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Nov 26, 2015
I would like to see about playing (or GMing if no one else wants to though I would like to play) an MURPG game. If you are not familiar with this game it is a diceless Marvel game that lends itself well to play by post particularly on here since there is no on-site rolling.

I would prefer to be able to play OC and have this be adult in some fashion but please let me know what people want.
Damn, so this time I *did* do the laser formula wrong. Oh well. 40 is the magic number, so he's good now.
Neveranium I still need to know how he got here. If his whole race is technophobic then putting him on a space ship is kind of a major plot hole.

Armor penetrating is 6 and indestructible is 1 so that is a 7 white for the arrows normally. Which is why I was suggesting finding a team to pay for them. If you want it to be from your home planet we can do that but I will need to know what your mission is exactly.
May I suggest there is someone he was supposed to kill? Hell, maybe that person was my char, or someone similar. A technophobe with high grade armor piercing (which wouldn't work on me, but they might not know that due to their lack of tech knowledge) seems like a good counter to my char.

I'm not saying I am still wanting him to want to kill Eric, but it seems as much a reason to them to have met as anything. Separately, maybe his target has an armor suit as well, so he came to my char to understand it.

Final option, maybe your char is trying to overcome his lifelong fear and avoidance of tech. This would mean fewer points from your challenge, but some great opportunities for char development, especially if other members of his race are later encountered (and why wouldn't they be?). Also, given that my char exists as a hero almost solely through tech, it seems unreasonable for your char to shun it entirely and yet work with my char.

As for how he got here, I would say he was teleported here by a more powerful member of his race.

Also, I just got an idea for something else. Lilithsboy, I'll PM you with a private idea for my char.
As I mentioned before, he was sent by the elder beings of his race, what I failed to add was that he was sent by teleportation. He's on earth on a mission to find out whether or not the human race are worthy allies.
Judge their prowess in a fight. His people are expecting something huge in the future and their fear is that their abilities aren't enough, so they send someone who knows how to fight. Diplomacy comes later if they think it's worth the effort. The sending itself isn't hard, it's who they are sending that's what gets them. They are an isolated group and normally chooses to just evacuate a planet instead of fight whenever interplanetary threats come. But through the years they grew smaller and smaller until they are a size of a small village, like a tribe, so they figured it's time to fend for themselves and forget about their xenophobic ways.
Okay so those who specialize are capable of intergalactic teleportation which means you can only have access to them if and when they choose.

It is not unreasonable to have someone fear or shun something and want to work with it. Iron-Man for all his intelligence and tech savy cannot wrap his head around magic and it often freaks him out. Having said that one of his best friends is fairly interesting.

Yes, only the elders are capable of that and they could see through him to know his progress, also garnering insight for themselves. They could speak to him in his mind but he can't reach out to them.

I don't know about facial hair but I think he could find someone on earth to be bros with. Maybe Eric, the one clothed in metal. Who knows?

Anyway, how is that for a plausible cause to be away from home and possibly geared up? I still have stones left over with which to buy the 7 needed for his special arrows.
Those are going to be some hard hitting elders if they are capable of more than just communications with their telepathy but sure.
They are a collective mind so it's more combined effort than just brute power, but still they are pretty tough individually, mentally at least.

How high would his group's wealth rating be to be able to acquire his gear though? Regardless of that, I think it's not possible for him to be able to purchase anything from Earth. Maybe his essentials are supplied through the same means that he's transported?
Question: Can I use my character's red stones and the suit's stones in separate actions but within the same scene?
The Ni'Dalian race while inherently peaceful have been subject to numerous threats to their existence ever since their life began on their home planet of Ni'Dal. From being consumed by Galactus to being invaded by space pirates and warmongers, the life of a Ni'Dalian is a nomadic one - traveling from one planet to another and even forced out of galaxies. Because of this, they have grown fearful and resentful of other species that were beyond their living space until it came a time when their number of millions had been reduced to hundreds.

Forced to break their isolation and move past their norms, the Grey Elders sent forth agents of their shadow organization to scour galaxies for possible aid, and more importantly, permanent shelter.

Sent on a mission to the Solar System, Ra'Khan Di'Zal arrived on Earth in true Ni'Dalian luck - faced by robbers in the middle of a bank heist. With humanity's dark side already slapping him in the face, what caused him and the Elders to believe that there was more to humans than violence and greed was something they admittedly lost through time: hope and faith in the face of death, present among the hostages he unknowingly saved. Newfound belief resting within himself, Ra'Khan set forth to the unknown bustle of the urban jungle to find respite for his people.

int: 4 (2w)
str: 3 (1w)
agi: 4 (2w)
spd: 3 (1w)
dur: 4 (6w)

Subtotal: 12w

Shadows of the Ten: 6 (20w)
(Agility Bonus and Weapon Modifier or 2 Weapon Modifiers)
- Assassination
- Hiding
- Moving Silently
- Long Bow
- Silent Takedown
- Hand-to-Hand

Acrobatics: 5 (3w)
(Agility Bonus)

Black Ops: 3 (2w)
- Surveillance
- Covert Operations
- Pursuit

Concentration: 3 (4w)
(Intelligence Bonus)

Telepathy: 1 (2r)
- Telepathic Communications

Teleportation: 3 (2w)
- Can't use when on fire or near source of extreme heat

Social Skills: 2 (2r)
- Etiquette
- Shadows of the Ten Protocol

Appearance: Alien, Ni'Dalian, dull black skin, black eyes, pointed ears
Wealth: (4) (2w)
(Restricted to Ni'Dalian materials)
Enhanced Vision: 4 (2w 2r)
- See in Darkness
- Telescopic
Reflexive Dodge: (+3) (4w)

6'0 Longbow: (+3)
Vibranium Arrows: (+2)
Armor Piercing

- Looking non-human (-3w)
- Vulnerable to fire (-4w)
- Can't use technologically advanced objects (-4w)
- Mute (-4w)

Total: 38w

You get 1 action plus making the power armor do as many actions up to its SI


If you do not have an int bonus then your telepathy is over cost it only cost 2r at that point not 2w as such you are at 38 stones after challenges have been removed.
Failed to notice that, but now with the explanation of how Telepathic Communications work, I think simply having one point in it is enough. What do you think?

Question, are we contained to 40 stones each? Also, may I suggest having a trial run so that those of us who are going in this system the first time properly experience it? Potentially reducing, if not eliminate, hiccups when we do play.
I can easily do a trial run.

You do not have to spend all stones at once you may save up to half of the initial build to use for later. You may also pick up more stones later if you get challenges.
Awesome! Nothing elaborate, a tutorial basically.

Also made final changes to my sheet, please check if everything's proper.
Thanks. I'm getting rid of the laser beam and just buying a modified firearm with wealth, then. It would be about as powerful and not cost stones. I put the extra points into more non-combat skills (mainly vehicle operation).

Intelligence 4 2w
Strength 1 2r
Agility 3 1w
Speed 3 1w
Durability 3 3w
Subtotal 7w, 2r

Acrobatics 3 1w (AN+0) (Agility Bonus)
Business Skills 3 1w (AN+0) (Intelligence Bonus)
Close Combat 3 1w (AN+0) (Agility Bonus)
-Powered Armor
-Pro Wrestling
Ranged Combat 3 1w (AN+0)
-Powered Armor
-Energy Weapon
Gen Knowledge 3 2w (AN+1) (Intelligence Bonus)
-Protective substances
-Game theory
Leadership 3 1w (AN+0)
Social Skills 4 2w (AN+0)
-Sports Fans
Technology 3 2w (AN+1)
Vehicle Op 4 2w
-Small Jets
Wealth 7 6w (rating grants free white stones for weapons/mods)
Subtotal 19w

Powered Armor
Intelligence 4 1w
Strength 6 2w
Agility 7 3w
Speed 4 1w
Durability 7 9w
Subtotal 16w

Close Combat 3 2r (AN-1)
Ranged Combat 3 2r (AN-1)
Subtotal 1w, 1r

Free Mods/Weapons (Value Equal to Wealth Rating)
Toughness 5 6w (AN+1) (+1 to nullify armor pen)
Collapsible 1w

Hearing aid 1w
Chronic Migraines 2w (pain, blurred vision, difficulty focusing)
Knee/ankle braces 1w (-2 agility, -1 speed without them, separate from suit)
Subtotal -4w

Total 40w

With wealth, I would want to buy a custom rifle, which would be his primary weapon.
It just says +4 in the appendix. I imagine it does 2x dmg as well. Costs 10,000, which my char can afford easily
If it says AP it has it which one are you talking about? Book page so I can look it up and how are you customizing it?
125 in the core book. I assumed it just meant custom as in custom-fitted, maybe with grips and sights suited to the user, possibly better materials, though none of that is specified as it's just in a list of basic equipment.
Yeah, if I were you I would try going up a page. You are a wealth 7.

If you want something from 125 might I suggest the private island or the personal 747?
I was also looking at planes and a suitable building for HQ, but was holding off on that until I knew more about our team. How it formed, what affiliations it has, etc. I did look at the weapons on pg 124, but I didn't know if my char could afford them. Without the suit, my ranged combat is only a 3 (6 with the suit), so I wanted something I could operate with or without the suit. So I guess the recoiless rifle on 124? 4 stones of damage (x2), range of 5? That would be better than the laser beam and not cost any stones to buy, would also be usable if, for some reason, he couldn't use the suit.
Yes it would but remember it is also not part of the suit. As such it is more vulnerable probably not something that will happen often but it's removal can happen.
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