saw that it was empty in the front, though she could hear people in the back. This made her glance at Green Hornet and they met each others gaze before approaching the woman who was eating her dinner. They stopped a couple feet away from the booth, Kato standing at Green Hornet's shoulder as he spoke to Madame Wu. The woman greeted them with a smile and began to speak of wanting to hire the two for a job and she said that she would pay well for the job. At the same time, food was offered but turned down before Green Hornet asked for more details about the job. The information they got was not surprising and they once more looked at each other, Kato smiling slightly before Green Hornet replied. Of course, his reply was not well taken by Madame Wu. In fact, she was very unhappy to hear his reply and she told them that if they weren't with her, they would be against her.

She then snapped her fingers and six men emerged from the kitchens with hatchets in hand. Seeing this, Kato turned slightly and readied herself to fight. As the fight started between the duo and the six hatchetmen, an onlooker watched from just past the doorway into the kitchens. Suzume was watching as the Green Hornet and his partner, Kato, began to fight the six men. As she watched, something about the way the Green Hornet fought was very familiar. She watched for a bit before it dawned on her. Green Hornet was fighting just like Eric Reed had and she began to believe that Hornet and Eric Reed were one and the same. Once she came to this train of thought, she began to think that perhaps he could help her get away from Madame Wu. Suzume needed to get away from the grasp of Madame Wu one way or another. Not for herself, but for her daughter. It was the one thing that Madame Wu had on her. Suzume was nothing but a pet to the crazy woman. A pet who had its uses to Madame Wu. She fought for her and if she wasn't fighting for Madame Wu, the woman used her for her own amusement. She still bore some of the marks from the last time she had to... amuse the woman. And she remembered the punishment she'd undergone for not being able to kill Eric Reed. Yes, she needed to get away from Madame Wu before the woman decided to eventually use her little girl as a form of amusement.
The six hatchetmen were good fighters, but they weren't in the same league as the Green Hornet & Kato. As Eric & Alexandria, the pair were both well trained at fighting. Eric was skilled in several types of fighting forms. He even used his Hornet Sting as if it were a fighting stick. Alexandria, because of her age and how long she lived in Asia. Knew every fighting art known to man. Some she knew better then others, but she was trained enough to use them all, or bits & pieces to really throw a foe off. Back in the kitchen, Suzume continued to watch the fight play out in the dinning room. She was even more convinced that Eric Reed & the Green Hornet were one and the same. The Green Hornet used several moves which Eric had used on her. Suzume could still remember how Eric Reed knocked her on her ass. Few men could do that, let alone a rich billionaire. Suzume felt there was more to Eric Reed, and now she knew why. He was not only a businessman. He was also a well known criminal.

Suzume disliked using blackmail to get what she wanted. There were more honorable ways, but she was a desperate woman. Not for herself, but for her daughter. She would have to confront Eric Reed, but she would need to wait until Madame Wu sent her out to do something. Normally Madame Wu kept Suzume nearby. Just as one would keep their pet close. But there were times when Madame Wu sent her out for small reasons. Suzume had to wait for one of those times. She was an abused woman at the hands of Madame Wu. Abused & punished for misdeeds and for the older woman's amusement. For not killing Eric Reed. Madame Wu had 30 of her men beat & rape Suzume. And there was nothing she could do to stop it from happening. Had Suzume tried to fight back. Madame Wu would have hurt and possibly had Suzume's daughter killed. Suzume had to be smart about this. She knew Madame Wu wouldn't be watching the fight. She never cared enough to watch how her foes fought. Unless they were fighting her. This meant Madame Wu wouldn't see how similar Green Hornet & Eric Reed were.

Madame Wu continued eating her food as the fight went on. Her hatchetmen were taken down, one by one. This left only Green Hornet & Kato still standing. Madame Wu sighed while placing down her chopsticks. She then clapped her hands twice while calling for Suzume. The kitchen door opened as the woman stepped out. She looked younger then she really was, but that was common among Asian women. You could find some Asian women in the 30's who looked like a teenager. " Suzume........Kill the filthy whore first..........Then kill Green Hornet. " Madame Wu gave her orders, then she returned to her meal. Green Hornet knew what a great fighter this girl was. He'd warned Alexandria about her before they left the cave, but he also knew how great Alexandria was. She had so many years of training under her belt. First by many Asian masters, then by Tabor & Anton Rayne. Fighting Alexandria was like fighting over a hundred masters at the sometime. She could come at you with many different forms. Switching between forms during a fight. This made it impossible to anticipate what she would do. Suzume & Kato squared off, Green Hornet slowly pulled his gas gun from his coat. He would use the knockout gas on the girl if needed.
While their opponents were good at fighting, they had nothing on Green Hornet and Kato. Growing up, Eric had different forms of training in self defense while Alexandria had strict training from some of the best masters and over 100 years of practice under her belt. She was highly skilled at fighting and she knew every form of fighting earth known to man and though she knew some of them better then others, she was able to use all the different forms of fighting and she'd made her own unique form of fighting. This way, anyone she went up against wouldn't be able to guess at what she would do next. She also had been personally training her own family members to know some of the different ways to fight. That way they had a little more knowledge in self defense. "Every little bit helps." she had told them when she insisted on them learning more.

While watching Green Hornet and Kato, Suzume was becoming more and more convinced at Green Hornet was Eric Reed. At one point in time, Suzume had been the wife of an man who valued honor above even money. But he had gotten mixed up with Madame Wu and the woman had him killed before kidnapping Suzume's daughter, forcing the young woman into her service. So Suzume despised dishonorable actions. But she was willing to cast such strong beliefs aside for one thing and one thing only. Her daughter was her everything. It was the only reason why Suzume hadn't tried to run already. Her daughter was still young, but in a couple of years, she would become a teenager, but she was already a very pretty child who would grow up to be a very beautiful young woman. So Suzume had no doubts that Madame Wu would use the girl in disgusting ways.

She would have to wait until Madame Wu sent her out on an errand. Normally she was kept close at hand. Like some kind of pet. But some times she was sent out to do Madame Wu's bidding. Such as meet up with lesser henchmen and pass on Madame Wu's orders if the older woman was too busy or felt it didn't warrent her own personal attention. Or even to run some meaningless task. So Suzume would have to wait for one of those times and she hoped it came soon. Suzume was tired of the kind of life that she was currently living. All she wanted was to raise her daughter peacefully. But until she could escape, she was forced to accept the abuse that came at the hands of Madame Wu who enjoyed watching Suzume get abused and punished. It was high entertainment to Madame Wu. Such as the last time Suzume had fought against Eric Reed and lost. Her punishment had been brutal and it had lasted hours. Madame Wu had set 30 of her men on the young woman and watched for a time as the girl had been beaten and raped over and over again.

However, Suzume knew that Madame Wu wasn't watching the current fight. She didn't care about watching her foes fight unless she was fighting them herself. So this mean that the woman wouldn't know that the fighting styles of Green Hornet and Eric Reed were extremely similar. Suzume was shaken from her thoughts by the sound of Madame Wu clapping and the young woman stepped out of the kitchen. Like before, she was wearing a school girls uniform and she looked deceptively innocent. She easily looked to be 16 or 17. She also looked as if she wouldn't hurt a fly as she moved to stand at Madame Wu's shoulder. "Ma'am." she softly murmured.

When she was ordered to kill Kato and then Kill Green Hornet, Suzume glanced at the two. It was frustrating because she knew that she didn't stand a hope in winning against Green Hornet, though she didn't know about Kato. But from watching Kato, she knew that the woman was good. Really good. Sometimes she felt that Madame Wu wanted her to fail because she enjoyed watching Suzume get punished. "Yes ma'am." she softly told the woman before stepping away and facing Kato. Kato looked at her with a narrowed gaze. Green Hornet had warned her about this young woman earlier. She was a fierce fighter and she didn't pull her punches. So the two women began to slowly move around each other, sizing each other up. For a long moment they stared each other down before Suzume exploded into action. She snatched up one of the broken chairs that had been destroyed in the fight between Kato and Green Hornet, and the hatchetmen. She threw it hard at Kato before following it closely to attack Kato.

Seeing the chair flying at her, Kato dodged it before going into the defensive against Suzume, dodging or blocking several blows before she traded several attacks. Both women went back and forth before one of Suzume's attacks landed and she punched Kato across the face. This gave Kato a bloody lip and it surprised Suzume that she had actually landed a hit and that very brief moment was all Kato needed to hit back and she punched Kato in the stomach before sweeping her legs out from under her. However, Suzume wasn't going to go down that easily. The girl caught herself and took a couple steps back while holding her stomach with a soft cough. The blow to the stomach was going to leave a bruise, she was sure. There was only a brief pause during this time before the two women were back at it again, attacking each other.
Green Hornet moved back. Giving the two girls some room to fight. He wasn't planning on stepping in on the action. Not unless it seemed as if Kato needed his help. Green Hornet had his gas gun ready, and still carried his Hornet sting in the other hand. He kept a close eye on the fight, while also watching what Madame Wu was doing. She just sat there, at her booth eating her food with chopsticks. She showed no interest in the fight between Suzume & Kato. If Suzume won, then she did as she was told. If she lost, she would get punished again. Madame Wu did enjoy watching Suzume get punished. She wanted to make the younger woman feel worthless. To feel as low as possible. This is why she made Suzume's punishments so brutal. Beatings and rapes. Forced sex with disgusting men. Suzume wasn't even allowed to fight back. Madame Wu would do something even worse if she did. The older woman still had control of Suzume's daughter. And so many bad things could happen to her while in Madame Wu's hands.

As the fight continued between Suzume & Kato. Green Hornet remained where he could see everything. He was surprised when Suzume landed a damn good hit on Kato. Leaving a bit of blood near her mouth. Even though she'd been warned about Suzume. It was hard to deflect each of her attacks. Suzume was a well trained fighter. Certainly better then the hatchetmen who faced Green Hornet & Kato in the beginning. After having been here before. Green Hornet decided it was best to be ready for more surprises. Madame Wu always seemed to have something else up her sleeve. Green Hornet moved his position. Circling around the action until he was close to the front door. He was now in position to cover their escape. Green Hornet didn't want this fight to drag out. The longer he & Kato were here, the worse things could get. Alexandria couldn't even use her powers. That could give away the fact that she was more then human. Suddenly a police car pulled up out front of the restaurant. This drew Green Hornet's attention. A passing patrol car had spotted Black Beauty. " COPS!.........We need to go Kato! " Green Hornet yelled out. This was a good time for Kato to use one of her gas darts. It would give them a chance to slip away from Madame Wu & Suzume.
As the two women fought each other, they moved around the restaurant, carefully stepping around the fallen hatchetmen as they went back and forth. The two women were rather closely matched. Of course, normally Alexandria would use her powers which made her a force to be reckoned with, but as Kato, she was stuck with not being able to use them. While the fight continued, Kato did notice that there seemed to be a slight sense of desperation in the way the girl fought. As if something other then Madame Wu's orders were pushing her to fight. And there was. It hadn't been enough for Madame Wu to merely kill the man who had defied her and refused to work for her. She wanted to demean and crush the will and confidence out of the beautiful woman that man had been married to. To destroy everything that had been important to that man.

However, at the same time, Suzume noticed how Kato moved when certain attacks came towards her and it caused the Asian woman to study Kato more during their fight and she began to notice something that something about Kato was off. The woman often defended her stomach, whether it was a conscious move or not, it was a give away to Suzume. So with this in mind, she put Kato on the defensive more often. The fight seemed to be stretching out longer then any of them wanted. But that was quickly brought to heel when a police car pulled up out front of the restaurant and Green Hornet told Kato that they needed to go.

Nodding, Kato lunged at Suzume and shoved her back, surprising the girl with the sudden lunge and the girl stumbled back. While the girl was stumbling, Kato pulled out one of her gas darts and threw it before moving quickly over to Green Hornet, ready to get out of there. Even as she moved towards Green Hornet, she could hear Suzume recovering.
Once Kato had thrown the gas dart, and it went off after striking the floor. Green Hornet pushed the door open. This would allow Kato to slip away first. She would also be the first to encounter the two patrol officers. They would no doubt try and stop her, which would be a huge mistake on their part. Green Hornet snapped open his Hornet Sting. He knew the pretty Asian girl would recover quickly. So to drive her back even more, he would make sure she had a reason to run for cover. Green Hornet aimed his Hornet Sting at a large chandelier hanging down from the ceiling. He activated the weapon. Causing a high pitched sound, which grew louder until the chain holding the chandelier snapped. This brought the chandelier crashing down onto the floor. Green Hornet slipped outside just as Kato was taking down the two cops. She didn't hurt them. She just knocked the wind out of them so Black Beauty could escape without further police trouble. Kato & Green Hornet jumped into the car, and took off quickly. Pulling away as the two officers struggled to their feet. Both holding their stomachs and gasping for air. Eric told Alexandria to head for home. They were done for the evening.

They returned back to the manor. Putting Black Beauty away until the next time she was needed. They went back to normal night work. Alexandria's time working with her family during the evenings was growing shorter. It would soon be impossible for her to hide her pregnancy. Alexandria would be working for home more often, before she went on another one of her long vacations. Ami knew all about the pregnancy and why Alexandria needed to be away from the office. She would make sure her new boss had nothing to fear. Ami was her goddaughter after all. A trusted member of the family. With the time Alexandria had left. She started digging into the background of this botany professor who seemed to have Adam wrapped around her finger. In the same manner as she had others like the Dean of the college. Everyone agreed that something had changed with Adam. He stayed away from the manor until very late in the evening. When he did get home, he locked himself in his room, telling others he needed to study. This wasn't normal for him. Alexandria always helped Adam with his work. Now even she was shutout of his life. When he did speak with her. Adam denied that anything was wrong. He spoke of Alexandria overreacting, of Tina being a lair and even said Alexandria was jealous because someone liked him. None of this was true and if Adam was thinking with a clear mind. He would see it. Alexandria needed proof that this professor wasn't what she seemed to be. So she continued to dig.

Besides the trouble which came from the Light and from Madame Wu. The family still had their night work. They encountered a series of murder/robberies. All signs pointed to Jester being back on the streets, but Eric checked and Jester was locked away in prison. This new Jester was part of a larger gang committing crimes. All the evidence pointed towards a circus which recently hit town. One which Tina had once worked for, back she and her birth family did such work for living. Tina knew the girl now running that circus, and she couldn't believe her friend Terri Howe was running a gang of criminals. They grew up together, being in the circus was like a family. This was something Alexandria & Eric understood, but they couldn't discount anyone, not even someone Tina once knew. It was always possible she turned and began living a life of crime. It was also possible someone else was pulling the strings. Using this circus as a cover. Perhaps this new Jester? Perhaps someone else? At the moment they had few answers and lots of questions. They did have one lead. During a visit to this circus. Alexandria had spotted a man who once worked with the real Jester. He wore clown makeup and went by the name Twisty the Clown. A long time henchmen of Jester. Twisty had been doing time, but was recently released from prison. He was now working at the Howe Circus, and perhaps doing side work?

With a lead, Eric decided he would pay a visit to Jester. As Raven. He would see if Jester would be willing to give him some information on Twisty and maybe who this other Jester was. Raven went to the prison by himself. He didn't want to make Alexandria face Jester, despite coming to terms with what happened to her. Raven still felt Alexandria should stay at home. Jester was led into the meeting room, where he found Raven. The two old foes greeted each other with cold stares. Jester then broke into laughter. Saying it took it the bird long enough to pay him a visit. Jester then asked where the pretty kitty was? He spoke of missing Scarlet Cat. Raven refused to answer such questions or even speak of Cat. He demanded to know what Jester knew of this fake Jester running around New York. The news that there was another Jester running around the city didn't sit well with the criminal clown. He was the only Jester. The one true master of mayhem. It seemed like Jester was willing to help. He even spoke of wanting Raven to catch this fake Jester. However, Jester wanted something in return. He couldn't pass up a chance to get something out of this. Jester told Raven what he wanted in return for the information he could provide. " I want Scarlet Cat or Stargirl.........I want one of them to come here willingly and let me fuck her every way I want.........I want one of your girls to be my slut for the evening..........Make that happen and I'll give you the infornation you need. " Jester spoke his demands, which Raven first turned down. Then Jester said he knew who was behind this circus of crime. It was another person from his past. Someone neither Raven nor Scarlet Cat knew about. Jester said Raven could keep groping around and hope to catch the villains at some point, before the circus left town, or he could make the deal and catch the gang. " You'll know my answer in a few hours. " Raven spoke before leaving Jester alone in the room. Making a deal with Jester was like making a deal with the devil. It made Raven sick to think of asking Tina or Alexandria to willingly go and give themselves to Jester, but he had information which would let them catch this gang before the circus left town.

As much as he hated it. Eric called both Alexandria & Tina down the cave once he returned from the prison. It was clear something was bothering him. Alexandria & Tina could tell by the look on Eric's face. Eric didn't even know how to start. How should he tell those he loved what was expected from one of them? Eric finally said Jester was willing to help. He could and would provide inside information on who was really running this circus of crime. Eric then added a "but". " Jester wants either Stargirl or Scarlet Cat to be his willingly slut for an evening........You must do whatever he wants........Or we have no deal. " Eric finally finished. He then waited for someone else to speak. Tina then spoke up. She volunteered to go and let Jester use her. Tina knew how badly Alexandria had been effected by what Jester had done before. She didn't want to see Alexandria going through that again. Tina said she would be Jester's willingly slut. She knew he'd love to fuck Stargirl. And she was right, but he'd love to fuck someone else even more. Someone he once fucked and hoped to fuck again.
With the air filling with gas, Kato took off for the door which Green Hornet pushed open, allowing her to slip out and straight into an encounter with two patrol officers. Of course they tried to stop the masked woman, but she quickly worked on putting them down. Of course, she didn't hurt them badly. She had took much respect for men who worked for the police force. With a few quick blows, she took down the two cops, knocking the wind out of them just as Green Hornet came out and they jumped into Black Beauty and she took off, driving away from the restaurant and back home. Back at the manor, she parked Black Beauty and it was put away until it was needed again. After that, the family went back to their normal night work.

However, Alexandria sat and spoke with Eric about how her time working the evenings was going to have to stop soon. She told him it was getting harder to hide her pregnancy even with her shifting powers and it was showing more and more as the weeks passed. Soon enough, she was going to have to begin working from home more often. Of course, Ami knew about her pregnancy. She was family and Alexandria trusted her with the secret that she was having another child. Alexandria also began a side project. One thing that had her really troubled was the way Adam had been behaving since starting college. She didn't like how he was withdrawing from the family the way he was. And it was all because of this new botany professor at the college that he was attending. This woman had all the men she met, wrapped around her finger in a way that was all too familiar to Alexandria. He spent all his time away from the manor and when he was home, he locked himself away in his room, claiming he had to study. The way he was shutting her out of his life hurt. It hurt a lot because not only did it hurt her feelings, it hurt something very primal in her feline DNA as her cub seemed to be cutting her out of his life. When she spoke with him about it, he made several claims of Tina being a liar and that Alexandria being jealous. This was upsetting and it made her dig even more to learn about this woman.

Besides this trouble, along with the trouble from the Light and Madame Wu, they began to see a series of murders and robberies that pointed towards Jester being back at his old games again, but Eric checked and assured Alexandria that the crazed clown was still locked away in prison. They did some looking into this and they found enough evidence that it pointed to a circus that was currently in town. It was the very same circus that Tina had at one time worked for. Tina said that she couldn't believe that an old friend of hers was running a gang of criminals, but Alexandria reminded her that you couldn't discount anyone as there was always the possibility that something could of caused a change in that person. So while looking into this circus, Alexandria visited and watched one of the shows. While there, she spotted someone that she recognized from when he worked with the real Jester. She remembered him from her time under the Jesters influence. He went by the name of Twisty the Clown and she told Eric about it.

This led to Eric paying Jester a visit as Raven. He had gone without her, not wanting her to have to see the man that had hurt her so much. He insisted that she stay home while he made this visit alone and she reluctantly agreed. She sat at home with Angel and Richard, trying to remain relaxed while she waited for him to return home. When he finally did, he called her and Tina down to the cave and both women joined him. When she entered, she knew right away that something was wrong but she didn't say anything. Instead, she waited patiently for him to start and he began, telling them that Jester was willing to to help and that he could and would provide inside information. Alexandria knew that there was some kind of but coming, there was always a but. Sure enough, he told them that Jester wanted either Scarlet Cat or Stargirl to be his willing slut for an evening. That they had to do whatever he wanted or there would be no deal.

This shocked Alexandria into complete silence as she stood there staring at Eric. A heavy silence hung between them for a bit before Tina said that she would go. That she would be Jester's willing slut as she knew how much he'd love to fuck Stargirl. "No." Alexandria said. The word was spoken softly but there was a steel in her voice that brokered no arguement. She stood with her arms crossed over her chest, in an almost defensive pose, but she took a deep breath and lowered her arms. "No. I will go." she said firmly. Looking back and forth between Tina and Eric, Alexandria sighed and told them that part of her needed to do this. "To finally find some form of closure with what he had done in the past." She had fucked her enemies plenty of times in the past, but what had hurt her so much and effected her so deeply with Jester, was the fact that her mind had been fucked with and the ability to choose had been taken from her hands. This was her chance of changing that.
Malcot had followed Alexandria & Tina down to the cave after Eric returned home. He stood back, away from where the others, as they talked. Malcot sat quietly as Eric told everyone how his meeting with this man called Jester went. This Jester seemed to have his daughter and Tina very upset. Just speaking his name made their moods change. He was like Satan at the manor. Malcot could see how troubled everyone was. This Jester offered to help, but he wanted either Tina or Alexandria to be his slut for an evening. Malcot wasn't surprised when Tina offered to go. To let Jester have her. She would be the slut he wanted. She would give him his prize and submit to his wishes. Tina was more then willing to take one for Alexandria and the family. However, Alexandria had other plans. After Alexandria spoke, Malcot rose from his seat. His daughter had surprised him. He didn't know what happened between her and this Jester. It was something the family no longer spoke of. Still, Malcot knew something had been done by Jester. Something that cut deep into his daughter. Shifters have a connection which is almost a mental connection. It's based on the fact that Alexandria has her father's DNA in her body. Malcot can't read her thoughts, but he can sense her moods. He can tell when she's close by. It's kind of like the sense the felines have, but it runs deeper.

No one spoke as Alexandria said she would go. She spoke of finally getting some closure with what he'd done to her. Eric didn't like the idea of either Tina or Alexandria going, but he was willing to let Tina go. She hadn't been his puppet before. Eric was worried that Alexandria might close herself off again. Shut herself away from the family. And this wasn't a good time for that. Not with Adam in his current state of mind. Eric & Alexandria went back and fourth about who should go. He spoke of his worries, something Alexandria understood. She was stronger now then back then. She said this was her choice to make. Knowing that Jester really wanted Scarlet Cat. Oh, he would be very happy to get and use Stargirl, but his real prize was getting Scarlet Cat to willingly give herself to him. Tina looked very upset and worried about her mother. She knew the hell Alexandria went through. Recovering from what had happened to her. Malcot then approached the group. " Alexandria is right..........She is the only one who should go. " Malcot's words made Tina stand up from where she sat. Tears were already welling up in her eyes. She was going to protest what Malcot had said, but he never gave her a chance. " Alexandria must do this so her inner wound can heal properly........This is being done of her own feel will.......With no control over her. " Malcot spoke while moving towards his daughter. " The felines take great pride in sex..........Even with an enemy.........Whether in victory or defeat.......The felines enjoyed their sex...........So go and do what must be done for the greater good.........Let your enemy take pleasure with you and enjoy the pleasure you get in return......There is no shame in enjoying pleasure my daughter..........Everyone here will still love you. " Malcot's words took the fight out of Tina's hope for an argument. No one had anything to go against what he said. Eric said he would make the arrangements for Scarlet Cat to visit. He could do this because certain payments had already been made to certain people in positions of power with the prison system. Jester would get what he wanted, and Alexandria would still be loved by her family. Eric then made his phone call. It took only a few minutes. Eric then said a room would be made ready. It would have a bed and Jester would be waiting for Scarlet Cat.
Even as she spoke of going, Alexandria had some worries. Worries that her family had as well. She knew how deeply Jester had effected her when he had her under his thumb. It had been a very dark time for her and that it had happened only a couple months back meant that the wound, though having begun to heal with time, love and understanding from her family, was still fresh. Occasionally Alexandria seemed like she would have a set back, but for the most part, she'd come out stronger and her family helped her and supported her through everything. As she spoke of being the one to go, her gaze flickered over to her father whom had followed them down. What had happened with Jester was a dark secret within the family. Everyone knew but they no longer spoke of it. It was something that they didn't want to have to relive. It had been a time when the matriarch of the family had been kidnapped and abused in some of the worst ways by an enemy. In ways that had left one of the strongest members of the family broken, leaving them without the woman who had brought them all together.

When she said she'd go, Eric spoke of his worries about her going and they went back and forth about her being the one to go. But she insisted that it was her choice. By the time Malcot approached them, emotions were running high between the three and he spoke of his agreement of Alexandria being the one to go. She saw Tina stand up to argue, the teen already near tears from the thought of Alexandria going back to that man, but Malcot cut her off before she could argue. As he approached her, Alexandria looked up at her father as he spoke of felines taking great pride in sex. Nodded slightly, remembering what she'd learned from the felines some time back when they had discovered the tribe of them.

Eric finally said that he would make the arrangements and she softly thanked him before he moved off to make the phone call. While he did so, she wrapped her arms around her father and nuzzled her face against his chest with a soft purr, murmuring a soft thank you. She then pulled away and moved over to where Tina was standing and she gently cupped the teens face in her hands, pressing a soft kiss against her forehead before hugging her tightly. "I go into this willingly, my sweet girl." she softly told Tina. "It will be different this time because I go in, knowing who and what I am. And I will walk away with my head held high." She held Tina for a bit, comforting the teen before Eric rejoined them and told her that a room would be made ready and it would have a bed with Jester waiting for her. Nodding, she moved over to him. She knew how much Eric worried for her and she knew how much it had hurt him for her to go missing the last time they had quarreled with Jester. She gently took his hands into hers and looked down at them, smiling gently before looking up at her lover. "I want you to be waiting for me when I return." she admitted to him, softly telling him that after this, she wanted to spend the night in his bed. Normally Alexandria slept in her own bed, but on occasion, she did stay the night in one of the others beds. This would be one of those nights. She pressed a soft kiss to his lips, pouring her love into it before she pulled away and caressed his cheek. Out of all her lovers, she loved Eric Reed the most.

Turning, Alexandria pulled away from her lover and glanced at the three members of her family before she changed into her Scarlet Cat form, standing tall and looking strong and confident as when Eric had first seen her back when she first came back to New York. With one last gentle smile to them, she shifted to the familiar raven avian form that she took when out with Raven and she took off out of the cave with a soft flutter of her wings. While she had different methods of travel, this is the one she preferred over all others. Her long wing span carried her quickly over the land and over the city, the bird flying gracefully through the air towards where the prison was and as she neared it, she dove down and landed not far from the entrance and she shifted back.

Entering, she didn't have to say anything as she was expected to arrive thanks to Erics phone call and after making sure she didn't have any weapons, she was led through the prison to a room. It was the room that they had made ready for her and Jester. The door was unlocked the the woman entered, listening as the door closed and she heard the locks click into place, leaving her locked in the room with the very man whom had haunted her dreams many months back. She stood by the door, gazing across the room at Jester who was waiting for her with a wide grin on his face. Of course he would be grinning. After all, Scarlet Cat was quite the prize for him. It was someone whom he had a taste of before and wanted to taste again.
This was a bittersweet moment for the family. Alexandria was doing this for the right reasons. As Malcot said, for the greater good. However, the man she would be with wasn't the most popular with the Reed Family. He kidnapped Alexandria during one of their mission. Taken her away and held her against her will. He then turned her into a willing puppet which he exploited. Jester even filmed one of his encounters with Scarlet Cat. Acting under the identity of Blossom. This time things would be different. Alexandria wouldn't be controlled. She was doing this of her own free will. Going in and coming out with her head held high. Her family would still lover her. Their love would only grow because of this self sacrifice. And Eric would be waiting for her. She wanted to lay with him after this night was over and Eric wouldn't have it any other way. Normally Alexandria slept in her own bed. Everyone had their own rooms in the manor. Because of the open sex lifestyle adopted by the family. They could sleep with anyone they wanted. Alexandria took advantage of this, as did all the family members. On this night, she wanted to the close support of her Alpha male and he would be there for her.

Tina understood why Alexandria needed to do this, but she would still gladly go in her place. It wasn't meant to be. This was something Alexandria had to do. Tina gave her mother a kiss. She would always have her mother's back. Eric & Alexandria kissed passionately for a long moment. The kiss then broke. No more needed to be said. They all watched as Alexandria became Scarlet Cat. She then transformed into a raven. They watched as she took off, flying out of the cave. There was nothing else for the family to do but wait. Alexandria flew quickly, arriving at the prison. Her visit was expected. Everything had been set up as Eric Reed had asked for. The right people had been paid off to look the other way, and to forget this night ever happened. Scarlet Cat had to leave her belt with the guards. She was then free to go ahead. Alexandria was escorted to the room, which had been setup. Inside, Jester was waiting for her. He was expecting her since he got the word of the encounter happening. The door open and Scarlet Cat stepped inside. The door was locked and the guards left. Scarlet Cat would be here for sometime. Jester planned on getting as much pleasure from her as possible. He planned on using each of her holes, as many times as he could.

Jester was grinning as Alexandria stepped in. His eyes moving up and down her body. Jester was wearing a long robe as he sat in a chair. " I'm very pleased you came.........I would have enjoyed using Stargirl.........She has such a fine young body.........And I'm sure fucking her would be amazing.........But we both know you were the one I really wanted. " Jester spoke as his grin became even wider on his face. He then invited Scarlet Cat to come in and get more comfortable. She would be here for a while. " Remove your outfit.........Let me see your beautiful body..........Let me see what's mine to use. " Jester added while he watched Scarlet Cat moving. Doing everything he wanted. Jester then opened his robe. Exposing his very large cock. Jester was well hung for being such an insane murderer. This big cock had brought Scarlet Cat so much pleasure while she was under his control.
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